ALBANY DEMOCRAT Enured at th pMjmcaUany, tSreJronT d-clasa matter. W. L. Jacksoa and Ralph R. Croaia Editor and Manager Daily published every evening except Sunday. Semiweekly published Taaadaya and Fridays. ESTABLISHED t(S Business Matter In ordering changoa of address, subscribers should always give old as well as new address. hi i 1 i ii i i 1 1 1 1 ii ii Sabecriptfoa Rates Daily Delivered by carried Per month 60c; Per year In Advance 15.00 By Mail, In Linn and Route 4 Benton County, Per year, in Advance. ..11.00 Outside of Linn County and Rt 4 Benton Co. Per year, in Advance . .$5.00 I I I 'II III M II II I IS It - Member of The Asedated Frees The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the us for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. AU rights of republication of apodal dispatches herein are also reserved. PHONE 96 ALBANY. OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 9 "If, to pleas the people, w offer what w arselve " disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? Let as raia a standard to which the wis and Us just caa ' repair. The eveat hi ia the hsad of God." v Georg Washiagton DOYOUKNOW? . - 0 ; ' ' Do you know the young fellow who works for $25 a week and who is wearing a new winter suit that cost $85? -Do you know the wag'e earner who loafs because he is afraid if he does too much he'll "work himself out of a job ?" Do you know the housewife who' is ashamed to be seen ' with a market basket on her arm or to carry home a brown paper bundle? , . - Do you know the factory girl working for $18 a week who is buying and wearing a $350 fur coat? Do you know the man who lets a fresh clerk sneer him into buying a $15 hat. for fear he'll seem "cheap" when he can buy a satisfactory one for $7? - Do you know the investor who has traded his Liberty Bonds for a promise of a 100 per cent profit in a stock com pany backed by a dishonest promoter? Do you know the shopper who says wrap it up . in stead of "How much?" Do you know the person who lets the desire of the moment destroy the results of days and weeks of thrift and saving.-' Do you know the married couple who do not, think enough of their children to buy War Savings Stams for them and to teach them to save? Do you know the man who thinks it is not necessary to save." . Do you know the man who says that the government savings securities Liberty Bonds, war Savings Stamps, and Tresaury Saving Certificates are too slow or too small or too old fashioned for his investments? IF YOU DO, YOU KNOW PRETTY WELL WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THE UNITED STATES Wroe's Writings. . o now a lot of the doubting Thomases will look at their neigh bor who was far-sighted enough to see and grasp the situ ation and say, '.'He always was a lucky man. , ' o WHY WEST IS INTERESTED . v - o The large amounts of money spent In putting together tne plants ot western metal producers in . recent years amounts to approximately a biUlon dollars. ' ' The bulk of this money came from eastern investors and the west received the greatest benefit from the expenditure ana steaay payrolls maintained.. This is the reason why the west is interested in main talMrig conditions which will make is possible for such In dustries to develoo and eet needed capital. The west is peculiarly dependent on foreign orders and outside capital investments to maintain its prosperity. . We have unlimited resources but it takes money to de velop them and purchasers to buy, as our own local re' quirements are small. ' ; This is why we should all hum ourselves to establish and maintain sound measures in matters relating to legisla tion. labor Questions and taxation. Delayed ratification of peace negotiations is severely injuring western industries at this time. Without a Kick in It i . Since hicks sre unlawful and knockers taboo By H. ft A. ' r NO LUCK BUT FORESIGHT Published figures from England show that English jam manufacturers. and canneries last season paid the fol lowing prices per ton for berries: . Red Raspberries $425.00 . Black Currants $525.00 Red Currants $250.00 .' ; Gooseberries $230.00 Strawberries $480.00 - Some timid people fear that present activity in berry culture in western Oregon and Washington is only tempor ary. These persons should study condtions. : To beein with, the rest of the world cannot raise ber ries as well as we can and large. parts of the world raise none at all. On the other hand the whole world likes ber ries in their different preserved and canned forms. A pint or a quart jar, tin or bottle of preserved fruit or fruit juice, such as the jam and juice company at Salem, Oregon, or Olympic, Washington puts out, can be shipped to the ends of the world at a price any family can pay. Thus is the world supplied with a necessary, wholesome and much sought after food product, the demand for which will grow as consumers find they can get it. The amount manufatcured is almost nothing compared to the market it ... i nas to suppiy. The berry business has only started. Ten years from . WE SEE YOU'RE NOT DISCOVERED Who are these nuts, H. ft A. That each night the columns array? I have a hunch they're typo gay. That is all I hav to say . ; 'Causa I aint'no poet anyway. . . Hakshaw th Detective. An. Answer Tomorrow. e e e TO CARROT-TOP Th pit-a-patter pitter-patter ' Of Bricktop'a busy feet. His chitter-chattor chit-chat-chatter Reaches out into th street As homeward come his dad-dad-dad der, Slushing thru the rain and sleet. And what would make a dad glad, gladder . Than his red-top sod to meet? And what could make a man mad- madder Than to have no son to greet? ' Oh, Brichie. Oh Brickie. You litUa red mickia, Knee-high to the broom Stick and growing as well; ' I'm minded, my Brickie, . To take ye and liekye, , And see if ye wouldn'a Stay small for a spelL ' A. Comment of the Stale Press. ; Snappy Gleaming frost Pre of the ' Valley th Th CoM Shoulder Jack Frost spent two day a and nights with us, say th Time of Brownsville, but receiving rather a cool reception he departed, an was last seen vanishing ovr th distant hilltop. This Way to th Ropewilk W would advocate summary sus pension of red activities and inci dentally of the reds, say the West ern Leader. - - A Boomeraag Th fUlibusterina' defeat in the senate of the league of nations will probably force the nomination and lection of Wilson for a third term, predicts Bro. Humphrey of Jefferson. There is no doubt but what a large majority of the American people fav or ratifying the league. . STOP THA T COUGH, , . , Before it Becomes Deep-Seated' . . Nyals Syrup of White Pine With Cod Liver Extract Eucalyptus and Menthol Will do it It Soothes Irritated Surfacts aifd Builds up Broken-down Tissue , Price 25c snd SOe ... SEE OUR STATIONERY It is unexcelled for Quality and Beauty. ; Look over our line of Flash Lights, Pocket Knive3, Thermos Bottles and Lunch Kits ' , Calavan's Drug Store : ; 2nd & Main Sis. OUR DAILY CURE FOR UNREST Sir: What is the meaning of the word Pseudomonoeotyledonous ? A. Hiram. " ' . Ans. See Soodontskinchnophogly- pherhixalomatorthospometricolozoici- turentroproctroifermentaleroidifcatio- nalisticism. Or if yon have no Rus sian distiorary at hand (thia word be- ing Russian) in English it means 'cat" MARY HAD A LITTLE MAN Oh, Mary had a little Plan, And it was wondrous wise,. To capture every married man . Who had a pair of eyes. She tried it out in school one time, (It was against the rules); But Mistress Mary didn't mind Her plan worked like six mules. Now shall I tell you, what she did To cause strong men to shiver She wed a man one-third her 4'zc And alwaya led him with 'er. -. . A. Why Eds. Die Young and Sweet "Sire," said the Obsequious Two- Thirder, "I'm going to be a postmast er when I grow up; for postmasters only work Of afternoons." We looked at the 0. T. T. like this ??? and opeaAl the drawer that contains the Emergency Brick "Well, they call 'em P. M.'s," he de fended, backing out hurriedly. e -.!''- - -: The Vanilla Extract Is on Hiram . Dear Hiram, care Dry. Colyum: Why ijo you take a pail of water along when you go to milk of a morn ing? " '. . ' -, W referred this to A. Hiram and 'received this reply: ?I use that for a primer." He Mean Cider It is th liquid sunshine of a Coo Bay summer. Absolutely pure. All the good left in. All th bad token Who Knows Tbe Oregon ian says that Emma Goldman needs the paddle well laid on, but, alas, Emma is a lady. Well, is she? Roseburg News. Expectations and Disappointment W lose ' aday a year opening cir cular letters, says the Woodburn In dependent. Soma are marked "Rush" and sealed, and our heart goes pit-a-pat with the thought that inside there might possibly be a big check, but it turns out to be the same old truck. A man'a time is worth something even to open' and glance at all these circu lar letters, and then there Is th added disappointment Have yod ever notic ed how full this world is of happy thoughts, bright ideaa, great expecta tions, trials, tribulations and disap pointments 7 Shelhurn News SHELBURN, Ore., Doc., 9. This vicinity like some others Is being swept by an epidemic of smallpox. One of the Scio school teacher's is under quarantine at this writing. Mrs. G. E. Miller is suffering from an attack of Pleurisy and Neuralgia. . Dclmer Churchill has been visiting relatives and friends in .She'barn this ' as weete. ; Mrs. C. V. Ashhough, and sons re turned from an extended visit In Col orado. Her mother accompanied her homo. She is well pleased to get back to the Oregon climate o:ice more..' Gwort-p A. Stoddart rctuncj home from ' Tillamook where ha has been ' working with the S. P. Co. He Is ' unable to work owing to' the fact that ' his leg was painfully brjised from ' having a crated piano fall on It. He is able to walk with . th aid of crutches. 1 . Dillon McLain underwent an apcr atton at the Sanitarium In Salem. Webo Kulken . is enjoying a visit from hi brother.. Commerce Mortgage Securities Company ., - Portland . . Oregon ' -. " We Loan Life Insurance Funds " . at lowest rates, money on hand-to close' loans without ; delay. ; See our local representative. ' i ' Barney. Hecker - ' v. - . . Hotel Albany Building Albany, Oregon v.: ' ' ' ' Have You Thought of v Dishes? 1 ; PERHAPS you have 'been making an old set, with many pieces missing, do "for the present." There's no need of that. Make the family a present of a nice set of China this Christmas. Here is a beautiful set of 42 pieces, dainty and neat that will make your food taste even better. Priced at . I $12.00 Others at $8.50 to $37.50 GLASS WARE The .popular STAR-CUT Grape ''i5t?' patterns at $2.50 -per set Holman & Jackson , Opposite Poetoffice f aawaj a . J (7 J.3 1 I lit. ' reshsSassBss For Christmas Gifts Between friends, a Photograph Studio completely equlp ed for evening nor- trature. Open evenings by appointment only. CLIFFORD STUDIO L m w ist. pt. . y c:::::::z:zct!;kb:i ItmiiiUkuiml Security Do not leav YOUR LIBERTY BONDS and other valuables where they will be subject to LOSS BY FIRE OR THEFT. On of th Strongest SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS In th State of Ore. gon 1 at your service. " . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES at $1.00, S1.G0 and $2.00 per year. The First National Bank "014 and R1labl" EQUIPPED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR EVERY BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL WANT The First Savings Bank Whr Saving .t r e oaf." Four Per Cent Interst on Savings. Farm Loans, and Agents for Federal Farm Loans, ' l'!l!!!!l!!i;i!!!l!rai!;;!!!!i!l!!!!!l!i!OT wtstv MM HAIMAJMPS SUNBEAM SUNS ONLY COMPETITOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Cash or Terms (WESTKRN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES FREE (WESTERN ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES Demonstration (WESTERN ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS WIRING DONE BY LICENSED & BONDED Wilt EM EN . Phone 20 THE ELECTRIC STORE, INC 327 West First St, Albany mmmm unra- MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE H07EL In PORTLAND Fir Minutes From Anywhere' ir' . ' " IU0' and up , ' , GARAGE IN CONNECTION ' ' . . . .