Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 05, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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    i .4 o. -,
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0 Toaigat aad Saturday Fair O
o - e
0 PRESS. TIm aalr pap ! Una 0
O county carrying A. P. dispatch 0
ooooooeoo eo eoooo'
No. 182
Fall Promises Disclosures
Involving Mexican .Con
sills in the U.'S.; Senate
? Waits on Wilson.
. . , . i n
Mexicans Invade U. 8. 1 1
Milea Last Nijtht, Helping
Selves to Stock of Ranch
' " ' 1 ' I ; ' J
' A. P. Pre. "Wllaoa will aea
Senators Fall and Hitchcock thla
" afternoon li discuss the ' Mexi
can aitaatiaa. rWa. Fall , an
nounced 'that Immediately after
tha conference ke . would make
public evldvnea oat which he baiea
kia chargea that the Meikaa am
bassador and consul In the Unit
ed SUtea ara aiding "red"
Fall and Hitchcock were named
yesterday aa a committee to call on
the president and diacuaa Falla reao-
lutlon relativ to aeveranca of diplo
matic relatione with Mexico.
Creaarra Kaid U. 8.'
HOUSTON, Tex., Doc. 6 Gen J. F.
Walter, commanding tha Texaa cav
alry, today received advicea of a raid
by Mexican! on a store near the bord-
ar. 11 milea aouth of Zapata. Infer-
motion ! that tha owner waa bound,
after which the place waa looted, the
bandiU fleeing acroaa the border, ,
ZAPATA, Dee. 6 Mexiran bandite
last night raded CVreno Ranch on tha'
American aide of the Rio Grande, 11
milea southeast, eecaping with all
the provialona In tha ranch iter.
The itorekeeper waa ' bound and
. WASHINGTON. Dec. 6 . Prea.
Wilson late thla afternoon reierved
judgment on tha Mexican aituatlon
until ha can examine evidence aub
mitted on Sen. Fall, on which Fall
baaea hia charge, that tha Mexican
ambaaaador and conaula in tha Unit-
ad SUtea nave distributed red propa-
Fall and Hitchcock were with the
President nearly an hour. San Fall
laid, replying to quaatlons, that he
waa entirely aatiafled with the Preai
denfa condition and with hia ability eho-alovakinan government haa ord
to handle tha Mexican situation. mA mobllixatiun of clauses totalling
Treaty to Stay . 3,000,000 aoldliTi, aays a Vienna dis-
Pres. Wilson has no Intention of p.tch to tho National Tldendo here
withdrawing the peace treaty from today. ,
the senate for the present Sen. ' a. Prague dispatch says 21 divisions
Hitchcock announced following hls.0f Ciecha are advancing towards the
visit with the President. Ha discussed Hungarian frontier.
the treaty status briefly after the' . ',
J . SparUna Not All Dead
(Continued on Pag 8) r I. LElPSIC, Thursday Delayed
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO The congress of independent social-
today unanimously adopted a pro-
i B w VI. ADOl'luw w
' '( O
Baptist Church Bazaar
The ladle of the Baptist church will
hold a baiaar and cooked food sale at'
th. IWI.t rhnrch Frldme. Dee. x.l
From 8 to 7 p. m. the ladies will
serva a chicken pie dinner, safoterla
style. Articles for Christmas and
cooked food will be sold at tho bazaar.
' " 2dSPl
WANTED Two boys with bicycles to
deliver Albany Democrat In the city.
BRING YOUR FEET and hear Dr..
Halting at the Library thia even
ing. , Dr. Halting will lecture on
Better Feet. Remember, lecture
at 8:00 o'clock this evening.' . dS
t sell Electric blankets, good com
mission. Inquire at Democrat of
- flea. r v- 4dl2
FOR SALEWlastered 8-room dwell
ing' at No. 728. E. Srd Street. House
. Is newly shingled and newly par-'
ered, electric light; hot and cold
water, porcelain bath, lot lsMxllO,
i 7 full bearing fruit trees and
grapes. Price . $2000, pay $400
down, $20 .ier month, Beam Land
Co. 138 Lyon St. , 6d6
FOR SALE or TRADE What hava
you to trade for 160 acfes of fine
timber near Toledo, Ore. Owner'
P. W. Holte, St Charles Hotel, Al
bany, Or. 8d9
Bryant Park is J
Advocated For
, Linn County Fair
'"Th Bryant Park U being advocated
by torn of tha leading business man
of the city tha last Urn dayi, as the
propar place (or th Llnn County Fair
liakt er.lnstd of tha place sug.
(attar by tha Fair Committaa.
' It la tha opinion of tho advocat
ing tha plan of holding tha fair at
th park, ground that It would elim
inate tha necessity of railing tha mon
ay to buy land and that l ho monay
subscribed In tha present campaign
for funds could bo usad for promot
ing largar fair. It Is alio, advocat
ed thai the f ina ihada trees, placai to
camp, water aupply, ciactric lights,
tha Chautau Auditorium, and tha
dose proximity to tha city would all
contribute to the luccrai of tha fair
and and b no detrrmlent to the park.
, th, m,tU(r of . rM, tnek ,t b.
lieved that a track could ba prepar-
? ,h f ?
commodate tha rareing part of tko
',r- However, Itii thought that thla la
a mattar that can ba settled after tha
campaign for funda U closed and
hould have no part In the effort tr
rilto tha amount of furut approxi
mated necessary for a successful fair.
If you ara a booster for a greater
Linn county yon ara Invited to gat in
to the band wagon.
Germans Must Ndt be AllOW'
ed to Dally, Council
Decides . -
PARIS. Dec-: 6 A. .PCoercian
the only argument likely to make
. imnm,lun on Germany and Induce
bw to r, y,, p,, treaty protocol,
HMnli., -w, newsnaoers.
It la aaid thla conclusion waa reach-
ad yesterday In a aecrct aeaakm of
the council of five, Martha! Foch pra
aiding. , "' 1 ',
..Germany'! reply to the allied' note
protecting against increaae of Ger
man armamente reached here today,
according to Tha Temp. It ha not
yet 4een aubmitted to the peace con
ferenca, the. paper says.
Alllea' Ma; Invade Germany
LONDON, Dec 6 There la a par
aiatent rumor on tha itock exchange
today that tha peace conference su
nMmflT council V threatened Ger-
ro.ny un W u, flnml term,
Br med wlu oecu-
n. .., F,lnkrort.
Up to thia time tha market haa held
up, doapite tha report.
Cxecha Attach Hungary
COPENHAGEN. Dec. 8 The Cxa-
rf..- ar . aovlet avstom
in Germany. '
M2h U P"T u , t
Th(ox ,oci1 which J ' B,y?n
Saturday evening at 8:80 p. m. by
the Knights and Ladles of Security
is open to the public.
and shop early in the day
. '..-
More days until
A special car attached to ta
' 11:1 Oregon Electric train
brought to town thla morning
one of the Uvest parUc of vis
itors that It haa bera Albany'
pleasure to entertain for many
' moona, the Oregon fitate Hotel
Aaoclalion: - ..
The party from Portland arrived
with' a- whoop and proceeded to form
into line and march down Lyon 8t.,
to the Albany. Hotel, where the con
vention b being held. .Some lusty
voices sang' the association songs and
awoke the street along the way.
Gaeate of Local Hotels f
The Association is being entertain
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pirtle.'of
the St Francis Hotel and Mr. and
Mrs. B. It. Weatbrook, of the Albany
Hotel. Only on two other occasions
have convention been bald outside
of Portland, one being at Eugene and
one at Marshfleld. Albany feels duly
honored on the present occasion. ,
Tha visitors were guests at lunch
at noon at tha Albany, Messrs West
brook, and Pirtle' doing the honors.
Tonight at 7 o'clock the banquet will
take placa in the dining room of the
Albany, at which time Mayor Curl,
President Price, Phil Mctschan, Jr.,
J. A. Westerlund and R. W. Child
will be the speakers. Dancing will
follow In the ball room of. the Al
bany. Sessions Are Opened
Tha afternoon program la being
carried out as per schedule and some
interesting divmaaions are , balng
beard. The session Is in th conven
tion haU'of tha Albany. -
Messrs. Pirtle and Westbrook are
bending every . effort to make the
meeting a success and are taking
great pain .with the details of the
entertainment featnrea. . . i
Guests registered Are:' '
Mrs. Belle Calohan, Portland; Mrs.
Jay S. Hamilton. Portland; R. G.
Duke, Portland,1 Mrs. E. P. Duke,
Returns After 15
Years in the East
Mrs.'U M. Wattage of Baltimore
Maryland 1 in tho city vi"ing re
latives and friend this week on ber
way to Southern California, to spend
the winter. Mrs. Taylor was form
erly known here as Miss Mary Perry
a daughter of , the lata Hugh Perry
and a relative of the Fry families of
Fry jtatlon. '
Mrs. Wallace has resided in th
east for tho last fifteen years having
crossed the continent six time during
that time. She has many storiei o
relate regarding the East and espec
ially Baltimore, her home, and the
cdy of Washington D. C. where he
visit very frequently.
Mrs. Perry states that the Wct hj
them alt skinned when it come? to a
place to live and up to dut4 methods
of doing business. Sh states that
Baltimore and Washington D. C have
been very much congested n account
of war administers and tV.u t'mj gov
ernment has built houses in Washings
ton for 14000 office girls.
Martial Law Ordered
In Oklahoma Today
JMcALESTER, Okla., Dec. 6 A. P.
Gov Robertson has issued a procla
mation declaring martial law in sev
en counties effective Immediately.
The proclamation aaya the entire
national guard organisation of the
state is on duty. - -
Albany College
Presents Musical
Program Wed.
Next Wednesday Dec., 10, pupils
from all departments bf Albany Col
leg Conservatory will be presented
In recital at the First Presbyterian
Church. ', . V
This progam will b divided Into
two parts, th first being given by
children In piano and 'violin depart
ment, th second by older students
from vocal and piano department. .
This recital Is the first of a series
of pupils' recitals which will be givn
monthly throughout th year.
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cnilds,
Portland; Frank 8. Grant, Port
land; R. M. Standish, Oregon Voter;
Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Phillips, Port
land: A. H. Myers, Portland; A. C
Campbell, Portland; Mr. and Mr.
G. V. Madison, Portland; Mrs. R. W.
Price, Portland;. Mr.. and Mrs. Percy
Smith and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reller.
Bensoa hotel; ' Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Foley, The Dajles; J. C. McLean, Eu
gene; Jack Strobe!. Tba Calhoun,
Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Price,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Keeler,
Portland; A. E. Myers, Portiaid; F
T. Mittouer, Portland; Phil Metsehan,
Jr., Portland; Al J. Martineau, Grant
Paaa; J. A. Westerlund, Medford; A.
N. Pierce, Portland; Mr. and Mr.
Grant Pirtle, and Mr. and Mrs. B.
R. Weatbrook, Albany. ,
The Catholic Ladies'
Will hold their baxxar Saturday,
December 18 In the Pfeiffer building,
next door to Walter Parker. They
will hava fancy work, qullta. aprons,
a rummage booth, home made candy,
domestic science food with cake, pies,
etc., also salads, and chickens and
many other good things to eat 5d6
Program For Today
The convention began with the as
sembling of the members of the asso
ciation from tha north at the Hotel
Seward bi Portland at 8:15 thb
morning and boarding their special
ear on the Oregon Electric. - Upon
the arrival here the delegates spent
an hour in renewing acquaintances
before luncheon at the Albany Hotel
at noon. - -- v .
' Registration began at 2 o'clock, fol
lowed by the opening of the business
session and, called to order by Presi
dent, R. W. Price, of the Mallory Ho
tel, Portland. Secretary F. W. Beach,
editor of the N. W, Hotel News, gave
(Continued on Pan 5.1
Still Another Judge
, issues an Injunction
ST. LOUIS, Dee. 6 A. P Fed
eral Judge Fans here today granted
a temporary injunction restraining
the district attorney from enforcing
wartime prohibition as to whiskey
and wine.
To Bond or Not to
Bond; Big Question
With Pomona grange opposing the
issue of county boards for roads, and
the calling of the committee appointed
by E. J. Adams to meet at the court
house next Tuesday and Wednesday,
the fight is now on bet ween those vhc
favor a county bond issue for roads,
and those who arc inclined to go stow.
When the county budet committee
met last Friday with the cou-ity court
the feeling for a bond is'ito to '.mild
roads next year was so strong that E.
J. Adams was appointed as chairman
of a committee he was empowered to
select, to take rjp the cmtion of a
bond Issue, the amount needed and
just about where the roads to be built
would be Jocated.- Eupenp Guard.
Youth Giving Gland
Too Violent For Age
San Quentin, Cal., The aged pri
soner, J who several weeks ago was
given the Interstition glands of Tom
Bellon after Bellon had been executed,
today appealed to the prison surgeon
for relief. -
J complained that while bis phys
ical health had improved greatly, he
was inconvenienced by cAher sym
ptoms. Dr. G. David Kelker, who per
pormed th gland implantation opera
tion, J rweri bed Tor J.
Dr. Kelker said J ' case was th
most remarkable of tha ten on record
at the prison; J was the first to re
J's vitality has icreaaed to such an
extent thaflt has become necessary to
"ply tho braki." .
He is a dynamo of energy, accordinc;
to Kelker. It is feared confinement
within th prison walls may work a
hardship on the reJuvcnateS man.' '
Leave Mainland for Ellis Is
land Never to Return,
Is Hope
NEW YORK. Dee., 8. A. P.
Alexander Berkman and Emm Gold-.
man, world-infamous anarchists, were
sent from tha mainland of the United
LStates today- never to return.
Iney were btn to tills Island im
migration station where they will be
held until a ship Is available to carry
them to Russia, dumping- gro-jnd for
their like. ,
Warden Ed Hawker
Makes Two Arrests
, Near C aseadia
Deputy state game warden Ed Haw
ker telephoned officials here early
this morning that ha bad arretted
two men ncarCatcadia who had- In
their posession lour deer ney nsa siu
ed in violation of the law. : No de
tails of tha eircumstatca was given
except that the parries and the game
wocld probably arrive In Albany late
thia evening and the trial be codduct
ed in the justice court tomorrow.
$473,823 is Total Estimated
' Expenses; Receipts, $24,
' 900; Balance Tax,
Linn county's 1920 budget will be
discussed Dec. 30 before the. county
court Estimated expenses for the
coming year total S473.82S,- of which
$448,823 must be raised, by taxation.
Toe sum to be raised by tax levy ia
apportioned aa follow:
General county expenses, soevu;
state tax flM.000; common schools.
$70,000; county high schools, $22,-
000; roads, bridges arid ferries, $50,
033; road districts, 7&,000; interest
on bonds, $5,000; sinking fund on
$100,000 bonds, 120,000; market roads
$30,000. ' ' '-. -
For the sheriffs office, $5600 is
estimated aa required; Clerk's office,
$5480; recorder's, $2640; treasurer's
$1500; surveyor's, $1200; assessor's,
$4800; courthouse, - $1840; county
court, $4800; circuit court, $3000;
justice court, $400; coroner, $200; in
sane, $200; school supt's office, $2450;
health, officeer, $300; indigent sold-
iers, $1300; widow' pensions, $6000;
care of poor, $10,000; jail, $500; con
stables' and witnesses' fees, $500
scalp bounty, $100f scales, weights
and measures, $32f; advertising,
$500; slaughtered-cattle, $300; state
library tax, $800; elections, $10,000
fairs, $1500; auditing, $330; Canada
thistles, $250. These items compose
general county expenses. -
Court Petitioned '
For County Agent
The matter of a county agent for
the ensuing year in the county is one
of tho live issues today. A petition
was circulated among the busincs;
men here., and generatl siuj)ed ask
ing the county court 1 . nelnde in
their annual budget of the county
$2000.00 to pay the salary ar-d expense
of the agent. The county agent's sal
ary todate has been paid hy sub
scription by the progressive cithsens
of the county and in as much at an
hagent Is regorded as a mutual bene
fit ti the citixens of the county it is
contended that the tatjble property
of the county pay the bill -.
Shipping Board Rely 1
6n Industrial Board
WASHINGTON, Dec., 6. A. P.
The shipping board has announced
that all questions of labor policy af
fecting Its shipping will hereafter be
handled through the division of In
dustrial relations.'
Newberry's Fences
Apper for Trial
When tha federal court opened to
day, 94 of the 185 men Indicted en
charges of conspiring illegally to el
ect ' U. S. Sen.Truman H. Newberry
over Henry Ford, had appeared for
250 Visitors in City and Addi
tional Delegates Arriving
Hourly; Sessions Open
For Three-day Program. .
Evening Session .Tonight to
. Hear Message From Gov
ernor; Local Homes Carp
. for Visiting Youths.
. '- . : ; ' ' i
' With from 200 to 25 visiting '
yoatha already ia tha city, aad
every train briaging additional :.
delegations, the sixth Oregon Ida
. b Older Boys' Coafereac apea-.
.ed here today. AU scheduled
s Dealer aad leaders are ia ta
city. . '
Program ,
Friday P. M. '
Registration and Assignments' '
- Sapper, cards for Hotel or restaur
ants. . . . - . .
7:30 Opening Session-.
All, Sing. , .'.'.;,' . .
' " Invocation. ,
' 1 Address of Welcome by Repre
sentative of Albany.
. '. Response by boy from out of
town. - . ' ....
"Why are we hare?" and
' "Whose Who?" Paul L. New-
myer, Conf. Director. ' ' .
Music , '
Message from Gov. Ben. W.
( - Olcott.
Address, "The Four Square Fel-
- low", W. a. Vara, Uen u see-
' retary, Eugene T. M. C. A. '
" Appointment of Nom mating."
Committee. s
Saturday A. M. '.
9:15 Leaders' meeting.
9:30 General Assembly. ' '
i All Sing. ' ' '
' ' . Bible Study, Ivan B. Rhodes,
' , , State Secy. Y, M. C A. Lead
er. .
10:10 Address, "Building Essential
Manhood", Mrs. Jean Morris
Fill, of Portland.
11:00 Recess.
11:10 Assembly and Singing.-.
Aaaress uetung. ana keeping
Fit", Prof. Norman F. Cole
- man of the Oremn Social
Hygiene Society. ' -
12:00 Conference Picture.
12:30 Lunch. '
Saturday P. M. ' '
1:30 Assembly and Sing.
Bible Study, Mr. Rhodes.
2:00 Discussion of Boys' Problems,
Y. M. C A.'s, High schools'
and Boys' ctuba. J. C Mee
han. Ben H. Schmidt and W.
P. Walter, Leaders. :
8:00 Recreation. .
6:00 Banquet to all delegates and
. leaders. . ..
School Yells, toasts and stunts.
' Invitations for next year's Con
f erence.
Address, "Square Pegs in
v, - Round Hole," Newton Van
Dalsem of the State Board
' . for Vocal Educatioon. ,
Address, "The Training Table"
,'".. Rev. Geo. L. Clark of Corval-
lis, Student 'Pastor, Presby
terian church.
' College Group Meetings. f
t Announcements.
8:30 Reception at high school by
Student Body for delegates.
The Conference Headquarters and
the principal aessions will be at the
United Presbyterian church.
The banquet will b at the First
Presbyterian church. ' .
Announcements of any change
from tha program will ba made by
tha director. .
This conference I the closing one
of a great series of Older Boys' gath
erings in these two states. Do your
part to make it the very best of all.
"Let's Go."
' Methodist Banquet Tonight
The Six O'clock Club of the Metho
dist church are to have a fine banquet
tonight at six o clock In the church
dinning room parlors. Mr. Jean,
Morris Ellis of Portland Is to glvw'
th address of th occasion.