Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, November 29, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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PRKa& The sely paper la Um 0
' tMMtr carrying A. P. dies tea O
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O Tealgkt and Saaday rla O
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No. 177
Word From Santiago Indi
cate Latin-Americana De-
Hire to Prevent Rupture
Over Jenkins Case.
Last Word Apparently has
Been Said to Carranza;
Murder of Wallace was by
Carranza Soldiers.
A. P. The Natioa today Mir '
has learned from a well-informed
dlploaial that there ia a poaaibll
Itjr of aiedlalioa by the govern.
anU la lha A. B. C gnup to
ttm tba United StaUa and
An effort will ba made, It la pre
dieted, to com puma tha differences of
tha two nation over tha Consul Jenk
Ini eaa.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 29 It la in
dlrated her that tha laat word haa
bran aald to pTvsiilcnt Carranaa of
Maiico. Whila officials have nothinir
formal to say to the public, thrir air
of finality whan discussing tha matter
la vary apparent
.Tha abduction of Consular Agent
Jenkins from tha second city of Mexico
In broad daylight, hi subsequent Im
prisonment, refusal of Carranxa to
liberate hli.i, and tha murder of, Jim
Wallace. Amerwan, yesterday, by Car
, ranslstas, are considered to ba the laat
Injuriea to go unchallenged and un
punished by tha United States.
O 000 00000 O O O O OQOOO
e . . . . P
O a,
, I
FOR 8AI.K-240 acre atock and grain!
. ranch. Part down balance on .y J
tcrai. Would eonsl.ler soma Al-
bany property. Apply 1421 Santl- f
am road. Albany, Ore. n29-do
NOTICE-AII neighbora of Wood-
craft are requested to meet at tha
i . 1 1 l 1
hall Monday evening, business of
ImporUnca. Guardian Neighbor. '" ereiiing ana m.
n29. I morning visited the R. L. Burkhsrt
FOR 8ALE 60 White Leghorn pul-'hard and from there went to C C.
lets, March hatching. Plica $1.35 Dickson's place at Shedd and other
each. (j. E. Anderson. Ru fi. placea in tha country and then to Cor-
n2$-d!r allis to look, at tha atock owned by
FOR 8ALEc-Regltred rabbit, New the staU.
ealands and KlcmUh Giant. Snapj Oregon appears to be attracting
wbile they last. Call aCPemocrnt more than ordinary attention by'vir-
' office. j tue of Marion county being tha home
FOR SALE Single buggy and bar-'of the world's best Jersey cow, Vive
ness, cheap.. Call at Democrat of- La Franc. It I the oplnlonf many
Hce. - of' the leading expert dairymen that
LOST WodmVwUy eveninrf Cameo the Willamette valley Is an ideal snot
pendant, act in circle of pearl, for the highest development of the
Please leave at Democrat office or dairy industry. - - '
' notify Mr. C. Harold, Tangent, Or., Mr. Taylor is a leading stock author
Rt 2. Reward. - n29
FOR RENT A large furnished sleep.,
ing room, with heat. Private fam
ily, close in, 627 West 2nd St.
....... . n29-d2.
I AM NOW PREPARED to wash cara.
Hava an experienced man. Call at
.tha Farmer Feed barn. R. B.
Brinson, Prop. .'v lwk
WANTED Wood sawing. Joe John
on, 824 Calapoola St., Call 432-J.
CAT STOLEN Yellow Persian cat
taken night of Nov. 25 from 128
Weat 6th. Party having same plea
return and save trouble. n29-d2
WANTED Experienced faifm hand
for steady work, apply on farm at
Buisard station, Jno. W. Motley.
- - n29d2 ,
FOR SALE Plastered dwelling, bath
- and electric light, lot 44x110, lo
cated at 712 E. 8rd Street. Price
11660, pay 65o ccsh, balance $26
. t v k J 1-4 V. M.n I
par month. Do not disturb tenant.
Beam Land Co., 133 Lyon Street
Attention Knlghte of Pythias
. Tha regular monthly social, dance
and card will ba given at the K. of
P. hall Monday night December 1st
At p. m. Every Knight la expected
to b present and his wife or sweet-.
heart Is requested to pre par a basket
lunch for two, which will be sold at
auction. Coffee will ba served b tha
Knlghta. Another good tlm Is as-
lured. By Committee. ' 1 n29
. I
Sam Cardinclla,
Sam Cardlnella, head of a ban J of Italian arrested for many re
cent murder and robber! In Ch'cago. Member hava confessed to
half a dozen murder and Innumerable robberies. They tall of on case
where Cardlnella armed litem with knivea and seat them to tha bom of
a man wits strict order to torture him until ha yielded to extortion.
I ., -s ; . -
A i . V 1 TTklemm, mi i
kaFvwtaaamraam leaaas i i 1 i i n n n in ibii w i i inn iiism n imiea
Prominent Wisconsin Expert
. and W. M. Ladd are j
Gucssta at Burkhart-v !
. i
W. M. Ladd? of Portland and H. C.I
Taylor, of Beloit,1 Wi., two sucems-1
ful Jersey breeder wore at the Al
. . ht n . tri of
insiection of Jersey herd in this part '
of the state. Mr. Ladd haa long been
recognized aa on of tha leader, in
the state and Mr. Taylor ha bean a
breeder-of Jerseys in hi horn atate
fur the it 42 ye,.
Thry Br, working Jn th, fatareat of
... . . , . .
the tmurovmrnt of tha Jersey strain
r t
ity ef lha country and ia called upon
. I.. I ... .. 1 II ...
to Judge
g.iw.v cabiia ill mi Htrv
of the United Stales. Ho recently
finished Judgfng Jerseys at the. Paci
fic International Livestock show at
Portlaitj. He was delighted with the
Burkhart herd.
Big Garage Fire .. -Damages
SEATTLE-, Nov. 29 A.' P. Three
firemen were injured, a garage and
160 automobile were badly
damaged in an early fire this moming.
The loss I estimated at a hundred
thousand. - ..-
Congress to Hear From PresL-
dent Regarding Indus.
trial Situation
Pre. Wilson' message to congress
will not be transmitted until Tuesday,
It waa said at tha Wflite House today,
It i expected to cover a wide rang
of subjects, with particular attention
focuied upon tha industrial situation.
The President has been dictating on
it for two weeks from his' sick room.
. '
Master Criminal
CHICAGO, Nov. 29 A. P.
Football, the roughest Ameri--n
outdoor sp01 claimed five
victima this season, which ckn
ad Thanksgiving Day. Report
of the Associated Press show
this total figure.
At that the fatalities are the
lowest in five years. They are
five lev than those of last year,
and seven under the toll of 1917.
'But against the sad aide of the
game ia held up the wonderful
spirit it undoubtedly "develops.
No college or clubs, so far aa ia
known, contemplate abandoning
kmcrk-sn football on account of
the hard knocks it sometimes
metes out.
Other Hunger Strike is Brok
v en; Some Ask for Sec
' ond Helpings
TACOMA,- Nov. 29 A. P. Twenty-two
alleged J.- W. W.'s continue
their hunger strike today. They re
fused all food offered (hem.
Rcda Lose Nerve
NEW YORK. Nov. 20 The hunger
strike of the "Ellis Island Soviet" waa
broken today."- All but five -radicals
who refused to eat since Monday even
ing, eagerly answered the breakfast
call. They asked for second helpings,
but this waa refused.
.. . .
Shoemaker and Brown to At-
. tend Session of Fish
and Game Ass'n.
: State Game Warden Carl D. Shoe
maker and hi secretary, F. M. Brown
wil lattend tha special meeting of the
Santiam Fish A Game Protective and
Propogation association in Albany
Monday, December 1.
The event wilt be at the St Francis
hotel. Annual election of officer will
occur.. A banquet, feature of which
will be roast duck, I in preparation.
Annual reports will ba heard. - . X-
All members and those Interested
ara cordially Invited. , : k .
Chief of Army Department in
Annual Report DweJls
Upon Necessity of Coast
Defensive Works.
Brown Men Invade District
h Where Bitter Feeling:
Flames ; Outbreaks Are Ex
pected From Chinese.
P. The aeeeaaity for mainten
ance af defensive work at im
portant strategic points along tha
' caasta ia ao leaa Important today
thaa it waa before tae war. '
This bj the opinion of MaJV-On.
Wm. M. Black, chief of tha engineer
ing department,-in hia annual report,
published today. ;
The General declared that "seacoaat
defenses had lost nothing in Import
ance .from the lessons of the .war.
Rather was their extreme va'ue dem-
, onit rated. The Turkish fort at the
Dardanelles prevented the capture of
Constantinople, opening a line of sup
ply for Russia."
1 This portion of the report i consid
ered of especial interest to the Paci
fic Coast, where a demand for protec
tion haa been gaining ground ateadily.
Japa Arrest Civiliane
eAMOY, China, Nov. 29 Fochow re
port state that many Chinese have
been arrested 'there by datoetanent
landed by Japanese warships! The
district is flaming with anti-Japanese
sentiment. Feeling i reported bitter.
Reports from inland citiea aay that
the situation there ia even more dang
McNary, at Home in Salem,
Thinks Compromise Will
- Be Reached
' 1
SALEM, Nov.," 29. A. P. V- S.
Senator Charles L. McNary, who. re
turned here recently from Washing
ton, believe congress will adopt the
ttvaty soon after convening in regu
lar session in December.
He is not disturbed by the radical
clement in America. He looks for
a return to norman conditions oc
tally soon after the treaty is, signed.
He expects congress to pass a bill
providing ,$10,000,000 for Western re
clamation. He looks for considerable
delay, ha aii inrtuming the railroads
' to private control. Disposal of the
merchant marina in the next year.
( which will total 10,000,000 tons, he
, says, will te one 01 tne Dig questions
before congress. .
Army-Navy Game
Draws Great Throng
NEW YORK, Nov! 29 A. PAUn
settled weather and prospect of. rain
failed to dampen the enthusiasm of
46,000 ticketholder to the annual
army-navy football game. ' .
The usual colorful crowd was at
tracted. The army ia considered the
strongest contender. (
Lebanon to Organize.
v ;. A Municipal Band
A meeting will be held in the city
hall at Lebanon tonight at 8 o'clock
to consider the matter ot organising
a eity band. ,
All musicians Interested are Invit
ed. ' f
Weather Report
-Tonight and Sunday rain. The riv
er is marked at 2.6 feet Yesterday's
rainfall measured 69 inches and the
temperature ranges from 88 to 47 de-
r:. -:.:
More beds must ba secured
for tba 800 delegates to the
Older Boys' Conference, open
ing in Albany next Friday for a
three-day convention. The high
school committee canvaaaing tha
city report many beds secured,
but more are imperative.
Anyone In tha city who can
take in one or more of these
visiting youth and provide them
with breakfast, ia urgently re
quested to phone Hubert Fort
miler and have their name plac
ed on the roll of the active
friend of the boy. Mr. Ptort
miller ia chairman of the enter
tainment committee.
Brownsville, Harrisburg:, and
Lebanon Get Behind
Greater Fair
A. C. Schmitt, P. A. Young and
Fran Pfeiffer made a trip to Browns-,
villa and Harirsburg yesterday to con
fer with the business men ht tha in
tereet of the Linn County Fair. They
report good encouragement and that
the business men In each town stated
that they would get behind the move
ment and boost for a first class fair
- Committee were appointed in each
town by the business men and a thor
ough canvass for the sale of stock will
be made in due time.
M. Averhoff of Lebanon vicinity has
also done some effective work in hia
neighborhood" in the .interest of the
fair, which will be followed by oth
er prufcrraaive farmers and gock raia-
era of the county in every nion.
Mexico is No
Place f or Yanks.
Thinks Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Willis have just
returned from a moat interesting trip
through th& southwestern states and
old Mexico, having visited in Califor
nia, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico,
Texas, and viewed points of interest
in each state.
Mr. Willis stated yesterday that the
United States, and Oregon in particu
lar looks better to him than ever after
seeing the dirty, filthy people and con
dition in Mexico and the dried up ter
ritory of the south.
From El Paso, Texas, they rode for
27 miles on the train and were still on
land occupied by two ranchers. There
are many farms of 150,000 acres in
that section. At Ft Bliss they visit
ed the largest radio plant in the
country. They saw cotton growing
for the first time at Yuma, Ariz,
along, the Colorado river. At Yuma
they encountered a sign on a hotel
which read:
"Free meals every day it rains."
It has rained there twice in two
years. They enjoyed the cactus gard
ens at Red Rocks, Ariz., where they
saw cacti of all sizes and shape, some
being 60 feet high. -An electric storm
there recently brought the first rains
since last June.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis went about 60
miles into Mexico -south of Jaurez.
There they saw the low life of the
native Mexicans, the barren country
and desolate wastes. At Sonora, on
the plateau, the climate is similar to
that in Oregon and land is good, but
there is not a great deal of such land
in northern Mexico. .': .
At Jaurez they visited the notorious
gambling house, the ' proprietor of
which pays a government license of
$300,000 a year. They saw' a bull
fight in the arena which Villa ahot up
last June when he made a raid across
the border and saw the work of the
U. S. troops which responded to the
attack and put an end to the battle
after 36 minutes of furious work, leav
ing Mexican dead and wounded on all
Mr. Willi is of the opinion that
Mexico is no plaee for Americans. The
people are not of the type of Ameri
can and trouble is held to be Inevit-
Lead Army Navy ' 214
NEW YORK, Nov. 29 The score at
the end of the third period waa: Navy
6, army 9.
Hundred Trains to be Taken
Off One Division, Due to
Lack of Coal; Other Cur
tailments Due.
Alabama Miners go on Strike
for Second - Time Today,
Refusing to Accept 14 Per
cent Increase.
PITTSBURG. Kaa, Nov. 29
By Associated Preaa The slate
has taken aver the buildings aael
ground of the stats manual traia
ing aormal school here for thai
aecoaiBMdatioa ef aoldiera cat
route here today.
The troop will guard local coal
mince, seized and to be e Derated by
the government
. T Trains to be Curtailed
ST. PAUL, Nov. 29 It ia admitted
in high railroad circles here today that
the federal railroad administration as
preparing to make drastic decreases ba
pasaenger train service. The entire
country will be affected if the coal
situation doe not im prove. -Reduction
of pasaenger service from
the twin cities may involve
hundred trains, it is said. '
Railroad era May Strike
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20 Tww
men here HtI Co on strike at 4 o'clock:
today, according to announcement bjr
the local Brotherhaod of Railroad
Trainmen officials.
A strike vote was taken early tha
morning. It is staid to have resulted
from local grievances.
Railroad officials and observer,
watching this outbreak of unreal in
connection with the probability of a
strike by the big four brotherhoods
all over the nation, fear it mar set at
match to the powder magazine. '
. Miners Re-Strike-BIRMINGHAM,
Nov. 29 Dissatis
fied with the 14 per cent wage advance
offered them, miners in Alabama will
resume their strike at middnight to
night This is announced by union of
ficials here today. '
Only 27 Votes Cast Yester
' day; Levy of 13 Mills
At the school election in the higb
school yesterday afternoon the propos
ed funds in excess of the six per cent
limitation act for Albany's schools
the coming year were defeated by
seven votes. The count stood 17 to 10,
27 vote being cast " " '
Laat year the school tax amounted
to 9.4 mills. With the proposed amount
named in this election, a levy of 13
mills would have resulted.
Other cities have levies as follows:
Ashland, 12; Astoria, 21; Bend, 31;
Corvallis, - 14.8; The Dalles,. 14.4;
Woodburn, 12.8; McMinnville, 12.7;
Roseburg, 12.
Members of the local school board
are greatly discouraged by the failure
of voters yesterday to turn out and"
provide the necessary funds to main
tain Albany's high standard of public -education.
The board will meet Toes
day evening at 7 o'clock to dlscum the
situation. It ia possible that another
election will be called to meet the
- ' Blacksmith Price Advance
After December 1 the price of
in. tP0 hnwa will mrfvm 1 1 i. if CA
more. Will be no change on assail
horses. . '
.., W. P. MORRIS , .