0000000000000000 0 Member of Til ASSOCIATED O O I'KKSH. The only paper la Llaa 0 O county carrying A. P. dlauatckea 0 oooooooooooooooo ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) o ' ' O Taalght and Thursday earn- O O tinned Cold. O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VOL. XXXII. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27, I9lfr No. 175 THANKSGIVING IS CELEBRATED BY A GRATEFUL PEOPLE TODAY First Harvest Home With all the Soldier Boys Present Since Opening of Great . War is Enjoyed Today. . UP TO OLD FETES In sumptuous viands Thanks giving of 1919 equals old time affaire; Churches hold services. With a big dinner In every body's bosse today, and Thank Mr.ln umItm nf ell ehiirrha la the United rrr.br Ur Ian church . this evening. Albany today la celebrating her aecvild Thanks giving since the caseation of tha Great War, and her tret Thanke giving since the boya went away at which they ara all back. Rev. Demlng of tha Christian church " " u," " w jLltha peaca treaty Mam his country nlRhL At St. Mary's church services I . 7 , . . ..,. , , .... the Christian Bcienca congregation held their Thanksgiving ceremonials. Aa It Caed to Be In olden days gatherings of Oregon- lens congregated on Thatmsgiving ai aj(iM dur8 tn, war; to pay an various community homes, spending j ind.mnity of approximately 145.000, the whole day In good fellowship con- qoo. Bulgaria ia deprived of Thrace "testa, merriment and thanksgiving, j fMj Sim-iua. which email triangular jut rvuKH s - are unknown touay. nut fie tw,Bi thing has come down from those plo near celebrations, and that Is the fac ulty of preparing a sumptuous spread which tin pioneer women excelled In well aa tho matron t.r today, x QUICK JUSTICE METED ROBBERS Claremoot Tavern Hold-up Men and Murderer Given Life Sentences PORTLAND, Ore., Nov., !7 After n statement to the court which admitt ed participation in the robbery of Clar emont lvTn guests, but d. nlod firing the shotn whlrh killed, J. N. Burgees and George E. Prrlnircr la.t Friday night, David Smlih and Walter Banis ter pleadH gulliy to an Indictment for murder yesterday afternoon, two hour after thoir companion. James Oiflo. had made a similnr plw anc they had surprised the court and their own attorneys by entering picas of hot guilty. All three were sentenced to life Imprisonment In the penlten airy. v The trio will leave the county jail tomorrow for Ralem to beyln serving the sentences imposed by Pn-sidintf Judiro Gatens. Concress cxtendod ihe scope of the approaching 1020 census by prwM'ip that a census of forestry and forest products should be taken. .These sub Jrcta were never specifically, covered by any past census act. oooooooooooooooooo 9 NEW CLASSIFIED O e - o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WANTED 8,000 Marshall or Magoon Strawberry plants, will exchange Gold Dollar, or sell, J. J. Kusch nick, Albany Rt. 4 care of J. A. Mil led. - 27n29 WANTED Widower with no children wanta middle age lady-as house keeper, permanent position for right . party. Call between 1 and 5 o'clock p. m., address 1325, Front St. ' n27d4 FOR SALE 8-room modern dwelling, . . full baaement with furnace, nickle plated fixtures fof bath and plumb ing. House located at 632 Elm St. Price 13000, -pay ua $300 cash, 30 per month. Beam Land Co., 183 Lyon Street 27n28. WANTED A small cash register. Call at Palace Meat Market by -Townsend Grocery Store, 27n29T. MINERS REJECT WAGE INCREASE Offer of Cents More an Hour Turned Down By Committee WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 By A. P. A government plan for settling the oft coal atrika which embodied a 14 per cent was Increase for minara and the stipulation that thara should ba no IncraaM In tha prica paid by tha public waa laid bafora minara and Op tra ton laat night by Fuel Admlnia trator Garfield. Declaring that Sacratary Wllaon, acting aa tha "authorised agent of tha cabinet and of Preeldent Wilson." J had offend an Incraaaa of 31.6 par cent. John L. Lewis, acting president of tha mine workers, asked if tha gov ernment intends to "repudiate the acta of Secretary Wilson." Dr. Garfield replied that Mr. Wil son made his proposal aa a mediator to facilitate negotiations and that Mr. Wilson told him today it waa tha duty of tha fuel administrator to fix prices, and that it waa not tha func tion of tha secretary of labor. Mr. Lewis announced that tha min ers would pot accept. Iiulffaria Signs Treaty This Morning PARIS. Nov. 17 A. P. M. Btam-i I buliwsky, Bulgarian premier, signeU WIU HIP Winy yvmvim and the allied powers at Neuilly town r By the conditions of thia treaty Bul garia ia called upon to surrender all wulk of art and valuablua riAvd from aaexion oi lemiorj is sssigneo Dsrvia. r mi i LEBANON - CASCADI AGOODROADS ASSN. HOLDS LIVE SESSION IN LEBANON WITH STATE MEN PRESENT Lebanon men again deonstra lad the progressive spirit that has long prvaUrd in tha rustling dty" of tba Santiam last night whan ore than one hundred meat bars of the Lebanon Caaradla Coed Koadi Association and Invited guest from Portland and Albany oag regated la tha dining parlor of the Methodist church and en joyed n fina banquet and listened la tha discasaian of ways and means of developing tha natural resource of Oregon and Linn county and for tha present can . tralizing on tha construction of tha Lebanon and Caacadia road and the plan of tha nest Linn County Fair to be held at Albany A. M. Kuves, president of the . Good Roads association and a boost- rr of the first magnatude acted as chairman of the occasion and gave a brief review of the progress made 'rectors from various sections of in Lebanon the U.I few years, giving! state and la doing a great work the facts and figures in tho cost of the I assisting in locating manufacturing 'mooVrri system, tha paved streets, the plants. The State Chamber of Corn fine achool buildings, tho big cannery ; merce is now sending out from its of and the banks deposits of more than 'flee in Portland on an average more a million dollars. Progress and eo-j than two hundred letters each day in operation was tha keynote of the chair' answer to inquiries from eastern I man and was carried OJt by each' , paJier Of the evening, . A. G. Clark, president of the man. ufactunars association of the state v an cxtend.d review of the man ufacturing Industrie of Orvgon and made a strong plea for home Indus tries and a pay roll in each town. The speaker said the pay roll dollars were the fastest mover on the mar ket and that an excuse for not making an effort to develope the resources in a manufacturing line was a retreat to falurr. Two1 rlatsc of men are e?i? t ' By Claudius Lambert v O Ruler of the universe, divine, Have pity on this shriveled soul of mine. Let just a single wave of Thy great might Reach me, that it may furnish light Whereby I'll better see Thy kindness unto me In giving the restraint of poverty. Perhaps had I, with my vacillant mind, .- - Been born to wealth, I'd ne'er the secret find Of pleasures in the things which Thou hast lent, With which a thankful soul is well content. I'd ne'er the broad'ning sensation know Of sympathy for fellow creatures' woe - The friends, in whom I find no sham or guile, , Whose hearty clasp and honest, sincere smile Make money seem as earth's most common thing, Although to it so' many vainly cling, Y Hoping by it to purchase that-which I ' Possess, that happiness which none ran me deny. needed In every town ha said "one claw to pull like the dcvtl and tha other class to push". In reviewing the' states' resources the speaker stated tnatureKOnnaaonc-imnuiastanaing i k- ii.i a,.... - - - aegrecs. a wee oi skating was enjoy one county in the stale produced one-f NoV W17 ww . oW record of percent of the wheat in the United go degrees. Yesterday the thrnnom States. etor at its lowest registered SO. 1 . Mr Clark stated that opportunity , A eold win( threatens to ehanued her pass wort every -ay ana that Oregon should live up to her op- portunitu Two factories In town of an eaaiern aUte of a hundred thou- sand population employed more men than the entiro lumber Industry oi Oregon. 'nd the surcease of tha Kaiser the , George Quail, secretary of the Ore- 'firt. I gon Clumber of Commerce, gave an! it j, .lm."7od.v to die- un a sons:. exhaustive Account of the orfniztiOfi and it work for bc best interests OI, every section of the state. The State Chamber is represented by 15 diree- ln . states. ' F. L. Miller. A. C. Schmitt, Sena tor E. D. Cusick, P. A. Young, Post mi.tr, P H Stewart, end count V com-1 mission ers, D. H. Pierce and T. J. But-', ' ler all sDoke in- the interest of the immediate Improvement of the Casca-j dia road improvtvnent and as a result the following committee was appoint ed, to confer with the State Highway Commission in Portland Dec., 2: T.J. Miller, P. A. Young. A. M. Recvee, (Continued o.i Pas' ,) 'j7 -rx- a i g - m 26 DEGREES IS WEATHER RECORD Coldest Thanksgiving; Day Since 1916; With Cold North Wind The thermometer stood nr-M de- Wi t04iyi ,h, eodest It has bean on Thanksgiving Day in Albany since m8. At that time It aank to 18 . ...... bring snow If it does not shift soon. fh. 0dtime decorations for Thanks- KMnf rj-y, f , Piljm Father and, Mother Wendjng through thtTsnow ehureh, very nearly came true in Albanv this vear of our Lord. 1918. popuUir few ytUTM mgoi -Goodhve Snmnur: Solanr Fall. ' 'HeJ0, Wintertime," for i.h in, incoming of December and the holiday season, winter in fact ""will ba ooon Oretron. .... VULATOTAKE VENGEANCE! 'Murder" of Angeles Rouses Warrior; U. S. has no Word from Mexico WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 A. P Mexico's note refusing to comply with the American atato department's re cent demand for the release bf Wm. C. Jenkins, American consul impris oned at Puebla on the charge that he connived with bandits who kidnapped, held him for ransom and received the ransom from his- own tuoney, haJ no been received here early today.- I The only information the officials! had that the reply had been sent waa contained ln nrejta HisntjhM ltt night. (thy increase. The Pirs Tatnaistf. The Mexican situation is admitted"- show " train in resource of !75. ly near a break. Carranxa is held to 72162 ,or yer- The Albany State be baiting the American government, Bank amed 2392 0s- W- -anxioua for a chance at her force be-l ,lck Co- "crcased 178,4I4.Z and low the Rio Grande. First Savings Bank gained $Hn A doren wealthy El Paso ranchers are held at thia moment by "rebels' for ragsom. This practice has come to be the leading industry in Mexico. Villa May Awake - EL PASO, Nov. 27 Persistent rum ors of the batching of a venditta plot by Villa elements in Chihuahua state following the execution yesterday of Gen. Felipe Angelea, reached the bord er today. Everyone connected with the trial of Angeles, which is said to have been a "farce," has been marked for veng eance. Villa, Angeles' ally, will start immediately upon his campaign of re prisal, , Chihuahua City being his ob jective,. They plan to destroy the railroad between Juarez and Chihua hua City. GREAT METEOR FALLS FLAMING INTO MICHIGAN DETROIT, Nov. 27 A. P. That a meteor plunged into Lake Michigan! last night, causing earth tremors f elt 1 in a doxen cities and sending a fiame - ' . . . .... . earth, .shock. ' . . It was at first believed that some in-. dustrial plant hatTexploded. j Arrested on Charge Immoral Conduct t Two couples from Albany andScio ptiiar lmo tne sKy vtsioie tor BO miles,! - - " - is the theory generally accepted to-: member, the local varsity ioaraey day rn exDlanation of -last niirhf. to Berkley and trimmed the -' were arrested at .the Hotel Jullian ;,he turned Wa,hington for her -Saturday night on a charge oflm- ,, bi(f rame. 1915 theKg 3f the night In jail, the men paid ou lines eacn tne next morning, ana Is not improbable that one of the I men will be further trouble because! of the alleged fact that one of the girls was under age. It is possible that the couples might have escaped trouble here but for the fact that they were bolstroua at the) The statistic of the first a ussss hotel and broka a bed, which cost $14., of the United States were publishes! hs to replace. The noise attracted at- one small volume consisting of SB tention, and Night Policeman Robin- J pnges. The statistics of the 1920 etm ton was called. Gasette Times Cor- nj, recfiired 12 volume's havfrur aa vallls. . ALBANYSBANKIKG RESOURCESTOTAI. .. - . NE ARI.V Fill R AFfl. si-sushi at vvtiiuur QUARTER MQ1I0I1 " Local Financial IllstitutioM Show RsMrinrlcnhU otiww -mtiiuubmSUk; Gum over Nov. 1918; Increase is $1,065,118.70. BUSINESS IS GOOD . KesOllTCes Expected U) Reacn Five Million Mark With Few Months; BJarvesU Bring Wealth to Iiirn. Albany'a bank reaourcea tosfar . amount to nearly fonr and! at quarter saillipa dollars. Tbe stst ssents of the four banks pssSSids ed in the local papers this weed , sbow the total resooraea ta amount H.IZ3.210.67. Tbis in a gain of $1,065,116.70 ever a year age. The following table show the enss- parative reaourcea of the fonr bsuska aa of November 17, 1918 and Now. 1, 1919. Nov. 17. 1919 Nov. I, 1918 1st Natl f 1,326,717.83 1,0S09C21 Albany SUte 70543.90 475.75L84 CusickACo. 13,1837 8t.75LM 1st Savings 1,147,464.97 HXfi73SZ Totala t423,210.67 S3,158,09L7 Gain f 1,065,118.79 It ia anticipated that before long Albany's banking resources wiB exceed $5,000,000. Gaining at the same rate within the coming year it will almost top the $,000,000 mark by next November. Each bank in the city shows -m. fsanf- 8911 In eacn caM m nUijr and is an indication of business eDadU tiona. in Linn and Benton cuuutita. CALIFORNIA MAY WIN FROM U. OF W. Northern Team not Confident of Winning Game at . Seattle Today SEATTLE, Nov., 27 WasMnRtoo and California clash at football hare today in what some Scittle aoUiswi- ties says in the deciding game in the Pacific Coast Conference ;hanpion ship race Both teams rested hcTc .'yeritarday Vwatttn suiitinjr v?hi-:tfc nuts; Nar.he- I? i- PT In;a ;-anr," otcr confiila'it, thf rofKhes ,Hy, .ir;J tr. ti er is certain of "victory. Washington players and fans rran- ""ber that California, in the past has -seCTnel to Put UP " far beUer "e of footba11 Kain5 Washington tlssm I .nu nlhar mi,I nl.iT.n In I'll1. li . liforma, 72-0. . Just a week later tlw m met hen n played to with'n three minutes of the end with ! a tie on the scoreboard. Then a Waals I ington broke through the southern line and saved the game. California and Washington nan met only five times in the past. When Californlm abondoned nirfiv in 191S 1 iTAmA nt the fiiitrsnrn mm w IWv ,!n e,.fnrA. The scores of the five games follow: 1915. Washington 72 California 0 . Washington IS California T 1916. Washington 13 California S Washington 14 California T 1917. Washington 0 California CT aggregate of more than 40.000 Daarasv I .