U, vf U Library eooooeoeooeooooo Member a TUB ASSOCIATED O O PRKHH. TIm Mir Mr la Una O O eeaaly carrying A. P. dispatch O oooooooooooooooo OOOOtOOOOOOOO 09 O v - . 0 O . Tonight aad-Taeeday raiai O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT VOL. XXXII. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY OREGON. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17 1019 No. 166 WILSON MAY POCKET-VETO TREATY --. a-pa " - " -n-' 1 " ' - v v Centralia Posse Leaves Prepared for Battle; One Member Shot 130 SCHOOLS OF . COUNTY TO SEND TEACHERS HERE F6R INSTITUTE 7 . Annual Educational Sessions to Open at Hitch School 7 HuildiPg xnov. zi 1 or 1 nree Day Mt. IIOUDAY for kids Prominerjt Educators and Lo cal .Ratructors will Con- ' duct Busy Departments at Gathering of Pedagogues. The Una County Anaual Teach ra Institute U to convene In he Albany High echo building Mm dmy morning Nee 24 for a tare days anUrn. .All teachers of lha . coanly ara required by law to al trad. Tba bach of Linn and Benton coumMm for many years have held a toint inatlluta but Uiia ytar it ha ' barn thought advisable to conduct ep a rate Institute. The Linn county as sembly and live department nr plng from tha primary through the nigh f school g radi. Prominent ed lcor of the state and a large number of loj cal Inatnictor ara o appear on tba program to lead the various topics of discussion. Tha teachers Institute , haa long bern a strong factor in tha . promotion of tha beat methods and the highest Ideals in the teaching pro- , rcsaion. nowever, were appears to uer a growing tendency that tha old plan haa aerved Ita usrfulnea and that o-t , ther plans should be devised. One of the leading objectiona being to the present policy ia the great rxpenst and loaa of time to tha schools. Next week la to b a holiday week to the stud-nts of tha schools and the teachers are to receive full pay aa provided by law. There being about' ISO achoola In tha county with aome five or eix thousand children idle while the linatituto ia tn -aeaion ia a big item of expenae from both the stand point of money and time and unless the Inst H it is well managed it ia a arrioua loss to all concerned. Livestock Exhibition . Opens This Morning This morning at 8 o'clock tha Pacif ic International Livestock Exhibition : opened at PortlandL For one wees. llvestock'brecdrrs will place prize an imanls in competition from all over the Northwest. Many local breeders f thoroughbred animate ara In attendance. , . .. ... , -.00000000 too 0 ooooo NEW CLASSIFIED 8 O O ooooooooo o o o o OOOOO WANTED Housekeeper, to take fu'l charge of small home. Call 320-L 17nl! LOST On Santiam road between Al bany and Lake View church, black leather traveling bag containing Eastman kodnk, ladica clothing and toilet articlea. Finder please leave at thla office or call 21 F 22 or write Curtis Cole, Hub Slock Farm, R. F. D. No, 6. Albany, and receive re ward. 17nl9 FOR SALE 6 room plastered dwell ing and garage at No. 1025 E. 9th 8., for $1250. Pay $500 down and $20 per month. Beam Land Co., 133 Lyon St, Immediate possession. : nnl8 FOR SALE Larga and small farms, Albany house, residence lots, terms. Sea or phone, Attorney Geo. W. Wright, office First St, over Sears Bakery. nl7dl7. APPLES FOR SALE At my farm $ 1-2 mile north of Albany at foot of Spring Hill, 50c per sack, you , The town of Mt. Angel ia built large pick there and furnish tack. Cha ly on tha Settlemeir claim taken up T. Wilkinson. 17nl9 I In tha early fifties. CABARET GIRLS IN CITY JAIL Shoplifting Charge Placed Against Entertainers With Arnold Co. Marjorla Larry and Dorothy Flman, cabaret girl with tha old Arnold car nival, ara In tha county jail here, charged with shoplifting from the Hamilton Department atore in tliia city. They have admitted taking a waist each, but Insl they did not ateal other mining articlea. Tha young women ware arreeted at Independence by Sheriff Kendall on Information furnished by tha atore detective, and lodged in Jail laat night. They will have a hearing tomorrow Both ara married. Mm. Larry bring 19 year of age, and Mra. Flman 18. Tha old Arnold carnival company disbanded in Albany a week ago to day. Tha two girla remained here aeveral daya. About tha time the atore detective la aaid to have eecured aufflcient evidence to cauaa their ar reat for taking urn waists they went to Independence. When they were ar reeted one of tha young women waa wearing one of tha alleged atolen waists and the other had one in her The girl were arraigned this morn ing before Justice Olliver and their plea for postponement until this af ternoon, when their husbands might appear, waa granted. MINERS AWAIT NEWWAGESCALE But Few Fields Resume Pro duction;' Men Are Idle Pending Conference CHCAC0. Not. 17 A. P.-Whlle operilo ,nd union ,,drr predicted .u-ptio,, f mnil)B cn a large scele , tn. bituminous coal fields today, 0y ln Went Virginia were both aides .nfldent that all men would return work durig the day. 0uor Urge producing fields the men show a disposition to await the results of the conference over the new wtirt agreement before taking up , their tools again, - D'ANNUNZJOBOSS OF DALMATIA Bold Stroke Secures Control ; of Entire Dalmation ' Coast for Italans FIUMK," Nov. 10--Delaycd Gabri elle d'Annunilo's latest exploit ap pears to have made him master at one stroke of the entire Dalmation coast. It secured adherance to hia side of Admiral Millo, commander of the Italian occupational forces at Dnl matla," thus giving d'Annunslo con tinued command covering all ap proaches to tha Dalmation coast. LAST SURVIVOR OF 7 BROTHERS DIES IN PORTLAND Mrs. Mark Forester of Tangent waa in tha city thia morning on her way to Portland to attend the funeral of her uncle M. R. Scttlemelr, who pass ed away Saturday and will be buried thia afternoon at tha Riverside Ceme tery in Portland. Mr. Settlemeir is tha last of tha Settlemeir family of seven brother anad one lister to b called. Ha haa spent most of hit life on tha Settlemeir donation land claim of hia father at Mt. Angle, having re cently moved to Portland. His broth er tha lata Henry Settlemeir of Tang ent waa a prominent nursery man and farmer of Linn county for many years. RESERVATIONS WOED NULLIFY SAYS PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, Nor. IT A. P -Freeidrat WIImhi will pock et veto the peace treaty If it eon talna lha Lodge reservationa. aa now aeema likely, he told Senator Hitchcock 1hia morning la a con ference before the aeaete con vened. "The President haa read and con aidered the Lodge reservations," Hitchcock aaid. "And ha conaidere them nulliflcationa of the treaty, and utterly impossible." Wileoa'a Health Improves ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 -t Presi dent Wilson waa taken downstairs In a wheel chair today. He basked in the sunshine on the White House lawn for the first time lines he haa been token ill. WASHINGTON. Nov. 17 The for eign relatione committee reservation excluding the U. S. from responsibil ity in regard to the disposition of Ger man colonies waa rejected by the sen ate today. The reservation, first of the committee group to be defeated,! failed to command the support of Me. Nary' mild reservation is ta. Brother of Local Man to be U, S. Attorney Delivery of the nomination of Lest er W. Humphreys aa U. S. attorney for Oregon to the senate ia expected to be followed by hia confirmation Boon. Lester W. Humphreys is a brother of John - Humphreys of the Albany postoffice. , , . V , Arguments Thursday Wartime Prohibition WASHINGTON. Nov. 17 A. P. The supreme court agreed to hear arguments Thursday on appear from two New York decisions upholding the constitutionality of the wartime pro hibition enactment. House Where President Monroe Died is to be Torn Down Soon ' " - Nvv Kv5 .;;- ' -v T';f I " V2?"- tT.Z 5.1: m B n u v- "Monroe" House la to be torn down for a new building and sella at auction for $138,000. President Monroe died hera 90 years ago. Tha home in wh'ch James Monroe, fifth president of the United States and author of the Mon roe Doctrine, died almost 90 years ago waa sold Saturday to a buyer whose $M i ill i iffis IN FRAY WITH REDSSATURDAY CENTRA LI A, Nov. 17 A. P. Word Is not expected until ev ening from a poaae of former ser vicers and woodxmea who arc searching timber country 20 mile aorta for alleged L W. W. who are thoaght to have led to Hanna ford Valley after participating la the irmixtiee Day battle here. Although the posse went prepared for battle. It is thought here there will probably be no fight as the I. W. W. who .fought against tha former soldiers Saturday night will not re main In the valley to clash with a'ytem in Albany. fresh poaae. I Leaden of the posse aaid they , would endeavor to reach-the body of John Haney, Tenino rancher, who fell Baturday night while fighting the 'reds. ' Corvallia Haa Red CORVALLIS, Nov 17 Chris Osk off, alleged L W. W waa arreeted here and ia being held on a charge of violation of the espionage act. CENTRALIA, Nov. 17 A man shot , in tha arm waa brought to the hospital from the direction of Hanniford Val ley thia afternoon. Re porta aay he ia a poaae member. . Armed telephone linemen left to re pair the line in the valley, reported cut by alleged Industrial Wolvea of the.WoiW... LOCAL K.P.'S TO ENTERTAIN LEBANON LODGE The Knights of Pythiaa of the city are to have a rousing meeting and a big feed at their hall thia evening to which every member of the order ia expected to be exactly on the spot at the proper time which is not later, than 8 o'clock. The Lebanon lodge ia to attend in mass and furnish the can didates to be initiated in the rank of Esquire. Every member of the order is es pecially invited. : J-. f t purpose, it waa announced ia "To im prove the property." It ia understood that tha old mansion now standing at number 63 Prince Street will be torn down and that "there will be no senti ment about it." (Copyright Leishman Telegraphed Picture Service.) , , ' - .r-l- ;Jt?J "t x SALARIES OF TEACHERS LOW Other Towns of Less Popu lation Pap Instructors More Than Albany Comparison of school salaries paid in Oregon cities reveala that Albany instructor in the public schools are receiving far below tha atandard for aervicea of the quality behind render ed. .;' .Xity superintendenta in Salem, Ku gene, LaGrande, Bend receive respec tively $.1000, $3000, $2700 and $'W0O. The Albany superintendent receives $2400. Many smaller citiea than Al bany are payings as much or more, than this figure. The superintendent s aalary ia proportionately illustrative 1 -L. nkl.inin. In .11 n-h ing departments of the public school These figureea should be of interest to voters of the school district in ew of the approaching achool eleetitA, at which an additional tax ia asked for maintenance of the splendid teaching facilities which 'Albany school kiddies enjdy. y Appointment to be Made WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 A. P At Pre. Wilson's request Sec Clam I will accept appointment of a senator from Virginia to succeed the late Sen. Tho. B. Martin. Thia waa announced at the White House today. IS ENCOURAGED Business Men Offer Reward for Beating Albany in Annual Game yMbany high school appears to have their work cut out when the foot ball team tackle Corvallis high Thanksgivink day. It ia reported that the business men of the college city have offered the team a $100 foot ball outfit if they succeed in wal loping Albany in the annual contest. Corvallis defeated Salem high school Friday by the score of 39 to 7. Albany defeated Salem two weeks ago by the score of 38 to 0. This would appear to give Albany a little edge in the game, but nothing to boost about. Eugene high school defeated Leb anon high Faiday by the score of 19 to 4, Lebanon getting two safeties, an unusual proceeding tn a foot ball game. Salem and Eugene high schools meet this week. The Albany team ia practising hard for the coming game with Corvallis a week from Thursday and will be in good shape for the contest. Edgar Allen Eaton Dies in Berkeley Edgar Allen Eaton died recently in Berkeley, Cal., at the age of 71 years. He was active and hale up to a mo ment before his death. Mr. Aaton was an Albany resident, leaving' here in the 80s. He was very well known here and Albany residents of that day will recall his thoughtful pleasantness and his - associations here. Prof, Mutch to. Lecture Friday Professor "Leroy Mutch, eminent scientist and public lecturer will give a lecture atithe Public Library on Friday, Nov. 21 at 8 P, M., on "The Early breakdown of School Children" . Prof. Mutch is an original investi gator of wide reputation and skilled in the subject he presents. The public ia cordially invited to hear him. Butter on Chicago Mart Makes Record CHICAGO. Nor. 17 A. V. The highest butter prices ever known were reached, here today 70 cents a pound for creamery extras, wholesale. The same grade never went above 67 1-2 cent during the war. REV FATHER LANE HELPS CONDUIT SERVICES WITH IRISH LEADER Archbishop Christie Con ducts Midnight Service with Eamonn DeVakra Acting as Altar Boy. RECALLS EPISODE Last Time Famous Envoy From Erin Acted in Like Capacity was in British Prison in Lincoln JaiL Father Lane retaraed fram Ashland this morning where the had beea to accomaaay Arch Bishop Christie ia ceadactiag re ligioaa aervicea yesterday. Fath er Laae had the hoaor to meet PrenideBt Da Valera of the Irish republic both ia Port la ad mmi at " Ana la ad last night as he awed threogh for California. President De Valera stated relative to the Irish flag being removed frora his auto in Portland that he nor hia party had any idee, of placing tha Irish flag on a par with the United States flag and that H waa perfectly, agreeable to. have the flag removed if the public was not satisfied. President De Valera attended amid-' night service in the private chapel of Archbishol Christie' house ' before leaving Portland Sunday morning. The president served the masa and answer ed the prayers aa-altar boy, remark ing that the last time be had sage id in that capacity he was a prisoner in Lincoln jail in England. North Bend Mayor Knocks Out Dentist NORTH BEND, Ore, Nov. 17 Dr. W. J. Phillips, a weliknown dentist at this city, member of the board of edu cation and president of the chamber of commerce sustained a fractured akull and ia now lying in an unconscious and precarious condition at the Merry hospital as a consequence of an alter cation and fistic encounter with Mayor Henry Tisui of this city Friday night. . The altercation resulted from a remonstrance by Mayor Kern against the noise and alleged disorderly con duct of Phillips and his companions due to the apparent effect of t'qaor. ' 7.7721' LIST IS DRAWN FOR DEC, TERM A jury list for the December court term wa drawn today as follows: Cornelius Cox Lacomb. Henry Gerdes, Center. James L. Arnold, Shelburn. G. A. Gefeke, Knor Butte. t - N. H. Cumminga, West Ualsc y. ' Henry Albers, Calapooia. . ' Charles Snider, Sodaville A. C Auderway, Santiam Winifield Churchill .Center. Frederick E. Adams, N.Harrisburg. . Henry Brock, West Halsey. 7 Hieke Ohling, Orleans. O. M. Baker, Kingston. Edward Meeker, Syracuse. Dayton Harris, Foster. Geo C Richard, Knox Butte. ' J. T. Splawn, Holley. Seymour Washburn, S. Lebanon. - J. R. Frady, Peoria. Philip Ritter, Lebanon. W. A. Ewing, North Scio. Jacob M: Knerr, Mill City. Jamea A. Bilyeu, North Scio. " ' William H. McConnel, Sbedd. " Chancey Sickles, Efeast Halacy. Howard B. Jenks, Tangent. J. H. Heseman Rock Creek. John Wesley Ross, S. Browner ill. . Henry Lyons, Albany No 9. Delbert W. Shirley, Tangent Hary A. Stearns, Albany No.