flOo Paci ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER. I. 1I9 Albany Democrat fWM4 at Mm postofflc at Albany, aecood-class matter. W, L. Jaakaaa ' Bah R. Cn.lw Editors Managers DaJljr Babllahad mrj evening cz . Sunday.. Sautwekly pub- gJ w n y a ana r naays KB TABLISHEb IN 186c OMering chances of address , sbecnbere should always Ui f wU aa naw addraaa. ' V SaaaciiMiaa Rataa Dally Ualivcred by carrier, per month ..50c ; S" k earner, per yoar . .5.tHi Mjr mail at and of year 4.50 BymaOia advsnce, per year . .4.00 PHONE 8 HmL, .r rt , : . j 11 w umjra t res Tka Aaaoeiated Preaa is exclusively 1 . for repubUiation f all news dispatches credited to it MM otherwise credited in this pa ' fnd the local news publisfieo All rights of republication ol fP0? dispatchea herein are also re THURSDAY. OCTOBER. 2. 1919 BETTER INSTRUCTION IN WRITING ' A Aftimtw . . , , " ,.- J . ""H" "'traurni 01 scnoois1 In California, who by the way is a woman, appointed a county supervis- 1 or wntiinr. The teachers and par- ; at interested in the schools concern- , fd reaented this appointment at f int. beeausa they felt that it was a re- flAr-f MW nnA l l : l - 7 wr wjr in iutn wru- in waa handled by the local teachers, as weG writing of the children The superintendent hastened to as- hm that no luch reflection wis intended, that the writing of these children is no worse than that of the rrff- better than some. But aba added that- though modern schools may be far in advance of 20 years go, they arc not as thorough in the fundamental essentials as they mirht be, and any appointments to the teach ing force which can help to improve this fault should be welcomed. Any one familiar with the hand writing of school children, wherever located, knows that on the average it worse than poor. The teacher who must handle all the routine work of a school often has little time to per fect herself in the best, methods of teaching the extras, and the writing lesson in most schools accomplishes little. No branch of school work needs the direction of an expert more. ' Anybody can learn to write well, bat how many do? And where does the fault lie? Whether it be California or Maine. or any spot between, a cmmun ty should consider Itself fortunate wh.ch has a superintendent of schools brond enough to see the faults in the school system and set about remedy ing them. INTERNATIONAL ADVKRTISINO Manuel Caipio. from Mexico City, addressing the Associated Advertu inir Chilis of the World at New tlr l.mniL announced that a big advertis ing campaign is going to lie under taken in Mexico. It is inteded to ad vertise the I'mted States to Mexicans. Th. )et thinir alio j t it is that the publicity is going to be directed by no Americans. oui oy ubwbw men. It is an admirable project. The great trouble in Mexico nas been that the Mexicans knew no little about the United Suites and its people. Most of them are densely ignorant. Those ho hnve had access to newspapers and other means of communication have only too often been misled iy propaganda intended to deceive, them and footer their anti-foreign preju dices. A systematic effort to set be fore the Mexican public the facts about our own nation and the spirit and purpose actuating it should have a wholesome effect. International publicity. Indeed. Is the thing most needed today through out the world. Advertising is the best substitute for militarism, and costs it.elciil:ibly less. But it must be advertsiine of th right sort not the kind commonly resorted to. It must it forth, in every country, not the worst features of neighboring and rival countries, but their best fea tures. It is upon such understanding and appreciation of good qualities in indi viduals that amicable social life de pends everywhere. Because it is so much harder for nations to under stand each other thhn. for- neighbors in tnc same town, they must be ex plained to each other. BIBLE STORIES TO BE FILMED BY OREGON MEN wonderful production of "Julius Cae sar at Hollywood, California, in 11117 the greatest outdoor stnire production ever made in the history of the drama. the Pii-sion Play at Oberammcrgau not excepted. J. A. McGill, of Vancouver, Wash ington, is president and general man ager, nnd George K. Reynolds, of Portland, Oregon, is s.vivtary. In this visualisation of the Bibl. text there will be no stars. IHrectm Wells will cast his pictures according to the types called for In the text and he will drnw upon that which is most authoritative in literature and art foe giudance in staging his scenes. The St. James version of the Bi jle will be wed exclusively, but no com mentaries will be consulted except for art's s; ke alone. Gustavo Pore, Tis sot and ths master artists of the mid dle aws will be consulted for details of costuming, furnishings, manners and cu toms of the various periods, and before the finished picture is re leased for exhibition it willJe re viewed by a board cf eminent divines who will pass upon Its authenticity and certify to its freedom from all taint of sectarian bias. 1 The present program of the pro ducers is to make fifty-two pictures cf two reels each, beginning with a spectacular presentation of the Crea tion in talk' tux and ending with the trememvius and sublime vision of John as set forth in Revelation. The Bible from Gene.-is to Revela tion is to be visualized in motion pic tures. The ends of the earth are to see in animated Tine art the events, the peo ple, the enchanted words, and the vis ions of that greatest of all the charm ed books of the world the Bible. The Historical Film Company of America is the official title of the producing company. The director-general of The Histori cal Film Company of America is Ray mond Dells, who won for himself srorld-wide fame as director of that Living Room Suites that are Different - Distinctive -' America is becoming more and more a nation cf better homes and better home furnishings. Perhaps the great war has emphasized the comforts of home. Certainly it has made home mean more to the boys who were jn the service and their parents are anxious to have "home" mean more than ever to them. Quite naturally this has brought a big demand for home furnishings of the better sort and as we make it a practice to have what the people want, you will find our showing of living room furinture both differ ent and distinctive. Fortmiller Furniture Co. ALBANY, OREGON Works at Corvallis Carl Porter of the Ncbergnll mark et went to Corvallis yesterday to work j in the Corvallis market of the com- pany. Business conditions m Corval lis are reported to be much improved sine; the 3000 students landed in the town to attend school. Leaves tor the Eaal Mr. and Mrs. II. li. Ilawtin and lit tle daughter, Katliyln left Inst night for an extended visit with friends and relatives in Chicago. They will also stop at Odgon, Utah, Salt Ike City, Hinsdale, HI., Mr. and Mrs. Ilawtin expect to be gone about three weeks. Make Big Qua by Shrinking Liner. In ntakliif a l'J Ineh sun at an east ern anw:al the liner tube. SO feel Ion u. was finished and rltlcd before being shrunk Into place. Customarily the llo -r Is fine-bored and rltlcd after the sbrlnksre operation, anil this Is declared to be the first lime a gutl of such targe slse ass ever amblrd after the lube was finished. IStpular Mechanics Magaslne. Jchannesburg Now Mttr-poba Jnrtiiiineshurg, with a MiiJattoii nf '.'in.'Tt. Is the largest and hiimi co inopolltmi city In South Ai Hen. The 'astes of the people are vrd. rang ing from the slmpleMt requirements on the part of the natives to the most eulttvnteil wants. Music of some r ta Is one of the means of sntlfiiis tliee snls. MICKIE SAYS iwtt, n otttTitratM- ON MhW o tW 0 AW -W OfVttf . t stv V f a 000. vta eAO-c aAvMoou MeatcvSktvOH V NOV) VUNO M H0 iMO Mil VCHIMIM' Ml. MtCtAt"0t YnTHOUt Vts.VVt' t. MO SLOAN'S LiKlMENT NEVER FAILS W Any m .n or woman who keep It andy will t. 'l Oii that same thine, ESPECIALLY t'x-s.- freo,emt!y attacki'd by rheur .itic twiners. A counter-irritant, Moan's 1 mi mat stutters the congestion an I fVw tritn viiiwi ruSStini to the alucted part sn relieving tre a-re and pain. K.-pt hindy and i:el everywhere for ic!::cicg and finally tlimmatinf the piins and acre's of I rn'iagu, ncariljta. mi.! strain, join stiff tss, sprains. Lruiits, the result of exposure to weat'icr. " Sloan Liniment is sold by all drug . . ... i XtM PacificEmplovrcentCo Help of all kinds Furnished Free to Employers 'Alway at Yoar Service" Responsible, Reliable Phone, Wire or Write. J. P. COXON, Manager 233-325 Bumside St.. Portland. Ore. r Every effort is made to se cure the newest here first, exquisite pnrir?n's are here in the , accepted autumn styles. Luxurious in trimming and rich in materials, our assort ment will please the mort exacting. In Suits, ',' of the new shades Improvements v " CROPS and BUSINESS are GOOD ' Improve your condition by improving your land, by producing better crops, by raising better livestock, by enlarging your business, or by improving fwur property. Call at this bank nd talk K over with the officers or directors; we are ready to assist jqu, and f lwa at your service. Jhe First National Bank , , "OH lid Reliable" ; EQUIPPED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR EVERY BUSINESS AND v . . FINANCIAL WANT The First Savings Bank e. Wr Saving At Safe" . rOUB PEB CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS. FARM LOANS , . , NO COMMISSION Brazilian Red Phaison Brown Dragon Fly Blue Children Coals in the new fabrics. Fetching styles In sizes from 8 years to 14 year. McCall's Fashions for Oc tober ara In. M. Sternberg & Co. Women' Shop Subscribe for Th Democrat Vi SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE Yarns In Knitting .torstcd and Zeypheni, All Colorn, Per Ilall 35c New VICTOR RECORDS for October Come In and Hear Some of thre flood Numbers 1S616 Oh What a 1'al was Mary (Henry Burr) Deor H.-srt (By John Steel) 80c 1S107 tlenerat l'ershincs March, Vctor Band Kepanx Band, March, Conways Band 82c 18.'i97 Sweet H.iwiisn Moonliirht, Duet Hawiian Lullaby, Hart A Shaw 8.c 4",lti (ientle Annie, Merle Alrork Tis All That I Can Say, Merle Alcock II 00 4.-,ir.(U-Our Yesterdays I Klsie Maker) Mil' Little Sunflower, Coodnlfht 11.00 04779 Laddie )' Mine (Frances Ai.la) $l.pt). 64821 Tanso. Violin, (Mischa Klmsn) I1.U0 4C820 La Tro viator, Sempre Libera (Culll Cjrci) $1.1)0 64822 Carmen, Prelude to Act 1 (Orchestra) $1.00 Wood worth Drug Co. BLANKET SPECIALS In Tan, Gray, and White $2.15 to $3.50 Dress Goods Special Ixt of Medium Priced Dretw Coodn, Plain Colors and PlaltU, Per yard $1.25 Rubbers For Men, Women and Children. Can fit anyone. Come in Dr Denton's Sleeping Garment for Children, All Sizes $1.35 Worth's Dept Phone .4 80 Store Wallace Blk. sW.' i . inn rJ t MM a it 1 mm m 'TSM d as Mintiiniaiu mm muLinumnii HflTFI MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE HOTEL In I'ORTLAND Five Minutes From Anywhere IliO and up GARAGE IN CONNECTION Morning Noon or Night CANDIES, Purs and fresh, of GROCERIES of high quality. , T . Splendid shortening in bulk. A our own make. Try our toasted . tpM prK oq eoeoanut sundss, or peclal. brooms. Webster & Barclay THIRD and LYON Pbesw Mil No Tire Test Like This Countless miles on racetrack and speedway. Over 600,000 miles of transcontinental to-jring. Such is the experience behind 1115 OYSTER. SEASON HERE URRB IS NOTBTNO MORf DE LICIOUS than th DalsctabU Blvalv when Properly Prepared. IT'S A REAL TREAT, -.. rTry our OLYMPIA OT8TER8 and CLAMS IMPERIALrCAFE fTTOIRIEffl - i The Most Trustworthy Tires Built Then tlr.-t rvi r. la to tha specifications of BARNEi OLPFIELD, th l.ui.l,.r Li ivi r of the world, and the greatest user of them all. LET US SHOW YOU THESE TIRES Murphy Motor Co. Auction Sale Saturday. October 4 I will sell at Public Auction on th Lettaller place, 2 mile of Mill City, Ore., the following Item: EIGHT HEAD OF CATTLE ONE TEAM OF HOUSES FOUR HOWS THIRTY-FIVE LITTLE PIGS FIFTEEN GOATS Farm implements, F'jrnituro and many other small artlel. Col Ben T. Sudtell, Auctioneer : Nick Topolis OWNER. 422 West First Street