Pure Four ALBART DAILY DBtOCBAT. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST IT, lilt BE A LEADER 'iwtli 4 turn na 4m alia Mmmmi i mtf 1 w Mim-t An immense problem in reconstruction confronts the present generation. Are you doing your utmost to prepare to lead in it solution? .iaauu .KiBiai aw jaw i Oregon Agricultural College Fsnrvsal wsnT vSGetoWfct9 lal taw4 ssawaSttw OSsst pwaaMaVjtQiTet taw vWttssW I how cconomics. AoaicuLTuita. commskcs. romstir. phawacv. music. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. CIVIb BNOINSSRINO. IU1CTRICAL tNOINSBRINO. MECHANICAL SNOINEEHINO. CHEMICAL SNGINIIRtNO. INDUSTRIAL AKIS. minino snoinebbino. loooino engines ma, M1UTARV SCIENCE , Tfc, CoBtejt IrtMnf imMn (miA I KahH. Itwmhi, Art. MuhMMttn Mudiia taws lasia. fkywcal UjcatiM. vataamal Jtwraalaai, NMiail Socacaa. aaS all aHMlia el aa Mmum Three regular terms Fall term begins September 12, 1919 ict, v Pal 0Va Cttiioc Twtrt4 Baaatel ant ataer telnaawa aMrai THE BEGHTRAB. Ora Aaratal CMH Caiaalaa Halaey Visitor W. C. Bass of Halaey who receiv edhis honorable discharge at New port News Va., August 8 was an Al- bany visitor this morning. Mr Basfci was in the Marines and expresses his; appreciation of being back in his home1 stat. textbooks Adopted by State, Commission To Be used This Year in Oregon Public School Occur to 6u. says the Good Judge That it's foolish to put op with an ordinary chew. when it doesn't cost any more to get real tobacco satisfaction. X Every day more men dis cover that a little chew of real good tobacco lasts longer and gives them real contentment. There's nothing like it. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two ttylts RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco , W-B CUT is a long fintcut tobacco r , 4x UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD, LINES NORTH OF ASHLAND jg Outing Places Outing meaaa vacation, change, rest and relaxation of the body, re- i JovcBaUoa and renewal of spirit, invigorating and refreshing the . "j uut. nui piacea are Beamy, summer exeur 1 Joa ticketa are em sale. NEWPORT Season ticketa from Albany UJ&S Weekend ticketa from Albany $185 Corresponding fares from other points. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES: Season ticket! from Albany $9.25 Fares to Near-Kah-Nie, Manzanita and Bayoeean slightly higher. Corresponding fares from other points. DETROIT Season tickets from Albany .. $170 . . , . Corresponding fares from other points. McCREDIE HOT SPRINGS: Season ticketa from Albany $7JS CRATER LAKE: Season tickets from Albany $27.00 16 day tickets from Albany $25.00 ' , ; Corresponding fares from otr points. MARBLE HALLS OF OREGON: Season tickets from Albany .. $13.95 16 day tickets from Albany $I2JJ '' Corresponding fares from other-points. VARIOUS Special fares in effect to Columbia River Beach- 'Mt- Rinier National Park, Shasta Retorts, , Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National ' . - ' Park. , Inquire of TICKET AGENT. ; JOHN M. SCOTT, , General Passenger Agent . i , The fallowinir ia Dm list of the books which were adopted ry the State Text Book Commission at their meeting at the Stata House In Salem oa June g. The members of the Text Book Commission are: Mrs. A. E. lfanhoe, Supt. of Schools of Union County, Oregon; Misa Margaret J. Cbsper, primary school supervisor of Salem: Alfred C. Schmltt. banker. Al- r-kny; Harrison G. Piatt, attorney, Portland; r . A, Tiedjen, superintend ent of schools, Marshfield. The books adopted cover all the subjects that are taught in the schools of Oregon, and no on pupil will use all these books, out only those that are necessary for the particular course of study Which he pursue. From actual Investigation, State Su perintendent cnurcnill has round that fi costs the average pupil $1.10 per year for the purchase of his books While in the grades. Some of the books are merely rec ommended for ass on the part of the scholars, and kome are to be purchas ed by the districts for the uae of the school as a whole: . .Grammar Grades ' . Agriculture uavis, -Productive Farming," J. a : Lippwcott Co., publishers. ' Arithmetic """ Hamilton, "Essentials of Alrtk.tl. Vx2-600 t?rl? American Book Co. Curus. "Standard Practice Texta in ; nnuwiKic- world Book Co. , . Civil Government i x !:c,mny Civics," Al. m uwva, , Drawing "Industrial ajd'AppKed Xrt Boas' Atkinson, Mentxer Co. recommended Tor user Terpen tei,' flaWaaPTaa tA m Tarr A Mclftunrv. MN-W riii-L ' Q 2 book wr The McMilUn ? iv I a... X " v Z2 "nom Geography for T.Mi:LT-u,,ae" - Educational IjL "Kt0ri" 0f Amerlc HUtory,". Gordy, "American Beeinnin !- v.. rope- Scribnera. ' Mace, "School Historv . 1910 -J;.: -Rrand. MeNally Co. Mosie "Ogressive Musie Burdette Co. Series Silver, PhvaiAlnw Winslow, "Healthy Livilur -S book Book of the Teeth," World Book Co. "Keep-Well Stories," pippin cult. Reading Fassett, "Beacon Method of Reading,' Primer and First Reader, Ginn Co. Basal Readers; Natural Method Readers, First Five Uradee Scrib- nera. Baker and Thorndyka, Readera for em. 7tn and Hth grades McMillan, suppiemenury Header: Young and Field Literary Readers, Ginn Co, Free and Treadwell Readera Row, rmnon at vo. Merrill Readera (7 books) Merrill Riverside Readera Houghton, Mif flln Co. Recommended for supplemental read' Ing: Hartley, "For the Chlldren-s Hour." Books 1, x and 5 Milton. Snallinv -New World Speller" J book series. World Book Co. . 't necomnenaea: -rnonetie Speller," 1st and id grades, Akain, "Word atastery,--j-rlouhton Mifflin Co. renmanahip Palmer System complete A. P, Palmer Co, tfj.- DkUonariea " ! ElomenUry School DVtfonary, Web- mm American Book Uo. iiecondary School Dictionary, Web- ater American Book Co. High School Ainicultura Waters, "Esxentiala of Agriculture" juu at co. Civfra 1 Reed, "Form and Funcrlona of Am.r. "- uvnmmim-world oook Co. Miner ' HweU, "Principles df Book- mputg,- o oooks Ginn Co. . - StentreaJ- , regg -Shorthand Man-jal." Rn. Publishing Co. . vngf bptvl Studies," Cregg Co. D , Jlwruing ..m.mvM, ivpewr.Ung-Gr.gg Co. w 17... """KWMWQ -rFwrrt ,-wrfUen and Ru ass 1 orZ' Thn. "-Scott, JJr Hand Ward. "Wh. i- p",rer0nl IForeaman i rU ."'K",n r. English."H. M S-.r ."" Mahoney, "SUnda'rda in En,n.k- Warl.l . R,k series Chas - T. M.mli Kecommended, foe -uiuat. i C, r ll t a . S i . al. literature - . Long's "Enirliah h i. Overlaftd STAGE LINE Albany, Corvallia and Lebanon DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Albany Leave Corvallia Leave Albany . . Leave Lebanon Leave Albany . Leave Corvallia . 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. . 1:00 p. m. . 2:30 p.m. . 3:40 p.m.. . 4:40 p.m. Arrive Corvallia ', Arrive Albany .. Arrive Lebanon Arrive Albany . Arrive Corvallia Arrive Albany . . . 8:40 a.m. 10:40 a.m. . 2:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.' . 420 p.m. . 6:20 p.m. Albany St Francis Hotel LEAVING POINTS ' Corvallia CorVallia otel H FARE 50c Lebanon Hotel Put Up Every Pound of Fruit You Can Get This Summer DtliciottM Jam, JMit and Ptm mrvw$ mad by thtj reclpt: Many a womnn hesitates to try pulling up fruit et home. She fetus she will only wnstc expenaivo materials. It rcnlly is very simple. Just make yrur preserving syrup with i Kara (Rvri L. ol) and sugar Instead cf sugar n.'c.nc. You can then he t.i sure cf ytivr wits ns the woman who alwuys l;ns "1'io.c' ii!i her preserving. Nice fine, clear Kara Syrup hr.s n naturul nffinity for the fruit juirt-t. It Mcik-.s the sugar with the juice bruifts out the rich ' fruity" flavor, and insures firm ju:r.s and jellies that never "candy" in the nlnss. A well-filled fruit pantry will give you much pleasure this winter, when fresh fruits are scarce and high, if you just use ICaro Syrup with your sugar. ? For Cooking, Halting and Candy Making !Oro (Fed Label) is used in millions u( hemes. In ad cooking and baking I cc i use Karo inatcud ol sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor, and brinks out the natural flavor of the food. FRFF IVeerrvtne is raay when you have . -- he siaty ei(ltt paC Coco Products Cock Bot4i hasxly. Wandeclu. rerlpce asy In . follow. Uraullful llluatratloni. Write us to.Uy fr It. It i Urr. CORN PRODUCTS REFINING COMPANY m rwa em Use k Kit (red label) - and 72 sugar Makes be rPecft jamsjeLUes and preserves. & Ji Nlj1! ,J, ; . American Literature Payne, "American Literary Readings, I ' Wltn introduction History or Amer ican Literature," Rand, MeNally A I Co. French . ; The New 'Chardenal French Course," I Allyn A Bacon. DeMonvert, "La Belle- France," 1 Allyn A Bacon. Talbot. "U Francais et SaPatrie," j B. H. Sanborn A Co. 1 Ancient History Breasted, "Ancient Times," Ginn Co. - Medieval and Modern History Robinson, "Medieval and Modern limes," (revised ediUon, with sup- plement) Ginn A Co. English History Cheyney, "Short History of England." (revised edition) Ginn A Co. American HUtory Kite, "History of the United States" IsY-nry Holt A Co. Home Economics, Domestic Science Bailey, "Domestic Science," (begin ner's book) Webb Publishing Co. Wellman, "Food S dy," - (advanced book) Little, Drown A Co. Inc. Household Administrate 1 Tabor, "Bminess of the Household" J. B. Llpplncott Co. Baldt, "Clothing for Women," J. B. Lippincott Co. Latin Smith, "Latin Lessons," Allyn A Bacon. Kelsey, "Caesar's Commentaries." - Allyn A Uaeon. Gunnison A liarli-y, "Cicero's Ora tions" Sliver, Uurdett A Co. I airclouKh A Brown, "Virgil" (books IS) U. II. Hankom A Co. Ilvnnett "Naw Latin Grammar," Allyn A llacon. Manual training "i'rrvocaUonal and Incluatrinl Art" Atkinson, Mentxer A Co. "Trade Foundations Based on Produc ing Iruluntrle.." Ony M. Jones Co. Algebra Wells A Hart "Now High School Al pehra," Oregon t.lltlon I). C. Heath A Co. Higher Arithmetic (Continued on Page tii'se) WANTED Oats, Wheat, Vetch Clover Seed We will handle Oats in carload lota at any point. Get our prices. M. Senders & Co. INCORPORATED The Electric Range Has Come to Stay It Is no longer an experiment. Good housekeeping 'Institute has tested and approved this range Which produces clean heat, eonven switch " " ,rv,nt ""ponding instantly to the turn of RP, ur snd we will be glad to show you the many at tractive features of an Electric range. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. MimMrtMmtllfsf1'linnilMeasessau , 111 nmwnnn n.lMn,i.,.,.n.n,-iT-rT affiiiiiiiiiriiMTO lVMt-riW 31-111 lA'J JITTrl . Tho att-yoap-round soft drink. Leadetship.once ostablhhod, is strengthened and confirmed by lis followers and imitators Beyos leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear guard that ever followed a leader. Sold everywhere- Families tunplUd by tjrocvr.drulst and 4aler. Visitors r ordll(y invited to Irttptci our pUnf. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ' ST.LOUIS i nrumi:itT & Mot h, WSotoaila DIMrlhalnni I'llH Tt-AKU. OHS. Stnr Transfer Co., Dellrarv Arm AI.RANV. OUR, L ; if ' lit! I ,tinfllli:itHtil.iii:t.f,t-r.t.t,tj.1T1,;1T THIRD AND LYON 8TS. PHONB IS