Pire 1W ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. FRIIMY. .MIV 4 it ; J i Albany Daily Democrat Entered at the Postofflce at Albany, Oregon, as chss matter. second ly. L..JACKSON and RALPH R. CRONISb Editors and Managers Dally published every evening except Sunday. ly published Tuesdays and F ridays. Semiweek- BUSINESS MATTER In ordoriue changes of address, subscribers should al ways give Old as well as New address. Established I n 1865 FRirAY, .VLT 4, 1919 READ THB COVENANT nun Sine th League of Nations hat unfortunately become the subject of bitter partisan controversy, it ia dif ficult for any newipaper to discuss the subject without being suspected of undo influence of aome sort This aewspa;.er iray be pardon!, there fore, for simply reprinting without comment an editorial suggestion made by a big publication that U generally eonaidered intelligent, non partisan and genuinely American the Saturday Evening Poet The ed itorial appeari in but week'a Post, and is entitled "Follow Yoar Nose.' It lays, in part: The official text of the Constitu tion of the League of Nations haa Doblisbed by every unponani newspaper ia the United States. Get that official text and read it for your self, with plain horse sense. Yon will then see what ground then ia for these senatorial bogeys. It does not destroy the sovereignty of the United States. It does not and cannot infringe the Constitution of the United States, for that cannot be changed in any respect except in the manner which itself prescribes. It does not put our army and navy at the arbitrary disposal of anybody. It does not in the least restrict our free dom to protect ourselves from at tack by Mexico or any other stato. It does not leave us helpless to de termine our own immigration policy. "Any possible federation of nations must be essentially like a partnership among, individuals. "If the United States is going to assume that it can trust nothing at all to the good faith and common hon esty of any of its prospective part ners in the Leagoe, or to their desire for friendly relations with os, tnen any league ia out of the question. If we can take no chance on internation al friendshtn we must turn Timmiul to competitive armaments, with a .million men and equipment re.... fi instant call and a billion a year for the navy. That ia the choice before us. "It ia the most important question before the country and the world. It win be extensively debated. Picking ana magnuying them is to tx-osrpected.- Keep the official texta and Mr. Farmer Wa are now selecting our Seed Grain stock for next year from the growing crop. If you bav a choice tract of Barley, Wheat, Oata, Rye, Mil let, Spelts or any grain, please phone us. Wa will call and ex amine the grain and contract with yon for the crop W will pay a lubttantial prem ium above the pric of grain, whatever that price may be at the time you ears to maka set tlement. . Call us up. MURPHY'S Seed Store read them over for yourself, with plain horse sense, not of course for getting that the sincerity of the sig natory powers is the essence of the contract. -H!!l If there is anything in experience, the Germans ought to be able to qualify as expert cabinetmakers be fore long. alines in Mexico are timbered with rosewood, and mahogany ia so com mon that it ia used for fuel Wore the Germans joaloia of the Salvation Army, that they turned all tnrir wurships into sinkers? Lumber Mills Krfuaing Orders Producers of west coast lumber are over-sold. Orders hnve- exceeded pro duction for the past two months. Mil! stocks are depleted. Physical condi tions of manufacturing properties ni cessitate such extensive repairs dur ing July and August thnt heavily re stricted Immediate production is cer tain. Notwithstanding the heavy volume of business booked and offering, the industry, as a whole, is not prosper ous. Costs, held somewhat in cheek on a high level, through government al regulation during war times, are again showing disposition to pyra mid. The composite cost statement of 40 representative mills for the nonth'of April, shows that the pro diction of a thousand feet of lum ber cost $-'1.54. The composite sales report of the same mills indicate a return of $20.68 per thousand feet, or, considering the bulk of the indus- j try, a losa of Sfie nn every thousand leet or lumber inanuiiicturetl during the month of April. The condition of the lumber indus try shows that there is no likelihood of S'jmber being cheaper in the near future. Steel has advanced and cop. per Is advancing. The man who now was evidenced this morning when holds up building operations await- three carload of people runipsttiig or lug a drop in prices, haa a long wait ahead. NOTICH To ladiee of the . A. R.-Would li'.o all to lie on hand at the arm ory at 0 o'clock a. in. the Fourth, as the parade will sOirt al 1" ocio. sharp. Tare will be furnished. , JyS MIIS. Jr.NNlr. c-maii-. President. more limn 1'iki arrived ami perimps a.Wcrul times that nuinlier cunie in private conveyances duriiiK tlie day to assist in celchrating and extending a royul welcome to the returned soldiers. Colorado 1-ok.o lViiK Colorado l ake is another new re ...... i.-...i m the mini today which is in tt river from Albany some-1 where near Corvn lis. A hi dunce was stuped for t day and this eve ning. OrcKtn K.lectrlc II;-I I The Oregon Klei trie contributed its pirt today in cole', rating hy bringing , a Urge iiuiiiIht of people from tho i various stations Iwth not lb and south 1 of the Huh City. j Cornier l.inn Coun'y People Here j Mr. nod Mrs. do. K.lkius of Port bind, former 1 .inn c.mnly people, were in the city today from Porlltind to cdebrnte with old aeituuintiinces. , Mr. Klkins is in the shipyards at Port- ! bind and wus anions tho number of ' U'.omi who walked out on u strike at ! -1 :4o lata evening. 'IrownsvilUl Shopper Mrs. C. J. Wells of liruwnavillc iv ,i iti Attnny shopper yesterday. A . r.-. Well., 'is i daughter of one of t . firt set. Its of l.inn county, Mu"s oom-.hii, who took up a do ra'i'Mi Und ebimi north of Browns ville. "' J ' i i.eoralea at llralil Wesley tlukley of mar Muinmi w... an Alluinv visitor yesterday on his way to drain to visit with Ills family and cclel.rntii the Fourth of July. ;,o. Howe Here lira. 1.. llowo of the fisjn of Howe Krolh-rs of lliownsvilln arrived in I ho city last night to celebrate the Fourth. Mr. and Mia. Howe and nephew will start Monday for a trip to Hauler Park ami from there to ( latsnp lleach. Mr. Howe has per haps visited more places of nnl iral .ttid historic interest In tho I'nited J -A- 3 ASi 1 S I1'" , . t" - - --ass HOTEL MOST COMKORTAIIt.K AND liOMKMKK IIOTKL In POItTI.ANII Kite Minutes From Anywhere fl.50 and up Slates than any man In the county, having made seven, trips over the tlni'ed Slates and parts of Canudu. f Your" ii-'-t W lrneyit -V. f le (TO-NIGHT-l Tomorrow Alrltrht I APIKK Jl'LY 5 Dr. Harry Bancroft of the IIANCHOrT OPTICAL CO. of Salem snd Albany Will le Hrniani-iitly located at 311 r'lrat Street. In Albany, next to Western Union Office. II j Loyal to Hub Cllv j G ABACK IN CONNKITION II 1 rv TfjH That Lebanon an I P.ronvillo and 1 1' ' J ! vv points are loy d to tbe II lb City ' " " . spEa u? m pR8pE,iii( f mn jp?iffe 1 1 i "COSTS I.KSS TASTES UKST" NUTMARGARINE is a pure, wholesome and nutritious product a delicious spread for toast, bread and biscuits, and fine for cakes and pastry. The rich oil from the meat of the cocoanut, churned with a generous Quantity of Dure pasteurized, sweet milk and- just enough salt that's "UMECO." a Pacific Northwest Product strictly a Quality Product packed in paraffined odor-proof cartons. Your Grocer can supply you. SSI - - CSS I n: Union Meat Co North Portland, Oregon. TAKE NOTICE i r INVESTIGATE Call your earest dealer for information a t nx!rv TSon tVa tha arlbst oriBortunitv of conveying to said dealer the idea that you wish to acquire one of these LABOR SAVERS A Gaaolint Motor Driven Drag Saw Machine that saws up to 26 cords of wood per day. This Has Tslks Uke It Was a Fere. Hood River, Or Bouts, Mar. 4. Veogoan Motor Works, Portland, Oregon. Dear Sirs: Am having floe suc cess with tb tittle old bog. Aver sg tea ricks to galloo of gas; al so cut 300 ricks st 4 1-Mc coat per rick. Going some for so old riff. Respectfully yours, J. J. KKCNKMACHKU. NOTE : We also suggest that for good results you should specify a VAUGHAN Drag Saw. For further details address VAUGIIAN MOTOR WORKS, Inc., 475 East Main Street Portland, Oregon. 'i':'";-5 7 ' ' if" ' t, :V-"a;:js'w m':-:si' ' Sam Lifts 8 m i Is Try a Classified Ad Tomorrow Til? Ki n of fiood (iualitr INSIST L'lTN Golden Rod Cereals They are the perf.i-i.ion of ex perienced milling crce'Ient in quality and the product of a Home Industry. 'II MILLING CO. Cereal Millers and Poultry Food Manufacturers Portland - Oret-on Most housewives Prefer Crown Flour lieroi-se it ia always dependable; not irood one time nnd poor the next, hut ALWAYS (fowl- Crown Flour is as near right as the host whent, modern machin ery nnd expert milling know ledge can make It Every household should use this splendid flour. A trinl will convince you. Not Bleached It Pays to Buy the Best Ask for Olympic Flour Makes Whitest, Sweetest, Healthiest Bread IX. - mill p.v oi.vMi-ir Makes Health Happiness and Success Made from carefully selected Northwestern Wheat, thoroughly cleaned and scoured by the moat modern meth ods known. All the nutritious qualities of the Wheat are retained and it reaches you clean, pure and wholesome. - The Portland Flouring Mills Co. eassfeswbsfa Li flapjackt ,mmmm MalllMassBSBSBsaakLaBaBWSJLl Democrat Classifieds Obtain Results