I'te Four Albany Daily Democrat. Friday. May 2. 1919. H X H X H X H X H X H X H COVERALLS Rotf. U.S.Pat. Off. Is our Registered and Common-law Trade-Mark and can only be right fully used on goods made by us. Should any dealer try to sell you any garment for children I to 8 years of age under the KOVERALLS name you may be sure that he has an in ferior article he is trying to sell on KOVERALLS reputation. Unlet made by LEVI STRAUSS & CO. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen n-12 the Suit FREEi A New Suit KOVERALLS art and 0.(7 by Levi Slrauts & Co.. Saa Ffaa ci.co sod KOVERALLS RE6. U.S. PAT. Off. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. san rPAKisco. cal HZHZHZHZHZHXHZHXHZHZHXIZHZH H Z Hamiltons In our BOYS' SECTION you will find a good stock of the Genuine-- KOVERALLS just as advertised above. We have the principal and most popular styles, all sizes. Hamiltons' x H X H X H X H X H X H X H THE DIGNITY AND WORTH OF MAN lly Rev. Hiram Smith Gon. 1:2.1-28; 2:7-; F.ph. 4:20-24. t Cm. 1 2(1 Anil God said, Let us make man in our imam, after our likeness: and lot thorn have dominion over the fiah of the am, and over thk fowl of the air. and over the rattle, t and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepetr upon tl earth. I 27 So God rreatetl man in hia own image, In the Image of God rreatetl He (him; male and female created He ! them. j 28 And God bleaaed them, and God ( said unto them, Be fruitful, and mul I tiply. and replenish the earth, and j subdue it: and have dominion over the fiah of the aea, and the fowl of the j air, and over every living thing that movem upon me earui. 2:7 and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breath ed into hia nostrils the brvath of life; and man became a living soul. 8 And the Lord God planted a gar den eastward in Kden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the grouTi made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the flight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of know ledge of good and evil. Eph. 4:20 But ye have not So learn ed Christ. 21 If so be that ye have heard Him, and have been taught by Him, as the truth ia in Jesus: 1 22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the de ceitful lusts; 23 and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 and that ye put on the new man. which after God la created In right eousness and true holiness. Introduction A we study man today we should try and find what the Bible tells us concerning His creation. Men treat each other as though man waa the cheapest thing on earth. War's de struction seems to place a low estim ate on life. Many live as though they consider themselves nothing. But God EHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXH.HXHX 3- 33 - 3 j MOST COMFORTABLE AND HOMELIKE HOTEL in PORTLAND Fire Minutes From Anywhere $1.50 and up GARAGE IN CONNECTION L HOTEL Three Days Only EARL B. DAY MOTOR CO. Distributors of the NASH CARS AND TRUCKS W ill have on display at their salesroom a cutaway chassis of the much-talked of NASlI SIX showing the internal workings of the motor and Rears. Come in and see the construction of this famous Car. THREE DAYS ONLY Friday, Saturday and Sunday the lower part of his being, an the hit Creator, that He gave His only Home for Hummer spiritual the higher part; and that son to restore man to his rightful dig-! Seth T. French returned home last the lower is at enmity with the higher; nity. Through Jrsus Christ the lower evening from I'ortland where he has hence the need of responsibility to nature ia brought under subjection, tx-en attending th PeKeyser tnstt- keep a proper balance between thrm. and the higher ia built up through the tute of Optometry. The school has To bring this about, reference is made acceptance of His truth. A glurious closed for the summer vacation and to a garden in which are to be found blessedness it is which God has be- will not open again until September, r lifa .fwl .ltti In thi. .i. atnwrd linan man! vet la il not a .a,l at which tim. Mr t'mneh will Mlnm teaches u, that He made man In His n,,,. God plllced m,n in , po. ,, ml h, r..U so miserably the and finish his course. sition to exercise his best thought and character of his Maker? why not ac- . Judgment in things that pertain to cept I hrtst ami let llim make you life and death. Being made In the new that you may reflect Ilia like likeness of God hits made man a ruler nessT IflUHgiHf: over his own destiny. This means &.i. ,ri 'Zjtr. -----X.' J y? I !1 ELECTRIC COOKING IS SIMPLEST AND BEST ELECTRIC RANGES are SO SIMPLE AND EASY to operate that good cooking becomes second nature to the novice and a pleasure and delight to all. THEY CONSERVE FOOD BY ELIMINATING SPOILAGE and shrinkage. You ought to have one In your home. I'ecide to have one today, purchasing on our WHOLE YEAR 70 PAY PLAN Call nt our office or telephone 15. MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. Third and Lyon own image, that He breathed into him the breath of life, and that when man fell, Jesus came to redeem him. I. A Ruler in the Image of God (Gen. 1:26-28) Gcd has assigned a dignified posi tion to man in creating him after his own likeness. The very idea of God is creation and dominion. Being cre ated after the image of God man be comes a maker and ruler. Let us see what the text says, and whether the Scripture statement are borne out by human experience. In the last period of creation God said: "Let us make man in our own image," and "Let him have dominion and pow er" over everything that had been cre ated during the several pertwTs of creation. The two ideas contained I here are likeness and power, or domin I ion. To be made in the likeness of God seems to mean that Man's sphere of action is that of possession and j rule. His authority and rule is to , cover everything God has mink from the greatest to the smallest. III be ing in the image of God means fur ither that he is not only to have domin ion, but also to be fruitful and make fruitful all things under hia over sight. In his subduing process he Is to make things most serviceable. Has man made good and reflected honor to the image in which he hns been created ? The sequel shows that he has not. II. In the Likenens of God Made Hr. sponsible (Gen. 2:7-9) In this text we learn that God made man one pm-t physical and the other part spiritual. Paul calls the physiciil that the gift of freedom haa been giv en him which opens up to him a do minion of the highest possible type. Through this moral responsibility the roodncss of life is made possible. III. A New Man In Chrial Jeau.. (F.ph. 4:20-24) Being made In the likeness of God to have the dominion over all things created, and to exercise a moral re sponsibility in all things, is certainly a godlike sphere of action. Man seem ed to be too immature to occupy that exalted position without danger of falling. He went wrong at the point of his freedom to choose between the right and wrong. His likeness to God Crossed Arctic to Help Red Cross. Mnny strange things hnpH-n In the course of Ited Crs activities, and not a few occur In that must versa tile territory. Aln.ka. The office of the Nurthwe.t illvlalon of the Ited CruMi was mildly surprised recently when Mrs. Hophln HciIummhI of 'olan. AtnNkn. walked In anil turned over -is) as the prix-eeiU from the auctioning of a sweater she had knit for the Ited j Cro. This statement Itself Is only of pn- 1 tng Interest Mr!in.. but take your map nf Alnka nod ynu wilt locate Nolan well within the urctlc circle, he- ' twi-en the sixty-seventh nud sixty- eighth parallel.. Mrs. llcihnoiiil. who t U the only while woman at Nolan, left Mcame marred at mat point, tie ,r, aiiku-i Hi. iniiJiltig to Hetties, reeded to be made new to reflect prop- i 7U mill nay. From there she Kent erly the image in which God made, to Nulam by river boat, a Journey of him. ntmn.i miles. There .he hoarded God is rnnrerne.1 th..t n,.n , Yukon river steamer to miillei-l with enjoy full measure of his likeness to HAVE YOU I.O.ST, will the pas.lng years, that splendid eyesight of youth which could Instantly adjust Its vision from near to far? All of these eyeglass Imonvaniencea mo completely remedied by wearing KRYPTOKS (pronounced ( rip lock. ) E. 1 tlit oci'tm t.ntiiili fur Htiiitl(. C. MEADK Opt mt-trist NEBERGALL'S aturday Specials Order Early and Save Money on these Choice, Wholesome Government In spected Meats. T OCAL PAYROLLS dis-- tribute money in a com munity just as "local rains" distribute moisture. You can't Ret away from it because it i true. Every time you favor local products in your buying you are doing YOUR PART to help along this local distri bution of money. Howl iNDurrsr Liaoui rfOitooM Beef Specials Pot Roasts Beef Boils Baby Beef Pot Roasts Baby Beef Boils Pork Liver . Smoked Salmon 18c and 20c 15c and 18c 18c and 20c 15c and 18c 5c 15c Compare these prices with Specials in tonight's Portland Papers and note the umciciites. i Phone 47