ALBAXT DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, APRIL 11. ltll PAOB The First National Bank OK AI.IIANV. OKKCO.N "Old and liabl" Aflilialrd Willi N The First Savings Bank "When. Havlii Are Kefa" I ier cent lulpn-at ui. tnvinua. Hi'iil Kitnto l.oaii- no commission. Tim f.illuwliiK nr Hi ulllcrr mul iltiwlur. The a.lvlr and helpful coun sel uf tl'v ucceaful busiiirsa men ia yuura fo.' tha Making. Mil. H. K. YOUNO, pirwlur and President (Caiilllat). MR. A. C. HCIIMITT. IHrertur and VU. 1'reeid.nt. J, ('. 1I1VINK, Caahlrr. UK. W. II. (iOl.TltA, lUrn-lur Cuiltnllal. UK. J. I. WAIt.ACK, Dlro-Mr ( Physician). UI. M. MKNOKIIN, Olrntur (drain Healer). Hit. W. A. IIAIUtKTT. Kirxtc.r (Implement Under). Mil. P. A. UOOPWIN. Mrwlor (Manner .tlhaiiy "urnltur Mtg. Co). )RRRRRRRRRRf CLASSIFIED For Sale I .K S.M.K- Ford touring f.n- dcrs. running boanls. all recently, imltiled; l"p. 2 piece windshield, slile l.i'i'pa, brass finished radiator, hood. Henry r'ish. phone MAR. 910 KOI! iAI.K- Irrigated land. Any an.'iunl v. sulci Will raise anything Ihut will grow in Northwest, (lood trsnspnrtatiun to land. Kay tonus. lAiid selling fust. Hie K II. Dove, North Main. Hoine phone l-'H.'. Osl'J KOIt SAI.K-1VI7 Kurd touring rar, liew tiers, in good condition. Price :IM. ANo a delivery Unly fur Kurd roadster. He II. A. Su-urnn at C. J. Ilrirr Snuiple Htore or call Ibmie phone MM".!. 1114 Knit SAI.K -7 year-old mare, weight r.'(K) lbs. M. K. Ilrennemnn, Home phone a.'.L'ii. Ilal4 KOK RAI.K 8 room houe, full lot and bam. Street i'liprovament and walks all in and paid for. Amelia Zimmerman, 3JI Kast 7th. ainiA ItAKCAIN in sreund hand 30x3 auto tire, full t Pacific Carage, Al bany. 1U12 KlK SAI.K-O. A. C Burred Rock Yir from selected stock )l per 15. Kgvlaying strain variety. Mr. A M lloner. 1232 Front St., Albny, Oregon. I"'" KOIt HAI.K- I spring tooth hsrrow, 2 section? and Molln Tractor with plows, all complete. C. R. Kennell, 432 I.yon St. 1S-8 FOR SALE 1 Samson tractor In good condition, at bargain. Also on S bottom ngln gang plow. Murphy A Harold. m29tf FOR SALE Falrbank Mor t hont stationary engine. Practically new. Call Crawford" C.arng or A. H. Mullrr, Hell phone. m.'tftf CAR IIAKRAINS 1!M. Maxwell. Al condition, $7fi0. l'.Ufl Maxwell, all 0. K., t"U0. At Waldo Anderson & Bon. mlHtf SP1RKI.I.A CORSKTIERE Nw Knrlnir stvlea hav arrived. Have your new corsiit made to order Only corset having gold mednl. Call Mra. W. D. Newton. Kth A Geary St. Home phon 24H4. mlHslH CAR SNAPS 1018 Doilge, 1917 Chev rolet, 1918 Chevrolet. 8 good uod Bulrk. 2 Ford dellverle. S ford touring. Murphy Motor Co., 324 8. Brodalbln. m25tf Misccllaneius. HEMSTITCHING 12 He Per yrd, thread furnished. Bell phono 4;2R. Su Breckenridge. 833 W. 2d St UAnll I A 11' ror ium-vure nu household goods. See us nefors you sell. Albny Furnltur Exchange I DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS ' irrrr-- , cfOODNtriS' 6,'RACIOUS iAKES ' lOMrT herul i?vV'SN""r ,r -'HBAT . WHAT 5 that) I i rHoyH-r vow . "i ( vow some thin i K.1 tAt" othc " avo V so "- J a. . house an hs V CUtta' T- ' taw? V HOW uUvini; r I'M qiAD I N f wJ2' vvTi ro do I T,tyj '' r " "" " - - BUSINESS 41&-417 West 1st 8 BoU, phones WANTK, TO KKNT-Klv. or room .nBjrrn hou.. fun,i.l,l f.n I 01 4U.U. lis 12 FOR RKNT--6 room nioilern house and bath, aement bsaement, 4A Hill St. Call at l4il K. 4th or Home phune 1472 for information. Ilal4 WfiODSAWING Call 8. H. Rridger. Hell phone 84r,R. ltesidrnc 124 W 0th Ht Office with E. R. Cummlnc. rBtf WANTED 3 men to board selves and work In hopyard. Sternly work most all summer. Furnish wood free also small rabir. If located at our. Customary wage. Cn ue women sum of 'ha time. Phone Reil. J. A. Scvey. 712 FOR SAI.K Olt KXCHANCK-li'.r, acres, nU acre fine bottom land, 75 acres seeded to lam grass, 10 acres tindier, good 6 room house, S good barns, family orchard. Price $10,000 will tnl.e a good house and lot on this, llttl reh and long time on at 6 par rent. HO arrea all tillable and level land, 6 room house, barn 2ax35, fumily or chanl, on county road 1 mile from O. P.. Station, price $ii& per acre in cludirg 7 head cattle, 3 horses, 11 hogs, 25 chickens, farm tools and somi crop and feed. Will take a am ill place in on this. 10 seres in North Albany, good lm- firovements and lot of fruit, fine oration, will trade for a residence in Albany. Good resilience close in to trade for a place further out. We ran get a good trude on this. I1A acre, fine farm, (oration Is good and good Improvement! will accept a tiO- or 80-acr farm on thia and the bal. easy terms. HoHirh 4 Hornlxrk, 130 West First St. NOT WANTED Mr. W. T. C.rey wishes to announce to the public that she I out of th weaving bus iness. Mr. W. T. Carey. 7al4 WORK WANTED Neat, respectable girl, 24, wishes nice place to work. 2S. No washing. Box 484, Leb. anon. 7al2 RUGS AND CARPET WEAVING Work atisfnctory ind cheap. Min nie Smith Mills, 426 Denver Street 7a.2 WANTED A lady cnvaf who cn sell who will work for IS per day and percentage. State xper ienc. Writ Mr. Harri. car Democrat. U14 WAN'! FD TO RENT Five or t room modern house. Cull 269 or 403J. 10al2 FOR SALE Early Yellow Dent teed corn, home grown. Less than BO lb. 'ots r per lb. and over 80 lbs., 7c per lli. delivered. E. A. Cham- Ler. it. Bell phon 22F2. alOmlO on CITY NEWS Hill, To Hint al Churrn At tha Numlay evening service in Ilia Methodist church Miaa Krsnces Wihuid will iIiik "Tha Huul'a Awak .; ; with oriran accompaniment hy i.ur il ikKruf, violin obligate by IVC William and piano compnl uienl ly Mini Kvrlyn llonnatt. AulMuoh'lr, Truck and Tractor Kale WnMo .Widersnn A Hon report the! rniiov. in ircent sales of Maswell ; ui. .Vri. A. Mitchell, Dan Kay, William f tttra and W. I). Montjrom- ery of Albany. Muxwell trucks to Verd rVc. a ul Ibanon, W. A. State of Til ifriil. Case tractor to Kluer V Illinois o' N'i'rth Albany and a Wa. ti'iliHj lioj tnrt,.f to Cleve Prother Puma ' Uta. t DIRICTORY FOR IIOYAt, TYPEWR1TKRS Writ to Kiaham & Wai j, Contailis. Oregon. A genu for UiU county! r;:si WANTF.D Set of heavy harness lightly used. Must be good and price reasonable. John W. Motley, It F. D. 'I. Hell phone 2F42, PIANO WANTKD I-t us give you our rash prir on your used piano. Chambers Music House, 100 W. 2nd 12 I T T . . I , 1 1 1 I . ni "' " ' none , Id II 1UKK. 7al2 MF.N WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER MILLS 42c HOUR. 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. F. T. BAR LOW AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FLOM OREGON CITY. CLEAN REDS 20c NIGHT; BEST MEALS 35c. 230 I OK ItrJYi - Furnished hous. In quire of W. F. Pfelffor. a9tf RUSINESS DIRECTORY ri S SURETY BONDS K. V. SOX Fire, Casualty and Automobile In surance. Real Kstaw. 2H First National Bank Building fKDEKAL FARM LOANS , A!i Per Cent Interest A. C BOHRNSIF.DT 401 Masonic Temple, F.alvm, Oregon i az2tf Real Estate, Insurance and Money tu Loan H. F. MF-KHILL Insurance, Loan, sUirety 3ond Special attention atvca to car of 'ropertv belonging to non-resident. Room No. 1 second floor. First Sav ing Bank Building, Aloany, Oregon. J. V. P1PU Bargain in Farm Land and City propertv Insurarce, Money to Loan op Good rtrnis at 6 per cent DR. GEOPGE J. KENAGY Chiropractor First Na'ionsl Bank Building dltf E. MER C CIPB Chlroprctor Nature csnn. '. cur disease antes the causa I vemeved. Chiropractic sdjustnients remove the cause. Room A. 7, 8. '0. Cuaick bank Bldg. CHAS. A. HUNT Violinist and Teacher Horn pnone 417. Studio S33 Jeffer aon Street m6tf K. li. Mall Clerk W J. ftovwa and family, forrnar clt l:rns of Albany, , 'sited frianda her today on their way to Sodavllla to vitt Vr: Covro'a parents, Mr. and Mra J. P. Riycc. Mr. Govro la a nail clerx on tha i.vl from Portland in Corvullls. Mra. Khedd of Hhedd Mr. K. W. Khedd of Hhedd, form ally liifi Bark, a firat class arhool Uarhrr of 10 years' experience, trans acted I -isiness in th city today. Thi Is, tlie first year for th last 18 that J ci ii u i .i Mn,. hhedd has not bee in school i work. K,ir M'tra; Man Here (i. A. McCart, active farmer and eta .rynirn of nenr lUrriaburir, apent the t'ternoon here today. Mr. Me r art reporta conditions quiet and but little rentiment on the road question among the farmers of his sec tion. Mrfii mirks Visit ' Mr. and Mrs. Will McCormirk of, f-he'.l vera Albany visitors this af-, ti-i riijn. Dr. Hobkon Returns , - r- ; ".-"' i,uj ,i wy iwim American 1-ake, where he has tieen sUtioned as a practicing physician in , Ibe r.rmy for the last IS months. He will tjVe up his practice In 5c lo again. Hied Todsy rinal account In the estate of Sarah K. Miller. Myrtle Miller administrat- w" filwl Fifth Account Filed Fifth account wss filed yesterday world's rreatest cartoonist. It would i g'n coming into It own. It pay in the estate of H. R. Moyer of have been a privilege to have looked , to keep the crowd talking, with rea Rrownsville. ! ,( the barn door Homer used U cover on for it Third Account Filed ! In the estate of G. W. Warmoth, C. H. Ellswick, administrator. I Vinita Salem I Attorney W. 8. Kislry transacted in Sal.m thi. afternoon, !... .. ' Final Account- Final account was filed Friday in the estate of B. S. Mills. Nrre From Portland Mr. Earl C. Brownlee, of Portland, arrived in the city last evening to vend the weekend with her varents, Dr. and Mr. George II. Bennett. Ford and Fordaona Sold W W. Crawford yesterday sold Ford car to J. E. Morris and W. B. McCor- mack. Carl Canavan vurchased a Fonlson tractor. Rert; "rnne .Ut. ho,-! pital to the county clerk' office con.- t tain many Item of interest. One Item reported give the name of a Mrs. Lane, committed Jan. 15, 1880, and transferred to the Eastern Oregon hospital July 16 of last year. Michael Barnes of Linn county was committed Feb. 17, 1874, and died Jan. 23, 1918. Your BATTERY Needs Regular Attention Our battery "SERVICE", enable you to keep your battery it. good condition At All '.' me. Ask u about the guaranteed Columbia Storage Battery A lte for every Car. Expert Battery Repairing and Recharging. RALSTON MOTOR Co. 121 East Seventh MISFITS j f , bs ' F4 BY F. P. NUTTING Timely Comment and Gleaning of New from Hera, There and Everywhere by a Former Kditor of the Democrat immiip miiti Notwithatandifijr t h enormou amount of money invested by Portland tiarmla in I.thartv Honda and vtven ti , . ... tlie Ked Cross and other war activities mere is more money in in danas man ever before, and business is humming, It is practically impossible to e- cure a furnished house or even apart- ment, o great is the demand for them, and unfurnished houses are very scarce. Prices have increased mate- rially. Todav I saw a S12 bounuet of rosea. , four dozen of this most popular flow- er. It was given as an expression of .pp-uuon by of th. in. icmai revenue lures 10 a memuer wno sang at the Reed concert at the audit- orium Wednesday night an amateur musical offering of great merit. In Oregon over 38 years, I saw Sil- verton and Mt. Angel for the first time thi week. It would be Impo- sible to pas through Silverton with- out thinking of Homer DavenDort. the with budding picture suggesting fu- ture genJu. Among the big things the war ha developed is enthusiasm for good nuj. that n... .W. V. M .rf 7c 1 7 ... notion that economy is the only thing 1 WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO I S S n Snippy Gleanings irotn Exchanges in Linn and Other Counties of Oregon jrjj . . i Linn County for Good Koads i Un" "Unt' unit for good road. They want them paved where traffic i the heaviest and heavy macadam frm neighborhood to the mrket town, says th Tribune. PoVliic Blamed Oregon cannot afford to have her trout streams depleted and if this dan- ger impends because of too much pol- itics and too much commercialism with reference to fish and game commission affairs the remedy should be easy to find, say the East Oregonian. Salem to Celebrate The eagle will scream on the Fourth and Salem will put on an oldtime cele- bration and there will be big doings in the city not only for the returning ol - dicty but for the average citizen who N. J. Cochran Called by Death BROWNSVILLE, Apr. 12. SpeciaL Word comes thi morning of the death at the state hospital of X. J. I Cochran, after a long illness. He was another of the old pioneer who has answered the last call, leaving in this community so far as is now called to mind of the old pioneers, J. F. Mc- hinney and J. B. Sperry. Holley Notes HOLLEY, Apr. 12. Special. The farmers are all busy in their fields owing and harrowing grain. The rabbit club i doing some fine work with Mis Mabel Crocker as president Mr. and Mrs. J. Crocker were visit ir.K Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cameron last I Sunday. Miss Cooke is teaching the girl of the sewing club how to use the thim blc. Mr. lUmilton will soon be getting on a stock of spring goods. Ioren Rice returned from Camp Lewis last Friday. A number of the They apparently know mii'miM1 liilllilllltllilliil HIS COLUMN ' to live for. The more people spend more they have to spend. t ! It is said that an average of aliout , . . , . . , ( one auto a day is stolen in Portland. g, Mv urn from MDer. ience; in fact few do. A do never bites twice in the same place. j Though ten or 1A are arrested here daily for speeding the next day sees j the sport kept up. It seems to be a i part of the treat auto (came. There ' are few Dcoole runnine an auto who ' do not let out as fast as .15 or 40 miles an hour when occasion offers. I greai signt was smeii imiung on the Sandy. I saw nets Tilled with the little fellows pulled out, and bags. : sacks and bankets filled as fast as pre- j sented by men in the water for the sport. People are again speaking of the rood prospect of Albany. It Is in the air that the city is on the upgrade, Ko improvement can be made in Albany that will be more appreciated by old Albanians than the making of a small park at the site of the old Jr..ll . ki i ... . " ' of the past i likes to turn loose his spare patriot- a ' " 1 ""-J1 Oregon and Texas Salem paraded the street in it htrt sleeve, figuratively speaking, : yesterday afternoon, and read the press reporta of a cyclone that cost more than 100 lives in Texas and a blizzard in Nebraska which severed transcontinental press communication ' Journal. j 4) Period for Thanksgiving- The period of the Victory Liberty Loan drive should stand out as a pe- riod of universal thanksgiving that the war is over. Every mother, fath- er, sister and sweetheart who had r j peional interest in the world tragedy represented by a soldier in olive drab ' will approach the drive with the spirit of thanksgiving. Eugene Guard. boys are coming home soon. Mra. C. G. Rice was in town shop ping Saturday. Miss Oleatha Rice is being kept busy, as she is secretary of the rabbit club, and vice-president of tlie sewing club. Frank G. Will IEWKLER i Jewelry, Silver, Cui GlaM ami Ha land Painted China i DR. C. E. FORTMlLLfcK Phvairian and Surgeon Office Phone House Phones Bell 41 Bell 179 Home 44 Home i.171 - 1 FISHER-BRA . J Undertk Auto Service Lady Assistant something about It T0( MAh H 1 I '. The Pirn r 1 hl Tha City cf GOODRICH Tt. nrtiun. uniw i v Every Man is a Wise Man Because every man has something to teach; the thing life through experience hastaughthimtodo. Nature but repro duces: man's ex perience taking the world where Nature stops builds it better; whether he makes an iron plow to im prove the crooked stick Or turns mere rub ber and cotton into Dneumatic tires. Experience is that unseen thing in tires, the quality of which turns them out good or bad. It vouches for Good rich experience that Goodrich made the first American pneu matic tire, nnd ever since has fathered tha improvement of automobile tires. It shows in burly, ' full-rounded bodies, and thicker BLACK SAFETY TREADS, extra wid3, fortify ing the sidewall against rut scraping. It returns value for your money in serv ice value o:i your car on the road. L Buy Goodrich Tires trom a Dealer GOODRICH TIRES 'BEST IN THE LONG RUN" S GOODRICH ''lie v .1 sfn E9. .