ALBANY , DAILY DEMOCRAT, I'HIDAT. MARCH 21. I9K. PACE FIVE Oriental Princess Will Speak at Baptist Church M X M Z M Z H Z tfiffi'xi&HX H A M I L.T O N S " f i M , HZHZIZHZHXHZHXMX Z H I Latest Styles infmen's Wear VISIT OUR M Delicatessen g SATURDAY s N Home cooking in per- jjj fection. When you've Z tasted the goodies you will agree. Our List for Saturday H Z Keteiith Day Adtrenlial Church Sabbath erhoul at 10 a. in. Pri m h Inir t II a. in. The auhjert will be the auma aa miliuullrril fur laal Ka tul.lny, "Tin (ilfta of (ho Spirit. ' Coino with ua ami wa will du thee good. Cafeteria Lunch ji.lir of the r'lrat Presbyterian lnin h will aerve cafeteria lunrh in the lining- rooma of the church tonight mil ill day tomorrow. Service and irli-e rik'ht. Ilrosinaville Yl.lliira Mr. and Mra. Fred Gurlahaon, J. F 'rnncr ami Mr. and Mra. W. R. Tripp. of llrownavllle, attended lha (how to day. Mr. ami Mra. Tripp also visited at the home of Mra. Trlpp'a mother. Mra. Powell. Holly Milk 15c per ran, Ue by dm. or $.V7S per caae of 4M. KaI Albany Grocery. m2l Will aril auger fur the neat 5 dayn at $!."5 per aaek caah. Thia ia cheap er than you can lay It down from Portlond wholesale. East Albany Grocery. m'.'l SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS. QUIT MEAT Ttiuh lh Kldneyi ont when Back hurt or Bladdtr tttlhtrt Mkt Itorma orlo xi4. No man or twnin who caU rrm( ffftt Iaj mb maka ft miitka by Huhina thai ktdnara nraatma4lr, aaya ft waif knuan auiimrlty. MmI forma nrta w-id whirl, elttfra th kMnajr fotrm ao tin? luinrithl ailr of Mreln ooJjr part of thm mU end fMilwifis from tha btaul. Own yen rH tick. Nwrljr ftll rheuma tism., brftHavrhMk, Itvar troubl, rwrroua mm, cmt,iion, dmtnrf, al-o 4caf.aa, UadiW-r diaunlara aim from alujtjrta.. kul- 'Iha nwDinrt you fiwl a dull aeha la tit kMnrya or jmur lank burU, or if tha mltia 1 cloud, ofTrtialra, full of tftH tnant trrafralar of puwo or ftttivlrd by pbmUoq of NtM.njr. fM about four oontm of Jtd ftalu from any raliaMa pfaarawy and taka ft Ullruonful ia jrlaaa of wafer bofnr braakfaat for fw dara and your klin-y. will thn act flaa. 'Xhit fainoua aalU U mafa from Xh0 acid of rrapoa and laincm Juioa, om hined with flthla aad baa brrn ttad for evnaraUona to fluah eloKjrd kldtwy and aUmulato thirro to activity, atao to dm traliaa Uta arida in ttrina ao it no longer aaaatv IrrlUtioa, Uiua mding bladder di onlara. J ad RalU ! InovpnMra and ran not injur i makna a dalifrhtful afTar Ttwoant lthlawatr drink whioh ail raff a tar mrat aatiw ahould taka now and lhrn to kep th kldnayi olaaa and tha lood pur. thtpbjr aruldJtig aarioua kid ary oumplicationai Optician and Optomolriat AUE NOT Sjaonymoua An Optician poaavaaca the mechanical , knowlclK of KrlmllnK loniea and ad I Juatlnir frnmra. ! An Optonictriat haa tha knowlnltre , raaentlnl to the proper fitting: of Rlaaa ea nnd the rare of the eyea; one quali fied by lewil recoKnltlon to correct do "ecla of the eyea and prcaorve eye iKht. E. C. MEADE . Optometrist Hunliriirht clonnior (le per can, S for 15 or 6 for 20c. Knat Albany Grocery m21 STETTER'S Full Line nf CHINA WARE PISHES, CUOCKERY, GLASS - ware, Rrnnlto, tinware, Rrocerlei. J'KINCESS RAI1ME IIAIIiEK, THE SYKIAN It la hot often that Albany haa the rare pleaaure of anterUmlnif a real Oriental prinreea of the blood and one who proudly tracea her lineage bark through lllbliral recorda. There la one In the city, however Princeia Kahme Haider, member of the ancient royal houae ot Syria, an author, dramaliat and lecturer. Prinrraa Haider will appear at the r'lrat Kaptiat church on Sunday eve- nine; at the regular hour of worahip, presenting her unique and inatrurtive lecture recital, "Glimpaea of Palea- ine," dealing- with the eoclal and po litical condition! of her native land the Holy IjinH. Monday evening at 8:15 o'clock at he aame church, the Prinreaa will nreaenl her own Interpretation of the Itlble alory, "Naaman the Leper." It tella how the early Syrian people were turned from the worahip of Baal to the worahip of the God of larael. I.ovtne; her people and her home ith all her heart, Prlnceat Rahme aa toured aevernl lyceum and Chau tauqua rirrulta, telling of the inner life of her people. She waa bom at IlaiillH-k, on the lower alopea of lit. Lebanon, the beautiful land of Bib. Ileal history and poetry. She rcpre aenta the pure Semitic race and haa all the warmth of aoul and poetry of her people, upon which haa been auper impoacd the education afforded by American collegea at Beirut and Sidon biter expanded by atudiea at col legea In thia country. Her rare gifta aa a platform apeaker and her rich native eostumce, give her storiea an unique aettinc and make one feel aa though being transferred to the Holy Land. The Prlnceaa will appear in her handaome robei of Pnmaacua blue satin, embroidered with gold threada nnd jewels, fashioned with the Ish. maelitiah aleeve, handmade by Syrian girla. She will be assisted by her traveling companion, Lucille Burgeaa, who will render the Oriental music in native airs and words. Prlnceaa Haider ahould be given a cordial welcome, for her viait wilt give Albany people a rloaer viaion of Pal estine, now happily freed from the dominion of the cruel Turk. SOTW'swl 1 ' I fMn Mir ii , p" (' " 4r H Z H HJust II have a personality that at- INDIVIDUALITY IN CLOTHES as certain people fMade by a house of na tional reputation from love ly, sof t. all-wool quality materials, tested, pre shrunk, perfectly tailcrcJ and hand finished you know, in the purchase of a Print, fss garment, tfir you nave quality as weil a style a garment that ;11 hold its stylish lines f ji mcie than one season. 5" e- HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ DOUGHNUTS HOT ROLLS POTATO SALAD BEANS SALAD DRESSING COOKIES WHITE CAiKE MINCE PIE Z tracts, so the new spring 2 Printzess coats and suits H have an individuality that jaa II makes them distinctive and Z places them in a class far H above the ordinary ready II to-wear garment. TV'isi: our garment donart ir.cnt to day. Try on sone of distinctive as vv:!l as ;nLerately priced coa. and Miits. We want to uns you cr to Printzess tinwtkn in Dress." HAM I LTONS' PARKER HOUSE ROLLS each day between S and S o'clock THE STORE OF SERVICE We desire that you avail yourself of all the advant ages which we are glad to offer. Rest Room (writ ing paper) Lunch Room, free coffee) H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H EHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH See the- Moon Have yon chickens? We will (rive you the highest market price for your eggs. Phone us before selling elsewhere. East Albany Grocery. m21 We have a jar of beans in our win dow. With every J5 purchase you will be allowed one guess aa to the num ber of these beans. To the one who makes the closest guess of these beans we will present a nice dinner set. Come and see them. Guessing contest closes Mar. 25. fast Albany Grocery. m21 Changes His Plans M. Brenneman, who started for Washington, 111., Wednesday to at tend the funeral of his brother and SiWE e!LEATHER Lt aUIDS ncf PASTES : For Blnck.Wiife.Tanow Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes lw KEEP YOUR SHOES -J 7. , NEAT yrrftT I ajn m ais-a. raffi ana. tv raj n I aa. a n WTK rJ VawO i I I U k a mt,V rtUKFOAlLIT COIJPOnATIONS LTD. BOr r( O, N.V. LAND OPENING OREGON MILITARY ROAD GRANT LANDS WARM SPRINGS IRRIGATION PROJECT This project la credited -"ith being one of the best In tho stnto of Oregon. I-nnd and homoaockca and actunl settlers only are wnntcd. Great alfnlfn and grain country. Irrigation project investigated, ap proved and recommended by the U. S. roclamntion service. This land enn be purchased outright or on lont! time pnymcnts. In the henrt of the grenteat stock country in the Northwest. Miles of open range. Wonderful opportunities for stock raising and dairying- This land will be thrown open for aalo and settlement on and nftor April 16, 1019. Call or write J. E. Kolfe, 214 Calapooia St., Albany, Oregon. I OT Hupmobilel a CARS at the AUTO SHOW H' l'- OUTSIDE THE ARMORY M: - ; I ivvr I - I ' td J Not able to get space Inside. H 1 I A. C. HELD & CO, Corvallis. s' TIllWi'WlTffl m I Agenta for Linn and Benton Co. is! C ' ID C VZ A f oaiawCffiLp 'fl ' , M H ! ' iJmky Auto . i 1 1; Machine Shop ;5 ; ,M!ffllffi ;!;; . . . fTra1 pDirpQ nv n nno rnirrniv-o rwTiri mrwm-iif'm li .ill! fNJ inn ii wi:JAa lit I R&&3S. , NDSS '"eun,v"sai"" mm Staple as Sugar UftVUH II n ITn nPV PASiiW Cars, Trucks and I II xuiuauu iractors m rg See Our Exhibit at fe I i i ...v .auiW uuu ii s::. -.Wjf W.W. CRAWFORD sisterinlaw who recently passed away at Dayt0n, 0., returned yesterday. Mr. Brenneman on reaching Portland found that the train service was such that he could not reach Illinois n time to attend the funeral Automobile Management Cgmpu'saeat- OfGcials of the big automobile show are being complimented on selecting an almanac that gave them the desir ed informatien regarding the weather they selected for the show. . Homemade pies, like your Mother used to wish she could make. East Albany Grocery. Try one and you will join our pie club. m21 PRICES ON FLOOR COVERINGS I The present price of Floor Covering s above normal but we can offer a I -overing for every room at a orice ut slightly above the 0ld figure. 1 the Artistic, Durable floor covering. Guaranteed by the manufacturer to I outwear any linoleum. Something never shown before. At 95c square yard WILTONETTE CARPET A new floor covering suitable for any roQin, in many patterns and colors. At 62Vic square yard FORTM E CO. MASONIC TEMPLE .'DtJ-'aT W; 'i ' 1