1 ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, MARCH si. iu. T- PACK rOBB J! t ; f ; i ! i ! Daily Democrat Entered at the poetoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second -class mat t er . W. L. JkIho and Ralph R. Cronlss Editors and Managers Dally published every evening ex eept Sunday. Semiweekly pub- lished Tuesdaye and r r 1 d a y a Business Matter In ordering changes of address , aubaertbers should always give eld ea well aa new a dd r s s . Subaeriptioa Ratea Daily Delivered by carrier, per week. . . 10c Delivered by carrier, per year. . .$4.00 By mail at end of year $3.50 By mail in advance, per year... $3.00 Classified Kates One cent per word for first pub lication; one -half cent per word thereafter, payable in advance. Minimum charge, twenty-five cents. ESTABLISHED IN 1865 FRIDAY. MARCH 21. 1919. THE PROPHET WHITMAN J'it.MONA FAVORS GOOD KOADS After a spirited debato at the meet' in of Linn County Pomona Grange Wednesday, that body went on record aa favoring the best kind of a high way. There was opposition, but the resolution urging the county court to uso ita influence, to complete the pav ing of the Pacific Highway through the county from Jefferson to Harris burg at the earliest possible date passed by a good majority. The Grange knows the value of good roads and knows that the com. plrtion of the trunk highway means quicker resulta in obtaining branch roads leading into the main artery. Lebanon and Brownsville will be con nected up before long and it is hoped that the Cascades highway over the mountains into Eastern Oregon will not be a matter of many months in being realised. The spirit of good roads Is every where and it is impossible to stem the tide against it Farmers who once opposed it are now for it and they see Americans have generally ignored , the advantages of getting out of the Walt Whitman an odd fact, inas-mud and dust and the economy of much aa Whitman is not only the most i hauling their produce to town with the inspired of American poets, but the least possible resistance and a result- moat thoroughly American of them ing decrease in cost. all. Dipping into his poems almost I The automobile, truck and tractor anywhere, the reader who doesnt show which onens today is indicative mind their strange and formless style "t the soirit of the times. Automotive soon finds himself drinking deep power is becoming the thing, and to drafts of refreshing and illuminating 1 maintain automobiles and trucks at patriotism. j the lowest upkeep there must be good Great poets are generally prophets roods. Paved highways cut down the s well aa singers, and it is probably : cost of upkeep and repairs to the min- in this character that Whitman is at : imnm and the money spent in bonds his best He had to a rare degree the and interest is saved many times over. faculty of seeing into the real spirit All honor to Linn County Pomona of the nation, and thereby understand. ' Grange, which set the ball to rolling! ing ita trend and glimpsing ita future j As far as known the Linn county body development. is the first in the state to definitely This is said not as an attempt at come out in resolution and ask their literary criticism, but as a hint of the ; county court to use all speed in pro- benerita that readers may derive from ' curing more and better paved high perusing Whitman particularly at this 1 ways. Others wiH follow suit. time, when the soul of the nation is j so disturbed over the big war and the ' The movie, are getting effeminate. puzzling problems it has brought to a , Charlie Chaplin has stopped throwing focus. Read his "Drum Taps." the Civil War, in which chants of pies. I Whitman plenty of folks wish it was over, played a noDIe part and which he so , over here. clearly understood. Read especially a I . poem called "Years of the Modern," Holdup men went through a New which, written at the close of that. York man's pockets and robbed him war, seems to apply atrangely to the j of . gon tooth. This should be a dose of the present war. It seems as . .,,. to oeonle not to- wear their if Whitman really did look ahead half a century, and foresee the present sit uation, when he wrote these lines touching on what he called "a general, divine war" teeth in their pockets. WHKV ANSWERTN'G classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat. "I see- not America only I see not only Liberty's nation, but other na tions preparing; I see tremendous entrances and exits I see new combinations see the solidarity of races; I see that force advancing with irresistible power on the world's stage. (Have the old forces, the old wars, played their parts? Are the acts suitable to them closed ? ) I see'Freedom, completely armed and victorious, and very haughty, with Law on one side and Peace on the other, A stupendous Trio, all issuing forth against the idea of caste. What historic denouements are thee we so rapidly approach? I see the frontiers and boundaries of old aristocracies broken; I see the landmarks of European kings removed; I see this day the People beginning their landmarks all others give way. Are all nations communing? Is there going to be but one hearty to the globe? Realty Canadian Lands LOANS AND INSURANCE Geo. Taylor Cormer of Second and Brosdalbia BeB 62J; Hosm 2075 THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE nd FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign of Quality" 136 Lyon St . Both Phones C1J 63 WHAT OTHER PEOPLE DO Snappy Gleanings Inim Exchanges in l inn and Other Counties of Oregon , n F,niH!IHHMiMWilliMti feiiii i mum miiiu liiiwuimuiuiiiiwuwiimiiwwiuuwwii Walnuts Produce Well Sol I.indlcy, a well-knQwn fitrnter living southeast of town, has seven walnut trees that bore an average of 100 poumla or more of nuta the past season. He sold the nuts for from 32 to 85e a pund, so the product of each tree brought from $30 to $10. The nuts were lnrge, with soft shell and of very fine quality. Mr. Lindlry has 13 acres additional in walnuts, which will come into bearing in a few years. This shows the possibil ities of walnut growing in this section. A few trees should be set rut around every home, as they are not only ex cellent shade trees, but will bring splendid returns. Lebanon Express. iiiummimmuumimii about all that the cannery ran handli this year. Contracts are made for from one to ten years. Ix'liun0n Ex press. Farmer Saves Uvea Working with superhuman efforts to save the lives of himself and the entire family of hia brother, Lester Dodd is now temporarily without the use of both hands, aa the result q' n early moming fire Sunday, which de stroyed the home of the Dodd Broth ers, in the Irish Bend district. The fire originated from an overheated stove in the kitchen. Monroe Record. r- ... .i ,U Corrallis Has One. Too Burggraf at Salem Albany citi'en have petitioned the District Deputy Charlea Burggraf council to prohibit the keeping of o' Albany will make hia official visit logs within the city limits, says the to the talcm Klks lodge Thursday Gaiette-Times. Another swarm nf i evening of this week. He will be en- citizens petition the same council to tcrtained at dinner at the Marion by make beekeeping in the city limita a I officials f the lodge. As Is customary. crime. If Albany needs any more when me unmet deputy visits a locige names on its petition we know a mania special invitation ia extended to the in Corvnllis who will gladly sign if they will amend to include a prohibi tion against chickens and cows. He has an oldfashigned idea that a farm was made to farm on. No Solution Offered If opponents of the league covenant as it now stands believe there should be changes it is logical f0r them to suggest such changes, asks the East Oregonian. Why they should object to inclusion of the covennnt in tho peace treaty is incomprehensible. Gets Berry Contracts Roy Fitzwatcr, who is employed as field manager for the local cannery this seas0n, reports that he is having xcellent success in securing contracts with growers to furnish berries, fruits ind vegetables to the cannery. A large quantity of berries have been contracted for, and in the vegetable line contract, have been made for past exalted rulers. The history of the Salem lodge is unique from the fact that every exalted ruler rf the lodge for the past 23 years is now liv ing. Capital Journal. Tooze and Humphrey Honored SALEM. Mar. 18 Lieut Lamar L. Tooie. graduate of the U. of O., and well-known at Eugene, is one of 10 se lected Qut of the 364th regiment in France, and one among thousands of applicants from the A. E. Fv to be sent to the Sorbonne University of Paris for a four months' course of study in law, tf( serve with pay. This Inform ation is contained in a letter received bv his father. Walter L. Tooxe of this city. Lieut. Tooze will be home about the middle of July, the balance of hia regiment to come the latter part oft March. Major Lester W. Humphrey and Lieut. Harry Clark are other Ore gon bovs honored by being sent to the Sorbonne. Register. Third Liberty Loan Coupons Due MARCH 15 Bring them to us NOW J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers x Albany. 0reo IS Lr BARNINGSylNDUSTRY Do you want to better your condition T Do you desire to ugag In some business? Do you desire to increase your earnings T Talk it over with us. We ran help you. We make farm loans no commission. The First National Bank " OLD aaJ KF.LIAIILK" affiliated with The First Savings Bank "WHF.Iti: SAVINGS are HAFU" 4 Per Cent Interest on Bavikis 51 ol PREPAY ME NT P0 ,eF A R M L O A N S 0 We loan money fur fire years. We al low you to pay $100 or multiple on the principal on any In terest data and stop Interest. No delay we close loans at ' once. . . J. M. & H. M. ALBANY AND SALK.M OREGON ' CLASSIFIED ADS.-Bliul.fSI) DIRECTOR! For Sale HE'S WATCHING YOU A New Rug for the Floor IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR No matter what kind or size rug you desire, we feel confident in saying that it will be our privilege to show it to you. Persian, Wilton, Axminster, Brussefs, Bozarr, Marie Antoinette, Crex, Wool Fiber and Rag Rugs $1.25 to $110.00 We have made a specialty of little rag rugs, and we have a splendid new assortment just in. Fisher-Braden FURNITURE CO. Tbe Store with a Welcome" Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry. Silver, Cin sd Hand Painted China BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. G. E. FORTMILLKR Physician and Surgeon Office Phones House Phones BeU 14 Bell 17J Horn. 44 Tlom. 1171 FOR SALE 1 Mission ettenslun ta ble, M. 1 mission high chair with sanitary tray, $1.(0. 1 bed with mattress and springs, $.V I fork spade, ho. and rake, f 1. 1 kitchen rang. 13. Home phone 217(1. IVmZl tires. Price )7fi. Home pi l'.'Ofi, 404 f 1st St. Alex 0 20m 49-ACKK farm near Albany, for - le at I'.KI per acre. Place Is well . i. proved ami all in crops. Owen Br i, 1U Lyon tit. ZUm' I S. C. W. U F.C.GS for sale $1 60 for 10 flO for 105. Pen of 60 hens have laid as high aa M eggs a day. Clenn U llenshaw, R. P. D. No. 8, Home phone 74M. I4m2M FOR SA I. E Oregon strawberry pianis, nuc per iu, s.i no per thou sand, while they last. Why pay more? ("has. Hurt. Jefferson, Or. 1'hons Jorferaon 37F4. lfunSl CAR BARGAINS 1!MH Maxwell. Al romiiuim, 7WI. JUKI Maiwell, all O. K., I'MO. At Waldo Anderson A Son. mlKtf SPIKKLLA CORSKT1KHK N.w Spring styles have arrived, llav. your new rurset mail, to order. Only corset having gold medal. Call Mrs. W. B. Newton. 6th A Oeary Sta. Home phone !!414. mlHalN LOANS SL'RRTY BONDS E. F. SOX Fire, Casualty and Automobile In. suranee. Real Estate, tit First National Bank Building FEDERAL FARM LOANS H Per Cent Interest A. & BOHRNHTF.DT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon atVU Real Estate, Insurance and Money t Loan Hotels Report Fsvorable , T 1 1 D.0 Albany Hotels report business ex- l' (lTTnilllCr DlOS. ceptionally good. The travel U rap-! funeral Director. idly increasing and the commercial . traveling men, with one accord, re- a" A "hJunV port confidence and renewed activity PhnLM."i Bldg. m business circles. . MOTOR CAR SALE No wbeing conducted at Vancourer Ilarrackft, Vancouver, Wan King ton, by the United States Spruce Production Corporation SSSVSBBIiBSmKiSSaBSSSSSSSSHB) XL & MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Tlonda Special attention aHven to ears of -roperty belonging to non-realdenta. Room No. 1 second floor. First Sav ings Bank Building, Albany, Oregon. J. V. PIPE Bargains in Farm Lands and City property Insurance, Money to Loan on Good rerms at 0 per cent DR. GEORGE J. KENAGY Chiropractor First National Bank Bulldlar dltf MOTOR TRUCKS, 11-2 to 6 ton, $1,000 to $4.2000. TRAILERS .2 1.2 to 6 ton, $400 to $1,000. FORDS $300 to $450. . Also a few passenger cars of other makes. AH cars carry prices plainly marked. Come and see and buy. For further information address Automobile Dept., Sales Board, United States Spruce Production Cor poration, Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. E7MER C OIPB Milropractor Nature eannrt cure a disease unless the cause Is emsved. Chiropractic adjustments remove Uie causa. Rooms (, 7, , TO, Cusick Bank Bldg. CIIAS, A. HUNT Violinist and Teacher Horns pnons 4174. Studio 833 Jeffer son Street m8tf PHONOGRAPHS W. 0. "Uloy, state agent tarn the Starr Phonograph, one of the best toned machines on the market today. Ws oan prove ft to you. Demonstrations given at Clif ford's Studio, 8M W. 1st Street. fJ8tf WOOnSAWING Call 8. II. Bridger, Bell phone 840R. Residence 124 W. 6th St Office with E. R. Cummlngs. m6tf FOR SALE CHEAP-29 acres or will sell 7H acres with Improvements. 2 1-4 miles from Alliany In Benton county. Good fruit, new buildings. II. C. Hutchinson, R. 4. Horn phone 4539. 14m21 FOR SALE Hudson car In a number cne shape. New tires. Call after b o .-iock at 832 East 2d St. Home phone S2D3. 17m24 FOR RENT Barber shop, good loca tion, easy rent. See lloflich A Hombark. IHm.10 FOR SALE 1 span of geldings 10 years old, wt 1200 lbs. Well broke. Good work team. Alej wagon and harness. W. Q. Newton. Fifth and Chicago. Home phc.ie 24!4. a3 FOR SAI.K-1 new Chevrolet about, never been used, at I77C. used Ford runaliout with extra L rery body at $376, These a r I rains; see them. Hullert Hal Hardware Co. JOmW FOR RENT Block 12. Sunrise A tlon, key at Mrs. Steel's, next d 6 rooms downstairs, bathroom, built-in modern conveniences, r water, pump in house, room f bedrooms upstairs. Soma fr large chlckenhouse, 1H acres good soil all fenced, within wal 1 distance to all the schools. Ktec llghta and fixings, pun-h. T $120 per year, monthly. Phone month. Address owner, E. N'i Q Woodburn, Oregon. 20m2f- i. 1 "3 FOR SAt.E-1 Molina tractor v plows, truck, extension rims in.i Al condition. Fred Case, Alb. R. F. D. No. 6, Home phone 7 ' 20m2l. FOR SALEluO sacks S-graln s oats, 3c per lb. sacked. Alsi horses. W. C Oliermeyer, 1 gent Bell phone IDE 3. Im22wm21 FOR SALE 1 art of steel spring I glng bumpers same aa new. f . 1&0& Home phono or 334R I phone. 19m21 " r- For Rent FOR SALE A 60-acre farm S miles from Albany on good roads. Farm ing Implements and stock go with place, tor particulars call lluford Morris, Home phone 2393 or 903 E. 1't St., city. Ifim22 FOR SALE A good dean stock of general merchandise which will In voke at tetween $r,000 and $1,000. The only store In town, and consid ered one of the best business points In the valley. Mostly farmer trade, with little credit Barn, woodshed, warehouse, 6 living rooms with store. Nearly all fixtures furnish ed. Rent cheap. No agents com. mission. Inquire at Democrat Of. le- 17m22 FURNISHED HOUSK FOR hKtfl block below the high school on 4i street W. F. Pf elf for. . f(li FOR SALE $400 farm morti r drawing 8 per cent Owen Hc- 1.13 Lyon St IMml FOR SALE 1 span of geldings ' yjurs old, wt 1:100 lbs. Well br Good work team. W. B. New: 'Vth and Chicago. Horns ph j ?44. mill FOR RENT A 6-room funds' I house, until June. Call 6NHJ -t 1262. 16m 19; Miscellaneous. WANTED Milk customors-wai.l I between HIM and Geary atrei i. Horns phone 1404. 19m22 CAR BAR0AINS Ford traek, $460; Maxwell 1917 model. 1600: Brudshak. er, $271; Roadster, $160; Hudson bog. $12S Bull tractor, $1160. All la A- eondltion at Waldo Anderson A Son. f24tf FOR SAtH Bnff Leghorn eaias r aaamnu neas Itns atymg strata, aad too, tar tfioi-oaaribred. Mas. f Sehamsr, R. I. BeB phone ltVU. JtOwiZO CI.BAaTEJtS Call ap Lara Plots, tt? Lyon t8, phone 848-R, aknt yoar elothea stsanbuy. Bauer A Bstrer potss aatna absolute aatls fasti on. Mo var ment too dellcat for us to handle. jntf WANTED TO RENT By responsible party, a well-Improved 00 to 100 acre farm on good rood to Albany, and near school, with soil suitable for corn and clover growing. Would prefer a 6-year lease, with posses sion given Oct 1, 1910. Give full particulars In first letter. Address K, cars of Albany Democrat 19m2 WANTED Stock hogs. Box S4fl. I bany, Or. Bell phone 45(1 R. P I Burnett 19m2t-' FARM WANTED I want to buy rent direct from owner a farm ' about 10 acres, more or less, In ' vicinity or Albany or Salem. C.' i pay port or all rash. Do not w possesnlon until Oct. 1. 1919. I I. Schmidt, Alice, North Dakota. 18m24 WANTED Wood contrails for r ' ting wood. Call or phons W. '. Jones, 323 Lyon St 14m22 WANTED Set of heavy ham slightly used. Must be pood r ' price reasonable. John W. Motl v, R. F. D. , Bell phone 2F42. f CASII PAID For funvHnrs f- hottaehnld giods. Sea us nnfors ' sell. Albany Furniture Exrhan 416-417 West 1st St. Both phnr d2tf FOR BALE Ford car, 1016 model. IIEMRTITCirTNa-ia par ye snreao rurnianed. Hell phone 4ft' Sue Brerkenrklga, 33 W. 2d r FOR ROYAL TYPEWRITERS Wrfte to Graham A Wells. ConralV Oregon. Agents for IJne ennn' f21neiw FISIIRR-BRADEN Undertakers Auto Service Lady Assistant thoroughly overhauled. All good