ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 191. PACK THRU 103 0l 0 Every aurcessful Institution boar the stamp uf public approval. A gruwtli In our deposits of 103 percent In two years b stamp of approval of which ws Bra Justly pruuil. W tlianU you. ALBANY STATE HANK AUTOMOBILE STUCK IN MUO Ship Us Your f v2 W pny Dip f-.ltowlnjr prirra until further market change: WIUll.K MII.K 70c llultrr Fit SWEET CKKA.M 65c llutlrr Fit Clll'HNINO CltKA.M 62c llutlrr Fit THIRTY FOI'R CKNTS CASH FOR KUV.H , Instead of Jamming Down AoceUrator ehlft InU Lew and Olv Whtel Chance to Catch. I It la a natural linpula when the 1 car (tulle In soft going to Jinn down i the ai i ulrrul'ir to get nil poaslble pow j it fnuii I hi- Motor. Itut If the nr hua etiillrtl hi-muso tbe rcur whwla cunnot i Ink hold In soft inuil and am allpplng urnuiid. tlila la nut the hint way out. The whirling whi-i-le limply dig down id-. mt. It la hi-lti-r, uftor shining Into low, to let I lie motor run at roinpara llvi'ly low un'tl und edir the rlutcb In C-nlly. Thle will give Ihe n ur hit-Is a belter rhutire to luke hold. Often one can get oat better under these con lliloiia If tliero la a loud In the reur sent. If the wheels continue to allp at low speed. It becomes ueeinsary to tie ropes atmul the roar wheel or to throw atruw or brush under them. With a Hitht rur one run often help It forward by phirlng one end of atout plnnk or pole under the reur asle and w ith the li vc rage thua gullied lift It forward while another applies ttit IKiwer alowly. Mlleatouc. 3 CAR G00O FOR CUTTING ICE Albany Pure Milk & Cheese Company fa i 3 With an Automobile Pulling the Ma-chl-e Two Men Only Are Needed to Perform Work. fast winter waa ao cold that enough ; Irj must have formed to provide a ' -enenua aupply for the dog dnya. Hut shoring of lubur, that old war cry, I applh-n It -.-If to Ice cutting ae well a to other Industrie. Hit la on excellent scheme to ! muke up for the absence) f cut- tira. It la worth trying out If yon , have nn aulonmMle. a rutting machine, aotue Ire, a plnre to keep It In when ' cut, and a friend to help you do It. Try Our SUNDAY DINNER We Scrv la Carlo Imperial Cafe WILL It II Y POTATOES I PAY CASH or Second tirade (Say. at loading point r . O. II. CM. I also handle Number On Ilay M. (J. KI":D - - Both Phones OPice Over Stale Hank Automobilo Cutting lea. Simply attach the ratting mtichlne to tlie automobile, and lit the cur pall the ratter arroaa the Ire. Lent the car kld on the slippery Ice, the two bark tires ahould be re moved and Iron rlma with spike on Hu m auhitltutcd. Aa an extra precau tion, put rhulna on your front wheel. One man runs the automobile and the other guide the machine. If your friend la good nntured, let htm trot be hind with the cutter handle In hi bnml. If be I not, do It yourself and Id him run the car. Provided one hoa the facilities. It Is quite possible for two men. one au tomobile, and a rutting murhlne to do Ihe work of many Ice cutters. Pop ular Science Monthly. U.S. WAR COST SMALLER THAN BRITISH BILL Despite Armistice, Disburse ments Have Slackened Off Little. Vwnt-on nicititht jf our war with Ormnriy mat tb (Jutted Matfi f2.UU.uo".'W, ttifi trianury diiftrt uienl riilr-ult.s. Although dug ntunl lloiig it ltd othnr cuiitracla hav Im-u cnnri'lli'ri1, (llnbunwiiientB bat tlack etietl off II li Manufacturer! are now Unwilling their bllla and receiving payment for materia ! delivered umulha rko lu th btat of the tniKKlu. Included In (he enormoui total nf 2fi.3:.6,00O.00O Ib the sum ot 17.871., tHo,oH loflofd to our Alllrt. When we bi'Kan l-ndiiiK to our Alllea. the KOternniunl cuiitraiplatrd turolaK over to t lie m a lx ; j t f whj .000 . 000 a month but actual loana ordinarily ran around Ur-u.OOO.OOO monthly. Of the total war bill about $16,000, 000,000 have been ralaed ao far by the Liberty lona. The fart that we have not covered o ir war debt la the reason for the Victory Liberty Ixan. In other worda we Uaven't paid for the Job. Tbe coat of the war to Great Hr1t atn waa HO.ftlO.OOO.OOO. Germany la out MH, 70,000.000 excluRlve of In dvmnltlea the Alllta may lmpoae. THE SHEPHERD AND THE CROOK Something New in Barbering Electric Hair Clipper The Intent invention In the Uinnorlnl trade. Meniere and elUcient . We make a apecialty of .Students' anil Children's Work. Expert serv ice for all. Clectric massaging anil shampooing. I Nonpareil Barber Shop IITOSITK I'OSTOFr'ICK llt'D 8TOVF.K, Proprietor WE CATER TO THE PUBLIC TASTE with the Season's Best Offerings FISH, OYSTERS, POULTRY and INSPECTED MEATS D. E. Ncbergall Meat Co. Ruth Phones 47 Jitney Dance given by the ALDAN Y AUTOMOBILE AS SOCIATION Friday and Saturday Evening Knights of Pythias Hall Third and Lyon Streets REVELATION JAZZ OR v CIIESTRA of CorvaHis MRS. A. J. RAHN. . . .will iinK BIG TIME t BE THERE t Samson Tires and Tubes Will be on display at the AUTO SHOW See them ALLISON & TWAY Herbert Johnson, the man who draws those Inlmltsbl cartoon for the 8at urday Evening Tost, put Into black and white In the March 1 Issue of the mag azine something that every man who owns a Liberty Bond ought to frame. It la entitled "The Bnepberd and tbe Crook." In the foreground, ragged i ut In a "plug" hat and a swallowtail coat and with an avaricious smile on bis face. Is s wolf with a grip full of all sort of film flam stock. Biwedlng toward htm I s flock of sheep In the clotLe of humans, each trying to get to the wolf first with s Liberty Bono to trade tor the flim-flam stock. L'ncle 8am, tbe hepherd, stand In the background, as tonished at the sudJen Insanity dis played by his flock. Johnson' cartoon are good because they are always true sod always well lone. This one la particularly true and aiceptlonally well done. In a g!i-cc It tells a story that every Liberty Bond holder ought to heed. The American bLer of Liberty Bonds who lets go of his bonds for fske stock, or even for stock that Is not fake. Is playing Into the bunds of wolves. The wolf always gets the bet ter of the sheep, .f he didn't be wouldn't bav anything to do with tbe sheep. Every man or woman who owns Lib erty Bonds can put H down In bis pipe or her powder-puff any time anybody offers something for Llherty Bonds that the Liberty Bonds are wortb more tbsn the thing offered. Johnson shows his human sheep wearing Billy smiles is they rush for the wolf. A man own ing the bent Interest-paying security on ear b ought to wear s silly smile when he walks Into a fakers office to trade his Liberty Bonds for worthless stock or to sell them for less than they are worth. Even If one Is offered the mar ket price, one is getting less than the bonds are worth, because Ihe market price for bonds nuw Is no Indication of their real value. Hold vour bonds. Don't be s Harley-Davidson Motorcycles An efficient and inexpen sive way to travel either solo, tandem or with sidecar. Rides as easy as the large auto and operates cheaper than the smallest. 50 to 60 miles on a gallon of gas. Come in and let us give you the details and show you the '19 model. We Also Have U. S. Auto, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires, Michelis Auto Tires, Gas, Oil and Accessories L. B. Hixon, Jr. 129 Lyon Street Both Phones Albany, Oregon atax Returned From Lebanon 1 Pres. Wallace Howe Lee, of the col- lege, returned this morning from Leb. 1 angn, where he presided but night at a congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church. Brownsville Visitors - Mrs. J. C. Hale and son Lewis, of Brownsville, came down this morning to attend the auto show and transact business. Lewis is a student in the North Brownsville schgol. From Plainview I;aac Whealdon and several friends arrived on the morning train from Plainview to spend the day in the city. ilaley Overnight Visitor Enoch J. Cunningham of Halsey was an overnight visitor here and transacted business in the city today. Lebanon Druggist Here J. L. Underwood, of the drug firm of Blackburn & Underwood of Leba non, spent the day in the city trans acting business and visiting the big auto show. Called from Independence S. H. McElmurry and sister, Mrs. Alexander of Independence, arrived this morning on account of the serious condition of theirmother, Mrs. M. J. McElmurry. ii:'iii;i CITY NEWS MOTHERS Should see that the whole family tak at least 8 or 4 doses of a thoro, puri fying, system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier, and get along better if the blood is given a thoro purifying, the stomach and bow els cleaned out, and the germs of Win ter, accumulated in the system, driven away. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is one of the very best and surest Spring medicines to take. Get it and see the difference in the whole family. Their color will be better, they'll feel fine and' be well and happy. FOSHAY & MASON'S T 1 1 I 1 I PROSPERITY FOLLOWS THE WIRES Electricity has brought prosperity to hun dreds of farms throughout this country. Elec tric service means "horsepower" instead of "man power" electric power brings abundant crops, more leisure, greater profits and lighter labor. In dry sections, proper irrigation will more than double crops. G-E motors are ideal on irrigation pumps and can also be used to drive various farm machines. G-E motors in crease profits by reducing labor cost and saving time. Let us show you what electric power with G-E motors can do for you. 1 I t I 1 w 1 I I - I I - - Mountain States Power Co. . ml Visits at Plainview Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Washburn, who have been living at the St. Francis for several weeks, left today for Plain view to visit at the home of Mrs. Washburn's brother, Henry Knutts. Returned tg Brownsville Mrs. Shure of Brownsville returned home yesterday after having under gone a serious operation at St. Mary's hospital. She is getting along nicely. On Inspection Trip F. M. French went to Whitson this morning on a watch-inspection trip. Weather Report Yesterday's temperature ranged from 39 to 65 degrees. The river is it 9.7 feet. Here from Sheds' H. Brandt of Shedd was transacting business in the city today. Visits at Salem H. Albers, of West Albany, left on the moming train for Salem on a bus iness mission. From Near Tallman H. P. Briggs and daughter, of near Tallman, came down on the morning train and visited in the city today. DR. C T. NORMAN - VETERINARIAN Only Veterinarian in Albany authorized by the State of Oregon to test stock for shipment to others'ites or for sales, etc. AU dom estie animals treated. Residence Phone Bell 232J Home 1293 Office Farmers Feed Barn Your Car dcrvc. good stor age battery but a submarine e manJs the best Gould Storage Batteries with Dreadnaucht Plates are used in submarines of five great navies and you can have a Gorld for your car. There' a size that fits k. Regular Battery Inspection keeps a fcood battery good Foe careful, courteous Inspection Ser vice (or Square-Deal Repair Service en any battery of any nuke foe a ncsv Could Battery if you need' one 'Jiiie around to 4' STORAGE BATTERY j - WITt TM1 ' ' t RALSTON bq :-' Electric Suyply Co. 1 ' i..V"-'r"1- $2.00 Nurse Brand Hot Water Bottles FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL m. $1.49 Woodworth Drug Co. JITNEY SERVICE BOTH PIiONES 15 3 & Lyon St. Doth Phones 15 3C