Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 10, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    f ruocmc
Krsulta fur OTHERS, and will get
Tuulxht and Wednesday rl. www
' No. 175. 4
Karl Lichknccht nays Kolshc-
viki Will Refuse Al
lied Terms
Two Hundred Twenty Killed
in Riots; Disorder
Is Spreading
I' A HIS, lc. 10. !',
rrfuMi pcare it H the entente,
and (nlrnd la ot rethrow the ppa
rnt go.rmmrnt within a fort
night." Karl Mrhanrrht, trader
of Ihr t.rrman ItoUheViki, drrlar
ni In i prurUmalion laaurd In
llrrlln, according to a urtrh di
batch. Martial law haa been proclaim
rd hi llrrlln. Two hundrrd and
20 rrr killrd and a thouaand
uimdd in rrrrnl akirmiahinc In
lirrhn brtarrn Ihr lloUhrviki and
Kotrrnmrnt force.
II A Mitt li(, lrc. Drl.ycd.
A counter rrvulutiim al I'ota
dum U in full alnit. acnrrdlnx
tu rrHirta r revved hrrr. It ia rc
Iturtrd that Ihr main army haa ra
tahlifthrd hradtuartrra in llrrlin,
and r?fuea to arkitowlrditr Ihr
authority of the auldirra' and
workmrn'a council.
The liolahrtiata plann a roup
d'etat al llamhurf laat niicht, hut
were fruatrated, Ihr aoilrt coun
cil announced. Srrral arreata
wrra made.
AMSTKUHAM. Urc. 10 - Th Itol
ahrviata al Munich ar rrJrtit la
huvr inkrn up A nwotinif of tht (
rinl dnnocruta, atormcd a hrrwrry and
l.tre ilown the (irrnuiu fluk'-
lttdaht'Viam ia auid to l "prenditiv
throunhoul Ituvurtu.
Military Review (a He I
Held at i'orvallis
Trior to the dviiiul'i hut lion of tne
atiidi'tila' nrtny tmininif rorpa, l!ie
Oivon Arlf ullurnl culU'K will
a inilitMiy review Wetlneaday, heccm
wf a dciuonatrntioii uf Ihv work
acion.pliahi'd during thv Urm in mill
Ury training. Mora than 1&00 atu
tic it i r in uniform will iiaiticipHto in
the review. A military meaa will vl
aerved at 1- o'tTiH'k in I lie nrmury,
uat-d na iiuhi hull for the rl. A. T. Cj
The revii'W will l-r:in al I MO oVUkK.
and will continue nhout one hour, toj
) followctl hy a nhort prornm in
tlio tncn'i irymnaitium.
Attend I'reahylery Meeting
Rcv K. N. (filial, pastor of the
I'resbyterinn church al Woodburn,
atopiel off this morning in Albany a
few hours on his way to Salem to at
tend meeting this afternoon of the
Presbytery. Dr. W. II. U-c and Rev.
A. M. Williams of Albany college ac
companied him to Snlt-m to attend the
nine meeting. This evening they wiM
attend the Installation services for
Th. n,iia F.. Anderson, lie Is to be tin
new pustor of the First 1'iesbylei
church in Salem.
Arrives in San Francisco
Jesse Kills, of the HMh nrtillery,
who was wounded In France, bus been
.it from the hospital In Virginia to(
San rrnnciaeo. nu uocb not kih
whether ho will bo diachnrgeil fr.nn
there or sent to Camp I-cwis.
New Hex Beach Picture
Unfolds Gripping Story
A thrilling story of man's redemp
tion is unfolded in "l-niighin:; Bill
Hyde", Rex Rcnrh-Gnldwyn produc
tion, nt the Glolie today and tomor
row. Misfortune halts Bill tlydo and
Danny Porgnn after they succeed In
escaping from prison when Dun fulls
down a rulrh and la mortally hurt.
2 Members of G.'ith Artillciy
Participate in Five
'I hut ut li uat Hi I. inn county Ihji
hlivu been ill llle tliirk uf the fighting
mi tho Wvatern front ia Indicated in
all interview given out to the Eugrne
Register by i aptain Helton uf the (i.'.th
artillery, tu which tlif Alliitny mrn ait
assigned. The Interview follows:
After starting their first uffensi.e
in the St. Mihirl region the (i.rith ar-i
tlllrry look part in five offensives lie
fore tile armistice waa signed. This
la the wold brought hark by Captain
Bolton lluiiihle uf the supply roniian' Hook Will He Submitted in
of the (i.'.lh artillery, who arrived in
Kui-ne y rate May diriN-t from the fil
ing line, hnvinjc h-ft for home thv duy
the armiatice una tinned.
The nu n of the tlMh handled thoir
k'una with the utiuoal a peed and uc-
curmy, and they Hiwuya a m yea n
them, ('nptairi Iliimhle anid. Thrir
i tin were U 2 inch lirltiah he viUent
wliU h Imd la-en made in Ameuca and
aold tu the Knvli) Iuht
loick hy the United Hutea. The tiMh
nrtillery waa the only t.2 Aineritun
artillery rerintettt to tfrt on the firiuir
"The Ihb atuck tu thrir vuna to
the laat inch, Captain Hum Me aaid,
"I am proud of every one of them.
They had no rhnm-e to distinguish
themaelvee m the infantry had, 'o
they were firing t n enemy they
con Id n't even ace. And for one hour of
finnif there would 1 daya of the hard
eat kind of work out in the expoauie.
and ofu-n for Ionic hour without slevp.
It waa a hard tnml "
Kach lime the jiuna Were moved
they had l be taken to pieces and
hauled by caterpillar, then when they
got to the new position the pit .'or
them had to 1 dug and the gun back
ed in by land. Captain Hamble ex-,
plaimd. The men of the Goth artil-j
b-ry put those guns in places which,
the French ami British anid couldn't
bo done, and in much leaa lime.
Tho the Cf-th was under ahellfire
while on the battlcfront none were ac.j
lioi.sly injim-d or killed, this lK-ing(
due in part to the accuracy of tne
i. ...l.:.-k ml r...rolnr inter-
nil.!. I... . ...........
vals and at certain places. 1 he men.
ii . i .u;, j ,..
he saiil. would como out of their dag-
. i . 1.-11- f....
uts and work lietwi-en shells, as, roi
,, . , n
nstance. if a shell cama over every 1J
.. .. .i.
niinutcs they would worn ten ami wh u
retire to salcty
..-lit th. fraemcnts
of s ell and ro-k had slopped falling.
Sergeant Ike Newman, CapU.n
llamble said, managed his gun excep
tionally well, mid once when they Ictl
his gun behind he. through his own
efforts, managed to get 11 moved to
the firing line. He was late but he
got there.
When the boys received the lire.
ws of the signing of th armlalice
they were perfectly willing tu give up
i.- i-;.. im lt..rlin if victory cou
Id be
jUineo. wiiiwii. ..-... -
!.( ll nl.tnrf the lillM Oil COUl(l
hear rifle shots of the men celebrating
"There were many conflicting
things t be seen over there." he said,
"and 1 would not cure to express my
i..:..:- n in-li thinira as the
iieiiiuie -
i:.:..- il. i:..r.un nrinv when
. , . , ,, ... nrUnf. plana for large' npd even nore un
it capitulated. In the line or prisoi.-
. i . , . i .,.,. th. portant work d .rin' tae year
era who were brought lick from the r - ...
hi , ,rt r case make ev.-vv eff it to .ring this
front wonld It a group of men of Dee
, , i ,i (, statement U'fjrj the pej;ile in your
phiqtic, and well equipped and then ' '
. ' . i i .i ,ii . -,,n nf district and t ' tir -e ujian them -he
ji!St Ih'IhiuI them would lie a group oi ....
i i. .... hum-rv continued h if 1'ieir war nv-
young boys poorly equippetl. hungry
' , , , i. , their '"; certifti : es. the f -lTillnent of
an. worn to a fnmlc. Somo oi tneir .
guns were
poorly made and otherj
. . i. .... i...... l-..n nf
e uwa coom -
better workmanship
ml material."
- 1
Drastic KcRulations
for Meat Packers
.WASHINGTON. lVc. 10.-U. P.
A bill proposing drastic regulation of
the meat pneking industry was Intro-
lured into the house today hy Chair-'a
n..n Sims of the Interstate commerce
...... I
It emhrnres a plan for federal con
Irol of refrigeration enrs, refrigerat
ing plants and other fncitles ns sug
gested recently by the federal trade
Austrinns Sacked
Rclgrade Is RepiX't
Aiistrinna before evacuating, com-
rlrtely sacked Belgrade, according to
Deputy Pavisir of Croat io, who nr-
rived here today.
He said not a fourth of the popnln-
.!.!..- n the Serbian capital.
Only th walls of the Roynl Palace are
standing. The railway lines between
Belgrade and Nish were destroyed.
Tajceblalt Is Authority for
Statement that Wilhclin
Tried Commit Suicide
His Defense If ('ailed on
to Stand Trial
oikniia(;kn, iic. io.-u
A deierute but unaucccaaf ul at-1
tempt al aulcldn waa made by the
former Kaiarr, anacrta tile Iiiicifcr
Taj cidiilt. The nt'jipaper aaya it re-'
reived fia information from an ex
(jernmn ataff officer, whu waa wound -
ed in fru.tratmg Wiiheim.
The offiter said the Kaiser had been
much depressed recently.
LONDON, Dec. I'l - (iermun inter
national law experts conferred with
the ex-Kuiaer recently, who ia dictut-
ng to them his autobiography, which
will be submitted in his defense If
.... , . ,.
brought to trial, a dispatch received
in ixmilon from Holland aays
u.' , n, i ... ... .i i .. i i i i
. ... . . . ...
his uniform and apiirara In civilian
1 1 - A I ' CT A f I
Mt'AdoO AsliS Manager
Jackson to Speed Up Pay-
, ... -
menlson the Stamps
The following telegram has been
r...v.l from .i-r-l.r MA.I.w,. i.u
' '
Mute .Manager C. h. Jackson:
iiio.i eaiiiesiiv uiue uuvn you mat
' r
your orgamxation make every possib.c
',,." , .i. . , , , .,
effort, to the end that uledges for the
I-""" ov
ruirilled Iwrure the close of the year.
The government's monetary require
menta were never greater nor more
pressing than they are today. Ex
penditurca for November were great
er tiiun in any aimilar period. Theac
exienditures growing out of the wur
must lc met by borrowing from '.he
K'ople and their magnificent reap.m.-'e
heri-tofore to the government's re
quirements makes i.;? romolcnt t;at
' 1 ;
i.. ..n.l Ihii 1. 1 1 i.uL...nt. m.
suiting froi.i war n.vL-Kitit
Muca remains to be
idonu; our buuc troops must be matn-
'taincd at. 1 paid until their work is
fully nrcuuq.iuti.iil and tl..iy are re-,
turned to their home a. T is is not a
nine . u lu I i.i-v o..i eiiui.n tllM,l
trcusury di artnient is making.
I " ' ' '" I""
as meir me: ns permit.
""' "
This Jcrstv ( v,'
Pa. s Dividends
i ,
U I". Harris f ;,.-.rise has what
he believes is the p. ixe Jersey cow
of I.inn county. He has just received
check for the sum of $37 in pay-
mcnt for butterfnt sold during th
month of November II. think, il l.
month will show a bigger check
Poindexter Wants
Departmental Investigation
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. U. P.
Senator Poindexter of Washington
to,'ny Introduced a resolution for in-
ivcstigntion of the ordnance and quar-,
termaster departments, hinting nt
questionable activities which, he In-
timnted, might have delayed the pro -
.duct ion of guns and shells for the
"If some traitors and spies had
Itt-n executed in the early days of the
war as nn example, better men might
.have been saved," said Poindexter.
Plans living Worked Out for
New lluildinx for Al
bany Steam laundry
That the conclusion uf pear will
aee a new era of proserity in Albany
ia indicated by the increased inquiries
for business, residence and farm pr-jp
The fimt business firm, however, to
contemplate the erection of a business
Mack ' 1 w ' Co t.timaua
are now being made for a one-atoiy
I brick building which will cover a lot
OoxloO feet located next to the Haiti-
.U....,..K on .,... street, i i.e
contract hui not been awarded but it
ia undcratood that it will be let a" a
hiyh enough rental can lie obtained to
pay a (food rate of intereat on the in
vestment. The plana now being work-'
ed out are for a new building for ti.e '
Albany Steam laundry. The lot ii
owneu oy .tira. s. . t.uairk.
IAJM l. Mill KrJLK
k ' i Ml . e ll laekaa r w-k m
' ,
' !
) Perished When Sophia Sunk
-Authorities Trying to
Iioeate Relatives
Haa the late John Colver, former
u.u.lnAu.H All
, " ""? .y
rewni in i.inn couriy; iris la ine
question which is asked by Editor
CJiarlea R. Settlemirr of the Dawson
Daily News in a letter received todi.y
. . . , . , .....
by the Democrat. The letter and cl.p- mg December.
. . . . . ...
uii.g iiieiuioneu uierein are as louows:
Da son. Yukon Territory. Nov. is.
r.litor 1 democrat, Albany.
Dear Sir: I uin sending herewii a
copy of tile Dawson News containing
reference to the loss of John Colve
pi mp-r or rather native ton of a pi
jnor fo your locality. Mr. Qolrcr per.
the Sophia disaster near Ju-
,m"" ,u aK0; "e ' rn
ion 1 rvU farm east of Albany a t'r
j . something over 60 years ago.
He las relatives in or near Albany
and Eugene, and we desire to locate
them, so that the may direct the d:i
pesition of his body if found. Mr
Colver's remains, at last accounts ro
ct ived here, had not been recover.1.!.
He was en route to Eugene.
If you will kindly publish the refer
ence in this paper it may assist
Inrntinw hi. r.l,.Me... r.nv R!.r... !
J.inenu and Agent F. F. w! Lowle of
the C. P. R. S. S. Co. at Juneau dc-
sire the information
All IrtV eln f il'n nn hit k iilxft tvair
from vour locality, and I am a native ,ho"ld Pos!,, Prl,t""nI
son : Albany, and the Democrat and '"hmg the middle and
I were yo .nt stem there together; so -l-has made n3 r-a-l-I
feel like addressing a friend in writ- uPn ,he Germns.
ing to you. - ;
Mrs. Pinska ia mentioned amoni llliniranan Premier
tlie lost in the enclosed Daoer.
'iion oi ner in your paper win also oe
........-...i u- ... ...ii
. ,
iin Albany, I believe, when a young
!in...nlr nnn
Editor Dawson Daily Novs.
John Culver, who was lost on the
Sophia, was an oj-h to 'Mrs. A. H
Pinska! who also perished with tlx
wreck of that YrA. Mr. Colwr watt
born netrt AJUny, Cfett'on, between
Ml and I'.O yciara awn. tl llvd in thut
state until he came' to Ynkon in the
gold rush of W. He belonged to a
well known pioneer family of Orcgm.
For years' he lived nt and in the vi-
cinity of Albany, and later kept a hotel
for years at Prineville, Oregon. He
en,.Bged in mining on Bonnnia
nd other creeks near Dawson for
years. lie ouni tne iiinious uiu . 111&
roadhouse, near Bear Creek. Later
he went to the Forty-mile country, and
for several years had been in charge
of extensive properties o:i Chicken
Creek and other streams in that dis-
trict. owned hv Frank Dnvidson and
associates, or Toronto and Rochester.
llo was going out to join a widowed
sister and a brother living nt Eugene,
Horse Hacks Into the
River and Is Drowned
Hitched to a light spring wagon, a
horse owned by II. J. Firchau hacked
over the bank at the foot of Baker
'street, fell into the Willamette river
and waa drowned. The incident oc-
'furred shortly after 4 o'clock las',
Henry Firchau drove the horse to
the river hank with a load of trash,
.but was not In the wagon at the time.
1 Wireless Message Summons
i Members of ( .rr:; i; Fam
1 ily to Hold Conlcrencc
.l(irr Vi
Today; England Pro
vides Transports
... ., .
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-U. P. -
President Wilson called a meeting of
his cabinet this afternoon by wirelesk.
At Ins rvnuest, Vire-l'resident Mar-
snail presmeo al tne coherence be-
. il I 1 I
" " executive gov-
emmental branches.
NEW YORK, Dec. !0.-The Em -
, . . .... ,
pres. of BnUin arrived tolay with .0
officers and 2.Vi;i men.
She left Liv -
erpool Novemler SO.
More than 10,000 troops are due to
arrive during the day on the Adriatic.
Ascanius and Kroonland. The latter
I I. i.l 1 .
" ' wuunu a"oaru-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10. Britain
has allotted 40.0 tons of shiinjin?
to help return American troops dur-
Spread of Radicalism in Ger
many Helps "Reds" of
Russia to Keep Control
By J. W. T. Mason
NEW YORK, Dec. 10. The efforts
of the Russian Bolsheviki leaders to a drill schedule today. The past iive ! ear was exceeding the speed limit and
strengthen themselves at home by' days of doing nothing, is twice the 1 1 hat the milk wagon was also driving
forming an effective alliance with tha length of any period of idleness that'ut a rather good rate of speed. Tho
German extremists, is proving sue-'we have had before in this country. Ira!s crashing into each other at the
cessful. The Germans are adopting got back from the hospital just tv.o0tler were hoth on the wrong side
someoutward forms of the Bolshevik , days' before we lit out for the line! ,.f the street when the engines were
governmental system. The adminis- aeain. Until last week we have notL.rDt)e(i u exDlained by on eve-
""" m viermany oy l ie uoisnevi.;
mrthod of local v'e,s ' jw in op-
But the M'ntiaI factor of Bols'.e -
via; tneory that the workingmer
I effect
Attemnts Suicide
nioTi-ciuii t 11 tt n
,, ..........
e.l suicide today, due to despondency
over the political situation, says a
ii... I-....-, .ii. i.
IJj.rlin llimnipc
" . . . . .
Spanish Ambassador
MADRID, Dec. 10. U. P. The
sI'"ni'i ambassador to Germany hus
,cn J'sn'iei ll' 'Re Berlin govern-
ment' announced here today.
(I'.evious reports intimated tlflft the
Rovernment planned to expel the Ger-'
amoassiuior at iauna, ami mi
,or '"ft"'u "P'n-i
(ifrman Republic Would
Welcome Pres. Wilson
AMSTERDAM. Dec. 10.-U. P.-
"Representative! or the German e-
public would be happy to meet liim
(President Wilson) and discuss peace
and food problems,-' says the (ologne
"They vcould let Wilson hear
Herman view on matters upon which
he is sure to have received one-sided
, Return From Portland
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bilyeu returned
yesterday from Portland, where they
were called by the death of the infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Io Dockstcudcr.
Mr. Dockstender is a son-in-law of Mr.
Bilyeu. .
The Red Cross sent 15,000,000 cijr-
arcttes, 50,000 stacks of cards, 20, -
000,000 boxes of matches, and 1.000.-
000 chocolate bars to England for
Ameriian soldiers waiting to go t-
Carlton IxKan Makes 4 Trips
to Front and Sees Action
-Has Narrow Escape
(Continued from Yesterday)
(Continued fiom Monday)
Don't worry a I .out the war when-
ever a new drive starts figure on no'
more litters being written for a'
month. We buve received two or el4
thr; A tiM
..clean and thrc. trench c.U.
neutly. Hud to survive o:i
uoi.i airmail
harltnrk, very little bread, coffee and'
canned "willie" and roant beef for two'
Waa on a detail when the old
ration allowance came in. and did not
Ket to eat until aft;r 2 o'clock. Tiie
cook wi re Keneioua and aerved a hig
I pan of biscuit for u, a hig pan of
bacon, the first in nearly three weekj
- a ran of butter-not "oly" the first
'in two months, and a lot of spud,.
Wasn't very hungry -only ate Hi hi.
We got hold of some commissary
,luff UD th,re one dav. a lot of lemon'
drop, in one-pound cans. Bought four
cans and ate them in three days, ily
J mouth waa so raw from the citric acid
'., 7 . " .. . . . V.
lr,ai t coumni eai or annn anything.
. . . . ' "
1 , 1
I was out of makings for over a week,'
then we ot in enough to allow :w
sacks to a S'tuad for another week.'
We bummed every truckdriver, an I
there were hundreds passing. Thi ,
helped relieve the pressure until w;
got our allowance again. j
tien. Cameron's chauffer went to a
ration d'jmp and got us two and ai
h'.ir . .. . .... . , r !.,-.... i i
,- . . , ... '
lives thereby. A s d.lier can gleefi'lly
(withstand all hanlships until hiaamo! -
I ing gives cjt. Can't write aa ofter,
" m unable to get ba?;that Die boy had auffered a fracture
censor envelopes, and have but on?
left. Will make it a long one, any
how. Oct. 30. Had no chance to write
yester.lay, so will finish it today. The
war must be about over or something
for we have a "Y" man with us now.
We arc getting auspicious since we
have had nothing like this before
This is our day of rest, only we start
rwn in DiiR-ts since, i ne oiu nay m
these lofts sure feels good to us. Had flm the drivers of both cars making
j s me bed in the Argonne Forest. Mynn attempt to avoid a collision,
p bunky and I dug in just deep enougnj Mjss McCalley was not injured and
t protect us from "grass sputters,
But the artillery was awful our own,i
gns. We had to yell to talk to eaci ;,,., board, her car is not damaged.
other, and if it wasn't for the factTll0 other wag adly smashed.
we were due in. would have been I rn the milk wagon with the driver
shaken out of bed by the jar. It don't ;nt tj,e tlme or tne accident were to
seem possible, but we slept good nttiur boys, but they were not injured.
!, when it didn't ram, which wa?n t
often. We have done little but oat:
since we were reiievea.
Got a can of
I ncaches from
"Y" two
I franc and -jt-'heJ 1 Poun,d 11 ounce..
.. , , ... ,
I siiinller can. Got a can of milk from
a little one-by-two store, and noted
n? oaiury t.uU "
'. i'"i"-'-- -
Must of these frog stores handle Ca. - -
nation. Borden's or Aster brand milk.
But Scio milk! It beat me.
A doctor told me that so much of
the diarrohea was caused by the con -
tim:al shock of the shells. Wore a
heavy French belt instead of too
smaller issue, on this last trip up. and
was on tne oum oniy once tor io
nays. jm nussing ui.u to.s uiviiio., lighting a time or two tnat wont u
on account of having no rifle . Taej,,. ne a SCared. A man going back
morning we went over this last time. the front that says he isn't scared,
arrying artillery bridges in sections
we had dropped tho thing for rest ar.d
e scatteivu aruun.t .uv..
were scattered around in shell holes
snen nn me ormtye .m '""-.
my "fit- and some of the tools also.
We had two extra sections for lust
'"'n emergent u-a. ..ost u.e , . ee-
ition m the same way. after we had it
m. i ne town nuimi wen .uoFu
yet by the doughboys when we hit it.,
Hud to bridge a little threc--foot crock
nt one end of the town. There was a
Jerry lying in a pile oi rums mKin-
I potshots around the country, sniping
with n one-pounder. He wasn't both-
ering us, tho he wasn't over 200 feet
awnv. One of the fellows happened
to see him dodire nround a pile of
rock, chnniring his position. Several
j0f the fellows and some doughboys
sneaked out. and several shots told
us the war n-ns over for an ither FriU.
' Heavy frost and fog every mornin.
Hnte to think about going back Jo tlio
lines again, but am afraid that such
will be our fate. It's the ones that
'd0 the best fighting that get the most
Huick and Ford Collide
Coiner of Fourth and
Ferry tast Night
''Tace .YlCXalley LSCaDC9 In-
jury; Hoy Was Riding on
Running Hoard of Car
Loren Sloan, 12-year-old ion of Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Sloan of East Alba.ty,
' ln st- Mary'i hospital in a crit-
ical coalition . r ...t
I "w wa, aaukw
mobile accident which happened at the
corner of Fourth and Ferry strata at
.':.10 lait niht.
The bov waa working on . -.ill-
- " -
route for the Albany Pure Milk it
Cheese company and waa ridir.j on
the running board when the car col
lided with a Buick which waa driven
by Misa Grace McCalley, daughter of
it. B. McCauley of 13th and Ferry
K. B. McCaUey of 13th and Ferry
The boy waa picked up and rushed
to St. Mary's hospital in tha McCall
!1 car on,f L,r- J- P' '"
summoned- An examination allowed
of the base of the akullf a fracture of
the left leg about six inches above the, and minor bruise and cuts. He
wls reported by the attending physi
cian to be better this morning but nis
-ondition is regarded as critical.
The McCalley car was being driven
south on Ferry street and the milk
wagon was coming up Fourth. Eye-
i witnesses assert that th McCalley
.1 ness, however, that this resulted
h the of minor d..nm
one iamp, the fender and the run-
j - -rr- tt
of it. I hope, tho, that oar stay up
there w,ill be shorter this kind of wea-
. t.ier. I envy the new men in the coni-
Lany making their first trip to the
,i,s. 5i,0t at it. You can hear first-
hand about it, but you won't be both-
t-r. by tne talk-it inKes actum ex-
oenence. ine next time you go up,
Uou are more scared, and each sue-
leeJinE time, the fear grows. It's
! like going to the dentist; the firtt
time you don't know what you are
; roing up against, but by the time
j you c0 to a rough one a few times, you
, now how you dread it. This is the
san,e 011y infinitely worse. You can't
Ilnd B soldier that has Deen in actual
t.iti.,.r, hasn't been there before, or
,.s.. he is a liar. Don't worry about
n;e not knowing tne true wonn oi
ire. V hen we gel relieved ana mey
try to kill us off in hiking us back,
the farther the hike the sweeter life
sccms, tor it may lie jusi mat mucn
on.r to live. Have seen men
pieces ol men, mown inrougn tne air
while I was eating. Your only thougl.t
j, tilnt you mny be the next; but th
eating goes right on. Grub is too
scarce to let anything like that notner
Vou. but it is the uncertainty that
wears and tears on your nerves. IIav-
n't written for so long that a coherent
iL.iter is Imoossilile. My bunky la
BWay on his furlough; eot up at 4 a.
m. and moved off with half th bed
one of the horrors of war on a frus-
ty night. Hope my time don't com
till the day we go back to th lines
and I don't get back until we ar re-
lieved. Paper ia scarce, and It. Is
real task to write such a lot All th
love In the world to yon.
I 1