ALBANY BAILY DEMOCRAT. MONDAY, I)F.('RMIIF.R I Xmas Suggestions Aluminum Wure 'I'lllTMMHt MuKlfM riiiiimiiiiity and KimIkitn Kilter I l.liihla I'tM-krt hllivca 'IfHlU lt)n' Wagons VWirrlbarrowa Military To) Barker Hardware Store ('oniftirtiililr, rotivrnit nt, arntiul VS hi Hi it your vmpluyiiifiit U in mini iiiuniml, or a com hi tin I ion of bolli, it I good eymlKltl whitIt vintblm you u prolrct yuumrlf phyu ally, and al io you lu f rit ahead In rlnn room ur l)UHinrH. Tultr aruiiiit and run nrrvtf your rywl(ht! i:. c. mkadi: ()ptoii)ctr!h WARSSviN(iSSTA.MPh United States Ciovrrnniont W iiiuAiiMiNr-.iMiMk.inrLD j I.IIIKUTY IIOMiS I If yuu muit sell your bunds j will buy them. J. M. 4 II. M. HAWKINS, tf Albany, Ori'iion. NOTICE OF SALE (IF (iOVKKN -MENT TIMIIKK (irtwrnl Ijllld Office, WlinlilllKtun, I). ('., NovcniUr 1 1, linn Nutiio la iu-rohy itiven Unit i I j--1 to the ruiiilitiom mill llinitnliun uf the An uf J ijiik li, lulii (:iu still., oK, unit Hit that rucl Inn. nf the .Secretary uf Urn Interior of .Septemlier l.'i, I'Jl.. Ihq tlinU r on the fullnwint.' ImuU will lx il.t Jim. 2, I ii l:i, nt In o'clock a. til., nl rul.lic niirtmii nt the -lnited Stales Imiil office at Ki'Hrlmr, lire iron, lu tlic litt'hi'it bidder nt not Ims thnn the appraised value ns itiiimii by till notice, Nnle to he subject to tlm approval of the Secretary of tlm Inter, lor. The purchase price, wi'h mi ad ditional mini of out - fifth of one per crnl thereof, Itcini; ronttiilsiiions al lowed, must lc dcpomled nt time of sale, money to Ik returned if sale is not unproved, nlhcrwiM. oatenl will Issue fur thr liinlier wlii-h until he re. moved within ten ymn. til will be received from ritixens of the United States, associations uf such riluens rniil corporations organized under the laws of the (;tiitrl States or nny ilnt, territory or district l-reof only. I'p on application of n (pialificd purchas rr, (hp titnhrr on nny Ifi'iil aulMil vinton will 1m offered s.arately lefoie lieinir included In nny offer of a Inrrer unit. T. SK S., It 1 K. Sk. 1; SK'.: SW ' ,, yrllnw t.ini 10 M . ml fir 4.10 M white fir 'io M.t none of the yellow pine to tie nuM for lim thnn Jl Ml wr. , ntul none of the fir to lie iiiihl fur li. than l ti per M T. U S , li, 2 W, S.-e !,. NK'i SW1;. reil fir :i"0 M . vellow fir !i"0 M . MM , SWi SW ml fir fiOO M., yrllot fir KM) M., SW , SW ,, nil fir 11. 'iU M yellow fir Iimj M.. n.lnr 60 M., SK'4 K W i, re.l fir r,.'.U M . yt-tluw fir 100 M , Nh MK ,. ml fir &.0 M., NW', SK1,, ml tir 4..0 M., yellow fir lion M., SW', SK1,, r.,1 fir 7oo M., yel low fir :M .M., rnlur Mi M , SK , SK ',. ml fir loj.1 M yellow fir :iu0 M., none of the red fir, yellow fir or cednr to he auld for leu than tl.MJ per M. I 14 S . It. W . Sic. I.. NK'i NK'i red fir K6o M.. NW', NK ,, red fir ki ., , hW, Ni. :. ml lir KJ.'i M . BK'i N K ", , ml fir Hon M.. NK'i NW ',, ml fir 4.'d M , yellow fir 4.'.0 M., NW , NW',, red fir loo M, yellow fir K.'.o M., redur 70 M . SW' i NW'i. ml fir S'.Ti M . yellow fir iTM M. ee.lnr 70 M., SK' , NW'i, red fir nj.1 M., yellow fir 400 M , redur 115 M., NK', SW',, yellow fir 700 M., rclnr 70 M., NW', SW':. yellow fir 4;l M rednr rill M.. Sff'i SW'i, yellow fir r.4(i M. SK'i SW',, yellow fir 740 M.. NK'i SK'i. ml fir H70 M.. vellow fir WO M , cedar f.S M.. NW '. SK',. ml fir f.7n M . rednr M M.. SW'I SK' I, red fir r.HO M , SK'i SK i ',, ml fir kmo M.. cednr 'Jfi M . none of the red fir to he mid for le than $1.00 per M., and none of the yellow j fir or rednr to Ik a dd for lenn thnn I Kl.iri r M. T 17 S.. K. fl W., See. ! in, Lot ml fir I'.m M., Lot 3, red j fir .H.5 M. Sec. S5. NK'i SW;, red ! fir f.'.T. M.. SK'i SW';. ml fir 4ir. M. NW'i SK'i, ml fir 4o M.. SW ', SK',. red fir r..Mi M.. SK' , SK ,, ml fir S3f M., none of the red fir to Ih aold for le than SI ? per M. See. "7 lit 1. red fir l!i M.. N'i SK'i N'W'j, ml fir 430 M.. NH, NW',' NW",. red fir .'lir. M , nontt of th ml fir to In told for li than ll 4'i per ill. f'l.AY TAM.M AN, f'ouniilaiil'.ner, (lenernl I-and Offle. dynai.i:i0 KihmI I'uiift'il Iti Anirrleii h. Id the prlie of hn .ltif:n at. inly, piwented vhi.ii.i. aj.t uiiiti' ti tiiul ,.''.rioii and prca.Twd lin.uii.llllty ul lion . In no ni In r tiniii.ii In tl i-m an wi ling a Mi'iiiu. nf v i 1 . . 1 1 l 1 1 1 fi-lf aiH'rllh e n 'II Aliii-ll.'ll II :ll Wail il.ol.'ll 111 lit hI.iii"-ih'i' f loin 1 1 ii i. Kind more nloiit, It r.iine; more p .'k. It llilne; aim- x'leur, II W'na ih.lie. Ho An..') li'iilm IUO..VI t, .1 Hie i li..'t,iiKe of li.-l ll.llll ilii i ulloti. CihiiI wIM riili-n the new wot hi na f.-,ir i!iuTi.t"l II e 1.1 w.irt'l 'J liM.iuh h!hinuit food Aiiierhii hi'lpN liiul.e Ihe .i hole w orl'l klu. l-'iHid control liiii.le H'lllli'li or f tun hii-liii;e, U-il Mi.- rein on f..o'l i .,4, ::.e the 111, 1 L .11 ' M f'lll t',i-l,;th el.i-1-- SAVE 16,000,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING Si uri m (mi loiiniitiy chti'h l.. d nil l.e woip!; f. .. I i ri.ii.i.ti ;o Aliii'lU'll mi -l.-il llie I li; 1 1 ' .-fi4. I cur. 1", ..11. .li In Anuf'H Ii i I I . i ii Hie 1 1 ' i ' i I Ii uf hull, l.lm l di vo- I. II ti. II." to '...U..I r...j. ! )4 44 - I OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATAhnH How Tn CH lirlirf When IIed and No are SlulTrd I "p. Count fifly! Yiir .M In hmd or raLirrh ilmpiir. Ymir rloLTf"! n triU will p"-n, tb air aft'-iir f tour brail tll r!ar aiid y--u run brcatha frrly. N' mor unuillirnr. liawkinjr, mucous Iim hark'. drvtii'Mn or liinia.-bti bt irut.'tinK (-r hrcmih at rniftit, iirt m antall liottlo nf VAy't Crini Ilnlm fr'n your dniiriit an-1 npj'l liltla '( tttia fraKmnt. antiw-pl.c crram lu your oootrilt. Jt w!wtrutn thruirh rery air paBimio of t!tr hri, VHrthinjf and healing ttm iwoll.'n nr inlUmtl munru tttcuibrant. K'vinK '"u itutant rrliff. Ili-aJ Cflila and ri irrh yield like niatfic Don't itay ituiltxl-up and miacrablc RelU-f U aura Nnpthn Sonn, Inre liara, Br. Ho. lowuy'a Kariut-ra' Store. n'iTtf Firmart, Urged by Food Admin litra tlon, Provide Savon. Extra Loavta of Broad for Cvory American. I'.y ad'iillnf t-U-nufr tlinnliInK nu-th-O'In mid ly llt-rtl Ijr rmnblnif hurvral tlt-lilit la jcnthiT icraln fnrmrrljr f. t li renin nni'h hikI fnrntira ut Hit I'Mied S Hi u-n ilila yur aiived fully U.tnnnnnt hualicla nf whent, ethunli-d aa i-4ultaleiit toiilxxit wvpo mm- Htnnl ImiveH if hri-nd Mr rvrry (MTiwiri In the i (Hifiiry. 'I hla r-Mtj I r. aci-rMnnld tiy eijrr'Krfiii(1lii(( auvliiK "f Ufirlry, ontn, ry and oilier gr;ilii, la ahown ly rjMirta front X rriiln Biala lo the V. A. KMd AdiiilrilHtrHlloii. Other atatea, altlxiiik'h iwi ireuired to furulah rtetl n I tn fluurfM of roiia'rvntlon In the irntiji llehla, re(rt gn-olly reduvl InirvfMt U,nn'u. TIiIn rural fod imivIhk achlpyement, a-( o'tiplUlied In a4-iireely alx iuoiiiIim' time, wua In dlrwt reMifie to r rjuentii by tlio Yt A'hiilnUt nillftn, wlilrti jinkHfl farmem and tltr-.herien tu leilui m harvent loaiu-a from ahuut M'4 i-r rent, Hie estimated a rem ft lu ncrmtil tliuva-to the loweitt xait- tile ihlnliiiurn. fount ry icnilo threii liiK iiiiiiiln4-a ettrrled Into every ariiln crowing cruuniiinlty the ol!W!ul nditiinetitlutl'iina for accompllitlilnif the n'NultM deired. In nunifrooM limtunofo drH'era of ni' kn with leuky bottoina were aent from the fWlila to repair their iniiIh rnent and frequently hud order thretth Inc niiK-hltieit were alofiid until the riiimr of want win remotfd. I'.ut In iroMirtlon to the numher uf peraona niiiw In tciittuTlna the nullon a icruln rnp. lawn of ritiinlion wen rniil' jKitu lively ran. 'i'Uv Von AdtnlnU tint !oii fr.ely nlirlbuteH the nut einn of tin ml ii thrlilii) rHiiiiu It'll to po t riot le MTvlir ! funnem, thr.her inen ntul tin Ir erewa. i 'Ii-i : ally Kruln troier of the 1'nltfd Stuii-s are mull) in' H on of dollura "In k ket" aa u leMtilt of tin- Krai n nuve, KO ONE SUFFERED HERE. The m;ire of our oluntuty frd Wivlnc. now tluit we oio "Kfttln re nuIim." In t ti ii t no one cylt nctuiHy aiitTi i ed any hnrdhl:l from It ; that we nil are tetttr In healtu and wplrlt and het'er Kittl.tltl with otirni-lvea le caUM of our friemllv wlf-i.M.LHl. t mm l r 1 'I a. w3i'V.-'."M Roast Dclon?Cx)kini it. mesnxS CboKed Electrically 51bs.4oz. Blmri i. l Cooked tfuOidinaryfey 41fes.8oz. You can save your fuel bill in food by using an Electric Range MOUNTAIN STATES POWER Co. Both Phone 1J SOB V. 2d St. TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE CENTS H riarlnff thrm on I e posit tn our navinK department ALBANY STATE BANK 4 per rent on Savings rrr.Tr. MEANT FREEDOM FOR FRANCE PAGE THKKa Allegorical Repreaentatlon of Vtunj Cirl'i Imprer.t'on of First q. diera From America. Kuthleiri N"rri (five nn Itiixclniiry fOfiM-ri-iitlou with u joun;' I ri fi li mrl i w rlhiiilf the fntniiiie of the Ati. rl ;ih aoldh ra to r rnnre oh ah a auppo-d p iiieiuiier It : "'And iim ii to Mtfind hi'dldi our inea from Aiiwrl'-a ! I remeitilier t ind Iim,' In the rliiiteuij :(tevvny on n hriht Novi'tnher tifteriiooti find weelnir ih-m eoiHH up the road. Hoi. Her! We Here lined lo aoldlern! Uui the -e were dif feieiif. Criindtiiere u. JIM with trie, we hud eei, here nil the time, "'They ihhih Hlon, In the ntriitn Jiijf ufrerij'Hfti Hiiiiliht, aiid they Mnih-d and wned at me. "i'h J are the American !" (irn nil mere aiild. and h l vnn to ry t"f(ly. "(od hh-Mii tliem hI hlenf, tln-m:" y.he whiMHrf oyer nnd over. "And that flight, ti J'oii litio.v. we bad thHr orflMT nt the r!i:it. ::u u one of them told in he. a No. lutd a du tighter, not Knjf'h oihil''t I. und I ( r n.inii wai Ir; it In I don't know w iiy for, ioJ know there were Inird tltueti, und diirk tlme uht'iid tmt from that moment I f It hope. Child thnt ! wuk, I Ki-. to behlhil t fns- mnri hlntf nn n the In tr and C'tJenttm nation that wim (Jedicnt Inn It' If to their nervlre. the women fveryw here, with their wnvlli HIl'l xtklnK, khvIlk and planning, th' lr let ter und their priijern nil ot hi their work for nn heMe whhh the comfort nnd tin of thii pent rutlori was a noiliiiu' I' " W'. loan's Home Companion. REGARD ' COLO AS SERIOUS Medical Authority Warns Againet Con temptuous Attitude Too Often Taken by Those Afflicted. Tho ultrawly citizen of male per Kunvinii devote part of the hm ellry fsttnimtr diiya to the unj mp:tthetlc task of sU'Ctlnjr hN winter oven-out a wise and sometimes mom y-av in? pleoe of foresight. Otln r per-pirina one nru buying cuiL In Kiimmer pr1 pnre for winter. It la probably In this hplrlt thnt tli very rnhNiiini.i r limn Inr of I lost on Medical and Surgical cal Journal toiiehe upn the I u-n tu be ry aubt of ctd., nnd It N pre cisely in thl aplrit that translate a few Injunction from the rjiedhnl wrltlnir of Ir. D. C. Dennett lu the J Jonmal. ! Treat colds early and carefully. ! Colds are simply the flrst atnpc of pneumonia, tutx'n'iiloHja and many I other ailment. When you hnve n cold you are in the bcjilimlnc of a fk'iinus dlwase, whl"h may develop If j you nep'e't It. In military c:irnp the onlcr la that colds be repirte! upon ! the npiM-aninre of first yu;)4lnm. ' Ho not poke a cold with iiieilimted ' cotton on a stick. Do not take npinn except for pain. Io not pmy a cold. Do not take quinine and whisky, but treat a cold seriously lenue It is a serious dlsense. Consult a doctor. Ford Owners Attention ! S o .oo A Slaiulard I'rico $ 3 0. .0 0 A Standard Job !?:.0.(,0 will put your CylinJcrs in first class ninniiis; condition. Price incluJus: I.Al'.OI.', kKBORING, PISTONS, RINGS, CI;()SS I!I:aI) PINS. All Standard Ford P;irts. Costs Nothing to Ask Aliout It at Ridder's Machine Shop Fht and Jackson Streets $30.00 - - . $30. .00 Hx)t Water Bottles SI. 25 to S2.50 ALL GUAH.VNTEKD WE MKNU HOT WATKK BOTTLES Wood worth DrusS Go. W.LL BUY 1'OTATOES I PAY CASH 4 nt I.. .J.;; -oint P. i. B. car. 1 alito hanille Number One May ur Srrond ;r..i!" 11 y. M. (I. RKKl) - - Roth Phones "I N j' "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" You l)M Tlio.e Waul when fi-toiita camr to your lion.e. Yu rr .ii (rliul to He thi'iiv orry thnt tlioy li'Bvinir. mid are IT IS TIIK WAY OF THE Ml'LTNOM AH HOTEL t Portland. Cordinllty. of Greetinir, nic aerylo. Rnrj?e for your use If you an driving rar, nnd clime proximity to all plarca of Internet, are mak InK The Miiltnnnah POHTLANIVJ LEADINO HOTEL .i-ij, 1 1 Christmas Candy Orr Atlrartive IIiimb will aolvt thr Hiiliday Trohloin nr.Aiw row mkn Miiit h,ll.-r Cifl thnn a lln nt High (irndt CiKara ? I.t't ua h..p you pick out Huliht'a favorite brand. H-O-T TAMALES Day anil NiBht LESLIE'S Flrnt Street Italians Alt In It Tract Ically evory woman In Italy from sixteen to sixty Is a war nurse or n volunUNT war worker, ati'l the whole nation Is fooling the beneficent throb of their nctlvlty," Count .V. Machhl He Cellerc sahl In nn ail-lress before the Continental Cimirross of the Panirhters of the Aiucr-knn Itevolu tlon. Our women In I;i!y. tl. . not politically organized or prepareil for pervlce, had within their hearts nnd minds the hereditary tradition of the ttrucclp for liberty and nationality and hnve stepped forward, fa! line Into line with marvelous efficiency and unanimity, baeklnjr the men In the army from royal palace to munition plant "They have undertaken the tn:k of looklntr after the soldiers famines, as well as reconstruct I ne and retlttlnjr for useful lives tho disabled men. of plvlni; hands to the fields as well as to the factory." What He Wanted. General lUddle said at n London par ilr j.ur'y: "The douchhoy In France has n lot of tnmMe with the French luneuano. A douirlil'oy sat on n bench in the Tuileries pnnlens one day nnd thumb ed a French phrase book discontent edly. Thls here book.' he prowled, 'don't tell you what you want to say at all. It tells you how to say the uncle of i your mother Is sixty-five years old, or the sister of your wife bus bought o cow, or the umbrella of your neigh bor Is In the attic, but I don't want to nny nnthlnc of thnt kind. "What do you want to say? an other doughboy asked, "What I'm nfter, said the first douirhboy, Ms a book thnt tells you how to sny. Tour face Is f.unlllar: ain't we met before or 'flee, them eyes!' or 'Little plrl, you sure do look out o1 slht In that swimmln suit. " New Motorcycle Ambulance. A motorcycle ambulance. Illustrated In I'opular Mechanics Macazino, has been built for use abroad, and ovi bodles many new refinements of de sign. Tho sidecar will carry two dis abled men on stretchers, one above the other, nnd N equipped wilh a rounded top, Jit need to one side of the steel framework so thnt It can bo turned back for loading and unload!. iff. A canvas covering, which at I aches to the aides, bowed top nnd ends like a side curtain, affords complete protection against tho wvuthor for the moa on the stretclieis. -3- U ijm economy n Ev?ry Cake PHJCHESTER SPILLS V,-. .Ill )t A MUSI IIRASn. AA I IHA'TuO II M A N D 11 1.I.A, fttt J)A 2 yam toow Wltmt, Saltan. Alrtr SOLO BY DftUGlSIS EYLfiYHLRE For Milk and Cream Phone 17 Two Daily Deliveries Albany Pure Milk & Cheese Co. Corner Fifth an I Jackscn Sts. Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS Compare our KKCl'LAK PRICES r ith others' Holiday Special Fancy Seide.l RAISIN'S, jtu-Vage 15c or-3 for 40c Fancy Ste.lltss RAISIN'S, 1 bounce jackase 15c or 3 for 40c Fancy RAISIN'S, bulk, per pound 15c Fancy CURRANTS, lj-ounce paci: ire 30c MIN'CEMKAT, 10-ounce pac'a;;e Vcri Best or None Such 15c MINCEMEAT, in bulk, none Iwtti r, er pound . . 20c rOCOAXUT. 1-4 li. box 50c; I -2 lb. box .. . . 20c; 1 lb boi . . 35c CRANBERRIES, Pacific Coast, pu- j ound ' 13 Fancy. larte LE!OXS, per dozin 4 SWEET POTATOES, fresh stjck.l pounds 25c Orciron ONION'S, per pound ."c; sack lots 2J4c Headquarters for all kinds of FKK II FRUITS and VEGETABLES FANCY SANTIAM POTATOES 2 l-2c pound SACK LOTS 2 l-4c pound EASTBURN BROS. . r:-. .i"-.-4i?i.;? v . V. a: ) Most things can bo anybody's pi ft your portrait is distinctively, ex clusively yours. NOW Is the time to hnve them taken. . For those who are busy during the dav our studio is thor oughly equipped for tnl.inif pidturel In the eveninje." ' Open evenings- by appointment only. Clifforcl's Studio 133 West First Street