- PAGB TWO '"ITCia ALBANY DAIL1 DEMOCRAT, MONDAY. HKl'KMIIKR 19IS. Daily Democrat WM, H." HORNIBKOOK. publisher Entered at the postoff.ee t Albany, Oregon, as second class mtter. ii.it.. ...l.lialuut Mvnrv vninir excent Sunday. Semlweekly published Tuea- daya and Fridays. Business Matter i. mA-vi- AtiiiMi of address, sub scribers should alwaya give old a well aa new adilrese. Riihurlnlion Kates Dailr Delivered by carrier, per week . . 10c Delivered by carrier, per year . . 14.00 By mail, at end of year S.50 Bv mail, in advance, per year . . 8.00 Classified Katea One cent per word for firat publica tion; one-half cent per word thereaf ter, payable in advance. Minimum charge," twenty five centa. ESTABLISHED IN 18 6 6 MONDAY", DECEMBER 9 lSli. INGRATITUDE A member of the German delea tion which entered the French lines to sign the armistice complains bitterly of the lack of warmth and courtesy ahown by the French officers. "All the hostility and fulness ot hate for our country that seem now to be cherished in France,' 'he say. "came to expression in the form of the negotiations as well as in the ter rible nature of the conditions." He does not accuse the French rep resentatives of saying insulting and humiliating things to the Germans. But there were no kindly greetings no friendly proffers of any sort, notr ing to lessen the embarrassment 01 the Germans. Marshal Foch's only greeting was. "Here, gentlemen, is what you need,' referring to tables and maps. No "ne. gotiations was allowed. Those coarse Frenchmen insisted on "dictating" ev erything. "The enemy maintained in the per sona of all his representatives th same objective. Their coldness was' mitigated by no single word that bor-J dered on the human. The English ad j miral adopted the tone of the French; and only from Marshal Foch's chief , 1 of ataff, who bore the Alsation nar.c of Weygand, did we perhaps receive j any greater politeness." . It can readily be imagined how the tender hearts of those Germans must have been lacerated by such brutality And alas! There is no hope to offer them. . They will undoubtedly mee with the same uncivil treatment at the peace conference except possibly from some allied representative wno bearing a Teutonic name, may under stand gemuetlichkeit and sittlichkeit as well as achrecklichkeit, and know how to be courteous to babykillers. V Jirvici H Splendid Line of Decorated Japanese Waste IVpcr Baskets, and Framed Scenes j Wi of the Celebrated Columbia River Scenic Hijihway. Also strong line of Rugs. M g bought before the big raise in prices and sold at moderate prices. H Fortmiller Furniture Co. is , . I CITY NKWS I I 4 Have Baby Buy- On Deeemler i a seven-pound bnl y boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. 1.. Burnett Jr., at the home of Mrs. Bur nelt's mother, Mrs. I.. A. Smith o.' Springfield, Ore. Mm. Burnett was formerly Hand Smith of Albany, and Mr. Burnett is in France with the $'?:: artillery. Theater Owner Here C. F. Hill arrived in Albany lust night from Seattle and expect to re main here for a couple of months. Mr Hill is be owner of the Globe .(to! Kolfe Theaters. Returns to Work The Vor!ci Moves On . Printer; tlun'it the rOjvfcV.in;. nucKiito was not pr.ict:iv.l Tite horse h: . ee!er sr.iA t!e (V'U'nu'Liile niU neOerl em penerr! i..v The wire nuinuf.ictury'r S-ii.I "wir.!ess" was o dro-utt ECen congressmen s.iul ''he.ivter-: Inn air" flying machines were i.-.iiv.-vWe The to he Jistnrhod I'C lite luvls of prepress is t'ae sisile-iecorJ phon ograph mannftictttrer, who sin's the playing of oil records on one ntachine cannot bo done. I f j -si i m&i Mm a r 1 mnnmiir H IV'III II 11H III Rl I II I I it'i Albany, A $ 17 . E The Home of Practical Xmas Gifts A GIFT FOR F FRVONE AND A GIFT THAT IS WORTH WHILE Here Are Just a Few Hints to Xmas Buyers CANDLE STICKS BOOK ENDS PIANO LAMPS TRAYS NUT 'BOWLS WEST FIRST STREET J Mrs. I., E. Wurford returned to liei ' worn this morning at M. Stornlierg' Ladies' Shop, after being out five weeks with the influenna. . Leave for Texas ! Mr. II. S. Logan left last night for Texas to visit her brother. Mr. I.o i:nn came up last niht from Vancou ver for a few hours to see her before leaving. ' On Business Trip Orie Cox went to Salem thi morr ing on business. To Attend k. I. Convention Mr. and Mrs. (5. 1.. Alexander And daughter, of Imitation, were in Albany this morning on their way to Portland, where Mr. Alexander will attend the Knights of Pythias convention. He la one of the delegates. "Cannot Be Done" is novO in the scrap heap, for The Brunswick rW it ' It attracts the i t t T eye. It pleases tho ear. It rlas uii records at their best. It is All Phonographs in One Hear t!ie BrunsfJick First Decule for Yourself. r r i Oregon t..S ROCKERS DINING TABLES TABLES DRESSERS BOOK CASES i Worth While Xmas Hints Your anmiil prob'nr..-' made easy Here ate i few Practical suites -tions: China and Glass De partment CUT GLASS VASES W ATER BOTTLES PITCHERS TUMBLERS VASES DINNER SETS TEA SETS HAVILAND CHINA And so forth. Silver and Cutlery De partment COMMUNITY FLAT SILVER CARVING SETS CASSEROLES PERCOLATERS ALUMINUM WARE And so forth. Grocery Dcpp'jT'it i ---r'i i.iii Xmas Groceries thaf will gladden the heart of eld Santa and make his mouth watc; will be found in our choice stock of fancy groceries. Your Xmas feast will be provided with everything from soup to nuts of the most toothsome and tempting delicacies. BIG SHIPMENT OF High Grade APPLES Just In. Holman & Jackson Brcadalhin Street , Flour VAI.I.KV I1KST Without Huhatitutca Per Sack A special price to introduce It. ONK SACK TO A FAMILY Ol 'l.l. II UK TO III UliV Murphy's Seed Store Realty Canndian Lands LOAN'S AM) INSl'KANTK Gea. Taylor Corner of Second and Hroadslhin Ilrll ;:'J: Home 2075 . Dollar Upon Dollar interest upon Interest at the rate of 4 K-r cent compounded, mukes money itrow fust at our Savings Department! Try this out today and a start towards success is yours. Capital and Surplus, $'.10,000.00 J. W.Cusick & Co. Rankers Albany, Oregon FISH K R-B KA I) KN Undertaker Auto Senricc lady Assistant I CASH PAH) FOR- 1 J-U-N-K Metal, Iron Scraps, Sacks, ItaRS mnA in tnrth Pacific Junk Company I . IOIOOTTA I I Second and linker Streets I Hell 3l.rlt, Home 2227 I THE BEST BAKED GOODS CKOCfcKIfcS, PRODUCE d FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sin ol Oualily" 136 Lyon St. Both Phone Frank G. Will JEWELER I Mull clsss Jewelry, Bilver, Cut Glsss ami Hand Painted China STETTEK'S Full line of Chlnawsre, Dishes, Crockery, Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. A t3 A N Y rniVi U SAVINGS BANK CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESSD1RECT0RY For Sale liltY SI.AItWt)l)l-Cll .1.'H. Ham mind l.umlier Co., in Imlh 111 Inch and 4 foul lenntln. Oelivcry nimle to any part of tho city. (nil I I'Olt SAI.K .1X1 acres, crops nuichin ery, stork. (iood terms for lout time, cufth. l.ll.erty llonds luken, pai It. 2, Ilox i:i6. d.'ijii COLO KISH A shUniieiit of plain aiui laiH-y oiiiisn niis oeen recviv. ed hy the Alhnny rurnitiiro Kx limine. I'ish ylolies nnd fish food fur snle. -n7 ('All H.VKOAINS- Ford tourlnir l.l'.H): Maxwell Hudson l!: Stude- l.oker IVi.O; Maxwell Mol; Mull Tractor WM; Ford Truck ;M; truck attachment :t.'0. Waldo An derson A Son n'tf ! ; HKMSTITCHINCIOc por yasr), you ! furnish ths thread. Iira I'lots, lub I.von St. Hell MHK. Homo li'Ut). n'JdK KOIt SAI.K 2 horses, I mars, 1 horso. Inquire of L. C. Anderson, Amer ican Kxpress office. n'Jtf For Kent KOli KKNT W) acres hottoin lnnd tiood house and ham. II. Itryunt, 7dU KOR RKNT 2H aeni farm, with 2 horses, S cows, machinery, f lilu ier year, liny in barn fur sale, ( all Oavenport's Music Store. KOK KKNT Modern homa close in. Impure of W. K. I'feiffar. nlutf KOlt KKNT 7-room nuusa and A acres, 1 mils fr.i.i. cwIihium, Al bany, On. hiah i Hoduu. .. KOK KKNT 10 acres, Rood house, other improvements, ('loss in. In quiro Leo Cohen. nTtf Miscellaneous AflKNTS WANTKI1 LIIIKKTY TKI liMI'HA.NT. "Worlds (Jrealest War Illustrated"; thrillinir, complete, nu) pui;es; price postpaid AtcetitA nmke $.'0 dnily. Outfit '-'.V. Or der quick. Nationnl I'uiilishers (es. taldished lH.r7, VI Hi Ijlkeslde lll.l. Chicago. ili.nlll.lll'.lM HAIR SWITCHKS mado from eomb in's and cut hair, (.cave orders at llumiluin'a Store Millinery llepnrt-nH-rit; or call Homo phono x:iH2 Will cull at homes for orders. Mrs. T. Tcllefson, Albany, Ors. CASH PAID Kor furniture and household jrood. See us Iwfore you sell. Alhuny Kui-niture KxchnnKS 416-417 West 1st St. liuth iibones. d'tf I-LKNTY OF MONKY to loan on Kood farms; low Interest rntes; b yenrs' time; privilege to py $HM) or multiple on any interest date. Call or write J. M. & II. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. n2ltf d'.jii FOR R O Y A I. TYI'KWKITKRS -Write to (Irnham & Wells, (!orvnllis, Oregon, Agents for Linn ('ounty. LAST CAI.I nt these prices, cabbage for kraut, 2 1-2 rents per pound, unions for tho flu, 'i l-2c or 'l :1U per lull lbs., lit Hamilton's Store. 7ll WALNUT TRKKS I am milking up tin order for Franmictto Walnut trees. If you would like a few I can mnke you a very low prico. W. A. Itorline. I,cnvn your orders at F. M. French & Son Jewelry Store. dy7dl0wldl.'l UMI1RKLLAS We are showing our summer lino of "Hull" Detachable Hnndle and suitcase Umbrellas In black nnd white and colors. Tht "Hull" quality is alwaya depend able. Your initial engraved free of of charge. F. M. French A Son, Jewelers and Kngravers. m2tf VIERECK'S BATHS SI! WING IIAIRCIJTTING RA.OKS IIONF.I) AND H-ET Open 7 n. m. iO 7 p. m.; Satur day 10 p. m. Corner First and Ellsworth Streets. II NATIONALJANK Practical Patriotism An lii.orla.it duty which . ho stay at ham. ot mil uuiitry Is tha rimsrrllon uf our resources hi the utlermml. lit ho saves la hrluln his rouiitrjf, his cummuiilly and himself. form sales a specialty and all kinds stiH-k snlcs. Call at J A. Howard's rent eatntu office at .I'.Ti W. 1st, Al U iiy, Oreiton, for dates. du-.'4n7wo'JlMI KVF.KY HAY Fresh Milk, Cream ami llutte-'. Kiveived every day at Kenton's Cash Store, 3d and Lyon Streets. n'.".H2 WRIST WATCHKS - For ladlsa and gents, we have the Klgln and Walt hnin, but make a specially of the "l-S'iv tirucn," the little wumUi for the ladles and the nun breakable "trench" watch for the soldier boys. See your ntagaxinea for a descrip tion of these wonderful little wi.trl.. es. F. M. Flench A Son, Jewelers & Kngravers, Allrvy. FURNITUKK bought and sold. Call K. Rogoway, 2nd and Ilaker Sts , llell phone 346-K. Home phone 2227. alUtr WOOHSAWINC.Call H. II. Uaidger, Home phone 31 18. llell StUY. K"s. dence 1112 Kim and 1 1th. solf BUSIIESS 01RECI0RT HKMSTITCIIINt;-l2He per yard, thread furnished. Iteil phone 42H. Sue Ureckeuridge, 3U W. 2d St. ELMEK C. QIPB Chiropractor Hoonia 5, 7, . 10, Cusick Bank Bid Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause le removed. Chlroprecilc adjusUucnu remove the cause. DR. II. K. JACKSON Dentist Room 404-J First National bank blu. BOTH PHONES DR. GEOKQK J. XENAOY Chixopsai.tor First National Bank UulMlng dltl Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan II. P. MEKKILI Insurance, Loana, Surety Bonds Spf, u sllcullon g.vrn to csie d Bloperty helllKlilgtn uor i eildeni Knoin I. -cond lb.if. Klrt iik Hank I -fiiiK. Albjny tlteii "! J. V. PIPE Bargalna In Farm Ijinda and Cite property. Insurance, Money to I-oan on Good Farms at t per cent FKDk'HAL FA KM LOANS &') per cent Interest A. C. BOIIKNSTROT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon k2.1J For Sale Real Estate Loans Surety Butide e. i;. sox Flis, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real Estate 213 1st National Bank Bids Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phone Masonic Bldg. Our Own Auto Hearse Lady Assistant CASH usid for USKO FCRNIITKF. See us at 215 Lyon Street K. L. STIFF A SON We have KEKT I'll LP I.INSKI) OIL MEAL COTTONSEED MEAL COCOANUT MEAL M. SENDERS & CO.