ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT DKMOCIIAT WANT ADH grt ItraullB fur 1)1 II HUH, and will eel IIKNIT.TH fur YOU - THE WEATHER Tonight and Taeaday FAIR VOL. XXXI. A MIAN Y, LINN COL'NTT, OREGON. MONDAY. DECEMBER II, IIII8. No. 171. BLOODY RIOTS IN BERLIN CAUSE UN REST; ANARCHY GAINS WJTH ARRIVAL! OF NEW RECRUITS FROM RUSSIA 10,000 KepuMicaii C minis Ordered Out IjihI Ninhl to Put Kiul to Itrrlin Kiolinx ; Itolshcvik Men Arrive From Russia SPREAD OF DISORDER THROUGH ENTIRE KM I 'IRK IS MENACE TO TI1K (.OVERN.MENT NVw Era of Radiculihiii is Predicted; Promises Made I,) Employers to Workers One Day Arc Ilrokcii the Next Orr.MI.M.r.N, )rt.. .,. ihuuund republican guarda were ordered under atma laal (hi in Berlin, to quell ihr riot- 4) In. lh lira! Ilolahrvik orKaira are arming (rum Kuaaia to lrU the Spatlarua (roup. Among llirm la a rrrlain 'Lew In.' I Una la probably a mlaaprlling for l-eninr.') 4) I'AUIS, Dec. . 11) Called I'rraa. 4 hanrrllor Kbtrfa (.ovrrn mrnl la bringing nr Iroopa into llrrlin In an rffurt lo rruah the Spar larua aiuirmenl, which haa apread throughout the northern auburba of Ihr rlljr, arcordnig to a Zurich despatch received hrra today. I'lllaging roolinura, raprrialtln thr popoloua uarlrra. A con fuard drapalrh mi receded hrra from lirrlin, declaring that karl l.irbknrrhl'a folloorra had organised a revolution throughout tier I many. I he Hrirhatag building In llrrlin thry rrpartrd lo he occupied by lhm-la. I he I rouble appears lo hat aprrad la Munich and I'll aen. Itloody llrrlin riota rontinur. Another airaaage aaya that allird in trrtrnlion in I'ruaaia alone may aa the govrrnmrnC lly J. V. T.MASON NEW Vollk. Dec. . The aprrad of diaordrr in Urrmany la begin ning to menace the alability of the prrarnt combination of moderate aoeialiala. 1loUhriam la not yrt Ihrratrning, but a more radical policy on the part of the gotrrnmrnt muat eventually rrault. The Kberl-llaaa group, now theoretically controlling Grrmany , haa In practice little powrr. accom lihin( practically nothing in Ihr way of economic rrform. Thr norarra in Grman Indualrira are alill Nnegotialing with the employrra, who make proaniara one day and br rak them Ihr nrst. Thr prraent alatua cannot be Improved until thr constituent aa arm lily determine liermany'a futuir form of government. Germany la now a nation without a head. She la In a condition of formal anar chy. That Ihr uaual anarchic conliliona do nut prrvall la lo to the Innate sen of obrdicnrcdrilld for many generatiooa into the Gr man character an I alao to a frar of thr deal ruction that might br Grrmany'a fale If Kuaaian condition were duplicated. If the tiermana wilhatand IlirSparlarua argument, thr prrarnt in diraliona arr that a modrratr rrform adminiatralion will be eatabliah rd alter thr conatilurnt aaarmbly mrrtx. Mayor Curl Issues Proclamation Calling Upon People for Aid in Red Cross Membership Drive WIIKKKAS, Woodrow Wilaon, President of the Vnited States an.l President of the American Red Cross, haa summoned every citiien of tiiia country to the comradeship of univorsnl incinlKTship In the lied Cross, AND WIIKKKAS. Meml.en.hip In the American Kcd Cross is an vi- dene, of loyalty. . . J AND W IIKKKAS, The AmericanKed ( runs is on the eve of the jrreat- . , , . ., . . . a . est year's work in its history, supplying aid and material encouragement to American soldiers on duty in France, Russia, Siberia and in this coun-1 trv: taking care of the dependent of soldiers in this country by means of home service, aiding in the reconstruction of Kurope by assisting the re- llirinietl t71Hril, aia.mi.niiK . a. I.C.. ami cnCOUrngemeiH lO wuunuru uhii world tft recover from the results of AND WIIKKKAS, It ia desired Hint ler of the American Kcd Cross that all the work of the Society. NOW TI1KKKKOKK I. I M. Curl, of Oregon, do hereby proclaim that the to the purpose of securing urge every ritiren tn join the Red versal membership In that organ. rntion. C.IVKN UNDKIt MY II AND this 7th day of Deccmlier, 1918. I.. M. CURL, Mayor of Albany, Oregon. MODKRN WOODMKN ATTENTION Nett Wednesday evening. Decemivr 11th, election of enmp officers will be held, and nil nicinlcis are requostcd to bo present. Now the war is over and we want to make this meeting one to be re-memlH-red. If you can't come a writ ten excuse to the clerk is requested. A victory lunch will lie served. CHANT KROMAN, n, Clerk Camp fJi'd NKW LOST On Ferry or Mroa.lnlbin he .n .1.1 and 7lh Sis.. A balls Fleis cher's srnrlet ynrn. Finder l.lenac leavo nt Democrat offico or cnll Hell phono 174. 9.II0 FOR SALE Ijiying hens. Call Mrs. Norman llin.les, R. F. D. No. 3, or Home phono 4:192. Ddll STRUNG POPCORN for l h"tmn"l tree decornt on, anil popcorn imi is, at J K Hall iMWlh. Corner rilSt and Ellsworth. Order early. 9dl4 , ... n ..-.r . I I. tt.- ....... ...I-tle... t,A - ib, nun mi wnwi onmimn uiv the war, every adult citizen In-come a men.- may feel they huve a living pnrt !n mayor of the city of Alhany, State week of December lfi-i3 Iw devoted in the American Red Cross and do Cross and to assist in promoting uni The 6"th Artillery Is Listed to Return Home Information Hint the fiMh Regiment, C. A. C, of which 25 Albany boys are mcmlier, has been nnmc.1 by tho war .lepnrtment aa one of the units to re turn home for demobilisation In the near future, Is contained In tne list 01 units slated for embarkation since Inst Saturday, as announced hy General March In hi. weekly Interview with, press correspondent at Washington Saturday. The Information d.H-. not mean that the has already embarked, or that It will embark for the return to the United Stntea at any definite lime., It simply Indicate, that .inc. last Sa- turday the With ha. been named for return. They will embark, prolmbly in the order In which they appear up- on the wnr department, lists. I The 09lh artillery, which also has , , ,mv. men.lMrs. "- ' wa. listed week to return. IS BAD FOR PRINCE Son of Wilhclm SayH He Will Die K Forced to Fat "a la Dutch" WILSON HOLDS FIRST CONFERENCE TODAY President Silent as to Propos ed Trial of Kaiser; Sweden Breaks with ISolsheviki AMSTERDAM, Iec. .- V. I'.Tha former Crown Prime haa decided not to receive viailura, unleaa permitted hy llulland tu curry a revolver. A aptH-ml (icrman cook arrived U liiy. F rit lerich Wilhelin ia -pioted at saying he wuu!d die if furred to eat lucid "a In Dutch." LONDON, Dec. It. Sweden aevertd tiplomatir relationa with the Bolshe- vikl today, a cording to the Exchange Telegraph. lly K. J. Ilender ABOARD THE GEORGE WASH- INGTON. Pre. 9 -President Wilaon haa given no indicatiun of hia viewa concerning thr dispoaition of thr fomi- er Kaiser. In view of the fact that the Hritinh official favor placing Wtl hflm on trial, the I'rraitlcnt'i atlituoe may i of the ulnuat importance. Wilson hc-M his first conference to lay with Ijninif and Ambassador White ronrrminv America's attitude toward the specific problem, of the peace conference. Albany Men Attend K. P Grand Lodge Meetinjr A delegation of Alliany Knights of Pythias left today for Portland, where they will attend the annual ineetin of the Grand Lodge, which convenes in that place tomorrow for a two day session. The memlers of the Alliany delegation are: Mayor Curl, Willard Murks, Francis Arnold and W. J. Pat terson. (icrmans Used Twenty Million "Slush" Fund WAKIIIKCTTIV. Iw 91! P r...,m.. in tho United I nrl 1-snnn nun r.r conJurtil tm!ir work ,.. itrl,re Hie- i,Wi toK the Sena invr-.ti -ating commit tvf:ty. IIM St .( Call Dt'IlV W.. IHNGTON. Dec. 9. U. P. The supreme ;url decided today that the state of V.'ashinrl n can deny pen- sions to aba id n.-.l wives with child- ren while planting; them to widowtd mnthera. I Mrs. Rcse Snyder, Kimr countv mher of t,irJc ;nill,'r(.n, who claimed her h..l.i r..l deserted her. nttacked the widows' cT'.sion lnw of 1915 on the grounds that it was class legislation. Stilson Funeral Will 1! Holrl Wlnplav Tho fun-mi of the late Mrs. llattie Stilson vii.' I e 1 I I V.'ednesdiiy after- n.u.n at 2:3. ;.i tl .. grave in Riverside Cv.netery. P. .-v. C. II. Bennett will nave rnnrge 01 1 10 acrvicea. ner au.. JasH-r Stilson Is expected to arrive this evening from the training; enmp jn Arizona, (;erans Won't Oppose Kaiser's Extraditior ZURICH. Dec. 7. U. P. The . . ., . ..,. n'WnS l.rOUglH XO l.oniiy n.l.l la I.UW ui man government decided to, ay not to k r ,nv.,:.... oppose the extradition or tne lormer Kaiser and Crown Prince from HoI.."n u n,. ... u tfm Million Pounds 0f fjandy for Iloj'S WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. U. P. Nine million pounds of candy were bought this week for the army over- i.-,.;.i... R,:nnnn nll,.n. f nick. .-. . - 1 le.. ALBANY COLLEGE ! REPRESENTED AT MEET Member of Faculty of Ixk'uI School Makes 1'Iea for (ireatcr Unity The annual conference of the presi de Ma and faculties of the independent euUegea of Oregon occurred at New berg Nov. Z'J and 30, with the folio-' ing college, represented : Alhany, ' McMinnville, Pacific college, Pacific L'niveraity, Philomath, Heed and Wil I lamette. The conference met in Wood- mar hull at Pacific College.. The ts- iona were preaided over by lrea. Pen nington of Pacific. The papers were all interesting, informina, inapiratiou al; and were followed by animal -d and helpful diacuaaiun One of ti... brat papers was preaentrd hy Prof. Mi'Neul of Albany college on "Coord ination of the Independent Colleges " It ia hoped that the diacuasion of Ihia topic will result in bringing the rol leges closer together on matters of common interest, au-h as credits grading, texts, calendar, admiaaion re- quirementa, intercollegiate activities, fees and tuitions, legislation ard Christian education propaganda. The matter of the Oregon confer ence scholarships, which have been cp- jeruteil jointly by thr colleges for three years wiin me exception 01 rtuuini- ettr L'niveraity, which prefers to go alone, was left in the hands of the committee on scholarships with au- thority to act, consisting of Pres. Lee. chairman; Prea. Riley and Dean Aldeu. This committee will meet after the holidays and try to get things in shape to report early to the colleges and high schools of the state. The elec- tions for the following year resulted () jA.yj j .enmn(!tont president; Wallace Howe Lee, vice-president; K (I. Frank lin, secretary-treasurer; L. W. Riley, representative standardiza tion toard; I-evi T. Pennincton, cor- rtlromk nt Orepon Teachers Monthly. The invitation oi rnuomam couec rnlrTm the colltlrrt next yer was accepted, and it was agreed that Frida and Saturday of JhanV savins week wen? the most acceptable datos ... u MnrHnAA ' MRS. MARIA QUINIIY DIED LAST X' I"' 1 1 .Illlll Known Linn County Well Woman Dies After LinKerin Illness Mrs. Maria Quinby, widow of the lute Newton Quinby, who died on De cember 11th, l'.17, passed away at her home three miles south of Albany nigni ai o o cioca. The deceased was born on Noveni- l,or 24tn- 1,;W 111 the ""lte 01 0nl0 h" husband to Linn .county some 12 vears apo. She was - , V.. i i member of the Christian church and j had a wide circle of friends in her lo- cality. She leaves two sons, A. H. Quinby of Hnlsey, E W. Quinby of . . i . . t ii t.. n.n,l nf Alhanv. to mourn her death. i-eoria. ana a aauirnier. airs. n. xu- . r Ijodgc Holds Its Annual Election ' Laurel Ixdge No. 7, Knights of Pythias of this city, elected the fol- lowing new officers to lone for the ensuin term: Chancellor commander, R. Wnrd Cyrus; vice-chancellor, J. M. Hawkins; prelate, Kred H. Hough; master or tne work, oi. can luniiei.i; keeper of records and seal, L. M. Curl (reelected); faster of finance, Dan Johnston (reelected); master of the cxchequcr, Harry B. Cusick (reelect. e.1); master-nt-arms, i. .11. ivenonn. inner guard, Kred Hoflich; oulcr guard, Charles Dannnls (reelected); trustee, for a term of three years, W. c. ...... Ixhanon Man Listed AS an Army Deserter Carnegie, and J. E. Rolfe, an uncle, ped. My hips and shoulders were in and several sisters who live in the water, and I couldn't stand it any Chief of Police John Catlin has two A man by the name of Ford was East. Arrangements for the funeral longer than 2, so got up. We had to families in Alhany quarantined for arrested yesterday on a chnrge that have not Iwn made, waiting lor wcid pet up nt 4, so I didn't lose much slt. p the "flu," and authorizes the Demo he is a deserter from the spruce divis- from her sisters. In case they do not at that; a seriocomic side of it was crat to slate that he will rigidly on- ion of the United State, army. He 1 t . ft It 1 :- ! '""""";.-";... will prove nimsett innocent wnen a full investigation is made of his case.1 . I Servlcea Fjich Evening Rev. D. D. Dodgo of Grants Pus. will preach at the Ruisard Hall over the Farmer.' Feed sheds, beginning p,.. g ,m continuing each evening Bt 7:30, closing Doc. 12. F. W. Oliver i -v 1 i:.l i.,:i.,i 1. ia III k..ki7. n i,,iuii ,0 extended to all. OF War Department Plans to Maintain Force of Half . . a Million Standing MOUNTED RAILWAY GUXS FOR DEFENSE National Railway System un der Federal Charter Pri vately Owned Urged WASHINGTON, Dec. 'J. V. V. The wur department will auon ask "ngress Ui authorire tn.iinif army of half peacetimc miiliun, Ac cording to the present plana. The department does not con'eiu- plat recommending universal mili- Ury training. These features of tho( k". ..,1 itvJKaiiiwu-Jii,"-! uuihi;.jiih;ih pluns were learned today from and we had to stop once and put on source close to both Baker and Chief , our masls on account of powder las of St"f March. Ifrom our own fire. It was a strar.w The national railway system, under! sensation, not knowing where you federal incorporation charter but r.ot ere goinir, how far the Bosche lines owned by the government, is provided were from ours, and the doughboys 'n a bill introduced in the house lo-j'hind. Very few shells came Iiacli day by Representative Cray. The duughboys passed us and it mule Use of mounted railway artillery, st me feel better, for I found out la'.er supplementary to the existing coas: defenses, was recommended by Gen. toe, chief of the coast artillery, today FORMER ALBANY GIRL DIES IX PORTLAN D 1 ....: c 4 n: r o u'i""a11 ui "r""1", ish Influenza After Short Illness; Funeral Here Miss Louise Stewart, 16-yvar-old ' , . , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rrank Stew- ,. . - n , 1 c , , ari, uieu in orxianu oumuty iroj; pneumonia following an attack of Spanish influenza. The remains will ii.i . . , bela'd 10 rest R' Cemetery ine ueccasea lurmeny resioea in ' , ; Albany and lias a large number of friends here to whom the news of her death came as a great shock. Siie was a niece of Mrs. W. H. Davis and visited here several months airo. r 11 - j r Omen Of OOflcraft Fleet NW Officers Mrs. Alice Ki-1.. K s 'en elected guardian neighbor of the local circle of Neighbors of Woodcraft. Other of- ficers named for the ensuing year are as follows: Mrs. Alice Sohoel, pat guardian neighbor; Isabelle Beesar. advisor; Anna Sexauer. magician; Lanuis jicnesnev. aiienuaiu Am-a ' Shelvik. captain of the guards: Rebec- - . , ca Viereck, banker; Kdna B. Warn jr. clerk; Lola Jutikin, musician; Mrs. S Benson, inside sentincu, Minnie School, outside sentinel; Lida P. Van Winkle, Lila Campbell and Florentine Voss managers; Anna c-helvik, correspond ent ; Alice Sohoel, installing officer Dr. W. H. Davis and Dr. F. E. Beau champ, physicians. Visiting Here Mie. M,i M.Vil off in MUmy on her way from .ortlnd to , . .,,:. v,., ia ,,,. t , . . s;wlir, jn ,.ort,,nd Mr am, Mra John Carnegie were (Med to portland this afternoon ly lhg (Ullth of the lllttl.r-s niwCi Ml j. ElocU (U,ffl(,r who UeJ thia moming of Spanish lnflucnrn. lne ileccaseo; is 'survived by her huslwnd and seven- 'year-old son. besides her aunt, Mra. come the remains will be brought to All .. 1 U r..l ...Ml 1. ti.,1. nf n'"J '"i iv hiihi.i "i. ...... ., . ' ,:,, a, that of Mrs. Hnttie ,.. -,.., ,.,.., . .. . 1 overea msn i.uncneon Don't forget the all-day meeting and covered dish luncheon nt the Fast Al- bany Red Cross rooms Tuesday, Dec. 10th. Bring a friend. Mrs. Logan Leaves Mrs. H. S. Logan left last night for El Paso, Texas, where she will spend the winter with relatives. She will 1, . r . s i. r... n. v.. ...u.c . no niiKVir. a short visit. C. SCIO MILK IN FRAN Carlton IKan Makes I Trips to I- rout and Sees Action Has Narrow Escapes O, tol.i I tear Mother: I that l- tt.-r would I. ever possible to dm. r 2X1 h. IMS told you U-fot-u written wh.-n-1 hia ia the first one I have written for something li. 17 or a days. When we were relicv ,.,l lh. "I I....I 1. . e iiti a ne-uay . M. e back out. No use to write on' the way as we were traveling as f;.st as the n ail would for the same time. On the da'e of receiving your letter we had hil,ed it from 7 to 12, slept by the side of the road till , got sections of artillery bridges, eight I men to a bridge (weighing over h.x' pound) an.i lined up in tne midst of! t!,e artillery and started forward wiien the barrage opened up. Passed the dotitl.boys waiting in the front line' trenches and on over the worst .hell- torn country I have ever seen. Holt overlapped hole, an I it was awful c. rying those cusv-d things. About broke me in two. There was a heave fog and smol-e screen, could not rec niie a man. S fi-et away. It saved out' thut we were over halfway to the 'emy's line; then stopped to eat bie. j'hj fiist at 8 o'clx-k. About this time sun scattered the foir, and the screen lifted. Was eating, keeping low in a trench with a big bunch. I am leary of a bunch of men they seem to draw fire. When the f lifted Jerrs hallcons spotted the hill dotted' nu-n, and started to rake it with ar tillery fire, in a path a few hundreds ards wide. After six or seven sni lis had hit on a direct line, s me over a:id ALBANY BOY GETS some si ort of us, I knew it was ti i:e his case set for trial before City Re for rno to relocate. Waa eating twith er,lr l ewellln tar Deremher 21th. !ne f m' tentmatc, at Camp Greece, , , , . , , , oia 11 was lime lor us to ir.i.e distance, but he said a shell was just n 1 i .- v tn r 1 n u.-'n ro tx-a mrtvrrl ! r. . . ,, .as where w-e were. Couldn t see it 1 . . . . . . . .. - ... . ... a snell falling as yet, tho that wns r.u , ,. .,., . ..,,,f sweet." He stayed, and is out the;e vpt nnt t'ln Knrinl c.nmil iri him up. Don't kno wwhat shell pot him. but one burst on' a shoulder cf le trencl1 anu" cot one outright; this !kid died there on a stretcher and t.vo others went to the hospital. Went back up there a few days later, and saw him. Poor kid! He lived in Aia moso, Colo. Another of the old Ur.t pang was killod a few days later. Kv- ery one of the rest of us have had our little trip to the hospital, all the way from Huck, who had the and caused me to go to the detention camp, to a man just back from beii.g wounded in Aug. Old tent No. 12 is a hoodoo for sure. This is a start of the first day. and we had about 20 more such days. Won't tell you any more alwut dodging shells, but believe ! me. it will take a mightv clever w J- man to land a rolling pin cn me, oi a their attention to duties assigned plate either. them, but wish to urge the members Wouldn't miss the last month for a to reserve each Monday night for hundred dollars, and at the same drill to the exclusion of other en 1 would not go through it again for pagemcnta until it is time for all to I $10,000. The country is like the val- t.... ; H..ln. .I.,-;.,.. 1... ...u r. and here just as we start a drive it . , ... , .. ...... i ' , ..t .', , ,,.,v. ........i, L u.t UJ Jrv flur ,,lanVet4 out ,wfrc the next rain. Slept in wet blankets, with wot feet and pr.nts for five ,lTOi(,ht niplta. Ve- turned in at 10 me n;ht cl, ,,con mom, and v,e were on a hill slope. In a nice steady downpour. I wrapped up in a blanket and a shelter half, and flop- that in the dark I saw a row of men tt I n. 1 i nil; on 10 "in- aiui- nil.. .-. won vi.v of .he h., to fl., I thon.-ht it a hunch . ..... ..... -,....., ,.,.,.. .. ..... . .. .... .... inc water was snanow, aooui. eit feet from the end of the row. Imag- ine my surprise to find next day it was a double row of about f!0 don.'h- boys the burial .quad had laid out for burial in one grave. However, sleep- jng in the water had nb bad effects on me. Have not had as hard a cold over here yet, as I had nt home. A .v. : .t...i.i... I in tnjf .ikii. dhwuh... bothers me on the hike, a. the rifle I.W.W. TRIAL NOW IN FULL SWING Members of "Red" American I Organization to Stand I Trial in Sacramento CONSPIRACY AGAINST GOVERNMENT CHARGE Influenza Kills Five of De fendants Prior to Date Case Is Called SACRAMENTO. Dec. 3.-The trial of , in,urial worker, of the world, . . . . charged with conspiracy to obatruc American military machinery and tha war program, started today. Five of the defendants were not present, having died of influenza con tracted in jail while awaiting trial. One defendant is a woman, Theo dora Pollock. The charges include ad vocating murder. WARNER ARRESTED ON OLD CHARGE Attorney for Defendant Files Answer and Objects to. Court's Jurisdiction John Warner, released from cus tody following a motion for nonsuit which was filed by his attorneys, Wea therford & Wyatt, was again arrested this morning on the same charge arid Attorne J. K. Wyatt appeared this atternoon and filed an answer to which the jurisdiction of the court is questioned on the ground that the de fendant has already been tried in the circuit court for the same offense. In the second complaint A. P. Hill, a logger, is mentioned aa the com plaining witness in the charge that ha sold liliuor unlawfuUy. Home Guards Will Drill this Evening All members of the Albany com pany O. V. G. are requested to turn out for drill tonight, and each Monday nijrht at 7:30, until the boys get back from over there. The state author ities have asked the O. V. G.s to keep up their organizations and efficiency until such time as state militia or- ganizations can he formed to tuki their places, after which our services will no longer lie needed, The officers of the local company have nothing but the highest praise for the spirit in which the men of :h company have attended drills and w mustered out. I.ieut. r. a. loung nas taxen charge of a very interesting drill ill ,,Un calisthenics which has been en- tercd into with enthusiasm by the mir.l-rs. and we would like all to be- proficient in these exercise 10 ns ' i ! ready for a public drill about the first of the year, . W. C. BAt.LACK, Captain. . ; Catlin EnforCWif 'Fill" Quarantine force the orders of the local health of- ... 1 . 1 tk.t Umm a i c.T .o Miiy nuiiits vim. . ... r s!.l, !nfb.enM .... f.-..i n .r. nnf ....,.,., . 111 musr remain away irom nom r stny in until a certificate of the health officer shows that all danger of eon- tagion is past. -- -r- ----- - m slun over that shoulder surely make it ache. This conclude, m fourth trip to the front, three time, of which hav 1 f k. Ahhvm i.v.-m vuv ciLn., v. ..... (TO BE CONTINUED)