Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, December 07, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    I el O 1 11"
Itreulls fur OTHERS, and will net
Itl'.Sl I.TS YOU
Tonixht and Sunday probably II .VIN
No. 171.
Coalr-H Cuse Comes to Kiu
When Jury Finds for
the Plaintiff
Itiv; I'nion Meeting to lie
Held at Preshyterian
Church Tomorrow
KiKlil MtinlH'rs of liaptist
Sunday St htMil ( lass I lave
Narrow Ksrapc Friday
President Will Outline His
Vii'w ut University of Ox
ford Says Writer
Ia'iikuc of Nations to Main
tain, Open Sou and En
forrc Pence Is Plan
II, Kubrrl J. Ilrndrr
INGION AT SKA, Dec. 7.-Win-lrae
- The United Stales, it la
wallla a definite law I lirniululcd at
the pears- conference, establishing the
aras an international highway, i
ernrd Iy a law uf all nations combined
nut ly any Individual nation ' laws
It la lrllrvd ha will try tu aeeuir
111 establishment uf a Itilnllnum con
traband list and definition of a di-fui
lie blockade, tin the luttrr la seen a
tnuva against future submarine war
ware )
President Wilson will .r..l.nM,
make at Irani um public address In
It la understood lie hi to receive ar.
honorary degree at Oxford, making
that Ilia urca-lun for a swevh defin
ing hia ideas of the freedom of '.lit
Only One New Flu
Case Yesterday
There waa only one new flu case
rrM.rt.d to City ll--nlth OfflMT Pr
Jusepa Myers yesterday, uud the doc
tor feels that the situation, while of
course deserving uf the cluscst atten
tion, ia aa yet not alarming. Whether
or not the ban ia main plnrc.l or
puldlr irnthcrillgs will depend upon
future developmenta.
Paul (iiddintts Inducted
Into Marine Corps
Paul Ciddinga of Albany hna the
distinction of being the Inat man in
l.inn county to I Inducted Into the
aervice of Uncle Sum during the war
period. Ilia papera were received af
ler the armistice waa signed hut nc
waived hia right to decline and today
left for I'ortlnnd, w here he will liecome
mendier of the 11. S. marine corpa
New (lovtrnment Calls
Men to the Color
LONDON, lec. 7. U. 1 The new
Cscrhoslovak Kovernuietit hna railed
to the rolora nil men from IS to 4.'i
according to a Prague despatch.
Entente Committee
Arrives on Warship
I.ONIiON, Dee. 7.- V. P. A llerlin
paer announcea that the entente
muco .committee arrived nt Willielma.
haven aboard British wnrahipa.
Wo desire to express our aincero up.
pruriiition of the kindneaa ahown ua hy
our Alhany frienda mid for the mini)
lieautiful floral offerings lit I ho fu
nernl in Corvnllis of our heluved wife
mother anil daughter, tho lute Mrs,
Dora K. Petera.
MR. mid MRS. A. N. IIAR1.EN
WANTED To henr from owner of
good ranch for anlo. Stnto raah
' price, full description. II. F. Itua'i
Miimenpolia, Minn. o'JWiln!J3d7JH-
WALNUT TREES-I am making ui:
an order for Frnnuiiette Walnut
treea. If you would like a few I
run ninke you a very low price. W.
A. liodinc. Invo your onlrra nt
F. M. French A Hon Jewelry Store.
LAST CALL nt these prlcea, rnhhnge
for krnut. 2 1-2 rents per pntinil.
nnlona for the flu, 2 1-c or $' per
100 ha., nt llnmilton'a Store. 7d
FOR RKNT f0 ncrea bottom land
Good hotiao and bnrn. II. Hrynnt,
Mis. J. J. Cunt! will receive the
uiri uf 0H in iliitnnv't- as k n-mul
of tlir auit whlt h win run luilcd in ti e
irrtiit remit uf I. inn t'uunty totlay,
whrn Ih jury hriU(;lit in wnlirt for
thv jluintiff.
Thr Jttloritpyi roiituiinrcd tu urut
the ctmu Intw yvuivuiny uftfrntHJii mi (J
tlir rir-u rtitMtt with cijntimiri ilurini
rtMit ut llip ntitrnintf, ilia ruir irUi:
tu hv Jury nhurtly Ix-furc noon. Thr
vunhrt ww hniut'ht in ulniut 1 :'tO,
Wruthr trl A VSVulhirfonl n-lire
i-nt.-.l thr (.liimliff mnl lilrit-t At
lorncy (.t'hlhnr uf Muriun county rt
rrarntr thr tlrfrmlnnt.
Well Known Ixieal Woman
Passed Away Thursday
Following Pneumonia
The funeral of the late Mra. K, K.
Fletcher waa held this afterninin at J
jclM-k. Mra. Fletcher pttaaed awa
folluwinjc an attack of pneumonia.
Th aurvu-ea were cuiiducted hy Rev
W. P. While ami interment waa made
in Klvaraide Cemetery.
.Mra. Fletcher located in Alhnny
iihoul a year ukii, romiiiK to Orecm
from the atate of Montana. She ij
nurvivett by her huahand, K. K. Flct
hrr, two dauKhU.r, Kern of Allmny I
Idn ilav uf Mm.tnnn. d hrr I
moth..r Mr- V.Uu .kn r..-..lJ w.t..
the family at Sunt and Culuitouiu
Soklim Kxcrutive ('urn-
iniltee Is Imprisoned
KKKNK, Hoe. 7.- I'. IV-The entirt
eeeutive committee of the union of
workmen, ami aohliera' aovieta were
arreated yealerday and inipriaoned, a
tterlin dcoptttch aava.
Here Shopping
Mm. J. W. .Morgan and dauK'hter
f llalney came down this morning to
leiul the day in Alhany ahoppintr.
Wml to Portland
Mra. J. U. Woixl went to I'orthind
ymterday afternoon to upend the
week-end with relntivea.
On Itu.ineaa Trip
K. C. Kolierta went to Salem
morning on buaineaa.
Home fur Week-F.nd
Misa tiertrude Itilveu. who ia at
tendiui; the Monmouth Normal achool J
.-nine home thia morniiiK to apend the '
week-end with her pnrrnta, Mr. and
.vira. J. .11. v. nuyeu. nna na hit
k'ucal Mis. Mne Kobinson, also pf the
normal achoul.
Called to Vancourer
Mra. J. K. Itice left thia mornint for!
ancouver, rnlled there by the aerious
illness of her daughter, Mrs. Norelius
Keturncd to Portland
('. H. Cadwell returned to hia home
in Portland thia morninir after trans
acting buaineaa here.
Home From O. A. C
Mi.s Itessie Ilmiver of O. A. C.
ciime home last nik'ht to apend the
To 'iit Iteliitlvea
Mr. and Mra. J. A. Shaw went to
Portland this morninir to visit reln
lives. Have Flu in Portland-
J. K. Kolfe went to Portland thia
morning;, callc.l hy the serious illness
of bis two nieces. Mrs. Chns. Ander
son nnd Mra. Klecln Ceffler, who both
hnvo the liifluenrn. Mra. Anderson is
the dnui,'hter nf the late Mra. llntlirj
Slilson. who passed awny Wednesday
morninir In Portland with the Infill
enan. The bmly of Mra. Stilson wns'
I roiijrlit to Alhnny nnd la heinir held
here until the nrrivnl of her son. Jns-j
per Stibuin, who la on hia way to Al
hnny from tho nrrny training camp
in Arir.ona.
Ilsa Fractured l.lmh
A. W. Ulnckhiirn received word thnl
his son, filrard HlncVburn, mrived
Inst week at Nevtspnrt News, Viririnln.
nnd wna taken to a hospital near
thero. Aa anon Ra possible he will be
. .. i ,A . ' i : i .. i ; , ,. i nnn-
, . lllinierie.i lu s.iimiiiiiit ,,
i .i ,-i I il
nnme. ins wound ronsisicn oi n imu-i
Iv shattered limb but he wna assured ,
thnt with proper rare he would lie
able In tin 0 to walk. Ibnnoo Cri
terion. I
i 1
I 'nits in Army of Occupation
Are Designated hy See
rttary of War Daker
WAMIINCTO.V. !r. 7. f. IV-
Anii-ruii's m i !inti.m nrrny of
the fiii, .-pond, thiid, fuurth, fif;i,
m-v.-titii, twin'.y riKMIi.lliiity-iMt'o!
thirty-thud, f 'rthy-rtr-e.-!,, fventy
ninth and i.n- u-th diviinniiti Ciiii-f ol
Stuff Marrh anr luiui-d.
Murrli rwuh-t the fuel that
tuiul of :1JJ uffic.;i unl I'.'.Tt.oifi,
turn have m-rn U!itK'iMtl fur curly con
voy home. Tt i'rund totul actually
rtnl.urkcd to (I.iIl i f .'( offiit-n and
IV.OH) n u-u, u fi-w njiB. riun"ii,
t'iviliititt und f-.'i iu. v ui m.-n.
I 'iftcl.nrvi' of thuffi in oatupi i:i Li is
Cf-untry in nln.i nnf-lin t p. More
.Vnrch uid 1' may he lurt una.-y to
m'"m int' liiW wn.-ret.y cn-
expire four months f'vr
lK'ar ' a Ik' fir 'I
f"oni-r'jia prhai.Iy .
will le aait'd
to provide that Uih
led for the aupply n;i I :
mm an are n
oUirr hrnnr'it
ne.-ea.ary. ahll t
These divisinn include the first to
th awvtnth ri-fiilnni of IVnnftvk'miir
wiaeonain. Michienn iind Illinois no"
tional iruarda, the Kninhow diviaion:
I :!.-.,)(!() Men to Sail
Frant e at Karly
Pewn.ylv.nia. TUnrylan.!. I.i.lrict or,"" M, c"un ,ur l,,e
rolumhia. Kan,.. Miaaouri. South ' m ''
l-ukota. Colorado, Nebra.ka. New!' t".v."t,n tl,e ct,min'-'
Mexico. Texaa. an.l Okla - "
l . . . .: . i .. I The general ciunty exienei art
noma national army men. ' 1
. j.-Mimatod nt $IS,.".pO; atate tax Jl'.'..-
i (Mo, coiTimon achool fund $ii."t.7i'0,
1 l it isll Crossinif the J county hk-h achoul fund J.'ll.O ).!;
Rhine River Tenia v:n,",'-.l,ri.,l'-','..".n''f,;rril's- ;V,2l,:
'road districts J.o.lKK).
1FK1IS Knelnn.1. IW 7 -11. P. - ' addition to the amount to trf
The Kritih nt thia moment are croa..""""' taxation the t. iDwmir ei
in, the Rhine." l.loyd (ieori;e mi - imt- re made a to receipts nr.
noum-ed in a .(Mrch here this nfter-U'-iR'ed from other sources:
noon Interest on hank deposits, $1.20o;
; state int-nst on irreiluciide school
Dale Sues for
I.. M. Trnvia of Kucrne a;- r ii ;-c
of Dr. W. II !.! .' !!. r'.'. i .
diiv f ilr T - ; . r V't- l.TO.orv oL
j. w. i..n 'M, Th.'
iaintiff rlain i t' h re i: now due
and nwi n.i :he I !M f- i' .ifession-
nl services t .e sum of $1"4 together
with lute 'v
CYRUS WALkKK, who celebrated his eightieth birthday today.
Tho Red Crei meriiU'rahip driv?
will be formally ojiencd tomorrow ut
u union meeting which will be held at
2:30 at the Firnt Preahyterian church.
Jaa. Klvin, Y. M. (. A. aecretary who
!"'Viu,t r"ium!1 frr,
'" ' ' ' ""' '-y
luuri', t'hnirnuin uf the I. inn count)
Km ( run. The troj,rafn fojlowg:
Si'teclion r;'un, Air lu lUn
Louii XIII I. (j riil Hurt'ruf.
Invocjttion Kv. H. Karl ihilt!r.'.
A.hlrtm, Jus. Klvin. V. M. C. A
rrrrtary just fr-m the front.
Adilrcs, Krv. ',. H. Vounk', chair
ntan l.inn County Htd ('runs.
i-lettiun pir oriin, InU-rnntinm.l
Kan tuny - Iurnl Uurrmf.
Itvnrtlirlion, I'r. W. H. Iee.
Chairman, W. (I. Ilalluck.
), 0. Wuotwrth ulftu armouncfi the
folhrniiiir four-tninutv jM-akem whu
will ap' ak at th. utrri during the tin e
thr tlii r ) in pron-i'iii, :
Wm .M.rnil, J. M. Hawkins, Wil
lail Marl'f, C. II. Hurm-raf. (iuy Ia
wtll.n;'. L. I.. Swan. Krl I:tWon
W. C. IluettirScr, Vr. K. A. II tdiion,
W. A. Kaj.thi.rn, K. . Wieder, C. E.
Sox. K. M. R-; vn, C C. Hryant, P.
I. (iilbert, J. K. Wt-Atherfonl. J. C.
Irine, I'nn Jo) tU n, K1 I). Cusick.
W. II. Iloinihro, O. A. ArrhilmM
H. C. Miller, L M. Curl, I.(. Wood
worth .
AUCT X!.)7,ll)0 III lie KH1S-
cd in l.inn Cminly
hy Taxation
The county hudel n completed
fund, f 1-1 .."!(): cointy chrka fees,
7."-(t: cornty reconlcr'a fees, J.loO;
finis, $1.1HK. makint' a total of t22,-
The total expenses ore estimated at
Weather Report-
Yesterday's temperature rnnced
from S:i to 41 detrrres. The ramrail
was .02 inches and the river is 2.2
German Integrity Tlea would
He Made to President
While in Europe
(icrman Note to Denmaik
Says on Verge of Famine
Ukrainians Fight
liKKNK, Inc. 7. U. K President
Wilson has heen invited to meet d'-lc
nations from llerlin and other Ger
man citiea at Cologne, for the purpose
of arriving ut an underatandin ro
yardinK (jermany'i integrity, (temtan
newspapers are allowing universe!
dread of the various separatist" mcr.e-
lierlin, according to advices her?,
would f o (m a com h i ned & 1 1 ied and
(German army to murch tle
Kusxian liolsheviki.
LAL'SANN'E, Switzerland, Iec. 7.
The Ukrainian national union forces
occupied Kleff after a severe
which the casi-alties totaled 10,000
according to despatches from Kieff.
Generals Skoropadski and Hetma.i
of Ukraine and oOO Russian officers
were among the killed.
The national union now controls all
of Ukraine.
I1KI1LIN. Iec. 7. Prince Adel'rt
on of the former Kaiser, telegraphed
to.luy from Kiel that he will suppoit
Chancellor Kbert'a government.
COPKN IIACEU. Dec. 7. Feverrl
pruons were hilled in street fighting
at Mayence (Mainz), rejwrts declare
Many shops were plundered.
(Mainz is an important Rhine city.)
Germany has sent a note to Den-
murk declaring that she is on thr
verge of famine. The present suppl)
of cereals is only one-third normal,
the note declared, adding: "Austria
hasn't food enough to last a month.
Vienna ic without caal. JLt will sosn
he necessary to ceae railway traffic-
put out the street lights and close a
number of schools and shops."
Federal Employment
Agent Is iKi
J. I). Brown, president of the Farm
ers' Union of Oregon and representa
tive of the farm labor division of the
United States employment service, ar
rived in Alhany today to look over ti.e
labor situation in Linn county.
'Before the conclusion of peace,'
said Mr. Brown, "our big problem was
to get men for the jobs. Today the
problem is to get jobs for the men. We
have alieady on file a large numbei
of applications, among which are a
good many married men and clus
of applicants will Ik; iven the prefer
ence by our department. 1 don't IoVk
for a rreat reduction in wages unless
the price of farm products go down
hut t'.-oro will of cmrse be some re
duction in both.'
While in Albany Mr. Brown attend
ed the meeting of the Linn County
Good Roads association held at the
St. Francis this noon.
Two Men Arrested
hy the Night Police
Two men were arrested Inst niirht
'y th niirht police and hcl.l pending,
investigation. Their nnnies were
Richard Rnnsome, aired 33, nnd Rich
ard Taylor, nire.1 'J! years. The forn.-
er held a reuistviition card and was
released this morninir, hut the hitter
is held pen.linic further inwstiiration
He cluinis to have heen registered in
Portland hut .1 cs not heve a reeis
t ration card. Iloth were taken off an
S. P. freight train.
I PARIS. Pee. 7. rmed soldiers
I and aailera. massed in front of I
I the rh.nrrllors palace Int nieht I
I In ltrrlin, pnKlnimed t'hnncellor I
I r'hert President of the (Jermnn I
I Repuhlie, aeeordinx to Iterlin !
I despatch.
Kirht nienil:-s 'f trie Kiipti.t S'jn
'hiy scho',1 hi.,1 a r.arrow escape ut
i:.'Jii last nii'ht when tie n r in whic'i
ihey were driving tinned turtle at a
p.jint l.-tw,cn Alhany nnd Millers
'"Jr.-. k. 'J, Straw ai thrown thru
dm top of t',e car hit miraculously
n-oii,, i .1 i.ij iry of any l.ind and no otn
er ii.i.ihl.vr nt tl. party with the in
t'le exception of "K.-l" Wire were aul.
to show ti.e slightest hint o fa hruUe
He suffered a few scratches hut n'
painful injuries. The car strucK t
culv.-it ar.d d several feet before
tuminir over.
Th'-re were eirht younir people ir
the car at the t:r..e and they were
drivinir to fltto Hl'tom's, where a so
cinl event was st.i-ed hint niiht for
the benefit of the meniUos of W. C.
Burl-hart's Sunday sch'Kd Iass. Th
menihers of the party w.-re pi'-keil
hy Ir. G. H. Younir and other niem
l ers of the clas and taken on to thtii
Canning Kitchen Is
Now Out of Debl
The Albany Canning Kilc-hen is now
out uf debt and all worlt finished up
'1 his was made possible by the wurl.
of the Honor Guard girls of this city
who have always assisted in all patri
otic work carried on here, not only by
fciviiiir their time but by raising mon
ey. Karly in the summer the jrirU
donated t'io to the kitchen, and a ft-v.
days r -jo the rirls turned over "i
more to the committL-e With thi.
money all bills were paid.
The Cunning Kitchen also wants tc
thar.k Ben liartcher for dojiating hit
time and work to pack all the fruit
ready to send to the differi-nt camps
Iischarced from Camp Lew in
W 11- Bacon r.rriv-ed Jiome yester.
lay from Camp Lr-wis, where he ha.
ieen stationed in niilitary service siiua
July and was one of the first Altari;
men at the camp to be discharged. H.
will resume his work as mechanic at
the Irvin Garaee. Mr. and Mrs. Ba
on will make their home in the ap
partments over the Savings bank.
Receives Vase Froit r'rance
Mrs. J. Ii. Stevens haa received c
nass vase from her son, Marvin
Stevens, who is in r ranee with the
th eiiKineers. The vase is ma.!c
fiom a brass shell that was taker,
from the battlefields at Chateau
Thierrv. On the side is encraved
A. E. F., Chateau Thierry. WIS.'
rhe vase is 14 inches hi'h. Marvin
also writes about seeing a numler of
Alhany boys in France.
Heme From New York
Mrs. A. H. Gould has arrived hoir I
after a four-months' stay in New
York, where she went to be with her
husband, vho is stationed at Lonv
and 111 the aviation wol'u. .Mrs.
Could thinks New York the Littlest
oilv in ti.e world and likes the East
fine, hut prefers the West for a home.
While cone she visited Washington
1. C; C,o!oiudo Pprinirs and Salt Lake
ity. and otner prominent places. Mr
Gould expects to receive his discharv?
,1 return to Albany soon.
Has Returned Ilome
Mrs. J. II. Stevens has returnee
home from Bcllin rham, Washington,
where she visited her daughter, Mrs
Frank Plinskv. and saw her new
rnn.idnxii.hter, Betty Jean. Mr. an.i
Mrs. Plinsky now have two daughters
Attention. East Albany R. C.
Next Tuesday. Pee. in. an all day
meeting will be held at the East Al
hany Red Ctoss rooms with a covert.!
dish luncheon at noon. Everybody is
invited to come. Hrinir n plate, cup
fork and spoon nnd a dish jf prepar
ed food. Come early nn dspend the
dav in a profitable and social way
Here From Lebanon
II. Y. Kirkpntrirk and aon HuRh
-f Lebanon were in Albany today on
business and visitinir friends. Hutrh
is home on a furlouirh from San Pieeo
wh're he is training for a mechanic
in the flyin-r corps of the navy.
Necrora All Rit-ht
Mrs. P. C. Anderson has received
n letter from her son. Serirennt Wal
lace Anderson of Camp Pike, Ar
' nnsiis, nnd he is fine. In reply tc
onestions asked him about the ne
.-rocs of the South, he says they are
nil riuht, especially the soldiers.
leffi-non People Here
Mra. Wm. Smith and son of Jeffer
son were ahopping In Albany today.
Delegates from All Tartu of
County Make Pica for
1 Setter Highways
Newly Elected Members of
County Court Meet with
(iood Roads Boosters
With prominent farmers and busi
nessmen from every aection of the
.-junty in attendance, enthusiasm or
tetter roads in Linn county waa the
tiu.'oinaut note expressed by all speak-
ra at the luncheon held at the St.
t rancia hotel tins afternoon by tha
t.u.n County Good Roada association.
A systematic road-building cam -
,ai;n which will extend over a period
f years and which will ultimately
. ive Linn county the best roada of any
unty in the state was voiced by
neatly every speaker, and the propos
ed extension of the proposed memorial
ihway from Portland to Albany arid
s fur south as Eugene, also met with
a storm of approval.
1 he meeting waa called to order by
I resident hex Lavia of the county as
i K-iatiun. who briefly explained the
jict of the L.e.-tia;.
J ide-Elect W. K. Bilyeu and Coun.
.Commissioner Butler and Commis
sioner-Elect I). II. Pierce were friven
an ovation when they were called upon
i each in their turn went on record
ui favor of better roads for Linn
.Inline Bilyeu asserted that lack of
Lainaire was one of the worst iea-
n ns of the county highways and as-
rt.-d that he waa ill favor of im-
p.r.emti&t of the roada in all sections
u county.
County Commissioner Butler made a
plea for more harmony between the
j o, le and the county court and ask
-Vr all of the advise and counsel which
J e people felt inclined to give. Let's
o.ry the hatchet, he declared, and
L'ive the county roads that will be per-
i at ont and give satisfaction.
iK H. Pierce declared that we must
i,.t onl"y build roads but we must keep
1 em up after they are built. He went
m record as strongly in favor of a
i ore comprehensive building program
L.t us, he said, get full value out of
ho money which the county has tied
up in road machinery.
A. C. Schmitt was called upon and
i!se:ted that the election of the two
u w members of the county court was
1; e entirely to the fact that the peo-iL-
demanded a more comprehensive
:ir.d progressive program in the mat
ter of improving our highways. lie
wont on record as strongly in favor of
he extension of the memorial road
ir.m Salem to Albany suggested a
h ii ite move towards that end by tho
i in .y association.
.1. ii. Brown, president of the Farm
is' Cnion of Oregon, spoke on the
read situation and urged that wa could
v. our money to no better purpose
:1 an in improving the public highways
ar..l to at the same time pay as we go.
Among others, the following were
called upon for talks:
K. W. Pavis, president, Harrishurg.
M. S. Allen, vice-president, Jeffer
s::. A. W. Cormack, vice-president, Al
'rny R. V. P.
A. C. Schmitt, secretary-treasurer
P. II. Pierce, Commissioner.
T. J. Butler, commissioner.
W. R. Bilyeu, county Judge.
P. C. Thorns, lerislator, Seio
S. II. Goin, Jefferson.
Tom Smnil, Crabtree.
C. M. Geisendorftr, Cascadia.
J. L. Underwood, Lelianon.
C. J. Shedd, Shedd.
C. II. KoontJt, Halsey .
E. V. Peery. Seio.
H. Brvnnt Albany.
.1. P. Brown, president Farmers'
Union for Oretron.
TnMl V. Maris, of O. A. C.
Chns. Sterling, Brownsville.
Crown Prince SiKns Z''l
His Abdication
I BFI1NE. Pee. 7. The' formal ah- I
I dirntinn nf the Crown Prinre I
' of Grrmanv waa aiitned at Wier- I
I In-en. Holland. Pec 1, It la em.
officially announced at llerlin. I
: : ;