4 At. HAN Y DAILt PKMOCK T, MONHVY. NOVt MHI.lt 11, VMS. PAGB TWO Daily Democrat VM"V. HORNIHIUMK. publislur Knterid at the poMnftVe t Albany. Onrvn, fcoml c1h nattr. . -.t - - . -Puilv puhlikhpii every evening tri'pt Surdity. Semlweekly puMiaWied Tut--da nnd Friday. ltmdnrM Matter . In ordering chany of i-!-iri. rut rriter ihould alwayi jo a old well as new addreta. Subscription llatealtaily Iiellven-d b farrier, per week IVlirrred by cwrrH-r. per year Hy mail, at end of year . . Ht mall, In adTance, per year . 3.00 Classified Katea One cent per word for first publica t1n; one-hjilf cent per word thereaf ter, poynble in advance. Minimum charge," twenty-five cents. ESTABLISHED IS 18 6 3 MOM' VY. NO KMHKI! U, IV IS I'K.U K 'Peace." Is theie a vvvi.Ur in the luncuai;" of any pci-ple? s there a word which could move s'.ii the soul of man? We think not. But to whom does this word mean the most? Surely not to the kin and potentates. It is the average man or womanthe folks with boys "over there" to whom it brines a reaction which touches the very heart-sti irics It means that the son who jramMcd with death is coming home. It means that the husband who placed flair and country above home and fireside is t' return once more to the walr.s o: peace. It is to the mothers ana lam er of America that the news of to day brinps a joy that is understood only by those "who have Jearned experience the true depth of the pa ternal and maternal instinct. America was great in war. Wii! she be as preat in peace? Wiil we bi able to make exact justice our inter national yardstick in the future as we have in the past? Will we be al le to fare and solve our rv-1 jrstructior problems? The Democrat believe that we will. We believe that Amer ica will stand for an enlightened pol icy which calls for trade extension without conquest, for adequate na tional defense without militarism and for a settlement of international questions with both small and lam nations by diplomacy rather than bv the sword. The sicninp of the armistice by thv Central Powers marks a new era in the history of the world. It brines to a close a war which was conceived in crime and baptized in blood. It wan a war of Kaisers and Kinirs in which the people of the Central Powers were used as pawns in the damrero:; jranif of secret diplomacy. Th- success of the alii, d arms has brought the frjil ty to justice and should le the first step towards universal peace, thus makin? as the universal law of man kind that greatest of all lii'dical pas sages, "Peace on earth trood will to wards men." HA ItS H TERMS When Germany was ''negotiating" the treaty of P ud arvst. rftcr the eon nuest of Roumania. and te Rouman ian delegates be wed for Km man1 terms, the German rep c:-er1ta.ivt-.- replied: "You think these terms hare'i ? Wait till we dictate terms to the Western Powers, and you will know what h:,rh terms are!" Cermany has taught the allies n:u-.v things about making war. She has al-, so tauylit them how to make p ace. Her only hope no1 is that hc.r l s have not learned the latter Ie?sori so thoroughly as they have the farmer. XEHEROAWL PLANT .. .... In order to meet ti:e requirement1 of the jrovernment, the NVl-erjall puck in plant is beircr overhauled nn' remodelled nrA he is e::;ecter! to be completed wH:i 'he n"xt two weeks. A new two-rtory ki.limr room 2') 1 .r0 fret is ben..' ndd-d v the mum buildintr an-! new tank r oi:iB arc a sr. beitur built in or h i to comply with the demands of the govern n-.ent inp.'-tor who has been detailed to '.he Nel i -trail plant. O. K. Nebeivall hns Micd "p Ik' contracts for meat which i bein- .It live red to the jrovernmcnt spruce camps in Lincoln county. T'n :il plant will be the only L-ovt-'-nrr.ei.t-inspecfed plant t-tween Po:t!; nd and San Franrisco. The plant is now workirur two wo men in the sausage kitchen an-! th experiment is w-rkitu'- so well that it is probable that n lart-er number of women will be added to the payroll. Porllat.d't lading Eyesight Specialist and laboratory. All work Ku.rurtd. p 1 1 - i -i ur. vvneal - h ri V ""wan !'.. Waaa. WILL M Y POTATOKS I PAY CASH f at loii.lin r pnim I'. O. 11. r:ir. I aUi han.llo N'uinlitr One Hay 4 or Svoinl (ir.i.li' ILiv. M. C. IIV.VA) - - Hoth Phones THE VAC wm mm mm ' 'Vac ' P. v.;. s an.I Sluvsare 'TALL-lkM)' ' Special (nalivy. Tl-i'v nro vuli'.uii. i'il by llie Vat-uum P:hv tin Lriali-t ,!!..riiKy lil lue rviiuif u-tiin 1 1 ri;l)InT footnvar in re ior.i ;' Mrs. Tl e " 'ao" uodil-i nro very comfnrI:ibk to i;r. 'J lifV are light in weight anil llu-y lit wc. They ar? the most ilnral le rubbers made, ;n:i! we reetinmientl them br all kinils of unusually hard wear. Try i- ," a v - 1 ! r. i - - r . .T Til 4 v .Vvi Txiat The United War Work Campaign means cheerful letters from over there. Give give to the limit. WHEN ANSWF7.ING classifieds adu V a I ALBANY STATE BANK 7S OWNED. MANAGED AND OFFICERED BY MEN WHO AVE RE BORN AND RAISED IN THIS LOCALITY. AND WHO HAVE MADE THEIR MONEY BY HARD WORK AND CAREFUL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS. We Invite Your Business TIME TO MAKE MINCE-.MEAT New Nuts. La-.es, FifS, Raisins, Citrnn, Orange ar.l Lemon IVt-Iir.;.'. Also Frcs1. Co-ifish hvk s, just in, at Sears First and Ferry We Go your limit for the BK Y. M. C. t - Tl J l J a " ' . 1! 5HL 7r- XL. IT 13 TIIE WAY OK THK .MLT.'ioMAH II0TKL at PortU.-wI. Cordiidity of Gretinr, nirc servire. i.rn.' for your use if you ar '!r:vin;' a u.r, and cloe prvximuy to nil places of interest, are rr.ak ir.tr The Mijltnunah rOKTLAN'D'.j LEA l)lSi HOTEL DO YOU You can well live poult r) or can buy dreNM-H poultry any time, at D. E. Nebergall Meat Co. Both I'honea 47 Second and Lyon HU. BOOTS tliein vou will tiati it is true th.it they "Feci Like Velvet W ear Like ln. ti." The Blain Clothing Co. value riusf kindly mention The Democrat Phone 51 Have Our Own Delivery A. and Kcd eross Uri' c coming. "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" You Cs Those Wotd whtn friends ecme to yo'ir hon.e. Y ju are flad to sec them, and sorry that they an leaving. P ft, a. KNOW i 1 itJ 1 $ v jrl v' Suttu ilinm. ?1 II tt h l.il l .Mn.-T i,f '' p.lt'.-t 1M I' tMi"lyj kKxlU ph. Hit' V lit the ottn-o T't tu.tti. rii Mi.-nt V III' .Mill Hi HI ii I'J ll.M! Jll.l W ! 1 .t.i 1' I'' " : I 1 ' . i-ln - i vt y . y vi ,i U:c host IS 12 ouo too cood -!peci.(lIy hen it in ie cheapest No inht'er wiat yen ttr b.Vt f.r. Wi-iiid lv j.i-:iM -d v ha:r-.j the best even if it c s.s Illt'lV, luit where the best c.i.ns U then it nil but becomes n dutv l. have it. Working, reading tr playing bv the tiicht of - WESTINGHOUSE M ZD A LAMPS will five vou more !--as ire, mere profit n::d trou1 s.iiisfac ti.m. And you w ill Rett: ally eee:H mi.'e on your lieht itu: bill t tiie a:ue time. Par sti-ek of these fanio:;- lamps : complete. We l:nve t1!' pre.per si-'e and voltage to t'.e care of your every re-i-tiivmenf. it will pay you well l. ejnsi.H us. Ralston Electric Co. 310 W.st Srcond Bulbs for Fall Planting Have Arrived at- Murphy' Seed Store (;i:i.!i.,!as, Kreesins, Tulij.s, J.iv.nuill.s, The f:r;- .".t v:i:i.ti s j'r.nvn: irf..i fn-.tii Btoo':. IT. A NT TOi)AV. DON'T for(;et the UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN NOV. 11TH - 1ST II 1 Equipped With Every Facility for hnndlinj JHTount.i In b prompt nnd relialde nmnner this Lank aolif jtH tho ljusinei,H of rorpon.tions, fi; us .if id individ uals. I.' you I:ave n'd for a natis factory hanking sTvire we r:rn fill it. Caiiilal and Surplnft $!0,('00.00 J. W.Cusick & Co. Hankers Alluny. Oregon t We Never Use Bait TO ,i:T ITSTtiMKlIS into oru STOUK Jut titKnV, t'lnin MiTi'hniiilUn i t a Knlr I'ru.Tr -n tii.it1 pit In print ituT tl't1 f i i-ti "!", i.ilulur ov:.Iii yit with tit-piiit-ii'i'nt trv.. 1 h.-y ittiy t.illi. n t'f t! i fir-irt1 in un.'.i t'Vory tlnv ll!t IVill I'ilit tin O.l.tOtllfl K. Ol'K !Ul't: nj CIIKMU'ALS nre (hp 11FST (h.i( Mim.-y I an Itiiy- W o s. II th.'in tu ynii itt fittr p t1. with ,;o.Hi aiTvii'it. luirkh: rt & Lee J Repair Vork Triictor and AtitiM a wprcialt i nil on MTU Jfe y VCII INK VOIhS OM WiiHuii Illdvr, First Street lien f. Kiddrm, Proj.. nSHKR-r.RADKN Underukni Auto Service Lady Assistant Cash Paid for Junk Itrini: in all kin. In nf metal, iron, craps, ancka, ran, rtr. ilrln tl.e (ioveniinetit eunserve its metal. KOI! SALE Several t'mu.mnd ttriiin nn.l p.itatu am'ka. Alan fi-piiMHerun-r l-'or.l. PAdllC JINK COMPANY K. Kniriiany Serund mid It.iloT StrertM, 1-11 3J.1-H, Hume 2227 Canadian Latida I.'IANS AM) INSI KANCK Geo. Taylor Corner of Sernnd and llrondalliin Hell WIS; Homr 2075 TPii I.I-.Si IIAKK!) f;OOUS I(;ko(;kkiI'.h, J'.;o!)i;ck nd i IM'l I S ai PARK KR'S "The Sijn ( Ouality" 1 .16 I. yon St. Rnlh IMinnrt Frank (I. Will JEWF.I.KR Hiir.h clasa Jcjaelryi, Silver, Cut Gliaa ariu Hand I'alnted China STETTEK'S F.ill lint of Chinaware. Dinhfs, Crockery, GLware, Granite. T:n-ar', and ' GroceHe. A Ij 1-3 A N Y rBniVi II SAVINGS BANK CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESS DIRECTORY ci.ssiiu:i) l or Sale ID SKI.l. UK IK A UK TiMil.piluri.1. wullh iS.iHKl. Will (tiki- rtal piup rrtv III PXrluill,;!!. ltn lirnvvna- ' villi.. oll'tf I IIKMS'lTTiTIIMi in.- p.T viii.1. y.ni fiirm.li thr thtinil. l.unt i'l.it, lll.'i I M.n St. 11.11 .'lli. ll.iiun 1 'I'll Irf.l'.l I'l'K S VI I! J hitrieji. 1 mare. 1 hmte. Iii'iuiii- .tf I., e. A iidri noil, Atnel' 1 u .ill K..ivt ofliee li'.'tf 1 OK SI K Publu market bpil.lmr" on 'lli.til an.l reity St will U let ptil'lii- ni.ets.-n mi l-'tidny, the lt' at 'J o !.- . Srnled i'ult nmy nUii le rvtird prior to that time, Ad iln'M Heitlia J. Iti-ek. Sec., rtn.oim l.runk:e, K. V. IK So. It, AHnnv. Shi 4 VA V I'Kl 1 1 emv, freh or eitnuiu' ftfth Ki'im In.niiiv Arthur Ijirmtn, K. K. 1!", AU'imy, Oivkmhi, '.Mil.'. KOK SAI.K Slndwoml cut it..v. leru'th. liittdwoihl ntid fir mixed. Iis.'xtly h:tlde,d. Itelivered any wliert in th. eity. Uth jdinnr-J '. .'.inh on delivery n-rd' For Rr.nt KOK KENT- 7-rMim houao nd nrrra. 1 nillr1 rr.i..i rnf'li.uuw, rtl hany. Ore. Hrh Loli'va. !l(li; KI N I 111 lii-rn. hum., I i.lhiT iniprnv.'ini'iita. T.i. ill. !n- ijuiri. I ! I'liiirn. ll"tf I'ASTl'KK KCK ItKNT - l or 4 aprdii.' .nlvea. C.iMid aliclter, plenly of atravv an.l aeparato fr.ua oti-.er at.M-k. Iri.' ?1 per m.mth. J-inie MeCourt, :i'ki North link M. or 11.11 plione 4'2 lH Mi'rplboc.rjii I.OST A larre Wo.il. n flinr. Onriv-i-r r"ii.l l.rtwi-.Ti Allariv and Cnr- v:il!:.. Thtiri. Kin.i.-r p ll ttlfv It. M. M. M.'iixhuU. It. wurd. Xnli LOST A mviill aili. fl;nr. H Hell pfmne J'.'liV. hnl I WA.VI Kli Middle -aired wunmii to do hi'lit hounekeepinir. (.nod Mai'i a. l ull sins K. Mh St., illume !iii:il. I..-II. hull ,THK AI'CTIONKKK (I. Snlterl.e, farm aulen a api-elalty and all kind a'.o'k anlra. all at J A. Howard 4 r.-; l eatate offier at It-'.". W. lat, Al- j l-iiiiy, Orei'.in, fur dnlea. iiiijin7wii'.:'.'iii i l-'OI'NIi I'air of tlaaaei In cnao. Can 1.,. t.i.d )' iileniifyini; and payiiiK fur Una ad. t all at Henioeral tlf-f.-e. IWTMST WATCH KS For Indies nnd I i-i nta, we hnve the Klirin and Walt I Ir.m, hut n:ii!.e n ape.'ially of the 'T.a.ly Crutn," the little woudei for I the la.lira and the non hreeiililu I "tn-ni h" wall h fur the auldier hoya. .See your maira.iiu-n foe a ile;ierii tii n of theae wonderful lilt ! Wl tel. . K. M. Kn neh & Son, Jewelera i A Kni'niviT!. Alhany. tlllilSIMAS CAItllS To he aent "Over There" unil nrrive fur niaa iiiiist li-aM- un or In fore Nn-vi-rul.i-r L'llth. We ha.'e our Xiiaa Cards, Siala : nd lieeorntiona all ready for your in-Hii-etion. Sheaffi r I'ountain I'ena, Loose I.en" Note nnd I'rii c lii.oi.a- Leather Cood and tllliol;ry are iippropriati mid m si f til Xnia:i preaenta. Call and I ok nvur our atork . C. (i. It A WLI.MiH : 121 llnindalliin SI. Iillfd lw s VIERECK'S BATHS SIIWIMi IIAIIU I I IIMi KAZOUS IIONK.I) AND SKT Cien 7 n. m. .o 7 p. ni.; Satur dny 10 p. m. Corner Kirat and Lllaworth Strneta. War Savings Stamps! isur.o Y THE United States Government- HA.r. itirArr.sT wr.:trn.s i In hit wwi dI "MPt'N' INTr.Kr.ST st NATIONAL BANK Practical Patriotism An lniputl.till tint y h liiilt . who ril.i) ( liuinr unr tmr Ctuiiitry In (lit1 tiMi.m uliiiii ul out minim U (ht1 ulltiriiiiM.t. lit1 lni nti la lu liiiiK hU numlry, ln foiiimuhlt) nml ItiniMt'lf. IWANTKD r.itnto ilui'fn- M fi-n( I inr liimr. iiiiiil' lni. lint u iititr.l. O. L. r-mtiT, rmilo 4. Alhany; llunin plimu1 I. 'I... 4nli W AN TH 1 1 To hiar fiuni uwni.r tf r.t.i. iiin.h fur biiIu. Stitto ciiitli JJI It'f, full ilt i- iptiuu. l. I', llilih. Mlllllrlipnltn, Mum. iiJ'.Ci.ii'.'M.IVS I'lANO I.KSSON'S- 'rtKrraaiv St1 ii.a. .Mia. Wmnifrnl Wornll. 11.11 phone 4 .":!. l'.;li; W. 3.1 M(. olltf KUKNITl'ltK bought ttnd sold. eU K. ltoK'wny, Jnd and lUker Si. 1'ell piione K. lioiii phuu aU'li IMIIKK1.I.AS Wo ars aliuwlnc our auiiiiuer lino nf "Hull" I'cU. Iiabla lUnillu ami atnu-aao L'nilirallaa 10 lilui-k anil whit ami culura. Th 'Hull" iiuality la alvtaya di(ni. al'lc. Your liillial ciitviJ (rt of of rharr,-''. K. M. t much A .Son, Jnwelera ami Kutruvcia m'lt WdOliSAWINc; (all ,s. II. ilnider, homrj hoiiri 'MIS, Jtt'll a'.i.lV. knal iliiiiu III.' him an.l lllh. a'.l( BUSINESS DIBECIOfH HKMMTIt IIINi; US.- ,K.r yard. tlirrad luriil.nrd. I1..I1 liht.iiM J.. 'K .Sou lli..kinnJi:i.. a.l.l W. 2d Si. EIMEK C. CIPK Chiio.rctor Koonia 5, 7, 9, 1U. Cuaick bank Uldt Naluio cannot curt a diaraaa unlna tli cauu la rtmovtd. Cluiopiacllc adjuatinenta i amove tli, cauaa. UK. H. K. JACKSON Dantiat Koum 404-1 KUai National bank bldg. IIOIH 1 HUNKS DK. GliOKGE J. :ttNA0Y Chiropractor I' lilt National Bank Buil-liin dill Real L'statc, Insurance and Money to Loan II. K WtKXILL Inaurancc. Luana, burety Uonda '.c. i.l all. ii i. .a . n il rr ,,i loprily l.t. iniu, I,, t ii i .nl r 1. 1 'm.irl N.i I. ,i.,.n.t j I ... r lint Sjv 'i.- I' oik liuil'li:iif. Altui lr. I IrrKon. J. V. I'IPK Hark-ama in Kami Ijimla and Cil proHTty. Iiiaurnnre, Money to Loan on C-ood 1-aniia at 0 per cent FKIiIlUAL FARM I.OAN8 !l per riit llllereat A. C. IIOIIItNSi KHT 101 Mnaunic Temple, Salim, Oregon u-'.ltf l:or Sale- -Heal h'state Surety Bwoda Loan a K. i-;. SOX Mie, Caaualty and Automobll. Inturante. Real Eilat. 2IJ lat National Bant Hid Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phonei Maaonlt Blrig. Our Own Auto Hearts Lady Aaalalant CASH paid fur ! 1'SKH IT USU I UK : See ua at aiTi Lyon- Street J K L. STIFF & SDN KHI 'I.KAN FI) CHEAT AM) VETCH SEED M. SENDERS & CO. ii If"" I bruodway.