Two O'Clock Edition ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT THE WEATHER Tonight Fair; Colder tonight; Kllllnt; KraHl In the morning VOL XXXI. AIIIANY, I.INN COUNTY. OHKOO.N, MONDAY, NOVEMIIKK II, I'MH. No. 151. 1 Urn H b All Draft Calls Cancelled by U. ! S. Government lll.lMlliV V. Il.l.l AM OI'.llollKXZOI I.KKX. ho seeks redicr in Holland from thr anccr of his people and the world TERMS the HUNS WERE FORCED TO ACCEPT WASHINGTON. November 11. IT. 1 The arm istice terms include the evacuation of invaded terri tory including Alsace-IiOi taine and I aixiMuhm tr. the surrender of a vast amount ol' guns and equipment, the evacuation of the left hank of the Rhine, uncon ditiyiial mii render of all German forces in Kasl Af rica, reparation for damage done, surrender of many submarines and hattleshi:K, concentration of aircraft . at stipulated points, reparation of all allied and Amer ican merchant vessels. The duration of the armis tice is 150 days. . The abandonment of the Bucharest and Brest treaties and the evacuation of all Black Sea ports are also required. H .A TO .7 liy CARL 1). (iROATT WASHINGTON. Nov. U. The President this after noon told congress and the world tlu terms Gcrmanv ac cepted with the armistice. These terms pictured Germany as surrendering abjectly to Koch in the field, her armies beaten, her government overturned, her master in flight. A small crowd and small congress heard the President but his words were burning and enthusiasm ran riot. Th evacuation of Alsace-lorraine, Luxemburg and all occu pied territory must be completed within 1 1 days. Occupa tion by the allies and the U.S. forces jointly will keen pace with the evacuation. All inhabitants of the evacuat ed territory must be repatriated within 1 1 days. The Gcr man army must surrender in good condition 5.000 guns, fild pieces' HO.000 machineguns, U.OOO minnenwer f c r s. 2,000 airplanes. The evacuated territory on the Rhine's left bank will be administered by the local authorities un der allied-American control. The allies will hold the orin cipal crossings of the Rhone and Mayence, Coblcnz, and Cologne, with the bridgeheads at these points. A wide stii along the Rhine's right bank becomes n neutral .one. Eleven additional days arc allowed for the evacuation of the Rhinelands. The evacuating armies shall not harm or deport tho ovacuted territories' inhabitants. All foojl (Continued on I'niro 4) riiolo by American 1'ress ANoclulin Deposed Aulwrsit who informed Ccrnrd: "I will take no nonsense from A nw rim after the W ar." Yanks Fox Trot As News Comes Hv LLOYD MELLETT WITH THE AMERICANS, France Nov. 1 1. Motor cvele carriers tore along the roads shouting, "It's all over. boys." Marching columns, tired, mud-spattered, were gal vanized into new life. Thev laughed, shouted and sang I saw several doughboys under full packs, fox-trotting from column to column. The words "It's over" turned th" grim men into laughing boys. LONDON, Nov. 11. Pre-niier Lloyd-George announc ed the cessation of hostilitic-.vns effectiv at 11 this morn ing on all European frmls. It was officially announced that the armistice with Ger nvinv was signed at 5 this morning. (Continued on Tno 4) ostilities Ceaseat 11 o'Clock Today; Bosche Accepts All Allied Terms i 1 j LATE PKKSS BULLETINS j COPENHAGEN, N ov. 11 Ber lm as orcuitd by forces of the so Id it rn and workmen's councils Saturday afternoon, accord inn to a Wolff Bureau report received here. The railway stations in the en tire industrial districU of Ger many from Dortmund to lhiisburc have been occupied by soldiers councils. There were no disor ders. Friedrich Kbert, socialist lead er, has been appointed imperial chancellor. He has issued a proc lamation sainn that he plans to form a people's government which will endeavor to bring about a speedy peace. Snnderburg is in the hands of the revolutionists and the red flag has been raised on ships there. Sonderhurg is situated on the island of Alsen, Schleswig. It has a population of 5,000. I'p to Friday night the number of persons killed at Kiel was 23. according to information received here. The majority of these were officers. PEACE PACT SIGNED AT 5 A. M.; WORLD-WAR AT AN END; GERMAN DELEGATES WAIT TO KNOW FATE SECTY. LANSING MAKES OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT (Continued on Page 4) BERLIN IN THE HANDS OF REVOLUTIONARY PARTY; RED FLAG WAVES ABOVE NEARLY ENTIRE CAPITOL (OFFICIAL) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. The Germans signed tht allied terms at 5 o'clock this morning, French time. This w as officially announced hy Secretary Lansing at 2 :43 a. m., Washington time. WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. The armistice has been signed and hostilities will cease at 11 o'clock today. NEW CLASSIFIED I I VOn SAt.K- 1". 1-2 lu-rea of irooil Santinm liottom land, now house, Itarn, and outluililiiikrft. AI90 new household iroods if desired, will sell eheap if taken nt once. A.Mress Kaleih Harold, eare (.'. 0. Trow. R. K Allmnv. Unit! KOK SALE Itrown Leghorn roosters 1 .r' eaeh. II. Sehoel, Home ohone Kfi0,". Unlit FOR KENT Small ylaoe of 111 neres. House and barn close to Albany. See J. V. Pipe. 2lW W.-st 2d St. llnlii WANTED AT ONCE 1 or 2 Rood tie makers. Good timber, Rood ground, irood price. Near town. Call or see White at Far West Manufacturine; Co. Ilnl3 LONDON, Nov. 11. The Kaiser has abdicated and the Crown Prince has renouced succession to the throne. This is confirmed in despatches received here. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 11. Frederick EEerf; social ist, becomes German chancellor succeeding Prince Max. last aristocratic head of the p-overnment. PARIS, Nov. 1 1. The German armistice delegates humbly waited jit a chateau in tha Compiegne Forest for the return of the messenger from The Spa. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 11. Lcijzig, Stuttgart and Scarbrucken have joined the German revolution. Berlin is reported held by the revolutionists.