0I o lll-tr rucumt ALBANY DAILY DEMOOEAT Do your Xiau Shopping Early for our buy Over There THE WEATHER Tonight tnd Tuesday PAIR A I. II A. NY, I. INN COUNTY, ORKl.ON, MONDAY, OtTOHKK 2H, 1918. VOI. XXXI. No. lit. REPUBL C DEMANDED IN BAVARIA Solf MakeH lfAy to Wilson, Saying Autocracy Ik Now Kiuled INVOLUTION BRKWS ANKW IN AUSTRIA Riotous Scenes Staked in On1 Reichstag; Archduke Seeks Refuge WASHINGTON. Orl. IH. I. p. lMpIumnltr tr-Mes today Ha? thai lUtarlan MK-isli-t. rr dr mamlinr a rriullir, w ilh l.lrh knrrhl mm lU hrad, fur Grrmany. I.ONOON, Orl. 2H. Autocracy haa been ended In Germany rlaima Solf. In anawrrtnx Pre-idmt W il on. according to lUrlin official wirrletw dcpatrhc today. The nolc aaa that the Itcrlin government now awaita armUlire term. It declare thr military pot era arr aubjevt to ciiil not rrnmrnl in Germany now. WASHINGTON, Orl. 3K. Mili tary mm aaid lodav that they hop peace drvrhimrntM romr quickly. Thry Maid thai peace talk a demoralizing ar work. IIKKNK, Oct. I'M. Kiotoua acenca attended thr Uric hut ax de hat r of the Polinh quration. Sec. Solf declared that W ikon's pro gram didn't mran that lanig province nhuuld hr rrded to inde pendent Poland. COPENHAGEN. M. JH -Ger-mnny'i iniwrr to President Wilson's Intent communication says: "The German government has tak en rogninnc of the answer of the President of the United States. The President is aware of thr far-reaching changes which have Itcen curried out And are being carried out in the Grr a mnn constitutional structure, ami that pence negotiations are being conduct ed ly n people' government In wnose hnmli rests, both actually and consti tutionally, tlu power lo make the de ridinir decisions. "The militnry powers niv also sub ject to It. 'a he Gemini, irovornmrnt now awnita proposal for nn armistice, which shall he the first atep toward juat K-iice, nn the President has de scribed it in his proclamation." MOKK WAYS THAN ONK TO STKl'M THK ITODI.K LONDON. (Vt. 'JH -Frederick V. Holliday, Liverpool violinist, lost his rU-ht thumb in Frnncu nnd it was ft ii red he would have to tihtindnn hia profession. Hut by menna of n mechanical con trivance fixed to the bow Holliday i ithle to piny bettor than Itefon. Ik' has been discharged nnd has resumed his mualrnl career. NEW CLASSIFIED I 4 FORI) FOR SAI.K R pimaonirir, ,,00,1 tirii anil fim riinninir onlir. In luiro nt Vii'rt'rk'a lliitha or Pnrific Cnr..W ''Mo:m FOR KKNT A niixhTn furnihi-il hoiiao. Imiuiro of W. V. Pfeiffer. o2Htf FOR KKNT 10 nrrra, pihmI hoiiao, othnr Iniprovpnii'nta. Clono ' 'n niiira lo Cohen. o28n2 FOR RKNT A mnlim home. In- ipiire of Mrn. Snrnh nrennpr, lie!! phone IlKlJ. aa7 W. Thin! SI rent. 2Ki:i(l FOR' SAI.K OR TRAPK-a amnll rnn fertionery, one of beat In Corvnllia. For property or utork, whnt have youT Aililreaa M. X, Corvnllif!, Ore gon, o2Hn4 AUSTRIA ACCEPTS WILSON'S TERMS j PARIS. Orl. 2M. Ily V. P. Auatria. replying iu rreaineni WiUon, arrrpta all hia condition. Thia i learned officially thia af ter niMin from I Write. Auatria arrrpta WiUon'a trrma regarding; the t'xrhuloiak and I JukomUvh, airrerinx lo negotiate I directly with them regarding I tlmir indeprndrnrr. Auatria dr I rlnrra her rradlnraa lo rnlrr in I lo nreulialiona immediately, re I gardleva of other negotiations ' in abort, lo make a aeparate ! peare. 1 She aaka the I'rraident to lake approoriate mraanrea tnwarda I rraliinK an armistice and a Kn 1 era! peace. i V. II. Anderson C.ctn I.iputonant's Commission P. ('. AthliTon lolli)' rtrriviMl Wopl lliut lu oii, W. II. Alulirtoii, hna i-rrnfully tjiBM'.l tlit rxituiiruitlon for rommi.ion in thv rniflfiTi' ior nml " rwi-lvni ni rumiiiw aion n n firat li. ul iinnl Hi- will li uvr for Kniiu-ii on Novi'inlwr lfith aa inrmlwr of tlic L'mh :ll;illlr, rorpa l.lruli-niiiit Amliraon mi iinrn rnrrii-r Imv on the Drmurrat lull alnrf rfaihinir the bkc of ninjorily hi hvlil i rcaiwinaililii poaition with th Hridul Vfil l.umlirr roniiuiiy, with hi'.il'iiiur. t. ra nt I'ortlniiil. UK WONT SAI.l'TK III I OH MY ! HOW UK KK.IITS PARIS, Oil. ,.'H. 'Tin- Cliii'f" Ima aiiuli'J tor llie art-uim iin;r aunt ramv to Franrr- anil it ia the tulk, that aimlv. of the . th Infantry. The t'hirf ia Private Itoaa, a full- lilumleil lite Imlian. AUiul a yt'iir ai:o he threw up hia juli henlinn ahrep in the l.urren Ariiona hilla. walke.1 M nilli-a to Iti. !, role the rol to Kl Paao unj enliatej. In ramp he wa nirkimiiif.l The i"hirf There olao it waa iliacovireil that The Chief hail iinuauul ai out ahililiea -heretlitarv auk'inente.l hy aciuinil. AaaiKiieil aa liattuhon acout wna when he amlleil the fimt tune. Chief Koaa ia hanlly a nio.h-1 ol- ilier. He hanlly ever aulutei nn of ficer nnJ anya "llk'h." for "ea, air. ami ahakea hia head for "No, air." Al tho 'i hr r .' ir commnml of Knliah he l.i! r. ul I 1 le. Once only he wna .leti ; .1 r.i . ;.: ' an officer that win win .1 : ie to the officer thrv tim 1 ti .-"k f r a leave pnaa. The thil : ..1.. : aimed and not O10 furlough. Hut The Chief wiped out all aina of omiaaion in the finhtillK "P on the Veale. A lone niiii hineitun in a alone huild init '-'HO yard in front of the Ynnka wna holdintr up the advance. It waa l.rond diiylik'ht - --l P- in. The ta.ik of ailenriiiK the nniper wna Riven to Chief Koa nnd a picket of three other men. They diaiippeared into the lirimli. The Chief leadinir with piatol reiulv nml hand itrenadea in hia hip pocketa. The eniplacenu-nt was spotted in the upper window. Two men were left out in front in the Imahea to draw the fire, while Koaa stealthily worked 1111 toward one aide of the huildintr. and hia companion on the other. Chief crawled up to the aide of the houae and edk'eil around to where he could see the mulc of the machincKun pro- Irudinjf from tho window. Two sec himIs Inter a grenade hurst iu the room with the Cerms, killing two and shat- terinir the machineKun. The aurvivinir llun executed a strati-Kic retrent thru the renr window nnd slid down to the ground where he would ho protected hy another mncliinetriin further hack. It was sure denth to try to reach the runninir German from either side of the liuildintr. The (ierninn wns cunning hut not so running as The Chief. He swung himself up to the window and crawled rapidly up the roof toward the ridgepole. From that vnntage he could see the enemy with out endangering himself. Three shots and the flee in it liochc hit the dust only It wns muddy in stend of dusty. Thnt wns when The Chief smiled (he second time. He emitted the Uto wnr whoop, surprising Hie flermnna so that they stopped firing for a few minutes. Once liefore, o sny the hoys. The Chief nlmost smiled. A lieutennnt ex pressed a desire for a pair of made-in-Gcrmany field glasses within the hearing of Ross. Thnt night he went out nnd rnme hack within 40 minutes with a fine pnlr of Ctcrmnn elnsses As he presented them to the lieuten ant he merely anid, "Henp ensy," and very nearly amiled. ASSESSMENT ROLL IS Total Value of Property in Linn Count) Close to $27.1X11) (100 IN ('UK ASK SHOWN OVKK I-AST YEAR Linn County Dos Arc Valu ed ut More Than $8,000.00 The total Wild.- of all Ci... le .t , rty in l.irin county. evi l..i.- o. pub- ! Ik aervuv rorpututiuns a-. own hv the ut-ftainrnt rll w .i h hn juC Uen cuinph-ted by County Aa r to. Karl Kial.er, ia plan J ul ji.t7t.h,t. l. while luat year the ptopi-tty in tue tounty wna itaaeitaed ut 9-vi.''''r'- 1 The roll alao ahowa that there are lii !,, .',0 acn-a of tillahle htm in I. inn ouiity while there are over ToO.lHto in re a of nontillahle html. AntiLher intereatin; featurV of trie iiHi'Hiiii nt mil ia thai the 1,421 doyn in I. inn county ure vitlaed at fJUrft. '1 he rull in na fnll'jwa: Summary of l.inn ( tmnty .M-ftnu-nt Hull for the Year P.tlH LO'.'.i'.rKJ iu-re tillable Intul $ 7.H.,!i".ri 7:U.17Uaiiea nontillahle .. HMh.r,17r. Iinprovenienta uti detsled or latenU'd land l.ls.t.THii Town mid city l"t 1..V.m;,:1M Improve im-ntN un town und eity Iota 1 ,!. I,ti7i lriproVi-iucnt!4 on land not deeded or patented .11.'J1. lUiln.M.li ri7.(HKi Kollinif aUxk 1S.imh Water ditchea M.M7o Hoata, Machinery nnd Mot or vehicle l.7J.i MerrliamliHe and stoi-k in trade fiW-ti." Karniin, implenientit. wae;- ona, mi riaj-ea. etc 2".ri.i."i Money hS.0 Notea and Account a 447.1HO Shnrea of atock 2MI,7ir ll.t ! nnd office furniture, fixturea. etc horses ami inuha ... fij:i,ir.r J4,LoU rnltlf 5;y,04D :((l,n."2 aheep ami kouI ... liOii.Olir, ;t.s:U awine 4.S7r l.iJ! docii 8.:iur. TOTAL f taxable prop erty, exclusive of public acrvice corporations, a finally ci;.alUed by the County Hoard y..7r.H.r.4n Visited Family Rowland Snyder spent Sun.lny in Albany visitinir his family. To Take Kxamination Hoard Kims Short on Outstionnuires The IihuI exemption board is short on tuestioiinaires and has lkcn forced to delay sendintr out the blanks to men Utwivn and 4. Kndini: the receipt of a supply from Washington. All men whose names bein with i letter between A and M hnvo received the blanks. Arm them SON OF ALBANY MAN DIKS IN FRANCF.iLnUl 111 Ullll Karl It. KodKi-H of .rlh Field Artillery Sueeumlw t Attack I'neumonia Karl K. llwlyvr of Huttftry K, &lh I'ield Artillery, died in Knince follow, in if un attack of pneumonia on Sep-U'Jiilrf-r 20th, mcordinjr to word re-t-eivd here to)ay by hia father. Kodfrrri enlialed nt KnU-rpriai', Diion. May 2, 1'.'17 and waa amun ed to Fort Worden and later Uj Fort Worth, Texat. He went overaeaa Aujr. I, 1117. He went into the fii'ht at Chateuu Thierry and on account of t-xpoaure in that cainpu'i;rn he con tracted pneumonia and died Septendr JO, lilH. liia father, liert KodKera. Itvea, on Koule 2, Allany; and receiv ed word from the chapel of the hoa pital at which hii aon died. This Day in the War OCT. 1!17. Allies capture Mer cl.em HninauU, Flandeni. hT. US, I'.Mo. Hunt capture Go rizia, und enter Italian pluina. OCT. UH, l!ir,. French land 1.10. HK) men t .Salonika. OCT. UK, 1.(14. Japaneae bombanl nient of Tsinf-Uiu proceeda. UK WAS STILL FKKM'H HKSHTK THE WEATHKK LONliON. Oct. US. A French jour naliKt, while making a visit to the British (.rand Fleet, waa taken for a trip on a ik-stroyer. A heavy ma waa running. Thru out the nivrht the Frenchman lay in hi bunk, puimncinfr for hia aina. When morning came, fti'lin iiLl4.'r, he went on dock. 'Morn in jr." aaid the captain cheer ily, "have you breakfasted?" "No, m'aieur aaid the Fn-nchman gravely, 'I have not breakfaated. On the contrary! Went to Portland Mrs. A. K. McCoy went to Portlnrj I thia morninir to see her daughter and Uon-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lock. I who are lnth aick. To Spend Day Mrs. Pearl Johnson went to her home at Tallnit this morn in tr to spend tho day. Mrs. Jolmson has been stay injr in Allnny with her father since jthe death of her mother several days atro. Taken to Hospital j Chas. Ihinnals was taken to the hos pitul yesterday for can. He has the ' irip. O. A. C. StudenU Home Miss Amna Hoflich, Miss Nathiel Punaca, Misses Helen and Kuth I.lven- oi antl Miss Corintha Hart, of O. A. C, spent the week-end in Albany with their parents. litre Sunday j A. Hrnson of Portland spent Sun ay in Albany. )n Furlough J Koyal Archibal, of the nnval train ! imr station at Seattle, is home on n furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. O. A. Archibald. STKAMKU fiOKS ON BOCKS ON CALIFORNIA COAST SN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2S. U. P. - The steamer Mamlnlay. lumber-laden, went on the rjoks near Crescent City off the northern California coast this nioininif but is now floated, nl tho watcrlotrired. with the morale that XJICT IN ODID OF New Blizzard Iteoorted in Kansas Today Cripple Communications MANY WIRES DOWN IN ROCKY MOUNTAINS Press News All Routed to Coast via Kl Paso; Hixh Wind in Nebraska IjKNVKR, Oct. UH. Wire commut ations between the Kocky Mountains and the Fast are atrain crippled today as a result of another storm in Kan sas following severe blizzards. In Nebraksa and Kansas over the end of the week, hith winds prevailed. The Kovernment, which took the only two wires working today, was lKin(f served over lines routed from I enver via Kl Paso and Billings East ward. Prospects for press wires which receive the preference next to the Kov ernment weren't very good, said wire company officials. New 'Flu" Cases Are Reported in Albany Deupjte the fact thpt Albany is per haps frver from "flu" cases than anv other city of its size in the entire stnte, there were several new cases reported today. Like those heretofore turned in, they are of a mild form. Thus far there have been no deaths resulting from the epidemic in Albany. Returned Home Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jacobson and aon Carl of Portland returned home this morning after a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woodard. I'o Visit Daughter John Reicher and frranddauirhter. Irene Neupart, left this mominjr for Portland to visit the former's daugh ter, Mrs. Neuirnrt, and the latter mother. On Inspection Trip F. M. French went to Mill City this afternoon on a watch-inspection trip. IIOILEK MAKKS EXCELLENT SHOEUOX; AT LEAST. IT'S BETTER Til AX NONE AT ALL PARIS, Oct. 2tf. Thirty thousand French refugees are wearing new shoes Itecause of the ingenuity of an American woman nnd the enterprise of a Toledo businessman. After seeing thousands of home less, shoeless refugees, Mr. Mulhol- hind of the Chautauo.ua Delegation of- fetvd to supply the Red X with second-hand shoes. Shipping space wns at a premium; the government needed every inch to transport men and food. But Miss Alice Archilvald of the Met ropolitan Canteen was undaunted. She arranged thru relatives in Philadel phia to have the shoes shipped in the interior of locomotive boilers froi lie Baldwin Locomotive works. wins battles w nr Uack up the 15qys Overinere YM.CA."YCA.- National CathdkVar Coimcil - Kof C -Jewish Welfare Board - War Camp Community. Service - American Library As s. ciation Saration Army - s N0BIBEa 11M8 J ' i (JAUZE MASKS ARE FASHION IN SEATTLE Mayor Makes Wearing of Maskn Compulnory; In t reahe Ksported SEATTLE, 0-t. 28. U. P. Follow. inK the sudden increase in the numlr of influenza cases, the health depart ment officials today or.lered every body to wear gauze masks on street cars, stores and on the streets. Vio lators will be arrested. The mayor closed all drink estab lishment and soda fountain. President Answers Attacks From Partisan Politicians WASIfl.NGTON, Oct. 28. U. P. Denouncing as "lamentable" the al leged republican attempt to "bend to partisan service the momentous issues of this solemn hour," President Wilson explained today that Article III of his ptaci formula doesn't mean free trade policies, but that tarrif should not dis criminate against any nation. LINN COUNTY FARMER TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Mind of Henry F. Glasser Is Unbalanced as Result of Brooding Over War LEBANON, Oct. 27. Special Henry F. Glasser, a young farmer liv ing three miles north of ' Lebanon, committed suicide last night at his home by shooting himself with a rifle. He is said to have been brooding heavily over the war and to have imagined people were after him and questioning his loyalty. He was of German parentage, al though born in the United States, and has two brothers in training. His fa '.her. E. L. Glasser of Plainview, is a highly-respected f aimer. Ha ia sur vived by his widow and. two children. Spent Sunday in Portland Miss Ella Dobson of Farker's Gro cery store, spent Sunday in Portland visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Dobson. Returned to Eugene Miss Carolyn Cannon and Miss Cof fee returned to Eugene last evening, where they are attending U. of O., after a visit at the Mason home. Weather Report Yesterday's temperature ranged from 52 to -19 degrees. The rainfall was .28 inch and the river is at S foot. Returns to Work Archie Metzger of the Golden RuIp store returned to work this morning after being out several days with an attack of the grip. Home for Week-End Miss Winnie Austin of Portland spent the week-end at home with her raronts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin. To Work in McMinnville Miss Velma Dunlap, who has been working in Hamilton's Store, resigned Snturday evening to accept a posi tion in a store at McMinnville. Returned From Fishing Trip M. F. Pawson, Frank Froman and Wm. R. Pawson returned last night from a few days fishing trip near Wa Id port. It. C. BENEFIT AT HOUSTON SCHOOL NOV. 2 A Red Cross benefit program and npron sale will he Riven at the Hous ton Schoolhouse, five miles northeast of Albany, November 2. Miss Orah Hnrkness and the Hammer Quartet of Albany will assist on the program. Admission 2.r cents and 15 cents. F.DITATION STANDARD FOR S. A. T. C. LOWERED I!. OF 0., Eurene. Oct. 2. Special. Men nvic with or without high scho il diplomas, will now be admitted to the S. A. T. C. at the University. following word received from the committee on education and special traininfr in Washington, D. C, Octob er 24. "In order to maintain authorized quotn of your limit, induct if forms are available, eligible applicants for S. A. T. C. to replace vacancies caus ed hy transfer to officers' training schools, the telegram reads. The men must be 18 and must be sMe to pass the physical examination and demonstrate to the examining board that they have the necessary qualifications to keep up with th class work in the S. A. T. C. N1S SUFFER DEFEAT Four Thousand Prisoners ar Taken by Italians in New Drive MOUNTAIN SLOPES TAKEN FROM ENEMY British Make Gains in Mor man Forest; Enemy Guns Active WITH THE ITALIANS. Oct. . 28. U. P. The slope of four mountains have been wrested from the Auatriaos In a Mew al lied drive on the BrenU-Piave front. They were found strewn with enemy dead. These heights wer retained stiinat a determined enemy counter attack. A desperate bat tle waa fought for each peak. Over 4,000 prisoners, ineludiaf SO officers, have been captured. HAVRE, Oct. 28. Enemy artil. lery ia again active along the front line in Belgium, th Belgian war office teday annesmeed... LONDON, Oct. 28. Revolution is feared in Austria. Archduke has taken refuge in Godollo cas tle. Emperor Karl ia planning to leave for Debreciin. VIENNA. Oct. 28 Bitter fighting continue east of- the Piave, where the allies have fore ed a crossing, the Austrian war office announced today. WASHINGTON. Oct. 28 Lu dendorffs resignation as Ger many's military chief waa forc ed after he disagreed with Prince Maximilian over acceptance of President Wilson's peace terms, said The Hague report received today by the state department. LONDON, Oct. 28 British troop improved their positions on the west ern edge of Mormal Forest and north of Raimeo, Marshal Haig today re ported. German counter attacks against Farmars, two miles south of Valenciennes, were repulsed yester day. WITH THE AMERICANS, Oct. 28. American pressure on the Meuse banks continues despite German sol- lii rs' orders to hold at all costs. The Germans are bitterly launch ing counter attacks in rapid succes sion. Seas Give Up Dead of the Princess Sofb VANCOUVER, Oct. 28 U. P. Slowly and reluctantly the northern seas are giving up their dead from the tragedy of the Princes Sophia. Through a storm that hampered the work of the fleet of searcher came the wireless that 150 unidenti fied bodies had been recovered from bleak rocks and surging waters. Smashed on the barren crags of Lincoln Island was a collapsible raft carrying the battered unidentified bodies of four women, lashed thereon. On Business Trip R. T. Worley and wife went to Portland this morning on business. . S. O. S. CALL The local exemption board, on the second floor of th postof fice building, want six or eight teschers to volunteer to help et out a government report on 2.054 men. The renort has to be com plete and finished by Friday, j