.. ., 1 1 I ', I jour Xataa Shopping Karly fur uur buy Over There ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT THE WEATHER Tonight and Wedneaday, RAIN VOL. XXXI. ALBANY, I.INN COUNTY, OKK HON. ll'KSDAY, OlTOIIIIt 22, HUH. No. 133. FQCH MAY BE ASKED B PRESIDENT WILSON ID STATE ARMISTICE TERMS TO THE GERMAN GOVERNMENT U. S. Contends That Armistice Is u Matter for Military leader to Agree l;u; Not a Suhject of Diplomat ic N egot iat ion LONDON MORNING PAPERS NOT SATISFIED WITH GERMAN KKIM.Y: TKXT AUKIVKS HERE Austriu Will Make Another Hid for IVare: New Will He Made to Wi!.on's Statement of Allied Terms WASHINGTON. IM. 22. H) I luted I'rina. lirrmany mu-l rum lu military tcrma lth Marahal Fa.-h. Thia development ia rmphaai.cd here. The nrt logical alen apparently ia Ihr announcement (ram r'urh of Irrrnn upon hirh n armiallre ia pnaalhle. Thr I'reaiilrnl mi) re queat Koch lu alatc hi military trrata. LONDON, Orl. 2'-. Thr morning paprra reject thr Herman rrply to th I'reaidrnt because II doran'l at 'f. r unrunditiunal aurrrndrr, which are Ih only trrma upon which Ihr allira ran pffrr an armistice to an utvtrrupuloua rnrmy. 1'h rlaima of Herman) 'a drmorralifation are not believed hrrr. I'AKIS. Ort. 22. IWfirial Vienna dUpalrhra atal thai lh Aua-tro-lluncarian government will auon rrply to I'rraidrnl V ilaon brcauae h didn't answer thrir qucalion mnrning poRaihle rondlliuna fur urar argot iatiooa. N KVY YORK. Orl. 22. t Uy 1. W. T. Ma.on. Inil.d I'rcaa W ar F. prrt) lirrmany ia trying to ue hrr peace offcnalve to rntir America into prolrrling Ihr Herman nalinn axainl Ih rlghlroua rrlrihuliun fur th rrimsi agaiaat humanity ah ha rummitlrd. Ily encouraging a.n limrntaliam among th Amrrirana. lirrmany hopra to rarap with aom of hrr loot while dividing th democratic natiuna agalnal rarh othrr. Whil plrading fur a prar Kith jualirr. lirrmany haan'l lakrn ac tiun againal hrr military criminal w ho Irird tu conquer Ihr world hy raair, incendiarism, murdrr and rohhery. I OI'KMI AHKN. Orl. 22. Th Hrrmaa prraa arm rally ronaidrr'a Sotr rrply to I'rraidrnl VYIIasm aa a aaliafarlory baaia for furlhrr negotiation. Thr Tagrhlatt drrlarra: "Should W ilaon drmaud Im pomiihilitira, we muat reckon on thr war'a runtinualiun." I'AKIS. Orl. 22. "Thr Herman rrply give France no aati.fac tiun. aaid a high Government official luday. "I'rraidrnl Wilaon alalrd that an allied rnmmand ahnuld dirtitr ariniatir rundiliuna; lirrmany aaka it to b on a baaia advantagrotia to hrr. It ia puaaihl thai Ihr I'rraidrnl will mak no rrply. If hi- dura, Kranr ia utfrrly rnnfidrnt of hia drriaiun. Text of Not i In accepting the propoanl for an ! evacuation of orrupird territories, th German government haa started from th assumption that the prurrdur of . i i .i . thia evacuation atul of the condiliont of an armistice ahould I left to th 1 judgment of the military advisers and that the ac tual atandard of power on KotS aides in the field hot to furm the baaia for arrangements safeguarding ; and (murantrrinir thia atandunl. ' Tht (ierman t:ovrrniiient auvrtfeata to tlie I'reaidrnt that an opportunity hould he liroutht alxuit for f'aintr the detail. It truata that the I'nrai- , dent of the L'niled Staiea will approve ; of no demand which would be irrecon- j cilahle with honor of the (iernuin pro- pie and with oieniriK a way to a peace . of juatice. Tha (ierman Kvernmcnt protrata j aKainat the jieriol of iHeirnl and inhu- : mane action made oKuinat the lier- ! man land and ara furrea and thereby airainat the (ierman p"!1'-- For the covcrintr of a retreat, de struction will alway l neceaaarv and they are curried out insofar ns it permitted by internntiuniil luw. The (ierman troops lire under most strict ' instructions to spare private, property anil to exerrimt rare tor th population to ths hnt of their ahility. 1 The rt nM.nitility of the Chancel Where trnn(freiiion occur, in apite ' lor of the empire to the npreetitn of these inatructiona. the guilty arejtion of the Hople ia Ix-int; letrully de beinic puniatie.l. velnpiw! and aafeuanled. The Germnn Kvernment further de- The firat act of the new jrvern niea that the German navy in ainkinir ment haa hl'n to lay lefore the hip haa ever purpoiely ileatroyrd ( Reirhalnir a hill to alter the ronatitu lifelrOata with their paaiienierM. The turn of the empire ao that the corment German (roernment propoaea with re- of the reprraerilntion of the people trs.d to all thoae rhartrea that th I rt ipiired for deciaion on war and facta be cleared un hv neutral com-! miariiona. In order to avoid anything that mi (flit hamper the work of peart, the German ftovemment haa cauned or ders to he diHpnU'hed to all anhn arine commanders precluding the torpedo- NEW CLASSIFIED CARRIER HOYS WANTED-Hoy wanted to carry Even in k Itdefrrnms. See Alliert .Senders. 2224 FOR HA I.E 11 (rood, thrifty shoats. f ull Home nhone 3r2. 22o24 CIUER I will make cider for the Inst time this season on the 2nh or Oc tober. Call C R. Widmer, Home phone 2G3H, 22o24 Kepi) ing uf .aaacngcr ahipa without, how- rvrr, fur Irrhnirul reasons, twing a)lr to Kunrnnte thai Ihra orders wilt cvpr). ,llhmlirim. , .a before ila return, Aa a fundamental condition for prare the I'reaidrnt present-, the de atru-taun "of rvery nrliitrary power trillt nilly acparalely, secretly and of j. own aingle choice disturb thr .nre of thr v.orl.1 " To thia the (irr man trovernnirnt nplira: Hitherto the rvprcarntution of thr pi-oplr in the (ierman Km pi re haa not lieen endowed with an influence uf the formation of the (fovernment. The conatitution dura not provide for a concurrence uf rrpreaenlntion f the people In dcrlalona of peace and war. Theae ronditiona have juat now undergone a fundnnirntul change. A new trovernnirnt hua U'rn formrd lu complete accurdnnce with thr wiahra (principle) of the representiition of the people, turned on eilinl, universul, secnat, direct franchise, The leader of the irrrnt parties of the Keiehtii( nru inemlirr of this Ifovernnicnt. In the future nu jrov ernmeiit can take or continue in of fice without poeinK the confidence of a majority of the Ke.chfltHtr eare. The permanence of the new system is, however, uurtinteed not only hv constitutional safeguards, but nlsn by the unshnkeable determination of the (ierman people, whose vast majority stands behind these reforms and de mand their energetic f mtinuancil The question of the President, with whom he and the fro vera men U asso ciated nifftinat Germany are dealing. is therefore answered in a clear, un equivocal manner by the statement that the offer of pence and an nrmis tice has come from a government which is free from any arbitrary and irresponsible influence, is supported by the approval of an overwhelming majority of the German people, HOI.F. (ermaiirt Almiuloned All th' Coast Defens (Inns in I turk ward Move SCIIKI.DTIS KKAl'HKD HY THK HIUTISH I rtMuh Troops Swcp For ward on a Wide Front; Artillery Severe MINIMIS, lk-1. 22.-1'. r. Mamhal Hai reporlrd the HHlUh wilhtn one mile of Tournal. The (irrmiiu Ihrrr were driven (mm Oiirrq and I-r) ronrw S utxja.. The Hrltuh havr rra-hrd the It rtSank uf the KfttU.n fte mill a nitithraI ef alrnrirnnra. AlfO thgj rave reached the river Scti Idt on a five-mile front above To rnai. t( 1 announced that the Hun have ahandonrd all eoat drfenae 1'UllaV. PAIvIS, tvt. 'S.'. Itraiiminir pnir rv tm thr- Serre rivrr, French trvpa t l:ty itiii'rtl to within thun 'i dill of (Vn y Sur .orre from tho 1 -uthwaril, the wnr offire onniunif) (ii rman rnuntrr attarki in the Vou-lirrr-j rm ioti nr ilinuiitvhinLf in vit I -ntv Thrrr is I'rmt artillery work ilor tbe 1 and aUu in the Clml a i iVrrien re?ion. Trinket Drive to Finish This Week Tie tri'itauirv nnd triftkrt drive in ui,'ui iitcd ty the l.inn Chapter uf lite I 'niifhtern of the Anteru tin Kivilu lion mnni'tinie nt-'o will end thm week Old jeuelry, mU, or silver urti.lt. Iiritxii and imjim r are nvtl for. Tlteae :tre then mvni to le melted up and t.iicd ni am in any way the government i.r fit to uv them. Thl ill trtilv j.ntri.ttu- aa l'U)inr l.iUrty Itomla Anyitne having art if lea of thia aort not in ue ahould take them to Flood a Stoe or any mctntcr of the commtt tee, which ia : Mra. W. II. Horniiirook, Mra. I. A. Youhtf. Mr. W. II. Itarker. Mi. Alton Coutea and Mra. I.. G. I.e .i llmir. UTY NKWS I Heather Krport Yeattrdiiy'a teinpraluri rnntri'd from f7 lo HI drjrreea. The river ia at 1 foot. Here From l-rbnnon Art-hie Hlarkhurn of Lehnnon wna in Albany lunl niKhl on Imaincaa. (ioinK to Canada (. K. Wiiltner will Ji-ave tomorrow morning for AlUTtn, 'anadit, for a few weeka' atny. Mr. Widmer haa pun-hnaed a farm there and will make urrimremrnta to move later. Ilia son haa tnken rhnre of hia place in North Alhany. Here Sunday It. C. Chun-hill and M. I.. ivtera, hoth uf rortliiml, h-mI Kunday in Al hany viMitihir relutivea and frienda. (tntea Miner Here Hoh MoiinH. who haa been cnKiwcd in the mining huainens at (intea for n number of yearn, was in Albany yes terday on buainena. lie slated Ihnt he had found a tedfe of fold in his mine and he experts to ben in work al the mine soon. To l.tve in Itrnwnnville M. MI'.aU I. 1.1. u;... I 1...I.I I. I.. Il..,...u;ila. liwum -iiimi iEnnin 'ii""i iiiuniiaTiin- . Him Bin- rm in w ' '""" " live with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs W. M. Imvidaon. Mrs. McCoy recent-1 ly returned from n visit in Washing ton, I. ('., where she visited her dau ghter, Miss l.iln McCoy, and her son, who ia In the navy. V'lricH Parker Overseas Mrs. Mary E. Parker haa rereived word that hrr son, Virgil Parker, has arrived safely nt a European port. Virgil is with the engineers' corps. Rettirmd Home Mrs. Walter M. Spaulding of S, lem returned home -this morning, Shr rame up to see her brother, ('lay f Miller of Corvallis, who left last night for Camp Hancock, Georgia, to enter the officers' training camp. CKKMANS ATTKM1T T0 8II0KTKN DKFKNSF llerlin I Maying for Time while Military leader Prepare for Defensive War Hy Will Phillip Him ma. If. I. Htaff Correapoadrnt PARIS. Ort, 22 - News of the paat two dnya cotroleuratea t.erinaiiy'a in trillion to fall bark on a abort line from Hollund through l.iiT. Metx and Hraaahurir. The eleventh hour armialire man euver haviiitr failed, to prevent diaua ter llindi-nburK and l.udinlorf f nrr nhulU'llillif their line of drfeime. Alao, they are working rloaely with IUrtln and playing for time. RKII t RtlSS NOTES A new appeal hua juat lern r t-eivi'd for workera in aluiont everv hue of work, I m tit for thia country and abroad Anyone wiahlutr to serve our iftnn ninetit ahould mnke applti-a-tlou tu the aecrrtmy at the Red Croaa lieab'inrtrra A Red Croaia roininittee haa been appoint! to help rutnliat the Spanlah tnfluenrji. K t. Miller la chairman; Mr W II M..rnit.r,H.k. Mra F. i Franklin, lr M II Elba. W. V Mrr rill, a it I William Eaaiburn. Thr three aujierviaors of th ltrl Croaa departmenta having reai'iird at the cKpirntton of their (ertna uf of fire, the following appoinlmrnta have (arrn nmilr; atii it. r uf lmttpitul artuvnta, Mta. , A. I i.d; of aut,-- iral dreaaint. Mra A Stiirk; of the nitacrlliinrtua dcjijt'tinent, .Mr. O. A ArrhiUld. Th war rounrtl of the A. R. C. au l hurl iea the following atateutrnt un the work in RuaMa, Sileria, th Halk ana and the Near Euat. In Eurojirnn Ruaaiia the Kim I I 'roa baa ap i.l to date $2o7.;i:i. tlf thia. I.Vil.tMKI uim for milk for the babira uf lVlrnrii.1 For I .!' motor anibulnnrea, which were aeht tu take the place of thr horacdinwn affaira unrl for tia;.a porting the wounded, 'H,l7o waa ap pivpriatrd; $12o,Imhi waa a pent fot the relief of rrfueea in Siberia ami SwiiirrUnd unj fur destitute fn mil lea of aohliers In Ruaaia. For the relief of 2o,(Ho railnmil employea at Kola. the northern trrtnit.ua uf the Murman Railway, who bad relied un Petronid for their food, IIT'MKHI waa approp riated. Fur the relief of Ruaaian priaonera w ho hail leKun to return from Auatriun priaoit rampa, a raro of sevrrul thouaand tolia of fiKid waia purrhuard; alao soapa and flruvra, ill-'.t Ik-i lit appropriutetl. With the German advance, and the irrowinir po litical and induatrial chaos, the work of the KuKamn rommiaaion had mt frre to atop. A vaat field lei;an to open out in Eastern SilM-rm, where $4,27.1,2-M were expended for warm winter clothing, hoapital beds ami re lief uf refugees. In Rumania in six months, f mm September, I '.'17, to Marrh, I'.'IH, IJ.ilTtl.nil'.t was expended, mostly for food, rlothinn and mcdiral aupplies. In Serbia oO.ODO n filler a, mostly old men and women and child ren, were provided with seeds and ag ricultural inntrumetitK to enable them to cultivate 21,000 acres of fertile soil The rare of refugee arnttcrcd thru Northern Greece, the maintenan.-r of a hoNpital at Votlrna, and a fully - cpiipcd dental rnnt indent sent from America, were some uf the principal items totaling l,24l,l!i7 for Serbia An American commission sailed for Greece in September, 11HS, with an appropriation of $1175,000 fur relief umoiifr the Greek popuhitiun. An nr irreKiite of $:i,000,0iM) was contributed for Armenian and Syrian relief work, for work in Asia Minor and Paleatine. Two orphan asylums of 400 children I " ' . f ' - . ire work has been la'un on a Inrre scale and two lurpe refugee eauV. have liven eatnhlitdied tit Port .tin! and nt Jaffa. Shoe Trade. Fixes Price, Says McDowell "The government has hail nothing whatever to do with the new prices fixed for the shoe trade for the com ing year,' said I. A. McDowell this morning. "The National Retail Dealers, to gether with the manufacturers, vol- iiitnrily ngreed 'o fix price on ahoea ranging from $tt to .12 per pnir. Thia will not npply, however, to the alock now on hand." HOLD YANKS AT ALL COST IS ORDER Keserven Thrown Into Sector in Mad Kffort to Heat Hack Americans VITAL POINT ON LINK Y1KLDS TO ATTACKS Yankees Hush on Despite the I )er perate Resistance ; Happen Wood Taken Hy Fit Ell FERGI SON , Willi THE A M ERIC A VS. Ort. , 22. Ilrirullea waa art afire hy j the Germana and ia burning flrrrrly. elry-lr V(it Bmi la ; ahlae. German arlillerving up- 1 . on the American riuht wing ! .ahovia a marked lnrrear thia af- . ternmin. 'I he enemy La nervoua and rvi- I drntly feara an attack. ) WITH THE AMERICANS, Oct. 22. I'. P. - The Germans continue to itrrriKthell thrir forces oppoitt the Americana in the Aronne Meue rr- Kioti, h) rualiint; in umta ami new li- iuiib. An ordfir iaued by General von Ier Marwitt. fulbn into American hnnda. i ! I mm la lo thr (rrman aohliera t4 htild Jiia aertor at all roata. He dtvlurra it the moat vital to the Gel mini null try movements. Priauners report that the Teuton officers are determined to hold the Yankees back. Hy tlcarinir Rape's Wood yeater- day in threw houra denpite uiarbine lunnmjf and artilleryuic, the duuh boys removed one of the tnoftt aerioua ol'Htuclea to roiitinuisl prorraa. 'l.ONliON. IKl 22. The French, M-rntiHK' north uf the British second aimy in Flandera, advanced un a wid front thm morning. Excellent pnu iraa ia n-Hrte(l. ALHANY WOMAN DIKS IN CKKSTON. IOWA Pneumonia Resulting From Spanish inftuena Is Cause of Death R. R. Wilrux, an employe of the Southern Pacifis car shops, yeateidav rrrrived a telegram staling that hia wife 1 1 a sard away in C rent on, Iowa, following an attack of pneumonia re sulting from Spun irih iufbieiira. Mr. Wilcox left thia morning to bring back the remaina. Mra. Wilcox left some weeka ago to visit with her father, F. O. Car of Al ha nee, Ncb-aaka, and while there con tracted Spaniah influenza. She recov ered from the attack and went to freaton, Iowa, where she was viaitimr with an uncle and aunt, when she con tracted pneumonia and died a day or a. later. Mrs. Wilcox had her four-yi nr-rd I daughter Alice with her at tin .inu' mi. I leaves: three other children, Es ther, (.Inilys at tl 1. other. The funeral arrangements will Ik announced later. laical Merchants (let Cannery Sugar Today Four hundred and twenty bags of surar ordered by the l.inn A Henton County Fruit Association but unused during the present season, were this morning ordered apportioned among the hical grocers by County Food Ad- miuialnitor Schmitt. Who Wants to Send Itnxea? Anyone living In East Albany wish ing to send n Christmas package to a boy overseas should rail up and notify Mrs. W. C. Mitchell, chairman of the East Albany auxiliary, ns soon ns pos sible, as they wish to know nt hend ipiarters how ninny enrtons to order. Commercial Club Meeting The Commercial club board will meet tonight nt the Commercial cluli rooms nt 7.1.0. Iteliirned Home Mr. nnd Mra. P. A. Goodwin hnve returned home from a visit In Seattle with relutivea. FIRE ItHKAKS OUT IN MILL SHED Estimati'd that Dumatrc tn Red Crown Property of $.") to $1,(11)0 Fi r tiroke out in the abed on the North side uf the Red Crown Mill and Elevator al 1 2 :t0 today and was ex tintuiahrd an hour later by the loeul fire department In-fore it spread to the main hulldinys. 'I he origin of the fire ia unknown hut it was firat diacuverel in a dust Hector. The flames in this sertioi. if (he building Wert put out by a nucket brigade under the di ruction uf Mnntiiici Itoweiaox but the flames aprrad to the spouta and traveled to ward the top of the building- A r. pieat for the chemical engine waa aeul tu the fire department but thr figiue broke diwn on tiie way. T he- power engine arrived a little later huwrver, and extinguished the flames It ia difficult to ealimate the dam age un account uf the smoke w hit L waa still in the building nt the houi uf going to preaa, but Munager ltow eiaox thinks it will In U'tween ?M and 1. 000. M I.HK I1IIS EXPLAINS THAT "PEACE RETREAT" PARI.S, Oct 2;. If the Grr ma li ver are thia story, they will probablv ix-ejn nioving their trenches bnck far ther from the Anient an uutpoata. Re- ntty at an nihletir meet at Colorn a. Private Snare, U. S. A., broke the wurld'a record for thniwiug the hatul irremole. He henveil the grenade juat 2H:t feet and two Indira. POLISH GIRLS STCDY TO HO El RopEAN RELIEF WORK One hundred Polixh fcirU from dif fere nt parts of the Umtinl States wit1 noon arrive in New York, to unth-rtakt a courae in aocinl work. They are to te trained as nurses' ait) and sorim woikera among the Pol in h eople in New- York, and as soon as it is poa ail le for them to return safely lo Poland, they will go buck to their nu live country to help relieve the suf feritu'S of their uf flirted countrymen The girls, selected for this servin by the Y. W. I. A., art from a num ber of the larger cities. John Frenrh Would Join Aviation Corps JoIlN FRENCH - 2:. . . . . . John French was today notified that his application for a commission ir the I 'intcd States aviation corps had Iteeti accepted and he is ordered to re port for nhystral and mental exam ination at San Francisco on Octoln-T :toth. He will leave next Sunday fot 'Frlaco. "WAR NECROSIS" IS NOT ERY SERIOI S WITH THE YANKS, Oct. 22 -'diclWhoek isn't shellxhork after all. It's war neurosis, so doctors have liseovered. That takes all the prestige nnd dis tinrtion out of being shellahoeked, so much so that n lot of people who know about it won't even admit there's shell hock anymore. Were you ever surprised speechless. or seined stiff? That s shellshock He who went time after time to pro pose to his y'ir and couldn't make his tongue wiggle, had the same thing only on n smaller scale than they do up front. The victim haa merely lost ontrol over some faculty. In the shellshock hospital they work on manual training, making toys, or building loats, loxea or making de signs. Anything to concentrate on ATTENTION EASTERN STAR There will I no meeting of the Eastern Star this evening on account of the Spanish influenza senre. o22 To Spend Hay- Mrs. Chas. leeonnrd went to Salem this morning to spctid the day visiting friends. CARD OK THANKS We desire to express our sincere thiinka tn all frienda for their kind ness nnd to the nurse of St. Mary's hospital who rendered snecinl atten tion during our bereavement, and for the floral offerings. MRS. AARON BARNES AND FAMILY. VERBAL CONTRACT UPHELD Blf COURT Oral Contract Between Fath er and Son for Deed to I-and Held Hinding IIAYKS CASK DECIDED HY SUPREME COURT Judgment of I ower Court Af firmed; E. S. Hayes (Jets Deed to Real Estate A vcrhal rontrart Iwtwern father ;inl aon whcrrliy the father aKreed tu 1hc1 the aon 4U arrea of land in con- thlcruliun for help on the farm, waa uatjiiried hy the tuprene court of rrfcon in a det-iaton handed down In the c-4e of K. K. Ilaya vt. J. L. liaya. idnnniatrator uf Alex liaya. The caae waa firat tried in the Linn uunty rourta and reaulted in a Judg ment in favor of the plaintiff which ia now upheld by the higheat court in the ttute. According to the complaint, the late Atev llayea promiaed to hia aon, K. S. Ilnyea, a deed to 40 arrea of land if the aon would remain on the farm and help with the work. He later notified hit wife and other children of hia promiae and agreement, but died be fore he had made out lh deed to the wn. The aon brought suit againtt he adminiatrutor, aaking the court lo ivr him a deed to the 40 acre, and ,a proportionate part of the remaind r of the property. The other heira ontendi'd that, inaamuch aa no deed iad lrcn made out, that K. S. Hayet thould receive only the tame ehare of lie proKrty aa the other children. fhe court, however, held thnt he ia itt it led to a clear title to the 40 arret ia well at to hia proportionate ehare l the remainder uf the etlHto. Hill & Murkt repretented the plain tiff. GERMANS TRY TO PREVENT FLANKING Franco-Americans Penetrate Front Despite Desperate Enemv Resistance I'AKIS, Oct. 22. The battle of Vou ierci waa renewed today with re- Imihled violence. The Germana are linking in an enormout number of iun; they are determined to prevent i.e flunking of the Argonne maiaif m the north. Aa a result they are ti.ffering heiivily in the hard fighting. Artillerying ia on the ascendancy nlong the whole front from the Woevre virion far into I-orraint. The Franro Vankt reconnoitering this front have penetrated deeply. L- Judge Bingham to Hold Court Thursday Circuit Judge Iliiigham will arrive in Albany to convene court for one dav for' the purpose of hearing motione mid demurrers. There arc also sev eral divorce suits pending which mav lie disposed of by the judge nt that time. W. T. Taylor Asks for Administration Papers W. T. Tnylor today filed an appll. ntion with the county court for let- tent of administration on the estate of the bite Mra. Kliia Tnylor. The value of her estnte is placed at $7,500 nnd it is located In Benton county. AIRMEN HAVE l.l'I KY IMECES FOR FLYING LONDON, Oct. 22. It ia an estab lished practice among airmen to car ry mascots and chnrms or keepsakes. There is an English liojt who never goes up without a scrap ol brightly colored cloth from "Somebody's" dresa nnd ninny a rombnt pilot who looks nbsoliitely immune from such little weaknesses will not go up without a bit of jiule, a halfpenny with a hole in the middle, a white mouse any thing serves. If it Is suspected of potency thnt will avert the dreaded "crash" and thnt heart-chilling offic ial announcement "One of our ma chines failed to return."