Al.HANT DAILY DEMOCRAT. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18. 191. PACK TWO Daily Dcm oc r a t WmT5HJRN1BHOOK. publisher inured at th postoffica at Albany. Orefon, seoiidrrassniatter. Daily published every eveninir except Sunday. Semiweekly published Tuee days awl Friday. Business Matter In ordering change of address, sub criher should always giva old as wall as new address. Subscription Rates Daily Delivered by carrier, per week . . UV Delivered by carrier, per year . . $4.00 Rv mail at end of vear 3.541 Rv mail, in advance, per year . . 3.00 Classified Kates One cent per word for first publica tion; one-half cent per word thereaf ter, paynhle in advance. Minimum charge, twenty-five cent. ESTABLISHED IN 18 61 S FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18. I8. AERIAL ARMIES One of the most significant bits oi war news we havv had lately, one which miirht be said to mark an epocn in the history of warfare, told of a bombinjr expedition consisting of more than 360 airplanes. Flyinit is yet so new to mankind that the sicht of a single plane Is enough to thrill an ordinary civilian In the war lone, where it soon be comes a familiar story', t is seldom that more than a dozen machines are seen in a single squadron. Yet here were over 200 big bombing plunes, ac companied by 100 swirt pursuit ma chines and 50 huge triplanes each cap. able of carrying several men with ma. chineguns, all flying as one airflee:, darkening the sky and defying any at tempt to reckon their number. And in the same sector hundreds of other planes were in the air. It seems to have been by far the largest air operation yet attempted. The fleet dropped 32 tons of explo sives on German cantonments north of Verdun. It could have carried far more than that. It annihilated ev ery German plane that gtot in its way. It could have destroyed easily anv force tlie enemy has eter yet sent into the air at one time. That fleet, we are proud to say, v as under American command. Its per sonnel was American. Most of its machines are said to have been Amer ican. The flight was but a foretaste of the aerial warfare that is soon to fol low, when we have bombing and fight ing planes in action by thousands in stead of hundreds. There will be iw place in France, Belgium or Germanv where any enemy may hide his her.,1 secure from the avengers of the air. THOSE GERMAN COLONIES Germany seems to imagine that a con trade some of her stolen territory for her forfeited African colonies. In a recent speech at Stuttgart, Im perial Vice Chancellor von Payer sug gested that as the "innocent and at tacked party," Germany had a rigl.t to demand this restoration of colon ial territory, and when the allies had consented to this, Germany might con aider the evacuation of Belgium. How the allies will regard the pro posed return of the African colifiius to Germany may be inferred from President Wilson's definite statement of terms essential to peace that small states shall no longer be bartered about, and that government of the lesser peoples of the world s'.all be with the consent, and for the benefit. of the governed. Investigation of Germany's treat ment of her colonial subjects has prov. ed that she gave them an even more drastic kultur course of brutality, ra pine and murder than she gave Bel gium, France and Russia. This excerpt from a letter of pro test, written by an aged Hottentot chief to his German governor, is the best evidence we could have in the case: , "I have for ten years observed your laws. The souls of those who, during those ten years, without guilt or cause and without actual war, have fallen in peace time, and under agreements of peace, press heavily upon me." It would be a grievous mistake for the allies to hand back to Germanv for her further abuse any of the Lit tle Brothers. And they will not make that mistake. Jesse I). Ellis Receives a Broken Lc? Another letter was received todav Try- Our Fresh Olympic Oysters Any Style at Any Hour Imperial Cafe by J. D. Ellis from his son. Jessie D. Flli. who is in Franc with the nMh artillery, nm I lie explains bow ho was injured. Ho stated that ho near the front with his battery, ami a (ionium bomb was dmpiH'd, litctitinsr mar him. tlie result heini? tint he received a broken leir. The, Icr was broken near the ankle, lie was taken to n hospital nearby and later moved to the hos pital at Bordeaux. His letter was written September 15th and he said nt the time that lie met with his accident his company was not in the firht. but by now 'he thinks they are in t lie thickest of it. HI NS WOU.D REW ARD FLEMISH TRAITORS PARIS, Oct. IT. In following out their scheme to Oernianire Belgium, the Germans are attempting to enlist the sympathies of Flemish elements in the invaded territory and detach them from the loyal Belgian popula tion. The lutest move is an attempt to form a Flemish 'Keichswncht" or civil irunrd. ostensibly for police duty in the Flemish rev'ion under comanind of the German governor. With the as sistance of a handful of Flemish trait- m , fwv v is i t. t . , J. Your Photograph Government advices are that no package should be larger than Px4x1 and that to insure safe delivery in time for Christmas, should no', le mailed later than November 15. Owing to the great demrnd for pictures caused by the war, it is very important that- you should have yours taken now at Clifford's Studio II.! '.V. it First Street Spanish Influenza may be prevented by using WOODWORTH'S ANTISEPTIC GARGLE Use it as a mouth wash, and spray nosc and throat with atomizer. THREE-OUNCE BOTTLES 2oc SEVEN-OUNCE BOTTLES 30c DEVILBISS ATOMIZERS $1-23 and S1.30 delivered at once by jitner Woodworth Drug Co. mi ml -ics IT IS THE WAY OF THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, niee service, ga.fige for your use if you are driving a car, and close r -,ximuy to all places of Interest, are mak ing The Multnonah POPTLAND'.i LEADING HOTEL DO YOU You can sell live poultry or can at D. E. Nebergall Meat Co. Both Phones 47 jora, subsidiied by the Herman jrov cniineiit and formed into the self- stylca "1'iHincil of Flanders," the tier mans lire Irvine to tveruit more trait ors to Belgium by offering commis sions in the proposed "Kcichswaetit." The German governor of lleli;ium has offered places in the so-called ru:ird ti Flemish prisoners taken bv the Hermans in the early days. Altho tlie Hebrian iroverunient is certain the invaders will be unable to ninke any headway with the scheme, it is warning the people in Belgium of the intentions of tne Huns. "IODINA" IS LARGE FIVE MOTHERLY M'RSE WITH THE AmVkIOANS. tVt. 17. They called her "lodina" and sin was the surgical dressing queen. She was tall and extremely stout and w it i her horn-rimmed ,:I.i, ses he was more professional than beautiful to look up on, "lodina" was her name in that hospital Iwcause of her philosophy, which put in a single word was "io dine. Iodine was applicable to nny wound that came her way, K'lieved this big American nurse. It was interesting to w atoh her. A man as big as she would !e bic and clumsy, his fincers would Cheer Your Soldier Withthe Best News From Home "How Do You Do" And !? "Good Bye" You Use Those Wools when friends come to your hone. You are glad to see them, and sorry that they are leaving. KNOW buy dressed poultry any time, Second and Lyon Kts. gel ill the way of baiidnucs, and h" would hint you every time he touched you. Not so Iodine. She was as deft u the daintiest debutante in I lie estali bshuient, as she removed blindages, hhicd dotted and soiled, vuih a couplo of ,piiek soissor-clips. and alter givlm the wound a treatment of iodine ii the doctor did not prescribe otherwise, wound up the wound with new yards of fresh bandages and adhesive tape From a surgical dressing nurse's point of view, which was all that lo dina ever cot from her little nook of bottles and instruments and handaccs. the war was just one injured man at tcr another. All dav tin v'd come, some new ones never soon iH'forv. mostly old one who had Ivcn about for several days. One after another she cleaned their wounds and bound them up. day in and lay out. She is entitlid to tw-i serv ice stripes now, I'm all this tune sli" 'irs never had a closer glimpse of t'ie trout than the endless stream of men poutiuc through lur wind for si '-gioal drus.-'ini'S. Mie s -cs .t'icin cure in. get well :tll go I io . 'nit o .t gets away herself. So ne have come back, iv-w.'iird.'d, for her .-'i do s ings. LkliiLi's ivaiaus rr.1 l'.v. I'suallv they consist of. "It loo..s fine today." on do not see anythi:!. verv fine looking about it. but sine.- lodina devs, you let her have the joy it's alut the only thrill her monot, nous work affords. In the midst of wounds and surgical dressin :s. lodirin became r. al frank the other day. "Yes. I'm' pretty well fed up on war" she admitted, "but I con hold out as long as there an- wound. . I ni. n. H it. say. if I ever catch the man who started this war, I'll give him some thing stronger than iodine." What's more. lodina is just the p r. son who could do it to Mr. Wilhclm. a9ao WANTED Three teams to haul pilinv at once. O. V. GAMBLE. Jefferson, Oregon. War Swings Stamps ISULU 11 I UK. United States Government knr nnsAJtTicir.j'itM in imcmsudi Don't Break Your Back Flailing Beans Load them on tlie hayrack and brin them to our thresher, nt Warrhoune, Foot of Ji'ffer son Street. Modern Henn C'lfiinln Mncliin ery Grader, Tflisher, Clay Crushing Rolls. Murphy's Seed Store YES WE BUY BEANS. Too Equipped With Every Facility for handling nrcountn in a prompt and n-liaolc manner this hank solicits the busincfc of rorpointionn, firnm nnl individ uals. If you have nid for a ati factory hanking nerviee-we run fill it. Capital and Surplim $90,000.00 J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, Oregon We Never Use Bait TO (iKT CTSTOMKIW INTO (H it STOI.K JuM ( Iran Merchant! iw at a Kair I'ro.'il no tii.iv pit In printing the fiur "' popular nowaday with dopart trout Inn's. They ay hlllioin of t! i figure in usod every dav as teal hait for tumtonu'r. OI K l)Ur.'S and rilKMU AI.S are lh I1KST that Money Tan Huy We aell tluin to ymi at fair prices, with trvice. Kurkhart & Lee Repair Work Tractors and Autoa a apeefaltv Call on At TO A. MACIIINK 'VOltkS Old Vatsouj IU.ik'. Kint Strevt lien P. Ridden. Prop. USHKR-HKADKN Undertaker Auto Sendc Idr Assistant Cash Paid for Junk Hrintf in all kinds of metal, iron, scraps, sacks, rars, etc. IIuId the (iovernment conserve its metal. KOK SALE Several thooaaml (rniin and potato sacks. Also 5-pnssenicer Ford. PAC'll'IC JUNK COMPAN7 E. KoKoway Second and Baker Streets, Bell 3l.-i-lt, Home 2227 Realty Canadian Land LOANS AND INSUHANCK Geo. Taylor Corner of Second and Broadallnn Bell 52J; Home 2075 ill THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCfcKIES, PKOIHJCE and FHl ITS si PARKER'S "The Sin nl fjuality" 136 l.yor t. Both Phnnei Frank C. Will JEWELER High class Jeyelry, Silver, Cut Class anvi Hsnd Painted China s STETTER'S Full line of Chlnaware, Dishes, Crorkery. Glasiware, Granite. Tinware, and Groceries. A Ij 13 A N Y ronih 51 SAVINGS DANK CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESS CIASSIIIKI) For Sale KOK SAI-K- Kord cur In iihhI mint. ttmi. luiuiri) nt V. M. l-'len.-h at Son JrMflry Store. ' 1,'nHJ toll SAI.K-2 Shorthorn hulls, l inotiilis old, phone lurX W. I'. tllHTturyer. Kol'.t I'Olt S VI. K . lulK Konl Stslim. in excellent coii.lition, ili'iiiountnlile rims, cord ttivs. fall at I'ni'ifu Oara'e. Kolll I'OH SAI.K - Oiiroc sow and K pit;s. Fd. Losden, Home phone "oi;i. Iiiolrt FOItll KOK SAI.K - Inquire at Par If. le tlnrak'i. So.', FOlt SAJ.K Used car Iwnralns. One I'.M'l rord newly painted, :l.',0; one 1M7 Ford MHI. due UHK Kurd $.'7f. I'. II. Murphy, at Irvin's lis. TttVV. o'.itf FOlt SAI.K 1 III '.'0 new liiternntlon. ' nl Titan Ons Tractor at a hartrain. j Also 1 Bull Trm-lor with 2 ll-inrli I Trnctor Plows used hut short tlmo. I Murphy a; Harold at Irvin's tinraire. I o!tf For Rent KOK I'KS'T 6 acres miles from Albany. OimmI buiblink's, rent rea sonable. O. '. Swamler, K. K. H. No. :t I7..1U KOK UKNT " room house and 1 aeri'S, 1 mile fro. u C'lytnouse, Al bany. Ore. Kish 5 Ibxli-e.. KOK KKNT A r, room moilern fur lllaheil house, 1 :t:t: K. lit Inquire al ll-H K. 1st or call Bell phone ..:i. . Hon KOK KKNT- I lnrre furnisheil roori. ii.l.-m. 4 )jo22 KOK KKNT Very lari;e nutlern fur nished room, close in. Inquire at this office. Ho22 i PASTUKK KOK KKNT Kor 4 sprinit culvtl. Ouod shelter, plenty ot strnw nnd separate from other lt(M-k. Price tl mt month. James Met ourt. North Oak St. or Bell phone Miscellaneous WANTKD 2 furnished rooms or a furnished home close in. Address by letter only, "1," cam of hcrno rrnt. IliolK PIANO I.KSSONS- Profressiv Se ries. Mrs. Winnlfrod Worrell. Bell phone 4T:iI(. ii:iii W. .'Id St. olllf WANTKD Second hiind crrnm separ ator. State what kind and price. ('. ('. j'e. Scio, Oregon. l'lolh YOUNG LADY STKNOGKAPIIKK Wunts position, Albany preferred. Address lxick Box SO, Albany, Ore. Ilol7 KOUND Pair of flaase in rase. Can he had by identifying and paytnir for this ad. (all at Democrat Of fice. WANTKD An "Oriole" baby basket, at tlie Ked Cross Store. MRS FRANCES M. WILSON will re sum her piano tcnchinir. Schmitt Hunt HI, Ik.. September 23d. Found ation specialist. slHolH WANTKD Experienced wnittress nt the Imperial Cafo. ir,o!7 WANTKD Girl to work In atore. In quire of I.. L. Potts. 1Tmi17 WANTKD Girl for irenernl house work. Call Homo phone 2!H, Bell phone 477. Ki.ilK WANTKD 200 acres of land to plow with caterpillar trnctor. Address A. W. Itenin, Box !!, Albany, Oreiron. ol7tf MAN WANTKD for form work, ('nil nt 201 1st Nat. Bank Bid. 17o23 SITUATION WANTED Younif wo man with bnhy desires work dnv labor preferred. Home phone 4344. 1 7o I II VIERECK'S BATHS shaving iiAiRcurriNG IIAOltS HONKI) AND HKT Ppen 7 a. m. o 7 p. m.j Satur day 10 p. m. Corner First and Ellsworth Streets. U NATIONAL BANK MUM III. U r'EIIKK AL HI'-MEUVK SYSTEM Every banking aiToinmoilatlon la affonlvd by His am ple ntourves, conservative nianaiioiiient and rourtaoua tnwtment of Hi officers and employes of this lust'tution, Try a checking account with ui. TIIKIFT The need of the American People. H'UNISIIKII FA KM for rent; aUo 2 freuli cows for sule. K. I', iteiley, IV.'A Flint Hill St. t7olU WKIST WATfllFS-For ladies and L-oiita, wo have the KIkIii and Walt 1mm. hut make a speclalty-of ths "Ijiily tirueu," the littla wmidei for the lailirs ami ths non tirvakahU "trench" watch for the soldier boys. See your insiraxinrs for a descrip tion of these wonderful little watrl. e. F. M. French A Son, Jeweler at Fliicravers. Altxilir. PIANO I.KSSONS - Mrs. VTInlfred Wurrxdl, authorised teacher of The PniKresslve Series of Piano les sons, will lieirln et. 1st. Hell phon 4?:i K :ui W. .1.1 St. .:1m f KPKNITUKK bought and sold, ( all K. KoKoway, 2nd and Baker Sis, Hell phon 346- K. Hum phon 2227 ali'U USIIIItKl.lJS-W. are showInK our summer litis of "Hull" Dalachabl Handle and sultras Unhniltaa In , black and white and color. Th "Hull" quality is always depend able. Your Initial nicravrd free of of rharir. F. M r ranch si Son, Jewelers and Knirravera. m'itf WOODSAWISG fall S II IMilirer. Horn phone 3118. Bell .1u:iY. Ui. denes 1112 Kim and 11th. siltf BUS'BFSS OtRECTORT HKMSTITClllNC-'IVir l-r ysrd. threail furnthel. Bell pfiotie 4i2K. Sue Hrerkrnridice. Xl.'l W. 2d SL HARRY (J. HOY AITOKNF.Y AT LAW Suit 203. Kirat National Hank Hldf.' Albany, Oregon Practice la all Stat and Federal Courta and before th Department of the Interior ELMER C. OIPB Chiropractor Rooms 3, 7, 9. 10, Cusick Bank Bid 4 Nsrurs cannot cur rllirss lint th caua la rmnoved. Chiroprctlc adjustmenu rsmov th cairn. DR. H. E. JACKSON Dentist Room 404-1 Pint National bank bldg. BOTH PHONES DR. GEOKOB J. ICENAOY ChiropTactor First National Bask BulldlijI dill Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan H. P. MERRILL Insurance, Lonna, Surety Booda Special aiicniion iven to rare ul property hcluninKlo non-res(dert Room No. I, second floor. First Sav ings nsnt hotblinv. Alhatrv. 'Vevtn J. V. PIPE Barxalns In Farm Lands and Clt property. Insurance, Money to Loan on Good Farm at 0 per cent FEDERAL FARM LOANS Syj per rent Interest A. C IIOIIKN.HTKDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon i.23tf For Sale Real Estate Loan Surety Bond E. F. SOX Fir, Casualty and Automobile Insurant. Real Estat 213 1st Nstirmsl Bank Bid Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phone Masonic Bldg. Our Own Auto Hears Lady Assistant Hay Grain Seed . Salt - Cement Roofing M. SENDERS & CO.