Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, October 10, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    f. f t.lW.t x
Best Advertising Medium
in l.inu County
Tonlihl and Friday BAIN
No. 123.
Germans in Full Retreat on 25 Mile Front
Foch Striken Mighty Itlow on "0-.Jile Front: Half of Linoj
(Jives W ay and Allies Rush rhrcuith Cap; j
Belgian Horder N eared I
Itritish and Americans Now Within 2 Miles of (treat En
emy Military Itu.c; Allies Tour Into Open
Countrv Hai l of llcinies Line
4 LONDON. Itrl. 10. Tlir itrralrst victory In military history ap-
t prara approaching. Attacking on nrarly a iOmilr front from br-
lo St. (Jurntln lo nrar Doual. lh,. British. I n-rich and Amrrlr.
ana arr rrporlrd lo havr broken through romphtily along
nrarly half thia (runt. Through Ihia cap thr allira arr pouring
In pursuit of marl) half a million uf Grrmany'a brt aulilirra,
) who arr rrportrd In ullrr rout.
Willi TIIK II1CI IISII. M. 10. Thr Grrmans In lhr CamhralSl.
(urntin section are ulaKgrrina" under lhr impart uf Iht roinbintd Ilrit
i.h. French and Amrrlran blows and awn nn thr vrrgr of ullrr roul.
Thr allira havr kunrl Ihroi ah l'i I "' ' lhr organised German
di frnara along a 20 niilr frnnl. and arr pouring into lhr open country
brond. Thr linnin) arr rrportrd in wild rrlrrat rstward. thr al
lied cavalry slashing at Ihrir hreUnith th, allied infantry following
rlorly in column formation. Additional advanrra of ail milra arr rr
pi.rl.d inr, yratrrday'a rrnrwrd attack hrgan. A Irrnirndoua rxplo
aiun l rrimrtrd to hatr wrrrkrd t'amhrai'a rrntrr. Thr city waa al
ready firr-awrpt. l iftrrn or tornly. Muck in thr city's h art arr
rumplrlrly ruinrd.
LONDON. Oct. 10 'lhr allira arr now within two snllis of l.rra
Irau. thr great Grrman bar. Grn. llaig announrrd today.
lhr Ilriti.h har brgun to adrancr rantward I rum ln-n. rapturing
Sallauminra and Nomgrllra. I.rralrau ia l." milra from thP Belgian
Imrdrr and 17 milra aoiilh of Valwnrlrnnra.
I'AKIS. (let. 10. Thr war office announrrd lhr rrnrwal of attacka
in thr Laon rrgioo today, rrogrcwa waa madr thrrr and also rt of
St. IJurntin in thr t'hampagnr.
LONDON. Oct. 10. It ia Irarn-d thr llrilih cavalry ia on thr
outskirts of Lreatrau.
' I'AKIS, Oct. 10. Th, tirrman arr rr ported withdrawing on widr
arrtora along lhr wholr lOO milr front hrtwrrn amhrnl and Khrima.
Thr Jrrrira arr rmploylng countless marhinrguna lo slow thr allira.
DESTROYS HAKKKYj Hunds and Helmet
Kenton's Store and YVillard
Station Also Threatened:
Ixiss Is Considerable
A fire which broke out in the kit
chen of thr Albany Bakery at f o'clock ;
this morning, completely gutted the
bakery building and diimnged the rear I
rooms of th. Willurd Service Station .
and Kenton's Grocery, both of which '
are liK-nted in the aanir buihling with
the bakery.
A defective flue is believed to have !
liecn the rnuse of the fire. II. J. Fir- iriit tin at 2::i( this morning, mix-
rd the suonir. for the bread and atari,
el the fire in the oven, lie then went
back to lied. The fire broke out at
o'clock and aom,, of the fixtures and
most o' the flour in the bakery were
The damage to the buihling ia es
timated at Jf00. It is owned by Gus
tave Hessc of Portland ami the loss
is covered by insurance.
The Ions at Kenton's store is due
mostly to water. It ia believed that
It will not I mor than film.
The loss at the V illnrd Service Sta
tion is estimated at $ir0.
Itelurnrd lo Astoria ,
I. M. Doughton returned to Astoria
last night nfU-r a few days' visit hi"v.
Mrs. Houghton and son remained for
a few days' longer visit.
PIANO I.KSSON3 For Information
call 20J.I. lOolli
KOIl SAl.K A good l-yenr-old Col
lie dog. Bell phone '2.'IF12. I (It. 11!
FOK KF.NT 2 furnished housekeep
ing roonm on ground floor nlso 2i
acres in North Albany, fruit nnd
garden land. I. Ilussard, 727 Fills
worth. 10ol2
KIDDIK KI.ASS Opening Oct. lf.
Five mornings a week. Loyal Amer
icans from H to 0 cheerfully accept
ed. For further informal Ion Impure
uf Mis. ('. II. Palmer; phone aWili.
o, t n. Th, Ameii. nn nnny is gmd-,
linllv l-rillg l,,i.l.kt-l with b.K-he dogs.
I At thr sumr time the United States
i soon will Iw thickly populalod with
' bochr helmets.
Th,. fighting American is Just as
iriin-.est in his souvenir hunting as the
peaceful American. I'rm tically everv
doiiL-hbov. thrn-forr- whothiT from
(.mi, r country --made it n point to
pick up a boch helmet somewhere ,
iluring his ndvauce from the Marne to
the Vesle. The Germans cast aside
their heavy helmets in their retreat,
and they were scattered broadcast
lover thr Marne valley, on nnd ncross
th Ourcu to thr Vesle. lly pasting
the address on the lint together with
4(1 cents postage, the Amerirnn can
send his sweetheart or mother a sou-
venir direct from the battlefield. Ami
alt of them have done it or are doing
About the dogs. The boche left them
behind, just ns he did the helmets.
When the Yanks entered Houvnrds.
Sergv, Cierges nnd various othe
towns, they found the dogs lurking
about in the cellars nnd dugouts. A
dog can't help being boche, so the
doughboys don't hold against him the
fact that he Is one. The deserted dogs
were Teil. I hey ipuckly matte trtentts.
Tliey lire now just ns good democrats
they were autocrats. Kuch bears
some stirt of German name. A chap
lain has a little black dnsi-lmud he
calls "Minnie." The after part of her
name ia "Worfcr."
Fruit Pits and Nutshells
to I?e Shipped this Week
The government urges everyone to
save all fruit pits of any kind and all
nut shells, and all those having any on
hand should take them to the Ked
Cross ator0 or to ihe Linn & Benlon
Fruit association right away. a
W. R. Scott, of th,. Linn A Benton
association, hns charge of shipping
them to headquarters, nnd he ia plan
ning nn making n shipment this week
and would like to have as large a ship
ment aa possible.
taa ( I I tatar W IB
- .
an m l c rises i rumltlp
lief ore Smash ly Per-
shing's Crusaders
i 2,000 Prixiinirs Captured v
Americans Yesterday :
Advance Continues
lly FUF.D K. FFUI.l SON. I'. P.
10- Thr Amrriraru arr through
lhr Krirmhililr linr on nrarly a
founmil. front, Thry havr amaHh
id the taut organird (irrmin dr
frnra In thin rrifion rM of thr
MfUnr and arr adanrini( north
ward with only natural di-fcnHra
brtmrrn thrm and thr lUlutan
bfirdrr. l hr Arxonnr pockrt haa
Iwrn rnltr.-lv iprd out by thr
junction of thr Amrrirann and
K re nt h at l.anron.
Thr Amrriran arr movinK Up
thrmiirh thr forrnt with tht rnicin
rrm blazing a way through thr
ood and tangled wirr mam.
Hrtivy firhtinir ia undrr way in the
iNmiiu n ri'ts'iun U'twron the mruac
:md th,. Air.tmr. where the Germans
arc rus'iin n infoicen rnts and coli
jcrntratinir artillery. Thr enemy is
i franti. ally reinfrcim' the sides of th
j rein. Tun A."goi'e .-!.ct. while with-
drawing in the center.
WASHINGTON. Oct. It).-General
; Fei.shiip; in-lay repotted continued ! from which he was graduated a few ! recorder and city attorney and pre
! American adance east of the Meuse months ago. He is now instructor of ! pare the tax levy for the ensuing year.
;o Siry's owtsViits and the penetra-'aviation at Call Field, Wichita Falls,! The city attorney was instructed ti
tion of th.. Cerinan line west of the!
j Meuse, with the capture of 2,0ll ad
'litional prisoners yesterday.
Senator lxd)je Criticizes
President Wilson
AMI IM. 1 ON , Oct
-u. P.-
. Discussing I'resident Wilson's peace
' note response. Senators today read
I him.lreds of teilegrums and letters
from back home demanding that the
United States stand firmly for uncon-
idilioiml surrender.
Senator Lodge said his one "great
regret" was that Wilson should ask
Prince Max iim-stinns, thus lieginning
a debate. "All over the United States
Wilson's reply is being explained. It
it crime for me to wish the President
had sent a not,, needing no cxplnna-
tion, or interpretations?" nsked Sen.
Lodge. "I wanted a note like that
sent Austria-Hungary. Nobody was
pur.7.1ed by that note. It represented
the American people's voice."
Enlistments Now Accepted
for Navy Says Stewart
Postmaster Stewart has lieen in-1
formed by the officer in charge at th :
recruiting station ut Portland, that en-
listmeiits enn now b,, made in the navv 1
by drafted men who have special i
qualifications, such ns machinists or
clectricinns, or. in fact, along any spe-1
cial lines. This is absolutely required, '
and it would be useless for persons i
who cannot meet these requirements;
to ninke npplication. These men are,
examined at Portland, nnd their names
sent in to Washington, with the re
quest Hint they be inducted into the
navy. If approved by the provost '
marshal general at Washington, their j
local boards will be instructed to re
leiise the men for the navy, and thev,
are then sout to the various training j
camps. No npplication for enlistment ,
will be considered until the applicant
hns lieen both registeretl and classified
and nfter the examination it will be,
from two to three weeks before he can
enter the service. Hrcnfter npplic
nuts for enlistmnet will lie required to
pay their own expenses to nntl from I
Portland, but when they hnvo been j
finally accepted, and notified to ap.
pear at headquarters, transportation j
will lie furnished them.
I.ieulrnjtiit St-th T. French arrived
on the 10:30 Irain lust nitfht from (.'all
Kield, Wi hita FalU, Texaa, to onjov
hit fiml lcavt uf abnence iince rntcr
injr the aviatiun Kervue of the armv
of Uncle Sam.
About 50 of hiit uh fricmls aswrnb-
e i
M fr.nrh n.i.t i,. -iv.. I L.i,i.... i
.... . .... -
i u . iii. t .!.. ii.
bany will do when he flies hack from ,
Ilerlin with th. scalp of the Kaiser:! Traffic Officer Urown sent in hi
" . '. .....
for this city is justly proud of hi
brilliant young birdmnn. Bom in Al
bany, a product of Albany public
schools and Albany college, he has al-
- i .. H k in..i t....i..K. u.
, i. . f
rount of his sterling character, his
clean, nianiy nie anu nis willingness
to aenre others.
"St'th Thomas,"
Everylody loves
nnd hundreds have
enjoyed his interesting letter con-
rerning thr progress and work of that on S aslnngton street letween Fourth
most fascinating department of our j and Fifth is in an unsanitary condi
army. ! tion and the matter was referred to
I.ieut. French giaduated from the '
ifficers training school at Sun Fran-'
iseo; then entered the nviation school
at Brooks Field. Ssn Antonio. Texas, j
with nn eager eje on the fields of
Theodore Nenlcn Asks Cir
cuit Court lor injunc
tion ainst Ring
' Claiming that the defendant has
wrongfully entered upon his land nnd
is nuw engaged in cutting timber tim
ber therefrom without legal right,
Theodore Nealon today brought suit
against Al Ring of Lyons and ia ask
ing the court for a temporary injunc
tion restraining Ring from cutting
timber from the premises.
In his complaint, Nealon alleges
that he has on his land between three
and four million feet of merchantable
timber nnd that during the month of
June, l'.i'.c'. Ring entered the premises
with machinery nnd logging equip
ment nnd commenced the work of con
verting thp timber into sawlogs.
This shows one of the thousands of French villages which have
been smashed to dusty brick h by opisislng artillery during
German capture and occupation. Too often French gunners are under
the necessity of sending shells Into the homes where they have
spent happy yesrs with their wives and babies.
Your subser'plion lo Ihe Fourth Liberty Loan will help move
the mln hack bito Germany.
Com mittee Appointed
I Draft Iawg Against
! Influenza
Alhany Is Now without Speed
j Cop as Result of
The appcirtmt-nt of a committee on .
ordinances wiih instructions to draft
any emergency lawa that may be .
deemed ncc-snary in the event that '
Spanish influenza should prove a men
ace to liie h.-ullh of the people of Al-:
bany waa
mrctinv of th citv council which was
i. . i.. Vt :
i nrm iai nixnt. ine pome uiii:rr9
!.... .. .. ;..... i.Vv. ii ...
enforce tilt anti-spitting ordinance.
Asik-nation k.t niirht and it was ac
cepted witi- co.iunent. Aa a resul'. ;
uf the resij.'nr-'.i .n, Albany is now j
without a tran'ic officer, but the ma-
..... BP.i n...n.iu.n r A....n..;l ;.
u ui .
search of a man who can be depcnde-l
upon to perform the duties of this of
Councilman Leigh of the health ami
.polite committee reported that a bam
the street superintendent with power
lo act.
The committee on ways and means
was instructed to confer with the citv
foreclose a paving lien on property lo-
rated between Eighth and Ninth
The usual bills were allowed ami
tht, meeting adjourned.
October 12th Will Be
Legal Holiday
Saturday, October 12th, which has
heretofore been observed as Columbus
DnQi hns nlso been proclaimed as Lib
erty Day this year by President Wil
son. All banks, county and city offices
will bc closed on that date.
Columbus Day -
The Albany Banks will be closed Sa
turday, OctoLcr 12th, Columbus Day.
On Business Trip
A. C. Sthniitt went to Portland this
morning on husinos.
Buys New Home
Mr. and Mrs. John Kirklnnd have
bought the hone of Robert Torbett in
Sunrise. They recently sold their
place to Mr. and Mrs. Schoel of Gran
ger. Robert Torbett and family will
move to Albany.
No Cases of SusDiciou.s Char
acter Reported Since
Yesterday. Sa Curl
j There ia no well-drfined case of
I influenza in Albany. There are two
Icasra which miifht be regarded aa aua-
picioua but there ia no epidemic and
no aiKn of any at thia time."
The above atatement waa made thia
afternoon by Mayor Curl after (rettin
in touch with local phyiiciana and in
vratiftating the two alleged caaea at
St. Mary'a hospital.
"We will take every precaution nt
ceaaary to iruard th, health of the
people and 1 will keep in daily touch
with the local physicians. When mv
investigation leads me to the opinion
that there ia any danger we will at
once close up the theaters and othei
public placa. No suspicious cases have
been reported durinir the last 24 hours
and 1 therefore conclude that it is not
necessary 10 issue a closing order ai
this time. As a precautionary meas
ure, however, I am going to ask the
picture showa to close all day Sundav
and thus prevent the Corvallis crowds
from coming to Albany for the Sun
day shows. I have talked with Dr.
r.iiis Htui nave Deen in communication
. .
Wltn residenU of Corvallis in regard
to the situation over there, and am
!., kA :.i : i.i
. .
: Place is either a mild form of eriD or
rather severe cold. The excitement
there has already died down and I
am of the opinion that the case
amen? the students were due to se-
vere military training in damp wea-
- , ,
If our boys in the trenches and cur
nurses in the field are to be provided
with the best gas masks procura'dc.
the nationwide campaign to save fruit
pits and nut shells must be speeded uo
to the limit. An emergency now ex
ists and Governor Withycombe has
felt the matter of sufficient import
ance to issue the following call to thr
citizens of this state:
State of Oregon, Executive Depart
ment, Salem, October 7, 1918.
I most earnestly commend the work
of the Red Cross chapters in thei.
campaign for the collection of frui.
pits and nutshells from which carbon
is extracted for manufacture into pio
tectives against German poison gas:
and I feel certain that all loyal Amer
icans can be depended upon to cooper
ate wholeheartedly with the R. C. of
ficials in this worthy movement. When
we consider the superlative sacrifices
which are being made by our Libertv
Boys in France it seems unthinkable
that there could be the slightest hes-
itance on the part of the people when
the government calls upon its citizens
for assistance in an emergency of this
Very truly yours,
Governor of Oregon.
Housewives are asked to put a pail
in the corner of the Kitchen "just for
the government," and as it is filled
turn the contents over to the Red
Cross. Two hundred peach pits, or
seven pounds of nutshells, will pro
duce enough carbon for one gas mask.
They should, however, be sound and
perfectly dry. Cooked pits should be
saved. Pits of cherries imported in
brine from Italy should not be in
eluded nor any other materials not
fncluded in this list: peachstones,
apricot pits, prune, plum and olive
pits, date seeds, cherry pits, butter
nut, brnzilnut, walnut and hickorynut
The committee for handling Christ
mas parcels for the boys in Franc
has been appointed and consists of
Mrs. Joseph Ralston, Mrs. Lognn.
Mrs. Harry Cusick, Mrs. Stark and
Mrs. W. II. Davis.
At the executive board meeting last
evening bills amounting to $1,131.11
were allowed. This does not include
the last shipments of yarn, which
cam. to $1,237.51.
An appeal has just been received for
00 volunteers for canteen and hut
service. Similar requests will be com
ing from day to day, because the neetl
of the Red Cross service is great. Ap
plicants for both foreign and domestic
service in equal numbers, men and
women, should make inquiries at the
R. C. headquarters.
Nine thousand of the first request
TUB (El 15
Representatives of new Turk
ish Government are Ne
gotiating With
the Entente
Rumor that Kaiser Has Abdi
cated Not Credited in
Washington' Cir
cles Today
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. U. P.
Representatives of the new Turkish
government arc negotiating with thd
allies regarding terms for withdrawal
from the war, the United Press learns
today from an authoritative source.
The new grand vizier has his rep
reaentative now in touch with the al
lied governments.
It can be stated on the highest author
ity that there will be no extended
note-writing between the President
and Germany. Germany muat an
swer his recent inquiry frankly and
to th point or the discussions will
itop. On this point, Americans may
rest absolutely assured.
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 10. It Is per
tistently rumored that the Kaiser has
(Note Reports of the overfr" -f
le Hohenzollerns were expected to bsj
:irculated at the time ine German
peace offensive was launched.)
Many Volunteer to
Help Exemption Board
The following ladies helped the lo
cal exemption board yesterday in
compiling registration cards:
Mrs. R. M. Russell, Mrs. Frank S.
Mownson, Frank Mownson, Miss Leila
Mitchell, Miss Louise Dannala, Mia
Nora Ashton, Miss Mildred Coie, Miss
Fannie Brenner, Miss Francis Haas,
Mrs. M. H. Crandle, Mrs. R. S. Rich
ardson, Miss Rena Richardson, Mrs,
Alice Cockerline, Mrs. Earl Day, Miss
Minnie McCourt, Miss Zella Burkhart,
Mrs. L. Giddings, Miss Volena Smith,
Mrs. W. C. Tweedale.
Five Times Ratine
Mr. and Mrs. John McNeill of Syra
cuse came to Liberty Loan headquar
ters for the third time today and took
five time stheir original rating.
Visiting Senders
Mrs. S. A. Cohen of Portland ar
rived in Albany last night and while
iere is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
for nurses have not been secured and
more are needed. The appeal for mo
tor drivers has not had the response
that waa hoped for. Many women
have expressed themselves as eager
to go to France. Every opportunity
is being given, yet the calls are un
heeded. It is the patriotic duty of
those whose health and home duties
permit to respond to these calls. If
you cannot go away from Albans
there is work at the R. C. surgical
rooms that should have been done and
packed before this. The women muat
carry on whether at home or (broad.
The boys over there are watching the
workers at home.
Ma. Leigh, Inspector of the irauie
pads, reports that they have been
made very neatly but of the whole al
lotment of about 700, leas than 12 had
to be changed.