PACB TWO ALBANY DA1LT DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1918 Daily Democrat WM. Ii. HORN1BROOK. publi!ir Entered at the poatoffic at Alban) Ore run, as second elamttr. Daily published vry evening except Sunday. Semlweekly published Tues day ana rnuays. Business Matter In ordering change of ddre, tub criber should alway five old aa well aa new address. Subscription Rates Daily Delivered by carrier, per week . . Delivered by carrier, per year . . By mail, at end of year By mail, In advance, per year . . 10c $4.00 8.M) 8.00 When paid in advance, one year 1.2S At end of r " LVVJTM Classified Rate One cent per word for first pubtica ii . u)t ,n twr word thereaf' UUUf viir-ii" - i . ter, payable in advance. Minimum charge, cwemy-iiv ESTABLISHED IN 1865 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 191C YOU CAN HELP Could you believe that there are thousands of pePle in ,hl coun,r" k have the vaeuest idea of what w .r. fip-htinir for? Who think that "all they'll do is just kill our boys, and when they are all killed me Miser and all the rest of them will be jusi where they were before, and what It does not seem possible to you that such views could be current ant longer. But they are. You read the nnr. So do your friends and net hhr. The cabers are your great medium of communication with other Intelligent American, lou oenee that in the great and fundamental matters of the war all Americans think alike. All intelligent Americans do. But there is a vast stratum of people left who do not read the papers, or who, reading them, do so in a way which picks up a headline or two, a brief item on the sports or women's page, laughs at a comic picture series, and drops the paper with all its vital mat ter unread. Wherever you meet these people, foreigners mostly, cognizant of Amer ica's material blessings but ignorant of her ideals, who resent the draft and their own trivial privations be cause they do not understand the prin ciples involved, you who do know America can help. Explain a little, very simply, of whst slavery to Ger many would mean for us all. Explain the difference between a democracy in which each cititen help to govern, in which our own representatives decid ed upon the draft, and an autocracy in which one man or group of men can turn men into cannon fodder at will. Perhaps you cannot believe that people exist who do not know these things. But keep your eyes open and you will find them in surprising pla ces. When you find them, your little, simple talk will help the big cause of Americanization. " METZ In a cable message to the American Knights of Columbus, Gen. Foch makes the significant statement: "It was from Metz that Lafayette went to help your ancestors, and we shall one day see your victorious banner floating in Metz." Host of us have never connected our famous French benefactor with the great stronghold that bastions the German front in Lorraine and bars the way to the Rhine. It is well to know that Lafayette came from there. The knowledge will make every American eager to rescue from the Huns the city with which his memory is asso ciated. It will be a proud day for us Don't Break Your Back Flailing Beans Load them on the hayrack and bring them to our thresher, at the Warehouse, Foot of Jeffer son Street. Modern Bean Cleaning Machin ery Grader, Polisher, Clay Crushing Rolls. Murphy's Seed Store YES WE BUY BEANS, Too when Gen. Pershing ran enter the ihattered defenses of Mets and aay, is he said when he stood at Ijifay ftte's tomb In Paris, "Lafayette, we're lere.!" It is gratifying, too, to have so clear i hint from the alliisl commandcr-in-hief that he intends to assign this particular task to the Americans. Our irtny, unquestionably, is to be used as spear to strike through to the Khine. No American doubts Persh ing's ability to perform the difficult auk. We shall wrest from Germany .Si KODAK , KODAK FOR THE BOY'S OVER THERE They enjoy pictures more than letters. W have Kodaks from $7 JO to $32.50. Free instructions with every Kodak. VE FINISH PICTURES Leave your Film one day and get tho finished Pictures the next Woodworth Drug Co. DO YOU KNOW Yon can sell live poultry or can boy dressed poultry any time. t D. E. Nebergall Meat Co. Both Phones 47 WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT We offer every service in the scope of good banking capable ;nan agement, ample capital, convenient location, modern equipment, com plete facilities and efficient services. We invite your account. ALBANY STATE BANK -.TSs-- IT IS THE WAY OF THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, nice service, garage for your use if you are driving a car, and close proximity to all place of Interest, are mak ing The Multnomah PORTLAND'.! LEADING HOTEL -TriCBUGLE (JaUaU' Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence ia military training, has responded to the call. The College ia distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also for Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Aff'Kuttar, Commerce, hntrinecrinii, PwfMtrjr Home Economic, Mining, Phjuntwy, a&d Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. IJ successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, J453; stars on its service 6ags, 1158, urcr iwijr percent representing omcers. Collage opens September 23, 1918 For caulof , aaw lUiiitratad Booklet, tad other iaonna tioa write u tb tiituu, (spmliit, Oratoa that old French city, seised by Prus sia after more than SO Oyeara of un interrupted French occupation, ami reatore it to the nation to which it rightfully belongs. 4 HAY, GRAIN. FRED Slock aad Poultry Supplies Gasoline and Oil I'. G. HAYNK. East Third and Main Streets CYB POCKET KNIVES ARB MADE of U finest Wvdlow'a CractbU Steel AY The 'iihest skilled American workmen only. io rirrr ykas thc jr.ttuto Mads Im Ikon at saltan tor m Manaal lRI CmW.ia. CMl ( NiM re. SUs rUa-1. . BARKER HARDWARE CO. Second and Lyon St. "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" You Use Those Wosd when friend come to your home. Yon are glad to ee them, and sorry that they are leaving. THIS DAY IN THE WAR SEPT. 20. 1917. Russians report repulss of Germans near Riga. SKIT. 20, UUtl. Genitalia try to retake positions won by French neur Comhlca. SEPT. 20, l!U5. Big Russian armv near Vilna is almost surrounded. SEPT. 20, l!U4. Germans bombard Kheima cathedral. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hawkins of To Irdo were in the city liint nielli, regis tctvd at the Hotel Allxuiy. Volumes Might Be Written on how to aave and why, but they're not necessary, i You KNOW you should ssve, and that a start should he msde' Mske it today st our Savings Department, wall compound th 4 per cent Interest regularly. Capital and Surplus $90,000.08 J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, Oregon Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bid Our Own Auto Ho Lady Assistant Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass anu Hand Painted China Hay Grain Seed Salt Cement Roofing M. SENDERS & CO. VIERECK'S BATHS SHAVING HAIRCLTTING RAZOKS HONED AND SET Open 7 a. m. .0 7 p. m.; Satur day 10 p. m. Corner First and Ellsworth Street. TOtSrWINGSSTAMPS' IBBULU III. United States Government MAM Tftr. tartST WVT.5TKI.NTH TUT. WsTLDi GOMPOUNP INTr.KT.3T JW Frau Harritaai Wc Never Use Bait TO GET CUSTOMERS INTO Ol'R STORK Juat (load. Clean Mrrrhandia at a Fair I'ro.'il no time spent In printing the figure "t", so populnr nowaday with depart ment store, 'lhey say billions of this figure is ust'd every dav as real halt for customers. OUR DRUGS snd CHEMICALS are the I1KST that Money Can lluy We sell them to you at fair prices, with Itood service. Burkhart & Lcc Repair Work Tractors and Aulas a aperlaltv Call on AUTO K MACHINE WORKS Old Watson III. If. First Street Urn P. Kidd.ra. Pro.. FISHKR-HRADKN Undertakers . Auto Service Lady Assistant Cash Paid for Junk tiring in all kinds of metal, iron, scraps, aacks, race, etc. Ilelo the Government conserve its metal. FOR SALE Several thousand (Train and potato sacks. Also 6-passenKer Ford. PACIFIC JINK COMPANY E. Rogoway Second snd Raker Streets, Bell 345-R, Home 2227 Realty Canadian Land LOANS AND INSURANCE Geo. Taylor Corner of Second snd liroadalhin Hell .12 J; Home 2075 THE BEST BARED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE nd FRUITS at PARKER'S "The Sign nf Quality" Ho I. run Si Bulb Phones WOOD Phone 4229 Rell 42-R Hay and grain buyer and shipper M. G. REED STETTER'S Full line of Chinaware, Diihes, Crockery. Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. A Li 3 A N Y or El 21 Cl.ASSIHF.D For Sale FOR SAI.K- A (roo.1 n-liahle team, tiuod han.eaa and waKn. Ifcith horses sinK'le drivers. Also acme farm Impllmenl. Juat the outfit fr small place. 1UU W. 12th St. W. H. Curry, hoth phones. jltltf R. I. R. Payatrrak Strain hiit, red birds from record eKK-layers. Your pick, ll.M. Kiiik'nivk Ranch. Hell dlU J. FOR SAI.K AT SACRIFICE -tO acre farm at IKK) per acre. (IihhI Iuii. Iialow and barn. 1 mile S. K'. of S. I', depot. Home phune l.l'.ij. KsL'4 FOR SALE 5 rows. 2 horacs and I mule, by lwia Tutupr, at the H.ll hairy. I mile rait of town on the Santlain Rtd. It'ial'l FOR SALE CHEAP, OK TRADE -0 room huuie and 2 iota in Salem, lire., 4 hlocka from S. P. Dcput. Property in Allutny prcferrcl. In. luire )'im E. 2d St. Joa:i FOR SAI.K -.If, .ncka of irool ...! cheat. It. E. Williama, Route :l. Il. l! phone 7K22. PJa2l 12 WORK HORSES FOR SALE -Easy terms. II. Ilrysnt. da.'itw Help Wanted Male fl (i(M)l) MEN WANTED Immedi ately for factory work. A lung job -Kuod ay. Apply ilecker 4 lleam, 1X1 Lyon St. Hell phone 47f. K, II, one :i.':. all'iL'l Subscribe (or Th Democrat. For Rent FOR KENT 3 acres with houa. and barn. All kind of fruit; 3-4 miles from town, at North Allmny. Home phone 4.VJO. C. E. I'enrc. ISa'JH FOR RENT A K-room cottaK part ly furnished. Also 2 liirht houae kecpini; riHims. Iniuir. 1 block esiit of hiifh school at 3.U South Jefferson St. Home phune 4128. a.HHf FOR RENT A modern 4 room heated apartment. Enquire of liuririrraf, 1 IK 2d Street. s!2tf FOR RENT for summer, new 5-room fumishe,! house. Strictly modem. In desirable location. Enuuire 311 West Firet St. . J2'.U FOR RENT 7-room house and fl acres, I mile fro.n rnurtnouae, Al bany, Ore. Fish llodices. FOR RENT 200 .acre Ifrnin fnrm. Prefer someone with e kikhI tractor. Ilecker & Ileum, 1 :iS Lyon St; Miscellaneous STOLEN An Overturn! bicycle. Find, er pleaae return to Democrat Of fice. i!l)a23 WANTED Girl or women to ansist in general housework. Good waire. 10.12 Washington street. Hell phone MHJ, Home 1252. lla2IAw WANTED Hoy with wheel to carrv Orcironinns. Apply at once to Hen Helen. l!Hf WANTED- Hliirkhcrric am! irrnpea. Albany Fruit Juico Co., foot Brond albin Street. d2a4wn7 FOUND-Pair of idnases in cnae. Can be hail by identifying and pnyinir for this nil. Cull at Democrat Of fice. BUYS CONFECTIONERY STORE S. It. Gillilund hns bouKht the East End Confectionery Store, sfioft WRIST WATCIIES-For Indies and Kent, we have the Elin nnd Walt hnm. but mnke a apecinlty nf the "Lndv" Gruen," the little wonder for the Indies nnd the nnn-hreiikHlile "trench" wntch for the soldier boys. See your mne-n7.inen for n descrip tion of theae wonderful little watch es. F. M. French A Son, Jewelers Ent'rnvpra, Albany. WANTED An elderly la ly for work in the eountry for smiill family. Ad dnaa Mrs. Jnnet Ilennhnw. Route 4, AJbiiny, or phone Home 74!3 nfler H p. m. 12i2fi MRS FRANCES M. WILSON will re sum. her piano tenchinir. Schmitt Ilunt Wily., September 23d. Found ation speciiiliHt. alHolH SWITCHES Mndo from combine or cut hnir. Orders taken nt Hamil ton's Millinery depnrtment, or will cnll lit homes for orders. Home phono 2382, Mr. T. Tellefnon, sloollia HOPPICKERS WANTED Gentry hopynrd 7 mile outh of Albany. CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUS1NESS DIRECTORY U NATIONAL DANK FFDKRAI, HF.8FRVK 8YHTKM F.vrry liaiiUnir arconimoilallon is afforded ly tlis am pie mmirrrs, ronaervatlv manaiemeiit and rourteou trt-atment of th officer and employe of till institution. Try a rhcklnir account with u. Til HI FT -The med of th American People. 1 SAVINGS DANK Oood rsnipirround. Good water. Fre. sawrtl woixl. Free fruit all you can eat. Fre transportation to th yard and horn at th ml of pii kltiK'. Fin. hop to pick. A atur on th ram;irround. Will beitln pirklnir Sept. 2. J. A. Seavey, Cor vallis. lnleiendnt l'hon. HHM. aL'-'tf DEMONSTRATION .very day with the Allwurk Tractor on th. Dick Miller Farm, 3 mllea north of Plain view. Murphy at liurold. 12tf Ft'RNITCKE bought and sold. Call E. Koiroway, 2nd and Maker Sis., Hell phone 34o-R. Horn photi 2227. altitf UMKKEI.LAK W. sr. showing our umnier I In. of "Hull" Datachabl Handl. and sultraa Upibr.lla In blsik and white and colors. Th "ll'ill" quality ia alwsys depend able. Your Initial .nvniVMl fr of of chant. F. M. French A Hon, Jeweler and m2tf WOODSAWING Call S. II. llalduer. Home phone .11 IH, 11.11 J'.KIV. R... dene. 1112 Elm and II III. aiilf WHEN ANSWERING rlaaaifie,ls ad, kindly mention Th. Democrat. BUSINESS DIRECTOR. HEMSTm 1IING Hc yard. 45J-R. Sue Hreckenndee. JiJ W. Seronl HARRY V.. HOY A I TORN EV AT LAW Suite 20.1, Kir.t National lUnk Hid. Albany. Orefon Prarlirea la all Stale and Federal Courts and before the Department of th. Interior ELMER C. OIPB Chiropractor Room 5, 7, t, 10, Cusick Bank Bid Nature cannot cur discs unl.s th caus Is removed. Chiropractic adjustments rempv th caus. DR. H, E. JACK80N lntist Room 404-5 First National bank bid, BOTH PHONES DK. GKORQK J. ZCENAOY Chiropractor First National Bank Building dltl Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan H. V. MERRILL Insurance, Loan a, Surtty Booda Special attention uivcn to care ol property brloniinitn non-rraidrnte. Honin Nn. I. teennd Hour. Flret Sv unit Rank buildine. Albsiv. Oreirnn J. V. PIPK Bariraln in Farm Ijinds and Clt property. Insurance, Money to Loan on Good Farm at 6 per cent FEDERAL FARM LOANS i'l per rent Interest A. C, IIOIIR.NSTKDT 401 Maaonlc Temple, Salem, Oregon a23tf For Sale Real Estate Loan Surety Bund E. F. SOX Fir, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real Eatat 21J 1st National Bank Bldg From Creawell Mr. im.l Mm. C, It. Heditwick, ol! Creawell, were in the city lust nixht. jrH for Vancouver I , Mias Eva Arrhibnld left on tlm 1 mornini? tniin for Vnncouver where she will vinit friends nnd relative. Little Kriiina of wimlom, Little chunk of sense, SiiKKost a pair of K'niae When eye pnina first commence E. C. MEADE Optometrist