ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. HATL'KDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 11 PAGB THRRS. The Branch House Man This is one of the Swift & Company Branch House Men. They are all pretty much alike in the way they feel toward their work and that is what this ad is about. They know that most people couldn't get such good meat promptly and in Rood condition if it weren't for the branch houses of which they are in charge. They know that the branch house is cne of the most important links in the chain of preparing and distributing meat for a nation. They know that Swift & Company must have its branch houses run at the highest notch of usefulness; that even a Swift flc Company branch house won't run itself, and that it is up to the branch house man to run it properly. Any branch house man who doesn't see his work in this liht is transferred to some other place with Swift & Company to which he is better adapted. They are picked men, these branch bouse men. Every time you sit down to a steak or chop, cr cut of roast, you can give a grateful thought to the whole crew of them. And remember, in a general way, that everything that makes life smoother and more convenient for you is the result of the thoughtfulness and effort of a lot of people of whom you have never heard. Swift & Company, U. S. A. OCIETY BEATRICE SANDERS Society Editor - Bell 4S1-J. In every detail a mot charrningly- erranged affair, waa the aociat given for the ladies' Aid Society of the First Presbyterian church by the el- U-rly ladies of the society, at the home of Mrs. John A. Shaw. All of the appointment! were in keeping with the affair, dainty decoration! of old-fashioned blossoms, profusely used about the rooms. A musical program formed part of the afternoon's enter tainment. The dining room was ar ranged as a bazaar, with several booth containing useful articles. One of the main features of the afternoon was the remembrance of the UTith birthday of "Grandma" Lee, when she was presented with a lovely bouquet of oldfaahioned flowers. The birthdav of Mrs. Louis Wreck waa also re membered at this time. At the close of the afternoon a light lunch was served. A large number of guests SAL S IS FIE FOR KIDNEYS. QUIT MEAT flash the Kidneys at once whan Back harts or Bladder bothers Meat forms nrio add. Here From Portland Miss Inn Couey of Portland is here visiting Mrs. K. M. Kinney and Mra. Fred Harris. Returned J-'rom Newport Mrs. Felix Dodcle returned yester day from Newport, accompanied bv her brother, Charles Reed, and wife, who will visit for sevnrnl days with other rrlutivcs near here. Returned From Visit Mis. William Van Nurdcn returned lust nijrht from Portland, where she spent several weeks visiting with her Michelin Tires and Tubes Are more in quality and heavier compared with other tires. Therefore better serv ice. Prices right. When you think of retiring, rail on us and we will show yeu a rval Auto tire. L. B. Hixon, Jr. 129 Lyon Street Bell phone 1S5R Home 1417 sister, Mrs. N. M. Hunt, and her bro ther, William llolbrook. Hi re From Jefferson Miss Gladys Jones of Jefferson is spending the day here with friends. Visiting- Hero , Miss Irma Tilton of Salem ia visit ing relnlives for the week-end at the home of F. M. French. No Baa or woman who eats neat regu larly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys oneasionally, asjs a well known authority. Meat forms nrio acid which clogs toe kidney porae so they elugjrisbly flltrr or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you gi sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous ness, constipation, dtuineea, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish ktd Aeva 'ins moment yon feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the nrine is eloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of passage or attended by a senul ion o! scalding, get shout four ounces ef Jad Baits from any reliable pharmacy and take a Cableapooniul in a gnus of water Jbefore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flea. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, eum bined with llthia and has been ased for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu tralise the aside In nrine so it no longer ennses irritation, thus ending bladder dis ordera. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can Dot injure; makes a delightful eder veeceat lithia-water drink which all reg alar meat eatora should take now and then to keep the kidneys dean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serioas kid ney complications. were present to enjoy the pleasant ao cial time. On Monday evenink of this week, a charmingly informal affair was. ire sided over by Miss Florence Rider and Miss Gertrude Ilraden for the pleasure of Miss Zelma Rhodea, who left this week for California. Several friends came in to spend the evening in knit ting and a aocial time. Profusions of nasturtiums and other blossoms were used about the rooms In decoration. At the close of the evening light re freshments were served. An attractivefy-appointed little din ner party was given Wednesday eve ning with the Misaea Stella and Bes sie Hoover as hostesses. Miss Miner va Kpeer, who will leave Monday for Monmouth to attend school, was the inspiration for this event. The table decorations were carried out in the dainty pink color scheme, carnations of that shade centering the table. The remainder of the evening waa paased in a jolly way. A most enjoyable affair was the picnic given this week by the young people of Tangent in honor of several guests who will leave soon for col leges or to teach school in various parts. The affair took place in the oak grove on the Ashtonia Farm. A huge .bonfire was built, around which games and singing were enjoyed. Lat er a weinie roast and watermellon feed took place. Among the honor guests were Misses Myrtle and Em madine Curry, Lee McCIacan of Don Field, Florida, who is home on a fur lough. Miss Florence Jenks, Miss Bes sie Uillet, Miss Marie Mehring, Miss Jessie Jenks, Miss Marian Floop, Miss Clyde Amman and David Slate. A jolly little surprise party waa giv en to celebrate the eighth birthday of Master Kenneth Parker, at the Parker rsidence on Eighth and Walnut streets, Tuesday evening.- The rooms were prettily decorated for the affair with fems, flowers and greenery. (James made the evening's hours pass enjoyably and later li'ht refreshments were served. Guests at this time were: Wilda Parrish, Mason McDer mott, Orvnl Dow, Lee Rohrbough, Jo soph Jurglewitch, Rex Gildow, Wal lace Palmer, Lee Haller, Percy Hand- HZHZHZH M IIAMILTONS' H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z M Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Concerning Modart Corsets A LACED IN FRONT CORSET that is Setting New Standards USHSH5H H S N JUST TO LOOK at these Corsets one can see style in the very lines. To feel them, to bend them back and forth, then one is sure of the ease and comfort mbodied. Purity Is Our Slogan LET US DKMON8TRATE Albany Pure Milk & Cheese Co. 6th and Jackson NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBF.R GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Wash ington, D. C, August 211, 1U18. No tice is hereby given that subject to ; the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 191tl (39 Stat., 218), and the instructions of the Secrolarv of the Interior of September 16, 1V17, the timber on the following lands will be sold Oct. It), lillK, at 10 o'clock A. M., at public auction at the United States land office at Koaeburg, Ore gon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown bv this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an 1 additional sum of one-fifth of on per cent thereof, being commission) al lowed, must be deposited at time of j sale, money to be returned if sale is ! not approved, otherwise patent will . issue for the timber which must be I removed within tun vimm Rids will be received from citizens of the Unit ed States, associations of auch citi tens and corporations organised un der the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately : liefore being included in any offer of a ; lnrger unit. T 15 S R. 2 W., Sec. 25; NE'i SW ! '4 red fir S00 M. yellow fir 900 M.. cedar 50 M.; NWV4 SWki. red fir 500 M.. yellow fir 800 M.; SWtf SW'f, i red fir lliiti m.. yellow iir liw m. cedar 50 M.; SE'i SWM. red fir 550 M vellow fir 100 M.; NE'i SEH red fir 660 M.; NWi SE'.j, red fir 450 iM.. yellow fir oo M.; sw sc4 red fir 700 M.. yellow iir nnw m I cedar 60 M.; SE'4 SE!4, red fir 1026 I M., yellow fir 300 M.J none of the red 1 fir, yellow fir or cedar is to be sold at I less than 1.6U per M. I CLAY TALLMAN, I Commissioner General Lund Office. SKPERUNA Greatest Human Yitalizer -Durlns: the winters of 17 una I waa so badly afflicted wllh catarrh of the head and thought 1 must surely die from It. Alter trjlaa elara and all other recommended rem edies made known to ma, I waa Induced to use Psruna. 1 waa eare eatlrelr by Uslna twelva boll Irs of I'eruna and on bottle of Maualln. Bine that time, I have never bean without 1'eruna. I use It for eUe aa4 aa a aeaeral Male anrlea- Sartaf aa Fall saalke and And It the arealeat human I Was Entirely Cured Mr. vrm. A. Hartmaaa. 117 H & Second 8t- Moskog, Oklahoma, thus describee hla case. Read hla lattsr. IJaaM a Tablet Vara THE LIGHT, flexible clock-spring steels not only allow perfect freedom of motion but thev alwavH come back to their Drooer places, which means no ugly bend in the waist-line of these corsets. And the boning in MODART Corsets does not rust a point in their favor the year around. WE HAVE FOUND the MODART Corset so satis-; factory in every way that an unusuallv large num ber of models are to be found here. Styles to fit the needs of every fieure and to fit the individual needs of each woman. In fact many of our pa trons, are fitted each time to three corsets th"! athletic, the dress and the evening models. TO DO YOURSELF and the MODART Cor s e t justice you should buy vour model and have it fit ted here, for here you will find complete fitting service, competent trained corsetieres and a suit able fitting-room. $4.50 TO $9.50 Cash Values Worth While H ZHXHZHZ H S H & H S H S H S H S H S H S N B H S H S H S H S H S M H S H S H B H S H HAMILT0NS' H S ZHZHZHS ley. Glen and Kenneth Parker. A delightful little theater partv was the occasion of Thursday after noon for which little Misa Virginia Jones of Seaside, who ia a guest at the O. D. Austin home, was the honoree. The party went to the Globe theater, where they saw Charles Ray in "His Own Home Town." Later refresh ments were enjoyed at the Elite and the remainder of the afternoon passed at the Austin home. Guests at thin affair were Elizabeth Beam, Marjory Daily, Louis Mason. Martha Woods, 'osephine Ralston and Virginia Jones. On Monday of this week a number o( friends called at the home of Mrs. P. J. Baltimore to pass the evening in Red Cross work. A delightful eve ning waa passed, the aocial hour be ing rounded out with a dainty lunch. An enjoyable event of the week or cured when a few Albany people and Eugene people met and paased jol ly day midway between Eugene and Albany. After driving to the pretty spot, a delicious dinner was enjoyed and a social time. Those who went (Continued on Pace Poor) CH)CHESTER,SPIL1J5 ssiaa ntmaeu 1 -v r Itatk IlltoUl KdJ Mad Uolsl aaarWUtY bous. I sail. I wMfc BltaS) ttlttxssV DlVy!ll Hat AMU riLI.." MM KBOwrsM DMt.5JMC. Alm KeUat. SOID BY D3UGGISTS EVERWatRf .This Electric Range Will Save Coal for Uncle Sam and Time and Labor for You Careful tests have shown thnt 2G2.7 pounds of coal are required bv a central station to supply a family with cooking current equicalent to 800 pounds of coal consumed in a solid fuel range. An electric range will do your cooking better and aave on your food The elimination of the fuel and ash problem saves a. world of timo and labor. Arrange to Install an electric range In your home today. A WHOLE YEAR TO PAY Telephone 15 for particulars. OREGON POWER CO. Both Phonrn 15 306 W. 2d St. Announcing the All work Tractor A S-Plow Tractor Four-Cylinder Motor 5x6 Two Speeda Forward Direct Drive on the Belt without Pinions or Gears I The Light "ALLWORK" Tractor is built for all-around work In any season of the year. Powerful for heavy plowing light enough to (ret out on wet land in early spring or on a soft seedbed for harrowing and seeding plenty of power for belt work. Here is the PRAC TICAL light-weight, high-power farm tractor. Free from freakish features runs on four wheels; carries the largest 4-cylinder eiuHno we know of on any 3-plow tractor. It sets crosswise on the frame, thus giving DIRECT SPUR GEAR PRIVE no bevel gears. BELT PULLEY IS ON DIRECT LINE WITH CRANK SHAFT, i The "ALLWORK" develops 3.000 lbs. drawbar pull on high gear and 4.000 lbs. on low gear; it handles 3 plows with east under ordinary con ditions and four plows for light plowing with favorable soil conditions. The engine develops 28 to 80 horsepower at belt and 16 to 15 horse power at drawbar. It has four cylinders 6x6 and will burn gasoline, distillate or kerosene equally well. It is simple in designa-no intricate parte to confuse the operator and all parte are easily "get-at-able," and it uses the regular farm equipment, same as is used with horses. All gears automatically oiled. The "ALLWORK" la of the most compact, solid, sturdy and rigid construction. Also Linn County Agents for Sampson C. M. C Tractors MURPHY & HAROLD AT IRVIN"S GARAGE, ALBANY, OREGON Doth Phones sol