PAGE TWO ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, KIR Daily Democrat WM. U. HORNIBROOK, publisher Kntarad at the postoffica t Albany. Oregon, aeeecondclaee matter. Daily published every evening except Bund jr. semiweesuy puDiianea 11m Uy and Fridays. , Buaiaeas Matter la ordering change of address, aub- acrtbers should always (m oia as wail as new eoareea. Ruh-rlntioa Rates Dailj Delivered by carrier, per week . . 10c Delivered by carrier, per year .. M OO R mail, at end of year 3.60 Bv mail, in advance, per year . . 8-0i' Kni.Waeklv At end of year -. $1.8" When paid in advanceonejrear.2!' Classified Rstrs One cent per word for first publics tion; one-half cent per word thereaf ter, payable in advance. Minimum charge, twenty-five cents. ESTABLISHED IN I860 SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 191 THE VOTER'S DUTY Under the csption "No Divided Counsels st Washington," the Inde pendent discusses at length the qucs confronting the voters in the . u.coinif Fsll election. Arguing that it is the duty of Americans, re gardless of previous political affilia tion, to stand by the President anil send to Congress men who will sup port him and his war policies, Tlte In dependent says: "The Republican party will not find it easy to convince the people that it would have dona better had it been in power or that it would do bet ter if it could be placed in power now Yet more difficult would be the tas of convincing a sober judgment that anything would be gained by handinc over to the Republican party that par tial power which it is possible to transfer at the elections this fall, and which at the utmost would consist in republican supremscy in congress backed by republican administrations in states electing governors and leg islatures. "American experience of diveded po litical responsibility has never been happy. A democratic President con tending with a republican congress, or a republican President contending with a democratic congress, has never been, even in times of peace, an ef fective disposition of political forces. Waste and inefficiency have usually resulted from it, and it is not possible to imagine that a great war in its critical stages could be more effective ly waged if energies and responsibil ities should be so distributed. . "We yield to no one in profound re spect for the wisdom and the patri otism of men like Colonel Roosevelt, Mr. Taft and Mr. Root But when they say that the voters of America ought this fall to return a republican congress, and argue that the time has come to impose upon Mr. Wilson's ad ministration the fearless inquisition and the practical legislative check of an opposition political majority, we are unconvinced. Irresponsible power is indeed a serious matter and no hu man being is infallible. But a con gressional minority is quite competent to ask questions, to bring mistakes in to the light of publicity and to regis ter protests. It is not necessary for the preservation of our liberties to create the certainty that a republican congress would itself make lament able and possibly wellnigh fatal er rors in its desire to play a decisive part in the conduct of the war at a time and under circumstances when it could not be, as the democratic par ty is now, wholly responsible for suc cess or failure. In our judgment hard Don't Break Your Back Flailing Beans Load them on the hayrack and bring them to our thresher, at the Warehouse, Foot of Jeffer aon Street Modern Bean Cleaning Machin ery Grader, Polisher, Clay Crushing Rolls. f Murphy's Seed Store YES WE BUY BEANS, Too ; WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat headedness demands that this respon sibility should not be destroyed. It is, we think, the plain dictate of com mon sense that the people should re turn a democratic majority to con gress and assure to President Wilson the support of a democratic law-making power. "As for questions of domestic pol icy, they are important but not now imperative. Thia ia not the time to open up the whole future policy of the United States on the ownership and operation of railroads, telegraphs, telephones and express service, on the Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS Owing to the discontinuing of the Albany Merchants' De livery, we are compelled to out oa our own delivery, and commencing Monday, Sept 9th. we will make two deliv eries each day, morning 9 o'clock, afternoon 3 o'clock. Please don't ask for special deliveries; rsrry as much as possible, and help oa to Hooverixe oa manpower. This is YOUR war as well aa OURS. Watch thia apace later. EASTBURN BROS. KODAK KODAK FOR THE BOYS OVER THERE They enjoy pictures more than letters. We hsve Kodaks from J7 JO to $32-50. Free instructions with every Kodak. WE FINISH PICTURES Leave your Films one day and gjt the finished Pictures the next Woodworth Drug Co. DO YOU KNOW Yon can aell live poultry or can boy dressed poultry any time. at D. E. Nebergall Meat Co. Both Phones 47 Second and Lyon Sta. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT We offer every service in the scope of good banking capable man agement, ample capital, convenient location, modern equipment, com plete facilities and efficient services. We invite your account ALBANY STATE BANK IT IS THE WAY OP THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, nice service, garage for your use It you are driving a car, and close proximity to all places of interest, are mak- ' log The Multnomah PORTLAND'.! LEADING HOTEL Summons sll the forces and resources of the Republic to the detente of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one ol the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but DlSnKGUISHED ALSO FOS Its strong industrisl courses for men and for women! In Agriculture. Commerce. Knrtneerias, Forsstrf ' Home bcoaorak. Mioins. PhanMcjr, aa4 Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life, , Its democratic college spirit liM successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, J45J; stars oa its service tags, 1158, wtci 10117 pciiciit representing OUICCTS; College opens September 23, 191S for catalog. aw IDaHrsuat Booklet, sad otaar ialormatios erita to tke RasUtrar, CorvalHs, Oram tariff after the war, on labor legisla tion and on immigration. The war must be won first. This one thing we do, is the motto of common sense un til the Hun is defeated." HAY. GRAIN. FEED Stock and Poultry Supplies ) GaaoUae sod . Oils U. G. HAYNK. 4 Bast Third and Mala Streets "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" , Yon Use Those Wosds , when friends coma to your home. Yon are ; glad to see them, and sorry that they are leaving. CITY NEWS From Seattle Scrgt. John Dnrrwh, who Is sta tioned at Seattle, wits In the city yes terday, visiting at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Alton loatcs. He left this morning fur Seattle, Returned From Medford Hill Uognn returned yeaterdny noon from Medford, where he has been In the interest of his pear orchards. Rturnrd From Trip Mrs. N. K. Olin ia home from a trip to Portlund and Hood River. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Naah, an eight-pound girl. She has been nam ed Dorothy Louise. Will Visit Here Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ilrnta and child, of Redne, are in the city for several days. From Lyons Mr. and Mrs. G. W. I'eling of Lyons came in on the morning train to spend the day here shopping. Debs Prepares to Move for New Trial CLEVELAND, Sept. 13 U. P. Attorneys for Eugene V. Debs are preparing a motion for a new trial. If the motion is denied, IMs will take his ease to the supreme court of the United States. He is now at liberty on bonus. Volumes Might Be Written on how to save and why, but they're not necessary. You KNOW you should save, and that a start should tie made' Make it today at our Savings Department, we'll compound thj 4 per cent Interest regularly. Capital and Surplus f90.M.M J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany. - Orcfon Fortnriller Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bldg. Oar Own Auto Hearse Lady Assistant Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver, Cut Class and Hand Painted China FISHER-BRADEN Undertakers Auto Service Lady Assistant iHay ; Grain 'Seed Salt Cement Roofing . M. SENDERS & CO. VIERECK'S BATHS SHAVING HAIRCUTTING RAZORS HONED AND SET Open 7 a. m. .0 7 p. m.j Satur day 10 p. m. Comer First and Ellsworth Streets. War Swings Stamps! United States Government MAM TttT. WUT WVUTMNT " VrTt-Di COMPOUND INTEBr.T Wc Never Use Bait TO GET CUSTOMERS INTO OUR STORK Just Good, Clean Merchaadiae at a Fair Profit no time spent In printing the figure "9", ao popular nowailaye with depart ment stores. -They say Milium of this figure Is used every dav as real bait for customers. Ol K DRUGS and CHEMICALS are the BEST that Money Can Buy Wa sell them to you at fair prices, with good service. Burkhart & Lee Repair Work Tractors and Autoa a aperialt Call on AUTO a MACHINE WORKS Old Wataon Illdg, First Street Ben F. Ridders. Proj.. STOVES - and RANGES None better than the UNIVERSAL GLORY and SOUTH BEND VITROFIED GLAZED JARS Will not absorbe con tents, 1-2 to 30 gal. BARKER Hardware Store Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 l.yon Si Roth Phones WOOD Home Phone 4229 Bell 432-R Hay and grain buyer and ahlpper M. G. REED STETTER'S Full line of Chlnaware, Dishes, Crockery, Glssswsre, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries, WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat. B A N JY THRIFT The CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESS CLASSIFIED For Sale FOR SAI.E-Canadian lands. F.asv terms. Full information, see li.-o. Taylor at corner of 2d and Hroed- II. in. lOjlf FOR SAI.F.-A good reliable team Good han.ess ami wagon. Doth horses single drivers. Also sums farm implinicnts. Just the outfit for small place. 1I4U W. 12th SU w. II. l urry, both phones. JlOtf R. I. R. COCKEKEI.S-Purehred Paystrrak Strain big, red birds from record egg-layers. Your pick, III). Ringnerk Bench. Hell 610-J. FOR SAl.E-7 head of horses, alao all farm Implements and housrholii goods, llome "206. W. r'. Kyals, 6 miles northwest of Altmny, lit ntun roumy. vsl-t FOR SALF. CIIF.AP-.iu.acr farm with good bungalow and barn, sit uated 1 mile south of S. P. depot. Also fine stork and implements. Home phone 1-'U2. 1017 FOR SAI.F.-A Molina Tractor and plows at a bargain. Murphy at Ilarol.l. 12sl4 FOR SALE or trade J room house ami 2 Iota: 4 blocks from droot In Snlem, Ore.; will trade for property in Aiitany or will sell for JI.'lHI. in quire of Mrs. U II. Chase, iKMi F.aat 2d St., Albany, Ore. 12s FOR SALE CHEAP-2 acres, new house, ham, and chickenhnuae; 2 milea from poatoffice. Prune or chard and other fruit trees, (all Democrat Office. i:tslb FOR SAI.K Strohher Piano in good condition. Call Fisher-Braden Fur niture Store. lUalli 12 WORK HOUSES FOR SALE Esay terms. II. Bryant. daolfw Help Wanted Male WANTED 2 newsagents for two goou runs on ins a. 1'. tail news stand, S. P. station. 12sl4 WANTED- Paper carriers. Call A I. bert Senders, 1032 Washington St. Bell phone 6NMJ. Home phone 1262. 312 Help Wanted Female WANTED (iirl for general house work. Good wages if satisfactory. 111 ur-t.:....,.. u it -t t u.iiiiiif, toil tit., dome unone 4262. Us IH' WANTED A miiMlenged woman to keep house in the rountry for the winter, llome phone tWHft, or write R. F. D. 3. Box 1211. For Rent FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms, furnished, on ground floor. fi.Ht West 7th St. Hell phone H7UJ. 12sl4 FOR RENT A modern 4-room heated apartment. Enquire of Ilurggrnf, 1IH 2d Street. sl2tf FOR RENT for summer, new 6-rnom , furnished house. Strictly modern. In desirable location. Enquire Sll Weat First St. j2!ti FOR RENT 7-room house and acres, 1 mile fro. 11 cnuitnouse, Al bany, Ore. Fish & Hodges. FOR RENT 200 aire grain fiirm. Prefer someone with a good tractor. llncker eV Beam, 1:18 Lyon St. Miscellaneous LOGANBERRY PLANTS WANTED We are in the market for Ingnn berry transplants for fall delivery. Phone or write Albany Nurseriea. I.lsltl WANTED A 4-bottom power lift tractor plow. K. II. Ilolloway. Doth phones. 12sl4 I BUYS CONFECTIONERY STORE S. II. Gilliland has bought the East End Confectionery Store. sSoo AN EXPERT TUNER of plnnoa and organa Is here for a short time only. Leave your orders nt Woodworths' Drugstore. 36 years' experience. 14 yenrs In fnctory. Best of citv references. I-nvo your orders now. 12sl4 h FOR RENT A 5-room cottage pnrt-1 ly furnished. Also 2 light house keeping rooms. Inquire 1 block i east of hlirh school at 333 South ' Jefferson St. Home phone 4128.1 aSOtf HOPPICKERS WANTED Gentry hopyard 7 miles south of Albany. Good campground. Good water. st NATJONAUDANK MEMBER FEDERAL RKHF.RVK SYSTEM Every hanking arcoiumodatlun la afforded hy the am ple r sources, conservative management and courteous treatment of the officers and employes of this institution. Try a checking account with ua. need of the American People. U. SAVINGS DANK Free sawed wood. Free fruit all you ran eat. Fro transportation to the yanl and home at the end of picking. Fine hope to pick. A a lore on the ranipground. Will begin picking Sept. 2. J. A. Seavey, Cor vallia. Independent Phono KKM. B22tf DEMONSTRATION every day with the A II work Tractor on the Dirk Miller Farm. 3 milea nurth of Plain view. Murphy Harold, sl-'tf FURNITURE bought and sold. Call E. Rogoway. 2nd and Baker His., Bell phone 36 R. Home phone 2227. aliitf WANTED- A large amount of dark fraea. Will furnish lioxes snd pay cent per lb. cash. Pick litem be fore all are rie on the Ounch. Linn A llenlon Fruit Assn., W. R. Scott, Mgr. sltf lllliil SCHOOL BOY wanta place to work for board while attending school. Address Albany R. F. D. No. 3, Box 10f, telephone ('orvallla 7616. I2sIH UMIIKF.Lt.AS.-We are showing our summer tine of "Hull" Detachable Handle and auitcaae Uptbrellaa in black and while and colore. The "Hull" quality la always depend able. Your initial engraved free of of charge. F. M. French at Son, Jewelers and Engravers. m2tf WOODS A WING Call S. II. Bsidger. Home phone StlH, Hell 31)1 Y. Hi-tlcn.-e 1112 Elm and llth. siltf BUSINESS OIRECTQRT HEMSTITCHING Wc ysrd. 4W-R. Sue Hrerkenridse. iXJ W. Serond HARRY G. HOY ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 203, First Nstlonsl Bank Bldg. Albany, Oregon Prartirea in all Stale and Federal Courts and before the Department of the Interior ELMER C OIPK Chiropractor Rooma 5, 7. 9. 10, Cusick Bank Bldg Nature cannot cure a diaeaae smlsaa the cauae Is removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the csuse. DR. H. K. JACK8ON Dentist Room 404-S First National bank bldg. ! BOTH PHONES DK. OKOKOtt j. KENAOY Chiropractor First Nations! Bank Building . dltl Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan H. F. MERRILL Insurance. Loans Buret- RrMut. Special attention given to care ol property heloneinsto non-resirlrntt. Room No. I, second floor. First Sav- ines Hank building. Albany. Oregon. J. V. PIPE Bargalna In Farm lands and Cite property. Insurance, Money to Loan on Good rsrms at per cent FEDERAL FARM LOANS b'i per cent Interest A. C. BOHRNNTKIIT 401 Masonic Temple, Sslem, Oregon B23tf For Sale Real Fstate Surety Bunds E. F. SOX Firs, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real SstaU 213 1st National Bsnk Rid Cash Paid for Junk Bring in all kinds of motul, Iron, scraps, sacks, rags, etc. Heln the Government conserve Its metnl. FOR SALE -Several thoussnd . grain and potato sacks. Also E-passenger Ford. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANT E. Rogoway Second and Baker Streets, Bell ' 34S-R, Home 2227.