i PAGI FOCB ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, WF.DNF.SDAY. Al'Cl'ST HI. New Shipment of Stationery Just Received 50c, 60c and 75c a Lb. Lord Baltimore Symphony ' Tulip FRED DAWSON'S DRUG STORE Wool Dress Goods J Silk Values MUY NOW for your future needs Not only are prices advnneliuc every day but woolens of all kind are hard to t;ct. We can save you rip.tit now from L'5 to 50 pir cent mi wool dress Itoods. These prices hold t;ood only while the present stock lasts. Series, Toplim, tlabatdines, Wool Taffetas and Plaids tttc. H!tc. UHc. 91.19. :: $UM. $1.(19, f 1.98 A Remarkable Showing of black Silk, at price that can't be dupll. cated later In the-jieaaon. 35-Inch black CHIFFON TAFFETA $1.65 yarl 85- Inch extra grood black TAFFETA $1.75 yard 86- Inch black PEAU I)E SOIE f2.00 yard 86-inch black SATIN DUCHESSE 2J5 yard 40-inch black CHIFFON TAFFETA extra choice quality $2.75 yard Flood's Store 334 West First St: LAWBREAKER BOASTS: FRIENDS PAY HIS FINE LONDON, Aug. 21. "Those for whom I tinned ahall pay the price." Frank Allum, a. butcher in Hamp tead Road who has teen contraven ing the rationing scheme, might adopt this slogan. TITs fortunate cus tomers had been satiated with veal. Veal! That sacred stuff which most of us in England haven't tasted since the war began. UHe was fined $250. Not bein gof s calibre to do "good by stealth and blush to find it fame" he put a large feotice up In his store advertising his heroism and asking customers to place in the box below a contribution towards payment of the fine. He now boasts that he's not a cent out of pocket. Wili Barrett Returns From K. C. Meeting Returning today from the national convention of the Knights of Colum bus which was held in New York City. W ill Barrett reported one of the most successful meetings ever held in the history of the organization. Delegatea were present from every state in the union, Mr. Barrett being one of two from the state of Oregon. Elks to Initiate Two Candidates Tonisrh Two candidates from Lebanon who will soon join the United States army, will be initiated as members of the Elks lodce at the regular meeting. which will be held tonicht. Snm. is or 20 members from Lebanon and vi cinity will be in attendance. ORCHESTRA TONIGHT '"'dwraputure. GLOBE 1 Last time today J. Stuart. Blackton presents "Missing" A Picture you can't afford to miss. also Allies Official War Review Usual Prices Notice Here are some of the stars who are coming to delight your Mae Marsh Madge Kennedy Mabel Normand Vivian Martin Lina Cavalieri Mary Pickford Win. Russell Wm. S. Hart Jack Pickford Doug Fairbanks Sessue Hayakawa TOMORROW WILLIAM S. HART in "HELL'S HINGES" ARMED WITH VALISE, HF.IW) SAVES THE DAY .LONDON, Aug. 21. A wounded officer, Just home, states that there are doiens of different phenomena of heroism. He tells of a young sub who never had been up the line before and was only there through a chance visit. He was utterly unnerved when a vigorous attack commenced and stood trembling in every limb. With a shamefaced smile he said to another officer, "I shall be all right in a little while." A critical position arose on the left where a detachment had lost all its officers and was wavering. Out of the trench Stepped this hoy. He hail only a valise in his hand. Running in front of the wavering company he signalled it to come for ward. It rallied and followed him. After he had gone forward AO yards he was shot through the head and killed. But by that time he had saved the situation. ! WEEKLY MARKET OI OTATIONS OF STAPLE FOOD PRODUCTS Fashion Favored High Shoe for Fall Wear GREY KID 8 1-2 inch lace boot Louis heel, welt sole. Grey cloth top to match. AA to D widths. Priced at nine dollars. This shoe conforms in every re spect to the request of the Na tional Economy Board. McDowell Shoe Co. Nettleton's Men Shoes and Everwear Hosiery Wholmalt Fresh Kys 4- Freah I'reumorv butter M j Now roUtoes U4 I Full cream chevae ; Comment, yellow, UH (tauntis i Oornmeal, white, 100 poumls tt 1 ornmeiu, yellow, 10 hhiihU . .b 1 ! Cornmeul, white, 10 poumU , I Cornflour, bulk tf Cornflour, 10 pounds , I Kyeflour, bulk . ti ! Kyeflour, lu pounds ! Itnrleyflour. bulk ;Kieeflour, bulk Oatflour, bulk Hominy, 10 poumls J Ufa drive Cornstarch ; Beans, whit j Sutra r, granulated Raisins, seeded, 15 ot ' Uml, bulk 2 ! I jml. 5-pound pails Lard, compound, bulk 'J! Lurd, compound, 5-pound pails .... 1 liheon 3Sc Milk, per quart, delivered Wheat Flour, 4.-pound sacks . . $. 40 Wheat flour, bulk 5c 1'ricea to 44c to 54c to 4c Itetnil I'riwi ... 41 to 47c . .. 5ft to tUS 4 to tV Incorporated I 1 awsssssssssssassaesssss 10c. 7c. . 10 s.ori f. :l-4c per lli 7 to 7 1-ic to tfc per pound 7 to Xc lo c C c per pound 8Sc be per pound He 7 l-4o per pound 8 l-'-V to ti l-4c per II 8c H l - Jc 7 I -it l-'Mic 8 to 8Sc Ito 12c to l.'w l-'Sc ! to Ilk- lie S.'c 11.4!' W to 12c l.c .... to 12c to 8.:w He .... ii'iw'.' :c i to 44c 40c to Mc to $2.80 to I'm- III. $J 75 to $1 10 tic to "c American Red Cross Units in Siberia LONDON. Auir. 21. U. P. Amer ican Red Cross units arrived at Vladi vostok today from Tokio, bringinc 70.000 pounds of hospital supplies and provisions. Coins; to Casradia F. M. French and wife, C. H. Stew art and Mrs. Henrietta Brown will leave tomorrow for Cascadia for a week's outing. Mr. Stewart and Mr. French expect to co above Cas cadia on a hunting trip. Go to Mill City Thursday The Maccabees will iro to Mill Citv on Thursday night instead of Satur day night as announced earlier in the week. The cars leave the hall at 6 o'clock sharp on that evening. DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. Plums and Prunes Wanted We will pay one cent a pound for any variety of plum except Dam sons for which we will pay two cents. Any quantity taken, pound up PETIT PRUNES we offer one and one-half cents. ITALIAN PRUNES we offer two cents a pound. REMEMBER, WE PAY CASH ON DELIVERY and furnish all box es to pick and ship in. Plums must be firm and unbruised. Overripe or soft refused. WE ALSO WANT ALL YOUR BLACKBERRIES. Linn & Benton Fruit Assn. ' W. R. Scott, Mgr. If you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, foul breath or a dull, dizzy headache; or, If your meals sour and turn Into gas and acids, you have a real surprise await ing you. To-morrnw morning, Immediately upon arlBlng, drink a glass of hot water with a teaapoonful of limestone phosphate In It. This Is Intended to first neutralize and then wash out of your stomach, liver, kidneys and thirty feet of intestines all the Indi gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal. Those subject to sick headaches, backache, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble, aro urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drug store and begin enjoying this morning In- ilde-bath. It Is said that men and women who try this become enthu siastic and keep It up dally. It is a splendid health measure for it Is more Important to keep clean and pure on the Inside than on the outside because the skin pores do not absorb Impurl-. ties Into the blood, causing disease, while the bowel pores do. i The principle of bathing Inside la not new, as millions of peoplo practice It Just as hot water and aoap cleanse, : purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidney and bowels. Limestone phos phate Is an Inexpensive white powder 5e and 15c Plus Tax .Rolfe. TODAY AM) THURSDAY Special Feature William Desmond in The Sea Panther From the Saturday Evening I'oBt Story of the Same Name FRIDAY Henry B. Walthall in ' i "HIS ROUE OF HONOR" 11 Cheat Seed Wanted We enn uae a limited amount of cheat er, for immediate de livery. Phone ua Hi ioth phones. Murphys Seed Store The Sample Store's Tri Weekly Reminder LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS Plaid silk fli.HO Mohairs. plaida Sl.. Worsted, rlirrks f 1.25 LADIES' WAISTS White SSc. fl.'JH Mark, blue or Tan VHr I'nnry Mripe fl.lt. fl "S. Silk, fit-all ur white :l'J I. DIES' PETTICOATS 4!c, K.-.c. f 1.19. f 1.2.1 Ml SI.IN and CREPE Si. I'Jc III NOAI.OW APRONS Tnn, pink or blue BHc LADIES' II ATS t !Kc, fl.l, fl.2J WOMEN'S PI MPS Putenl KID JULIETS Wilh rubber heel . . VELVET SHOES I. are KHAKI SHOES I-ni'r, medium heel . . WHITE SHOES l ow hi-i-l II.'JH. tl.'iO SAMPLE OXFORDS And pump W5c, $1 .H.I NEW LINE of Suit (Wa and Bairn. rt our prlrrs be fore you buy. fl .63 $1.65 fl.65 f 1.6.1 C. J. BREIER CO. YOU DO BETTER HER1C FOR LESS Announcement Extraordinary The FORDSON TRACTOR f Can be seen at the FORD GARAGE Arrange for a demonstration with W. W. CRAWFORD, 9th and Ilakcr Streets, opposite S. P. Depot, Albany, Orufon. Price, including plows $1125.00 TO LINN COUNTY SCHOOL BOARDS Tlus Is to announce that I am making Albany my headquarters and will be pleased to cell on you at any time regarding school furniture and supplies. K. P. SHOBMAKER Care Hotel Albany. Agent for Northwest School Furniture Co. Of Portia. . Ball 327 Home Phone Are You Tied Down Like this Woman? Docs every washday find you toiling over the steaming suds? Look at the other woman washday is a comfort to her. Washday would he a comfort to you if vou washed with the Electric Washer REDUCED FROM $1 FEW DAYS ONLY. month puts The Thor i est. Pay with your Does all the washing p heaviest blankets to thf work or worrv. The s of clothes soon oavs for 2 cents an hour to one Come in before next W strate what The Thor Or phone us and we wi your home for you to t 45.00 to $132.50 FOR A 7.50 down $12.50 per n your home. No inter Electric Hill. nd wringing from the finest laces withouV aving, of wear and tear The Thor. Costs bur rate. ashday let us demon will do for you. II send a machine to ry. Oregon Power Co. 300 W. 2d St. Both Phones 15 I and almost tasteless,