t ALBANY DAILY HF.MOCRAT. TUESDAY , AUGUST 20. 191. ; PACI - FOUB Silk Values A Remarkable Showing of bUck Silks, il price thl cant be dupll cated later in the eaon. 55- inch black CHIFFON TAFFETA 85-inch extra Rood black TAFFETA H-M yard 36-inch black PEAU PE SOIE 2 00 yard 56- inch black SATIN DUCHESSE 2-2S " 40-inch black CHIFFON TAFFETA extra choice quality 2.75 yard Flood's Store 334 West First St. New Shipment of Stationery Just Received 50c, 60c and 75c a Lb. Lord Baltimore Symphony Tulip FRED DAWSON'S DRUG STORE KATES NEWS ITEMS GATES. Aug. -0. Special. Mr. and Mr. F. M. Heater of Detroit hav moved to Gate! and will reside here for the present. The Schroeder Mill that ha been in litigation the past month has chanced hands and is now conducted by Sarverson & Moore. Mr. and Mr. Harry Punlnp and children went to Salem Monday of last week on business. The Gates poatof fice has been mov. ed into the Ryan store building and JUNGLE STORY COMING TO ROLFE SOON Tarxan of the Apes," in which the most fascinating character in fiction makes his screen debut, is booked fc early showing in this city. It will be seen for two days at the Rolfe soon. . This is the picture which thrilled New York and is made after the book of the came title, in which readers of popular fiction became so interested. Being a story of primeval man or rather, of a man brought up among apes and endowed with many of their abilities it presents not a few diffi culties to the movie maker. Cheat Seed Wanted '. . . - ! We can use a limited amount of cheat seed for immediate de livery. Phone us 84 both phones. , Murphys Seed Store MAKERS OF PARAMOUNT WAR PICTURE ARE ALL OF ENGLISH OK IRISH BLOOD (At the Globe tonight, Wednesday) The new photoplay, "Missing," pro duced by J. Stuart Blackton from a scenario written by himself and James Young from Mrs. Humphrey Ward's successful novel, is an English story and by a coincidence, nearly all of the players and directors concerned in its production are from some land where flies the British flag. Even the cam eraman, William O'Connell, is of Celt ic descent. This is a remarkable picture In many respects, it having to do with the present war. The story is highlv dramatic, the action strong and rapid. and there are many situations filled with distinct thrill and heart appeal. THIS DAY IN THE WAR AUG. 20, 1917. French capture 4.- 000 Germans and considerable terrain in attack north of Verdun. AUG. 20, 1916. British light cniis. era Nottingham and Falmouth sunk in North Sea by German submarines, two of which are reported damaged or sunk. AUG. 20, 1915. Naval battle rag ing in Gulf of Riga. Three Russian ships and one German sunk. AUG. 20, 1914. German cavalry occupies Brussels. PERSONALS AND NEWS NOTES FROM KNOX 111 TI E SECTION tiiin for himself the morn! character of the American soldier fighting for democracy on foreign soil and to learn what the American military author ities in France are doing to keep the soldier physically comietcnt and mor ally fit. His report, in brief, is: "The Americnn soldier in France is KNOX BUTTE. Aug. 20. Special. Mrs. Wm. Cary visited the past week in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. A, Crowder. G. C. Moon of Albany visited several .I..,. u'itK tiia frion.l. Frank Lines. ,. s,;.h of Rosehunr has been liv'"K on " mu1 I'1"'" ,,i, h ' l,ov a visitor at his old home this week. the moral plane M.,,11, tl..nlmnn and Julian Bryant i nome. of Albany were visitors at the T. Dick- ton home this week New Dress Skirts IN REGULAR AN II EXTRA SIZES Plain, black, navy, green and gray In serges and poplins. Plaids, stupes and checks In all-wool and mixed materials. Tim biggest and best line we haw ever shown - 211 to .itl waist. Il.tlN. .V0. t;.'.IU I7.H0, IH.UO, !I.U0 A beautiful assortment of silk striie anil plaid dress skirts. H 'JO. All 'a representative Americnn. And he is of civilian life at S.!I0 j M Incorporated J luivi wulki't, through KrHiwe with mv tyi i-1 on rt I utul my mra tn)Nnl. t C:Mnna n.ilmtiatr u-.i... A U....I.., t.l o fit... Th. Indies' Missionary society or e ngniing .one. we nmnni r.rr i. th. Methodist churcn oi Aioany mei i-...-.- ... .... - .- "- I .. :.u Died at Myrtel Point. Oregon, Aug. on weiines.lay anemoon wun ..im. i. a..U, f V uinn 111- .M:irearet l.lcsentlorier ni ine iicsco- ' .L r..-i ii v. K.,- a ...h.n.lid nniirntm was of the lines, and in the trenches. gon. .nr. I'nwr wcii'ftiiv-ii . ,.... . " i . these parts. He leaves a family of j given. There were 1.1 member prcs- six children, nis wire naving passeu , eni. on about four years ago. The children Mr. Poling was given exceptional "I would le falso to these men if opportunities to observe the men in mving the evidence of their soundness i I dnl not declare it; and I would l false to thou who gave them as n in: with soldiers in London. Pnrii the towns where they are billeted onck censure, but a vote of confidence with the assurance of our rooperntion and support. "The American soldier is the worthy inheritor of th finest traditions of American arms, a credit 10 those B. P. 0. ELKS A special meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, August 21st, for the initiation of candidates. Members please be present. SECRETARY. 20a21 WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ad, kindlv mention The Democrat. p To Remind You DONT MISS "MISSING" the latest production of J. Stuart Blackton, for Paramount, will be shown at our theater today. The story deals with the fortunes of a British army officer and his bride. He is reported miss ing, but subsequently regains the British lines. A most In teresting picture. You must see it TODAY GLOBE WEDNESDAY DON'T MISS 'MISSING' From the tremendouHly successful novel by MRS. HUMPHREY WARD THE MIND GROWS NUMB when it picture the fate of those in the hands of the Hun, over in shell-swept France, but even Mars, the War God, whose work of destruction seemed com plete, could not cool the ardor of this brave girl's love. ALSO Allies Official War Review A BRITISH TANK and iU TROPHY. Where AMERICA hold the line. Come sad see OUR BOYS who are WINNING over there ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY USUAL PRICES are cared lor ty incir granuparenis. Mr. and Mrs. Bradly of Niagara. Mr. Decker's sickness was of short dura tion, he only being ill about an hour. His remains were shipped to Gate and were laid to rest in rairview cemetery. Mrs. Z. M. Bevier returned home Sunday from Albany where she has been to receive medical treatment the past two weeks. Mrs. S. E. Munro of Oregon Citv was doing business in Gates Thurs day. RIVERSIDE ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence, Mr. Fred Spangler and daughter and Mr. Bertha Davis, of Oregon City, spent Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mrs. L. S. Dixon and daughter Lol ma of Centralis, Wash., are visiting with Mrs. Dixon's sister, Mrs. W. C. Witchey. Fred Arnold, Dent Stewart and Walter Witchey went to Alsea on a hunting trip the last of the week. Mrs. Jas. Dodge went to Colfax, Wash., Thursday, called there by the serious illness of her brother. Mr. Margaret Dixon of Shedd re turned to her home Friday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart. Mrs. Warner and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Warner of Albany, spent Friday afternoon with Mr. H. G. Hasting. Callamette Grange held it regular meeting Saturday eve. There were 33 members present. Quite a little business was transacted, followed by a social hour. Ice cream was served. Mr. and Mr. Frank Church of Portland made a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell. in civil life, then I "Our lenders in France." he said, have not conquered the vices society Mr .nd Mrs. Fred Hnnnafonl and has battled against from the first or- laughter Violet -attended the G. A. ganiied beginnings of civilization, but R. convention in Portland. " " """'" r.jpeiiiuonar, rone Th Knm Itutte Red Cross auxiliary ' not setting an example in moral has completed its required quota of idealism to A mew hospital garment. I A. J. Caldwell went to Waahougnl. j Wash., Friday noon on a business trip, j Mr. Mose Miller rece'ived a letter from her daughter, Mr. W. R.Wilson, j who underwent an operation at the Emanuel hospital in Portland. She is getting along nicely. Mrs. Wilson has had trouble with her eyes for year and the operation will benefit one of her eyes, having lost the sight of the other. The threshers in this neighborhood are beginning on the spring grain. Some of the grain is too short to cut with a binder. Some of it will lie mowed for hay, while some patches will never be harvested at all. prit-clcxs offering upon the altar of hiire him, an honor to the nation he freedom. I represents, and the last and lwt how "General Pershing and those whojthul civiliiation shall not fail in her are in authority with bun in France 1 struggle to establish the might of deserve, not a resolutive) of inquiry oc ' right." Drive Sarta September IS The big Salvation Army drive starts on September 15. Dining Room Closed The St. Francis hotel dining room has been closed until the first of the month, and in the meantime the kit chen is being remodeled and put In first-class shape. aft IfSta William r osmond. In Trirp P'.ttT The &f PiiiiJr Announcement Extraordinary The FORDSON TRACTOR Can be seen at the FORD GARAGE Arrange for a demonstration with W. W. CRAWFORD, Olh and llaker Streets, opposite S. P. Denot, Albany, Oregon. Price, including plows $1125 00 At The Rolfe Wednesday. Thursday . PHYSICALLY COMPETENT AND MORALLY FIT Daniel A. Poling, associate presi dent of the United Society of Chris tian Endeavor, writes as an eye wit ness at the front in the current issue of the Outlook on questions of vital interest, as he snys, to all Americans, and particularly those who have rela tives in the expeditionrer forces of the United States. Mr. Poling went abroad to ascer- ONLY NEEDS TO BE ROUSED Under Certain Conditions, Tiger Can Probably Be Awakened in Each Individual. They tell ns." said Mr. Illlnksnrae, 1 "that we all have a tiger In us, that we are all of ns savages under our skin ; kept from revealing our true natures only by the restraining force of cus tom and the law. "In a general way I have always be lieved this to be true, and yet I have always supposed there must be ex ceptions. Yon take, for Instance, a certain mlld-rannneri-d neighbor of ours whom we have known for many years, a rnun in all circumstance kind, gentle, forbearing; seeing good In everyone and willing to make excuses for everybody. There was one person who I knew had no tiger. "Our mild-mannered neighbor drop ped In to see as yesterduy. Just after 1 had read something In the puper, and I picked the paper up again and read this thing to him. It was an account of something that the Ger mans had Just done. "It wus a circumstantial, careful, ex act and apparently truthful statement, and yet the thing described was some thing so contrary to all civilised usages that It seemed Incredible, and I said to htm: "'You don't believe thnt, do youf "At that our mild-mannered neigh bor fired up. Fired up? lie flamed np. "Believe Itr he said. I believe every word of It,' and then he pro ceeded to tell me what he would do j to the Germans If he could. "Hud he a tiger In him? Weill I "Ho now I am Inclined to think that t we all have tiger In us, that there r Is no exception; only with some of us It take one thing and with him ! another thing to make the tiger I waken." 1 WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ad, kindly mention Th Democrat., 5c and 1'ie Plus Tax .Rolfe. TODAY Margery Wilson in THE Hard Rock Breed also PATHE SCENIC ' ' SOUTHERN RUSSIA" Wednesday and Thursday Triangle present William Desmond IN The Sea Panther ALSO TWO GOOD COMEDIES The War Industries Board Says: Print Paper Must Be Conserved The Democrat has on its list a con siderable number of subscribers who receive the paper at points outside of Linri County. Under the new reg ulations the postage rates for news papers to points outside of the county are doubled. The Democrat therefor finds that it will be financially un able to carry on its list any sub scriber from such outside points who is not paid cash in advance and the names of such subscribers will be eliminated from the subscription list during the present month. The management suggests that you send in your check at once if you wish the paper continued ALBANY DEMOCRAT ; ion: