t I ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY , AUGUST 20, 1918 . PAOI 1 nttM Four Kom In Service Curl Mli'lii'laiin lc ft yesterday fur Portland, where he win called to ri ort fur tli ordnance corpa. Thia innkea the fourth eon fur Mre. J. M I chclaon in the aervlce of Uiu-U Sum. Makca .tU Shirts The I'eorln auxlllury hna completed mid liirittMl Into headquarter, 30 II. ('. ahlrta alme July 22. They also turned In yesterday two undershirts, 14 4ilr knitted ancke, four tea towela, five wuahi'lutha and 2f00 gun wix-a. CITY NEWS MI.SON TUACTOUS. Hull! up In u iitiiituitl, iujI duwn to ir. w l.ltfhf WvImIiI Hltolig pull Hnfrllur AiiIoidmII- 'I'lttttltth ly "ptlll" lltti! Ut ilf.l.l Mr 111 lit. HltdxU w l haul fvlr with nil ut ntt'in varii i'-m N -r, U H II ; MImhi Jiinl.tr, U it, It ! Urn Mill ! t n n III, tir nut for i ntiiltiat, MI.rt'tN Tit K HM.IiH Cnlll-ANV, Kt MMI.. Mlfl I I. -I TMmI HI at I'.iltUfl.l, i 1 1 M ll Kriithrr Krpurt YfNtcnluy'i UrnMTuluro rnnvr-l fn.m 41 to 71 rt, mwl th rivvr tmiiU ut 1 foot. Kfliiriit-d Home Minn Mint Si-urn Inn ivturnfi. Immiic fniin h month's vixit In Portland with ln-r mint. Mm. Hurry l'ulliirk. To VUlt lui(htrr .Mm. Auv lwU wiil to I'urtluml thin morniiiir to Mpend 11 wick with hiT ilaiiKhtfr, Miu .Mae 1 .4-win, who hn pent th unimcr llirre. Mrturnrd to .'urtland . N. KnUrU n-lurm-.l to Portlund thin tiinrnlnir nfUr Htt.-ndini tin- ron fttrenrr iif the Hiethri'n rhurrh. Ilomr From Newport- Mm. rturuh Wolfw und dnu(hur. Mini Ciirriii Wulfi. ntumrd homo yi tiTilny from at'Vrrul works' uulii.tr at NrwHirt. Ilrrr Tliia Murninir ('. C Wulki-r of Imik Krai-h, Calif., wim in Albany this imtrniiiK on hit li J. STUART DLACXTOn 4Pj ZHZHZHZMZHXHXHZXHZHZHZHZH H HAMILTONS' i WEDNESDAY- BASEMENT (lliilii- To.lny AND W.-.lnimluy X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H OPPORTUNITY DAY (MKIIAK MOl llrat unlity, bntllrahip ahHie, lonu filr. 9. 98c Wonirn'a anil (rroinif (firla KIIOKS A few more uiir Irft at the aule price $2,98 llVKS Hiamoml ami I'utnam. All the mlora nianufurtuml. Parkuire. llll MAKKKT BASKCTS A kouA liaakrt for the money. Carry your part-ela and help Uie Kovernment. 10c JKI.LY fiLASSKS There are none Ih-IUt than thewf. aSquaU or tall, capped, each- 4c 10c MK.VS AND IM)VS' tAI'S Cherka, plaiila anil plain colon. A ltol value. 69c MKN'S WOI1K SOX They uanl to lie cheaper but are now a jfood value at MKN'S DUKSS SHIRTS Soft or atiff cuffa. Slripea and plaida. t UNIVERSITY of OREGON 'TJrtT ''.iHy rii.i,M'd lilwrjil rulliirt mid nriciilif.r d nrliiH iil. Sprcinl Iritiiiinit in ( iifuiiirm. .liMiriuilinitt, Arrliilrrfnn, l.iiw, Mciliriitr Li.... til W L II. I J l I ,.iHia l-Inr Aria. MlM( a I'tw tt lk.lf ml taaai mmd Itrtttat) ellaavv ltll. karr mmm lM a mm It aty -4l-. mrnf ,plmf ,m - l mlldfm. LI . iMaat r.M.M.4.4 Im. t -,m.m. I MImMI flrraol II. II. I. 4. "M 1 T-tlUr HI I- I abrar mi Mt.lMMI IMmINmk U Mi mm4 immmrm. W I Jt4 t tfmm aaak rr..H.tl Uf faarkiM mm . I f I VU wHm It. 4. Ilr-M. Ut .ll.wr.l bM-klrl. P -fy. Auto Vacuum Freezer A CHASM. K.SS 1CKCKKAM KltKKKK that ill freeie Perfect Ice Cream in 30 minulra WH1IOI T l ItMNC A ( HANK: Si x-1 tih aire Kreeter .. lJ Dinh aize Kreeier .. $2.91 fl.00 r.nd $4.20 Wood worth Dru Co. Ash Wood CAR I.OAI) E. U. (TMMINGS 2 Pair 35C 89C Men! extra quality cottonade panta. All colon, but onlv one quality, and that the beit. $3.69 WOMEN'S HOISK DKE;SES In one big lot of nurse atripea. Int aleevea. $1.48 Inveatitrate our 5. 10 and 13c TABLES Household neceaaitiei. Cl'SI'IIK)KS 3fc value. One day only XHXHXHXHXHXHXZHZHZHSHZHSH !' II y ii s it ri S It n S II H S N S N S H BOYS' SHOES Sizea 9 to 13 1-2. A ahoa that la worth what we aak. Button, or blucher. $1.85 WASH BOARDS Stronir. well-made zinc board. 45c ' 85 SOUVENIR PLATES Of Albany Churchea. 25c 6c Regular price 33c. HOSE BARGAINS. One dav only. 50-foot cotton $5.50 60-foot rubber Masaaaoit $5.75 50-foot rubber Corker . . . $6.75 50-foot rubber Red Ruby $7.25 Only a few lengths left. MEN'S 8HOES A ahoa that will wear vary wall and you can kick out at imall coat i $2.75 DISHPANS AND PAILS - Blue enameled heavy war.. Worth much mora. 69c WOMEN'S VESTS Fine quality. Cash Values Worth While HZHZHZHZHZKZHZHHZHZXHXHZH HAMILTONS' H S II s N S II B H S H S H S II B y H B H ' B XHZHZHZHZHZHZHXHHZHSHBHBH 29c LAWN-MOWER . Just one but a bargain. $5.98 At Everybody's Store wiiy to Wenillini; to work in the mill. Returned From Vacation j Mina Beatrice Sanilera returned yea-j tenlay from a week's vacation at Newport. To Attend Encampment Mrs. Clyde Peacock and Mrs. Jennie Small of North Albany went to Port hind thia morning to attend the G. A. R. encampment. Home for Kew Daya Mm. Fred ltawson came out from Newport yesterday to spend a few daya. Co to Vpper Soda Mr. and Mrs. Dave Froman and Wilyne Dnwson left thia morning for I ikt Soda for a two weeks' fishing trip. Vioilrd Mother Mrs. R. N. TorUt and children have returned home from a visit in Bucota, Wash., with Mrs. Torbet's mother, Mrs. E. E. Bradley. Went to AMoria John Mnyne h'ft yesterday for As toria on business. Here on Furlough Kill Harms is here on a furlough visiting relutives. Went to Newport O. P. Allphin and diiughter, Mrs. Jessie Herrington of Spokane, went to Newport this noon for an outing. Here Overnight II. K. Pnrrish of Newport visited "How Do You Do" And "Good liye" ' You Use Thoae Wosds when friends come to your home. You are glad to sea them, and sorry that they are leaving. IT IS THE WAY OK THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, nice service, pa rare for your use if you Hre driving a car, and close proximity to all places of Interest, are mak ing Tha Multnomah PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL k Mm4 m "JT "i ... ' - "1 IM . ' hs in li VIERECK'S BATHS r X r 0,n 7 m" t0 7 PmSnturln', 10 p.m. Corner First and Ellsworth Streets ADVERTISEMENT FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sealed bids will be received by the Council of the City of Albany, Oregon, until 7:110. o'clock P. M., August 28, 1!1H, for the construction of an eight inch lnternl sewer beginning at the mnnhole in the Onk Street Trunk Sewer between First and Second Streets and running thence Westerly into Block 7 in llnckleman's 3rd Ad dition to the City of Albany, Oregon, a distance of 272 feet. Said sewer construction to be made in accordance with the Charter and Ordinances of SBid City of Albany and the plans, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer now on file in the of fire of the Recorder of said City, where the pinna may be seen and specifications and estimates obtained. Bids will be opened at 7:30 o'clock P. M., August 28, 1918. No proposnl or bid will be consider ed unless accompnnied by a certified check payable to the City of Albany in an amount equal 10 live per cent of the nggregate bid to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter into a contract and provide an approved bond in a sum equal to 50 per cent of the nniount to be paid un der such contract for the faithful per formance thereof, and within ten (Jays after notification of awarding of such contract to such bidder. All bids must be made with a view of completing the construction of said sewer prior to the 1st day of October. 1!18, under a liquidated penalty of $10.00 per dny for each day of delay beyond that period. All bids should he addressed to "Re corder of City of Albany, Oregon," marked "Proposal for the construc tion of lateral sewer." ' By Order of the Council. L. 0. LEWELMNC. Recorder of the City of Albany, Ore gon. dl6a27 overnight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Thompson and went to Lebanon this noon on buainesa. On Business Trip Chaa. Wooda left yesterday after noon for Tacoma on buainesa. Called to California ' Mrs. li. "L. Devaney was called to California on Sunday by the death of her nephew. Went to Portland J. R. Bray went to Portland this morning. Returned Home- Miss Fanny Brenner returned home -veaterdHV'f rom Portland where the I has been visiting Mrs. Dell B. Scully. Return From Fishing Trip H. E. Hector and C. A. Peicoc' have returned from a week's fishing trip over on the lower Alsca rive near Tidewater. Misa Spencer Here Miss Nettie Spencer of Corvallia was in Albany yesterday on business. Mrs. Spencer is a lecturer and has traveled over the United States and has been around the world. She spent three, years in Paris and four years in Berlin. In Berlin she taught a post graduate course at a young girls' school. Leave Yesterday Geo. Hamilton, ClaOde Vunk and Joe Connor left yesterday for Tidewa ter on a fishing trip. They expect to lie gone a week.' jlHE SEA PANTHER, GREAT j SATURDAY EVENING POST I STORY. APPEARS IN FILMS J Few announcements will prove of more interest than this from the Rolfe I Theater, at which "The Sea Panther" will be shown Wednesday and Thurs day. This thrilling romance made a tre mendous hit with Post readers. It was produced on a lavish and preten tious scale by Triangle. With a band of merciless pirates, Paul Le Marsan, pirate chieftain, falls on the Lady Devon bound from Eng- land to the Carolina! in 1680. Death I is to be the fate of all captives. But what can the gallant Le Marson do when pretty Molly Tarpley looks into his bold eyes and sighs, "I have heard j that pirates sometimes possess chiv- airy and gentleness, and I will trust you. The demand of the crew for the cap tive maiden is met by a flashing blade. COOLS QUENCHES THIRST --3 HI WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindlv mention The Democrat. u BACK SALTS HURTS USE KIDNEYS NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby ffiven that the partnership heretofore know as Lea engood aV Wynne has been dissolved by mutual consent, S. 8. Wyruae hav ing retired from the firm. The Al bany office has been closed but the Lebanon business will hereafter be conducted by C. I. Leavengood. C. L LEAVENGOOD AND L. S. WYNNE. August 16th, 1918. ' J6s20 A lasty topper at lunch In bottles! on draught everywhere THE PORTLAND BREWING CO. Plums and Prunes Wanted We will pay one cent a pound for any variety of plum except Dam sons for which we will pay two cents. Any quantity taken, pound up PETIT PRUNES we offer one and one-half cents. 1 ITALIAN PRUNES we offer two cents a pound. REMEMBER, WE PAY CASH ON DELIVERY and furnish all box es to pick and ship in. Plums must be firm and unbruised. Overripe or soft refused. WE ALSO WANT ALL YOUR BLACKBERRIES. Linn & Benton Fruit Assn. V. R. Scott, Mgr. Sat less meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers yon Kent forms orio aoid. Moat folks forget that the kidneys, tike the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache ana dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu matic twingea, torpid liver, acid atomaoh, aleeplcasneae and all sorts of bladder dis order a. You eimplv must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain' in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad PalU from any good drug store here, take a tableeroonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a lew days and vour kidneva will then act fine. Thia tamoue aalu la made from the acid of prapee and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and ia harmleaa to flush clogged kidneva and atimulate them to normal sctivity. It also neutralises the acida la the urine so it no longer irritate, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad tfalu ia harmless; inexpensive) makes a delightful effrrveaeent lithia water drink which everybody should take now sod then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he ells lota of Jad Salts to folks who believe overcoming kidney trouble while it is trouble. III. Advertising Momentum Many institutions expect advertising to perform miracles, to rehabilitate a depleted list of customers in a few weeks or harvest a golden crop of dollars. Advertising U not based on wizardry any more " than on quackery. Its results are cumulative. There are no miracles in advertising, but money so invested, if invested properly and the opportunities thus created properly followed, will yield handsome returns. An inquiry from a prospect who has never transacted buainesa with your organization ,is the most vital and the most potent facte in the success of your business. That inquiry represents growth, development new business, and new inquiries are worth attention, study and care the full measure of your service. The aggressive and consistent adver tiser whose educational publicity attracts, will find that the business has acquired a new momentum, the effect of which will be apparent m suc ceeding years. THE FINANCIAL WORLD