Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, July 31, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    " "I O III.,,,,
Best Advertising Medium
In Linn County
Tonight (Mi Thursday 8 HOW KM
Na. It
Ft 10 Gil
MARCH 1,000,000 MEN
Germans Still Retreating in
Order Towards Fisme:
Fierce Fighting Is
in Progress
GENEVA. July .11. German
lunars alnre March 2l'a offensive
! total nearly a million mm. says
I a hiarh neutral official arriving
from Berlin.
I'ARIS. July 81.- The communique
announced that German counter at
tacl.a mini the new allied positions
iung the Ime eastward from Oulchv
I Chateau were repulsed.
"On the Ourcq's right hank there U
' sharp fighting.
"Seringcs, northeast of Per-en-,
Tsrdenois, was (inally captured 1y tht
lf Fred S. Ferguson. Staff Corre
spondent for The United I'rraa
July 31.- The Germans' atiff resist
anre indicates that a strong line hn
now been established. Thry are mak
ing a hitter effort to prevent the ul
lira from breaking throuith. The pria
onera Irtalat thut the enemy will make
their mojit determined stnnd on the
hnn lietwei-n Kheiitia anil Soissona.
An orderly German retreat toward"
Fismes la mill progressing.
Tho buttle ia constantly becoming
H.-rivr. American and German In
funtry were in hnncj-lo-liiind conflict
all ilny yrnlenlny.
Albany People Are
Married in Vraneouver
Mini Carrie Mulver Hooka or Al
bany was united in marriage to Clar
ence George nt Vancouver Saturday
afterniMin nt ji double wedding in
which Miiia Jennie Moore anil Stephen
Franklin of Portland were the other
partica. The ring ceremony wna used
The bride ia well known in Albanv
and the groom nt'one time conducted
the 1'ncifie Gnrnge in Albany. He
moved to Portland aonie few months
Well-Known Farmer
Dies at Tanren
John Kutach, a prominent fnrnier
of Tanirent, died lust night ftr
ahnrt illness.
The deceaiied wna born in Germany
In lH4fi and locnled in Mnn countv
aonie aeven years ago. He leaves a
wife, two sons, Chnrlea nnd Frank
one sister, nnd 14 grandchildren. The
funernl will bo held on Thursday at 2
n. m. and Interment will bo In River
side cemetery.
FOR SALE A patch of Himalnyn
blnckberries . From 1M to "n
crates of lierries in patch, for $20.
Good enmping ground. T. 8. Mny,
Jefferson. Oreiron. H. 2. Win'-
FOR SALE 80 pii'S, weit-h about M
pounds nnlecc. K. A. l.namnors. it
I. He nhone 22F2. joln
FOR SAI.K till White I-ei-horn lav.
Imr hens 1 year old. Mrs. J. R
Wnllis. Homo nhnno 7151. J31n2
W A NTKI) llerrynickors. everirreen
blnckberries, 1 1-2 rents n pound,
Good enmning. water nnd wood. F
M. St. John. Albany, R. R. Home
nhone Cnrvnllis 7553. inlaid
FOR BALK Lot on naved street. Will
tnke Ford as pnrt payment. Torma
''ingcrprintM of Tacoma Jail
breaker Are Being Sent
to Sheriff Bodine
A man acivliiif I''" nume aa Frank
luiend, arrested yesterday by Sheriff
llodlne, ia beintr held on a vakrency
charge pending inatrucliona from the
Tarouia authoritlea. Duraml resem-
lea the photograph which waa aent
out by the Tacoma police of a man
ho assaulted his jailors and broke
jail there aome weeka ago.
Sheriff Kodlne notified the author.
itiea by wire and the man's flngcr
prlnta and a new photograph are be
ing aent to the I. inn county aheriff.
Russians Make Short Shrift
of Hun Commander:
Many Arrests
AMSTERDAM. July 31.-Hy United
Press Field Marshal Von F.yrhhom,
(iermnn dictator in Ukraine, baa been
assassinated, says an Lfficial telegram
from Kieff. Adjutant Captain Von
Dressier waa alao killed. Previous re
ports said they were seriously wound
ed by a bomb thrown by a social rev-
Juliunnry plotter.
Hamburg dispatch says that whole
sale arreata were made, including
memliers of the local Hetman govern
ment. Call for Mechanics
Received by Clerk
Clerk Mae Tillman today received a
call fur six mechanics for training: in
Portlund. The men must have gram
mar school education ad are asked to
volunteer for the work. They will be
entrained on August 1Mb.
Twenty-five drafted men of class
one will undergo pbyairul examination
tomorrow at I o'clock. - ?i.
Went to Silverton
Mrs. J. A. Pap and children went
to Sllverton this morning to visit with
Weather Report
Yeatenlay a temperature ranged
from 60 to W! degrees. The river is
11 feet.
Visiting in Shedd
Mis. Nellie Myers and daughter.
Miss Francis Myers, are visiting in
Shedd at the home of Roy Myers.
Returned Home
Miss Gertrude Hilyeu returned home
last night from a visit in Portlund
with her brother, Dr. V. R. Hilyeu.
Return From the East
Dan Widmer and family arrived lust
night ufter a nine months' visit in Nc
iiruska, Iowa and Indiana and return
ed hy way of California. On Sunday
they visited Dan llrennermnn at Gimp
Kearney, California. He is well and
likes the work.
I'o Attend Funeral
Mrs. Ilunna Smith of Thomas is
here to attend the funeral of her fa
ther. Christian DcWail.
I,eave on Vacation-
Mr and Mrs. J. ". Irvine and aon
Elliott and Mrs. J. A. McCullough and,
daughter lA-tha, sturteu on a vacation
trip thia morning. Mrs. McCullough
will stop in Portlund for a few duys
visit with her son Charles. Miss Elix-
aheth Irvine will join the party in the
morning and they with the exception
of Mrs. McCullough will go on to
American Ike, Tacomu, Scuttle and
surrounding points.
Albany Boy Get Promotion
Fred M. Curry, nn O. A. C. grndu
ate of 1!)I8, hua been promoted to
aergcunt in his company. Muy 20th
he received an appointment from
Washington aa private in the mobile
bacteriology company, then stationed
nt the government school ut Fort
l,cnvenworth. His parenU have re
ceived word thut the school is trans
ferred to Ynlc University. His pres
ent address is U. S. Army Bacteriol
ogy l aboratory School, Ynlo Univer
sity, New Haven, Conn. ,
Return From Southern Oregon
Rockwell Simpson returned yester
day from Southern Oregon, whore he
has been for several weeks working
with a crew of scientists of the U
S. Geological Survey.
Lads Steal Auto in Rose Citv
and Take Wild Ride
Through Valley
Sheriff Bodine Holding Boys
Until Arrival of Relative
From Portland
Following a wild ride through the
valley towns in which they committed
petty thefts en route, Alliert Roael
tbal and Curtis Cororun were arrested
late yesterday afternoon in Hulsey by
Deputy Sheriff Taylor.
The boys stole an Oakland Six in
Portland on Monday and started south.
At Jefferson they stripped a car be
longing to Miller, the garage man, and
tried to atrip another at Miller sta
tion. Ladies were holding a Red
Cross meeting at the time and the
youngsters were detected before they
had completed their work. Sheriff Bo
dine was notified and his deputiea in
every town in the county were In
structed to guard the roads' leading
The boys arrived late yesterday af
ternoon at llalsey and their engine
waa so hot that they were forced to
wait for a ahort time until it cooled
off. They were overhauled by Deputv
Sheriff Taylor and brought to Albany.
Sheriff Hotline notified Sheriff liurl
burt of Portland and was instructed
to hold the loys until the arrival of
Rosenthal's futher, who will take the
youngsters back to Portland.
Engineer Will Repair
Santiam Bridir?
Engineer Builcy of the Oregon Elec
tric arrived in Albany late yeaUrday
afternoon and will make this ci:y his
headquarters in the work of super
vising the work on Uie Suntium bridge
letween I lever and Talbot. The ap
proaches to the bridge will be filled
and 40 men will be employed in Al
I nny to assist in getting the gravel
to the site of the repair work.
Seattle Interests I-ease
Globe Theater
The following notice was issued to-
lay by J. M. Hawkins, manager of
the Glolie Theater:
To the Patrons of the Clone Theater
I wish to announce that the Globe
Theater has been leased to Seattle
parties who will take possession Aug.
list 1st, and I take this opportunity of
thnnking the patrons and friends for
their patronage and many kindnessea
shown me while I have been connect
ed with the theater. I trust that you
will give the new management the
same patronage aa you have given' me
in the post. J. M. HAWKINS,
Ho was a lad who had grown up in
the woods of some Western state, and
he knew everything about hunting and
trapping. His ability to crawl aroum'.
in the grass without being seen waa)
Early in the game he started crawl
ing through the tiarbed wire into Nn
Man's Ijind, nnd pretty soon he had
visited all tho Heinle near, lying hid
den nenr them until he got ready to
come back.
One dny he reported to the lieuten
ant in chargo of his "P. C.
"Gimme a mnn who can crawl
around with me, and we'll take that
nest of Heinies out there singlchand
ed." he said.
They told him he was craiy, anil
anyway they didn't have another mnn
who could crawl around the way he
could. , .
Ho was dirmppointed. Finally he
said, "Well, gimme a chap who can
understand that Heinie chotter, and
we'll go out and listen to them. We
can get all the Information you want
Visiting Ilere
D. M. Boner of Plninview Is a guest
nt the home of Mrs. 0. E. Holdridge.
Miss Anna Dawson United in
Marriage to Lieut. Van
Gundia I-ast Night
A marriage of more than usuul in
terest to the people of Albany was
solemnized at Newport at 9 o'clock
last night when Miss Anna Dawson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw
son of this city, lecame the wife of
Lieutenant Cordon K. Van Gundia,
now in the U. S. aviation service.
The ceremony wss performed in the
Episcopal church at Newport and was
witnessed by some 40 or 50 relatives
and friends of the contracting partiea.
Rev. John D. Rice, acting army chap
lain at Newport, officiated.
Miss Isabelle Young sang "At
Dawning, and Urst Lieutenant
Southwick acted aa Usher. There was
best man nor bridesmaids in at
tendance. Twelve members of the
Kappa Alpha Theta of the University
of Oregon were included among those
who attended the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Gundia arrived
in Albany today and will spend a week
in Portland before returning to New
port. Lieutenant Van Gundia expects
orders by that time which will take
him to an aviation camp in the east
and his wife will accompany him.
The groom served as a professor at
the O. A. C. from 1913 to 1915 but
now resides in Philadelphia where he
had splendid business as a landscape
artist prior to his enlistment in the
army. ' Mrs. Van Gundia will leave
this fall for the university of Miasoun
where she will complete her univer
sity training.
Nn Pace Without Com
plete Victory" Is Jist
of Statement
WAsmvr.TON. Julv 81. By U. B
VnrhvM- French War Minister Mille-
nnl in reviewing the war summed up
the French war aims in the words:
Prussian militarism must be de
al rnv.t
He said this means the restoration
nf Alvju-e-Lnrraine. reuniting Italinn
lrr-i,t..nti freedom of Roumania ai.a
Transylvania from Hungary; restore
tinn nf Relirium and Serbia, establish
ment of an independent liechosluv
state and a free Poland.
'The New World does not cross the
Atlantic, accomplishing daily miracles
at which we are astonished and for
which we are grateful, to content it
self with a bastard delusive peace
fraught with danger to all.
German Press Promises
Big New Offensive
WASHINGTON. Julv 31.By U. P.
Fjench cables state that every Ger
mBn nnner vesterdav Dublished Hin-
denburg's alibi for the Mame failure
in hi drive Pnrisward. The commun
ique didn't mention the Americans on
th Mnrne.
tiA nmm;H a decisive blow against
the Anglo-French soon and their re-
tcaut nf a linfun kilometers.
The people were asked not to lose
confidence in Hindcnburg.
WASHINGTON. July 31. A well
known senator annoys his colleagues.
sometimes, because in his desire to
muke legislation thoroughly good, he
insists on many amendments. During
discussion in committee recently, tnis
senator, whose name is not Brown,
insisted on amending and amending
nrncticnllv without end.
Finally, somewhat exasperated, a
colleague said to him, "Brown, I be
lieve if the Ird s Prayer were being
discussed here, you would want to
amend it."
Said Brown:, "Yes, I would. I would
change the clause 'I-cad us not Into
temptation' to read 'Give us strength
to resist temptation.
JULY 31. 1917. British and
French lnunch offensive in Belgium.
after three weeks of bombardment
Ten villages and 3,500 prisoners tak
JULY 31, lfllfi. Allies consolidate
their gains in the Sommc offensive.
Russians nress nearer Kovel.
JULY 81, 1915. AustrcnGermnns
take I.u'blln, Russinns push evacuation
of Wnrsnw.
JULY 31, 1914. General moviliia
Hon in Russia.
Yankee Charges Are Gaining
Ground; Huns Admit
Fighting Ability
Prussian Guards Unable to
Gain; Iebanon Boy
Is Wounded
WASHINGTON. July 31. ine w
casualties include W. E. Heinirn,
Lebanon. Oregon, aeverely 4
4- wounded. T
France. July 81 -Intrepid Amer
ican charge are not only winning
ground but are also instilling fear
in German hearU. This ia clear
ly established in etatemenU a,Td
letters of German prisoners.
By Ralph Taylor, Staff Correspondent
for The United rress
FRANCE. July 31. The Ameri
cans, despite heavy Prussian counter
.i.ri. continued holding the line
through Seringes and Sergy, south of
Cierges, at noon. They witnsioou
.imnv attacks from the Prussian
Guard last night and this morning.
The Prussians attacked on ue wnole
American front but the Americans
with perfect fire repulsed all on
Herman Dasohund Must -
go,. Say U. S. Marines
CINCINNATI. July 3i.pecuu.
Exit the Boche daschund from the so
ciety of Cincinnati dogdom.
No longer will the lengthy canines
which tradition has associated with
link sausages find company with de
cent fidoes. A JU. S. marine corps
noster was responsible for tne uerm
doggie's social demise.
The poster depicts an American
German daschund
with the words, "Teufel Hunden (Dev
il Dogs), German nickname for u. a.
M.rino. "
Since the appearance of the poster
local daschunds of which there are a
great number have led a miserable
existence, as small boys have sicced
bulldogs, terriers, hounds and every
other breed of canine on the poor
I-ntil t last thev have been
practically driven off the street of
WASHINGTON. July 31. The food
American boys are getting is assur
ing them fine health.
In the wake of data showing mor-
t.iitu nd sickness rates lower in ar
my camps than in most civil commun
ities, came word today that tne aver
age solder gains nine pounds alter en
tering the service.
M nMnv.r necnrdinir to Mai. J. "
Murlin, it i sound flesh that w fll
stick. '.n
soldier's meat ration
one and three-quarters pound. hich
is higher than that of his tsntisn
Pr,n,-h or Italian brothers -in-arms
mnkim him ouick on his feet, or,
to speak the medico lingo, "gives mm
quick delivery of maximum energy
WASHINGTON, July 31. Can
woman keep a secret?
Sh can under oath.
This has been proved by the fact
that some of the most important wore
nnvr beinir done in the American In
telligence bureaus is being done by
the female of the species. They are
railed upon to handle some of the
most vital documents or tne govern
men t's secret sen-ice, file them, trans
late them and above all, keep them
Before they enn get into the work
'.hey have to undergo the difficult or
deal of swearing by all that is holy
they'll never tell.
)river Bruised and Car Com
pletely Destroyed when
Control Is Ist
Clarence Coon, driver for the Neb-
ergall Meat company, waa bruised and
the car which he was driving com
pletely destroyed when the machine
turned turtle on a road four mile the
other side of Corvalli yesterday af
Coon was driving at a rather faat
rate of speed through loose gravel and
lost control of the car. Had it not
been for the top he would have un
doubtedly lost his life. The bruise
he received were painful but not se
Albany Woman Had Purch
ased Goods Which Were
Stolen: Didn't Know It
According to a letter received to
day from Mrs. Frank Kitchen, former
resident of Albany but now of Port
land, the newspaper account of her
detention on shoplifting charges were
dot correct..
Mrs. Kitchen had purchased goods
which late proved to have been stol
en. She and her daughter were held
by the authorities as witnesses against
the parties who were responsible for
the theft.
Drunk; Gets Fifteen
Dollars Fine
Geo. Davis, junk dealer, was hailed
before Police Judge Guy Levelling at
1 o'clock this afternoon and given a
fine of $15. He was placed in jail
while his friends attempted to rustle
the money.
Davis was arrested about noon by
Chief John Catlin on Lyon street. He
was -in an intoxicated- condition and
entered a plea of guilty to the charge
in the recorder court.
: j
Returned Laat Night
Miss Emma Mitzner and Miss Vel
ma Gentry returned last evening. The-.
visited with Miss Mitiner's mother ir.
Marion and spent a few days in Port
R. C. Store Needs Clothes
The Red Cross Store is in need of
infants' and children's clothing. Also
men's trousers and shirts. There has
been such a demand for these things
that the supply is exhausted.
Get Your Money Ready
The ladies of the Red Cross want
the people to have their August pledge
money ready when the collectors call
for it.
Umbrellas. 10 Cents-
Several hundred umbrellas have
been donated to the Red Cross Store
and they will be sold for ten cents
apiece. They are fine for the child
Hanson Leaves
Albert Hanson, who has been visit
ing for some days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. A. Flood, left today fot
his home in Los Angeles. Mr. Hanson
made a trip io Alaska and stopped off
in Albany on his way home.
"Camp Cookery" Received
The Democrat acknowledges receipt
of a splendid book on "Camp Cookery"
which is being published by the J. K,
Gill company.
Returns From Jefferson-
Helen Nebergall returned last night
from Jefferson after a ten days' visit
with friends.
Passed Through Albany '
Edwin E. Merrill passed through
Albany this noon on his way to Pearl
Harbor near Honolulu, to which point
he has been transferred by the navy
Visiting Here-
Mrs. Walter Polmer and son Rus
sell of Portland are house guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. HbH for the week
Expected Tc.tight
Mrs. F. A. Beard of Spokane will
arrive this evening to make an extend
ed visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Holdredge.
Expected Home-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hackleman are
expected home in September to visit
Mrs. Hackleman's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Cox, and other relatives.
Says Both Sides Now Hare
Single Objective of
Killing Foes
Germans Have Retreated
Miles on 20-Mile Front
Since Saturday
By V. P. Staff Correapeajrwt Cart
D. Greett
Staff March told the correspondent
today that both aide hay changed
their original objects ia the 'bloody
Soissons-Rheims line struggle. They
an now bent solely upon trying I
deetroT, etohyothw. killing a assay
men as peasibl. . ii. I
H offered slight hope of bagsrfaaT
a Germs' aray1ng to its strong
resistance on both flank at Bole acne
and Rherm. March said the salieat
had flattened consideriWy sine Sa
turday. The enemy retirement
amounted to four mile on 20-mile
front So rapid waV the! retreat that
tha allies got completely, oat of touch
with the front Una m& sent eat cav
alry to catch up with tha German.
The enemy's extreme) west flank ia
practically stable aay whO the Ger
mans hay reduced tha? aJUea' salient
on the extrem aaatl' -V '!
Whatever the . German, objective
ware at tha start and whatever saw.
bop waa ia tn eewUr' of feiisrr, fef
now evident that these ams kav
been at aside. Th obJecUy sack
army new i the destruction af H aft. .
ponent.' Both "sides wanf to; hill off
a many man as possible." J "
He said th American ftrrc will a)
unified, eliminating the national t
and national army. Every soldier win
wear on his collar th TU. S. now
reserved for th regular army.
The Rainbow division la now ia Om
line near Fers-en-Tardenoia. arrlviaa)
within tha pst two day tor rein
(orciDKiit Th third division Is now
at Cierges. He said the-formatioa. tt
six new divisions is prorressing.
SEATTLE, 5ufy'3L,U. P This
city, the heart of th recent stjuggl
between the WeaUr. Union and it
telegraphers who wuhca to argamu,'
waited with obvious satiafactioa tha
hour of midnight tonight when tha
Western Union, in common with Peat
tal Telegraph and the many telephone
companies of tha country, enter gov
ernment controL -'
Seattle believes that tha discharg-
of 250 Western Union operators her
during the past few month did mora
than anything else to cryjtalisa publie
opinion and bring the situation to tha
notice of President Wilson.
The ztr-jczle of the Western Union
against union labor baa contiaue4
many years, with the company always)
holding the upper handbut th area-
tic action here taken in'war time waa
instance in which the Western
Union overplayed its" hand. ' Mayo
Hanson, who "went to the front" for
the union telegraphers, waa receiving; .
The discharged operations plan ta
march to the local Western Union of
fices as though regular employe .to
morro morning, wearing their union '
badges, and will demand reintata
ment It ia believed this will smott '
ut the government's policy ia this
gard. The men have been assured bv
their international president that thaw j
will be reinstated and that jiimaj
in wages of from 15 t 30 per rant -will
be granted by the government.
Old Resident Hera '
T. Wigman, a former resident wf
Albany, was shaking hands wl)h
friends here today.
Our idea of a perverted sense af
prominence ia that display! hy tha.
fellow who clamor for a chance ta
represent the Kaiser In an Aajsiluaa
patriotic parade. -
to suit on bnlnnce. Home 454(1. tf