A MIAN 1 IMILI IIC.MIK.HAI, THURSDAY, Jl'LY 25. 19111. PAGE THRU. - The Biggest Value in an Automobile in America today is a Chevrolet '490' at $795.0 Albany An economical cur lo operate- practical and durable car which requires a minimum amount of attention is this satisfactory auto- mohilr. The Chevrolet gives satisfaction and comfort for lets money than any similarly vutK'(J car. Price Advances to $8 15.00 August 1st Buy Now and Save $50.00 CAN M A h K IMMEDIATE DELIVERY C.H. MURPHY DISTKIIir TOH FOR l.INN CO. CITY NEWS Receive More Car Waldo Anderson anil on received another carload of Maxwell louring ram yesterday. They have secured the distributing ngency for l.inn. Ben ton and Lincoln counties, which is just double the former territory covered bv them. Mr. Anderson also roporta the sale of two Maxwell trucka and two Maxwell touring rara to the U'I'nno't Auto I.lvery. Went to Marxhfirld lr. and Mrs. A. C. Eaton of I'ort land left yesterday for Marahfield af ter a few days' visit In Albany with friends. i On lUiftincaa Trip S. K. llalerhau went to Portland , thia morning nn business. Return From Outing j Mra. Clyde Williamson and children have, returned from a aeveral week' nuting at Newport. Brownsville People Here Mr. and Mra. A. S. Ilammell of Brownsville were in Albany yester ' day on their way home from Seattle , where tin')' visited a daughter. 1 Returned to Drver ! Mra. ('. I.. Wcist of lever returned , home this morning after n few days' viait at the home of Mra. 1.. H. Jones. PAINT IVOItOID READY MIXED PAINT 8.1c quart. $2.85 gallon FLOOR PAINT that will not turn white when acruhhed with hot water and will not mar or break with hard usage. 9.rc quart. $2.93 gal. Wood worth Drug Co. How About Ice ? A phono call will bring the Iceman PLACE ORDERS EARLY. Ice Cream This la our specialty both large and small orders promptly filled. Soft Drinks W are headquarters for Blltx, Luxo, Amhcr, Toko and Appo. Service will anon be cut to two deliveries per day. ALBANY ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. Third and Vine Both Phonea HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH H HAMILTONS' XHZHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI H X H Z H P RE-INVENTORY 5 SATURDAY, July 27 5 MONDAY, July 29 mm A H Z H X H FOUR DAYS E FOUR TUESDAY, July 30 8 WEDNES., July 31 8 DAYS! HAMILTON'S STORE II n 8 II S OUt S IM Y JU.V CLEARANCE SALE LEFT lS WITH SOME (11)1) LOTS OK STI FF WHICH WK. HAVE GATHER H TOGETHER ANI OFFER YOU AT BARGAIN K()K THE LAST Fnl'K DAYS OF THE MONTH. SEE DATES AMOVE. OVFU 500 PAIR OK WOMEN'S AND GROWING GIRLS' FANCY AND STAPLE SHOES IN FOLK LOTS j SHOES Lot 1. l.'0 pair high grade fancy Shoes, values to $10.00 GROCERIES 66 SUITS in 3 (See Window 3) LOT 2. 1U pair white or black Dress Shoes, value to $0.50-$.1.98 LOT 3. pair staple black and white hoes, values to $4.9.) $2.98 (See Window 4) LOT 4. 1.15 pair Women's Pumps, values to $4.00 $2.98 THESE PRICES ONLY WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS MACARONI Handy, short curve cut 3 pounds for 25c COCOA Rest grade, bulk, ground per pound. 22 CHOCOLATE Best grade, sweet, ground per pound. 20c CHOCOLATE. Unsweetened, baking chocolate, 1-2 lb. rake 19e ECONOMY JAR CAPS per dozen. 26c MASON JAR CAPS Porcelain lined, zinc caps, "use no other" nt per dozen, 26c KERR SELF SEALING Regular mouth Mason Caps, doz. 23 ! PAROWAX 16-oz. package, 15 KOVERALLS kUYKKAl.I.S n ami mCUt August first the price on KOVER ALLS fur children are to le ruined to but it is our inten tion to jriv- you fair warning, o durinp these four sale days the price is $1.25 (See Window 6 Dried Fruits PAJAMAS PAJAMAS Just a few pair left, values $1.25 and $1.50 Sale Price 98c WHITE FIGS Large 2 pounds 25c PEARS Extra choice, halves pound, 13c APRICOTS Extra ehoice, halves 2 pounds for 35c PITCHES per pound, 15c ITALIAN PRUNES Large, fancy 2 pounds for 25e RAISINS Fancy, seeded, 15 to 6 oz. package, full wgt. 3 for 35 RAISINS Fancy, seeded, bulk per lb. 11c; 25-lb. box .$2.50 Fruit Jars BOYS' SPORT WAISTS HOYS- SPORT WAISTS Not very many remain. Blue Cham brays, and striped percales. Huy two or three at 29c Why not buy your supply for the season, as Fruit Jars at the following prices art an exceptionally good investment? These special prices are not guaranteed for any certain length of time only while part of our present stocks exist. Compare and consider these prices and then buy all you need. W'e guarantee you will save money. ! MASON Ball Brand, best jars, with porcelain lined zinc caps, at per dozen pints, 75c; quarts, 80c; 1-2-gaIlons, $1.10 KERR SELF SEALING Masonjars, regular mouth, per dozen pints, 75c; quarts, 85c; 1-2-gaL $1.10 KERR SELF SEALING Masonjars, wide mouth, per dozen j pints. $1; quarts. $1.10; 1-2-gaL $1.45 ECONOMY JARS per doz, pintail ; quarts, $1.10; 1-2-gaL 1.45 LOT ONE. 34 Suits for $9.95 each. Window 1 LOT TWO. 13 Suits for $u.jj eB. LOT THREE. 19 Suits for $25.0 each 46 COATS, in 3 Lots LOT ONE. 9 Coats for LOT TWO. 27 Coats for . LOT THREE. 10 Coats for . . 17.95 each $1135 each $24.50 each HATS, in 4 Lots LOT ONE. Hats valued to $6.00 for $1.(4 LOT TWO. Hats valued to $7.00 for $2.M LOT THREE. Hats .valued to $8.00 for $3.00 LOT FOUR. Hats valued to $12.00 for $4.95 FLAXONS FLAXONS Many beautiful dainty designs. Fin. quality. To close out, our price is 2.1c yard REMNANTS A Big Sale! DON'T MISS THIS! VOILES All our Splendid Voiles, some worth 50c 29c BASEMENT MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, stiff or soft cuff 7fc WOMEN'S SLEEVELESS UNION SUITS 4e WOMEN'S SLEEVELESS VESTS ." 2c Big line of CURTAIN SCRIM I5e LADIES' GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES $1.48 WOMEN'S CREPE DE CHINE and JAP SILK WAISTS $2-l WASH SATIN CAMISOLES IM MEN'S SWEATER COATS $3.f5 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 7c MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 5c Cash Values Worth While HXHXHHXHXHHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH HAMILTONS' at Everybody's Store 1 XHXHXHXHXHXHXXHXHXHXHSHXil Returned Home Mrs. Nell Scott and children have returned from an outing at Newport. To Attend Epnorth League Conven tion Miss Gladys Gilbert; Miss Muriel Gilbert and Miss Iiuis Nebergall went to Jefferson this morning to attend the Epworth League convention that is in session there this week. Here on Business Herbert Shelton of Dever returned home this morning nfter transacting; I . - 0 m Mil IE P fi F, ! .nrimsiastssi J f A1AE MAESH m THE FACE IM THE DAUH . GOLDWYfJ PmRXS At The Rolfe Friday and Snturdny. business there. Open Cleaning and Pressing Agency liauer & Bauer, well-known business mon of Corvallis, have started a clean ing and pressing agency in Albany in connection with their plant in Corval lis. Miss Lorn Plots of Albany will act as the local agent. Mr. Bauer stated yesterday that as soon as the business justified it and help could be secured he would put fii a modern cleaning and pressing plant in Albany. Go to Tillamook Prof C. W. Boetticher and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoflich and son Harold left todny for Tillamook where thev will spend several days. Passed Through Mrs. Wm. Hocrth of Portland pass ed through Albany yesterday for Newport for a vacation. Returned Home Miss Margaret Dickover of Milw kee returned home yesterday after a week's visit with Miss Minerva Brad en. Weather Report Yesterday's temperature ranged from 48 to 70 degrees. The river stnnds 1.1 feet. Here From Eugene i Mrs. Sam Chambers of Eugene is here visiting relatives. On Inspection Trip F. M. French left this morning for W'hitson and other West Side points on a wntch-inspection trip. On Business Trip Judge II. H, Hewitt went to Salem this morning on business. Bought Threshing Machine j W. R. Cate, who resides nine milcj southeast of Albany, has purchased a i Threshing machine from Barrett Brothers. i ey removed and in its place a similar face remains in shauvw at their eoa i amount of counterfeit currency left. : ferences. A glaring light is th. screen I This money is supplied by a myster-1 behind which he hides. ,He is the fate, i.)us man, the head of the gang, whose ' in the dark. FACE IN THE DARK STARS MAE MARSH Goldwyn's determination to present Mae Marsh in the most powerful plays available is responsible for the choice of Irvin S. Cobb's compelling story, "The Face in the Dark," which comes to the Rolfe Friday. The young star grasps every oppor tunity devised by the brilliant story teller to sound the deepest emotions as Jane Ridgeway, daughter of a cele brated secret service man. Her fath er, whom she adores, has supposedly retired from the service, giving all his time to his post of bank examiner. She does not know that he is in league with a band of counterfeiters whose work is as original as it is daring. Tlje outer doors of vaults are forced while the inner doors remain closed. Actual ly the inner doors are opened, the mon- W HEN ANSWERING classifieds ad kindly mention The Democrat. CHICHESTER S PILLS .T1IK IHMOn BRA MX X I.Mtfleol Aak roar DntcaHatfcsf C t.1-bM-Cert ltUnsaXBraael. Ill In Krtl and Ualsl r.e:JIkA tv-tft, th Biu Ru twov TL lKfr. IiiT of jejp " . hrajcfUf. AMr irM'IIT.ft-TEK'fr tin tnuwn ! Beit, Mfwt, Always RiioM SOLO BY DRLCG1STS EVERYHMCRE This Electric Range Will Save Coal for Uncle Sam and Time and Labor for You t Careful tests have shown that 262.7 pounds of coal are required bt a central station to supply a family with cooking current equlcaleat: to 800 pounds of coal consumed in a solid fuel range. An electric range will do your cooking better and save on your food I bill. The elimination of the fuel and ash problem saves world of tlma- md labor. Arrange to install an electric range in your home today. A W HOLE YEAR TO PAY Telephone 16 for particular,' OREGON POWER CO. SIM W. 2d St Both Phones 15