ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TIU'RSOAY. JUNE 6, 191. Daily Democrat WM. H. HORN1BROOK, publisher EnUrad at the postoffice at Albany, Oregon, as second clau matter. Daily publiahad every evening except Sunday. Semiweekly published Tuee daya and Fridays. Business Mi tier Id ordering changes of addraaa, sub aoribara should always give old aa wall aa naw addraaa. ' ' SabacripUoa Rates Daily Delivered by carrier, per week . . 10c Delivered by carrier, per year . . $4.00 By mail, at end of year 9.60 By mail, in advance, per year . . 8.00 Semi-Weekly At and of year $1M When paid in advance, one year 1.25 Classified Rates One cant per word for first publica tion; one-half cent per word thereaf ter, payable in advance. Minimum charge, twenty-five centa. ESTABLISHED IN 1865 THURSDAY. JUNE 6. .1918 BANANAS We havent realized the militarv value or the mere food value of ba nanas. Walter Sheppard of Columbus, 0., wanted to join the marine corps. Thev would not accept him because he was several pounds underweight. Some body told Walter that bananas would remedy that; and he started in. , The first day lie ate two dozen ba nanas. The next day he ate a dozen and a half. Then he settled down to dozen a day. He started to gain weight from the first, and gained ateadily. It waa a pleasant process. He liked bananas. And aa his friends heard of the plan, they gave him ba nana partiea. - After a few days of this intensive banana diet, Walter found that he had passed the weight limit. He drank a few glasses of water, filled his pock- eta with bananaa to eat on the way and started again for the recruiting station, and was accepted. The story haa a civilian aa well aa a military application. In this time of intensive food conservation, how manv of us appreciate the value of the ba nana aa a cheap and wholesome food ? It is at the aame time a palatable fruit and a fair substitute for wheat If .Germany cant win now, she nev er can. ' MISFITS By fTp. N. V At Scappose the other day I had a good visit with Biron Milloy. Was un able to see Mrs. Milloy. one of the Democrat's former typos, in the days before the long-fingered machines struck the city. Mr. Milloy has one of the neatest confectionery and soft drink stores to be found. The pave ment from Portland ends at Scappoose and many Portland people motor down that way for a trip, and get thirsty about the time they get at Milloy's. 'A great many years ago Miss Abbie Wright was a popular teacher in Al bany. She came to Portland and made good ao eminently as to be retained year after year. I met her recently and we exchanged Albany talk. I also have just met another former efficient teacher, Miss Salome Cowan. One of the largest apartment houses in Portland is managed by a former Albany woman, Mrs. Ida Brush Buell. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. White, of Seattle, were in the city this week. Mr. White is with the Pacific Asbestos Co. in the Smith block. Recently met Miss Lillian Brenner, musician, a native of Albany, who now resides here, a regular Portlander. On the same car today coming from shipyard was "Dick" Conn, a former Albany boy, in 1878 or 79 a member of Albany's famous base ball team that "licked" Portland, and won the state championship. If you wish to know anything about it ask Phil Baltimore, catcher, the only member of the club remaining in Albany. ' A Portland minister, Dr. Boyd, on Sunday stated the fact that war senti ment has became standardized, with just one great purpose in view, given under four heads: The war must go to a triumphant conclusion. No peace except victory. All the resources of the nation to be at the command of the government. Harmony must prevail in the ac complishment of it. Portland, June 4. WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat READ OUR WANT ADS FARM LOANS We have loaned more than one million dollars on Willamette Vallev Farms, and we have more to loan at the beat terms ever offered. You can pay f.SO.OO or more at any time and atop the interest, but if your crop is short you dont have to pay anything except the interest J. M. & H. M. Hawkins Albany, Oregon New Victor Records for June I HATE TO LOSE YOU. Peerless Quartet ANY OLD PLACE THE GANG GOES. By Riley. THE LADDIES WHO FOUGHT AND WON. Lauder.) FORGET-ME-NOT WALTZ. McKeea Orchestra. THE SINGING SOLDIER. J. JI. Heron. COME IN AND HEAR THESE AND OTHER NEW RECORDS Wood worth Drug Co. lift! IT IS THE WAY OF THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, nice service, garage for your use if you are driving a car,' and close proximity to all places of interest, are mak ing The Multnomah PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL WEST-END GARAGE GENERAL ' AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, SUPPLIES AND BATTERY CHARGING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED GIVE US W. H. HULBURT, J. KING, Props. Brick by the mason builds a house. $ by $ builds a bank account. Start today while the $'a are plentiful and your hand steady to build your bank account It will be a shelter to you in old age or want We invite you. ALBANY STATE BANK ALBANY. OREGON kEAD OUR WANT ADS FISHER-BRADEN Undertakers Auto Service Lady Assistant SUMMERTIME MILLINERY New Arrivals Trimmed Ilata, Shapea, Outing Hata, Sport Data, Ornaments, Ribbona, . . Children's Ilata, etc., at pricva .. .. YOU can afford to pay. COME and SEE MRS. E. F. LEE MILLINERY Worth's lepartmccit Store "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" Too Use Those Words when friends come to your home. You are glad to see them, and sorry that they are leaving. A TRIAL Both Phones Ninth and Elm Streets Brick Michelin Tires and Tubes . Are more In quality and heavier compared with other tires. Therefore better serv iced Prices right When you think of retiring, call on us and we will show you a real Auto tire. i L. B. Hixon.-Jr. 129 Lyon Street v Bell phone 165R Home 2417 FOR SALE-Fine corner lot on Wash ington street, on pavement. Big bargain. Terms. J. A. Howard, real estate. 9ml 1 WHEN ANSWERING classifieds a'ds. kindly mention The Democrat. READ OUR WANT AOS. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, IV C. May 11, 11118. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitationa of the Act of June U ISttll (8 Stat. 218). and the instruc tions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 16, 1U17, the tinilwr on the following lands will be sold June 2ti. 1018, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land of. fire at Portland, Oregon, to the high eat bidder at not less than the apprais ed value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sAle Is not approved, otherwise patent will issue fur the timber which must I removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, enuncia tions of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the Unit ed States or any State, territory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchnaer, the tim ber or any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit. Township 4 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 21; NEtj NW', red fir 015 M; not to be sold at leas than $1.50 per., M. T. 4 S. R. S E.. Sec. S3; NKli NE'4. red fir 1080 M.; NW'j NEtJ. red fir 1044 M, cedar 10 M.; NEt4 NW red fir 400 M., cedar 25 M., N WH NWvi. red fir 285 M.. cellar 15 M.; none of the red fir or cedar to he sold for less than $1.50 per M. T. 10 S.. R. 3 E.. Sec. 3. SWi4 S E, Douglas fir 848 M.; SEt4 SE i4, Douglas fir 747 M.; hemlock 144 M.; SEn NW4, Douglaa fir 1315 M.: none of the Douglas fir to be sold for less than $1.00 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than $.50 per M. Sec. i: SWii NE',. I Douglaa fir lfi;2 M.. hemlock lt'8 M.: Lot 4 or NW'j NW'4, Douglaa fir 1754 M.; SW'i NW'H, Douglaa fir 1538 M.; SE'i NW', Douglaa fir 1483 M.; NK'4 SW'i, Douglaa fir 1411 M.; SE4. SWi4, Douglas fir 1039 M.; Sec. 7; NEvi NE'i, Doug, laa fir 500 M.; Sec 11; NE'I NE i. yellow fir 9H0 M., hemlock 60 M.: NWn- NEi4, vellow fir 1185 M.; hem lock 65 M ; NE'j NW'i, yellow fir 1550 M . hemlock 90 M.; NW'i NW H. yellow fir 1150 M., hemlock 105 M.; none of the Douglas fir or yel low fir to be sold for less than $1.60 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 60 centa per M. (sgd) CLAY TALLMAN, Commis sioner General I -and Office. dm20j24 WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat COMINGEVENTS June 6 Pioneer Picnic, Broana- ! ville. June 7. Pioneer Picnic, Browns ville. June 8 Dady lecture by Pro fessors Brandt and . Fitta at Commercial club. June 21 62 mn bav In draft. ; Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bldg. Our Own Auto Hears Lady Assistant FORD Owners The J. R. Intensler makes spot lights out of both headlights at 10 miles an hour in high gear. Savea you, your globes. Makes night riding safe as dsy. Demonstration at Crawford's Garage Ninth and Baker St. CHICHESTER SPiLL Wt. -Tll DIAMOND n RAPID. r x ' kl-kv-L-r IMai CO) "'lsVlsl Uat elwl aa.lal .-.llJ1 boil. MftlH tth rlluat ItlLtanss. Tsika aMW. Bil art TeXIr V Prvolaaj. AtWrifM llVM-TrsT tIAV(in MKAND (MM .A. far ft w dcm, m raw , a i wt f k m i at . w SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERWHtRE THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S "The Sio of Quality" 136 Lyon St. Both Phones NEW I'KAS CABBAGE BEETS LKITl'CK ONIONS ASPARAGUS ITll'MBKKS TOMATOES CARROTS v TlllMI'S GOOSEBERRIES STRAW BERRIES BANANAS and ORANGES New PEAS, CABBAGE, BEETS SEARS' First and Ferry Phones &l Wall Paper The very latest designs in artistic Wall Paoer direct from the factorv to our store prices verv reasonable. Full line of the best Paints and Varnishes Varnish Stains Oil Stains and a complete line of Colors Decorat ing and Tinting. Burkhart & Lee Figure It Out for Yourself if you spend aa faat aa you earn you have nothing left if you save a little weekly it keeps adding upt Isn't a Bank Account at our Savings Department and 4 per cent Interest the Logical Thing for you T Capital and Surplus $90,000.00 J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, Oregon Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass and HaAl Painted China ALBANY PLANING MILL All Kindt of MiU Work Claas aad Wind Shield. STETTER'S Foil Kne of Chinaware, Dishes, Crockery, Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. WREN answering Classified ads. please mention the Democrat. jni 4 n B A N Y foRi H SAVINGS DANK CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED For Sale CAR BARGAINS All in A l'con.ll ion. Kurd, :1'J6; Maxwell, IWb; Ford truck, IM); Saxon Kuailster. $lto; one-tun truck, J&oO. VYaltlo Anderson & Son. nil If FOR SAI.E-1 I SlMid Ih-incajnlis aeparatur. Allinan Taylor iiKlne and cookhouse. All complete and In good condition. Hell pliune 'i-Vi. WE HAVE ON HAND a few good used cars in toe best of condition that we ara offering at a great sac rifice. Overland tiarage. FOR SALE llotstein heifer 2 years oiii, a oeauiy, ircnn tins week. I vr tectly gentle and kind. 1). C. Mo ('lure, lb N. Mum. Home phone FOR SALE Albany Merchants' (irn ersl Delivery. On account of being in Class One and aubject to call to eervice at any time, I muat sacri fice my business at once. A bar gain for some one. Asa Eastbum. mSljO FOR SALE A good tram of work horses, weight MNI . pounds. Also set of heavy work narncas and Studrbaker waron. Address It. I. 1, Hon 34, or call Bell phone JFll. m:ttijl2 FKESII MII.K. cream and butter ev ery day at Kenton's Cash Store, 'l'M Lyon street. 4jt FOR SALE 3 milch goats. 1, fresh. Call at Farmers' Feed Shed. Both phones. 6 j7 FOR SALE 53 acres, all In cultiva tionr Dwelling, tiaro, leas than 1 mile from Albany. Uootl terms but no tradea. Addreaa Ceo. W. Wright, Albany, Oregon. mlll FOR SALE A Chevrolet car run aliout .1.000 miles. Price S.'UH) rnah and balance in stock, sheep pre ferred. Bell phone tlVXL It. B. Brinson, R. I). 1. Box A5. fj 1 1 FOR SALE Milk row and yearling heifer, Jersey and (iuernaey. 1H Madison. SX0R, Bell. f.j7 SNAP IN MODERN FARM HOME 240acre farm in Linn county? 200 Is in or can be in cultivation now. 40 acres of oak and ash timlier along creek and afford good pasture. Ianw haa about 1 foot fall to creek. Will raise wheat, clover, com or other craps. Place haa been al in clover. Il-room modern house, new. Barn, toilets, pressure wnter system, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace and all built-in conveniences. 2 large new barns, silo, and other out buildings new and well painU'd. Buildings cost $7.0110 in lillli. Near good small town. The best buy In tho valley for SL'0,000. No trade. Phone me for appointment: F. I. Kinney, Corvnllis, Oregon; Inde pendent phone. TijlOdw Help Wanted Female WANTED Woman or girl for gener al housework. No washing. Call 217 E. 3d Sts Bell phona 420R. O Help Wanted Male MAN WANTED for farm work, with family preferred. C. C. Bryant. For Rent FOR RENT After June 10 a mod em dwelling. 126 West 4th Street. Chas. Burggraf. m.lllf Miscellaneous WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. I). F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. tf UMBRELLAS We are showing our summer line of "Hull" Detachable Handle and suitense Umbrellas in hlnck and white and colors. The "Hull" quality is always depend able. Your initial engraved free of of charge. F. M. French A Son, IERECK'S BATHSlBfr Open 7 Corner si NATIONAL DANK TTM'nrT pot imilKUai Beginning April 1st, 4 per cent Interest will be paid by the First Savings Bank on yearly Time Certificates of Deposit Jewelers and Engravers. m'.'tf FOR THAI'E CikmI Benton count v wheat ranch with modern improve tuents for l.inn county ranch. Fur particulars cull lavenpurt'e Music .Store. 8JH WANTEU To buy a 3 . 4- or & soc lion letter filing raliiuet. Miller A Walter, Curvallis, Orvgun. lj7 WOOH SAWINO- t all Newton Bros.. U:itf E. lid St., Home phone 4104, Bell phone 377-J. Office with Cum minus Transfer Co. J 1 if BUSINESS DIRECTORY HEMSTITCHING-Ktc yaid. 45J K. Sue Breckrnridae, iSi W. Second. ELMKK C. OIPE Chiropractor Rooms S, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature cannot cure a disease unless the cause la removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. , . DR. H. E. JACKSON Dentist Room 404-1 First National bank bldg BOTH PHONES DR. CEOROE J. KENACY Chiropractor First National Bank Building , dill Real- Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan II. V. MERRILL Insurance. Loans, Surety Bond S'-ri alimrion rf'vcn Ut care ol properly belnnuinato non-irtidrnti "vim S.v I, ovnml (l,wr. Flrsi Sv. a t,,,' i:i.,lf 4((nv ,v..-,ft For Sale Real Estate Loans Surety Boods E. F. SOX Fire, Casuslty and Automobile , Insurance. Reel Estate 211 1st Nsrional Bank Bldg 9 9 A C..I I - ) II ibe boys lul Ii, drlivrr the 9 paper each cvtihiik kindly phone 3 A In the tflice Tli ni,nn.rHi 1 A invites coninlainla from ilm ,.a. fH a' iron anil will do ila bel to P rorrrcl fatihv ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School Diat. No. 5, Linn county, Oregon, that the regular school election will lie held at the high srhnnl building Saturday, June Kith, HUH, between the houra of 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock p. m. of aaid day. At this election there will be one director elected to serve for a term of three years or until hla successor is elected and qualified. Attest W. H. DAVIS, Chairman. D.D. HACKLEMAN, Clerk ljlS CLOSE TO FRONT LINE Within 40 varda of the Onrman' trenches, a Y. M. C. A. dugout has been serving allied troops. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building air (uiuna. a.m. to 7 p.m.,Snturdnya 10 p.m. First and Ellsworth Streets