ALBANY DAILT DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY. JUNK 4. 1911 Daily Democrat WM. H. HORNIBROOK. publisher , Entered at the postoffice at Albany. " Oregon, aa second clui matter. Daily published every evening except Sunday. Semiweekly published Tues dayi and Fridays. . Buaiaeaa Matter ,' In ordering changes of address, sub aeribere should alwaya give old as wes aajrwaoor. SuWHntloa Ratea Dailv Delivered by carrier, per week . . 10c Delivered by carrier, per year . . $4.00 By mail, at end of year 8.50 By mail, in advance, per year . . 3.00 Semi-Weekly At and of year 1 60 When paid in advance, one year 1.26 daaained Ratea One cent per word for first publica tion; one-half cent per word thereaf ter, payable in advance. Minimum charge, twenty-five cents, ESTABLISHED IN 1866 TUESDAY. JUNE 4, 1918. DON'T WORRY. As the big German drive roe on, there are certain facts that everv American ahould keep clearly in mind, in order to interpret the war news rightly. Local territorial rains matter little. It is almost inevitable that some rain ahould be made by every powerful at' tack. Either aide can rain almost any. where, any time it caree to pay the coat in shells and men. Any riven ' success may look bad in the headlines . or on the map, but it iant ephemeral headlines or daily battle maps that are going to win or loae the war. It'a loss of men, not land, that counts. The allied strategy is calcu la ted to put out of the game as many Germans as possible, at a sacrifice of aa few allied troops aa possible. And unless there is express word to the contrary, we may safely infer, when ever we read of an allied retreat, that there is no real loss that lost land has merely been traded for lost Ger . mans. What looks like a defeat may often be a victory. The war la not being won or lost - this week, nor this summer, nor this year. And time is fighting on our aide. The German forcea are waning aa ours are waxing. Our allies will grow weaker at no greater rate than Germany and Austria will. And we ourselves will grow steadily stronger. should come. Suppose that the Ger mans should take Paris or the chan nel ports, or both. That would not end the war. They would still have to reckon with the great armies we are now preparing. The overwhelming strength of the combined British and ;-- American navies would still dominate ' the seas, would still keep the Teutons bottled up, would still enable us to land huge armies and sweep back the invaders. We need expect no catastrophe. We need not expect any very serious menace, despite the strength of the German array and the despairing deter mination of the German leaders. But if they should "break .through," there need be no panic. The end is sure. There's another year coming, and that v will be America's year. Getting Along Nicely Mrs. Arch Gould, who was operated on a few weeks ago, is now at her home and getting along nicely. Here From Alsea Mrs. Agnes Peek of Alsea arrived in Albany this morning on business. Passed Through Wall Paper The very latest designs in artistic Wall PaDer direct from the factorv to our store prices verv reasonable. Full line of the best Paints and Varnishes Varnish Stains Oil Stains and a complete line of Colors Decorat ing and Tinting. Burkhart & Lee New Victor Records for June I HATE TO LOSE YOU. Peerless Quartet. ANY OLD PLACE THE GANG GOES. By Riley. THE LADDIES WHO FOUGHT AND WON. (Lauder.) FORGET-ME-NOT WALTZ. McKeea Orchestra. THE SINGING SOLDIER. J. H. Heron. COME IN AND HEAR THESE AND OTHER NEW RECORDS Woodworth Drug Co. IT IS THE WAY OF THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordiality of Greeting, nice service, garage for your use If you are driving a car, and close proximity to all places of interest, are mak ing The Multnomah PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL WEST-END GARAGE GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING, SUPPLIES AND BATTERY CHARGING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED GIVE US W. H. HULBURT. J. KING, Props. Brick by Brick the mason builda a house? I by $ builds bank account Start today while the fa are plentiful and your hand steady to build your bank account. It will be a shelter to you In old age or want. We invite you. ALBANY STATE BANK ALBANY. OREGON FARM LOANS We have loaned more than one million dollars on Willamette Valley Farms, and we have more to loan at the beat terms ever offered. . You can pay $50.00 or more at any time and stop the interest, but if your crop is short you dont have to pay anything except the interest. J. M. & H. M. Hawkins Albany, Oregon Minimum Food Shrinkage With Electric Cooking THERE IS LESS FOOD SHRINKAGE with electric ranges than with any other cooking process. COOKING WITH ELECTRIC RANGES is extremely easy. Results are never in doubt. THE LATEST AND BEST in electric ranges are on display at our office. low prices urEirriiJi ONE YEAR TO PAY ' STOP IN TODAY or telephone IS for full information. OREGON POWER CO. Both Phones IS READ OUR WANT ADS FISHER-BRADEN Undertaken Auto Service Lady Assistant "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" You Use Those Word when friends, come to your home. You are glad to see them, and sorry that they are leaving. A TRIAL Both Ninth and Am Streets SOt West 2d St FOR SALE Fine corner lot on Wash ington street, on pavement Big bargain. Terms. J. A. Howard, real estate. trail WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat BEAD OUR WANT ADS. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN- ' MENT TIM HER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1D18. Notice ia hereby given that Subject to the conditions and limitations of the Art of June 9 118 (.19 SUt.. 218). and the instruc tions of the Secretary of the Interior of September IS, 1W17, the timber on the following lands will be sold June US. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land of fice at Portland, Oregon, to the high est bidder at not leas than the apprais ed value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if aale is not approved. otherwise patent will Issue ror the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will he received from citisens of the United States, assorts tions of such citisens and corporations organised under the laws of the Unit ed States or any State, territory or district uiereor only, upon applica tion or a qualified purchaser, trie tim ber or any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being in cluded in any orrer or a larger unit. Township 4 S.. R. 2 E.. Sec. 21; NEW NW,, red fir 915 M; not to be sold st less thap f 1 60 per., M. T. 4 S. R. 3 E., Sec 83; NEW NE'i, red fir 1080 M.; NWii NE'i, red fir 1048 M.. cedar 10 M : NE'i NW 4. red fir 400 M.. cedar 26 M.. N Wi NW(J, red fir 285 M.. cedar 15 M.; none of the red fir or cedar to Be sold ror less than I1.S0 per M. T. 10 S., R. 3 E.. See. 3. SWi: EH. Douglas fir 848 M : SE', SE t, Douglas fir 747. M.; hemlock 144 M ; SE NWii. Douglas fir 1315 M none of the Douglas fir to be sold for less than f 1.00 per M., and none of me nemiork. to be sold ror leas than I 50 per M. Sec. 6; SW, NEH Douglaa fir 1692 M.. hemlock 168 M. Lot 4 or NW(J NWi Douglaa fir 1754 M.; SWiJ NW.4, Douglaa fir 1538 M.; SEii NWtf, Douglas fir 1483 M.; NE4 SW'i. Douglas fir 1411 M.; SE4, SW4. Douglaa fir 1039 M.; Sec. 7: NE NE'-i. Doug. las fir 600 M.; Sec. 11; NEtJ NE v4. yellow fir 960 M.. hemlock 60 M. NWW NEi. yellow fir 1185 M.: hem lock 65 M.; NEW NW'-i. yellow fir 1550 M.. hemlock 90 M.: KWW NW Yt. yellow fir 1150 M.. hemlock 105 M.; none of the Douglas fir or yel low fir to be sold for less than SI. 60 per M., and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 60 rents per M. (sgd) CLAY TALLMAN. Com mis- sioner General Land Office. dm20j24 Subscribe for The Democrat WHEN ANSWERING classifieds I kindly mention The Democrat COMING EVENTS June 4 College graduation. June 4 High School Senior Day. June S High School commence aient June I Dady lecture by Pro fessor Brsndt and FitU at Commercial club. Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bid. Our Own Auto Hearse Lady Assistant FORD Owners The J. R. Intensier makes spot lights out of both headlights at 10 miles an 'hour in high gear. Saves you your globes. Hakes night riding safe aa day. Demonstration at Crawford's Garage Ninth and Baker Su. CHICHESTER SPILLS, W .TUB ftlANOrlD UNI. iX ' Laval! Aafa fmmw struts fcsy V .l-ka-la Ulaeenfr4lA tviia, tmXM tjrldi Btts RiUxm. fcliYHoMB IIKArlB riXM, ft ran ataowfj M Bat. Safaat, Altsn RajiaM SOU BY DRUGGISTS EVIRTWMUE THE BEST BAKED GOODS GROCERIES, PRODUCE and FRUITS PARKER'S 'The Sia of Quality" 136 Lyoa St. Both fbonei NOTICE Owing to the Increase In the barn business I have quit buying eggs and poultry. Thanking you for your past patronage, VERL MILLER, m'JSjf Fanners' Feed Shed WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat READ Oil WANT APS Plants TOMATOES CABBAGE CAULIFLOWER GOOD STOCK True to Name Garden Seed that Grows Murphy's Seed Store Figure It Out for Yourself If you spend aa fast aa you earn you have nothing left If you save a little weekly it keeps adding upt Isnt a Bank Account at our Savinga Department and 4 per cent Interest the Logical Thing for you T Capita! and Surplus f90.000.00 J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany. Oregon Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver, Cut Class and Hand Painted China ALBANY PLANING MILL AU Kinds of Mill Work Class aad Wind Shields. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building STETTER'S Full line of Chinswsre, Dishes, Crockery, Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. WHEN aiswenng Claisilied ads. please mention the Democrat B A N Y or CLASSIFIED ADS.-BUSINESS DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED For Sale CAR BARGAINS All In A 1 condi tion. Ford, $:i'J6; Maxwell, $rl6; Ford truck, JT.M); Saxon Roadster, tltfn; one-ton truck, f&0. Waldo Anderson A Son. mltf ICE CREAM Six varieties. Also fancy cookies, l&c per doten. Ken ton's Cash Store, Lyon SL lj4 WE HAVE ON HAND a few good used cars In the best of condition. that we are offering at a great sn. nfire. Overland Garage. HAZEL WOOD ICE CREAH 11a nana, Maple-Nut, Orange and Van ilia. Also butter, sggs. milk, cream and bread. Buy up to l.ilierty Sweet btiop, sin and Lyon bis. 1)4 FOR SALE Albany Merrhsats' Gen ersl Delivery. On account of being In Class One and subject to call to service at any time, I must sacri fice my business at once. A bar gain for some one. Asa Kastlmrn. msijo FOR SALE A good team of work horses, weiirht -H0O pounds. Also set of heavy work harness and Studebaker wairon. Address R. I. 1, Box 84, or call Bell phone ?.!K11 mSOjS FOR SALE-Freah cow and calf. 2 weeks old. W. O. Simon. Home phone 12M. 8i E. U St. 1J FOR SALE I have on hand several good used can for sale at a bargain. One being a 1V17 Dodi'e with four new cord tires. C. H. Murphy, suc cessor to J. L. Irvine. 3J5 FOR SALE Maxwell car In good shape. A bargain if taken at once at 1175. Call Davenport's Music store. . Ij4 FOR SALE S3 acres, all in cultiva tion. Dwelling, barn, less than 1 mile from Albany. Good terms but no trades. Address Geo. W. Wright, Albany, Oregon. m31j.11 Help Wanted Female WANTED Woman or girl for gener al housework. No washing. Call 217 E. 3d Kt. Bell phone 42UR. WHEN ANSWERING classifieds ads. kindly mention The Democrat. Help Wanted Male MAN WANTED for farm work, with Inmily preferred. C. (J. Bryant. m21!tf WANTED Shipping clerk. Stead v employment, foanay a Mason. m27tf For Rent FOR RENT 2 houses. Inquire of W. F. Pfelffer. 8JS WANTED Girl for general house work. Call Bell phone 477 or Home phone 32H 1 or 63!) W. nth St. 3j& FOR RENT A modern house. Inquire of Mrs. S. Brenner, 827 W. 3d St. Hell phone l!0J. 8jf. FOR RENT After June 10 a mod ern dwelling. 128 West 4th Street. Chas. Uurggraf. mllltf Miscellaneous WANTED To rent, a modern house. Uv location and price at Irvln's Garage. C. II. Murphy. 8J6 WANTED F'urnlshed 6-room house. Bell phone No. 23.U. 8J5 WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full description. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. tf UMBRELLAS We are showing our summer line of "Hull" Detachable Handle and suitcase Umbrellas in black and white and colors. The "Hull" quality Is always depend able. Your initial engraved free of of charge. 'F. M. French A Son, Jewelers and Engravers. m2tf ' l.W. aw VIERECK'S BAT -aT a NATIONAL BANK 40 INTEREST Beginning April 1st, 4 per cent Interest will be pa.u by the First Savings Bsnk on yearly Tims Certificates of Deposit st SAVINGS DANK FOR TRADE Good llrnton count wheat ranc-h with modern improve ments fur Linn county rsnch. For particulars call I lavenport's Music Store. 3JH WANTED A child under srhool aire to care fur. Good home and best of rare at reasonable price. City, llox a7. aj6 WANTED To buy a 3-, 4- or 6 sec tion letter filing cabinet. Miller A Walter, t'orvallis, Oregun. 1J7 WOOD PAWING Call Newton Bros., 1431 E. 2d St., Heme phone 4404. Bell phone 377-J. Off lie with Cum mings Transfer Co. Imtf BUSINESS OIRECTOBT HEMSTITCHING !(c ysed. 4M R. Sue Ureckcnridac, JJJ W. Second. ELMEK C. O.IPB Chiropractor Rooms J, 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bid. Nature cannot cure disease unless the cause la removed. Chiropractic adjustments remove the cause. DR. a K. JACK80N Dentist Room 404-3 First National bank blda, BOTH PHONES DR. OEOROE J. KENAOY Chiropractor First National Bank Building dill Real Fstate, Insurance and Money to Loan H. P. MERRILL Insurance. Loans, Surety Bonds S,eru siirmmn given to care ol properly helonirmeto nin.rrodenfs Room N.i I. .. nH ll.x.r. Klrf Sav. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE LOANS long time, sny amount, for good cultivated farms. Call oa J. V. Pipe. 2M W 2nd St. S-!-tl For Sale Real Estate J. v. pipe . Reel Estate, Parma aad City Pro perty. Fire Inaurance. Notary Pub lic S-l-tf Loans - 8urety Bonds E. F. SOX Plre, Casuslty and Automobile Insurance. Ksl Estate 213 1st Nstional Bank Bldg flOTICB The federal food administration for Oregon and I. inn countv calls unon every householder to surrender at once to the local retail stores whatever wheat flour they might have in their possession. Flour will be received in any quantity, even if the sacks ara' broken and partly used. The state of Oregon la ffoinv on a wheatless basis, beginning with June I, and every cluxen is called upon to assist our government to the utmost or nis anility during thia great strug gle for world-wide democracy. ALFRED C. 8CH MITT, 1J3 County Food Admlnintratnr. O IB 9 9 Subscribers. It the boys fail lo deliver the 4 psprr each evening kindly phone to the office. The management 9 Invites complaints from its ps- W Irons snd will do iis bet to V correct faulty servlre II 9sse$inttit SEED CORN Minnesota 13 for en mlajre U. G. HAYNE Feed, Flour, Grain, Gasoline, Oil Eaat Third and Main andir(ullii. m. to 7 p.m. .Saturdays 10 p.m. First and Ellsworth Streets - s M-T.rei mm ev. mm 4. i saj-ti v a