Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, June 03, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    (j Ml.. "V
THE WEATHER and Taeeday FAIR ad
Best Advertising Medium
In' Linn County
In All 73 Men Will Be Sen!
to the Army in
Ne. 11
Tk. 1. I a.nmtlon borl hi been
fl.fonned that there will be two calls
for men this month. The largest !
for the Ulh of June when 6 will be
fnt, nl on June Kith special call
fr 11 men I" made. lhe "
i.f.. .. i-inl cull may enusi
now. or until thy ere actually called
for the draft. . .
Tk. ...-rial mil for 11 men la lor
' . . . u i.k
TWO SUBMARINES RA1I ''rTt; -Tr mech.n.
i . i : . i .-
irul lines. All aorta or mecnsi... .....
are desired, aa well aa telegrapher.
.11.. ,,.rk. Those who wih to
enlist mu.t appear by June Hth, and If
the quota ia not filled by enlistment,
the required number will be Inducted.
The names of the VI men wno win
... i,.. 9iih will be selected tomor
row, and the official announremente
will be aent out. Until tomorrow, men
-i... ....M-t to be called may enlist un
der the special call for the II median-
. . II I ! .. O n .1 ..1 1
MrH. AHM-TWia uianuvii
Taken to Eugene by
Mother Refused to PermH
Son to Be Drartcd
for Armv
i wit nf Hilton and New
York Arc Closed- -Sub
NcU 1Ov.cred in
NEW YOUR. June J. (t J .)
The owner. have reccicd word
that the aleamrr arolina with
210 pasaenscr. on board, la be
ing ehellrd by a auhmartne. 1Te
naaara.rr hae taken to life-
I 1 1 i'.mImb . mm
boaie. in .... :
. v L l. I'orto
rwiie i - I
I announced today.
Former Offender Arrested
for Same Otieiwe
ta(i. Police Hone to Land
Fugitive in Mountains
Back of Foster
t Mi- officer Brown had buav
day Saturday, 3& helng collected In
' am. I..ut
fW and aa ball money. i '"
.. Al Patterson, who baa al
ready paid fine for speeding in the
city. Patterson la a roruanu
.... ..I k... fl.
-. i. tu c uun ior wi.w.m
corder Lewelllng held court on the
bridge In order to allow him to avoiu
William Hunt, a local man, c.u
grief over miatake in tha law in re
Kard to changing tha tjcenae numbera
of car when they are sola or iraueu.
Hunt traded a Ford, but not the U
cenae, and aa reault paid a fine of
J10 with $l wO costs in Judge Swan a
n tk.. nff.naea were of the ueual
I ...
I i : i-. - ..... aiul the
Edwin Hr.nd.ll and hia mother. - " 7. .BBr.B.ded paid
Mr.. Albertina Brandrll. were started ' . hf men paid
Prisonere and Trenches Ar
Taken in Bit; Raid
Germans Transfer Attack to
West, Avoiding the
Maine River
WASHINGTON, June 3. (U I'.)
n ..rtinKnt tolay announced
IQf - ( ' .
. . . ,i .m.riran achooner. nau
inn k ,1 . ., .... . .
Tank Kteaaiera Sunk
Unk .Uamer. were aunk by U-boaU
iui mil., off Sandy Uooa o
tw-n 7 and 8 o'clock lail nitfht, de-
..i I ih. r.i, of a Canadian paa
.enitrr liner arrivinic hero today. The
i;.... h.. h r.mrd IW pa.winitera on
her maiden voyage, received a dl.tinct
wirrleaa to the efrrct mat a y.
wu iH-ini: attacked by a aubmarine.
and Rave the exact location. Later it
w.a .uted that the veaael nao oeen
The liner waa under a alow convoy.
1. I-. mnvuv and daahed full
leed ahead U the neareat port with
the other fa.t ahipa. '
. ik.. t.nk atamer aent a
1 ... I
wireleaa that .he waa beinif attacked.
on their way to Suiter Uxlay by a
United Stutea marahal and will have
tha opportunity of tellinif their
trouMre to tha United State, eommla-
ioner there. Brandell ia the Lebanon
man whoa mother refuaed to allow
him to be drafted.
Hrandell waa called to go with the
at. wkn kft la.t SatunUy ninht. When
the time cama for him to appear, he
waa decidedly abaent, ao hheryi I'.n
nii. oi rail to the deputy aher
iff at Ubanon to arre.t bin- Tha
IlMinon deputy arreated the man and probably require at leaat
i.: .k.. hut thia waa not done . r ,
until a poaw broke throuKh two door.
I f inea.
ft .wii1a.v tarm of tha circuit
court, department No. 2, waa held thia
morning and many minor w
l.j A r a.ttled DV JUOKt utuiH
G. Bingham. Ha alao aei a numo..
of caaea for trial on June win, .
American I , ,.i.r it wired that the ahip waa
been aunk off Uia Atianin- c-.- .
announcement aaid: "Th. department
U Informed that three Ameru...
tchoonera have ln aunk off the
. 1.0 .ubmarine.. The
ateam.hip Ilri.tol, arrivmit at ew
York thia momliiK, reported that the
four-ma.ted achooner Kdward H. Cole
waa .unk by a .ubmarine at :30 Sun
. .. milr. .outh of llame-
gat. New Jemey. and the recued crew
taken Into port.
"Tha Url.tol a'..o ircucl the crew
of another achooner which wa. .unk.
Tha Brllol reported that ho had en
countered tha .ubmarine M milea off
. .t im Sunday, iwo .u..
Tk. rw.rt. of Boston and New York
have Iwen clo.ed. and a .ubmarine net
it .treUhed acroaa the entrance to
New York harbor.
. . .... Uln tha house.
Mra. Brandell waa broutrht to Al
bany and apent the night in hotel
while her aon apent the niirni in j...
. J..urt.r The next morninK Mra.
in ai-r..trd under the es
pionage act and will face th. federal
authoritiea. Khe continues io u....
that her aon will not err In th
k. t. a nativetiom German.
arn.jr. n". ...
. Yournr. UrandeU ia not. particularlv
in tha army. H
wem. to
But Two Members of Claw
Remain to Receive
I. A 4i sirvnaVaa at.
WW W aaw- . .
I. Ka f BfLM Of LIU M D. 1W
ik- Pah t al. the caw WM
Ua tfWiiia w-.-p . .
dismissed on the motion of tha plain
i- .k. n.r of H. C. Clark veraua
. ... u tmu. Judire H. H. HewiU
waa appointed guardian ad litem for
l nr vrman. a minor.
iuHirment aKainit thoae
r.ilin. .Dooar. and a decree of fore-
-i .imi a. C Holbrook, waa
cioau.. .K - . .
The British attacking on a thre
mile front early thia morning oo
the Straiellemamotl sector, cap.
tured the high ground with en
emy trenches aad retook a hun
dred farma froaa the Germane.
PARIS. June 3. French coon-
. !.. ...t.rvlav HMUDI
drove the Germana back between
Corua and the Marae. wnara m
.Lin. ih. a-reavteat
enemy . . 7, -.
effort to advance toward Pins, it
waa declared la ine oniciai war
department aUUment today.
Violent Germaa atUtka aatnde
the main highway from Chateaa
Theirry to I'aria broke down un
der French fire. The rreneh
. . ... : t. Ihit Bettor
loos iw v ''" - .
and the German ea.ualtiea were
heavy. .
t . i' . .m annarentlV
employing the Marne to .ahelter
their souinera nana r
main drive toward ran m oeiu
1X)ND0N, June 3. Marahal Haig
at th. Uat reoorta the state police
. , J.ff Baldwin In the
mounUina near Gate, had not found I
their man. It appear, from wnai can
k. however, that there ia lit
tle doubt but that the atranger pamg
looked for ia Baldwin, aa ha answer.
.11 tk. .arintiona.
... r
...miivrs or tna nonce lurcc
arc working eaat from Foater, up the I
ij,iu fork af tha Santiam, while!
three more are coming down tha other!
end of tha trail from Gatea. It ia be- p . Recital Ig U) B
lieved they will meet aometim. todav COIlSe "aWryiWC IUU M
and will probably run acroaa me mya-1
, man unless ne nioes in mw
Tk. man waa seen by Henry lav-
ens, deputy sheriff at Sweethome. He
waa first aeen at Sweethome but dia-
appeared before ha could be question
ed. The next day he waa found at Foa
ter, where he claimed to be a proa-
. did not nave a w
Held This Eve
Two member, of Albany college will
receive tha degree of bachelor of arta
at tha commencement exreisea which
will be held at tha First Presbyterian
peClor. amvnm uiu .
Kription of Baldwin at the time but church tomorrow night. Tha two ara
later decided that the atranger
swered all the description.
Miss Ruth Clausen and Palmar D.
Crampton. A third member of tha
elasa, Elbert E. Botta, has left for
Fort Hancock, Georgia, for military
...;.;.. ami will not ba D resent.
ik. .m. will ha a-ivan bv Bar.
,,r . t o a DnrI WflWK Roin H- Millife-aiti, D. D.. of Portland.
W AR GARDEN W OKK MiUiean ta a achoUrly man and aa
excellent apeaker, and hia address will
ba of interest to aU. Hs has traveled
widely and has lived for yeara in Af
rica. Hia two boons on Ainca nan
had a wide circulation.
The musical program for tha exer
cise, will ba excellent. Two numbera
will ba violin aoloa by Charles South,
LEBANON, June 3. (Special)
tv. cj..;n. arhool will close on
Jane 4th, and special exercises with a
flag-raising will be held. A commun
ity picnic will be held and tains maae
. . ... . .. Am
by prominent people oi me tvu.j- wm he, violin BOlos oy v,niiwi
auction sale for garden track raised 1 wha hu enij,ted snd who will ba heard
. ;ll k. a fea-l. .. . . ... i aik.- n.ttl tha
by wie acnooi cni.uic.i ... - i (or uie laai umc in n.uM -
Brandell ia not. parucuiariv - - AllUncal WNUUR, "" - , ' , i i
a-rvinr in th. army. H. J 'UTw. EbleruUported W fruoner. Uken in W,k,U -
reirret the Incident and. while , "Vfaa aet at MOO. operationa in Flandera tost nigm-.-ve-r - m aaanwn . - 7 :Tii,l, llan,-
"f7 ce hi. mother. It U U - vTuxburquin a .ucc-ful .kl op.;!.upll h . K-u,
.k. .h. is mostly to blame in " T?"Z 7,. a,- tion advanced our line rtarpV. ""Mum P.d-up rZ Viol.,
ture. .. . .
The pupila of the Soda vi lie acnooi
k.... .i.H anM 111 worth of garden
truck thia year and have order, for
v.l. nlanta. Thev atill have sev
eral thousand kale and caooage pumu.
which they expect to dispose of. and
if any remain on June 4tn, iney win
garden each
war ends. Following ia tha musical
program for the commencement to
Organ Processional grand ehoroa
and Fugue Guilmant.
v;i; a nhertasa (Msxurka)
Wienawaki; b. Beautiful Rosemary
Kreialer; e, Popular Viennese oong
Kreisler. Mr. Charles South.
Fiaso Wedding Day at Troiaaaa-
he doea not accuse hia momer, - . . . ,unIV 0f 160 acre was viuxourou.,. . laA ; f. ' . . of th. Red Croas.
.. 1. ..treme in her K-ting over m.chinegun. and trench mortara. vur
.-.r.. ...... - - .,:.,. In the case oi cessie casualties were sngnt
!.-. .n.l Hn-lared that the con.titu- I j:. j.f.ndant . I
nr-. - j r I W J iavie. iui i
tion doe. not ir tta .ht to drmjrt 1 ,nd overruled AMSTERDAM June 3 The Ger
orapiw. vi.v "
Survivors Arrive
NEW YORK, June 3. Eleven mem
bers of the crew of the American
u-.i i II I'ole. arriving ipreme court on uie su..j.-
Intra today, declared that the ship was Icl.rc. she will appeal to the I h.ghe et aL
nere " ...i..Hn.a authority and ia aaid to have dec I area . , h
destroyed ty i ... V ,. .i
76 miles orf the coast in""i"
urdny afternoon.
The authorities of the pon o.
York deny all knowledge of the incl-
OUOa.W" "rTJT " . Vad by man mi itor; authorities here beliey.
ck. A aeiaun juoe....... ., --. - t,,,it,ro nlnni to halt at me
'"V I . . ! . W m- HB T UW. ........ " .
e coun in me Marne. and di
Red Cross fund from the sale of gar
den truck.
marines ni.pc.r to be operating In that AtnU The naval authoritiea here are
marine, appear .-ross-examining th. men. however.
'" t . a.e.m.hip Grecian reported The anilora declared that two aub.
thai th. .chooner Jacob S. Il.akel wa. appcrcd. one on each side of the vea
aunkTy gunX fron, a German sub- ,el. and sunk it with bomb.. Later
marine r. .o" th. asm. locality th, men were picked up by vessel.
Sunday aftonln. Th. crew wa. rea- whlch arrived on the scene of th. .ink-
Ht 0 VTT-hXl I, " '"FoUowing th. report, that .everal
.hln took thC Pftiwr n F'-"- in vaassw ... r---
that ninaenuuiK K"1'"' " "
Marne. and develop a concentric move-
reua samuei vjwaun.., i ment wesiw v..
i j nhn r inn V a ...- 'an
. " V, 7k ... k., .n Head than m the appea.ea
sne woum r...-. .. pindlav Morrison, an n "r
,n ine army. proving th. aal. oi real prop.v,
The remainder of th. draft quota f
left on time and by now are In Call- w p Elmore, admin-
fornia. They entrained at mmnignu Stephen Russell
after the train had been held a few m,miate of the aupreme
minute, to rllow the missing man to judgement
appear, me par.,. .- -- -. 1 ntered u ord,reL
Waterloo Man Is
Found Dead in Room
r:.i;. . P..nanra Soohr-aouta:
b, Calae Triste Sibelius- Mr. Sowth.
Tonight and tomorrow are oig oay
at the college. Thia evening at S o'
clock the eollega conaervatory will
Hay Cutting and Curing JJZttJ&S.
Details Are fcxoiaineo ' t th. :Ftr Fr-hy-
, i tenan .-, ta -
By C. V. Smith. County Agricultural tion to th. .tudenta win ba Bald.
a ...t i .t i ...(. At tna
-- I Tomorrow m w". -
The d roper curing of hay is a mat-tnlsteea iU be held at 1:80 p. ..
Ur of first importance. There is no and in wning will coma the ccn-
from Lincoln county, were fed by the
Red Cross at the armory and later at.
tended the dnnce given by the wood
men at the armory.
A large number of Oregon Aggie
eadeta, on their way to the Presidio
.nit.n. training, were also in
Frank M. Reed, aged 62, waa fqund
t J ;. V iat rnnm at his farm home
iiereu aa uiuo'. i - .
... . ! .k. .... nf 1 . ..... i ,...rdav morning,
A default juugmcni in u near naw.. j
. . i k.nv v.mus I .v v.: j... tn hMrt failure. Cor-
the Mercnani. - " "iZiii-, wa. called.
F. A. Lucas waa enierea. loner niiam r --
Following are the cases set lor June but it was decided mav ...a
13th: . . u '-- . M.
M M Klamer versus J. U .iamer, Mr. Reed nao oeen -
'ctain and the crew took to for ahip. to sail Jromth.Jirbor,
I morning re
mr. t , - , : ,. .
the port authoritiea this for military training, .. ,n mornmg. and ii
efu'ed to giv. permission town Saturday and added to r rf a, wnat Chester that he became overheated. He had
I ine ii i in 1 1 j v.
crop grown that requires more care
in harvesting and none is more easnv
rfamaired bv neglect Because of the
high price of gram and mimeeua,
quality in hay and other roughage ia
of more importance than ever before.
Bleaching in the sun,,....K M.n-
dews and rain and general weathering W. C. T. U, Meeting-
mav reduce the feeding value of hay Alb,nT w. C. T
50 per cent
mencement Th-s will be followed by
the annual alumni reunion and recap
tion. The degrees wiU be conferred b
Frank J. Miller, president of the
Board of Trustees.
?-S'r?3: Riiccfllurcatc Services. Were" Held
2UU 1KI .""hi I
for College and High bchool
. .... .ft ami one
one forward ami u.. .... -
.mailer gun amidships. He saw dis
tinctly one other submarine be.ldo the
on. attacking htm. me .ecu,...
waa submerged with the per.scope
showing." , .
At least two heavily-armed sub-
i h.v sunk seven shins
off the Atlantic const, it i officially
Bnccalaureato services for the Al
bany high school and college graduat
ing classes were held, .
First Presbyterian cnurcn. r.
B. Pershing made the address, Pr. W.
II. While lead In prayer, ana nev.
r Tifil! nm. rt tne scrilliu.v.
chorus choir under the direction .
Professor Palmer gave two numoers.
- Rev. Pershing took for his text John
a. ,n i...... tk.rv.fnr said unto them,
I .... Ik. 1 .rhl of th. world, lie mi.
1 mi. v" r-'-
FOR RENT 2 houses. Inquire of W
w r.irr.v illo
IWbVS mo h"" not WB,k ln llark
phone Will or n . ne...
. o-.j ll.nlnn cnuntvl inn i....i
TRAIT. .... ; " "
I W Tt.rria versus W. m. Iiarr...
a. ii. -
OIVrv. .
Collins, appealed irom u.
county court
Schneider versus Keeie anu
Rathman versus Kathman, qivo-
Join the Marines
or Don t Come iiome
mat ne uw.i
been troubled with heart trouble be
fore and is said to have compiainc
to his neighbors.
He is survived by two daughters,
and his body will be token to Salem
for burial.'
U. wiU meet
-. . .... tit
I per cent 1 ith Mrs. F. M. rencn, aow
Early cut hay is best for dairy cat- ttTettt Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. All
ia to ent dunnel , a t. k. twaaant
memoers are urBcu w ----
Bring your letter and temperance lit-erature.
.1. a mmmon rule is to cut during
early bloom. At this stage the pro
tein content is high and palatability
at a maximum. Cut alfalfa in eany
kiM .r. nih.n the new sprouts are
well started; clover when in full bloom
and vetch when first pods are aooui
ible as a man where everyone can get
acquainted with him. The same is true
of man. Jesus says that he Is the
Sun of man." and hence, like man,
,hlrh means that he Is both like God tanC. ASTER. Ta., June 3. (Spe-
and like man. or that man is like God. L,l)"Either join the 'yine or
created in His Image, and capable of le.v. home!" This was the ultimatum
School Supt. Is Exhonorated by
County Thrift Stamp Lommittee
iPE Good llcnton count. ' In Jeru,,cm at
wheat ranch with mo.rn .mprov-. r attendance,
rrllcMars'-cal. l.avenport'. Music .howed how all th. symbol, in
cJtor.. SJ8 connection with the celebration were
WANTED A child under school nge mcBnt to apply to Christ, and how
to care for Good homo and best of chr.t ,nill clnim to being the bread of
rnr. at rcaaonablo price. City. Ilox f wBtcr o lif6 .nu then the
897. ,,J" H(,ht 0f the world. As showing the
FOR 8ALE-I have on hand several . of chrisfi claim and how it Is
r":.?"j ntianle at a bargain. ... f... arvda life. Mr.
5 Sil l S how the fund.rn.nU,
i new cwm .. - - . - ...
questions which young pcoplo are
bound to be asking in meir iu. ..........
.11 nnauiared by Christ him-
yer .. i u ..ii -
self. For example, what do wo know
. i-j. 1..... an.uii.ra that "He
ANTED To rent a monnm i.". - auouv v.ou . - .
. ' f .i mnA nrlna at Irvln's u..k ... ma hath scon the Fa
i.eave i.k....i. "'i unnv nam - . .
..,. r.. H. Murnhy. aio 1 .. .knmlnir that God is re
vim... - liner m.v, ..." r.
WANTRO F'wmliihjd B-room house. I ln jefJU8 Chrint nd mwle vU
rinairir to J. L. Irvine. 3J5 nnvTf A rnlnrn liollflA. Innul
w. st.
OI Lira. o. nir.a
Boll Dhone 190J. iu
WANTED To rent a modem house
becoming like God in Jesus Lhnst.
Tk.. tk. n.i.atinn of how man shall
treat his fellows is also answered bv
Jesus, th. light of the world, when ne
says that wo should "Love one anom
er." The relationship between God
and man is made clear In the Cross of
(Jnlvary where God shows how terrible
tk. n.ii.r nt sin and how infinite
i- it:. int wmilnem man from his
19 ..ia pin..
sin so as to make it possible for him
to live In the likeness or uod. me
Inst question which young people are
likely to bo asking is, what is on the
other side of the grave i ami v.......
answers that by assuring all tnai ne
is there himself and will make all ne
cessary preparation to receive all wno
belicvo and trust In Him. The preach
er was very emphatic In his claim that
evory young man and woman neeu.
I..... rhri.t aa hia mild, in his stu
dies, his social lire, nia ousinesa ..
kt. lif.-nlnna and with th. Light of
the World as his companian he will
not bo likely to go astray.
. i t. Prank A. Laudenberger,
.iiw weaver of Marietta, Pa., by his
patriotic wife.
uik.n l .auimnncrirer nuun..-
c.m..nt Jim Gandee, of the lo
cal recruiting station, he was told that
he would have to obtain nia wiie a con-
Sent before he could be accepted.
"Consent." he asked, laughingly.
....... .k. i.m ma that any man who
called'himself a man would be fighting
for his country and that 1 would nave
to enlist in the marines or leave home.
. tk.f. anniich consent. Isn t it 7
UUCM I.'.- n - .
iiodenbenrer was accepted imn.e...-
...... hia sDartan wife was on
hand at the depot to see that he sure
ly got on his way to help mane w.
world "safe for democracy
1 IW 1 1 1 11 H
it., .lnhn Rob nson and oaugnier
Edna, who have been visiting with
Mrs. J. 0. Huntley or Ainany, ieii w-
Hav for a short visit with relatives
and friends at Stayton and uraow
So far as Albany is concerned, a 1
rumor that County School Superin
tendent Mrs. 11a M. Cummings had
been talking against the Thrift Stomo
campaign was squelched by members
.i ..t .vecutive committee in
OI w.e vvuii. j
.k tha Thrift Stamp campaign.
P. A. Young, chairmnn of the county
.litt.e. dec ared that wniie ne n....
t J s-imAr nA flBU IHIICU w
Kastiti far them.
I IUU tail a'"" -
He declared that Mr. vumn.
. i i ..fti-i-a..i with the com mu -
naa " , ,
a. v.j ttivrantvpH meetines. and naa
In mnnv WffVS. nn
H5B19WU st. -. --"
-a. i -.1 a.u nr hr tiUKS. ne
not nrmu "j
convinced that any interpretation
which could be taken unfavorably was
Th. .hi.f source of the rumors is at
Tancni. where Mrs. Cummings talk
.j . ..h.1 meetinir. Fart oi me
residents of the city declare that Mrs.
Cummings had. said nothing wrong,
others, ncluding Kev, uK...
r tk. M..tho.liat church, be
pasiur w . . 1 . . ....
lieve that she was wrong " of m dnv
her statements. Rev. Hughes started
the trouble by stating his views in
church the Sunday following Mrs.
Cummings talk.
There will be a meeting oi me man
agers and workers ior me
Stomp campaign next inursaay v
D..iii to discuss the plans for
the coming drive to raise the quota of
the county. The meetingpiace was sei
at Brownsville as the pioneers' picnic
k.:. h.M there on that day ana
many of those connected will attend
The quote for the couniy is di,vw
j .f tki. hut II M. 000 has been
ni.u v. 1
raised. It is hoped to raise the re-
:A.r nf the amount within a lew
..b. A anrcial day haa been set
by the President, and the necessary
arrangements are being maae oy me
.. KAm ml t ta. i
The apportionment ot tne counts
quota ha been completed aim
hv the committee.
ue BHUUU1II.VU dv-.. j
Each school district will be expecieo
to raise a certain amount m ma co...
half formed. 1 . .
Late cutting means loss of protein.
t naiatabilitv and of the finer and
i- - . ... ...
more valuable pana oi u.
Do not mow when the crop la w
with rain or dew. The moisture dries
off faster when the plant is standing.
Cut in the morning as soon as me aew
is off or In the late afternoon. Bake
as soon as the hay begin to dry and
complete the curing In winrow or cocs.
Curing is accompiisnea "".--
through the moisture In atom and
stalk being thrown on wrougn
leaves. If the leaves are allowed to
quickly dry and ehrivel In tha on.
curing is reUrded, quality '"P'
and leaves and fine stem lost. Cur
ing in the winrow or cocks provides
partial shade to the leaves ana -
lows them to complete their work. Tne
leaves of the alfalfa plant contain over
15 per cent protein while tne siem a
less than two per cent
If properly cured, hay snouio -
light green color, retain most of Its
leaves and have a pleasing aroma.
Quality in hay means miia ana -
terfat at lowest cost. '
At the dairymen meeting so aw
held In Albany on Saturday, June Ml.
at 10 o'clock at the Commercial ah
room, and also at Brownsville
Tuesday, June 11th at 10 o'cloea, rros.
E. B. Fitta of the AgrleuHural cotkajt
will discuss haymaking, Including em
ting, curing, harvesting ana swrwa-.
All dairymen are Invited to be
lie 11 pnona .-.