r ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918. HAMILTONS' OCIETY HZHZHZHZHZHXHXHZHZHZH HZHZHZHZHZHZII2EIIt!t::i ! $ DOLLAR WEEK. $ f n it a-. t rr H 1IKATKICE 8ANDEK8 Society Editor Bell 481-J. On of Hi moat charming affnlra of th week was th dinner Thursday owning Hi th Kt. Frunria Hotel In honor of Mr. mid Mr. J. 1,. White, given ly th employes of th Oregon Power company, ('over wir laid for 25 guests Including representatives from volley town. Th table was prettily decorated In lnk rose mid ilnk shaded rniullr. Th employes of th local of fir presented Mr. Whit with fuuntuln pen. Talk wrr given liy diffarrnt men. Mlaa l.uril IiiKliottmn entertain d number of her girl frlrnda Sun day noon at a roverrd dish dinner. A larg lwuiurt of apring flower was th renUruitH for th attractive ta hlv. 1'lac cards marked cover for the Ulnar MnrrM Auatln, Irene Bar rett, torothy I,r, Helen I.lvengood. Nnthlal Donaca, Madg llnilry (Sa lem), and th hostess. In the after noon th girls enjoyed an automobile ride to Corvallla. V itftas lli-utun HelJinrcy waa noatraa laat nU-ht to the girl of th Alpha Nu rluli. A Jolly evening waa pent in game and music. At Inte hour dainty refreshment wrr aerved bv th hoateaa. Th mrmhera of th i lull nr th Mlaae Viola Kroarhrl. Itita Dowlln, (Irae MrCaulty. Kam llla Kroarhrl, Thrlma llurnvtt. Vera Drown, I.oia Nlergall and Keulah Drlanrry. V Th Artrrnft rluli waa entertained Turadny afternoon with Mra. II. V. Kirk a the rhnrmlng hoateaa. Th ro itn of her horn wer derorated In an effective way with roea and greenery. The enjoyalde afternoon waa paaaed in knitting and conversa tion. Wvdneadny night, Miaa Grace Mc Cnuh y entertained the Alalia Nu if irla with a alumlier party. . Th sveninv waa pasaed In a general good tim. The hoateaa aerved a di-liciou break fast to the girls th next morning, be for thoy left for achoot. 4 Mia I-ee Kortmlllrr and Mia Be atrir Handera ar spending th week end In Kugen enjoying th feativitiea of Junior week-end at the University of Oregon. Mlaa Fortmillt-r la a gucat of th Kappa Oamnia .'lorority, and Miaa Sander of th Delta Gamma. A numlier of gtrla enjoyed alum Imt party at the home of Mlaa Irene llnrretl after th dance Saturday night. Around the fireplace a midnight lunch waa enjoyed. A dainty break fast waa aerved to th gucata, the Miaaea Nathicl Ilonara, Marrirl Aua tln, Dorothy Ie, Madg llailry (Sa lem), l.ucile Longhollom, Helen Liv rngood and the hoateaa. e a The Thuraday Study rluli waa de lightfully entertained thia week with Mr. Karl Hrandclrrrry a hoateaa. I'rettily arranged aliout th room were spring flower of varioua color. The per of th afternoon wa read hy Mr. C. I.. Monson, th subject lieing ' ' Rosa Ilonheur . ' ' The rest of the afternoon was sxnt in knitting ami fancywork. Mr. A. Stark wa hostess to the ladies of the Twentieth Century club Friday afternoon at the Red Crose room. At the c!oe of the afternoon H-nt in work, the hoateaa Invited the - j . . Mn Gnt rrkmr, 41tWairr Sl.Mco frv tela.. niM! ' hat- ittjrvj !. ton ta mmt fuaui? PERUNA in Your Home A houaewife must fiivo the first ski in colds, amahs and other ailment. Her proniptijuas in npplyiiul the remedy often nvet a serious Minus. Ilur experience with remedies has led bcr to know that PEKUNA la always reliable, that she should have it on hand fur the Immediate treatment of coughs and fjolds, and thnt It U always to her The Family Safeguard The experience of one woman, given herewith, is typical of thousands of let ten that reach the Peruna Company from grateful friends who hove found their homes incom plete, and their ffimilv aftt v In dnnger without r1 Pt-'UIIMA n ! rw. at luwallta etal save rvilaMa IIBoiMrid, !. uaa at asr craras at a outd. aor) pre. braaa aala k r'raarrs, wbka auOWao wllk nod nu wan. bet sad ai aae varr aartoua aaiU rwradr. tine I have laics iWuaa iha drvpian ta ny larval Baa dlamMlauwl ad nr had aod puae ant anl a atueea vp la lha mortua lam para wtlk Ina raaull. and ahallrunliaoa at JM li aaOJ I sal aaalrvlrnd at catarrh. t taaartil p ncmMM-u It aa an boewaf taedlrloa.1 Maiaaafcrta II aitaadr leda fca nu. Cold and Catarrh The great weight of testimony that has accumu lated in the 44 years thnt PERUNA has been on the maifcet prove It. beyond qtiesrinn. Co be th reJiabla family rem edy, ever ready to take, pcevanlinil th serioui cJtecta of cnttta, roti(ha, grip and demnitrmenta of th duteMlv onlana, Thia proof la published from lira to time and many families bav praStsd by it nliit.a aVaaa HJtKA k hltat in tm saw Can MraaaUaataiaaaMaaaarka, Th Peruna Coaapaay, CehttnaaM, OKI C L 0 B F JVALWAVS A (i(MH) SHOW JLI LAST SHOWINfi TONIGHT DOROTHY DALTON The GIRL with the FAMOUS DIMI'I.RS IN "Love Letters" . A GREAT DRAMA OF I.OVE ANT) MYSTERY. .! Also I'ATIIR'NEWS AND NESTOR COMEDY GLOBE ORCHESTRA 5-13 cents I'lua War Tax guesta to her hum, where a tbilntv lunch waa aerved. ) ) The Honor Crnrd danr given Inst Satunlay evening at th Elk Hull was a great lucres. The rooms were derorated with flower of th aeason and a corner wa arranged for punch. Ileiater'l orchratra furnished n ionic for the ilanri-a. A large crowd enjoy ed this affair. ) On of th gayi-at parties of the week waa th darning party Kridnv nighi enjoyed by th little folk with Katharine Harrett, Helen I'ugh and Marlon Whit aa Joint hoatease. The room were beautifully decorated with flag and spring blossoms, i'unch waa aerved during the evening. After a jolly evening spent in dinning, a dulnty lunch wa served. . The Pythian Sisters went to Rcio Wednesday nigiit, where they visited the Scio order of Pythian SiaU-r. An elaborate banquet waa enjoyed and a good tim had. After the regular lodge aesaion Thursday night the Maccabees en Joyed a social hour. A program was given and a light lunch aerved. On Friday evening of this week the Junior glee club of the Kupliat church, met at the home of Susan Itutis. Af ter practice th girls enjoyed games, nfur which choice refreshment were served. (lUIIIII NOTICES May 16 to May 18 Big Values for Your One $'s I That Were Never Equaled s ii s II (race Church Sunday ia I'arent Day. Introduc tory programtory program at 10 a. m , all iirt iita expected to come with their children and be received in the de partments where their children are enrolled. A parents' class Utr the dav ill be taught by the minister at 10 :.)(). At 11, parent and children are aaked to ait together during the morning worship of the church. Alt the arrvicrs of the day will include in struction and exhortation on the gov ernment' food conservation program. Th 8 p. m. service will include a i'lort sermon on "The Sin of Selfish nrs and World Affair." Let the community feel that this I a com munity church in East Albany. A. M. Williams, pastor. Christian Church 1). l.oyd Morgan, pastor. Bible school 10 a. m. At the morning hour M. B. Madden, for many year a ml- aionnry In Jnpan, will speak in the in terest of the emergency drive for mi- sions, benevolence, and education, un it' r auspices of the men and millions movement. All should hear him. rne- cinl music. Trrre will be no evrnlng service on account of the conservation meeting at the Prwbytcrinn church. Christian Science- Corner Fourth and Ferry street. Sunday aervh-e 11 a. m. Subject of esson srrman, "Adnm and r alien Man." Sunday school at 9:45 and 11. Wednesdny evening meeting at 8. Christian Science reading room, 2 to 4:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesdny and Friilay. The public ia welcome. Mt-thodiat Episcopal Third and Ellsworth. George 11 . Hun net t. "Mother' Day" will Iw oh lorvrd at 11 o'clock with a special sermon by the pastor in honor of the lay. The Hammer mule quartet will 1. 5-lb. Crescent linking pow der $I 0 1 I'kg. Dew Drop Washing Powder 25 1 pkg. Yeast Se VALUE II.J0 $1.00 2. 1 pkg. household cracker 45c 1 lb. Koyal Club Coffe 33c 2 cans Sweet Potatoes . SOc 1 ran pepper 25c VALUE 11.40 $1.00 3. lilue Bird' Soap brown bar. 80 bar. VALUE $1.25 SJLOO 4. Bob White Soap. 21 bar. VALUE $1.25 SUM) 5. 3 pounds Crescent baking Powder 70c 1 pkg. Citrus Washing Powder SOe 3 pkg. Arm tt Hammer Soda 30c 1 pkg. Corn Starch 10c VALll $1.40 $1.00 6. 10 cans II. W. Asparagus lo-oz. cans. VALUE $1.50 $1.00 7. Ivory Soap. 11 large bar VALUE $1.20 $1.00 8. Libby' Chipped Beef in glass Jars. 8 glasae. VALUE $1.20 $1.00 9. 5 Hi. Hamilton' Speeial 20c Coffee $1.00 1-2 pound beat bulk Japan tea 25c 1 ran pepper 10c VALUE $1.35 $1.00 10. 100 pound potatoes $1.00 1-2 lb. Best Japan Tea 25c 1-2 lb. D. W. Baking Pow der 25c VALUE $1-50 $1.00 11. Mason's Lacquered Jar Caps, porcelain lined. Eight dozen. VALUE UM $1.00 12. Tea 8 1-2 pound Bert Japan or English Breakfast Tea. VALUE $1.75 $1.00 $1.00 H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X K X H X H X H X H X H ZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH HZHZH HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHSHS 13. 1 Household Carton Soda Cracker tOe 1 10-pound sack salt .. 25 2 pkg. A. 4 II. Soda . . 20c 1 pkg. Corn Starch 10c VALUE $1.45 $1.00 14. 1 lb. Beat English Break fast Tea or Japan Tea . . 50c 5-lb. can Crescent Baking Powder ' $1.00 VALUE $130 $1.00 15. 5 1-lb. cans Chinook Sal mon. VALUE $1.50 $1.00 B II S II 1$. Maaon Jar Rubber. Good S heavy grey rubber. 21 do. H VALUE $1.7$ & U $1.00 s H 17. 4 larg pkg. of Citrus g Washing Powder $1.20 H 1 can S. B. cleaner .... Sc Q t bar brown aoap Sc Q II VALUE $1J0 JJ al si no R 18. 5 can fancy Whit Aa- iianffiii 3ne waliu, niamAtuI W. bra ad. I VALUE $130 & u 19. Mason Jar Cap. Zinc, ag porcelain lined. 4 dose a. g lALir. lv wm II a 20. Cracker Graaham. soda I or salted wsfers J 8 20c package. I VALUE $130 3 $1.00 $1.00 HAMILTON'S GROCERY DEPT. 3 I ft y sing and Mr. H. D. Cusirk will sing a solo. Flower will be given to mother. Sunday school meet at 10 o'clock. Epworth League, 7. No serv ice at night. Attend the union patri otic meeting at the Presbyterian church. llaplMl Church Regulnr services at the usual hour. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. sharp. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m., at which time we will have with us as our guests, member of the K. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M. lodge. B.Y. P. V. at 7 p. m. No evening service, a we will adjourn to join In the union war service to be held in the Presby terian church, and addressed by Pres ident Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural IMJt" I. . college. United Presbyterian W. P. White, pastor. Preaching service at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The subject of the morning sermon will me, "Queen Esther." The sub ject of the evening sermon will be, "Evolution and False Theology; or, Hun Philosophy in Our Public Insti tutions of Learning." St. Mary'a Church Rev. Arthur Lane, rector. Rev. John Rubis, assistant. Sunday serv ice at 8 and 10:30 a. m. The pastor will officiate and speak from the gos pel of the Sunday, St. John 15, the subject being, "The Testimony of the Spirit." Sunday school at 11:45 a. m. Vespers will be sung at 7:30 p. m. The series on "Maxims of the Spirit ual Life" will be continued at this service. May devotions are held ev ery evening during this month at 7:30. The public is welcome at these serv ices. First Presbyterian "Christ' Healing Ministry" will be the theme of the pastor at 10:30 a. m. Sunday. No Vesper service at 6 on account of the union service at 8 when Pres. W. J. Kerr of 0. A. C. will speak on "Where Do W Stand?" A large chorus choir will ing in the evening. To Astoria Mrs. U. G. Hodgkins left for As toria this morning to spend the week end. Wont to Vancouver Lloyd W. Schesler went to Vancouv er yesterday afternoon. t Visiting Friends Mrs. Edwin Anderson went to Port land this morning to visit friend. W. O. W. CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED Albany Camp 103, W. 0. W, haa launched a campaign for membership, for the next SO days, under special dispensation. Dist. Manager C. ' O. Samain haa full charge of tana, with the assistance of our member tat as pect to initiate a large class at firat meeting in June. The Woodmen of the World Is one of the strongest frat ernal insurance protective aaaocta tions in the U. S. Have nine of th healthiest Western ataU under our Jurisdiction, is past the experiment stage, has a reserve fund of nearl $9,000,000, all money, first class mu nicipal and state. bonda, inchidimr $150,000 Liberty Bonda. Our Head Camp has takin ovr the payment of our 3500 Woodmen who are serving; our country, and was one of the first societies of this kind to adopt fun pay ment of all losses on account ox it members going to the colors. Albany Camp Social Club are going to give an entertainment, the pro ceeds to go to Red Cros. Ttn data will be announced later. mlltfdw ftV' ?rl AT. THE ROLFE THEATRE TONIGHT THE Telephone Vanguard Th soldier off to camp finds that the telephone man has preceded him. It has been the telephone man's job to help make th camp ready for the soldiers. He has gone ahead with the contractors, installing tempo rary telephone equipment to facilitate the work of construction. As fast as buildings have baen erected, permanent central office equip ment has been installed, poles have been set and wires strung and the camps and cantonments connected by additional trunk lines to the central offices in nearby towns and cities. Notwithstanding the scarcity of material, the large amount of equipment required for these camps has been manufactured and delivered In less than half (be time ordinarily required. As a result ef this telephone sctivity, all the varied telephone needs Of these great military establishments are amply taken care of and each camp headquarters Is in direct telephone communication with the war de partment at Washington, and with important military points throughout the country. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY