U. of O llhratr X . . EUCLNB ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT Best Advertising Medium In Linn County THE WEATHER Tonight sad Wednesday fAIIL Al.lt A NT. LINN COUNTY. OREGON, MONDAY, APKIL SO. 1918. Ne. MS. VOL. XXX. IIS LOSE FLANDERS STRUGGLE COIjON EIMAY IS SUKK OF VICTORY ALLIED IJNKS REFUSE TO BKNI BEFORE TEUTONIC SMASH YPRE5 H010ING OUT ASA1NST ALL ATTACKS 1J itch German Command Or era City and Hum to He Taken BY I'llll. SIMMS. H. P. STAFF UIKKKHIIIMih.M nm-rlCH I'lfllVT Anril SO. Iliiwlrnburi haa had one of the tonl daya ainre the Germas of fenatve commenced. After rv oeatrd onslaa.hta continuing Iknurknul eaterdaV r.ld fr in- In k nleht Ihr allied line U llll Inlart. Only WwtfH Monle end whrrurnhrri b the etlualiea mhiIiiI obarurr. Utter Received Today hat lug ISookI for Oregon Chief of 1'ulira Catlin haa received letter frucn Colonel J. I.. Muy, of the lSi!d Infantry, formerly the So Ure- Kun. Colonel May believe that Amer ica la big enough to bring the war to a entlsfartory conclusion, ami Iwlievea further that while France la a braull ful country. It doea not compare with Orrgon. Following la Colonel May'a letter: France. April 10-18. Dear Mr. Catlln: Your letter reach ed me today and waa yery lad to hear from you and that all my old frirnde In Albany are well. Wa are all well over her and Join our duty aa t) American aoldier alwaya doea. While thia la a blf war thera la no miration but that America la big enough to handle it and bring it to a victorious rluae. France la a beauti ful country, but don't compare with Oregon. When we get done over hire we will all be glad to get back to Ore gon again. With kindest nganla to younutir and all Albany frienda, aincerely, J. L. MAY, Colonel Ifl'Jd Infantry. FRISCO QUOTH HAS GOOD TIME THRIFT STAMPS IN PLACE OF CHANCE Draft Men Hear Good Pro gram After I)inner BROWNSVILLE CHORUS WAS ATTRACTION Crowd Not Discouraged by Ijow? Wait for Train LONDON, April SO. The German, were completely halted In dope rate attarka over a wide front In Fianilera which wr designed to force an evnc uatton of Yprrs. Marahal Haig re ported that the Northern battlcfront waa comparatively iiulet following the heavy repuUa of the enemy yesterday end last nltfht. Th. enemy la apparently exhausted nd lull In the battle ia expected until new divialona can he brought up or tha troopa which hava leen in lt- tle olven a rest. Th. French hava successfully coun er.aitarked near I-ocre. anil restored their former poaltlona. In I'lcardy, a British attack puahed tha Germana I-..I, near Vlllcra Brettonneux. The French now hold all of Ixxre. ' Aa thla la cabled It la doubtful whe ' ther tha Germana are holding- the road captured Monday, licrauee a maenifirent French counterattack IvwrM nlared the enemy In a naa ty pocket. Thla. It la believed, forcel their wKhdrnwnl. Attarka and countornttacka are re- '. curring with hvlliah regularity in the Ynnif hllla and vnlleya. the battle awnylnu Iwiek and forth aa the Ger mana or nlllca) pain a temporary ad vantage. Ijut night German artillery roared from Ynrea to Meteren. but tho low Hying alliud avintora reported that the attack waa leaa furloua than that this morning, when wava after wnve broke down Wore the allied trenches, ' . Tho German high command ha or dered the capture of the hilla rrom I.nml tn Orients at all cosU, like wise Yprcs, but the British and French do not yield deaplta tho moat fulroua onslaughts. FORMER ALBANY NEWSPAPERMAN FEDERAL AGENT Clarence Trbault. a former Albany newaiaperman, baa been given a poal tion in the F.niergenry Fleet corpora tion. Mr. Tel-ault ia at preaent on a Portland paper, but worked here for tome years, hollowing ia from P ,n . land paper. C. W. Tebault, agent In the Oregon diatrirt for the national service are tion of the Emergency Fleet corpora tion. ia an official title well-known waterfront newspaperman will wear henceforth, he having been named to that place by A. Ic l"arkliunrt Jr., see. relary of the national aervire section h left Portland Saturday after hav- Ine anent moat of the week here. Mr. Tebault hi to have an on ice with the Emergency Fleet corporation in the Northwcatern National bank buildinip. and will arrange for the ap pearance of apeakera In the yard, the nlan being to have different men apeak every week or ten dnya. He haa been on the ataff of the Oregon Journal eeveral yeara. Made-Over Clothes to Be Demonstrated to Girl Miaa Helen I -re Davis, head of the domeatlc art department of the Ore- iron Agricultural college, win sprua tomorrow afternoon at the high school for the Homo Economics club. The mothera of the girla have all been In vited to attend and Misa Davis will .lemnnatrato the making-over . of rlothea. and will bring an exhibit ol what haa been done at the college. The tnlk will 1 at 3:15 in the afternoon. The Bova' Athletic association ia to hold a meeting thia afternoon at tne high achool, and tho necessary pinna for the coming tennia toumnment win prolwbly be held. Miaa Lulu Heist, who ia the r.nglisn teacher at the Senior high achool, hns been aick for the past two day r.hd hna boon unable to attend classes. Ail-any waa hoat to another train load of California men last night and again managed to please the men who were entertained. They came into the itv in a rather belligerent and sar- raatic mood, calmed down a trifle k.n thev aaw the inaide of the arm ory, had a good time at dinner and, during the following concert, ana ae- parted believing that All-any waa the l.t tilare thia aide of Frisco. The program given laat night wniie somewhat impromptu, waa better than ik. average. The Brownaville high achool chorue waa an added attrac tion, and they received much applauaa roe tk.ir aoiwa. The Albany band played the uaual aelection. an alto solo waa played by Miaa ouuistone, who waa forced to respond to two en chorea; Mrs. C. B. F.ssex pleased the men with sonirs. and Misa lna I fl uey was given a derided ovation after her two whistling solos. Short talks were made by members of the party and one of their number u found who waa niuch better than the average ainger. The men seemed to have the beat kind of a time during th. nmirram. and expreeaed themselv es aa more than pleased with their meal There were 477 in the bunch Use night, and about twice that number of Allianv Dcoide waited from 7 o clock until after 11 for them to arrive. The train waa unavoidably delayed aouth of Allny. and aa -B result the men were tired and hungry when they ar rived. A trainload wna fed yeaterday af ternoon with the uaual auccesa, and thia evening another trainload will be entertained. Thia will be the last trainload to be fed for aometime Novel Idea to lie Tried Out in Albany on May Eifchth May 8th will be Merchant. Day over tha Unidifl Stataa, not excepting Albany, and on that day every mer chant will ofkr Thrift stamps for change unless currency la asked. I his rauve bi one of many which will char acterize the Thrift Stamp campaign in tha cominf months, and while the actual aalea of stamps on May 8th may not be excessive it is believed that the advertising gained thereby will be great. Tha Thrift etasiD organization ia working on the war saving society idea at p reseat, and it ia hoped mat in lima Linn county will iat organised. The society move ia to increase the sales, and to tnainta I the inter est. A person mj belonf to aa aanv orietiea as h desires. There ia supposed to I a society to each 300 inhabitants ant Unn county, on that bam i a. will have to furnish 80 socieiice. The pledge blanks are be ing aent out now and it is no pea oy the county chairman tha the 80 so- eietlea will aoon be org ixed. Linn county ia atill s.tmd in the tate In aalea. The coun . haa a total of over 130 eW at prest.it. thia being above the average required to mane the total quota, for the yea. Wheeler county ia still ahead of Unn county Albany Women Battle With Hold-Up Men at Late Hour Yesterday ROBBERS, PURSE ' NOT LOCATED E 91 CENT HAUL RUSSIA DECIDES ON LARGE ARMY Affair Followed After Arrival of Draft Men in City Son of Albany Man Is Dead in China I.00 Ging. who haa been reaident of Albany for the past 40 years, re ceived word yesterday of the death of hia aon, who waa 18 years old, in can ton, China. Loo Ging is at present janitor at the First National bank huil.linir. The son wna in school at the time l .lint), tvnhoid fever being the ,.B,i.e His father had never seen the boy aa he married while on a visit hark to Chinn and. after leaving hi wifo and returning to America, never returned. RED CROSS DOES MUCH FOR OREGON MAN IN FRANCE A letter received today by Mrs. Rob ert MrMurrav from her husband, Lieutenant McMurray, shows a little of what the Bed Cross Is doinp. Lieu- i.nant MrMurrav ia now in France and in Ihe letter telle of what the Bed Cross did for his regiment on the ! to France andjr.fVer they arrived. Fol Instine is nart Of the letter: If too ever get mixed up in any .k.Ht wort, offer your services to the Bed Cross. We are all strong for il..t nriranization. In Detroit they gave us a lunchbox apiece and smokes, also at Buffalo. At the dock they gave us buns and coffee. One nigat on a march when it waa raining hard in,r here they served us hot coffee and apples. Yesterday they gave us five pairs of cream color hand-knittea helmet and wool lined gloves every man In the regiment: n there is any organisation that Is a r.J of the soldier, it sure is the Red Cross, because they are there with the right kind of goods at the right time LIEUT. McMUttKAi, 15th Cavalry. War Trophies Were on Display Today UEPRF.SKNTATIVE HURT WASHINGTON, April SO. (U. P. Representative Alliert Johnson, oi Wn.hlmrion was severely but not se riously Injured when he wns knocked down by an automobile before the Whlto House todny. Ho will be con fined to hia home for several days NEW CLASSIFIFJ) Bankruptcy Case Is Continued for Time The bankruptcy proceedings held yeatcnlay before Anderson N. tannon referee In liankruptry. at the court- hnuao fniled to bring mnny develop ments. It wns decided to audit the books of tho company nt Scnttle, and take the necessary stops. There are over 200 creditors, most f them dairymen located near Scio. The company has liabilities of ap proximately $129,000 and the assets are the plant, appraised at about 18, 000. WANTED Girl for general houso- work. 420 W. 7th St, or call Bell phone 4M1R. 30mz WFRE CAUGHT UP ON ORDERS O.A.C. W. Ighom hatching eggs $1 for 15. Guaranteed fresh, fer tile. From stock developed and ac- ' -tl . I I- neeAn thea ehlx will stand the ahowers and the pullets I . i fii tint I rmiske eKff-rocorrw. nr uiw, iiumr i 4640; Kd U. VlerecK. norm Aioany. DRAFT QUOTA, WACUINnTflM Anvil XA (U. P.) It ia learned here tod.y Ihel the draft ounta for May haa been increased. It la prob able that SOO.OOO men will be called, thla being an Increase of 100.000 over the original intention. Funeral Services Held for Mrs. Margaret Kyle Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Kvle. who died recently in Portland, were held yesterday afternoon from the First Presbyterian cnurcn, ai o o'clock. Rev. O. B. Pershing officiat ed and interment was in Riverside i-emeterv. Mra. Vvle was a former resident of Alliany but moved to Corvallis a few years ago. She died following an op eration at a Portland hospital Sunday School Workers of County Will Meet The workers of the Christian church Sundnv achool will hold a conference at the church this evening and dclo ealea from all over Linn and Benton counties are expected to attend. Ihe purpose of the drive is to arrange for an emergency dnvo lor the mission ary fund. W. R. Madden, a missionary from Japan, will be present and will give a tnlk on the work. Mr. Madden nns charge of the collection of funda on the coast for missionary work PARIS BOMBARDED TAUIS. April 80. (U. P.) Thil lung-rang bombardment of Paris wa aituln returned today. A German can and shouldcrstrnp. taken at the battle of Verdun by an American in the French army, were displayed today at the Blain clothing Thev are the nroDertv oi a traveling salesman, "Billy" Lyons, who left them. at the store lor tne ilnv j ...... They are the first relics ol this mnu which have come to Albany and at tracted mora than usual interest. tnl.H THRONG PETBOGRAD PARIS. Am-il 30. (U. P.) The correspondent of the fart l..m.l resorted today that SM.000 unemployed men are thronging the streets of the city. Mrs. Roy Nutting and Miss Emma Thrift were the victims of holdup but niirht about 11:30 and while Mrs M,iiiin lost a l'ood Durse and 91 cents in change, the ladies had somewhat tha better of the argument. The bold up men, two in number, were not ap prehended by the police despite tne motive aearch made. Mra. Nnttine and Miaa Thrift had toad for some time on Lyon street watching the draft men pass. As soon aa the sold era had rone they stanea hnme walking- down tiehth street to Ferry and south on Ferry to about 1 1th street, where tbey were overtak en by two young men, roughly dress ed . The men passed them and waited on the sidewalk. As the ladies came up to them one of the men drew a re volver and thrust it in Miss Thrift's face. "Dont ba afraid." he said, "we wont hurt you but we want your money." Miaa Thrift at once took a healthy swing at the young man's jaw and landed. He and hia revolver departed mil at a hiirh rate of speed. Mra. Kuttinir had leta aucorsa wita her opponent She was thrown t the enund. and her handbag waa wreaiea from her hand by the bandit,, who made hia escape west The handbag was the most valuable thing lost, this hein valued at about $4. It i not believed that the California men had a hand in the affair as two voiinn- men answering the general de scription of the men who staged the holdup were seen dismounting from a passenger tram earlier in the eve The notice searched the town thoroughly after the affair but were not able to. locate either the men or the miaaine1 handbag. irtinir on the theory that the men ,;.,ht hava mint-led with the dralteo men and crone out on the troop train. Chief Catlin asked that the men be checked up to see if any strangers were present This was done between Albany and Salem without resuii. Sentenced for Hindu Affair SAM FRANCISCO. April 30. (U. P Pram Boon. German consul; Eric von Schaak, and Lieutenant Von Brincken were sentenced to two years in the feedral nrison and to pay a fine Lf xin noo each for conspiring against the British in India. Judge Van Fleet also gave 26 others who were convict ed smaller terms m prison, and email er fines. Universal Training May Pre cede Rcentrance of Russia in War By Joseph Hhaplen, Staff Correspond ent for The United Press PETROGRAI). April 30. Russia is seriously preparing to re-enter the war. The pan-executive council at Moscow, after receiving Germany s "42d ultimatum." adopted Trotsky's universal military training plan for all men between the ages of 10 and 40. Thee aiao decided on the conscrip tion of all workers and peasants. The old military specialists and tne nest oi the general officers have been recall ed, and the army's elective committee system abolished. The new plan is expected to provide a larire army within ten months. The onnosition charges that the soviet gov ernment is thus aiming at self-preser vation instead of the defense of Rus sia. GERMAN DEFEAT WAS DECISIVE Greatest Check Ilnnt Experienced in Flanders Hare HINDENBURG FEARS LOSS OF OFFENSIVE Chief Graham Here- Fire Chief Graham of Corvallie was a visitor at the fire station In Albany last night Has Been Sick L. B. Hixson. who haa been on the sick list for a time, is now able to re turn to hia work. OREGON TEACHERS WILL TAKE OATH OF ALLEGANCE Oreron teachers are going tj be pa triotic next season, if the plana of Slate Superintendent Churchill are carried out Each tear tier, Deiore signing a contract, must take the fol lowing oath of allegance: "I , age ..... being em ployed as schoolteacher in district No. .... in the county of Linn, state of Oregon, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegance to the same. that I will take this obligation Ireelv without mental reservation, or pur pose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am allowed to enter. So help me God." Quick Termination of Drive Indicates Lack of Men By J. W. T. Maae, U. P. War Expert NEW YORK. Anril SO. The check of the Germana before Yprea ia Mai of the moat decisive Hinojenburf has received since tha beginning of the Flanders of fanaure. The ability of UM allies to withstand aaaaaett attacks without using reserves haa beea deas- onatrated. :, i,, l i,.. Hindenborg will ondoubtedly at tempt many time to break taroaga. but the quick termmatioai of yeeter day's affair oeanonstrates mora Uaa any other occurence durins; the pest five weeks that ba fears the eihasss tiv of hia offensive powers. LONDON, April 30, The Genua Flanders defeat has compelled aav other breathing spelL All yeaterday and far into tha night the Germana along a tea-mile front from Meters to Zillibeke attacked in masses, and hacked the British and French Unas. The British did not give aa inch, however, a ad mowed down the advanc ing waves with machine gun and artil lery fire. Thia struggle was oaa of the moat bitterly contested of Bay la he preaent battle. - - , In PicarSTf the allies apparently re tain the initiative. They still hold VU lers Brettonneux, which has changed hands eight times within the past few weeks. Albany Was Too Big for California Man TDOOP TRAIN WILL Bi I iv.' -L - " m . . . .' IN ABOUT 11 P. M.. iAYb LATEST ADVICES HhKb WW It woe learner) late this af- rornnnn that thn troflD train this eveninc would not be in I until aftor .1 1 o'clock, and the Red Cross asks that a trm be made to the Globe Theatre fnr the Red Cross benefit oer formance before cominc to the armory. r. ..... e..rf. The Red Croaa solicitors will he on the job Thuraady and Friday, and do not want to make more than one trip to a house. "t Millinn and Half Added to Armies WASHINGTON. April 30. (U. P.i Senator Poindexter today introduc ed a bill providing for 1,500.000 men for the rational army. The Keed out ..utliorires the increase of the Ameri can .-ru es, to 3.000.000. Four AlhanV Men Join State Police Pmie Alhanv residents have been signed up for the newly-organiied tate nolice. force and of these, two are printers. Joe DeBruille and Jona than Brooks are the printers wno nave loined and. in addition, former traf fic officer Charlie Brown, and Elmer Willard were signed up. The state police force is believed to be about full, as three companies were organiied before Albany was reached. Thev will do Dolice work inside the state, and will be used to suppress any I,. W. W. or other agitation. Allenda Inatitute w t. Jnrkann. former county school I '. : . ".. . i superintendent of Linn county, Icrt at noon today for Newport where he will act as instructor at the Lincoln coun-1 I ty teachers institute during the bar-1 ance of the week. African Travelers Earned Breakfast Thadeus Taylor and Jim Hill, both over the draft age and both of the negro persuasion, were apprehended last night by the night police and .ni the niirht in the citv iail. This morning they were released as there was no charge against them, and in a short time they had a job and break fast with the section gang at the Sou thern Pacific. Before starting on the job, and right after breakfast, the two men decided to depart, however, and did so lor a time. A search was made at once and the men rearrested and taken back to the section where they worked out their breakfast I.ilwtv Loan Needs SfiOO (100.000 in 4 Days WASHINGTON. Apnl 30. (U. r.l The Liberty Loan total today reach ed the total of $2,413,442,000, leaving a little less than $600,000,000 yet to be raised.' The local Liberty Loan committee ia atill receiving subscriptions and hopes to put the county well over the required mark before the 4th oi May. While Linn county has passed tne minimum quota, the efforts of the committee have been toward raising the maximum, and this is not consid- I ered an impossibility. The local exemption board was sur prised this morning to hear from a citizen named John H. Dona, who stated that he was a member of tho California draft men. who thought ho had missed his train. He explained that he had become confused after leaving the armory last night, and aa men were going in all directions, miss ed the station. His story was believed although It was considered possible that the fact that good-looking Albany girls, as well ss men, were also going in all di rections, might have had much to do with the affair. He will be sent out this evening with the last trainload from California. WOUNDED TO LONDON TilXI.ON. Anril 30. IU. P.) All lin.vii-nn wnuni led will henceforth i 1,. ,1,-ht to Fnirland to a 3.'l00-bed hospital now established at Liverpool. Went Out to Work Chas. Fisk went to Talbot this morning to work. Linn County Men to Leave Thursday Noon The exemption board has "been la formed that the seven men who will leave the county for the training camp at Fort McDowell will entrain on tho Southern Pacific train No. 15 at 12:1 Thursday. The original date set was May 1st The Linn county board hopes to have better luck than with the quota which left last Saturday. The 26 men routed through to Camp Lewis, ac cording to the government instruc tions but were left at Portland and, af ter wandering around the city lor some hours were rounded up by tho police and turned over to the Bed Cross, who gave them their breakfast and aent them on to Camp Lewis. The local board is of the belief that the trouble was not of its making aa they followed the Instructions sent by the war department The men were supposed to be in Vancouver for breakfast and, for that reason no meal tickets were given. 1 EMBARGO FOR T1L.LAWUUIV I PORTLAND. Anril 30. (U. P.) Food Commissioner Ayre today placed an embargo on all fin,. foe Tillamook enuntv. It area found that aeveral netailera I h-i Inid in large atnrks, ana iney will ne iam-mi to aeii in niner re tellers at the regular wholesale " . ... it.. inia emoargo win save i renin. Knights of Pythias Buy Liberty Bond The Albany Knights of Pythlss I lodge has been Informed In a letter I from Leslie E. Crouch of the- insur ance department that the national I lodge insurance department has bought (500,000 worth of Third Lib- lerty bonds. Mr. Crouch in the letter believes I that no Oregon knight should go to I sleep at night unless he can say that Ihe has done something during the day to help his country.