II tl 0 I-''!'" Best Advertising Medium In Linn County ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT THE WEATHER Tonight and Saturday FAIR. VOL XXX. A MIA NY, LINN COC'NTY. OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 27. 1918. N. 1ST. ENEMY IS HELD 15 REPORT TODAY British Make Advances on Several I'laceH Along Flanders Front KEMMEL HILL STILL IIKLI) BY GERMANS Many Prisoners Taken British During Night Minikin, April 27. a?. r. . Thr rrtrmy art belt, rvrrynhrrr. Kir Id Marshal II a. a; announced Ihia morning. AUmg thr Vtllrra Itrcltnanrui llnr, advanced our pewit lona at rrrtain itaVita. "Iluatilr Allarka wrrr attrmpt rd. tanba bring used bv thr ..rr mini, but thrr wrrr broken up. In many raara thr attack, failed to drvrlop brforr I ha alllrd fir. "Krnm lorrc to l.a tlytlr, rn rm jr amaulta again! Ihr r'rrnch pmlllona rr prrrd ith , trrmr vtulrfwr. hut. affrr thrr allarka, Ihr rnrmjr waa bratrn off with ttrrmrly bravy ItMaea. In Ihr rvrnlntr n allinl ruuittrr at tack drova ihr mrmy out of Ihr vil trr. which ia mw -tnv hht ty thr KrrrK-h. North Krmmrl villatrr anl tho MMltina In tha nritrhUirhtMHl of Voormmrllo atill rrmain otitaiilr of tha llritUh lines after a luntf arid firrr atruirirla. Alunr thr rtdtrr and In thr wood aouth of Yoontiacrtlr tha rnrmyairatn attarkrd hravily hut waa rrput4rd with loaa. In thU arction, the Itrttuh took hundrrda of priaonrm. South of thr Sommt durtntr thr af trmoon ami rvrninir battlr thr Itrltiah tifNipa obtained advautarra In thr Vilh-ra Hmttonnrtii and Hnnirard rn Hnntrrm arclmna. In thii atH-tor thr (irrmnn pnaonrra number 100. DUTCH LEGATION DENIES .COUJtfTRX- J IS N EARING WAH . WASHINGTON, April 27. U. P.) That Germany haa nut served an uttimatutn on Holland on thr question uf the free transjNirtation of aupiilii-a through that rountrjr waa tha declarn tiim of tha Dutch legation officiula here today. Tha poaaihilitira uf a hrauk between tha two ruunlrfra over thr negotiations now point; on ia alight they claim. t ontrnry to tha atntrmrnt made lv tha Dutch irrmirr early tliia week, tha legation officiate declared that thr negotiations had "nut ycl assumed se rioua pruortiun.N Oak View, Junior ' Red Cross Active Tha Oak View arhonl Junior Red Cross ia making a good record, ac cording to a letter received liy the county arhool superintendent from Ralph MrDonnld. the teacher. Thr school ia 100 par cent Red Croaa now. NEW CLASSIFIED LESLIE'S Mount HkxI W Crenm Chocolate, Vnnilln, Slrnwlierry; sic cial Ornngn. Maple Nut and Krenrh Salnd. 24 Writ First. WANTKD TO THA UK for amall place. 240-nrre prnin ami atwk - fnrm, one 1(H) in cultivation; all till able; A arrra in orchard. No rocka on place. (lood aprinK wnti'r, and rich aoil. Will (tivo terma. Tall Home phono SH',4. a27m3 WKATHKRLY ICK CRKAM Vanil la, orange, chocolnto mnplenut and r'rrnch Snlnd. Kvery day at Ken ton'a Cnah Store. 27a30 KOR RKNT Apnrtmont and roonn. 'Al floor. Clone in. ('nil Kiah A HodKra. a27m.1 LOST Smnll lenthrr liilllmk eon tnininif f hill. Call J. K. K rarer, Home phone H703 or It. 1 Alhnny, Oregon. 27B.W A RKAL, IIAKr,AIN-Ilouo and lot. 1112 feet !y 5f 1-2 feet, juat north hinh achool liuildin nt corner Snl nnd Jnckaon atreeta; alao lot nnd 2 holme on comer Hd nnil Thumton atreeta. Price ritrht nnd will Rive time on half, or will accept l.ilierty Honda at par, in part or whole pay ment. O. A. Archilmld, MO W. 3d Street. 'J7m27 WANTKD To hear from owner of pond ranch for anlo. SUto cnah price, full dearrlption. 0. K. Iluah, Minneanolia, Minn. tr WK'RK CAUGHT UP ON ORDKRS O.A.C. W. Iirhorn hatchinir run $1 for 15. Guaranteed frrah, fer tile. From atock doveloped and ac climated in Oreiron theae chix will aland tha ahowera nnd the pulleta make eifir-rccorda. Hell RlilJ, Home 4540: Ed C. Vlercck, North Allmny. FIVE CENTS pound for clenn cotton rngi at Democrat on ice. . u- IJASS SEASON IS OPEN IS KEI'OKT Trout Streams (iettin; Clear er and Fishing Is Improving Tha reorta from the reluniinir fiahemirn indii-ata Oial eondiliurta are iniprovlitK- Some iroud rau-hra have Ihh'ii niada the paat wwk, and it ia ex pected thul muny Alhany parttea will KO out toluorruw. The moil elicuuruy iiik aiKii ia tha fuct that the haaa are U'KHiiiiiik to hlUt. While the liaaa aeaaon la juat atartinir, the nearhv lakea and the Calupooia ahould fur mull a yood liiaiiy liu-ala Sunday eve iiiiik- rUilmon tiuut are running at Klk City, the trout are rmnir well in the AUra atrcama, and the hlir onea ure active on the upr WillamctU1 und Mi Keiuie. (General Conditiona Wuter till hitrh and muiliiy in manv Mtreama, eipecinlly thoae chwe to the tiiountuina. (mm! caU-hra have been reMirte,l, however, and proMiecla are fur fiihinir to aoon lie at ita heat in all atreama. The anow water from the mountain! ia atill handuupplliK thr fiahrra in the mountaina. Local Strrama Crnhtn-a and Mill Creek are both reMirte, ifood. Itana fiithin ia due to atari aoon, and the nrurl.y lakea and tl:e CalaMM,ia ahould le truoil Ihia week. No fvpurta from the Santiam received ao far. Thomaa ami Itur mriatcr rrreka with their trihutanea ara cload by thr aLute rommiaaiun. Alaea and I oaat Trout fiahinir rrKrted -om1 in the mountain atreama, enciully on the coaat aide uf fhe mountains. Salmon trout aurted runiiinic at K.Ik City. Cooa Hay Country GimmI ratchra reported in Hiualaw river nl Cuhman. At Ten Mile Ijike and Ijtkeaide fiivornlde reporta are rHeived, and indirntiona int to flv araaon Im-uik nl leaat a month enrlirr. I'pin-r Cooa river ia (rood at prcaent. Mrkrntle River lit.uiv t;an,e Warden Hawker re turned Inat week from the l.'pper Mc- Kenne and Mated that while the iren eral conditiona were not irol, the hiir rrdaidra were UMliifrauitht. aome at lonf aa Hi inehra. The anow water ia Mill keepint' the' atream muddy. On the upier Willamette at Oak Ki.lk.-e tho aame condition la reonea. FORMER ALBANY BUSINESS MAN DIES Word Rweived of Death of Frderick Esgert, Once With S. E. Young Fredrick Ki-k'ert, former Allmny huaineaamnn anl Inter of the firm of KeL-ert. Younir St Co.. of Purtlnnd. naaae! awny at hia reaidenre in Port land early Ihia morninir, acconlmvr to advirra rrcciwd Uklny hy P. A. Younif. The d,ceaacd waa iKirn 74 yeara niro and in 1H7(1 enme to Allmny from ljiwrence, Kansna. He oltained a po sition aa head of the drKooila depart ment in the 8. F.. Younir atore and remained in the employ of that firm for aevenil yeara. lie then formed a co-partnerahip with S. K. Younir and opened a ahoe atore in Portland under the firm name of F.KKert, Younir & Co. Thia concern did a thriving "ua ineaa and althoufh Mr. Younir drop ped uut of the firm later, hia name waa rnrried aa n memlier for aevenil yeara. Mr. Ejrerrt made a hrjre numtier of warm peraonal frienda in Albany and ia well remembered aa one of tho aul atnntial huaincaamcn of the commun ity by the older rraiilenta. The fune ral aervirea will be held in Portland Monday. Service Flag for Ship Y'ard Workers The firat emergency fleet acrvice flnira have arrived in Albany nnd in time nil Albany fnmiliea who have ri'prcacntntivca working in the ahip yanla will have them in the windows. The flntta are much the aame aa a regular nervico flair. In,t have the wurda "II. S. Shippinir Honnl" and "War Service" printed on it in addi tion to the atnr. Tho flnir ia awnrdrd to loyal nnd pntriotir workmen who nrc conacicn lioualy pultinir forth apeciul effort in the ahipynrda to apeed up the con atruction of an American fleet. Their work ia conaidered na neceaanry na the acrvice iriven the nlliea by the bova in the trenchea. The firat flnir to le received in Albany waa received by tho family of U. G. Hodkina. DRAFT SAVES HEAVY FINE Klmer Iturkrr, wanted here for reaiatinir rvi officer, waa arrrated laat nik'ht at Cnrvallia when he ahowrd up for the draft and waa brought to Albany for trial. He pleaded Riiilty and waa given $."0 and cnata hy Judire Swan. He ia Icavinir today for Camp l.rwta and it waa ennvidrrcd hy thr court that he could do more for hia country thnn in Ihe rily Jail, the fine waa auapendrd and he ia now on hia wny to Ihe training ramn. Iliirker won a battle from two Albany policemen few I niirhla nco when they attempted In arrral him for diaorderly eon I duct, and made hia rarnpe nftrr I Ihr fiRht. FLANDERS FRONT IS QUIET TODAY Tempestuous Three-Day Bat tle Apparently Ended lor Time VERDUN ARMY IS BROUGHT TO FRONT Five Divisions of Fresh Hun Troops llamnrring at British HY rilll. SIMMS. V. P. STAFF COK It F.SPI IN HE-NT IIKITISH MtllM, April 27. A romparativr calm prevaila over the Handera front alur the three Irmpealuoua daya' fiihtinK which haa Juat ended but Ihe fiithtinx may atari at any moment. More frrah German Iroopa are being; brought up in Ihe effort to break the llrltixh line. Ilindrnhurr haa brought up General Von Seixrr from Vrrdc.i lo help in the battle around Mount Krmmrl. I'nder him are five diviaiona totaling 60.000 men. and General Von F.brrhardl ia Ihrre with five diviaiona at hia k-fl. Theae len diviaiona ham mered aay all day yraterday at Ihr allied line. Thr Germana made but aliirht head way alter uikinir .nouni e.emmei. gen eral SetKer tried nn advance in the lircction of l urea, advanrinir aalnile the Yprea-Cominea canal; but the liritiah counter attacked brilliantly, retnkinir the loat trruund nnd eilab liahinir new poata. (ieneral Von Klerhardt'a Alpine troopa were thrown out of Dnincuutre fi,ur tintea. and were unable to puah on after takinir the place on the fifth attempt. Likewise they were loo ea hnuMed nfter rapturinir Mount Kem mel to aucceed in turnintr Mount Scherpenbarr. Throuehout the entire Hnndera front the German iruna are thunder ing renarleaalv. lcal ahellinir keepi un rlaewiiaru. - Tha weather atill con tinues threatening, but the ground ia unusually dry at preaent. French Report No Change in Battle PARIS. April 27 (U. P.)-Tre French war office Mated today that there waa no change in the aituatian at Hanpird en Siinterre on the trench front. The bombardment in tnia aec tor continued through the nicht. A German attack on the railway west of Thennea. where Americana are fiKhtiiii', waa repulsed. Severe artil lery fiirhtinir alonir the west bank of the Meuac ia reorted. Fun'ral Services for I). M. Cooper Held Funeral aervicea for I). W. Coop er, who died lust Thursday, were held thia afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Fortmillcr rhiiDcl. Dr. W. P. White officiated at the ceremony, nnd inter ment wna in Riverside cemetery. Mr. Cooper was a pioneer of the county. He came from the Fast when a vounv man nnd has lived in Oreiron since 1 ('.), most of the time in l.inn county. Oddfellows Will Attend Baptist Church Sunday Members of tho did Fellows lodi; will nttend the aorviccs nt the Hap- tist church tomorrow aveninir at 8 o' clock, the pnstor. Dr. G. 11. Younir. havinir prepared apecial aervices fur the memliers of the order. The Ham mer quartet will render aevenil selec tions durinir the evening. Mail Service Being Curtailed Is Report l.EHANON, April 27. (Special) On nnd after May 4th the eveninK train will not curry mail. On Mon day morninir tho mnil for Portlnnd will k-o out aa pouch mail only. The ehnnire is mnde in onlcr that the mnil carrier will have a day off. Anrst I hrist, n section mnn on tne l-banon-Albany line, was seriously injured when he fell off a irasoline ilriven handcar nnd was run over by the car. This occured near Tnllmnn. lie wns taken to the company hospital nenr Portlnnd. Gets Letter from Son Kev. Geo. H. Ilennett today receiv ed a letter with photographs of his son enclosed. His son is now station ed nt Fort Wood and expects to anil for Frnnce in the nenr future. An llnneat Soldier A younir man who leaves with the drafteil men from l.inn county this evening holds the lu-lt for honesty even thouirh pnyment of a. debt wns delnyed some 12 years. Ire called at the home of Mra. E. M. Jones, on Pino street, reminded her that aome 12 years niro he borrowed 20 cents, nnd returned the money with interest. PoHtrard Fund Low According to J. A. Howard onlv S4 has lieen thus fur contributed to tne postenrd fund for the drafted men. About 4U is neecten: nnd communions should be made direct to Mr. ilownnl. HUNS MUST BE TTKATEN BY JULY WASHINGTON. April 27 (V. P.) "Ivilraa lb German driva ia atopptd by July 1, the war must be won by the allied naviea," Senator Jamas H. Lew ia declared ia a apeeek oa tha Overmaa rmpowerinc bill today, "L'nleaa we ran not only-atop but turn bark tha Germans by that dale, the war muat be turn ed by our invincible and uncfto qurrrd navy, which, with our al lies' naviea, will bring the vic tory America drarrvra. "It la lime to apeak atronrly to the American people. 1 am bold enough lo tell thrm that the rraaon e have not mora men an Ihe ballh-front ia that when we entered the war Our allira' rep reaenlativea here lined that for a year we arnd no mca. "If lark of Americana abroad ia causing Inconvenience, it la not Ihe fault of rongaraa or Use American government. I rail that lo Ihe attention of those, from whatever quarter of the world thry roar, who are now crying for us to haalea' PARENT -TEACHER INSTITUTE HELD IN A LBAN Y'TODA Y A rood attendance ia praaent at the teachers' institute bring held in Ai- lany today. A srssiun waa held at the Glut theatre thia morning, when Professor J. B. Horner af Corvallis gave an intereating address. His talk waa made to a good crowd and was illustrated with slides. The session this aftemooo was held at the hik'h school building, and Judge George G. Hingham, of thw Linn ami Harion county circuit eoart, Inr. O. II. Young and Professor P. L. Stetson f the University of Or-gon were scheduled for addresses, i I CHIRCH NOTICES I ' : First Preabyterian I The pastor. Orlando B. Perahing. will speak at the morning service on "Nourishment or tha Weary Trav eler." The Vesper service will he held at 6 o'clock instead of 5, as haa been the custom. The new time jrakes the interval too abort, betjrww- aarrires. hence the change. At the 6 o'clock vesficrs the chorus choir will take un most of the time with special music under the direction of Pruf. Palmer. A general invitation ia given to the mu-sic-loving public. The pastor will de liver a very short address on "Thnft" hour elders will be reinstalled at the morning service. Their names are Koy Dowd, r red Fortmiller, Leslie Palmer and A. C. Schmitt. St. Mary'a Church Kev. Arthur Lne. rector. Kev. Jonn Kubia, assistant. Sunday services nt 8 nnd 1U:3U n. m. The pastor will preach from the gospel of the day, St. John ltl, the subject being "The I'romise of the I'araclite. hunday school at 11:45 a. m. Vespers will be sung at 7: JO p. m. Ihe senes of ser mons on "The Maxims of the Spiritual Life will be continued at this serv ice. The public ia cordially invited. Lutheran Church Comer Second nnd Madison streets. C. J. Beyerstein, pastor. Services, 111:30 a. m.; text, 1 1 lm. 1 :1(. I nenie: 'The Old Story that Christ Jesus Came Into the World to Save Sin ners." II) A faithful saying: C! worthy of all acceptation. The public is invited. Christian Science t urner Fourth nnd 1-erry streets. Sumlay aervirea 11 a. m. Subject of lesson sermon, "Prulwtion After Death." Sundny school at 9:4.1 nnd 11. Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Christian science rending room, 2 to 4:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and r nday. 1 he public is welcome. United Preabyterian W. P. White, pastor. Morning wor ship at 10:30. The 1-ord's Supper. r.vening worship nt i:.iu. Gospel ser mons at both services. Bible school at 11:45. Christian Church 1). l.ovd .Morirnn. pastor. Bible school 10 a. m. J. D. Sears, supt. Morning service 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, "Ho Could Not Be Holden of It." The evening service is of spe cial interest. The mnsie throughout will be furnished by n chorus of 60 boys and girls. This will bo a real trent for all. Special numbers will be a solo by Dorris Dowlin, solo by Gen eva Olin, a sononhone hand of 11 pieces, a violin solo. The prelude or the evening will be given by our three piece orchestra. Mr. Morgan will sneak from the subject, "finds Block ade of the Road to Hell." The seatinr- capacity of the building is free to all, but you had better come early. Grace Church 'Oedicntinir the I .ami nnd the Lands to the Service of God" will he the min ister s 11 n. m. subiect tomorrow. At 8 p. m. there will lie n brief sermon on the theme continued from last Sun day, "Curing: the World or Its Mck ness Unto Death." This installment is "War." There will bo a brief open forum nfter the sermon. These eve ning services have a patriotic, relig ious and constructive purpose. On Inspection Trip F. M. French went to Woodhurn this morning on a watch inspection trip. LOCAL MAN HELPS STOP PROPAGANDA I), (iilhert Ieads Move to Correct Article on Germany SCHOOL (.EOCRAI'HIES WILL CARRY NOTE Statewide Movement Is Start ed hy Council of . Defense Following the auggestiun of P. I). Gilbert, chairman uf tne Linn counlv council of defense, the school geogra phies will carry a critical nute on oermany explaining away the refer ences in the geography which are be lieved to nave been inspired by the aalionwide propaganda of tha Ger mana. This move is taring made bv the state council of defense and is backed by the state achool authonties. 1 he critical note was prepared bv Profeaaod Joseph Shaefer of the Uni versity of Oregon, and copies are to be inserted in the geographies of all the school children. Mr. Gilbert found that several statements made in tha school geographies were inaccurate, and suggested that the German article m the book be cut out. Thia includ ed a picture of the Kaiser. After bringing hia viewa on the question De fore the state superintendent, it was derided that if this was good for Linn county, it was good for the state. The matter contained in the note should be taught by the teachers be fore the end of the term, whether the class haa studied Germany or not. Mr. Churchill in his statement declares that no excuse can be accepted from any teacher who neglects to carry out thia-order at once. Following is a por tion of the criticism which is to be added. Instead of the 'many near neigh bors' causing much trouble to Ger many, which is true only of the period pnor to the unmcauon oi uermanv in 1870-71. Germanv has caused in finite trouble to her neighbors. While her boundaries nre largely nrtificial. the result of war. as the authors say. they are not nearly ao artificial aa the Amencan-untisn Dounaary aiong me 4'Jth uarallel. where no fortifications of any sort exist and about which nei .i . U.....L- Ik. l ' n States has manifested particular anx ii.iv lost tiecnuse these states have a desire to live peacefully as neighbors instead of preying muilaniy upon each other. , , "After Germany had cru -inert France in the war of 1870-71 the Ger man government not only imposed a tremendously heavy war indemnity (Sl.fMKt.OOO.OOOl, but also cut awav from the French national territory the French provinces of Alsace-t-orraine. "When Germanv took Alsace-Lor raine in 1871 she consciously, deliber ately and ruthlessly vivisected France and leu ner. laceraxeu anu uiwuihk It was impossible for any people to forget and forgive such an act. Ger many must have known in advance that this act would make the French their enemies and there is reason fo' believing that this ia what she desired. "Now that the world has had a reve lation of Germany's plans of conquest in the treaties she has forced upon Russia and Roumania, which show that the designs of the Pan-Germanic I-eague (an association for spreading the idea of world-empire for Germany whose activities cover many years) were reollv the designs of the German government, u is nne vw tii ui many as a nation forced into militar ism "for defensive purposes. Ger -ninny's militarism had an offensive purpose, not a defensive purpose." Runaway Boy Returned to State Institution Warden Wingate of the Washing ton industrial school at Chehnlis, nr- rived in Albany today and departed. taking with him Andy Mconnld, alias. Carl Hall, who ran away from the state institution a few days ngo nnd was enntured here while chaperoning a big .38 revolver. He gave the name of ran Hall, but wns recognuea tne next morning hy Chief Catlin. Last fall the boy ran awny irom tne Washington institution and wns cap tured here. As he was being taken to the city lockup he broke awny nnd Chief Catlin nnd Officer Dick Rogers had n chase of several blocks before he wns chased into a hedge and cap tured. Halsey Musicians to Giv Entertainment HALSEY. April 27. ( Special) A ioint recital bv the Halsey concert band nnd tho Halsey high school or chestra will lie given here on Wednes day, May 1. Vocal music and read ings will also be given in the pro cram. A band concert will be given in the afternoon on the atroct nnd the pro gram will be given in the evening nt the Hnlsey opera nouse. LINN COUNTY TO SEND 26 TONIGHT Second Quota Entrains 7:0." This Evening for Camp at The Linn county exemption board will send out the second draft quota to leave from the county this evening. There are 2 men who will leave. 23 being from Linn county and three sent for other boards. Three Linn county men will go from other places as they have left the county since be ing registered. The men have been ordered to re port to the sheriff at 3 o'clock this afternoon, and will entrain at the Southern Pai ific station at 7:06. They will be at Camp Lewis Sunday morn ing. Following is the list of men which goes this evening: Ixiuis Rorovicka, Portland. Albert Ilintz, Crawfordsville. Jesse Leonard Bonwell, Albany. William Hamilton Beene. Leona. William Wilson Hayes, Brownsville. Rolhe Everett Keeler, North Bend. I-ewis Tillotaon. Cottage Grove. Donald Everett Richard. Camas. Washington. Koy William Rasmussen. Hams- burg. Edward A. Kackley, Portland. Dan Zafiratos, Mill City. I a vera Ray Smith. Tangent. Samuel H. Irwin, Portland. W ilmer Aaron Barnes, Dayton, Wn. Warren Robert Cooley, Harrisburg. Charles Alex Overton, Brownsville. Virgil I-ee Warden, Brownsville. Jason Thomas Anderson, Harris burg. Carroll whinery, Ibanon. Harry Kay Miller, Waterloo. Oren Joseph Newland, Brownsville. John H. MrClellan, Lebanon Charles Alliert Marvin, Albany. Inducted From Other Boards Earl K. Taylor, Merced, Cal. .Jesse L. Kipper, Tillamook, Ore-ron Henry Stephen Lutz, Bars tow, Cal. Linn County Men Transferred Elmer Clay McFee, to Noxan, Mon. Eldred Harris Butcher, to Vale, Ore. Guy Leroy Bennett, to St. Helens, Oregon. LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN MUST BE KEPT GOING The local Liberty Loan committee received by wire from Washington today the following statement by Sec retary McAdoo, which ia self -explanatory : 1 learn with deep regret that there is a disposition on the part of the Lib erty Loan organizations in various parts of the country to discontinue their efforts after they have reached their quota or have oversubscribed their quota to some extent. I re quested $3,000,000,000 as the mini mum that the government ought to have, with the hope and expectation that it would be largely over-subscrib ed and that every Liberty Loan com mittee would exert itself to secure the largest possible over-subscription. 1 hope the Liberty Loan committee will energetically continue the campaign until its close in order to secure not only the success of the loan as a whole and the largest possible over subscription, but also the greatest possizle number of individual buyers. When America's sons are now actual ly fighting on the battlefronts in t ranee and will not stop fighting until the victory for Liberty is won. no Lib erty Loan committee can stop fight ing for an oversutiscnption lor tne Lilierty Loan until the campaign clos es May 4th. If we stop fighting when we have reached tne minimum oi me Liberty Loan, we are not comparably sustaining our sons in France who are fighting not for the minimum but for the maximum of Amenca s rights and world liberty." , Skin Grafting Operation Is Complete Success That the skingrafting operation which was performed at the Good Sa maritan hospital in Portland on Mrs. (. H. Y'oung is a complete success was the statement made by Dr. i oung who returned last night from Port lnnd. Four hundred square inches were grafted a week ago yesterday and the examination of the physicians indicntes that Mrs. 1 ijng will com pletely recover from the accident which she sustained several weeks niro. While in Portland Dr. Young also met Harry Wieger who was burned bv an electric wire near Corvallis. and savs that he will completely recover. He underwent a similar operation 10 that performed on Mrs. toung. Gnine In Alaska- Mrs. Grant I'irtle went to rortinnn this morning to visit her son-in-law. C. E. Anderson, who leaves Portland Monday evening for Alaska. Mrs. An derson will accompany her moShei home and remain here this summer. HOU-ANI) STOPS I ARMY FURLOUGHS THE nAGUETApril 27. (IT. P.) The Holland premier cid foreign minister today held a long conference before roing In to a aecret session. The enm-'mander-in-chief of the army haa ordered leaves of absence stop ped in the army, and thia haa been followed by the navy. L BATTLE IS BY Two Allied Destroyers Beat r ive Austrian Destroyers ENEMY FLED TO BASE AFTER FIGHTING Seaplane Base Wag Raided by British Plan's on Tuesday LONDON. April 27. (U. P.t Tha admiralty today announced that two Bnuan destroyers had defeated five) Austrian destroyers in a naval battW in the Adriatic Sea. After tha en counter, the enemy fled to Doran for shelter. British air forces raided n asst. olane base at Durazzo on Toeadar. This raid waa apparently mi nssfiil as near as could be determined by tha airmen- After the battle between tha de stroyers, two French destroyers and five more British destroyers Joined la) the pursuit of the Austriana. Tha chase continued until after midnight Monday night. The loss to the allies in the battle waa seven killed and 19 wounded. Tha enemy loss haa not been determined. .No Hntuth ships wre loot. I CITT NKWS I I 1 To Spend Week-Ead Hiss Mary stevena and Basel Simpson went to Portland thia morni ng to spend the week-end. To Join Husband - Dr. Laura Ewer left TeaterdaT af ternoon for Halco, Oregon, to join her husband, who is stationed then la the government service. . Went to Portland Geo. Rolfe and Harry Schloasar were passengers to Portia ad thia -maming. . On Business Trip District Atty. Gala S. Hill want to -Salem this morning on legal business. To Spend Week -End M rs. Wn. H. Holman and Miss Bes sie Zeirgler went to Portland thia morning to spend the week-end with fnends. Went to Portland E. W. Cooper was a passenger to Portland this morning on business. Goes to Astoria C. E. Westbrook left yesterday for Astoria to work in the shipyard. To Work at Bligh Theatre Ivan Cooper went to balem wis morning to accept a position aa oper ator at the Bligh Theatre. ) On Business Trip Dr. J. J. Gilbert went to corvauia this morning on business. Called to Portland Geo. W. Wright waa called to 1'ort- land this morning on account of the serious illness of P. W. Spink, a form er Albany resident. To Visit Relativea . Mrs. A. Rainwater and little vona Cole went to Portland this morning to spend the week-end with relatives. Did at Tacoma . Word was received today or in death in Tacoma of Mrs. James Al corn. Mrs. Alcorn lived in Albany for some time but has been away from the city for some yeara. She ia a sin ter of Frank Herdman of Albany, and Mr. and Mrs. Herdman have been in Tacoma for the past two weeks. Returns From California Miss Belle Koss has returned irom two-months' stay in California. While gone she visited in San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. Here From O. A. C. . Miss Katherine and Ruth Lltin good of O. A. C. are home for the week-end. Visiting Parents Alfred and Lloyd Rainwater of Portland came yesterday to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Rainwa ter. Weather Report Yesterdays temperature ranged from 34 to 73 degrees. The river ia 4.3 feet. Went to Portland Miss Gladys Leech went to Portland this morning to spend the week-end with friends. From Corvallis Mrs. S. A. Hall. Conductor B. A. Kvle of the Oreiron Electric, and Miss Gertrude Kyle were in Albany yes terday to arrange for the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs. Margaret Kyle. They reiurnea 10 usriiia Thursday from Portland, where thee went a few days ago to be at Mra. Kyle's bedside. Mrs. E. A. Kyle waa also in Portland and accompanied her husband and sisters on tha return last evening. Turnover Made .... .' Sheriff D. H. Bodine today made a turnover of ,23,521.41 to the coun ty treasurer, this being a portion of the first half of the 1917 taxes. Most of the big taxpayera have paid but there atill remaina inany hundreds of the smaller property owners whs have yet to send in their tax, money.