ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TUESDAY, APRIL 2, Itll PAOI THREE HAMILTONS' HXHZHZZHZHZHZHZHZH HXHXHXHZHXHZHZHStlS Ladies Suit Sale --TOMORROW- Wedncsday, April 3rd lllnnlnf tomorrow, Wrdnraday, April 3d. we will place on aale all thr ladiiV auita. .lightly Killed bv water on Ual Turaday nihl, wrrk aro. Ml all uf th aulla you ran hardly rind any trace of be In( aullrd or damagrd. rirrpl fur Ihr llnlniia, which are aliuhlly alrraltrd. Tha malrriala ar all aa good aa new. Nnar, br.innin. tomorrow, all Ihr aulla arr market AT COST and 1IKI.OW COST. II hrrr tomorrow If In nrrd of a NEW HI'KIM; SI IT. All ar markrd In ilain fiiturra. Mr rhar.e for allrrnllima. Made in U. S. A. Merchandise GREAT ! GREAT SALE H X H I SALE a II Z Buy and Save Staple Goods at Lei A Bargain for S Everyone j W S H BASEMENT-SHEETING. 9 4 sheeting at Iraa than wholraala. Firm bleached. Limited quantity. 49c yd. BASEMENT-BLEACH -ElJ TOWELS. Bath tow el, hlearhed. targe size. While they Lit 3 towrla 45e. BASEMENT COTTON BATS. Waite bata but (rood quality. 21b. bat 50c j (Theaa are full weight.) I BASEMENT BED SPREADS. Honeycomb preada, a good $3 value for I2.1S BASEMENT RAND 4 KERCHIEFS. White, eoft' rood alio handkerchiefs hemmed edges, Se each. H S H S H S H S N Worth's Dept. Store "The Quality Store' Painting Time On coat of Chlnnmel Color Vnrriiah will make an old Chair or Table look Ilka nrw. y..nrt $1 21. Miita "Or. I 'J pinU lOr. A coal of Solr Proof Varniah will makr thr linoleum or floor wrar lunger, rlran raairr and look better. 6-c pint rana, 11.20 quart cana Floor paint fur old floora at K.'.c iuart. Kurnilurv and piano poliah 25 and 50e. Tall 25 and It will br drlUrrrd without rtra charge. Wood worth Drug Co. RUSSIA IS MORE FAVORABLE 10 ALLIES Hy Jiwrph Shiplrn. U. I. Staff Corrr pondrnt I'KTKO-.RAI), March 30. Signifi cant charK in the rtf.t.on uf Kut m with the allies are apparently de veloping. The Hulahcviki spcakera intimate a niewlificaliun favoring the allies' pro ( k'.ain, cuincident with the return of allied diplomat, who declare they won't leave Kuaiia. CARD OF THANKS ! wiih to express my appreciation for the kindness shown hy our many friends throughout the illness and in the death of my beloved wife, Mrs. Mary E. Hogan. i WM. H. HOGAN. kt ' I ffc UWM 1 laamiaValaaaalW II 1 1 ' 'III BASEMENT LAliIES' WHITK CANVAS SHOES. A Rood line, juat in, new atylea. Pumpa and hitch euta. $1.98. BASEMENT WAISTS, waiata, deep collars. H X H X H Z H X H X H X H X H H H X H X H 2 VERY Jg NEAT H X H Y0u will like them, at 89c. H Voile Basement Ladies' Suits WELL-MADE ALL WOOL POPLIN NEAT, DRESSY. WELL-MADE A BASEMENT WHITE CANVAS SHOES. High cuU, rubber and leather soles. Neat, dreaay. Low high or medium heela. A big spa cial feature at $2.48. j $2.48 .! A neat suit of all-wool poplin, dain-tv white hum-aline eoll.r. made to II fit and look attractive. In marine.midnighu and gray. $12.48. II Blue Serges. 19.89. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 8 to 12. Made of good quality ging ham anil Trm V. .. int 1 Lot No. 1 -don't miss thase-lot No. 2 69c$1.19 h A Big Line of Tablets for Letterwriting and School H x H X H H X H X H BASEMENT Petticoats in good col ore. A (treat big epecial at $1.19 BASEMENT Crib BlankeU. Nice, warm double crib blankets, pair 79c ENAMELWARE A (Treat lot of Stew Pana, Kettles, Pudding Pans, etc. 15. BASEMENT Garden Tools. We have a good lot of garden tools. We feature as a special a steel rake f t 89c BASEMENT Linoleum. New pat tern, just received. 6 feet wide. Ex tra special, square yard 62 l-2c Cah Values Worth While XHZHZHZUSZHZHSHZHZ HAMILTONS' BASEMENT NOTIONS Talcum Powder 5c can; Pins 360 count 5c pkg; Hairpins, bon.. 1-2 dot. pkg. 8c; wire Hairpins, 5c and 10c; pearl buttons, 5c card; 1-4 in. white cotton tape, lc per rolL Everybody's Store H X H S H S H S H S H S H 3 H S H S H X H S H S H S H B H SHZHZHZHZHZHZNSItSH Hurstinjt Shell Kills 75 in Paris Church PARIS, March 30. (U. P.) Work men are still searching the ruins of, the church where a bursting shell kill- j vu to ana inpurea w. Precaution ntrainst lnrjre gather ings are being taken. Partial streetcar service haa been resumed. Two guardsmen with guns and bayonetts, arc on each car and Street Car Service Resumed in Kansas City KANSAS CITY, March 30. (U. P.) BARRED ROCKS OF QUALITY Every hen in our yards haa from 6 to 12 hens m her pedi gree with records from 200 to 21 afg each in a year. We seU IS ggs tor Sl.SO SO eggs for $4.00 100 eg gs for 17.00 HART 4 DANNALS Albany, Oregon the mob spirit is curbed. There will be no service tonight. DRAFT RIOT IN QUEBEC QUEBEC, March 30. (U. P.) Troops maintained order following a riotous night. Anti-conscriotionists are wrecking the newspapers L'Evement, and the Chronicle. NOTICE TO FUBLIC The Albany ste4 bridge will ht closed to traffic from 8 to 13 . at, and from 1 to S p. ra. commencing on March 3rd and ontS further no tice. By order of the Lino Coeary County Court aaltf rWUc like la Tha Daawaerat Are You Keen for Keen Clothes You young fellows with Wood surging in your veins T Do you know thnt we are alert and prepared for you young fellows' trade? You can buy "Juat a suit" nt nny store, but to get "thnt suit" thnt you need nnd wnnt, y" will have to go to n store whero they buy for and unduratuml young fellows. Como In nny clay ; but tho sooner the bettor, for Spring is here. The Blain Clothing Co. "VALUE FIRST STORK" Are You on the Sidelines, or in the Game ? War Savings Sumps Give Everybody a Chance to Help win the war. help to keep our country free. help to speed world peace. learn how to save. - n.ake an unexcelled investment. receive a good cash return. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS is all vou need to get in the game. This amount buys a War Thrift Sump. Uncle Sam is glad to receive your investment no matter how small. FOR EVERY $4.12 INVESTED THE GOVERNMENT WILL PAY YOU $r CASH JANUARY 1, 1923 a profit of more than 21 percent ARE YOU WILLING TO LET OTHER PEOPLE FIGHT THE WAR FOR YOUR FREEDOM T BUY WAR STAMPS AT OUR OFFICE tlic United SUtes Treasury. -an authorized agency of OREGON POWER CO. Eastburn Bros. THE GROCERS REGULAR EVERY - DAY PRICES TO Fancy DRIED PRUNES Good ONION SETS buy early Good DRY ONIONS, any amount RUTA BAGAS, CARROTS and TURNIPS Simons BROCCOLI now arriving EVERYONE : Pound 10c 2 pounds 25c per pound 2$c . per pound 2c 5, 10, IS and 20c WE BUY EGGS FOR CASH OR TRADE, GOOD BURBA NK POTATOES 60e BUSHEL ONE TON OREGON ONIONS pound 2c GENUINE PORTLAND BUTTERNUT BREAD Fresh every dsy. Advice to the housewife on Hooverizing List the amount of subeti stutes you can use, corn meal, rolled oats, oats flour, rice, rice flour com starch, buckwheat flour, hominy and Uke the same amount of flour in bulk. Easy Try it A Keen Realization of our responsibility to the pub lic is the consUnt guide to our action. We appreciate the fact thnt we owe something more to our customers than merely sell ing them motorcycles. We know they expect the best qualities and the biggest values When they come here. And ws arc proud to say they are never disappointed. L. B. HIXSON JR. 129 Lyon St. Bell phone 165-R, Homo 2417 Albany, Or. Both Phones IS S06 West' 2d SUA