ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT. TVESDAY, APRIL I. 1918.x PAOB TWO Daily Democrat WM. iTMbRNlBRbOlCPu'''''1'" Ba tared t th postoffice it Alhiny, Oregon, as second cl matter BUSINESS MATTER la ordering changes of address, sub cribri should always give old at well as new addresses. Published every evening except Sun day. ewl-Weekly published Tues days ana rnasys. SlCRlrnON RATES Daily Delivered by carrier, per week ..$-10 Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 Established tn 18.3 'UEiiDAYrAPRiL 1. ISIS "FAKING" NEWSBOYS A Philadelphia newsboy was aent to jail for ten days for selling papers under the pretense that they contain ed an account of the sinking of an American battleship, when there was nothing of the sort in the paper. The severity of the sentence may be ex plained by the fact that the "boy" in question wa 23 years old, and must have known better. But even in the case of a young lad the offense would be serious. The magistrate announced that he intended to use the same severity to ward all persons who terrify or cheat people with fake reports of disasters in the army and navy. There would be much value in a crusade of that sort all over the country, directed against everybody, old or young, who spreads false news either for personal or by way of enemy propaganda. As far as newsboys are concerned, the public should recognize that when they shout false statements as a de vice to sell their papers faster, they are acting purely on their own initia tive, and not as representatives of the paper they are selling. It is a famil iar trick for youngsters to make up sensational stories out of whole cloth. or to twist or exaggerate the purport of a big news story- A skirmish is likely to be cried out as a bloody bat tle. A mere rumor of victory or disas ter, honestly set forth as such, and no more, in the paper itself, is shouted to the world as if it were established truth. It should be added in justice to newsboys in general that most of these misleading cries are not deliber ate efforts to deceive, but mistakes due to lack of knowledge and imma turity of judgment. A kindly explan ation or protest, made to the offend er, will generally set matters right. PUBLIC SALE Thursday, April i, 1918. 18 horses, 12 registered Jerseys, 4 Holsteins, 6 Poland China brood sows, chickens, separator, all house hold goods, stoves, etc.; clover seed. Ten miles south of Salem on the Main Pacific Highway; aeven miles north of Jefferson; one wile southeast of Sidney on the Oregon Electric. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. m30a2' E. E. DENT. E AND LOOK YOUNG Nobody can Tell when you Darken Gray, Faded Hair with Sage Tea. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this sim ple mixture waa applied with wonder ful effect By asking at any drug store tor "Wyeth'e Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot tle of this old-time recipe. Improved by the addition of other Ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This Bimple mixture ean be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to uv Mir. A well-known downtown druggist awye everybody uses Wyeth'e Sage and . Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied It's so easy to use, too. Tou simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the (ray hair disappears; after another application or two. It Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation Is a delightful toilet requisite. It Is not In tended for the cure, mitigation or pre- Mori On lxr Wnnfrl West Linn Mills opposite Oregon City. 18 years and over if able-bodied. The strike won't bother you any more than it is bothering us. Bring railroad receipt from Albany and we will pay back if you work one week. Lowest wage $3.36 8 hours shift work, 9 hours day work alone. Come any way and try it once, seeing how fool ish the strikers were to leave. m30a5 Fortmiller Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic Bldg. Our Own Auto Heart Lady Assistant NOTICE Our one-delivery system goes into effect today. We will give you all the service possible on these trips and if not satisfactory, notify us at once. Hoping to have your cooperation and trade as usual, Very Respectfully, J. D. SEARS. Sears' Grocery tS: Bakery Fimt and Ferry MONEY- Money should be a good servant, not a cruel master. It will serve best when placed in a bank account, It will serve you when you need It most. It stands ready en a moment's notice to do your bidding. We invite your banking husinee. ALBANY STATE BANK ALBANY. OREGON FOUR FER CENT ON TIME AND SAYINGS DEPOSITS Food Will Win the War Produce It! Without seed it would be Impossible to produce food and seed is scarce! The demand for vegetable seed last year more than doubled, and al most at the same time the supply of seed from Europe was cut off. We have done everything possible to grow more seed In America, but in spite of our best effort there is hardly enough vegetable seed to meet every demand. The supply of seed throughout the whole world is extremely short! We advise that you order your seed immediately. And we ask that vou be careful with the seed you buy mike every seed count! SEED Will produce FOOD. Dont waste it! Murphy's Seed Store Delivery Notice One Delivery a Day Only Deliveries will be made over the City as follows commencing Mon day, April 1st. EIGHT O'CLOCK A. M.: From Thurston street east to Chicago, and additions and Sunrise and Winona Park. TEN O'CLOCK From Lyon Street to Washington TWO O'CLOCK P. M.: Trom Washington Street to Culapooia bridge, Hazelwood and ElKins Additions. riJl'R O'CLOCK P. M.: From Lyon Street to Thurston. Positively No Special Deliveries. ASA EASTBL'RN, Manager. We Don't Guess Ambu is the last word in Electric repair work. AMBU positively accurately and automatically detects, locates trouble in any Electric Starting and Lighting system. MlljS We can quickly locate your electric trouble and repair it at a lower cost than the mechanic who guesses. No guess-work with AMBU. We guarantee every bit of our electric repairs because AMBU lo cates the trouble. Come in and let us test your electric system out There is a test here for you FREE. Auto Electric Shop Third & Lyon St. Thone 51 A. M.: street - i Insure Your Live Stock AO A INK T Insect Paiautrt an J Disrate BY USINO Kreto Dip No. 1 tfaMniiiHM J? fffK'.iv Uniform KcorvacnktU KIV. Lfc. Wlt and n Cihmimi Jkkta TiowbitM. PrvnU Hof ChoW I'M set late an grflkm ptc ttvel 2S Wiut. U kr. I VN I Cfc.lWaWa4 v Tin- 111 mill r inm We will er4 ywi Novelet om h ttvetment mnat, eviemti m fMt'htnnie.rthrUie. mouth, We will id yti itr booklet v trm le build rtosj wallow, wkiea will wp boeje vImr tnl healthy. W will tend you (tea bonata om We to hear yaur hoge trea fruam la paratJte and dieeeea Wme to theaa- tbey era frea. KnM D9 Nas 1 WCM..J fata a fW Smh ft BURKHART & LEE First and Ferry Sts. 0 6.000 Miles Wirrgrip Tires W. W. CRAWFORD Albany, Oregon EAST END Auto Repair Shop Anyone wishing faatr healed and at the same time get acquainted with yowr car euwskae), lighting, magneto sad generator, bring it to the East End Aeto Re pair Shop. All work guaranteed. Prices right GIVE ME A TRIAL. EAST END AUTO REPAIR SHOP J. King, proprietor Rome phone. Shop, 1347; Resi dence, ltd FISHF.IMIKADFN Undertiken Auto Service Lady Assistant Frank C. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver. Cot Glass and Hand Painted China GET YOLK Garden and Field SEED . From L'. FRESH STOCK IN BULK M. Senders & Co. Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building READ OUR WANT ADS. Your Car Should be ovashauled before spring. We guarantee our work absolutely. General overhauling, slatting, lighting, magneto and generator troubles by competent workmen. Yon will llnd fair treatment here. RALSTON MOTOR CO. 11 K. Seventh St. THE BKS1 BAKED GOODS UROCfcKlF.S. PRODUCE and FRUITS at PARKER'S "The Sign ol Quality" 136 Lyon St. Rnth Phono ALBANY PLANING MILL AU Kind of Mill Work Ghus and Wiad Shield. HAY. ORA1N. FEED .Stock and Poultry Supplies Casollns and OQe U. a HAYNE East Third and Main Streets Four Per Cent Interest oemsoaaded eat saving SE CURITY tor then, and money back when needed ta thla bank's plan (or all who deposit at oar Savings Department. Take advantage of h. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS tM.MQ.M J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers Albany, . Oregon VIERECK'S BATHS First-claas Workmen Only Oper from 730 a. m to 7 p m Saturday 10 p. m. Cor. Fb-rl and ElUworth Streets STETTER'S Full line of Chinaware, Dishes, Crockery, Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. L&avAXU " ioteiJt.7rana? Qittion QpamSaiCfrancisco Qnikectnkrofdu. CttyyQfemdGlor "Vales myn'ZPOper Day. -ioooT&omt. Wppnciaied by THscrim 1 na iincf 0 natjtmeyd (Ja 'am A Li 13 A N Y foREl U SAVINGS DANK p UL Cl.ASSIKIKl) For Sale CAR KARGAIKS We have) a lew aHd second hand Maxwells and Fords iue sale, in Hae condition and aewly pwlalod. Waldo Ander sua A Sua. m7at FOR SALS stent, or trade, seven room modem house. Inquire at 5JS Second and Calapooia St. rJiit tl FOR SAiLE One ot a l-rte la Cltntral Add. Oa eared street. Comer lot. Tenia a desired. Ia enporf slaaao .Hoase, luitf FOR- SALE - llarnKl Kork eirits. II 60 per setting; hens first class and males from high nvord hens from Keeny stork uf Eugene, tiuaran-tn-d fortillty. Home phone o:I Bell ltvS-J. Mrs. John kirkls id Sunnse. mllali! FUK HAI.K H shoals. Inquire of I'.vcrvtt I'ayne. Hell phone MK11 m'Jrta; FDR SALE A fine Wellington Oak piano in very good condition, at a remarkably low price. See J. A. Howard, :2S First street. FOR SALE Wicker baby carriage, irood as new and at a bargain. Vic tor Olliver, Bell phone. mSOa FARMS FOR SAI.K-Central Mon tana farms, Stillwater county, pritr wheat section, grow anything. Terms right. Ilome-eeekers' op. portunity. Write or come. Colum bus Land and Livestock company, Columbus, Montana. m."10a2 FOR SALE Food team, now plow ing. Price ."i0, terms to respon sible parties. Inquire of Roy V. Foremen at store at I 'ever. Oregon. martai SETTINC ERGS FOR SALE Mam moth Toulouse geese eggs 2re each, 6 for $1.25. Mammoth Pckin duck eggs S1.2& per setting; mallard duck II 00 per setting. M. J. Fir rhau, Albany Dakrry, 115 E. Third St. lafi FOR SALE -I span young marcs, 3 colta, 2 sows, 7 sax seed wheat, 12 in. plow, '1 hacks and some harness. Inquire of Farmers' Feed Stahles. US FOR SALE- Beautiful H-room bunga low with electric light, city water, connected with sewer. ood well. nice lawn, corner lot; small fruit. $1275. Mrs. J. A. Croft, 141X1 San tinm nnl I'ine. lnO For Rent FOR KENT flood house, well locnt ed. (lood fireplace and furnace, fall Mm. Fred Dawson, Hth & Broadnlliin Sta. la.1 HdpJTant4-Male WANTED Five men to work in hop yard, $.1 per dny. Pincua P. Han ncgan, R. 4. Home phono tiMM. m:K)a2' MEN WANTED Monday at the Al bany Lumlier company sawmill. m.')02 Miscellaneous WANTED TO RENT House in good condition, modern, smnll stable and rhickenynrd, and from one-quarter to two acres of tillable ground, in or close In. Telephone Bell 4S9-J or write E. D. (ioijsbeek, 1712 East Front street. lafl CHANGE YOUR HABITS by getting up an hour earliea. We have Alarm IT 13 THE WAY OF THE MULTNOMAH HOTEL at Portland. Cordinlity of Greeting, nice service, gam go for your use If you are driving a car, and clnao proximity to all places of Interest, are mak ing The Multnomah PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL st NATIONAL BANK i Beginning April 1st, 4 per cent Interest will be paid by the Pirst Savings Dank on yearly Time Cerdllearet ol Deposit. ADS.-BUSINESS DIRECTORY Clocks that will do the business. F. M. French A Son, Jewelers A Engravers. m3Ua2dw WANTED To buy all kinds of hides. Junk, sacks, second hand goods, etc For Ssle Counters and showcases. See Kogoway, 5ed and Baker. dill YOU SHOULD CAI.L-AII.any Pure Milk A fheess Co., for Butter and Cheese. Two daily deliveries of Buttled Milk and Cream. Milk 10c per it., f 4c per pt. by the month. Both phones 17. m.lOa.tS R F.FRKiKK ATI NO PLANTS lor sate and repaired. Steam and hot water healing. 110 East 1st St. Home phone 1244. d4rf NO CHANGE in delivery at the City fish market, 201) West 2d St. Same service as before. W. li. Kidgeway. ' la.T WOOD SAWING Call Newton Bros., JJ9 Pins St, Home phone 4404. Bell phone J77-J. Olfloe with Cuminintfs Transfer Co. alrf WANTED ll.HO worth of new tars. I make to order all kinds W furs. Old lurs remodeled. Patterson Fur Co.. 101 Lyoa St. IJJrf BDSINESS DIRECTOR WILSON MUSIC STUDIO Opeea fur enrollment ol pupils Saturday, September ZJnd, at 10 a. m. A. II. Schmllt. Hunt Bldg. , Breadalbaa, corner of Third. S-lt-tf HEMSTITCHINV-10c yard. 4SS-R. Sue Preckenndge, 331 W. ELMER C. OIPS Chiropractor Rooms i. 7, 9, 10, Cusick Bank Bldg. Nature eannot curs a disease tsnleea the causa la removed. Chlreprsettc adjustmsnts remove the cause. DR. H. E. JACKSON Dentist Room 404-3 First National bank bldg BOTH PHONES DR. OEOROE J. KENAOY Chiropractor First National Bank Bufldloji Real Estate, Insurance and Money to Loan II. P. MERRILL Insurance, Loans, Surety Bonds 'I'CtuI ollnillon cn ,to iaic ol roptrly bclonginiftc non.ieidents tooni So. I. tecond liof.r, firnt Sv .... IN.ti htiildi-iir fl'mnv Utrrnn 6 I'LU CENT MORTAGE LOANS long time, any amount, lor good cultivated farms. Call on J, V. Pipe, 303 W 2nd St S-l-H For Sale Real Estate j. v. PIPE Real Eatste, Farms and City Pro perty. Fire Insurance. Notary Pub lic S-l-tf Loans Surety Bonds E. F. SOX Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real Estate 21J 1st Nsrional Bunk W AGRICULTURAL CREDIT COR PORATION OP OREGON 20-year farm loans at lowest rates. HECKER At BEAM, AOENTS 133 Lyon St. "How Do You Do" And "Good Bye" You Use Those Words when friends come to your home. You are glad to see them, and sorry that they are leaving.