Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 27, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    n LA"
Best Advertising Medium
In Linn County
Toniiht and Wednesdsy RAIN
Na. 2.
Allied Reserves Have Not Taken Part, Hut Immense
Force Has (lathered for the Expected
(rent Counter Blow
lly Ed L. hrenr. I'. I'. Staff Corrr
apondrnt I.ONKON. Mrrh 27. The (irrniin
drive's aevrnth day finda mi rraaon
for peaamiiam. There i incrriiaing
rrmun for runfidence. Although the
(Irnnini have regained moat uf the
territory luat In I'-'lil. they ere four
day behind the drive's schedule.
Nutwitha'anding the grcalrat con
centration on a amall frontage, their
objective wedge Wlwrrn the French
and Hriliah armlra rannot lw accom
pllahcd. The allied rcarrve army la not par
ticipating. The Hritih retirement l
orderly. There la no flight nor panic.
Tha attackers' luaaea ar quadruple
ihm defenders' luaara. Gen. Haig says
-There u local fighting north and
northeast of Allicrt, Tha aituation la
"We were furred bark ahortly near
ltray. A heavy attack aouth of the
Somma ngainet our new Una wa re
pulsed." LONDON. March 27. -Gen. HhIk
Saturday, In general order to liia
Iro'ipa In Frnnre and Flanders. md:
"We are ai-nln at a war rrlaia. The
enemy -hat collected on hia front every
available division, aiming to dcatroy
tha Hriliah. Wa have already inflict
ed the hravical l.iaara. The French
are rushing aupportinit tnxipa. I feel
the army will do ita utmoat."
PARIS. March 27.-The war office
aaya: "Enfeebled hy loaaea, the en
emy waa checked everywhere I""'
PARIS. March 27.- Premier (Tern
encenu, returning from tlie front, de-
clnre.l: "Within 4 houra the allica
will l maaler nf the aituation
(Trmenccau admitted the aituation
ia serious. Amiena ia well defended
and it ia improbable that the Germans
will brrak through.
BERLIN. Mnrrh 27.-The Loknl
Anzclger a. Inula that the Hriliah have
aaved their entire complement of
heavy artillery.
lly Carl I). Croall.
Staff (or
V. I'
WASHINGTON, .March 27. The
alhea are about to throw a maaa uf
freah, strong troupe againat tha Ger
mana at the Roye-Noyon vortex. It
ia believed mora Americana ara com
ink 'n the allied reaerve. The num-
liera nf the allied reaerve are withheld
hut they are large enough to throw
hark the Germans, it ia lielieved.
Chief of Staff Gen. March ia in eon
atant touch with the aituation.
H. P. i'-ff Correapondeat Willisn
Phillip Simma
I1KITISII FRONT. March 27.-The
llritiah are holding the line weat of
Alhert, fiirhtinir every rod of tha way.
They retired weat of the town
yeaterday. Tha British are now paat
the deaert area and ara acreened hy
towna, fnreata and hills. The f iarhtinir
ia heavy about the converging of the
Anrhre and Somma rivers and heav.
ieat almut Meaulle.
Thia morning tha enemy ia attack
ing near Aveluy Wood.
Hy Henry Wood. V. P. Staff Corre
apondrnt f'RKNfll FRONT, Mnrrh 27 The
Genniin off. naive haa two great oU
jectivea attempta to hrrak the llrit
iah military power and to dcatroy the
French civilian morale hy terrorizing
I 'aria.
I find the Paria morale euala the
Kalarr Tn Imprraaed
AMSTERDAM. Mnrrh 27. "IVvaa
tating and terrible." aaid General Lu
drndnrff in a newapaper interview.
"The Kniaer ia deeply imprraaed.
hut find thnt he haa kept the righting
off of German aoit."
PARIS. March 27. "Only a few
Frrnrh diviaiona are enraged," the
government announced. "The bulk of
the French army ia awaiting eventa
while the moat powerful llritiah re
aervea are juat arriving at the front.'
i .erman General Killed
AMSTERDAM. March 27. General
Von lllntlmtz. commanding a German
divialon, haa been killed.
l-banon and Albany Home Guard
Companies to lie Fully
The county court thia morning de
rided in favor of buying uniforms fur
the memliera or tha A many ana l-eba-nun
Hume (juard coinpaiiiee. These
ara the only two companira in the
county which ara recruited to full
the court will fumiah a natty,
live drub military uniform, aimilar
to the regular army clothea, costing
from $7 to 1U a auit. Tha outfit will
runaiat of auit, hat and leggings. Tha
memliera will furnish their own anoea
nnd other part of the equipment.
Something like 200 unifurma will be
unii-red at present.
Ilia court tnouKhi it aaviaaiue u
make thia provision fur tha compan
ira at this tune to stimulate patriot
ism aa well aa lor tha uae ol ma
iruarda. The memliera uf the guard
ara practically volunteer militiamen,
except that they are not under gov
ernment or elate control. ui iney
are fur tha protection of life and
proierty in their reapective countiea.
Invading hordra of lawlraa bands
will find a Uiurh proposition in Linn
county. With tha Home Guard corn
names well-drilled and equipped, I.
W. W.'a and others will atrike a anag
here. Ilalary alao haa a email plat
oon and may be in line fur equipment
when their atrength grows numerical
ly sufficient to warrant their being
recognized aa a company.
IliKk-eal and Heat County Fair Kver All YYatrhea Will lie Set One Hour
Given in Linn la I Ahead; New Arrangement
Promised la Ideal
British General Says Enemy
Is Definitely Checked
on Wide Front
held i
juat I
As a result of the presentation of
Draft 2.r." the Metro patriotic play
alarring Mabel Taliaferro at the Rolfe hattlefield.
theatre Monday and Tueaday. the Red
( ross profited to the extent of $30.o6.
The offirera of the Ked (.roaa Keenly
appreciated the efforts and liberal
ity of Manager Everett Cumminga in
Fresh Attacks Are Expected
South of Somme; Reserves
Approach Roye, Noyon
LONDON. March 27.-(U. P.)
General Maurise, director of opera
tiona, in summary, says the situa
tion is leas critical this afternoon than
at any time during the past three
The enemy is definitely checked.
Ilia troopa are exhausted, but they
will recover and fresh attacks are ex
pec ted aouth of the Somme.
The German and French reserves
are both approaching Roye and Noy
"The battle ia far from over. Oth
er crises ara poaaible. Time is on our
side. The enemy ia further from his
communications and hia railways are
congealed. Our rr aervea, especially
the French, ara coming nearer the
The enemy ia in Albert..
The premium list of tha 12th an-1 P. II. French, local weather observ-
ual l.inn county fair, which will be er and watch inspector for tha S. P.
I.I -a, 4J1 4J a T I Ll r..L I 1 r
been laaCX The li.T is hTiar thi 'n th "
vt rr.nt.inin .lt 7n time sumurd set hy the government
pagea and offering all kinds of prizes I will go into effect here S nday mom
nu premiuma lor the beat livestock, jng. He ia in favor of setting the
ultry, farm products, ladies' textile, cock in th, .OUrthousa Saturday
" I noon so that farmers in the city that
Tha Linn county fair thia year will day may have the correct time before
ve a greater meaning than ever tie- they go home.
i m""r" C 7 7 Zt . Tn "'cial time for starting the
ly for exhibition purooaes. but for new chedule is 2 a. m. Sunday. At
purpoaea of consumption. The govern-1 that time tha railroad terminals all
nt is doing all in its power to cause over the country will set their clocks
greatest amount o. production. ,head one hour ,nd M trainI arriv.
where two grains of wheat can be ; iii . hn, i.. ill
aoe to grow wnere one grew neiore, tnint ,urtinft out wili b. time
le farmer is serving his country in ter tha, hour
tne beat poaaible way. I he fair prom- Few ,e know that for the pa,t
laea to be the biggest and Iwst this 25 years the watchea in Albany have
year that has ever been held in the ll4 minutes fast. The 120th
umy. and oeaervea tne cooperation meriJian runs through Central Ore
d support of the people of Albany. Albany ia just 11 minutes
well as the rest of the county. -uj .til
I he new orricers or the lair are 1. Mr French aaya that in adopting
. Munkera. president: J. L. Calavan, ,t.. .., .v.rakv .hn.,H
vice-preaident; Mrs. Jennie Sheltnn, torvet that their 'watch ia set an hour
secretary; hd Myera. treasurer. The 1 .. ti,- ... i.
board of directors includes I A. Munk- the "mornin(r b.inr the beat time for
and '
work, and the longer eveninea more
J. L. Calavan. Fred Jones, Joe
Hoyanosky, a. r. .yselt and U. w. f w . recreation. The prin-
umtiaugh. I,r..l will t the lonirer
Among the committees are the fol- I ; -n ll v..
lowing: campground tjiiavan. jonea nin)fS four hour, ionK which
ivinjr thrm prt of th profit on j j VonHv whrn th? broke throuirh
mil inny. rLr muaia. wm f'""""! ... i t l a. ...
Ien filled."
lobby decorated in keeping with
the play and other thinga dona to
ake the affair a success, several
ladiea of tha Red Cross acted aa uah-
era and were dressed in Ked Cross
nuraea' uniforms. The ticket seller
at the box office waa alao clad in the
nuraca uniform.
The piny waa.all that waa aald of It
in advance neeteea lat nt on or tne
tieat patriotic leaaona preavntcd on the
reen thia year.
rather Report
Vesterdaya temperature rangea
from to fi3 degreea. The rainfall
aa .0 inch and the river is 8.2 feet.
WASHINGTON. Mnrrh 27. (U.
P.) Senator Junea of Washington
state ecorrd I'reaident Wilaon for hia
"iaolation," demanding the "c-i , hard
war trutha."
Temnle Commnndery No. S, Knights
Templiir, accompnniMl by memliera of
Hnvley I hnpter No. , Koyal Arch
Mnsona. and St. John's Ixxlge No. 17
A. F. & A. M will obaerve Kaater
services nt the Firat Presbyterian
church Sumlnv. The members will
assemble at tne naylum at 4 o'clock
nnd nroceed to the church in a body
Tho hour will bo according to the new
government time, which goca into ef
feet on r.nster Hay.
WANTED Middle aged woman to do
housework for family or two, in
country. Addrcas A. llenshnw, Al
bany. R. R. 4. 27m2!C
FOR RENT A B-ronm flnt In tho
Shea npnrtnicnta. Hell phone Btll
J. 27ni2!l
FOR EXCHANGE Wo list property
everywhere nnd chnrge no commis
sion Tor putting buyers and sellers
.. ' : l.- tl...l All......
WgflZY,:.. ""j held nt qunrantine. The Agaaaiz ia
week. Call nnd investigate our
method. Oregon Renlty Exchange
FOR SALE Duroc Jcracy boar, 1
A PACIFIC PORT. Mnrrh 27. (U
P.) The Alcxnnder Agnasiz arrived
with Germnna nhnnril. It la being
I not a miller, but supplied
milling base, it ia lielieved.
Tho engines were damaged by the
year old next month, enn be regis-1 (ivrvsSKI) TO STARTING
tered. Will tnko fnt hog price fori JKRSF.Y CITY MUNITION FIRE
him. Bert Caao. Home pnone hiki.
ic nhone
FOR SALE A S weeks old Jersey
heifer cnlf. Home phone XB24. J.
A. Humphrcya. 27m2!t'
FOR SALE Two young, gentle work
horses. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Frank Newlnnd, Shedd, Ore. Phone
1FBIB. 27m21)
SIX-ROOM, modern house for rent.
Completely furnished, nil up-to-date
appllancea. On pnved street cloae
In. 421 E. Bth; Hell B10-J. 27m2'.'
HAVE YOU a back-lot? Uncle Snm
xnerta vou to nroilure your own
egga thereon. O.A.C. W. leghorns,
beat eggmakera known; hatching
ei'ira 1 nor IB. Home 4n2B, Hell
Blfl-J. Edw. C. Viereck. 27m2!l
Wanted, CLEAN co'.tio tag! at the
Democrat office.
NEW YORK. Mnrch 27. (U. P.)
Jncoli Altman, aged B, confessed to
the police thnt he carelessly threw I
cienret on tho floor of tho Jnrvii
warehouse at Jersey City, causing the
explnsiona and loss of two millions In
Altmnn was a warehouse wcighei
A. A. Tlender. clerk of School PI
trict No '.'B. l.inn County. Oregon, will
receive bids for the rrmolelini of and
the erection and completion of an ad
dition to their school building. These
works to be In acconlnnce with pinna
nnd aneclficnllons aa nrepnred hv Ar.
nnld C. e.lnkins, Architect, until two
o'clock Saturday. April 13. 1MR
"There have been two critical mo
menta: Saturday when the enemy
crossed the Tortille, seriously endang
ering our forces north of the Somme
ttraetions. Jonea. Calavan and Zy
sett; buildings, improvements and
grounds, Zyssett, Jones, Calavan, Boy-
nosky and Kumbaugm, amusement
program committee, r red Jonea,
chairman; Wavne Stuart. P. H. Mac
Donald, E. H. ilobson and Joe Boyan-
rollowing are tne supenntennenta
the varioua departmenta: horse
nd cattle, Fred Mespelt; sheep, goats
nd awine. S. F. Zvasett: poultry. E.C.
Shelton; agriculture, horticulture and
dairy, D. W. Rumbaugh; ladies tex
W 76. e MacDonaldrirt. flo. and were destroyed during the night
cereal, Audrey Hobson; Khool fair. fh TrlAZ
War's End Distant
WASHINGTON, March 27. The
war's end now appears "far distant,
aaid Secretary Lane.'
The German drrreiia the cause.
A. M. Stanton of Portland, state di
rector of deliveriea, will meet with
Albany busineasmen at 7:30 o'clock
this evening in the Commercial club
The local merchants are endeavoring
to organize a one-delivery-a-day ays-
ay for Fort Myeis, Virginia, to join , tern and it ia expecUd that the plans
will be completed tnis evening.
All over the country thia ia being
done. In some places all deliveriea
are abandoned. The plans here are
for all stores to take off their wagons
and cars and to turn the business over
to Asa Eaatburn's delivery company
which will put on autos and cover all
sections 01 the city once a day.
ormrr Albany Hoy Here
Orville s. Looney ol romanu ar
rived in Albany t is morning to visit
ia brother, Virgil l.ooncy, and other
Albany frienda. lie will leave on ion
the 37th engineera. They expect to
leave in 20 daya for France.
ookrd Food Sale
l ne Kdgewood Auxiliary or the Ked ,
roaa. at I'irtle station, win noiu
cooked food aale at the Ked Croaa
atore Thursday. Cakea, pica, bread
and other good thinga to eat will be
ffered for aale.
North Albany Entertainment
The North Albany school will give
an entertainment Friday evening for
the benefit of the graduating class.
kev. II. Lovd Morgan and .Miaa Mar
garita Gibson will give the principal
part or tne program. An aumiaaion
will be charged.
S. P. Man Here
F. G. 1-cwis. traveling paaaenger
agent of the S. P. Co., waa escorted
about the city today by Local Agent
A. J. Van Waning.
More Fords Received
W. W. Crawfora yesterday received
six touring and roadster F'ord automo
biles hy boat from Mnlcm. more are
expected aoon.
isited t rawforda
Guy Butler, a student at 0. A. C,
visited over Sunday nt the home of
hia mother, Mrs. W. W. Crawford.
To See Edmund Tracey
Mrs. Hen Kiddcra went to rortianu
thia mnmini? to see her brother, td-
mund Tracey, who will go through
PnrtlnnH thia evening en route to the
officers training camp at rort Mon
roe, V irginia.
On Itnaineaa -Trln
N. I). Conn went to rortinnd mis
morning on business. He will bo gone
n couple of dnya.
Returns Home
Mrs. W. tirosnong returned to ncr
home at Dever this morning after a
week's aUy at the Hcalthatorium, re
ceiving treatments.
Leavea for Weat Sine
C. L. Monson lert this morning on
trip to Newberg and other West
Side towns.
Illlliarrfa .i In ITnnlllam
Ed Hillinrd nnd Lucy Milliard left
yesterday for tloquiam, wasn.
il.ilH Interesting Meeting
At the regular meeting of the East
ern Star Inst night the I nnpter ue-
gree was conferred on Mrs. Wayne
Stuart. After the meeting a social
time and feed was enjoyed by the
Inrge crowd present.
Clarence Wilea Enliata
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Wiles will go
to Portland tomorrow to see their son
Clnrenee. who todnv enlisted in the
service of the government. Clarence .
is at Vancouver at present
Miss Bertha Leake and Miss Eve
lvn Marshall. two o o D u 1 a
nurses, will leave on April
first for some cantonment in this
country where they will join a de
tachment or Ked l.ross nurses leav
ing soon for France. They volunteer
ed some time ago and have just re
ceived word to hold themselves 1
readiness to leave upon receipt of notice
Miss Leake haa been head surgical
nurse at the hospital for the past nine
years. She has had previous exper
lence at a hospital in Muskegon. Mich
igan. Miss Marshall is a graduate
from the Good Samaritan Hospital
Portland and has had three years' ex
The egg shower ia an Innova
tion introduced by the Millers
hurg Auxiliary to the Red Cross.
Last Saturday the members of
the auxiliary in the neighbor
hood of Milleraburg ahowrred
100 dozen eggs upon that branch
of the Red Croaa. A market
waa aought. but 31 cents waa the
highest price offered. Finally
Mrs. Alhvn Enson got in touch
with a Jefferson merchant who,
when he learned that the pro
ceeds were for the benefit of the
Ked Croaa. offered 35 cents. He
waa given the lot and the chan
ter cleared S35.00 from the aale.
Loral headquarters auggeat
the aame atunt for other auxiliaries.
Bolsheviki Issue Call to Arm
and Officials Resoond
En Masse
" ' - nings will be lour nours long, wnien
lysett; finance, Boyanosky, Cala- used in gardening or joyrid-
and Rumbaugh; amusementa and ing the individual sees fit. It is
more practical all around, aaya Mr.
Between S1.000 and J 1.500 worth
of suits, underwear, shoes and other
Trotsky OrganizinK'Arnvjr to
Combat Kaiser When
Offensive Fails
By U. P. Staff Correspondent Joseph
PETROGRAD, March 27. Tha
Bolsheviki declare that the German
offensive ia Ruasia'a opportunity to
reorganize and declare war against
Germany when the offensive fails.
Trotaky proclaims universal mili
tary training. The highest grade
have been ordered to report immed
iately. Old officers are reporting an
MOSCOW. March 27. UVrarda
Bolsheviki have recaptured Odessa
from the Germans after a bloat bat
tle, the Black Sea fleet cooperating.
rs. R. L. DeVaney.
the packing around a pipe under the
aink in the ladies' rest room on the
mezzanine floor burst out about 10: JO
last night.
The accident ia thought to have
been caused bv the extra pressure of
water turned into the mains when the
fire alarm sounded last night. The
packing was not able to stand the
strain and the water shot out aroun 1
the joint in a stream. The greater
part of the spring stock o: suits were
The Armenian relief committee will
give a benefit concert at one ol tne
local churches F nday night to raise der the eat en1 of the mezzanine
funds for the suffering people of the f, and . tw0 ,uita in tne houM
l'.fca?f:-The Prm?P"! escaped a soaking. Shoes and other
will be Millicent and Jerrine Burrows, T?r,. . ,int
uvenile entertainers from Portland. " C: ... um th.
Local talent will also take part. . I ,,, M, Wortn lt,nd, to lose consui-
The committee in charge or tne ble moneT. Besides the actual easn
rive for funds reports that returns . ... i. u. !, nt
from all parta of the county are en- w nri. ,t th, DrM-nt time to
ging. H. C. Jackson, chairman ,. lv. j.-,, ..nn.ntn.
The fire which caused the trouble
was in the manual training snop in
the junior high school. The fire de
partment arrived in time to put out
the blaze with tne chemical exting
uisher before any great damage was
cou raging.
f school district No. o, reports that
14 families in his district gave 4b.w
Their quota waa 20.
Other places in the county nave iiu-
I their allotments.
The famous DeMoas musical family
will render the sacred Easter music at
the Baptist church Sunday night.
They are com posers of religious songs
and will render their own selections aa
well aa the overtures of the masters.
For 45 years this Oregon family
has been before the public in revivals
and religioua entertainments. They
hold an international reputation, hav
ing toured Europe several times, ap
pearing before the courts and large
popular audiences.
Their program wtD laaiat as aaav
erd songs, anthems, trios and 6rehs
tral overtures; and the pastor will '
preach on the "Glory of taster."
There will be no charge, the usual
offering only being taken. Many peo
ple will avail themselves of hearing
this famous family.
ianlav of Wheat Substitutes
H. J. Firchau. proprietor of the Al
bany Bakerv. has a good display in I
his windows of all kinds of wheat sub- GENERAL HA1G CABLES
stitutes. Among tnem are: coarse i
trraham flour, corn meal, fine graham I
flour, milo mace flour, call barley, I
rolled oats, golden glow corn flour, I
purified bran, rye flour, Roman meal, I WASHINGTON. March 27. (U.
rtaanington uariry, rci.k, m 4,""''ip.) Gen. Haig cabled fresident sit
potato flour and potatoes.
son that the allies are determined to
Speak at Thomas ... I f;i,t not rnnntim? the cost, until the
J. M. Hawkins and Prof. Lee will I , u;-,.i r,,rantst.
. ... : . . ... . inruviii vi .............. - e. .
go to 1 nomas mis evening to i He .,. your message has great-
a meeting at tne Thomas school. Mr. i. toucnej us an Please accept our
Hawkins will spean on tne next "'' heartfelt thanks. One and all we be-
Libertv Loan drive and I'rol. lee win i ,- . ; (k. ,,, i,,tic.
speaK on tne Armenian uiitc.
I'm. fnst Yniin I nH V Visit-
MisS Verda fllclimmonds, a popu-1 II fl I V WZZU CLDU I'Li:
lar young lady of Crowfoot commun- nULl TlLulV sLnllUCII
. . .. n-a- .,BMin ia viaitinff Alhanv I
frienda this week. IT CT MIOVQ TnMICHT
ni oi. iiinin u luiiiuui
A large crowd attended the patri
otic meeting held last night at the
Dixie schoolhouse. two miles this side
of Corvallis.
Following an interesting -program
given by the people of that district,
talks were made by a number of Al
bany men on the next big Liberty
Loan drive. Heike Ohling has been
appointed chairman for this district
to be in charge of the next drive.
The following Albany men were
present and gave talks: C E. Sox, P.
u. liiioert, J. it. Muioert and h. s..
Bristow. Fred Yates of Corvallis
was also present and gave an Inter
esting talk.
George Walsh's new William Fox
picture, "The Pnde of New lork.'
opened a two-days' run at the Rolfe
I hentre tolav.
Geore-e. as tne son of a laborer.
Hoea some miirhtv clever acting, both
in his everyday ork and in tne
ranks of the new army which he has
joined to fight agiinst Germany. He
shows his capabilities and his worth
and the contrast of this red-blooded
American and the son of a rich man
ia very striking and has an interest
for both rich and poor.
The judge of the wortn or ueorge
and the rich man's son is a pretty
girl who waa originally the fnend of
the rich man's son. But she takes
the son who is doing something worth
while and leavea the spendthrift sol
alone. However, this helps rather
than hurts the rich man's son because
he learns a lesson and "become indus
trious himself.
The action of the Picture Is or the
usual swiftness of George Walsh's
pictures, and the stunts out-Walsh
Walsh. The battle scenes are among
the best ever staged by R. A. Walsh,
who directed the picture.
BVtnrneA Prom Trio
Winn Rnvre and mother, who have
been in California and at Newport for
the paat two months, returned home
today. Mr. Royce will resume his
work at the Western Union Telegraph
Special services in observance of Week will begin at St. Mary's
. . .... . i. :n
churcn at i:au tonignt ana wm con-
timio until Easter Sunday.
Today is known as py Wednesday
because of the secret plotting against
the lite ox tnnst wnicn marwm hub
day. The service tonight will consist
nf the matins of the Roman breviary
and the singing of the lamentations
of the prophet Jeremiah by the clergy.
ine tail oi Jerusalem nuo mnw
hands is the subject of the lamenta
As the service progresses, the lignts
on the alter will oe gradually exting
uished and the darkness which fol
Iowa, svmbolizes the shroud or mourn
ing which covered the earth at
rkriit'i ninth
Th t-t of the sermon will be "Je
rusalem Hath Remembered the Days
of Her Affliction." .
The solemn services or Holy inurs-
r)a will hecin at 9 o clock in the
morning and will commemorate the
blessing of fhe Eucharist at the last
supper, r oiiowing communion m
Eucharist will be carried in proces
sion to an altar richly decorated, call
ed the Repository. The other altars
will then be entirely stripped to rep
resent tne neirayai oi t nnst i me
hands of his enemies, and the organ
and bells will thereafter be silent for
three days to express the deep sorrow
of the church at this time.
The evening service will begin at
7:S0. A series of scriptural readings
will be given bearing on the closing
events of Christ's life.
. The public is welcome to attend
these services.
Dr. J. P. Wallace has received word
from his son. Dr. B. R. Wallace, whose
car was stolen in Tacoma from In
front of the Tacoma Hotel Friday
night, that the machine was found
Monday morning in a ditch in South
Tacoma. The fine, big Marmon was
deep in a mudhole and was not dam
aged, with the exception of one of tha
fenders being bent a little. ins
thieves evidently took a good ioyride.
got stuck and abandoned the car.
Dr. Wallace was very mucn pieasea
upon recovering his auto.
Winsome Marguerite Clark is now
appearing in one of the most talked
nf stories of the yeai? "Bab's Burg
lar' which originally appeared in tne
Saturday bvening r oat and wnicn
was written by Mary Robert Rine-
Younger sister of an attractive girl
of 24, and even more romantic than
the average boarding-school girl,
Bab's efforts to marry off her older
sister are screamingly funny and her
experiences with her thousand-dollar
allowance which ah panda in two
weeks still funnier.
Director J. Searle Dawlev, who haa
directed many of Miss Clark's biggest
productions, was responsible for
"Bab's Burglar," which will be show
at the Globe Theatre today and Thursday.