PAOt THRU SPORES, ALLEGED SLACKER RON OUT OF PORTLAND BROWNSVILLE WOMAN OUT HAMILTONS mzhzhzkhzhzhzh CHZIIZH3ZHZHZH FOR COUNIf TREASURER ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT, MONDAY. MARCH 14. 118. II Just This Week Then This Week Only Busy Corner Grocery Will put forth every effort ti clime nut the stock ly making a fur ther rcilmtlim un 14 1 1 guuda ret'iiidli-sa uf cost. WILL AI.M) MAM: A HAdtll ll K' ON ALL FIXTl' KKH Busy Corner Grocery . It AM r ROM A N. rruiirirlnr. l-'uurth and Lyon Slrrrl m j mv VKWH tiorm tp Nrort Kin n m Krtir, who hm Ihvti rm- )im1 til tttr Ctittut'c, haa nctrt(l a oititiin At Newport. II rr Kriiin Mill ity W. I. Tnli f Mill City rtit Sun ilny in Albany. Hrturn to O. A. - Mid KntKi-ririt nul Kuth I.Win Xifnl v( U. A. . nt thr wrffk-vnt with thrir 1'nrrntB. On Vtajr lu Montana I.) It !nm of V. i'f U. una in All mi tint morning un his way to J'oplar, Mnt., to viait hia parrnta. a, . THK iili r.iintn fur llttiiinc. - - - II rr from Itallas 'One Shra uf I 'alius spent the week vm with his a rents hrr. Lravra fur Valr Cyrus Whitn.-y li ft tint mom in if for Vnli , Knatcrn Ore-iron, to work on tha farm of Frank MrKnifht. On lluninraa Trio J. II. Safley wrnt to Tangent thU inurmnt; on husinrsa. Former Albany I toy Nunnnn Crane uf Portlum!, a form er A Many boy, la visiting uM friends lie rr. Vinitins (iranclarrnta Mm Naomi Mansfield of Portland la hera visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mm. K. W. Koss. Makes Offirrra Camp Kdmund Trarry, who visited in Al liany ovrr the week-end and who haa Um stationed at Kt. Stevena, Irfl to day for Fortress Monroe, Virginia, where ha will attend the Coaat Artil lery nfflrrrV training school. Ity ATTENSHUN! .o..r..w..a..r. M. .h..! TO VOI R ;i!(il -:H S ANI SAY "SEND ME A 'I. I N NO R E I'ltAMi HAM:" Thr retail price till April 1 will lie Sic per pound. Hum ami Egg for Kastrr Hrranfaat linked Hum for Dinner. a ikimk product guaranteed iiy homk p koplk D. E. NEBERGALL MEAT CO. New Records Today No. .M'.i.'l There l Service Flng nt Our Home 75e No. iMi'.O- Whi n Vou Come llnck Home 75c No. 'Jiss - ( ol.i-n nt the Kml Ks'nte Office 75c No. ;i:'ii- A Dubya Prayer nt Twilight 7 No. "I!'l - There's a I.umn of Su"r Down in Iixir- 75c No. V -1 7 1 - Tlnt'a a Motlu'r' l.ilir'ty Lonn 75e No. L'lIM-.- I'll Comr Hnrk to You Wlun lt'a All Over 75c No. I'm Coini; to Kollow I'f Iloya 75c No. 'J ISO The Pri-nm cf a Kol.litT Hoy 75c COiML' IN and 1 1 If AR these New Columbia Records at Wood worth Drug Co. MONEY Monoy lioul(l ho k'oim! m rvunt, not a crurl mnntor. It will icrve Iwiit when plnrcil in a hnnk account. It will crvc you when you need it moat. It atamla ri'aily on a moment' notiro to do your bidding. We invito your hanking buainraa. ALBANY STATE BANK AI.RANY. OREGON KOMI PI'.U CKNT ON TIM E AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS J hm i rfl MULTNOMAH HOTEL Portland. Ore. The people of Alhany and I.inn County art invited to make UM of this Hotel. We are turc our acrvlce will plcaa yo. A will iliri til k ii k from tha toe if Oeputy Diatrlct Attorney Kyan'a boot and an iiijunrtion to "keep on itoiriK" waa the reception accorded to Juke Kporra, alleiced alacker and pro Oerinan, lata of Kuitene when ha made Ilia apH'arnnr In Portland lata Ha lunlay aflernimn. riiorra, who waa eacorted out of l-anu county luat Wedneailay by a I'omniltti-e of f0 villantea, appeared it polira lu:adiuartra lata Saturday afternoon and inquired fur tha district attorney. "I want to awear out a warrant fur thoae Kuxrna people who ran me out of town," Hpurea explain ed to Deputy Attorney Kyan. Ha produced a clipping from the Oregonian of laat Thuraday, in which an account waa given of hia forcible ejection from Eugene by a committee uf a half hundred determined citiiena "Are you tha man named in thia article?" queried Ryan. "Yea, and I want to have them ar retted," replied Hporea. Hut ha had hardly made hia explan ation when Ryan jumped to hia feet, grahlied Spon-a by the collar and ahoved him to the atairway nearby. Ryan 'a right foot ahot out to aaaiat Sporea in hia hurried trip down the atairway. When laat aeen, Sporea waa heading for the Union depot with Patrolman l.illia cloae by in the offing to aee that he heeded Ryan'a command to keep on going. According to a report from Eugene, Sporea wv compelled to leave there becauae of hia unpatriotic aentimenta which ha indiacreetly expreaaed pub licly. Eugene eititena aay that he haa made aeditioua remarka, haa refuaed to auhacribe to any of the war fundi and haa belittled tha liberty bond campaign. He waa ejected from Eugene be- rauae, it waa laid, he waa tha wont of a number of unpatriotic people liv ing in I.ane county. He narrowly ea- raped being tarred and feathered, the committee of ritizena having elimin ated thia feature from hia farewell reception upon hia promiie never to return. Sporea cam to Albany from Eu gene and tried to aecure legal aniat ance from local attorneya, but waa re fuaed in every caae. Miaa lnora row II of Hrownavill" will b ft candiduto for county trraa iirer ami wiil filr for the Democratic nomination for that of fire. Thia ia tha word rereivtd from IfrowfiaviJle lute thia afternoon. Miaa Powell ia a daughter of Form r ('ommiiiioner Hiram 1'owtdl. ia a irraduata of ft well-known college arid naa taufht In the Isrownaville uuMic achoola for the pant eiirht yeara. Hit r nt her rroaat'd the plaina in the year 1K52 and located in Linn county short ly after hia arrival in Oregon. Miaa I'owelf haa lare circle of frienda all over the county and ia said to be one of the most capable tear-h- ra that they nave ever had In tha Mrownaville public schools. She could undoubtedly fill the office acceptably and, unleas Miaa raw ford of I,tba non should conclude to enter tha race, will b tha unanimous choice of her party. RUSSIA ASKS FOR JAPAN'S SIBERIAN PLANS LONDON. March 2. Premier Te- rauclii told the Japan houae of peera that the government ia not considering Sirian intervention where the enemy war pnionera are not a real menace. PETROGRAD, March 23. (U. P.) The soviet commisaaries directed Foreign Miniiter Trhernii to inuuire of America, England Japan regarding the Japaneu plana to occupy Siberia. A military comminion under Trot ky ia considering defenae plan. H Z H Z H Z H Z Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H s N S H S H II S H S H Make the moat of your time thia week. e to it that your wardrobe ia auffieiently replenished. Suit, Coat, Skirt, Petticoat, Waist, Hat, Corset, Gloves, Neckwear, Handkerchief, Hose, Shoes Dainty Lingerie In fact. e that you are well aupp!, with tTJ d,ui of JoaT tpptrtL faithful, hard work he earned the op portunity to try for a commiaaion, and hia many frienda in thia city will wiih him the belt of luck in hia ef fort!. Sand Ridge Auxiliary The Sand Ridge Auxiliary of the Red Croaa keepa buay. Since January 1 the following articlca nave been completed: 95 bed ahirta, 24 wrist lets, 29 sweaters, ten pair wool ox, fiv pair bed aox, three wash cloth, three surgical wipea and 4,000 gun wipe. The net tit dance netted 29. 50. On llusineaa Trip R, Anderson wont tu Portland this morning on buaiaeas. Here From Eugene- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Dawaon of Eugene apent the week-end in Albanv with their parent. Went to Portland- Clarence Wilea went to Portland thia morning to viait relatives. Vinited Sister M. S. Cohen of Vancouver apent the week-end hej-e with his sister, -Mrs. M. Sender. Returned Home Mra. Edith Waite of Portland re turned after a visit here with her sis ter, Mra. Frank Skipton. Paxard Through Albany T. P. Cramer of O. A. C. waa in Albany a few hours thia morning on hia way bark to school after spending the week-end with his parents in Grant Pass. Weather Report Yesterday's temperature ranged from 3H to 58 degrees. The rainfall was .20 inches and the river is 7.9 feet. Returned Home Mrs. Etna Gentry returned home Inst night after a few days' viait with her aon in Portland. Going to Washington, D. C. Mrs. Clnra McCoy haa resigned her position with Hamilton's Store and will leave the last of the week for Washington, D. C, to visit her son. Chns. McCoy who is in tho navy, and her dnughter. Miss Li la McCoy who is working in a government office. She expects to be gone n couple of month. Spent Sunday at Donald- Hugh Hnmmerly spent Sunday at Donnld visiting frienda. Visitrd In Lebanon- Mis Dorothy Smith and Mr. S. E. Alexander visited Sunday in Lebanon. WOMEN'S OXFORDS. PL'MPS. in SMARTEST DESIGNS for SPRING With that Easter Costume that you're planning, dont overlook or even put off till the laat minute, your choice of footwear. For you must well know that there ia no one article that o well put the finish touch the final snap to a amart cos tume as a pair of dainty, well fitted Oxfords or Pumps. Here are the Favorites for Spring, Oxfords, patent, pearl, grey, dark tan and white, $5 to S7.50 Pumps, black, grey and white, long vamp with Louis, high Cu ban or low military heels $4.50 and $5.00 McDowell Shoe Co. MEN You also will wjnt to "apruce up- for this Easter aeaaon. New atylea of soft collar, whit or Pais Beach Sox. a new soft ailk cravat. Yea. every item of your dreaa that reveal your individuality, you may find here. Cash Values Worth While H B H S H S H S H S H S H S H S H S H S H S H ZHZHZHZHZHZKZ HAMILTONS' Everybody's Store HZHZHZHZHZHS LIBRARY SUCCEBUL IN COLLECTING BOOKS The Albany public library reports a very auecessful week in collecting books for the soldiers. Tha Twenti eth Century club gave 25 volumes. The Shakespeare club gave 11 vol umes. The Sacajawea Campfire girl collected 28 volumes. The Teachers' club voted $35 to pur chase books with for Camp Lewis. Among the other large given were the following: Mrs. Chas. Stewart, 20 vols.; Mrs. Charles Carter, 17 vols.; A. N. Minton, 11 vols. By Saturday night a total of 144 volumes and $35 had been given. A large picture of General Persh ing drapM with a silk flag adorned the table on which the books were piled. Natural Famlnlna Thought. Bescner (to drowning woman) "Now. madam, don't straggle and we are safe ; the lake la aa clear as a mir ror, and " Drowning Woman "On. let me look In It ! I think my back hair la coming down I" READ OUR WANT ADS Essex A Essex to close their doors FOREVER. See the Ad. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE The undersigned City Treasurer of Albany, Oregon, ha fund on hand to and will pay off City General Fund Warrants Noa. 232 to 459 inc., of the issue of 1916. Interest will cease with date of this notice, March 25, 1918. H. B. CUSICK, 25m27 City Treasurer. TEETH OF ANTEDILUVIAN BEAST FOUND AT LEBANON Remains Found in Spring Indicate Willamette Valley Waa Haunt of Extinct Monster Three teeth of the extinct mam moth hoarv forebear of the qua ter nary eleDhant were found recently in a spring on the farm of J. J. Swan, near Lebanon. Mr. Swan was clean ing and enlarging the spring so as to secure his water supply therefrom, and the heavy grinders, together with a piece of jawbone, were found in the mud deposit. The teeth are very large and heavy. They are in a perfect state of preserv ation and are among the best speci mens ever found here. The outside enamel, pulp and roots are as white and hard as when their orehistoric owner bore them in his massive jaw. Indians, unable to understand tne presence of teeth of so great a sfsa and fearing lest their owner appear, are thought to have found them and thrown them into tha deep spring. The spot was investigated by J. G. Crawford and other local men. On of the teeth is now in the collection of Charles D. Alexander. Essex & Essex to close their doors FOREVER. See the Ad. NOTICE .TO PUBLIC The Albany steal bridge will he closed to traffic from t to 13 a. m. and from 1 to 5 p. m. commencing on March 3rd and nntil farther no tice. By order of the Lion County County Court salt! "THE BLUEBIRD for Happiness. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS A. A. Bender, clerk of School Dis trict No. 25, Linn County, Oregon, will receive bids for the remodeling of and the erection and completion of an ad dition to their school building. Theso works to be in accordance with plans and specifications as prepared by Ar nold C. eJnkins, Architect, until two o'clock Saturday,. April IS, 1918. 21m27 USED CAR BARGAINS Oak Iand'f i ve-paaaenger. Hudson Roadster. Ford five-passenger. Marion five-passenger. Studebaker Make-Good truck. Buick five-passenger. Ford Roadster, body and windshield. Call and see them. PACIFIC GARAGE 22m25 134 W. Second St maxhu. This Is 'Mallory' TJ? ill AND THAT MEANS SOMETHING IN THIS STORE Cjjjii iJ ,T IS AX EVENT IN HAT MERCHANDISING WHICH WE WANT I. " Y0U TO KX0W AB0LT- nZclfhjf 111 " srRING STYLES OF J 111 I' ll; ."f I In maeazines and in newspapers everywhere. S5G?lNw I I l"3lr . f I r-.l .11 v. Ik. 1'nil.d Stnt.. are showine. talkina? and aellin? 111 M I II III. II II .Mil Mniinrv Unfa t thia time no that all may know more about them. m : -ur m 1 4 rL.l y"u. "V.v"u"r IVI VEiri ---- ISVliV f We'll gladly tell you ail wa anow w prove ineir gooa quauuea ana pop- ik'f 3 W III Wpl WW "THE RLITEIIIRI)" ERIC V. HAUSER, President H. H. CLOUTIER, Managar. 4 for Happiness.