Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, March 16, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    O. at 0 !.
Best Advertising Medium
in Linn County
Tonight and Sunday, probably HA IN
No. an.
President's Message Is Read
at Conference but Is Re
ceived In Silence.
Bijishoviki Leaders Tied Hand
and Foot to Geimany; Con
lerence German Directed.
1 y Joseph Shaptin. U. !'. Staff Cor
re -ton tent
I'l I H- w.K D. Man h 16 Wil
md' mrtvtk'r In t!ir Kuun tn;ir
w A rrj.l jt ihr Mifc tw lurtfcov irt
nMitftrtv ami) iki it Krknt-ili in
in fpi'ly, titan It itiK Uir Aim s i. 411
wi.f kuiK n tjilr tut their yniMtll
.tit't r(tfri1iK liujt. t thai thr m.iftra
rrf,.hrrr Hill loon uvnthrfiM iMp
il rum ami rtjMih a mm t.Jilir
fifty, rrr t(
. iv'w.Iulititiary rmtnt4Urft
rulr the Ktiwtjtt cii'ittrl Kulit(ti tlir
fcrtllcmrnt of ihr peat t iiriion hy
tlr Mi'Hn rni.vtr.. Tury Mill rr
kitfn if thr Oritur e.v i taiifinl
I'mij-n t fir rrjtnnlliiiK 0"
con t it u I urn 4I j.rrntl.ry in (wtn a
ifuhttott ctmrt arc irotL.
By Carl D. Croat, U. P. Staff Corrc
lVMUC.TOV. March 1ft Thai
llf IU .'- tiki trailer hair ilrfinitrly
rail their lot wlift (he German U
provnl further ihr chilrtj rcrrp
ttin Kivrn tii ViUin' mr,t l
.he pan aoWri cnni(Ti anj lit rr
Ihh inviiinij thr ijhtaal
nicriVan labor.
Thr rrliittitn it rririr-Ir-l hrrr a
German ilircvttM .r' author ilirt tay
it wiH tint Ir hrnti il ll will li
rmtrjk'r attempt to av thr lUil
iiriVi. mi will not halt American
effort to ai'I tltr Kmian tco,!,
it i frit the Vilon rnr-a.rt will hav
a iri. I rffnt on thr proplr if iimli
tlr! hy thr Hunt
l.MniV, March 16 The Mm
cow pan tmtr ha mt yet ratifie.l the
(rrnian teier. Onlv ihr HoUhrviki
fauctu volisl.
F01 1911
The mf triiiTi ol r7 i.c
rllr Int hv Shrnlf Hotline wa iiu-!t
tint aflrrmmn when $j.,7"75
turned ovrr to County Treasurer W. '
". l-'raii i. nmnry i di ided
miiontt the irvcral fund a follows:
General fund. $14.71 l.M; Krnrtal
ehoul fund, $5 747 union hik'lr
ehiKU, $MM..1K; roul districts. $4.
227.74; spreial road thMricK, $5.H't.
titics, $5.64673.
yititd Schools
Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cuinmtnk' yr
terday viited schools at UarrMuirn,
1lii-ey and
the two Lake Creek !
ICK CRKAM Vanilla, Orange, Ma
jde Nut and French Salad, ccial I
for Sunday at Keulon' ah store, i
, ,
NV.A.MIM. !, K,.--tor Renera, ,.
wor1'- Al'l-'y 434 6,h Sl- or
ll.-ll ,i,.,.e 4S5 Tarty J. IM.u'J
VM.VNTK1V-A womais fur urnerol
housework. Mrs. Marn.ircl I raw-
ford, Shcdd, Oreirnn. T.ell iihone
SF2I. llMiTlweViv
VVanlrd, CLEAN co'.to-.i lans at thc
Democrat olfice.
Men I Men I
YOUR OWN F.GGS iltirini? fall anil
wintcY from O. A. C. White I.r,i-
horn pullet .hatched now. Incom.
parable producer. Hatching citu
15 for $1, K. C Viereck, Home
4325; Bell 519-J. '
Enthusiastic Meeting Held Last
Night; Big Banquet Planned
for Liberty Day.
I n rut,!'"'"' i4r tin; of cap
tain ami worker for tlw i hir 1 1.1
iily l oan .Itivc of Alhany ami xiiiii
ily In M lat tiiKhl in Ihr uum il
1 h, (in her Thr inert in Vt1 wrll
jIIcimIkI ami ifoo-l ri'-.nlU w'ir a,
Thr worker w err k i en in n ruc
tion !;. Ir J Modern, chairman
of the 1 1 milliliter in charge of ihr
fount y wof k Stirring tat( wrre hv IH ' Whit. , Kev Al
ii vii I on. II I Mi I urn. I . '
I rwrltin:, ) H MnTherl ami I.. 0
Thr 1 intimitler vWtn in h.ipr
fur thr hii ilne w hi h iart A (ri1
A. and hv I hi oirtun tUlr thr rani
; aik-n mill hr perln!y orkjntr'l, 'Uir
In thr tirrri anl rftnirnl work of
A;. Ill i haa I'rru e ane i I il
ily 1 . - w!ien it i plu ncil to hate
A )if crlrhtatn-n ll Al'iany Iti orn
thr rampaik'n. Thrr will hr a pro
gram in ihr armory, ham nuu ami
a hit( roitHUK time.
Thr fealmr of the day will 'r
atojurl. al whirh it il rxpn trd 1o
at lrM 1,(11 ir' Tilirt
nrll for VI ornlt rarh and llif
. .11
n rr,l, will l.r titr.l lo itrftay tlir
rxirnr of tlir ramKiin nf riling
tht honU. Thr prrvaration nf tli
I a-tu'irt will ( in r'-atKr "f 1'tanr
I'l.idVr .mil (lir rtvinu l-r in
. tiarvr of Mn k I" Mann.
of tif)m rV frfilwiii ' Ctr
hittHlinU of ..iInt :"aini ihroiu'S
hrr- Ij-n f.ill in rtfrllrnl inamirr
Cclebrmting 27lh Wedding
NfuVaiwI Mr. J. llunlk), Mr. and
Mi. II. N. 1 1 ii ii t li. y . K'ti ail dau
ifliur; Mil. WalltT lullir an.l d-uu-Klin,
and Mt. llrlrli I'.li.lra rnt
lo I'ottrr slallon Uni hum limit to
aMrnd a tbnnrr Urn in tutior 01
ihc ill rtldinif aiiiiirrary of Mr
and 'l (unli Mr. an.
Mi. tAiiOr KM-rc marrird in tin
l al Imt llac lucd al Toiler Mation
the iat wnc )cat.
L'av. lor Canada
Mr. an.l Mil X. Ilodi'oif, 1". Top
oil ami M TuiMiit have Mil. I llulr
land ncax l'ayellcile and li-tt )'e
Icril.iy afleriKHin for Cowley, Altieita
On limine! Trir
Julin Kiikl.nn! a a aenncr ti
S.ilm llii uiorninK on luine.
Vii:d Siter
llrme l(aiilV returned lo hU
home in Torll.ind thin moinir af
ter a visit here with lii sister, Mrs
V . Sender.
Went to Salem
Judr P. K. Ivrlly went to Salmi
this uiorninK
Here ShoppinK
Mm. Troy Hulhcrt of Verdure Sta
tion spent Ihr day in Alhany shop-
Went to Salem I r, who resides lour mile.
Mrs. K. M. Kenyon of Seattle, who north wf Harrifti(lirgt lurncd in ye
has lHvn visiting at the home ot Mm. rr.itV um ..loxxed 50 acres of his
K. Narford, went to saicin last
nilihl fr ll irw days' visit
Helping During Sale
Mr. S. K. Barne of Conser i as
sitin) in Worth' I leiurttnrnl slore.
To Siend Wek-F.nd
Miss Frame Wnlie went -o Tort
laud this morning for the week-end.
Went to Salem
Mrs. W. B. Chance a a iassen
grr to Salem IhU nuirninv on Imsi-
! To Sfnd Day
S)mi(.t.r ,., , ,.rlland
, ,hi, morninn lo spend Hie day trans-
Tr,n,(eITerl to Crabtre
y Smilli ami i:unily arc mmiiiK
to Crabtree today. Mr. Smith has
in.,. hamiaeyniati at the S. T. depot
fnT K, ,,. years mid has now
1 .nl transferred lo C'rablrec, where
wi" Blt ' S.c,.- , .
alls '.Muy i.isKa oi ncio is
inn thr week end in Albany with
her isirr, Minit Mary Liski.
On Buine Trip
Wnii. G. Meyer went to Portland
ibis momma tor a week end business
Statement to the World Will
End Talk of Peace Without
Victory Says Wash.
Germany Drunk With Thoughts
of Conquest and Knows No
Argument but Force.
VAMIIN;j'0 March '. L.
I, j -A forcluI war riti"ar to the
wurlil 1 enpritcil f 1 olil lUon wxli
ll ik naluatc'l that hr u (liU-riiiimil
to cml the tilrmc rrarltiiii t'le
Ami man position toward tht J ipan
ec Sihcriali' moc.
It it ftimtiltauroutly learned that
pr-tcr talk 11 idlr in view ol thr (Jr
man ruthlem mv.iMun of Kutta ami
lot j aniv it it in the Ni ar l-ast.
In the hifht of thr t; . 1 that the
I'reittlnit has rt hi foot down on
!'' c tall, diplomalt krlirvr lie
definitely slat? thai peace now iiiiitl
rontr only ly the sword.
A vtpnnirrr .ittilnde hy Vmerira u
iliimn rrs tl.r determination neii
tral khrjipin is nerdi-il for iclory.
Crrnin' failure t rejiond to d
Inn's speech and Jus demands
upon KiMiinania eonvince official
lhat he is dominated liy the junkers
of (iennanvy who. drunk with con
' Itii-M. do n..t Cfinsidrr t'i prilK iples
' made apparent hy thetr tnvaslon or
the Near Ka4.
I It is learned lhat Japan and Amer
iia will continue friendly exchanges
reirardinir Siberia. . ' America's posi
tion i unrhanited.
Attention was brought to CoiiPi)
School Snpt. Mrs. Ida M. Cutnminv
1 the tail that in two school di
trut in the comity there were chthl
i ru l;o Jutd renied to nluu the
tl.iH. It wa found that thr parents
of ihr children in one f unity in a
errlain dittrirt had iustni.ti-l thrm
rut to iahtlr thr emhlem. eve
ning. afiT thr matter had been refer
red to I'oitni.ivtrr C. 11. Stewart, the
fat'u r of thrse children wa called up
and ordered to call thi mornin? anil
;m expl.mation. He wa- tolil ihe
inrittinit of ahnit.t; the f'a and be
fore hr Irft hr nicnrd a statement
I that be hm4 mfandrsIood the ncaa
inn ot tlir vi ute and that he wonh'
4I0 so hiii'cif.
j In thr othrr district t' e matter is
still under invrttivation.
NciRnbor H'lp Friend
a i: 1 -k ... i" ? I
'en K. S. Hawker, the neighbor oi
farm in one day. Twenty-seven teams
.were used in thc work Mr. Hawker
'also states that he arrested Or. Whet-
Mone of F.uifcitc for shooting jihcas-
ants irt of seas.m. He was fined $.0.
j Visiting McClain
j W. A. Bond oi MeUwrla. Nebraska,
is here .is a nuesl of L. F. McClain
j and other Albany friends.
IU With Mcasle
' John Schulu of the Lea Cohen
Icitfar store is confined to his room
with atn attack of measles.
Wther Rrport
j Ye.terdav trwi-erature ranged
from , (l.Rri.cs. Thc river Is
1 at 5.7 feet.
Here From Lyon
Mrs. W. H. Trask and Kramldatt
irhtcr, Loi Trask, of Lyons, canir
ilown this morning and arc visiting
Mrs. Trask's dniiKltte'ni Miss Mabel
and Zoc Trask.
I Halaey Man Here
, John . McNeil of is trans-
; actnur business here today.
i Pioneer Serioualy 111
Flias Maxwell, w-ho lives just east
of Knox Butte, is very low and not
expected to live. Mr. Maxwell is
; Litin county v'eneer.
Single Road Master Not to Be
Named this Year; Four Men
Will Handle the Work.
'1 he county cjurt has conaleti-d
a lul uf cvtfr Jt road foremen who
have heen appointed to .mdle the
road work for tins year, 'i lie court
ha decided not lo ajipoint a single
ruadiuaster lo handle the work of the
rnuie county, but to have men in
all fart (si the county superintend
the work in their various localities.
The operation will, however, be
lately directed from the courthouse
and a uniform plan will le cirried
out. 'lite men named have had con
siderable experience in roa'lbtiildinc;
and will he aide to Kive iood service
lo the county.
The list of ih'.se appointed are: J
I) I win. Alhany; W. II. Ilulburi, Al
l..niy; Fred Sprenifer, Shrdd: J. C
Standi h. Halsey; W. V. Co k. Har
rislmrK; iArthur .Sj,riniate, Harris
hurir: W. M. Sawyer. Brownsville;
(eo. II. Plisih. I.. Kirk. Brownsville;
(I It. 'ilon. Frank Johnsors, Leba
non; W C. Srotl, Tanurnt: F. Meek
er. Albany; John Maxwell, Albany:
W. K. Cal. Tamtrnt; Frank A Mil
ler. ShrHmrn; John Sliimanek, Scio:
W. A Gilkey, Thomas; F. I). Cor
net! and J as. Arnold. Crabtree: W.
. T.artley. I.eban"n: Ernest Hall.
Lebanon: 'A. C. Brown, Lebanon; D.
Ilildreth. Craw fordsv ille; John Rrin
Jiart. Sweet Home: Geo. S. Jone.
Leilsanon: T. M. Downine. Uicombs
Mike Bilyeu. Scio; F. M. Mitchell.
Albany: Ed Trask. Lyons: J. A
Brown, Waterloo: Arthur McKemie
Scio; W F- Wit.hey. Albany: A.C.
rhristenn. Harrishnra; W. M. Thil
lips. Scio: Terry Tarker, Tangent: J
F. Weldt, Gates
An interesting Kutherimf took pla-re
at Junction City Thursday when the
children, jtrandv'hililren ant ot
relative of Dr. and Mrs. Norman
I. At he red at the faintly home
to celebrate the golden wedding o
the restcd to!-;!i'.
The affair was primarily interest
in if to I. inn county people on r.c
count of the fact that the families
of both Or and Mrs. firM set
tled in IJnn county upon their ar
ri al in Or-on.
Those present at the celeb-ration
wrrr Dr. and Mrs. X. U Ie. Mr.
and Mr. Ernest U. and chiblren
Ooosvs. Roy and Nancy, of F.nfre-nc
Mr. and trs. Claud lee. Ennene
Ir. and Mrs. WVipht R. Lee and
children, Norman Jr. and Vtnrinta
of Fucrne; Xfr. and Mrs Fretl Fort
nii!ltT nnd children. Annie t co. Ht
brrt and FeKv.ird. of Alb.inv: Claii
. 1 er. jun-tir-p City: Vrs. W. A
McCl.nn. AH.anv; Mrs. C H. Ral
ton. Thn OriKK. Mrs. II V Kirk
natrick. Mrs. Sitrurd I.andtrom
I.phanon: Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Palm
er. Mis Tulia Williams. Albanv: Miss
NeIPe C. Foom. Mr-. ,V Phand
Mi?; Frma Phand and Mis Myrtl
. Junction City.
T)ie Albany Creamery association
this morning received froia G. K
Fry. ell, 'manager of ;he Western
Products Co.. of Salt a medal
which wag awarded to W. R Couey.
butter maker at rlie creamery.
first prize for the best buttet exhib
ited from Orcvon at thc Western
Dairy Products Show, ,'icld at North
Yakima. Wash., Feb. 2S The award
was made over several entries from
Oregon. The butter exhibit was tak
en from a churning of 96 pounds
and is the same as the everyday pro
duct. Thc manatrcm of the creamery are
irrcatly pleased with the av:id, which
i taken as the best comnlinicnt as
to t,hc finality of their product.
Harrisburg Couple Weds
A marriage license issued to
day to Rindle T Brock, ared 34.
and Miss l.eota Ipmever, 23. both
of near Harrisburg. Mr. Brock is
a well known farmer of the nouthern
part of the county.
American Training Camp Asso
ciation Makes Report on
Sanitary Conditions
No Inefficiency Found; Health
Conditions Held to Be Worthy
of Much Praise.
CHICAGO, March 16. (U. P.)
The military training camp asiocia-
iutii committee? investigation showt
that camp condition arc not like
wiial conn res charged in iJeccmoer.
There i virtually no inefficiency
of officers, health conditions are ex
The association beads are conven
ii'.g here corumerinx plans preumin
ary to training before the1 men go
to the cantonments, and also for the
assa-re of the universal military
training bill.
With the exception of 72 pupil,'
every member ol the Albany public
school belongs to the Junior Red
Cross. It is hoped that within the
r.c.M we or ten day every pupil
will have saved up 25 cents and joined
the organization. The high school
s already 1" per cent and most
of thc rooms of the other schoohs
: ave thai honor, ut a lew are still
holding back.
According to a statement issued to
day by City Superintendent Boetticji
cr. the pupil of the public school
'-ave subscribed for $3,370.53 in war
savins stamps, and $6850 worth o',
Liberty Bonds.
The statement by schools follows:
Hith school War Savins stamns.'
$180; Lrberty Bond. $210; Liberty
Bond (student body), $50; total. $2,-
Central School War Savings. $679.
40; Liberty Bonds. $2700; total. $3379.
. Madison school War Savinus
$263 25: Ijbcrty Bonds, $SP0; total,
$1063 25.
Manle school War Savincs. S2.
22R9Q; Liberty Bonds, $900; total.
Fast JVhord War SavinRS. $I(tfl9.
is) AT
i Feature Programs at Local
Movie Shows for Today
i and Sunday.
S Globe Today. Julian Eltinire, ?
3 femals impersonator, in "The ?
l?l CU-ver Mrs. Carfax."" and com- T
i cdy.
Sunday Kathlyn Williams and '!"'
Wallace Reid in "Big Timber."
j Also comedv.
Roh'c, today Jewell feature
production, "The Price of a Good
Time" produced by Lois Weber,
i?) Also comedy.
Sunday 'Harold Lockwood in
"The Square Deceiver" and Siil- S
ncy Drew comedy
Lockwood Appears in Comedy Role
Harold l-oekwood has ben seen
in romaiitic drama, mcloilrania and
farce and in "The Square Deceiver,"
his latest Metro wonderplay which
the management of the-Rolfc Theatre
has ibookcd for Sunday, we find him
playing a comcsly role.
"The Square Deceiver" is described
by Francis Perry Flliott, the author
of the novel, "Love Mc for Myself
Alone," from which the photoplay
was adapted, as a joyous comedy of
youh and love. Billy Van Dyke, the
principal character, is a multimiUiotv
aire society man who. in order to
learn if his dream girl loves htm alone
pose's as a chauffeur By hi action
he upsets the carefully laid plans
Big Crowd Attends Meeting
Held to Celebrate Organiza
tion ot Camp No. 103.
With a delegation of Corvalli
Woodmen in attendance, Albany
Camp No. 10J. Woodmen of the
World, last niifht ecMirateit the 23d
anniversary of the organization of
the camp. A large crowd of local
Wnrjftmen and their families were in
attendance and a aplendid musical pro
Krain. followed by litfht refreshments,
sil presented.
The program follow:
fIenin Ode My Country, This
of Thee.
AddreM by Mayor L. M. Curl.
Piano duett Warnke Sister.
Sonit Piatt Davi
Piano olo Lural Burnraf
Solo Hubert Fortmiller.
Solo Florence Eaitburn.
Recitation Jamie Mize.
Solo Kathrine Davis.
Irish peakinr P. J. Philpot.
A'lrtresi A. C. Schmitt.
Piano olo Mary Davis.
Solo Alice Davis,
Pimo solo Henrietta Davis.
ST. MARIES. Idaho. Mardi 16.
(U. P.) Fifty militiamen arrived
from Sand Point and began round,
ing up I W. W. mho were partici
pating in last night's attack, these
being corralled in the ball park with
20 ringleaders.
TJie authorities will seek to deport
150 foreigners participating. All is
quiet now.
Packages to Prisoners
Postmaiter Stewart announces that
through an agreement with the gov-
eminent oi Switzerland it will be
pos&ible to send packages and papers
to American prisoners of war in Ger
nan camps without postage. While
there are no Oregon boys in Hun
camps yet. the time may come when
such a calamity might befall them
and the little presents from home
would be more welcome than ever.
Back From Calgary
Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Winnifred re
turned yesterday from Calgary where
they went to look for a wheat ranch.
They expect to return in a short time
and purcjiass; a larKe tract. The snow
was too deep to do much looking,
but they have several places in sight
and will return at an early date. Mr
Winnifred states that Canada i
great place to make money and that
millions of dollars will be received
by the farmers of that section this
tall for the big crops of wheat which
they are sure to produce.
Judge Risley Here
Juihre W. S Risley of Albany was
in Salem today transacting business
at the court house. Judge Risley is
acting as attorney in a case which
is pending in department No. 1 of
thc circuit court. Capital Journal.
Crawford in Salem
W. W. Crawford, Ford agent at
Muony, was in the city this morn
ing. He took back with him six new
Fords which were shipped to this
point from Portland by boat. He
reports the roads in fair condition
between here and Albany. Capital
Rebuilt Linotype
Mr. Adams of thc Mergenthatcr
Linotype Co. is in (Albany for the
purpose of rebuilding the linotype in
use at the Democrat office. New
parts liave arrived and the machine
will be completely overhauled and
placed in first class condition. It
will take two days and a half for
the work. The Democrat type will
be set Monday on the Churchill ma
Swan Speaks
Judaic L. L, Swan left this after
noon for Tangent where he will makv
a Liberty Bond speech this evening.
He will be joined tonight by Super
intendent Boetticher, who will speak
on War Savings stamps.
of one particularly designing mother
and thrusts himself into a whirl of
surprising action.
Hindenburg and Ladendorf El-
tablith Headquartars on
Belgium Front
Village Where Germans Mail
Troops Is Bombed by the
Allied Aviators.
AMSTERDAM. March ii U.
P.) Newspapers report ass unprece
dented German troop movement in
to Belgium.
Hindenburg and Ludendorif havs
established headquarters at Th Spa
near Liege. '
LONIDON. Mart 16 The But-
9rians fiercely bombarded Monas
tic There were minor raids along
the west front
British aviators downed 118 cue my
airplanes in day fighting since March
Aviators in relays bombed a vil
lage where the Germans were mass
ing troops, presumably for an attack,
frustrating the move.
Sheriff Bodinc and his force of as
sisianis have issued over 1,000 tax
receipts since she begioning of tan
payments a few days ago. Paymeau
are coming in nicety, and it is ,iopcd
Jiai --tb4 steady stream kespt) op.
Payments should be made early so
a to avoid thc rush that always cat
sues at the last minute before the
5th of April.
'Among recent taxpayineats of over
$100 were the following: A. P. Black
burn, $138.80; Joseph F. Kattna, $111..
22; C R. Kennel, $10tU2; J. W. Mor
gan( $14Z99; Edith Brandebory.
$139.15; Feljr Bros, S168J7; J. W.
Sellers, $110 47; John Shiodler. $108.-
72; E. C. Anderson, $194.67; J. R.
Morris, $159.13; E. E. Aubrey, $141;
W. A. Kimsey. $100.43; J. B. Cor
nell, $116.08; Amelia Miller, $139.05,
C Sullivan Est, $380.07; Maggie Sul
livan, $212.55; Ada D. Anderson,
$1155; Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph Co., $2089.80.
Fred' Wadtli paid $108.50, Herman
Bothren, $107.35; J. A. Bilyeu, $120.39;
August Engel. $102.03; Griff King,
J128.22; W. M. Reid, $313.60; F. P.
Nutting. $189.86; Geo. 'Harrison, $138.4
76; Virginia Marshall. $363.02.- J. R.
Orchard. $115.96; Ann E. Sbitb, $126.
65; C. ST. GMdings. $223.03.
Ten executive officers and men
from every business, trade or profes
sion are needed for iRed Cross work.
according to advices received today
by Dr. G. H. Young, president of the
Linn county Red Cross.
Those who have any inclination to
enlist in this line of work should con
fer with Dr. Young.
'Albany was designated at the ao
rual conference of the D. A. R. now
meeting in Portland as the plac of
the next state conference which will
be held Feb. 22d and 23d.
'Among the Albany delegates art:
Mrs, W. L. Marks, Mrs. J. K. Wem
therford, Mrs. U G. Lewellmg, Mrs.
Tracy and Miss Mae Lewis.
Spaks on Liberty Loa
At a meeting this afternoon of tk
Callamette Grange at the Biverstdl,
tchoolhouse, Atty. Dan Johnataa
spoke to an enthusiastic crowd oa rhe
subject of the next Liberty Lena