Best Advertising Medium In Linn County ALBANY DAILY DEMOCRAT THE WEATHFR Tonight and Thursday FAJRt tinued Cold, VOL. XXX. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1918. . No. 211. E ON PETROGRAD American and Allied Qiplomats Prepare to Leave Capital In Event of Siege RED GUARD WILL DE FEND NATION'S CAPITAL Eight Thousand Troops Capt ured by Germans; Kussians Make Slight Resistance. By Jutrph Bhaplen, Untied Preu Staff Correspondent rHKKik I rl, Jl - (lrU)r..) AiiicTitan a ltd allied,iadiri are preparing fur a ijuick (jipatture Thry air uver ht Inird by J .enitir't and Trultky't tuddrti "w illnik'tirt" to ftitfn a Uciuuii peace hut say that evru a trparir prate will nul mean a kuiiun filled break. I mine thirl advocate nf the wirrlrM annoum ing thnr illinK nru lu nun. hour cuimmitjiirr tipporird the imxr and four oppird. I he latter 1 1 ealrd a tunny cnir, saying that trouble and battle would conic certain if (Germany spurn I he offer. The ar comiuiiary rrportrd that thousand of kn) liuardi are oran ned, and the l'ct ad tarnin it entrenching the city for a drtprrHtr dctrntr. I'rlroKrad't late will be de cide! in a fortnight, at a result ( the vote to defend I'ctrourad at ajl coat a, LnMM'. Feb. 21 The Crrnum are J tihrt rati of Vitrhe.k and arc dittrihittintf prof latitat mm tat m that rot-tanrc to Germany ill be (utile. The (irrmam arr preparing to orcMpy !etroirrad. Holland a that the Germans declare thry will not make peace tth Kuu until the indrprndrnre of Poles and piymen of RMaian Ucbtj to the Cnrtn.l' lpwrr aft tfnaantird. - I III Ml IV. ldi. 2 The German are iircint" rat from I )vtnk and 1 I'iiuk on a hu lid 1 rd-itulr front, and cleared the rountry ot the enemy and made prisoners of the Kcneral divitt toiial commander with inmp I'KTKlMiRM), l eh 21. -The Ccr- nnm arr attempting to cut the l.i bait Komen railroad. The Riiniani arr n t realm 4 without rcaittiuic, and abandoning their -attpplic-. Turkish troop appeared M Nrbiond ami the ( M-fiu.ini orntpiel ll.1pt.1l, the Fin nisli seaport, and arretted all offic ial. Tlir (liTMiani arr appro,!, hintf Phkofi from Lvina The Aimtro irrman arc r;tn.-rntr.,tinif on the toiithwrt front while thr I'ktanians arr ronrrntraiinir at Ureal-I.itm k. under f ierni.ui rneraU. . z j w u uj ) i) 1 t .4 5 D 3 9 WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY POSTOKFICK HOURS ri N'o city drlivrry except in thr f1 bttsiuets section for parcel post mail citify. No rural delivery. Incoming mail will be worked ) for box only. ( hittfoiiitf mail wilt be despatched as tKtial. I'aiirl r post, unirral drlivrry, and stamp t windows open from H M) to V Mi a. m. NEW CLASSIFIED WAiN'TI-n. TK'Y GIRI-A tray Kill is rcipiircd at St. Marv's hos pital 2ILM SIX GDO!) MKN' Wantrd at once for factory work. 1-ouk job. We work our men on tlir merit plan. Apvly ftl Collins & Taylor office, 8 a. in. to H p. m. 2W HAK)KF1 PLYMOUTH ROCK rk for hatching. KxcclKnt mn strain from O. A. C. $1 er sel ling of 15. Itrll phone 1M-J. FOR SALE Ten-room bouic, Kood hirn and 5 lot nl Shrdd. Price $IJIN) if tnkrn at oner. Address G. W. Hawthorne. Shcdd. Or I 2HJ7 W.VNTFD Dishwasher at the Full man Cafe 2U:3 LA Nil) IVaA-STKR Haul it now while you have time and the roads arr irood. MURPHY'S SI- FD STORE. 2lf27 , SIX-ROOM HOUSE For rent, , modern, full cement hawncnt, city, and wrll water, Rood K-'trdcn V'" -' Situated M HJ5 W. 10th St. See Viclor Ollivrr, Tlrll phone. 2M23 O. A. C. WHITE LKOHORN exit for hatching; $1 per 15. I tout lay ing strain obtainaldr. acclimated to. re?on. E. C. Vicreck, I lomc phone 4325. DETAILS FOR DRIVE . ARE COMPLETED Apportionments Made for Drive for County Agricultural Agent. lAII detail, in rmilH I tloli Willi tin lnvr In lai.c 1 .11111 county thalr of llir cost of an Sitliuiltilral agent wric completed till, morning by tbc executive cointuitti-e of thr County 1 fc'fi tillutal oiincil. 'Milt commit lee, whiill II compo.rd of I'-. C. Kob rru (. Iijiriiuu), A C. Millir, I'crry l'iUrt. II. f. I'ylr. II. W. I o..Uy ami llnti i(inn(, nicl in ll-c rt.tiiiiH 11I tlir Allany (' iluli to rlr 1 Ijir VAfiimt coiiitiiiiniiy elicit -1111 11 ami Iik llir itioU t'i ruch linn niuiiity. 1 he ml 01 I'hairtiirti, luKclhcr with (hr VAtitiut qiifls lulluMt. Ull.aliy. A. (.. Miller -.. Nrn.ur. A. I'.ii Knu Uuiir. Hi.l.l. r.uikhait-J-'5. I'n.r. In. A. W I uiriii k $M l'jLliiu. II II I al " - i. Orl4l:. Waltrr lliiikr-$l. I jiikiiI. I-.. K. All. 11 Shr.UI. W. W. riiUnil $. Truria. K. 1.. Hjynr-r' Mjl.ry. C. I' Jrkviti-475. lUinilnirH. II W. I null-- $1 Ml. Mi l.itiil. l-rjiiii Kirr I'liinvirw. I'rrrv TarWrr H". Tallman. ) M. Slalr $.'.V l.rlMlion. I'rar y Mrarn -Trntiiwr, K. C. N.ihrrl -$. Srn ll..nir ami I oirr, iiro I I- ! lli.ll.y. I. W. Kinu-J-"'!. ( i j l..nlnillr. Ilrnry Muratl - J.D. 'atrrloi. Ilrnry Mi Kinm-v - SoUtillr. A. C. Ilriin-Wi. C'ruufiMit. I Marri'1. Ilrrhii. M S HHIinitrr .'. I.jnimh, C. K. Smile ii. Crahlrrf. John kr.lily $i S'io. Ioiiii ShimaiirV $151. I'riiviilrnrr. i II I rvrr - Ionian, John llilhrr $1 Thimiav M. Allrn7i Slirlluir v. I i. Munkr $J. Kmk-.l'.n. J T. l-iilli.---$J. I'oa Villrv. S D llrown $JH. Kixk I'rr-k $!. A (' Mittrr ! ruuiitv chairman. an1 all mrtrih'ltmni will hr .-lit t.i .him. at Alhaliy. hy thr varintii com inunttv i hftirmrn. Marrh 2 il the ilalr r lor thr ch of tlir ilrlvf. "AUCTI3N BLOCK"- A SERIES OF THRILLING SCENES The story of 'Kex Uracil's Kreatet pit'tiirr, "The Auction It lock." which ii to be shown at the Roltr Thratre bctfiimiitjt 1-tid.iy. is the life hitory of a beatititut afir 1 who is raised by her parrnt for thr M'ccitic purpor of brin;jilaced ir sale to the hiKh-e-t bhldei in the matrimonial market. In due course of tune Lorelei inert the diM)Uitc son of a nullum ure anX in accordance with the family plan, marries him. ll so happens, howev er, that the you n if man is not as wealthy a was at first supposed; and when Lorelei teams tin and he i"inl that he has been duped, ihev o their M-jtarair ways Lorrlei becomiiiK tjiiren of the niiiht world in which she lives. Thintfs ro from bad to worse, the situation, as it develops, involving the brother, who ha now brvomr a blackmailer of the lowest order, mem brr of an uudrrworld K-titf; Jarvis Hammon, a steel mk'n.ite, with a reputation for iintrriipulou'ticss; a daiik'hter of one of the mill workmen, who is seeking revenue on Hammou, and Lorelei' husband. All of their elements conspire to compromise Lo-rt'lt-i and brinu her to an awakening about the slouch of dctond into which she has fallen. With thr awakening comes the de sire to help brr voiiuk husband, who now is also at the lowest depths of despair. At last Lorrtrt can stand it no long rr. and she lcaes him. T.liis i tue - thimr nrrded to brimr htm to hia setisea, and he net himself to work for but one thimr. to win her love From this situation develops an endittR that is n thnlliuf : m eminently satisfactory, bringing the yountf couidr together with -i f'tll understanding and appreciation of the path of rectitude. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Attorney Willard Marks, State Sen- ator K I). Cusick, Mayor !.. M, Curl, J. S. Van Winkle nnd ot.her members of Laurel Lodge N'o. 7, Knights of Pythias, were included on the lit of speakers at n meeting of the Leb anon lodge; held last night for the purpose of conferring the second and third ranks on cmididatcs for mem hrrsbip. hour autoloads of Albany knights attended tin' meeting which followed a splendid dinner served in the lodge rixmis. The principal nildrrss of the eve ning w.n tnaile by I'rvd .1. Johmon of (Astoria, grand vice-chancellor of the state. 1AD00 LIMITS Only Ore Fast Train Between New York and Chicago for Each Day SENATE PROPOSES NEW FINANCE BILL Committee Votes to Give Presi dent Power to Cut and Slash Red Tape. WASH I N'GT ) Feb. 21 (U. V.) The railroad atlnutnutr-itHJii an nounce' that through parncr serv ile Intiii New ork to Chicago will doon be limited to one fat train cat h way. day and niuht. Service to oth er cities will be similarly aifccted. WASi,I.TO Fri. 2L L. IV) The senate finance committee re ported the hall billion finance cor- porath'ti bill, with many ciaiiKes. 1 he duel feature if the formatiuii of a letleial It nam. e corporation. (lt wilt have supervision of tiie ilotalicin ot all private securities of ovej one hundred thousand dollars.' J he senate judiciary subcommittee voted to report favorably on a bill cmpoK rruiK the President to slasli k'overnmcnt red tape, through a slight amendment. E. V. 6L00MFIELD PASSED AMY LASI NIGHT Kill. Vcnncr Jlk.omficld, well kiumn Albany merchant, died )at nik'ht at 1145 o clock, alter an ill nr.. of locial cek. tic wai op. rt.ipil on in 1'ortJand m ,hort time mil, but failed to Krt rebel from in. ilr. Uluoiiificld a born in Aslur-1 ia llliiiou. He came (o Oregon ix ;.r from Cenualia. Vah wnere he rrmdrd tor wcral yrar, before cominif to Albany. He wa riiKaned in tne lolac.o Dumiw. Iat year mnvini; to hii new store and pool hall in the l.lki HinhliiiK. Mr. liloomfirld i urvicd by hif wiir two children. Mr. S. R. Jack- on, of ( rntralia. and Mm. li. H. UJiMin. oTCheliali.: three chan.lchild- rcn. and a iK-r. Mrt Mora William of nna 111 The body will lie taken to Cential- a, where ttie l.mcral and interment will Ik held. Friends may vicvv :hr - . r ... t l remain on i rnl.iv irom i" iinui o cluck, at thr amiiv nome, i.v. rrr - ry street. QUESTIONABLE WOMEN ARE 0R0ERE0 OUT OF TOWN "Pack your bag and travel and keep Simpson. pionVr lumberman. He out of 'Albany until a decided reform- received his schooling in California ation set" in," i t-hc order that Ma- in the schools of Oakland, at Mt. yor 1 M. Curl this morning Usurd Tamalpas Military 'Academy and at to certain women in this city. Chief, the L'niversily of California. He did of Police John Catlin bore the mes-, not finish collcgk-. but left school .ie to at least two of these women., at the ac of 1 to take a job as of who are known to be plying an il-, fice boy with the Simpson Lumber legitimate business in the city, and company. Ily hard knocks and var others are given warning, and the ions experiences he worked his way Mayor hopes that the hint will be, to the top. In l!W, after being mar laken without further action being Hed. he moved to Coos Hay. where necessary on the Jiart of the officers, he has since resided. His citoru A lew weeks ago the mayor order- iiiere are well known. He founded ed certain persons to leave the city, i,i,ere a mill of JO.iWO feet dailv ea wbo were known to be making their, ,,acity at what is known as Old town living in a dubious way. At that f Xortli Bend. From that begin time several women and a few litem lr bought a tract of land and parked up and quietly left town. Hut iaili otlt ,ie citV- whicn ncm. has others remained, and one in partic- population of 3.5(0 people, lie built ular. who carries her nefarious trade a j, ,,Mic improve- right up to her victims, has caused mrnts. He vjas the first mayor of the police much annoyance and has, North itCnl. and held the office fot brought forth many complaints from.. j consecutive years residents of the city. But her orders , Mj, mmy ,.,; a rKiti.natc. a-r to move, and unless hc obeys ,.n.,prj., jn or,n ncnt h3ve ai!, she will have to explain to the court r( in ,he pro,pcri,v ()? the citv. He how she makes her living, and in ,la, cnKaKcd jn arricnltlral work and "usjitisiactory answer is forth-, ,,,, , (nlc example to his neighbors coming a jail sentence awaits her. hv trvillK ollt variou, methods on his SHIP CARRYING ALBANYITE Mr. ;A. W. Hce.ton, of this city, has received word thai her soli, Harvey II. Hereon. 4th Hat., KoreMry divis ion, Jhh KiivineerH, has arrived aafc 1y in I'rtuice. Mr. Hereon is the only Alhany bay with the 4th Hat tulion, rtlthntth there are live men front (.rat os in that company. Starhird, who reported the landing of the troops a short time before the Tnsvania was sunk, states that a submarine fired one torpedo at their ship, which missed the stern of the boat by but ten feet. N'o other incident occurred nn the trip and all arrived safely and in Rood health. L. J. SIMPSON ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR GOVERNOR Well Known Coos Bay Man Asks for Support of the Republican Voters. I.. J. SitnM,n, North Heml ci italiit and philanthropist, ha malr formal announcrinrnt of hil randirlacy for the nomination of jrovrrnor on the Hrpuhlican In krt. Mr. Simpvn makri hit apppil to votrrt as imli vuluali. lie ttatrt that hr helirvei in the principh i of the Republican party anil i. ahove evrrytliinK, an nu-rican, anil hrlirvi-i in the tirin .iplr of hii country. 'Mr niakrA char that lie i not a mrnrl.rr of. nor aifthitril with, any particular Liion of the Republican party: nor n hr phHril to iinoorl any ran!i!atc for of fit c at the prim ary election. lie intemli to make a prrn.nal cam pailfn anil, if nominated and elected, will enter office without making promise of awointmrnt or nolitical pli-'Uri to anyone. In hit platform he tate that if nominated and elected he "'ill en couraite and tinport ,Ul-h li niilation ai may he nn-emry for the estab lishment of nation ide prohibition and the permanrnt adoption of euual Miffraue in the Hair and nation: will endravor lo create and tiimtlatc that Vatriotic rcxiirrt.tion brtween em ployer and rmployre rrnderrd nere--ary by tlie itrcnuoui condition! of 3 t.a Sr-Sr . r: ' anl "' " 'very .iy. romnicn.urate with prefer econot.i. the rducalional i)irin and ilistiti:- "' " 'e ta'r and in every ay poiblc increanc their cuicicncy; will endeavor to promote and de-velop ,llosc rr.ourcei of OreK'on through '' rstal.ll-hnicnt of new indu,lrici "d h' rncourasinn settler! and urn- n klKb IrKilalion as will tend to "'alc '"'"K conditions better: will endeavor to pve to Oregon an im- partial, clean, economical and busi- ti.-liJ. a,l iiiinislrtirtn u hii-h will . - - - - v ible advancement of the moral, so cial and economic prosperity of tiie people of the state, and through an ever increasinv development of its tremendous resources keep Oregon at tlic top in the vast fabric of our na tional lite." L J. Simpson is 40 years old. born in Oakland, Cal., Sett. 1, 1877. lie U a son of the late Capt. A. M. own place which could be lollowed with profit His farm, "Shore Acre-" is one of the wonder Apots of Coos county. LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEES TO MEET HERE FRIDAY The Linn Comity Central commit tee of the Third Liberty l oan drive will meet in the city Friday after noon at 1 o'clock in the council chambers, Blaine Hallock, of Port . land, front tlic offices of the state . committee, of Portland, w ill be pres lent and outline the plans of the cam 1 paign to the delegates present. Dele gates will be present from alt Lib 1 erty Loan committees in the county. I ....... All Canneries in the Northwest Ordered to Hold All Canned Salmon for Army GOVERNMENT WILL FIX PRICE FOR PRODUCT Coal Embargo Made on Lake Shipments; Middle West to Draw from Wyoming I'ORTIjAND, Feb 21 (U. P.) Salmon Adminitrator Deming of liellinkrham ordrred the "n"er throuKnout tlic Northwest to .hold ai varieties of canned salmon tor ttie army and navy and to cease sale. 1 in w as preceded by a request lor the amount on hand. The Kovrn- ment will fix the price. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. Gar field is preparing an embargo on lake, shipments ot coal to North and boutn iakota, except for public untilities, requiring hem to draw from the Montina and" Wyoming fields, releas ing the orhcr sullies for Illinois and Cie Eastern states. OREGON 6EHIM0 FOB FIRST TIME SINGE WAR P. D. Gilbert, ch tinuan of the Linn Countr Council of Defense, this after- tnoon received a telegram from Port land asking that all eiiorts be exert ed to enroll every man possible in the shipbuilding industry." Oregon; for the first time since the war start ed, is falling down on her quota in a national d.ive Tte telegram fol lows: "The United States Shipping Board ! urgently rentiers that Oregon. - be - lcau-e ot her great importance as shipbuilding center, strain every ei-ctc, will be on sale. Everyone is in fort to it 1 1 her shipyard volunteer vitrd to Ittend the sale, quota 1 Saturday night when the Returns From Portland nat onal enrollment drive closes. we are advised mat urcgon, iw,j from a short trip to r'ortlnad. the first time since the war started. I Went to Corvallii has not nnintained her wondertul hi:ch record of achievement, and for that reason it is hoped that you will, no stone unturned to reach your specified quota by Saturday. Will you please ask tlic papers in your ! county to help you to their utmost. Oregon's reputation is at stake." ' I Linn county's quota is lit), and up I to date hut 70 have been reported to Mr. Gilbert. Register .NOW! ARTICLE CAUSES IRE OF SPOKANE REPRESENTATIVE An article published in Tuesday"; papers stating that rvprcscnutives of a certain business college were mak ing a canvass of the county to induce students to take up work with their extension department, brought tortli the vigorous protests of L M. Lewis, principal of tlic lixtension depart- j nient of the Northwestern Business Icollcgv. oi Spokane, w,ho is working jin the vicinity oi Lebanon. Mr. Lewis states that the charges , that bis institution solicits students, takes money or notes ior tuition and ; discounts the notes at a bank and then i k-aves the students without giving them the promised training, are un true and wholly unfounded. In a statement to the Democrat 'this morning Mr. Lewis said: "lhe Northwest Business college is il.e largest institution of its kind in the i Northwest. It was organized in IS1) and incorporated under the laws ot Washington in 104. Mr. M. M. Ki-i-ley, the president and manager, has been with the school for the past 18 years. e occupy tne entire space of a three-story building. In the typewTiting department atone are i-j machines valued at over $2J,000. 8his college is one of the. few accredited business colleges in the Northwest that can issue a degree. "The object of the extension de partment is to teach young people I who cannot leave their work or Homes the principles of business. We per sonally (start all classes and get them j going before leaving the students to work alone. We erpect to spend two years in th? Willamette Valley. There is no othe' school conducting exten sion work i this countv at this time." I At the request of Mr. Lewis the , Democrat sent a telegram this morn ing to tine- Old Hank of Spokane, in ' quired as to the standing of the j Northwestern Business college, and received the following reply: I "Institution mentioned has good : reputation. Is managed by men of honesty and ability " PLEA MADE FDR FUNDS 10 AID ARMENIANS Dr. W. P. White Receives Mes sage from Portland Tell ing of Conditions. That the city of Portland today tent ttie turn oi to help re lieve the suffering among the Ar menian!, was the outstanding feature of a telrfrram received today by Dr. W. P White. The telegram was ai follows: "Portland aends $70,000 for Ar menian relief today. The state quota m $150,000. The call of 400,ijm home less destitute, starving and dying or phans must be answered. A telegram just received from Persia read that 4"iM are destitute in Teheran alone. Cither cities are equally needy. The people are eating -dead animals, the women abandoning thcir infants and the only limitation is the lack of money. They need $1J0,UW addi tional. Another telegram from Jeru salem reports food scarce and many destitute. Linn county's generous hearts will respond when they know the need. The Oregon committee ap- points you to organize Linn county." Hiram Torbet at the rirst National bank will receive contributions for this fund. CITY NEWS Will Celebrate Birthday School Lhstrict No 0J, located near Harrisburg, will celebrate 'the laotn anniversary of the birth oi George Washington Friday evening. An ap propriate program will be presented. Among those who will be present arc County School Sispt. Mrs. Ida M. Curroiiings, City SupL Nash, of Har risburg, and other. Here 66 Years j. E. Crawford, who celebrated bis 68th birthdiy today, hat lived in Linn county for 66 years. Goes to Lebanon County Surveyor Chas. Leonard leit today for Lebanon where he will spend the week surveying on the Blackburn estate w hich" is to Le di vided up among the heirs. Banks to Ooae All local banks will be closed to morrow in observance of Washing ton's birthday. i Cooked Food Sale The Red Cross ladies will conduct evoked food sole Saturday at wiich I , tim jellies, pies, cakes, bread, jams. jlsJ Sue Breckiridge has return-1 v. tkr.itinc nnrrt saw iSler I wtnt to Corvallii this morning on business. Too Short for Army A man bv the name of Long was! rejected by the local exemption board because he was too short to come up to the physical requirements of the U. S. army, lie stood six feet four and one-half inches in height. Here From Lebanon "XTfs. J. F. Uougluon and son Wil bur of Lebanon are here visiting at the home ot Mrs Doughton s aunt.t Mrs. J. R. Hulbert Leg Badly .Bruised Carlton Sox, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sox, met with a painful accident late yesterday af ternoon when he was run over by' a trailer, tc wheels of the car pass ing over his leg. He was badly bruised, but Dr. Ellis, who was sum moned to attend him, says that no bones were broken. t Ship Cows Kclzer Bros, will ship three fine head of cows to Portland this morn ing for sale. Condition Still Critical The condition of Mrs. Geo. H. Young is still a cause of concern to her relatives and personal friends. She is resting easi- but is still in a critical condition. Returned to Centralis S R. Jackson of Ccntralia, Wash., returned home this morning. H e was called here bv the illness and death of hi sfather-in-law, E. B. Bloomfield. Rechecking Insurance Ormond 'Rankin (of iPcitJand. a surveyor in the Oregon Insurance Rating bureau, is in the city today with other members of the bureau, rechecking the insurance rates of this city. I he work was begun yesterday an(i wji probably be finished Friday To Ship Horses- Bill Riley will ship a car of horses to Spokane this evening. Leaves for Washington W. H. Young has sold out his property at Scio and leaves Sunday for Washington, where he expects to locate. Returned to Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Noel returned to Portland this morning after a few days' stay in Albany. I. W. W. PLAN TO TIE UP LUMBER INDUSTRY SFiATTLE. Feb. 21. (U P.) E. Robertson, alleged secretary of the lumbermen's I. W. W., was arrested on Washington orders. His seized papers indicate the organization plan ned to attempt to close up North west industry on May 1. LITTLE FIGHTING ON WEST FRONT Spy Organization Discovered in Paris; Leaders of Move ment Are Under Arrest MILITARY CRITIC FINED FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Editor of London Paper Is Also Arrested for Criticism of Govt. Activities. LONDON', Feb. 21. (U. P.) Tb New Zealanders successfully raided near Poligonia Wood. There is emy artillerying at Flesquieries. Allenby is within lour miles of Jericho, despite heavy rains. PARIS, Feb. 21. Spy organizations to create insurrections in friaci dur ing the German offensive have been discovered. lAn alleged (jerman bar keeper directed the movement. Many arrests were made, including a drafts man at an arms factory. LONDON, Feb. 21.Colonel ep ington, military critic for the Morn ing Post, was fined $500 and costs for writing a criticism of the Ver sailles conference. The post's editor was similarly fined. THIRTY-FOUR MEN PASS EXAMINATION YESTERDAY Tie following men of class one were examined by the local board yesterday, and found to be physical ly fit for military service: Joseph Roller Frutn, Charles Fal tus, Harvey Erb, Neil B. Baldwin, Ephraim Louis Terrill. Volney Law rence Gates; Oml Seabrook. Carl ton Walter Bass. Ed Chrt, Eaimett Otto Rorldy. Earl Parker, Robert Ur Loken, Hency C Jackson, Hiram Taylor Snyder, (Albert Thomas Brook bank, Robert Cleo Poare. Horan Leonard Long, Smith Harvey, Albert Zell Tatom, James William rields, Aloy J. Eutberg, John Roy Schultx, George Carl Tetzie. Fred Kerr, Wil- hem Raymond McCullough. Roy Lee I Stone. Alex Kuiken. Loyd Frank Hartley, Dwight Peterson, Columbus Earl Mites, Ray A. Smith, Roy Mil ton Pcery, William Harrison Bacon, Harry Richards SENATOR LEWIS PREDIGTS 60VERNMENT OWNERSHIP WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. U. P.) The administration won the first skirmish in the senate, where the railroad control bill is up for pas sage, by defeating the Cummins amendment reducing railroad com pensation. The final tyrta is expect ed tonight. Lewis, of Illinois, demanded federal ownership of railroads as a prepar edness measure, predicting that America will soon be forced to fight for Alaska and Hawaii. He said that German mtgue will incite Russsa to seize Alaska and force America to divide her fighting power. He said the need of federalized railroads to expedite troop movements, predict ing that public ownership will be the issue of the next campaign. PRICES FIXED ON POULTRY BY 0. S. GOVERNMENT The following notice has been re ceived by the local chairman of the U. S. Food Administration for Ore gon: The Food Administration has set a price of not to exceed 24c for live hens and pullets, and 28c for dressed hens and pullets, and the same shall not retail for more than 30 cents. Warning is issued to all baker to comply strictly with the regulations of the Food Administration In the use of wheat flour and substitutes in mixing breads. Every baker is re quired to obtain federal license; in case of failure to do so they are li able to two years' imprisonment or a fine of $5.(X)0, or both. All bakers are required to use 20 per cent of substitutes with their wheat flour in baking bread, and on and after Feb. 24 no bread but "Victory Bread," which must contain the full 20 per cent of substitutes will be permitted to be sold. Any baker convicted of violating this regulation may have his license revoked, which mean the closing of his business.