Albany daily democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1888-192?, February 09, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    Best Advertising Medium in
Linn County
Tentfht and Unity proiablt- SAIK
Vienna Announces That Both
Roumama and Ukrainia Sign
Peacs With Germany.
Unknown Willi Which Ukrainia
Delegations the Germans
Have Made Terms.
i.i Mn . i ii 'i -1 r. r i ' m -
114 ailll'.UlH r. llut llitlll !UIII.Mia
('1.1.11114 tMvr ltjlir'l 4 j't'i'l' Willi
I ,1-1 many.
Ill 1(1.1 . I . I ') ! i. i. II.
.minimi r. l.irtiijti) Ins ll't
I ki iiim pj. t sltjitrd tin tit. .in
mil It .!..r li.. I ulr with nlnil'
I'l I III ti I 1.14111411 .ra r .lrlf lilt HI
II was viijlirtl.
Ikl4tii4 hji futnirtly a p-til in
Kui4. rniliiji iii- .4rl nt t.l.l i'-
AMVIT Utl. J cb. (I. IM-
1 t . U Al IM it 1 r tllUll) ' li a 1U . it
l K'MIMMIlla A lur lt Htl la
t-at I ol a tthuirnt !ir Central !'
rts ate nhm to ellr.t in thr llall.
Kniii nr pape r 1 a' the Kim
lit 4iti4li 411 get lli smith w r . .if
in r t Hr .if jltj Uy t rnim nig ill
tlaiins rtt inl rlrni'U. m 'i
an arrangement would give th Ri
i ii4 IH4II t .Hiiph le ot thr
l4itiilr mk.iiiIi.
HH, rrh. 9, -The ltttltl.
riiit-4 .tt IVtt tijjf .1,! rnt t r It tm . This t taken to fcnilr
tin- i" lndiu minor li4l Ur lll
h. vili 1.4. 1 . x,.rIK-. i:.r allied
Wll I K1M. I rli 0 -l-'mprr..i
Karl trliu. J In a-tcj't l'irnit;t Vun
Sr ttlift' rri,;nMii.n.
Weather Krpurt
N r trn.peratMie rjtikcri!
(tutu .U .. i .:rrrs 'Ihr rnrr frll
in 15 5 it rt.
n r. vniu i nmii s.iu.i
jlii) ' irUKf. '1 I'ltiK'hl 4tt t t"intii
riiw. Kriitiii l"ah Mure. If
l-l K i U - I tr.nt JH lit. . 1 im.ii
and J'l!lr, 1 rl heavy .l)4ttirt, 1
J Mirth SttnlrSjkrr 1
faun 4K'". 1 hack, J pIo. 1
tisl.. I J -1 1 1 h 1 . ruling ruliitalor.
I Jf Kt'ntth hal riiw ; .t 1.. nal
utul 5 41 k pot.ltor, lir.m aim
turn. Will lump thin oil .it a l.c
ttJiti. W. H. MuiilKiitn tv. Ii n
Oir. flJ
ll l. I i )U S I I " - 1 inc Hl-'kr clot
rr hay, Iimhc. Call lor l;kiratit'
H. K V. .V. It.ll "IM. (0J
ini'I'K Mil. I. prrirnts kihhI ftttur.
fi.r mrn. Sir ikr Mill ili'i'l itnl on
in Crown Willainrllr I'aprr foni
pany mill at Camas, ' Ya-.hinntnn
Thr town i frrr from litm 1'amr
nml viulctii r, all ilrpai lim nt nl mill
in operation. The company 1 lr
sirou of wrhumiiiK nr tamtlii
Into thr I'oininunity. Work i
traily. wav'r Rooif. Tainan a
town of 2500 proplr, 25 mile it 1
the 'Colnmhia From jPnrtlatut, a
1H town with modern advantage
A plarr for wood rmploymrnt ami
n uitahlc .homr. Srr H. H. M
Afro, a mill employe, for full par
titular. I. earn what opportunitir
there are. Albany adiltr, .V5 W
l-'irnt utrrrl, I lours daily, 10 to
12. I'MSd w
von are nffrrimf, try this wonder
ful remedy nmr l( cinvimcd of
in merit. For alr at corner 6th
and t.yoi street. f(,l
TO FXCHAVGK One second-hand
ear in ijood eomlition, for property,
Call Home phone 2210. fO-12
TTiAY FOR SAT.F. JFinc clover hay.
Call Hell 48.1 party R. f02'
American Women Will Work Be
hind Lines If Plan Now Con
sidered Is Adopted.
WAsiu.M.ioN, 1 rii. -((:. i
Src. I'.ki r 4'poiiitrd ik m mm 11
4ml llltrr ittru y intrttigale 1.1 ir 41I
Mtahtliiy 01 01 k iiuiii( 4 tt miii 11 it
Mdf irtvuc kiimlai In lit il4iM 0
innt'i atiny auxitiaty 101 p, ai p4i t
ol tlic A inrrti 411 t tny.
Tiny ttttl ttr4i iiniformi 41tl tuik
Ix'lniiil the I mm , releani men foi
Itie flout Tin y w ill he umlir tint
lit u r rulr.
Attorney I tus I.. 1 4iiwlr, I a . t r i
ouit-el fr ihe I'nilrd State
j i itu n rwir with niiitr 4! I"!,
yiltnl in lhauy today In attrnd
t'ir sale of thr rvinliatu I tint I ....t)'L'rrlV. AltOlliry 1 aila-h npic
etil seine of thr tra t h'tl'li i tt.
:lii case.
AiinMiv: ihr other Uwyn who 411
.!!) ufiiiif in flic case are lru. V
ii. '-i, 1 . -1 J.dinston, I . K.
ltd I i lid J. I. SrUn k.
Here From EntefprUe
Mr. and Mi ' . 11. lUker, ol I n
injirur, ate tiMtuiK at tlir hiunr nt
tin ir lr other and tlcr, Mr and Mr
1 'a ill Hakrr. Mr. Hakrr a tofinrrl)
i it h the .(ildeti Rule tlotr ut thik
citv. ud Jlta jiit returned trom tin
J. C. I'ennry foiwrnlmtt at Salt I akr
K. yt aci ompany inij I. 1". I .t ttti;d
tiait-t ;er of ihr hval rrmiev store,
o t'H citv. Mr. Maker brvn in
fhr city the pat erk.
Like Albany m
Mr. and Mr. II. F. Weymouth re
nrrl to I'orll.tnd thi in ruiny jttrt
fr tt tlay' tay in I'aiiy. hilt
1 etc topping at lie Tin
m r and M r v Wry mouth' f t r t
itt in Mliany and I hey rrt rr
t.itoraldv iinpirir'l with tlir city.
Married in San Franciaco
In lat Wrdurday'i lrmocrat it
tati- that Mr and Mr 'a
l'.lrr w err martini in Ro - hui; oi
Ian Ms. T'ir Mrnii.era! iv inioTimil
thai thr tt rddiv took place in Sar
rramU n. l t aUo staled at thr
lt' wa wrongly intornird a
the air of Mr. and Mr, F-aker
On HuaineM Trip
llr. II. . I eiitiiiKer went to Fori-
land tin morniiii on htiinr.
Go to Portland-
Mr, mi! Mr F. V Yotttii; aivi Mr
and Mr Marry Ciuick left t'
rnititi i'or Portland, where they wiil
prnd the w erk end
Here From Peoria
.tame l. Ioltnou t" Peoria per
thr d iv in Ml'anv t i-itiut; hi mo
ihiT. Mr. Mary Jo''noti, and attend
to huinc. matter.
Cme Back to Linn
( . I.. I'ustrr and family, who reid
l.inn ctinuty 25 rar ;mo, hat
cotK-ludcd that thi i the het pari
f the w or Id in w hit It to make r
lermanenl home ami hate rented n
1 11 tit four mile west of Mhany. The
xpeel to huy a place nrvt year.
Went to Portland
C.eo. Clinc wa a paeiini'r to Fort
land thi morning.
Vhomai Man Here
.1. C. Holt of Thoma i attending
tn lut-ine inattrV in AlUany lod v
Here From Fayetteville
Mr. R. M. Miller and Miss Fditl'
Hums of F'ayettevilte wcrr in Alhan
this morniiiK on their way to TaiiKci.'
to spend the week-end.
Weather Delaya Work
Woik on the Far Wet Manufactttr
ir hitihliuK lias hern delayed on ac
count oi the inclement weather;
the1 matunrmriil expect to he aide
to open up for husine in the new
huildiiiK hy March 1st. A portion of
ihe new machinery lias already at
ried and the balance is en route to
Here From O.A.C.
Clarence Wiles of O, V C. came
over thi morniiiK to spend the week
end wit,1 his parents.
Asking For Support For Bill to
Give Him Power to Handle
War Situation.
Labor and Time Saving Im
provements Made By Direc
tion ol Federal Authorites.
-It 1 ut fh tally tatrd that Preti
d nt W1U011 it, in confer with con
girttoii.t leader uf buth partirt 1 ai
tt rrk 111 an clfii I ty get their - p
port lor perdy a lion on the n. i
ure ivrepititjly empowrtinn Inn, i.
make drastic changer, in the war gov
ernment. He a k he iloe not coiilrnipla
iiing thr povrr but want thrm it'
1 1 rvrr necrary.
W Mi I t l'i ., Feb. V. Tin
railroad adniiiuttratiuu i preparing
;ln t4iid.adiatioti ol all equipment
and mail rial for apace wvuig. and
1 line a nig. t lifjiiifh timiormiiy.
Speakers Wilt Tell
About V. S. Stamps
Thr eampaign for the ale 01 war
saving tttauip will lie farrinj on to
ntht ami Sunday in the two t'icatrc
oi the eitt. Jude 1 1.. Swan will
explain the at a nips to the amtieiK'e
tjt Un? Globe Jonight, and W. A
1 ahurn will gte a talk at thr
Rolfe. Sunday evening J. J. Collin
will orate at the Globe and C. H
Uurggral at tlir Robe. l our tllinutri
lalki will be made in each case, ex
plaining the war tavingt or tltrtft
itampa. M. VHN
Fire Alarm Turned in
Early This Morning
A lire alarm was turned in shortly
licforr 5 o'ebn k thi morning and
1 he b-p 11 tint n't made a 'inuk run
to the I Snyder bla kmith shop
1 tnl etuiKuihrd the blae in short
The fiie taught from a motor, the
swite.h Killing out and making a cou-
Tin woodwork wa lightly burned
'ut the main tlam.iue was to the mo
tor. Hurlar Attempts to
Enter Ix)eal Drug Store
An attempt was made early yes
terday morning to enter Hurkhart
5: l.rr's drug More but the juick ac-
non of Night (. Icrk Wire pret ented
the burglary. Wire saw the mat at
tempting to pick the lock on the
1 rrry strevt entrance. He phoned
ki Night Officer Rodger, who ar
med on the scene and chased the
nan down the alley back of the St.
Francis and up Washington strct.
Visiting Son and Daughter
J. R. HulbcH went to Portland
this morning to spend the week-end
with her daughter. Mrs. Park Stat
naker. and also visit his ion
who is at Vancouver. Mra. Hulbert
ha been in Portland si t era! days.
Guardian Appointed
Mrs. Flcannr Harr ,ha been appoint
ed guardian of the estate of Roher'
William Parr, minor. The property
is valued at $1,000.
In "The Apostle of Vengeance,"
Triangle feature which will be ieei
at the Globe theatre Sunday, William
S. Hart i een in a story of the
CutnheTfond mountains.
Ihe Apostle of Vengeance. a
dnirM from the pen of Monte M
Katteriohn, is a tale of Kentucky
Mountain feudists and ha hcvn hand
led with the realism characteristic of
T'ta.iirlc productions.
4 9 "0 'i j ) ; $
ChrUt an Church
D. I.lov I M( f;tan, pattoi
u'iocI. 'ti '4 111, J. I. Sea'f
Mining c, II a.m. i
te'm.ii.'The Icrk in a Wf i.t
Mr. Moiyau till preach at I !
t i'l p. in. ounrf people mi n
ft. W p. ni. All young prop)? v xC
I tttung fci it ,e 7 JO p. m S : ije t
of cnn n, Picnitte tt. li! mi I.' .'c
iim t ii v'iv invite yti to U u 1
United Preabyterian
W. P. White, pator. At 10 30 a. m,
the mbject wilt be: "Will I trad Re
turn to Palestine'' The subject for
7 30 will be: "Hath God Cast off
Hi People) larael The reason that
we diftcuss Israel in both services 1
because we desire to present thcwholr
ubjrct in a way that will make the
hilde very plain. The key to the
proper understanding of the hible it
a correct understanding 01 God's pro
gram for the Jew. The reason so
many teacher "darken counsel with
word without knowledge," is because
they have not learned to diktinguiih
the hurch from Israel the nation.
Giace Church
Cradle roll day in the Sunday school
with a rich program by the primary
ccpartment. Parents arc invited. 11
a. m., public worship. Children's trav
elogue ten minutes on "A Day With
1 ilipino Boy. Sermon 011 "The
Church and the Keys. iA 11 the peo
ple are asked to attend the retitai
service at the Evangelical cliutih at
7..) p. m. A. M. William, mlnftfrr.
Methodist Episcopal
Third and Ellsworth. George H
UciMictt, pator. Morning sermon
10 JU "business and Religion." The
Hammer Male Uuartct will ting.
'The Lord la in His Holy Tempie.'
Sunday school 1 1 45. Fpworth league
6 3t. "Log Cabin to White House'
wnl be the theme of the Lincoln an
niversary at 7:30. The high schools
and patriotic organizations have had
special invitations. Choice musical
iiunbers will be ut) the program. "The
kiiuc and the Gray" will be the mov
ing picture leature of this patriotic
si 'vice.
Sl Mary's Church
Kit. Arthur Lane, rector. Rev.
John Ruhi. assistant. Sunday serv
ices at H and 10.30 a. 111. The pastor
will officiate and preach from ti:e
gospel oi the day, -t. Luke, 18, the
subject being "The blind Man 01
)richo." Sunday school at 11:45 a.
n. , Afternoon service at 4 o clock.
St rt iocs on A?'i Wedu:si,y, Febru
ary :Jth, w !it U miri'! rht opening
01 Lent, wili e held at V a. in. and
3a. p.m. The public it coidially in-
Evamtbcat church
Corner first and pine streets. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Morning ser
mon at 11 a. in. Young peojdc'?
meeting at 6 30 p. m. Eventing serv
ice at 7:30 p. in., to be the ejt,
ning of the rev ival services to be con
tinued through the week. Services
cah evening at 7:30 p. tn. All he
welcome. C. L. Schuster, pastor.
First Presbyterian
Orlando U, Pershing, pator. At
the hour lor morning worship.
which is always 10:30, the pastor wilt
preach on "Christ's Definition of a
Christian." This will be based on the
parabolic illustration in (the 15th
chapter of John. At the Vesper serv.
ice1 from 5 to 6 the subject of the
discourse will be "The Sword of
Peace." Next Sunday afternoon we
will dedicate our service flag and hon
or roll wit,h appropriate music and
;.ddrescs. Sunday school at 12 m..
and C. E. at 6, immediately after
Vesper service. Devotional Hible
study Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. Our
aim is always to make Christ and
the gospel the most attractive thing
in the world. We invite cooperation
and fellowship.
Christian Science-
Sunday school 11 a. m. Subject
of lesson sermon, "Spirit." Sunday
school is held in church parlor at
9:45 and 11. fWednJesday eveninft
Imeeting at . Ihe reading room ts
open in the church parlor from
to 4:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. The public is cordially invit
ed. .
Baptist Church
The public is most welcome to the
worship of this church. The services
are spiritual (and inspiring. Bible
school 10. EuSvard Taylor, supt.
Morning worship 1 1 "The Know
ledge of God.' B. Y. P. l 6:30
Rep. Nelson of Wisconsin Char
ges Political Conspiracy By
Leaders in Home State.
Indictment Was Brought Under
Direction of His Political
Enemies Is Charge.
W SHINGTO', Feb. 9. (V. P.)
Representative Nelson oi Wiicon-,
In on the? house floor made a sen
sational charge that he and his son
are victims of a political prosecution
resulting in their indicemcnt for an
an ti-draft conspiracy. He said that
unfriendly political leaders on the in
dicting jury denied tlut his sen sought
to dodge the draft. The cases were
iuahed at the arraignment He as
serted that thi did not give hitu an
opportunity to prove his innocence.
Nelson said he is presenting (he
facts to the house for its judgment.
and charged that politicians had in
fluenced officials to make political
capital against hiin.';
I.i4ii.inauoo for the draft .will
commence again next Wednesday
1 o'clock in tJie courthouse when 50
men kiil be called in, followed-by 50
i; on each day until the; arc coni'ilcuo.
J'bc ix.miiT-'ition, hereafter will irive
a more ii:!r.ute detail of the men'
qualification', and will not be so
strict front a physical standpoint.
Goe to Seattle
Mrs. li. Mitchell left this niouiinn
ior Seattle to . visit relatives. Shr
as accompanied as tar as Portland
by her inotheT, Mrs. R. B. Miller,
ho will isit there.
Went to Salem
F. K. Churchill went to Salem thi:
morning to join his wife and spend
the week-end.
Register for Service
Men may register at the office o!
J. M. Hawkins at Scvond and Broad
jlbin, as well ait at Gilbcrl Bros., for
servue in the United States puhlic
service reserve.
Buys Oregon Grill
Mrs. Nell Kiley Scott lias purchas
ed the Oregon Grill from T. I. Ter-
rill, who leave tonight tor Asjoria
where he is conducting a restaurant
Mrs. Scott will remodel the place
and conduct the business in first
class iashioti. l ater she will change
the name.
To Enter O. A. C
Miss Corinth. Han, dtitghtci oi
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hart, will leave
Monday for Corvallis w.hcre she will
enter Otcj-'oii Agricultural college.
Miss Hart's two brothers, Scolt and
Edgar, both attended college there
Miss Hart lias been society editor
of the lVniocral the past few months,
doing creditable work in that line.
She is a graduate of Albany high
Returned to Grants Pass
Mrs. Herman Schmitt returned to
her home in Grants Tass today after
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kimscy.
Mrs. Roscoe Thomas and daughter,
of Jefferson, were in the city today
on a shopping trip.
Marriage License Issued
A license to wed was issued Friday
morning to Lloyd F. Hadley. 27, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hadley of this
city, and to Miss F.sther Gilbert. IK,
idaui?hter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Gil
berg, also of Albany. Miss GilhcTR
is a stenographer in the office of A
torney C. C. Bryarrt.
Evening sermon 7:30. Theme "The
Model Wife and Mother." Don'1
miss this. G. H. Young, pastor.
Another tLy'i waiting lei't littlr
.uope that America'! lo.ttt will tie un
der 145 American tuldieri, a, full
li.u of survivor, mutt be cabled
here, and it will probably be a werk
before the death list i ixued.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9-The ur.
ivor. of the Tuxania include Joieuh
C. Knott of Monroe, Wa.h.. and Fred
W. I.oken. Seattle; arul Hollo Mill
ford, of Chehali,.
George H. Kopp Died
at Sister's Home
George H. Kopp. aged 43, died this
morning at the home of his sitter.
Mr W. A. F.wers, at 624 Montgom
ery street. Another Sister, .Mrs. ueo
fillers of Brownsville, was also at
his bedside. No other relatives re
side here. '
Mr. Kopp ha4 been ill but about
two weeks. Mrs. Ewers went to his
home at Dutch Flats, Cal.. when he
was first taken ill. and upon his im
proving be was Drougnt to
Albany to recover from his illness
He has been a miner all his life. The
remains will be shipped there ior
burial Tuesday.
Clarence Elkins in Franc
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Elkins have
received a letter from their son,
Clarence, announcing his safe arrival
in France. He is with Company L.
of Dallas, U. S. Infantry, and ha.
charge of the telephone apparatus oi
his company. He reports a fine trip
and saw do submarines. He states
that he is well and enjoying his e
periences so far.
To Spend Week-End
Miss Maude E. Miller went t-
Portland this morning to spend thr
Socks for Soldiers
A. S. Hart and Fred Ward of The
Toggery, this moming mailed to about
a doien Albany boys in France pack
ages containing .half a doren white
wool sox and a package of cigarettes.
That the useful gifts will be appre
ciated upon their arrival goes without
saying "The boys are fighting for
ii over there." they said, "and the
least we can do is to spend a little
money and send them a iew things
that will make, them more comfort
ble." . '
To Attend Auto Show
H. C. Witham went to Portland this
morning to attend the auto show.
Attend Inter-Frat Dance
Miss Fortmiller and Miss Cor-
intha Hart returned home this morn
ing from Corvallis where they at
tended an Inter-Frat dance last night
Spent Day Here
Miss Jennie Vineyard of s erdurr
station spent the day in Albany.
On Business Trip
J. L. White went to Portland last
night on business.
On Way to 'Frisco-
Robert Smith of Gates was in Al
bany a few hours last night on his
way to San Francisco to visit hit-
sister. Miss Edith 'French.
Came Down From Mill City-
Mrs. R. G. Woodrnfi of Mill Cits-
came down this morning for a few
days' visit, wilh Mrs. J. N. Bishop
of Richville. Idaho, who is" here vis
iting her oarents. Mr. and Mrs. R
L. Burnett.
Not Fractured
The1 many friends of W. G. Bal
lack, w.ho fell at the armory Thurs
day night, will be glad to know that
his hip is not fractured as was at
first feared. He only received a se
vere bruise and will be able to be
out again in a short time.
Fox Here-
Louie Fox, of the L'nion depot
Portland, came up last night for a
week-end visit.
To Attend Auto Show
W. C. Burns and daughter Nellie
went to Portland this afternoon tr-
attend the auto show.
Freak Arrested
Officers J. Q. Rodgers anil Charle
Bron this morning arrested a mar
it the home of Jeff Isom who had
been Giving some trouble to the net
ghbors of that section. He is eviden'
ly a framn. He is of freakish ap
-leatance, dwarflike and anything hti
handsome to look upon.
Two I' j. Soldiers Wounded and
Six Deaths From Natural
Causes Reported Today.
Americans Hold Sector Adopted
' For Training Purposes;
French Advance Line.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 (U. P.)
Mure fighting is reported which re
sulted in the wounding of two Amer
icans. General Perilling reports six
leaths from natural causes, which in
clude Private Herbert Ofe-man, of
Marshfield, Oregon.
PARIS, Feb. 9. The correspondent
:'or tie Nattn says the American sec- .
or northwest of Teul Is particularly
atorable for war training, successive
contingents being trained in repuls-
ng small attack as lessons for the
nig campaigns.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9 (Arabs
opposing the Turks in Arabia are con
cinuing their northward advance. They
ci u t..l:i. n..
Sea port.
PARIS. Feb. 9 (U. P.) The
French penetrated enemy lines north
west of Dion court, capturing several
prisoners. Patrols in the Ghemin-des
Dames and Champagne aUo took
BERLIN, reh. 9. It is announces
that six Americans were captured
North of Xravay.
William Fox's screen producion of
"C liopatra." in w.bich Theda Bara
assumes the role of the Eyi.tja
temptress, is declared to be the most
bl.orr.te presentation of a film scenic
rama that has ever been atteuiptedt
The expense involved in making
the picture was tremendous, it beins-
announced that the production cost
fSUMUj. Those who have seen the
picturization of "Cleopatra," declare
it can easily be comprehended that
so rittcl. money was paid out. For
the interior of Cleopatra's tent aloue
more than SJ0.0UU worth of decora
tions were, used to give the barbaric
appearance of splendor accredited to
time of lie gieal Cleopatra.
Never before in the history of photo
dram.'itic production has there ever
Seen displayed such a lavish and cost
ly disp'ay of decorations as a4e
shown in this magnificent scene.
"Cleot.alta" will be the attraction at
the Kclle next Sunday and Monday
heinnr: with a Sunday marine;.
Only two s,hows daily will be given,
tar-ing at 2:30 p. m. and 8:15 p.m.
the picture runs two ani a half
Here From Fort Canby
; Roy Weaver, of 5th company, ar
rived yesterday from Fort Canny on
a four-day lurlouirh to visit his pa
rents. Mr. andfrs. W. S. Weaver.
Wallace Harrison, also of 5th com
pany, accompanied jbim jis ar 'as
Albany and went on to Halsey to
visit Jiis parents. They state the
boys arc all fine.
To Visit Here
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Crnnise of Sa
lem will arrive in the city this eve
ning to spend the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mr. Ralph R.
visiting neuters
' Mrs. Minnie Tfeiffer of Council
Bluffs. Iowa, is a guest at the .home
if Mrs. Chas. Pfeiffer.
To Visit Sister
i Mrs. Bert Westbrook went to Sa
lem this morning to visit her lister,
Mrs. Frank Ward, for a couple of