PACC TilBEl THE LAST SALE WEEK Second Anniversary Sale Surprising and Sensational Values at Worth's Store This Week This wek w. oiler extra inducement in ill departmente and th. buying public will not be slow In gia.piiig Hi. fart thai A DOLLAR HAS CKKATKK PURCHASING POWER AT WORTH'S THAN El.SKWHKKK. Buy Your SILKS Now 11.75. 200 and $2 21 VALUKS All w hvt got to uy to our many dirndl and customer, that Ihit it your Ut chance to ihooa from ihii wonderful lection at a fii that ia beyond comiariun. Plraac rcmrmt! that after next Saturday nit,.! It will ha of no u. to try and aecuic thru beautiful ailka we arc offering you at the pric w arc now trllintt thec ai. Our ANN1VKKSAKY SAI.K at you all know meant wondetful v initt; therefore wc couldn't keep telling good goodt at audi pi itea and ttay In butineta. Now It your beat opportunity ; antic ipate your wanta and buy early in the week. 36 INCH PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS. YOUK ( kit I at, prf 4r. $1.19 Extra Special ( ' l l ' IN' III N'KI I s I i T Mi )V i M V Jtl.l fur nnr day "lily. choite ol any rollnn blanket in the stole, either Gtcy, Tan or Wliile; all ai", at per pair 20 L Off LUX SOAP THE SOAP that makes wash ing eay. Why pay IScf Buy all you want here at. per box. 10c KNITTING YARN FLEISCHER'S put. wool knit linie yarn, in the moat wanted ahadea of grey and khaki shades, four of. hanka; why buy inter ior grades? Special at thia alorc $1 Last Call for Coats and Suits Juat calling your attention to the laat week of thia, our gieat SECOND ANNIVERSARY SALE and your laat oppuituniiy to purchase your COAT or SUIT at pricea away belov. what they coat us. we'll admit we haven't many lo ahow you, but wliat wa hav. weic all new thia laat (all. It will ba now but a very few ahort daya when our new SPRING STOCK will ariive. and then there'll be no more of theae garmenta to be had at any pike. Wc offer you your choice of any garment in our atock at eiactly half of the original marked pricea. CHILL), ren'a Coata arc alao included in thia reduction. DON'T -a r DON'T FORGET 1- FORGET YOUK rj YOUR CHOICE I riCe CHOICE AND PLEASE DON'T FORGET you have your choice of any SKIRT. (Drcaa), or any piece of FUR alao at exactly, 1-2 Price SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY IF POSSIBLE READ THIS BARGAIN LIST COTTON BATTS FULL SUE, natural Bleached Otton Batta, that will open up for full aiae COMFORT , line, pounda; during the laat week of our ANNIVERSARY SALE, at each gCjg RUEBEN VESTS INFANT'S RUEBEN SHIRTS, aiiea I, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 no need for any further comment, .very body know. theae gooda. Dur ing the lail week of our ANNI VERSARY salf:, at 23c CHfLDREN'S HOSE FAST BLACK HOSE for the boya and girla; extra Veavy and atrong: better buy theae now, for it won't b. long until wc and all the reat of the merch ants will be compelled to aak you 2Sc for them. All aire. During the laat week of our ANNIVERSARY SALE at per pair 15c HUCK TOWELS OUR REGULAR 18c VALUES aire 17x34, bleached, heavy quality, aplrndid wearing qual ity. Hotela and rooming houaca ahould take advantage of thia arecial inducement. During the laat week of our ANNIVER SARY SALE at each 12c TURKISH TOWELS BATH TOWEL?. Theae are extra large aire, thick and heavy, enda hemmed. A towel thai ia a pleaaure to uae. Our regular 35c value if we had to buy them today we would have to aak jrou Wc. Buy during the laat week of our ANNIVER SARY SALE, at, "ch25c ARROW COLLARS 20c or two for 35c ia the best price any merchant will offer you thia famoua brand for. YOUR CHOICE of any atyle or aic. out of our immense atock during the laat week of our AN NIVERSARY SALE " The Quality Store" Worth's Dept. Store BothPhoa.sSO Wallace Building 1 MAZOLA This pure oil from com for shortening: and all general cooking improves food quality and saves animal fats. IT has taken American ingenuity to solve the fat problem to find a practical, vhoesornt vtgtlablt oil for shortening, deep frying, (autcing something that will enable us to save butter, lard and suet. The result is Mazola a pure, wholesome oil refined from golden American corn. Mazola haa taken the place of the olJ cooking mediums because housewives find Out il gives more satisfactory results. And since MazoU it a vtttlaUt til it makes it easy fur them to follow the plana of Food Administrator Hoover. Mazola is economical not one sinf-le drop is wasted it can be used over and over again as it does not transmit laste or odor from one food to another. Get Mazola from your grocer in pint, quart, half-gallon or gallon tins. The large sizes give greatest economy. Also ask for the free Mazola Book of Recipes or write us direct. . Tmi wmmt ttl.t4 II Uull Mt M tin Mill. MtkHrttM. Corn Products Refining Company 17 Battery Tlace New York Jjr Wha IwwMo 3f 1 Johnson, Lieber y j -Q ONE pint Company J" "TTl-I 1M I PartlsaJ, Ortrsa IU SALIM ANO SlLVtRluH Albany high tchou. basketball team itiiUint-d in reputation oi not win rung any iniportaut gauict thia tea ton whrn the bilvcrton high achool tctm ftuu from Uictn I nUy nigfit by the -core uf 31 to JU, and when thry lott to Salem .Saturday mght 54 to 7. The Ium of thf Stiver, on gamr wai a dtMpoititmcnt, for the boy were ahead until the lait ten arcondft, when Silvrrton .hut a akrt and rioted out vit tur. I he Sal m garnr wa a joke and a return contut will not he played, the loi.aU Salem's superiority and concede the return tfame to the in. Intral( tlicy Kill ;'UV Silverlon. The future of tlie Salon kame a- Hrnd-T.on't shoot ing a bahket from midiicld hcn, ith no one to pai thr tall to. he let fly at the Lakct from long ranar and cored a perfect throw Tuetday nibt Alhany will play a rr-turti game with Cor vail it on the floor of junior high gnmatium. The CHICHESTER S PILLS jTr1 L4II F WriliM U .V I M aWkl Tali a aMaa Bar mT laa I V B a! A Mood lfRSl) fil.U, aVi htvMlM.alwt.AIlu' SOLD BY DRUWjISIS ErtmfWMLKE Automobile and Tractor Repairing W. are .quipped so do all Unda of automobile and tractor repair ing and machine work in first claaa manner. W. will car for roar troubles in a way that win aileu. you and atill leav. money a yoar podoK. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Moat cOmplet ahop in jtha valley. Autotnobil. accesaorie. and sup plies ALBANY AUTO and MACHINE SHOP B. I. Riddera, proprietor First and Jackson Sis. Both phones X M X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H X H "Everybody's Store" 6(3 Let Me Advise You My Dear" m;.kzxxkksm2eiixm ;j S H X H X H X H X H H X H X N H X H X H Said Mr. Sensible to hr younfer friend they w.r looking at nsw Corsets in th HAMILTON Corset 8 action "Or, rather, 1st mi tell you what I did," went on th matronly good-looking wo man. Tfa moment I read that Nemo Wonderlift Corsets will be $6, instead of $5, on the 4th of February I bought a fine new one for my daughter and another for myself. "Now, I'm in again to get atill another Wonderlift Model for each of us." Mrs. Spri(litly, the younger woman, took two of the wonder ful Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets at H5". (Thry will be SS.UO each on and after Mowday. February fourth.) It is needleaa to tell you HOW these famous Nemo Mod els give you better figure lines, more comfort, a real hy gienic base for .health and happiness. Nor that everything entering into the making of the Cor sets has advanced much of late. 0NDRLIfT IS NOW $ ait.r F.b. 4 UuM h '403 Self-Reducing UM NOW SS af Iw F.b. 4 You who know and wear Nemo Wonderlift or Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets will do well to supply yourselves NOW while are stoct are so complete whle prices are 50c and $1.00 less than they will be a week from today. Why not save your share at once? GROCERY EXTRA for TUESDAY Tuna Fish (White Star Brand) 1-4 size can ... 11c 1-2 size can . . 19c Cash Values XHXHXHXHXHSNS HAMILT0NS' Worth While g HXHXHXHXHSH& game will start at 7:30 p. rri. Cor vallis won the first game at Cor vallis 38 to X. and the local players believe that they can take the viatt ars into c?mp. It promises to be a rlne liffht A Final One-Price Clean-Up on Women's and Mies $20 to $40 Fall Suits Your Choice of any Women's Suit in the Store Excepting Only Our $45 (j10 QC $50 and $55 Models $ A O.VD Think what thia wonderful offer means! The material alone in any one of these Suits ia worth the low price of $13.95. Thia ia your last opportunity to purchase a atyliah suit at such a low figure. You will appreciate this extraordinary bargain even more next year when prices have soared skyward for garments of infe'ior quality. The reduc tion applies at both our stores, M. Sternberg it Co., and The Toggery. A Sale Silk Waists Crepe de Chine and Georgette Crepe Practically our entire atock of waists in dressy and tailored modela. Values up to $7.50 SALE PRICES $2.95 and $4.49 El Real fin cotton rib bed Union Suits in a $2.00 quality $1.49 Women's 25c Hoe. In alack and tan U sixes, special Flannelette Gowns on sale 89c and 98c Women's Flannelette Gowns that are cut full in length and width, and have double yok. and high or low neck. All aires. Valueal from 11.25 to $1.50. New McCall Patterns now in. New McCall's Magaxine now on sale. WOMEN'S SHOP. Women's medium weight union suits. Si values 75c Pine ribbed double thread union suits 1175 values 98c 16c Valuable Merchandise Practically Given Away We are planning to close the store sooner than we at first in tended, and for that reason have made another cut in prices that take them 'way below the cost price. HANDKERCHIEFS Costing US 12c we sell for . ... THOSE COSTING 15c THOSE COSTING 19c THOSE COSTING from 40c to 56c 10c .. 12c 17c 39c These are mostly linen hand-embroidered handkerchiefs. - RIBBONS Are being aold in the same manner. READ THE FOLLOWING Stranded D. M. C. and Silkine, per skein Colon Border Couching Cord . . Crochet Cotton , - . Coats' white Crochet u...- . Coats' colored Crochet . : Ladies' knit vests, 25c and 35c values , . 2c li lc 6c 11c 13c 17e VALENTINES .. ONE -HALF PRICE Sweet Grass and Phillipino Baskets, values to 11.75 . . 96c Picture Framing 1-2 Price The Albany Art ; Craft if a N S II & II & N H S H S H S 91 S H S H & H S H S H S H S H S If B J