ALB.U4V GA1LV fi&MdCftAT, WEDNESDAY. Januarv' J. tOtd Daily Democrat WM. H. HORXIBROOK, PuMuhcr. Kntarctf at (he poktotfice at Allan, Oregon, - sreond class inatir. Published cery tvt:niv except Sun day. Scwi-Weekly puMishctl Tues days and Friday. B LSI NESS MATTER fq ordcrinK chantfc of address, u. tcribcrt should always give 'M as well as new addrtisrs. SUUSCKUTIOX RATES Paily Delivered hy carrier, per week . 10 .Delivered by carrier, per year 4.00 By mail, at end of ear 3-50 By mail, in advance, per year 3.00 Semi-Weekly When paid in advance, one year i.25 At end of year H.S0 Established In 1 8 6 5 ' WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2. 1918 UNCLE SAM'S RAILROADS i i.e. government iias anud con trol -l" the t :c:ii ox i:.cru.,n railroads and lh- lu'.acu.- luxe not J.ilKn. There is no excitement. Ti.irc i a .it sens tt rel:e!. The ihiiiK is sei n to have lvcn no ec friary an: ;in. iiuhlc. The r.i it roads had done pretty well, cor.iticT.r..; their ! aruHap. IVrhaps they rc.ilh did C'e i ery tc-t they coi:hL Uut there i re eeria. i delicts in C:c nr.; cold not l o otu n nd o: by any process, short ui central con trol wrth absolute powers. The Sherman .ict is now a dead letter, so far a railroad operation is co;KtTiicd. What was wronjf Ik- fore is ris".t now it is done by the co rem mi out. for all the peo ple, instead o." by private intere-t for private intere-;. ( i;r railroad are pm led. Oitt transportation made a complete nioro:o!y. Thi-i is v .einli :i Wc may t prcca: j ihut fact, but there's no um: iviiuiii,; it. And as a matter o fact, there isn't uuTch incentive to ;j nore i:. . '..cdy sei-ms to care. Merc names 'ae lo-t their power tu f..K..u-n. We arc in this war to win it. and the public h reconciled to doing anything obviously nccesar) to win it. We have put unprecedented pow ers in the hands of the government and the public rests easy because it knows that any administration which abuses these great powers can be called to swift and effective account ing. It know?, too, that when the immediate urgency is past the old sys tem can be quickly restored if it then seems desirable to restore it The railroad operators and direct ors and stockholders are not worry ing any more about it than the gen eral public. In :Vt. they seem pleased with the new situation. Their bigurst troubles have been unloaded on Uncle Sam. the giant who, though he blunders more or le. has a re markable aptitude for blundering in the rhht direction, and who h u enough vitality and common sense to set all his er-ors ripM sooner or later. THE DANGER TO OUR GERMANS Judtfe J. C. Rupptnthal of Russt!l, Mo., wjio describes himself as a pure blooded German, all of whose an cestors for many generation h;.ve been born in Germany and lived in Germany, look at the German-American situation from a new and inter esting angle. G:ving advice tr his fellow German-Americans, he, says: "I would rather nnt take chances for myself ar.I my children as Amer icans on any treatment Germany might accord tis if it were ever able to dictate terms of peace in or to the United States. Tn that day it will be better to be of any other blond than German. For of all Americans, T fancy, the 'Ainerican of German ancestry in the moM cordially hated by the militarists of Germany. It behooves all American; of German ancestry to be especially zealous for our nation, for they .have most to lose." Judge Ruprntbal probably ba good reason for this view. It is well known thrt the Germans who came, to America were generally re garded in the Fatherland, before the w-ar, as a sort of renegade. The Kaiser was notoriously scornful of them. It was hard -for the Americans i question to appreciate thi fart: ft is hard for them now: but accord ing fn some of the most enlightened of tlhcir own. racial group, the best thing fi. tfwm to. do is to face the facts. v Their own relatives and friends, the nverago Germans back in the Fa-, thcrland, do not hate them. Rut the militarists who control the army and the government do hate them. Those Eastburn Bros: The Grocers REGULAR PRICES FANCY BULK, seeded Raisins, 'pound 2i ceats FANCY BL'LK sultana raisins, 2 pounds Mc FANCY OREGON PKL'NES .2 gounds 2t cant FANCY WHITE or Hlack i":s 2 pounds 2( caati FANCY ClR RANTS, 1 package 2ic ORANGE and I.EMOX TEEL. ib 2Jc CITRON PEEL, pound 19 cents aV0 militarists lamit-d on them earlv in the war. in t'ic hope that they would crvc Germany by pulling the Prus sian chciitiui- out of the American urc. Many German-American were Mtiliciently deluded to lull in with this scheme, to their own great niis to'tunc. They failed Germans a:;.!' aUo as Americans. Thi country has. in gcreral. lor gien them lnrcai'se nearly all o." linally caMC to see the error of their vas. The German ruling clas ha mt fornix en them. lt.hate them UI -for the r failure to bring America under the sw.iv of rrusianism an I Keep us out of the war hi!e the German government worked its brctal ill on civilization. CANADIAN TROOPS ARRIVE SAFELY IN ENGLAND XEV WESTMINSTER. P.. C. Jan. 1. Anxiety over the fate of :ro. frir. this st-oiion lioi-evei! tc have been in Halifax at the time of t'le disatcr parsed today, when cahUvrams were received announ.-- in the arrival of the artillery unit in England. The troops sailed just heore the blast, it is believed. Warranty Deeds Albert D. Hudson and wife to M. . Forstcr and wife. May 25, 1917: lands in Tangent; $10. Ada C. Follett et al to D. D. Fol- lett Jr., March i. 1916: lands in claim 4. Tp. 12 S.. R. 2 West: $10. Coast Land & Timber Co, to Ar :.hur C. Miller. Dec. 24. 191": lands in Pirtle Home Tracts, Plat N'o. 2; $10. jeiEjes( 3 If the bnvs fail to deliver the l paper each even'ng kindly phone 9 i to the o'r.ce. The management 9 i invites complaints from its pa- 9 irons ami wui do its best to re.rrrct fa'iltv service aT ; the home drink Besides its popularity at drug stores, fountains and restaurants, Bevo has found a welcome place in the home. A family beverage a guest offering a table dnnk that goes perfectly with all food. Am m muggemlioa for Sunday supper Sweat red or green peppon stuffed wirn cresm cieese mnd chopped nuts or olive, nerved on lettuoe eaves. French dreaming. Cold meet. Tommted erackerm. Bevo tor everyone. A beverage that tastes like no other soft drink. Pure. wIiqImmiip nnH r. ... Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink. Sold la bottom only mnd botilmd mxclamivmlr by AHHEUSER-HUSCH For a Good Drink Try Chase & Sandborn Cof fee We are sole agents for it Ven? SEAR'S Best Valley FLOUR 'SAGE TEA KEEPS YOUR HAIR DARK , When Mixed with Sulphur It Brings Back Its Beautiful : v, Lustrcat Once. ? Orwy hair, hovtrw handsome de note advanetne ac. w ail know the advantacca of a youthful appear anca. Tour hair la your eharm. It makaa or mara tha faea. Whan It fada, turn zray and looks atraakrd. Just a ( applleatlona ot Sajra Ta and Sulphur anhancaa Its appaaraaca a hundrad-fold. t Don't ntay irrayl Look younitl Either prepare tha recipe at home or set from any druc store a bottle ot Wyeth'a 8aca and Sulphur Com pound." which la merely tha old-tlma recipe Improved by tha addition of other tnffredtenta. Thouaanda of folk recommend this ready-to-uaa prepara tion, because It darken the hair beau tifully, besides, no one can poaslbly tell, as It darkens eo naturally and evenly. Ton moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawlnc this through tha hair, taklnc ona small strand at a time. By mornlns the gray hair disappears: after another application or two, Irs natural color la restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lus trous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound Is a delightful toilet requisite. it is not inxenaeo tor the cure, mlu raUon or prevenUon of disease. Old Furs Rebuilt NSW FURS MADE Our Specialties PATTERSON TAXIDERMY CO. Pint and Lyon Streets WE ARE LOOKING FOR MEN WHO CAN SELL Your wages are not limited. Complete line of superior nurs ery stock. Choice territory now open. Secure our new contract st once ALBANY NURSERIE8 1st National Bank Building Albany, Oregon READ OUR WANT ADS. ST. LOUIS Phone 51 $2.45 tack ft II I Building Material ARK YOU GOING TO BUILD t If so. Irt ua figure with you. W't hat the merchandise and tht prices, too. Barker Hard-1 ware Store ToielJifrancis- 1 Union itpuirr kit tmrtasco Qn ike emfercf ike GhYOeandGhr Thy. -ooo7?txmr. Appreciated by THscrim maiinq )hanaqemcni (lamxk hods HAY. GRAIN. FEED .Stork and Poultry Supplies Gasoline and Oils U. G. HAYVE East Third and Main Streets Try Oitr Special Night Lunches aad our CLUB HOUSE SANDWICHES Imperial Cafe OPKV All. HOlTrS LIGHT LUNCHES Sandwiches, Tassalss. Hot Coffee and Chosolate, Hot Drinks of all kinds. FINK HOME MADE CANDIKS THE ELITE lots phones W. 8. Duncan, Prop. CM. MUes Wlregrip Tires W. W. CRAWFORD Albany, Oregon Real Estate Loans & Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany Hotel Building enaw3raMiaunjn. a j j m L. r. i t r ' I .aet eT-a -NaM aeV mm wjjewJewsa.JS.JM j i I i rt lU'SYCOKNT.R Grocery Goods bounlit right ami sold right Sweet Potatoes, 0 lbs. 25c Sailer Kraut, mult lUc ft flood Coi'tre. Hi. .... 19c Drat lute I aumlry Soap, live liars 25c Wp-JIAVE OUR OWN DELIVERY (mnl I'roiium, Prop. 331 Lyon Street Both Phonea t a.-riuisittt. : auaaa I HOTEL ST. FRANCIS Best 35c and 50c meals In tha city. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Pirtle, jL proprietors jmJtLmjizmxmmai , THE lirST BAKKI) COODS CROci.Kii s. ruoni :k auJ HU l l PARK KU'S ' he '. n' (Jua'ilv" l.'" Si K .ili i'hiiii.s PLUMUINO Carjcntcring and Repairing Call me for any kind of pi lins iiiK tir rriir wirk. FRED MICHEL 635 E. 8th St Bell phone 226 R ALDANY PLA.'.'ir.G Mil.L All Kind, of KM Work GUs rl Wind Shields. First Class Piano Tuning and Voicing Dons by Kimball Factory Expert SPECIAL XMAS KATES 1. Piano Tuning tJ.OO 2. Tuning and Voicing . H00 3. Tuning, Voicing and ac tion regulated 15.00 Leave your address, or call Rolfe Theatre CHARLES FESSIA The Piano Man Work guaranteed, or money refunded. Farmers, Firms and Merchants alike, need the help which a gooa banking connection gives them. This bank has no favsrites, its service is extended to everyone who wishes SAFF.TY ftr I FL'NDS, and romptucss in handling their business. Talk opening an Accaunt with our eashicr today. Capital and surplus, $90.00t).0O. J. W. Cusick & Co. Bankers All; my, Oregon VIERECK'S BATHS First-class Workmen Only Open flo;n 7:30 s. m. to 7 p. m., Saturday 10 p. m. Cor. First and UIU worth Streets STETTER'S Full line of Chinaware, Dishes, Crockery, Glassware, Granite, Tinware, and Groceries. FISHER-BRADEN Undertakers Lad; assistant Auto-Hesrse service If desired atsaaWTX A B A N Y rnjh U SAVINGS BANK CI.ASSI1I11) ADS AM) , (.l ASSII II' l) Fur Sale FOR SALE Rent, or trade, seven room n.odern buuse. Iiitjune at .VJS Second and CaUp.a St. r.Nit If FlR Sl 1' (iiubhinil llime phone V'5. hi aihiiif dJ--5' Ki K S U K St. k linits, all sun, from one to 51 head. Hell phone 4m R or ad.!trs 1 I.. HuiiMlt. H.n J4(i, Allunv, tlrrtf. ,."l' FOR S I.F-t;.i..d. .ouud h.iri Call Bell phone Jl-J. Mi' IDK S ! I" Pratt Kehlmi!. true to! i-ull. iiTMvr.ildy fc.niii'l .m.l jirntlc. rostitcd Pcri hrron anl sliirc. e.mi ittif five vejr old. Call Hell phone K-I-.U . d-"',. I 'v K SA1.F Twenty ton nood lover hay. riirap. CjII .loel Ropp, ltrll phone 4I IJ. d.ll)-" For Rent FOR RI'.NT Sn room Innii-iir.! houje lor rent on paved street. Sl per month. W. F. I'lrilfer. d.n 1'OK RFNT To lutnuhrd room, iurmce hrat, hot and cold atrr Call 11 West Fourth street Hell phone 41M.. . IW FOR KENT OR SAI.F Three, at North Albany depot, with house. Kent $75 per year. Kmc Karden land. Call (irant Williamson, Home nhone5l. dJIjo WII.I. RKNT To riitht people on veiy reasonable term, my dwelling on Fast First St. House is fully fut d. containing Chickcring piano and extensive library. In entire 5 Fast Second St. R. K. Knox. d.llj7 Miscellaneous l.i 1ST One .'' I tire anil rim h-twern Albany and llalsey. I'ind er please return to Clarence Camer on. Rrward. j'-' TIMHIRLANI) WANTI1I) Have client with (A I Albany income prop erty and cash, lor something good. I)escribc fully, or sec Fish & Hodge, Agents, Albany. dJ7j.l FDR SAI.F. OR TRADE Six room house and good lot. Wilt trade for auto truck, Ford touring car or waxon ami tram. Apply at 145 Santiarn Road. A2d)i FOR I.F.ASIv HO acres Santiam her ry land to man with plenty of help II. Bryant. dj4 WANTED To buy all kinds of hides, junk, sacks, second hand goods, etc. For Sale Counters and showcases. See Rogoway, Second and Ilaker. dltf Rf. 1'Rl'iERATIN'ti PI.ANTS lor sale and repaired. Steam and hot water beating. 110 East 1st St. Home phone 1244. i!4ll WANTED Girl to assist with the trays. Call at St. Mary's Hospital. (1.11)2 flEF.F IIY THE QUARTER At wholesale prices. Handled in a sanitary way Call the packing house, both phones 241. I). E. NEIIEKGAI.I. MEAT CO. d20if . Fortmillcr Bros. Funeral Directors Both Phones Masonic BMg. Our Own Ante Hearse Lady Assistant Frank G. Will JEWELER High class Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass and Hand Painted Chins sr NATIONAL BANK ... CIVILIAN PATRIOTS Although no of lmnl liriulds the event, man) patiuilic ulurnt duly ate liritig rccimtrd lo the ARMY OF THRIFT ( The irttuc nl srvrte. It i piatiital liainiiig In nii.iiry jmidi-me. I'nlut our dnlUu heir eheie Ihey will ii'ipond pruinplly to our cumiiiaiid. Rl SIM SS DIKI CIORY ROGOWAY'S Furniture Store Big liatgains on Furniture l'lr.'i.(llv ln a) trdil. ItiMtl on Ui.ant Stort. I't'imtil ami Slh'W l'.ri lor Sale cheap. ROGOWAY'S NF.W AND Sl.CONI) STORE 2d and Baker SUvlng, 15c Hair Cut, J5c Bell Phone IW-J Try Ihs Hold Albany ilirhsr Shop Three fir si class barbers We warn you artd your childreo Absolutely Anliseptic 110 West Second Street 8tlSi!iESS CiSfCTCRT WILSON Ml'Sll.' Si X'DIO-tipeue Schmitt. Hunt Bl.ig. . Ilroadalbin. for enrollment of pupils Saturday, September 2.'ud. at 10 a. us. A. M. corner ol Ihird. S-l S-tl Oregon Hide & Junk Co. 201-205 E. 1st St. Dealers In Hides, Pelts, Furs, Rubber, Metsls, Machinery and all kinds ol second-hand goods 5.000 Potsto Sscks lor Ssle BeU 72 J. Home Mii WOOU SAWINi; tall Newijon llros. J.V I'inc St, Home phone 4. Hell phone Ji7 J. Oline with Cummings Transfer Co. nl5jl Real Lstate, Insurance and Money to Loan II. F. MLUKILI. Insurance, Loans, Suiety lionds S( utli-tition en l-. care ol iropcrty lirloniiiKto r--i, rridents. l-.i. Mil Sit. I. seeo.t 1'irst bav- tnw Mauk tu ii.I i t,:, Albany. Oregon. o per cent mortgage loans long time, any amount, for good cultivated farms. Call on J. V. Pipe, 2li3 W 2nd St. S-l-tl For Sale Real Instate J. v. PIPE Real Estate, Farms and City Pro perty. Fire Insurance. Notary Pub lic. 8-1-tf Loans 8urety Bonds lie F.SOX Fire, Casualty and Automobile Insurance. Real Estate 213 1st National Bank Bldg ELMER C. (.IPC Chiropractor. Rooms 5, 7, . 1(1, Cusick v, !. Nature cannot cure a du aac iless the cause is removed. Cblroj .actic adic-vmenit remove the cause. DR. H. E. JACKSON Dentist Room 404-3 First National bank bldg. BOTH PHONES DK. GEORGE J. KENAOY Chiropractor First National Bank Building dltf Grocery Talk Have you given us an order? Have you compared our pricea with those of other stores? We have a complete line at the right prices. N. I). Pratt Corner of 3d and Main Street!