ildNDXV. CfCtalfctK 14. liil) CITY NEWS To Spend Christmas- Mrs. Annie Jones, Mr. V. C. Jonc. and Min Mac Jones tnl 10 Tulsa, thii morning to spend lbritinas l the .Sonic of Mr. and Mrs. Mai tin Camming. Arrived Saturday Mr. mid Mrs. l-loyd llilyeu and children of XrvlierK, and Dr. and Mr. Van Itilycu of Tortland, at rived Saturday nu;ht to spend Christmas at lite home of J. M. V. llilyeu. It Visiting Father Xtr. Vinvcnt Toda (Vernal Walk er), arrived in the city Sunday from San Francisco for a visit with her fathir. Cynii II. Walker. Mrs. Toda was delayed four days in starting N'orth on account of her inability to secure passage on the train. The travel north is reported heavy on ac count 01 the movement of troops combined with the usual holiday traf fic. Buff Payne Here Hut lord Payne, former Albany hoy who has been in San Francisco for the past three years, arrived in t!ie city Sunday morning for a visit with iclativcs and friends. He is a palest " at the home tf hit aunt. Mrt, Charles '. Stewart. He is now errant Payne Mof the dipot litinade, Camp l.rois. and ill attend the iteM officer naming camp at San Krancisco which starts next month. Will Go to Portland Mis, Mary Stevens and llessie Simpson will go to Portland in the morning to -pend the holidays. To Spend Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Fade Odcll went to Kayetlcville this morning to spend Christinas at the home of Mr. Odell -sister. Mrs. Will Moore. Expect to Move Hei Mrs. Dale Kimes of Harrisburii caine down this morning on business. She expects to move to Albany soon. Real Estate Loans &. Insurance Collins & Taylor Albany More! Building Holiday Specials BEST VALLEY FLOUR Snowflake Patent FANCY HRAD RICE HII.LOALE ASPARAGUS TOPS . $2.45 7 l-2c a pound 15c IT PAYS TO TRADE AT SEAR'S Low Fares to California For Christmas and New Years Round-trip tickets on sale December 21st to 23rd and 25th to 28th, inclusive, . " Return limit January 15th. 4 Trains a Day , , A floe chance torivt SanFrancisco, Los ' " " Angeles and the many winter resorts. Reduced round-trip tickets on sale between all points in Oregon and to all points in Washington and Idaho on certain days in December. Ask nearest S. P. agent for particulars John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Lines If your egg cost more than ten cent a dozen CUT THEM OUT I USE EGAHO POWDER! A ten-cent packet equals one dozen egga in belong the things re quiring eggt and corn starch t BUT BE SURE IT IS EGAHO POWDER Be sure that the 10-ccnt packet is neatly constructed of heavy pa per, and my portrait printed on the outside. My 25-cent package cental to three dozen eggs, is put up in a cardboard box, and like wise contains my portrait. Full directions for using the powder will be found on the inside. A FRAUDULENT POWDER IS BEING SOLD The vendors claiming it to be EGAHO POWDER! Beware of it. Egaho Powder is manufactured under serial 101947, is pure and healthful, and is sold in nearly all Portland food stores and through out thia and adjoining states. It is guaranteed to be as repre sented, and the public ought to help me put a stop to the frauds by furnishing me the evidence to convict them in court. My ad dress it 802 East Sixth street North, and my telephone Woodlawn 443. Agents wanted for outside territory. EGAHO POWDER was AWARDED FIRST PRIZE at the PURE FOOD SHOW held in Portland recently for being the PUREST and WHOLESOMF.ST on the market. FOR SALE BY Busy Corner Gro., Cor. 4th Lyon Sti Holloways Farmers Store; Hamlltons, Eastburn Bros. Gro, 212 West 1st St; Holman 4 Jack ton, W. M. Parker, Gro, 136 South Lyon St. ..CORVALL1B STORES The Model Gro., 259 Monroe at.; M. Tillery Gro, College Crett Gro, 2525 Monroe St ' You'll DECIDE at the last minute that, after all, JEWELRY Is the real, appropriate thing to give. (JUiMfc IU Ui- and let us help you in your se lection. The gift of Jewelry carries with it the true spirit of giving. DIAMONDS in rings. La Val lieres and Brooches, are just the thing. FRANK G. WILL Jeweler 4T n 4 Eastburn Bros. The Grocers REGULAR PRICES for the CHRISTMAS TRADE Plain, Mixed Candy, pound 20c, 3 pounds 53c Fancy and Cream Mixed pound 23s, 2 pounds 43c Fancy English Walnuts pound 30c, 2 pounds 53c Fancy Oregon Walnuts, pound 23c Fancy Brazil Nuts, pound 20c Western Cranberries, pound 20c, 3 pounds 50c Mrs. Philips Home-Made Mince Meat Pineapples Cocoanuts Bananas Date Ftfa Grape fruf Fancy Raisins Currant Oraages and Lomans COME AND SEE Fancy Dressed Turkeys, Geese and Chickens at the Right Prices t, - H ( ii ii YEAR-END MB .atV FARES 'TPO all points in Pacific North west. Through tickets sold by agents of the ORHGON KLKCTRIC RY. ack up Our Sohlimr at ih front! m usual I I aura SALE DATE8 OF ROUND TRIP TICKETS December 22-25, incimive, to all points on OREtiON ELECTRIC and on the NORTH BANK ROAD Rainisr to Spokane and to Central Oregon, and points on other lines. Return limit January S. December 2, jo, 11, 1917 and January 1, 1911 to points on OREGON ELECTRIC RV. Re turn limit January , 1911. Want to Bend ' Went to Tortland i. A. .r K it )iitiil.i for Mis M ( Snllnan and (' llrtul to spend the holiilav. Passed Tlirounlv Mm. A. Kail-Uni n, .,ni, I !'tm ami Munioiil KallilMiit, iii'ii, viftr in -Allunv tin -n their way In ll.iui.luiiit in :hr holi-lays., . 1 . Im nutt nut;; mi went to 1'intt.uul llni ttiiit must l Hi'ii, ( hi ittnta. To Vnut HjiulIiIcis V. W. Iati--n "tut t' M.un.Hii .i tl-i iii.niiiiu: to pi-nil t hi To Spend Holidays Mim Alu-e lU-Hunt l(l tlii inninj Mi- 1' ins: Ivm' LVill.tml anil lli-ai i-i l.'n to ' mu tut I 1-i iitlliMth h. i ,1 nin.iti i-, Mr I uth- j Hui. k an-1 Mi v 1 h hu I h ii. j Went to Tai unu I I .1111, li. II I II till, IIKII II -iiii:i to -LM lul llu ii int. I u n-l llii' .holi.t.iv tlh II u ihK To Spend tlit Pay Miv II. .1 1 1. ili' ami luliy .in-l Mix I I I ill II lit to III lll' i i-ii milk I-i M' n'l I'1' ''-'V-Krtuineil lu Alicul.-eu R.ii I n ui.i'i t . tt'i in 'I t-i Miriili en, .in'!.. tt. Illi-I HIM... Hi' III- l-'ll iiiluiit heir nm( Satin il.iv. r Wallace liere 1i It It II. -e it limm- i Oioit tni. In imk i allnl line to .it It ml to miiii . InisinrMs iualti'14. BOOKS TIIK 1DKAL CIIKISTMAS (5IFT HOYS Ti'iu Sw nt tirs ).u k 1 1 .4t k aw av kt'i it V'i ti.inu t-r it M. iii; lu tut Uw iv l ,ry i hitit Mi. .t l.f Know, ri if. G1K1.S Viiim .I.iih nii' I r!.1ii..! t .ill-. f iv ( hi U" i t hu .il I Iik'i i " 1 i. inu I'l- :nt r (.ill, -fin )'.. ) i lt M 1 t fa'1 'I FOSMAY & MASON, INC. GIVE JEWELRY - - T' ltF Ji. I . -.Vi. t-OK HIM FOR HER Rings Cameos Bracelets I. a Val'icres N'eck Chains iold Tliimliles Wrist Watches Beauty Pins Brooches Silverware Clocks Lockets There are hut few more days to de cide and buy. Settle the question right now GIVE JliTELRY Our stock is not the largest in the city, hut it is well selected and con tnins just the things you would select. And our prices are most reasonable. Come in and look over our stock. Wat'thrs R in,! s I tul-ett U itch l-ol-s Siaif Tins ti-il-l Conilil (ii-ll knives I 1'rnciU I I. t l..M" Cu(f Links I'haln,!li-m t-lrnttfti atitui I-i- k r!s tor nolidris si'tnrthini; new. E. C. MEADE Jeweler & Optieian H. S. LOGAN, Agent, Albany The Motorist's Christmas There are scores of articles that will please the car owner for Christmas. In fact, nothing could be mare acceptable than some automobile accessory. We suggest: MOTOR WEAVE ROBES SPOTLIGHTS MIRRORS BUMPERS TIRE COVERS ROBE RAILS CIGAR LIGHTERS TIRES (Royal Cord, Silvertown, Republic, United States, Goodrich.) VALVOLINE and HAVOJLINE OILS & GREASES t ;,.i',:f Ralston Motor Co. 4 E 7th