Best Advertising Medium in Linn County ! II AN Y DAILY DEMOCRAT THE WEATHER Tonight and Sunday PAIR: colder Tonight VOL. XXX. ALBANY, LINN COUNTY, ORKCON, MONDAY, DECEMBER .24, 1917. No. 112. BAKED SAYS AIM OF U.S. IS FINAL PEACE America Has Greater Love for Prince of Peace than God of War MUST NOT SLAKEN OUR WAR PREPARATIONS Secretary of War Warns Nat ton of Germany's Peace Proposal .i ( () ( 2 ill the A Ilu r, r i So n.tkrr folio iiu I" ' AHmii) I "l.rl mi s;.i ilmni,'.. .nr Cidtinin. to thr Ml M ! t.ut four, KM-itiit; t the .1, i-iitiitrut and ii, i. n r!l iV rf Our la a nation wlu-h Im a great' r r fr the I'ltme il '' 1'race lluii llir t;,,.! of War Only o llir attainment of a permanent liber abcd t r my ' ow( rfoitt will br di- (i ( rrf tr.l " () i I ,i) r i ' '' ' WASH I '!'' i'n- 24 -i V I' i -l5aVfr' Mar tuminiiv ay thai . (i-rrmjuy'i itMiln'it Chmtm. j.r . trtvtranda honh..'t lor 4 m'-meni induce i t ulrft Writ imr ji prep 1 Atlottv I lr jtt.d , mrt t( -i'k .irii;i n con-tttutr llifrc rrvr of utor). He brieve!'-! t.irniam i rrk 111 If R ftrp.1r.1fe (MJr with HnU dtlf Kk' lid. tor lr nv hduyi' al cftfi t on llir alhcv Thi 1 nirTrl ''peace i' iiv" nuivf ith thrr-iU of 4 io-iIm ol ' n vr in i'1" Wri. Tl. rr .1 a pr... r move lat year. Fl. CANBY ANQ HIGH SCHOOL 10 PLAY TONIGHT Tlir liollilay Ultllrllf -4oll Miil ho tij.rnr.l ul thr V. M. I. A. 111 nium thi rvrtiiiiK lm tiir hih mhoul 1.ttkrthall trjtn will mrrt tlir It ,im from l'ort I'anhy. Thr -tnhhrr, air Ik rr witlt a strong ia lfir.itioii atitl are jirri'.irnl to jait up a It.inl (ik'ht. hiuli rlu'il apj' t luvr tlir lrt of thr uiictltrunt on tram work, lax inn ir.u t M il in thr limwrr, t I he ul rxiirrirnc of the RihlitT wilt ti.un thrm Mitil iitnl keep iliiwn thr t'"rr of ttieir yniinj.!rr oppom-ntN. Thr line ii will hr: lltnh ih'ol Vnilinn I't. Tanhy Willanl e Hilycn 'lldiilrnnn K , Moorr l;ortmi1lrr K Sclmllat Irvinr f KHi NehtTK.ill f l;i.thiirn Thr hinh ehiMif whs will he Ar rjiih.ild anl Htt-;iril. white l'rte Mil ler will pmluMy tukr part in the Ft. C:mlty linr-tip. Miller i a nirnihrr of the lr. S. navy, hut i rlikiihle to !.y. AMERICANS WOUNDED FIGHTING IN FRANCE ottawa, iv. :m.-rr. r. It reported that HI. . Wilkinson, of Dallas. reKon( and Capt. Turner of Seal lie, were wounded "1 Canadian aetioni. l-OH Sl.i:-l lirattlifitl 25-aiTi-jilarr, only our and onr-h.ilf ttlilrt from Alhany, iiu-lmlititf two Imrsrs, otic lirifrr anil all ituplrtnrnt. All yoi'H for $.1,5'K if oM now. Call A. IVUin iii. 501 l.yon St. iU4jl I;OST l.ailir' hlaik tiilk iiinhrclla. plain brown hanillr. Mrs. liro. II. Urnnctl's nninr on Itanillr. Krtttrn to Methodist I'arnonaKr. il24-27 NEW CLASSIFIED I A.A.S. UNION HOLDS ' PROFITABLE BIBLE CUSSES Much Valuable. Work Accomp lished by Visiting Homes In Rural Districts (1. W. Roliiboiiijh. missionary ul the Aiiu-ruaii Sunday School Lnimi. has been i ullilil' ting special .tuily in llllul Zinnia)- sillnol distill Is. Hi' trporls the nitilcst good. Near l.r1i.inon III the Ml. II"!"- disliHl. tin interest III the hook l Koinalis. A 1,1. Ii the study there, was splcll .liil. 'llir AitliKr 4tlili'l.ii 1 ("f t'.t I.' iiikiI ahiiiit .! l...;.lr, I r than half "I whi.ill nr llir i.uli kIio KJr ra.'rllrnt atlrntioli to tin- raiMilmitk ii Out fci-ai Ii in ri- rlatliin. Mr Ki.htliuitvli lh: cril .U.r mi.iIc clTrri lhc:l ai'irr . uii.,11 ut the tilcl . . nit: th.y hail hcatj' limii tlir I11...V aii'l h.ul lirn r hi nil thr tt-iii hum. thr I l illj ' f""h Miii.ll ..i llir lii t v.ilL ni h Ilu- iii.-iii.ili SiiiiiI..)' Sih'. I In 1111 i a 1 i.iiiilihnl liy in.iti"ii 111 tin 'i.'tin. ul utir iiiiintiv 'ii !i. I i-. lh.ui fin- ut a 'h I"' l.-' ' fij. In- I hv 1 1 r lll:l'Uialli i'i :lilrTili-liMnillalHili.l '"irl iirr i it ril ! wi.iUil fr.ri-rlltni- ' r l!l. .. .X iltj.itli.ltiutl. Mr K..hrUuik'h Ii !l " 1,1 ' "'.'"U tin- rc i( Ihii I'.hrUtinaii mjihii, V iilii A h.imr ill thi. Coiit'l hi rr hr mrt J i.nt- lai'.y wiiii l.l.i until n it all tl I the llihlr. Mir ii. ll c llihlr anl aflrr rtaininin i' What Viinl ..I l"."k i- Ilu. ' ' riniii I'c-iim t'lhl it a a Hihh. hr ri -;iliril "I !'n"t kni anythiti, .ih.tut it " l lifh'fnl. attrai'ivr llihlr ir'fl Tiouk. t .irrt.ln r with -niy ci( tlir llihli tlrll. was ftrnt to hrr iur tliiviri1 tna. Mnifil!y thiri- t n t.. hi. n.nvn. at well a iuiJr hilnunii tn luiviX at mir rry i)iir: 4n'l! whi.h !m rtati'-na! urirty a' k- ii f.t () '.i r 9 v1 CITY NEWS 5) ' fci ') 1.1 V ,il (S) iff (i Vuiting Craft Mrs. T. M. Wrinht of M.icow. lil.tliu. ariixnl Saturii.iy amt ill ;tihI thr hi'lil.iv with .hei luienli. Mi. atnl Mr. M. 11. ("raft. Kememher P. O. Men lr 'llin.i Wo ni.iili- the itofinc r!iipl.')T a k;1 ol liut anil i-amlirk whiih wrrc Krratly ai'j'rcciat cl hy I'tu h Sam's htiy servant-. nrinK liie Xnias r. z Captain Knox Home l'.ilain Kno oi thr Coast Artil lery is here tu .sptml the Xnias holi lavs with his family. He is well s.ttislu-il with the showing ni.tiie hy thr lAlhany hoys ami feels 1' he lias a rik'hl to he prnml of their wmk il I'I. t'anhy. Many Soldirra Here 'I here air ahoul .15 mcmhers oi tin I'iitlt Co. in the city fur the holiiliys. Must of the lo)s will return Weil nrs'l.iy eveniiiK. while some arc on a ti'li-il.iy fnrloUK'h. Here Krom I'ort Steven Mack Towers of th company, at h'ort Stevens, is spemlitiK ("liritinas with hi parents, Mr. ami Mrs. 1'owrrs. Visiting Hammers Mr. anil Mrs. K. I.. Cilhrrt of Her lin arrived this nunn to spenil Christ mas at the home of Mr. anil Mrs. A. M. Hammer. Here for ChriMma Miss I'.eiilah Hinckley of Portland cainr lip Saturday evening to spend wikh her mother and visit iorinrr Alhany friends. U. P. Clirintma Service The I'tiitid I'reshyleriim church will have a special Christinas pro gram at 7;.) o'clock this evening. I lu- usual White Christmas idea will he followed out. M. E. Xmai Program T.hrre will he special Christinas ex rrcises at the Methodist church Christmas. The Sunday school will put on a special program and there will he a pantomime, "The Holy NiKht." County Treasurer Ill- County Treasurer V. V. Francis was not at his office this afternoon on account of a alight indisposition. Italian Guns Check Attack; En emy Loses Ground Along the Piave River GERMANS START OFFENS IVE IN MACEDONIA Hostile Raids Are Repeated on the Western Front by Gen. Haig M F.. Do-. 24. l V.t A troiii Teiilii attack wu launched in thr Wvt w t-.r uf Asiak'w and jtiH ttattd the h.Jian line nriir tlir I'.ii-o. l!.ili..n attilhry elu-ikrd th .tMiinir .it). I I'litllitrf utlatk arr pro ( t i "Iiiitf atif;u tot ily. A r?pnr ,.it.. k aloniC thr 1'iavc Hit MiJt Vrrci u lOlllprlitd llir rr ' ii nirtit ot thr Teutons. rprrt litlicc that lhi prranr a luti-rxprited Balkan ac tmty. (rr It.l"l (ireek near Sa lonika ;irr waiting, to Kn afaint the K-ilk'ari. Thr I rfteh iherr are rr pilo to lie reiiiforcinrf It i a t!.orit.itirly slalrCthat Teuton of :'i rr fttinniandinu ti- Ktitar were withdrtn an l lh :nlvur arr coin tn.indnu'. A Id vi,miiu1 the !'-ul- onld enroiirjKTe the he1r..;iiercd .r K-UM nans and lessen itukjairia', Do- with tmf i Krrci AKMirs. Itre -4 ri. dinvr trv German pri otiri. 'tiil hrtU rre htlj-Ieij ftt tl e '.inrrirjn rttTi" t"iN on "ei'i1rr $. heforr the raid eaininw the fir-t,.lii!c. Notintr the Amer i.atM e"re t1ufrT!ir GVmian mrerl no pjiti to ni.ikr the raid a 4iKYr!i. T. ry studied thr topo.-rjphy. etc . tn lati.u:e ovit the : from a'd "roii lhr, :md the Itr-t ftho'-k, wrrr iisrd. outnuinhrHnt; the merit- m. W"SMIN'GTl. Dee. 24 Ger -tt Liny itartetl a powerful Macedonia offensive, pnsildy to anticipate the of tYiiivc I he illie Ate ipreparirw tluTC. Three vlolrnt attack alone the C'i rna w ere repelled 1y the tlalian. l.iIX"). Dr. 24.--Gcn. Hairf repot led hostile r.iils in several sec tions, which were repelled. HENEY TO PROSECUTE THE F000 TRUST WASHINGTON. IVc. 24. 1 1'. IM vigorous prosi-i'iiti(n tf the food trust investigation was de-ided at a conference oi the federal trade com- uii-ion. I leney w ill I. iter follow the trail oi' the alleged meat trust, which will he followed ly further session at Ho-lon and New York, possibly he fore Mondav. TUn Dsinniociralt wishes to esclk airadl svciry osti off Eft's Smlbscrilbeirs &nd Adwexthimg Patroims a Msirsy Clhinstoas audi a Happy Mew Year. . . . POSTOFFIDE TO OPEN TOMORROW MORNING Officials Will See that Parcels Are Delivered; Xmas Busi Makes Good Showing Drtjiite the fact that Xma( i holiday for the pottofi'ice official. l'otniatrr C. II. Stewart and hit a i slant! -propo-tr to ii-e that mai. pat kuef arc delivered to the kiddie. Two extra motor truck have hecn i iiaKed and all paro l in the office tint afternoon will hr delivered by ti oVI'Kk tonight, TJiere will ato be a city drlivery ill the inorniutc which will include rry parcel coming to thr local Ot fire after the evening delivery. The money order window will he doited tomorrow rnornin, hut all other window., will remain open un til noon for the acoMinnodalion of the puhlic. T'ir rural delivrry ill hr n;ade 1otnrrow a tiiual. A.ioidmjf to the local pottoffice nitploytt the Xmas h::iiu-ss thi year rvili (ual of last seavm. There .re few r in-ured parceU, indicating thit the value of the ;ift is not a art at as in prrvioiu yrar-, hut Santa ('bus i apparently re ichin Uie amr numher of home. FRANK STELLMACHEB GETS INTERVIEW IN TACQYA The following extract from an ar ticle in the Tacoma Trihunc (iuuin I. it-it t. Strllmacher i irinted hi rt with: Some of the otficrr at Camp Lcw i, tell with evident pride ot their jT!h.icr and grand: niter-, who. like lliemsehr. answereil the call oi Lheir country and fouKlit ir Old Glory. j l.ut I. nut. (ran; L. Mellmachrr I finds eipialiy precious a scrap o: ! parchment w hich. heailed hy the oi- ficial Mack ele ot 1'rui.sia, tells 1 of ili.scbtriie of Mm est Stcl'.niitchrr. ii- Ither. pv bear the signature of the king of Prussia. The now yellow and worn paper, hit h ha, been carefully pre served in the Stellniacher family I'.ihle. Kei the date of 12. "I was born in Wisconsin and I know no other loyally than to the I'nited States and that J bad follow ed tld Glory in the anI I meant to do The same now-, as an officer, if I should make good at the Pr sidio. or as a private if I should not be commissioned. I owe not.hing to Germ.iny and I owe a lot to the United Sstates and I am willing to give everything I own if he has need of it." I.icut. Strllmacher is in the quar termaster department. One of his uncles was leader of the bnnd when the Prussian entered Paris in 1H7I. "The family was all musically in clined except myself," said the lieu tenant. "1 can't play anything but a horse fiddle, and out of courtesy to my uniform I don't even do that now." Philomath Editor Here Kditor r. S. Minshall of the Pcn ton County Review stopped off to day in Albany for a short visit. Beeson Here Alva Kecson is spending the lioli- ilays with relatives in this city. Drunken Soldiers Fire into the Streets; Are Routed by Federal Troops MOSCOW IS NOW UNDER MARTIAL LAW Bolsheviki Unable to Control Matter at Home While They Talk Peace Abroad I.OMJOX, Dec. 24 (U. P.) The latest dupatches indicate that the Uol'heviki, while fdiscusintf tycace w-ith Germany, i unahlc to control matter at home. Pclrotfrad i almost in a reign of terror. Drunken garrison goldiers are wildly rioting and firing in the streets. They were dispersed only by armored cart. Mo-cow reports that the Cossacks have declared martial law. Kale line, retiring as the military leader of the revolt, is urging a representa tive government. STAGE SET FOR BIG FOOTBALL GAME From all indications a record ruwd will attend the football game tomorrow between the Ft. Canby ar tillerymen and a team of local and Corvailis stars. Ticket arc going at a rapid rate and many are buying ihcm just to help the thing along. All the proceed, after the soldiers transiorlation i paid, will go to the Honor Guard Girls, who will use the oney for the beneiit of the solJicr and tailor who are in the service rrom thi city. But a a matter oi interest the atnc promise to be well worth the admission. The Ft. Canby team is in good condition and has a good. strong lineup. While the locals .have iiad but little practise together, they ill he able to put up a good de fensive game and, with an occasional conference might be able to frame up enough teamwork to put over a score. The admission price is 50 cents. -5 cents for school children. The game will be played on the Central hirh school grounds instead of the Round-Up field, wliich is a ea of mud. The school grounds are in good condition. The line-up to start will probabry he: Ft. Canby Davis Huston t.illard Position All-Stars : Ed Anderson hgl Ik-r rtl Meyer Allen Pete Millet Thacker Sprenger Gibson Endicott Easthurn Rilyeu Schulu Fd Tracey ltr rel Icr q rhl lhr fb. Simpson Taul Miller Bcals Reardon Newman R. Archibald H. Abraham Among the army team's subs are Tolles. Cade. Wieder. For the All-Stars the following will also take part in the game: Clint Archibald (if he is able): Sanfora Archibald (if ipcrmit from Camp I.ew-is arrives in time): Forest Eaton, Prof. Hudson. Prof. Clifford, Doc Moore, Waller Hecker. Fritz Michel- son, Jay Willard and others. STATE COMMANDER SHER WOOD VISITS MACABEES State Commander J. V. Sherwood attended the meeting of the Macca bees last night when five new mem bers were initiated into the order. The Maccabees' contest for new members in honor of their national leader is gaining headway and sev eral other prospects are in view lo cally. Following the ceremonies the mem bers present enjoyed a clam chowder : supper which was prepared tinder th I supervision of J. S. Van Winkle. k 6.A.R. PREPARING FOR 1918 ENCAMPMENT HERE County and City Expected to Help Make Meeting the Best Held Yet The bazaar held last Saturday m the armory hall hy the Ladies of Fair Oaks Circle, G. A. R , was well patronized considering the jitormy day, and socially a very pleasant af fair. The regular meeting of McPhcrson Post, G. A. R., -was held in an ad joining room and devoted mainly to outlining the work that will make the coming department encampment, G. A. R., in Albany, a grand success. For the 1916 encampment at Eugene there was tecurcd. $500, of whim iJilJ wa contributed by the county court of Lane county. Of the total sum $182 w-ent to finance a banquet given by the Spanish War Veterans, and a surplus of $46 was turned over lo the Hoy Scouts. The Spanish War Vets hold their next encampment at Pendleton, so there will likely t. no banquet given in Alhany. The Linn county court through Judge D. B. Mc Knight ha given assurance of jielping financially. The Albany Commercial club, city coun cil, business houses and citizens will1 no doubt oo their "bit" in making thi encampment one of the bet, ii not the best, ever held. The word is that all veterans at the Soldiers' Home at Roscburg phys ically able, will come in a body, prob ably at least 100 strong. Total at tendance wfll surely be almost 1,000. Albany will show what, can be done in the way of entertainment. CITY NEWS a s Opie Shopie Dance The Opie Sftiopie club, composed of young men of the city, will give a special Christmas dance Tuesday night for the beneiit of khe work be ing done by the Honor Guard girls. The dance will start at 9 o'clock in the Moose HalL All surplus will go to the Honor Guards. Invitations may be secured from club members. First Presbyterian Exercise This evening the First Presbyterian Sunday school will hold its usual Christmas entertainment in the so cial rooms of the church. An un usually good program has been pre pared for the occasion. Looking for Land- Joe Grosntan and two cousins from Don county. North Dakota, are here looking for 1,000 acres of land, ac cording to a statement given out by one of the local real estate dealer. Will Spend Xmas Here O. K. DeWitt, of Portland, will arrive in the city this evening and will apend Christmas with friends. Mr. DeWitt was a resident of this city up to a short time ago. Oregonian Man Here- George Prichard, telegraph editor of the Portland Oregonian, arrived in the city this morning to spend Christmas at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. William Fortmiller. Visiting at Davis Home- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis and children of Roseburg are spending Christmas at the home of Mr. Davis' mother and sister, Mrs. E. E. and Miss Velma Davis. Went to Lebanon- County Judge D. B. McKnight went to Lebanon today. Christmas at Home- Mrs. Ida Maxwell Cummings went to Halsey this morning and will spend Christmas at her home at that place. HofUchs Visit- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoflich of Port land visited in the city yesterday and this morning lett on the morning train for Lyons, 'where they will spend Christmas at the home of Mrs. Hoflkh's parents. Langdons Are Visitors- Mrs. E. W. Langdon and daughter. Miss Grace Langdon, of Portland, arc visitor over ihc holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Cusick. Arrive From Portland Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Newton arriv ed in the city this morning from Portland and are spending Christinas at Mrs. Newton's parents, Mr. and nMrs. E. F. Sox. KAISER SAYS LORD IS GERMAN ALLY "If Enemy DoesNet WantPeace We Will Force it With Iron Fist" RUSSIAN PEACE PROGRAM APPROVED BY COUNCIL Break Between Military Party and Socialists in Germany Is Serious AMSTERDAM, Dec. 24. (U. P.) 'If the enemy does not want, hen we must bring peace to the world by our iron fist and shining sword," said the Kaiser, addressing the secono army. He said that Germany's offensive spirit is intact, and cited the "recent great victories in Flanders and Cam- brai, where the arrogant British felt the first crushing power of our of fensive blow. This year," said the Emperor, proved that the German people have the Lord above as an absolutely avowed ally and without Him all is in vain." He extravagantly praised the tac tics and valor of the West front de fensive. Berlin say that the Ger man federal council approved Hen ling's Russian peace program. De tails are withheld. WASHINGTON, Dee. 24. There are serious difficulties between the Imperial German government and the majority of socialists as the result of the conclusion of the Russian arm istice.. This information was learned via wireless. Military authorities arc strongly opposing the soliacists' assemblies, and seeking to thwart socialist expan sion. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SERVICES SCHEDULED FOR ST. MARYS Special services will be held at the St Mary's church in observance of Christmas. There will be three morning serv ices. The first at 8 o'clock, which is known as Midnight Mass and should properly be held at that hour. The second service is called the Mass of Daybreak and will be cele brated at 9:30. The children's choir will sing the usual Christmas carols. There will be a general communion and the pastor will address his Christ mas wishes to the congregation. The text of the sermon will be, "Behold, I bring you good tiding of great joy. The third morning service will be held at 10:30. 1 special musical pro gram will be the feature of this serv ice. A representation of the stable and crib of the Infant Christ wilt stand near the chancel and will be lit up during the service. Vespers will be sung at 7:30 p. m. Special numbers of the morning program arei a Processional entitled "Come All Ye Faithful," the Gloria and Credo hy Loesch, an offertory, "Christ Is Born to Us," and a musical reces sional. The public will be welcome at any of these services. UNIONS THREATEN TO SAN FRANQISCO, Dec 24. (U. P.) It is predicted that the mediation commission will return here to settle the threatened ironworkers' strike. Three unions threaten a walkout tonight and others in a few days un. les9 the California metal trades coun cil agrees to grant all metal workers a ten per cent increase oyer the fedi eral adjustment commission's scale, which was accepted by the govern ment.