.WTOHMDAT, WCtMtCT H, nr. -f---y""-- BOOKS There is no ift more appreciated than a gooJ Hook. Read this list and then come in mid look over the rest: I.I: ATI 1 1 "U - HOUND HOOKS ' ' The Spell of the 'Vuk.m ' ' Robert Service. ' ' Hallads of Checchako ' 1 Robert Service. ' ' Rhymes of a Red Cross Man 1 ' Robert Service. ' ' The Greatest Thing in the World' ' Drummond. ' Rubaiyat ' ' ' ' I-vangelinc ' ' ' X hcii All Is Sun Within " ' ' Christinas Eve ' ' ' ' From Day to Day With Longfellow ' ''Legend nf Sleepy Hollow'' ' 'The Vision of Sir Latin Tal ' ' HOOKS IN OTHER ltl AUTM ML BINDINGS comprise many of the Clas sics, collections of quotations from books you love, the copyright novels and re print novels. Prices from He to $.V(M). HASKKTS i:-..-- "FRENCH" BASKET VASES, Granite Hanging Haskets, Waste Paper Haskt-N "SWEET GRASS" Haskets, and Filipino hand-woven Haskets. WINNING NUMBERS: Monday. 70; Tuesday. 78. TIIK ALBANY ART CRAFT CITY NEWS . . w-V. 'Ill' Sp- ' On business Trip W. M. Kelly of the Albany Junk h.,' went in Portland this morning on bmlness. i Shipped Car of Hogs I). N'rlirrKall li ;. i-rcl i carload of ' hog, lo Portland Ut night I To Spend Winter I Mi Aliir l.alry c4t today for J Mititrrn, Colo, to spend the wintrr I Kith her titter. I Traveling Auditor Here 1 Mr. and Mn. P. If. Bringrnan of Portland returned home this morn i tu ufii-r imIin last niiht in Al bany. Mr. Bringrnan li traveling and ' of tlir ' 'r.-tt'.u Klectric, and wi her on baatnoa, ".!. rt-, Here J Siran o:' .MI City was in Albany yesterday on business. California Man Visits Sister Leonard Coml.f of San FranUro i hrrr visiting hi sister. Mr. V. P. Conn, and will remain until aftrr t! r holidays. Went to Portland "' .. ''I "I diiu'lit.-r Mav wrni to Portland tlii morning to vis 1 !t relative. LISTEN IT MKANS $s TO YOU Have you decided your Xmas problem? Do you have a definite iJea of just what gifts would be most suitable lor friends and relatives? Probably not. It's the mer chant's job to make the suggestions and for you to decide as to whether or not he has used good judgment in mak ing ont his list of Xmas hints. Every progressive business man in Albany who has Xmas goods that are worth while will tell you about them in the advertising columns of the Democrat. Watch the advertisements. They will save you time and money. footwear gifts and the Mcdowell plan Here is the plan which hundreds of our custom ers have used to advan tage in Dast seasons: You buv a McDowell's Christmas Certificate. It is nicelv designed in holiday colors. We will mail it directly to the ladv in auestion. You have no further fouble. This certificate entitles the recipient to her size in any pair of shoes she may select to the value of vour order. It makes satisfaction all around, and vou are assured that the gift will be "just what she wanted." PLEASE SHOP EARLY McDowell Shoe Company WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER With the poisons ind toxins from system before putting more food Into stomach. Says Ins) de-bsth ng makes any one look and feel clean, sweet and refreshed. cm hews here Timber More on '.Wordil to -.night from l.imoln count,, i. government ha told a section of land near Sileta to I'orlland int.re.ls. 'I he deal in eluded the purchase of a mill and log ging road near Toledo and the latter ill he extended some three miles to the nr timber holdings. Reaches) Honolulu According to letters received here yesterday, Henry Volstrdt of the I'ir.t National bank ha r. a.Jied Hoi. -lulu alter one of the most stormy trips of the yar. He it enioyinir life h. re and will remain several months. 11 ...L.J I I haium Pram Prt!n4 4 Mm Adda lirofLV ft iurnd rtn 1 irrrlav from a short trip Mi t'Orlland. Ben Kirk IU- , Men Kirk hat been confined to his home the past two day with aa ah tack of nrilralgta. but it expected to resume his work in the Bruce Barber hop in a day or so. O. E. Ticket Clerk Resign ' H. S. Barrymon, the ticket clerk at t!it Orevfon K lee trie depot the past few months, has resigned to accept a position in the S. P. freight office. Walter J. ('aire of Portland arrived last ntirht to take Mr. Barryman's place temporarily until a new man la secured. Mr. Page was accompanied t-. Albany his his wife. , Do Yonr Christmas Shopping- Early. 3 n WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Smile!! You certainly will when you see Geo. Walsh's latest picture brimming with fun. When you stop smiling you will laugh. WILLIAM FOX presents George Walsh in "The Book Agent" HIS BOMB POLICY" With "Charles Conklin," a grouch destroyer from the word Go!! "ROLFE WORLD LIBRARY" "THE WHIP" Monday and Tuesday i u Waub yourself on the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This Is vastly more Important becauso the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly aa ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If this waste material is not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates poUotip. Rases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should buck only nourishment to sus tain the body. A Bplt-ndid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of rtial hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate tn it, which is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, lrver, kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweotenir.i? and frrshfninir the entire alimentary canal b-fure puttine more food Into the ftitir..ich. A q iar't r pound of limetone phos phate c( (s h.t very little at the dru.T store bu is si::"ic:rr.t to Make anyone an cnthi U :i i'i i;le b.i;hir.r. Men and womei v : o a arcustotneil to wake up iili u dull, arhins head or have f :rre 1 tonene. bail taste, narty I reaili. saTk;v ('tnrlt xion. others w! c have Mlloua aitacks, acid stomach or constipation are assured of pro nounced improvement in both bealtb and appearance ehor;!y. r-rrr fife, I Your Friends Can Buy Anything You Can Give Them-Except Your Photograph With the hieh cost of living and everything calling for economy, nothing will make as cheap or a more appreciated gift than a dozen nice photos of yourself. Pictures taken this week finished in time for Christmas. Studio equipped per fectly lor evening portraiture. Open by appointment only. For Christmas your photograph. The simple gift that lends the touch of friend ship without an obligation. A Dozen Photos TWELVE PRESENTS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE CLIFFORD w mmu. 333 W. First St. - Albany. Oregon. GROUND FLOOR STUDIO mm? mm Put on the Bevo Glasses when you set the table for the bite you've prepared for the cuests of the evening. As a suggestion for a dainty lunch: Cream cheese and chopped olive sandwiches (on brown bread). Dill pickles. Shrimp salad. Ice cold Bevo. Itself a nutritive drink, Bevo makes an appetizing and delightful addition to any meat hot or cold, light or heavy. Bevo the all-year-'round soft drink. SoJd in bo4lla only and botttod axctuarvfy by Anheusks-B jsch st. Louis THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford is an honest Car in the fullest sense of the term built on an honest design with hon est materials, sold at an honest price with the assurance of honest performance and an equally honest, efficient after-service. Besides, it has been proved beyond question that the Ford is most economical, both t0 operate and maintain. It is one of the utilities of daily life. Your or der solicited. Efficient after-service is behind every Ford car. Runabout, $345; Touring Car, $.'60; Coupclet, $505; Town Car, $595; Sedan, $645; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $600. All f. o. b. Detroit. W. W. CRAWFORD : Albany, Oregon EBSBSSKI